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Now another question, a slightly trickier one @tereško
I want to install PhpStorm on Ubuntu. It's a 3rd party software, so no apt-get
From what I've taken note, you get a .tar.gz file as the download, in it there's a .sh file that you run to activate the whole thing
How would you go about installing it? The goal eventually is to be able to run it easily without a sudo, hopefully even have a nice Desktop or Quick Launch toolbar icon
@MadaraUchiha Just run said script...?
@Jhawinsss Where do I put the files?
at /home/madara? That sounds... wrong...
you extract the files , then do chmod a+x thatfile.sh
hello...i was trying to post a question but I get this message : "Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more." can anybody help?
and then sudo ./thatfile.sh
that should kick off the installation
or better
Thing is, it's not the installation! It's the actual program running!
@MadaraUchiha Shouldn't matter because the script will use ~ to determine the home folder most likely.
thatfile.sh actually runs PhpStorm.
@MadaraUchiha Just create a clickable shortcut.
then there is no need for sudo
Also you won't need sudo.
^^ like he said.
just mark it as executable (that chmod thing)
Just plop them in /home/madara/PhpStorm and run it from there?
is there any way to get to ask questions again I got a notice saying my account isnt able to ask questions any more if I answer questions will I be able to ask again ?
You can even go to properties and make sure it's executable. Within the GUI of your WM.
@Stefanos did you read meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/86997/… ? it explains it in depth :]
@MadaraUchiha that should do it , yes
@naeluh What error do you get when you try to ask questions?
yeah but I didnt get downvoted or any thing
@MadaraUchiha Make it .PhpStorm and it'll be hidden like most of your other programs.
@Stefanos @naeluh If you're the same person, I doubt you'll be able to ask questions for much longer anyway.
@Stefanos You could, oh I don't know, See goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more., thought of that?
@Bracketworks what ?>
@Bracketworks They aren't.
@MadaraUchiha I figured, I was just being funny.
@MadaraUchiha no def not
1 min ago, by Madara Uchiha
@naeluh What error do you get when you try to ask questions?
probably somebody needs to give me + vote? is that right?
@Stefanos You need to improve your existing questions so that they are reopened and upvoted yes.
Note that deleted questions do count against you here.
/me sleepz
If you have deleted questions, flag any of your posts for mod telling him you want to improve your questions and ask him to undelete it for you.
@MadaraUchiha its not an error I just am not allowed to ask questions but I guess its because no one answer my questions and then my account was deemed un worthy to ask again but I deleted those unanswered questions and I thought that would work
@naeluh Yeah, that doesn't usually work :)
Ask a moderator to undelete them for you
@MadaraUchiha yeah no kjoke
oh really
Flag any of your own posts with a custom flag, explain the situation, and a mod will be happy to help you
where do i find my deleted posts?
are they not gone ?
@naeluh You don't, flag any existing post of yours with a custom flag, and ask the mod to undelete your deleted questions.
A moderator can see all your deleted posts
And he can undelete them for you.
oh ok thanks ! :)
Good luck :)
Hahaha, if you follow the meta questions linked 1 - 4 from meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/72180/… and check the revision history of those questions, the initial posts are all terrible
Hello from the airport!
@Bracketworks yeah isnt it meant to be kinda of ambiguous how it blocks and unblocks so people don't know how to change it ?
@naeluh Well yes, however it's fairly obvious why those in the linked questions were blocked. "Hai, I can has error? No more questions :("
Windows is character conversion is hell
anyone feelin my pain?
@Bracketworks yeah totally
@CAM I feel ya.
Had the very same problem about an hour ago, had to switch to Ubuntu which I luckily had installed.
PHP Notice: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in
We have users who copy from word into our forms
which is killin me
@CAM Remove the illegal characters.
Which characters are causing you trouble?
$text = " it’s ";
$data = array(
iconv("us-ascii", "utf-8//TRANSLIT//IGNORE", $text),
iconv("us-ascii-quotes", "utf-8", $text),
iconv("windows-1256", "utf-8", $text)
apostrophe right now
but im sure i fix that there will be more
the ignore flag removes the char
but apparently "we" want apostrophes... go figure
@CAM What do you intend to do with the data?
get this
@CAM That's not an apostrophe
out put it to an xlsx
I don't know what it is, but it's not a standard apostrophe
@DaveRandom I sse we have an english major here
No really, it's a funny character
' <-- that's an apostrophe
@CAM So... people are copying from word to your app, so that the app can pipe it to an xlsx file?
You'd probably be best to convert it to an ASCII apostrophe, or generate HTML entities based on your use case.
’ <-- that's what you have
sounds very enterprisey
Indeed it is
Definitely not a standard apostrophe.
$jigawattz = 1.21;
Which means the input isn't us-ascii
Not standard @DaveRandom that looks like a backtick
@CAM Backticks go the other way, also look at it in hex mode in your editor
@MadaraUchiha How shall I convert that
How did it even get there?
Who in their right mind put that in their Word document?
@MadaraUchiha Word does it automatically.
Word puts that it a word document
I mean, I had to search "very hard" just to figure out what character it fucking is!
see what i did there
It converts quotes to "fancy quotes" when you double them up
It thinks it's clever
No it doesn't, my Word doesn't do that :o
Oh, when you double it
You can turn it off (which I would recommend as a domain policy if you're able to)
Haven't tried
Im on a mac
That's why there's the freaking DOUBLE QUOTES morons.
Not you morons, people who use Word morons.
@MadaraUchiha I mean if you do it in pairs, like if I type 'something like this' <-- they become fancy quotes in word
@DaveRandom It never did that for me.
''am i doin it rite''?
Ever. And I had all versions of Word.
Both in English and Hebrew, never had that.
@MadaraUchiha It's an option, you probably had it off.
@MadaraUchiha It may not do it for you if you have your locale set to hebrew? Not sure. Certainly has always done it for me
Outlook does it as well
It's f*cking annoying
OK, so these users apparently use them for foot marks as in dimensioning for real estate
I'm sure you can turn it off but I've never bothered to look
File > Options > Somewhere in there
@CAM If it's coming out of Word chances are it's Windows-1252 input
Or... Ribbon > Start-Button-ish-thing > Options > Somewhere in there
@CAM One way I can think of is to figure out every weird substitution that Word does, and reverse it in your script prior to trying to convert.
I weanted to avoid that
could be life draining
@CAM Just set up a big conversion table; and strtr your life away
@DaveRandom My Windows locale is set to English (even though I have Hebrew language installed, it's set to English). Also, my Office is set to English, and yet, it never did that to me.
I actually think that's your only option.
But why don't you use a wrapper for Word @CAM?
PHPWord for instance
Something to do the heavy lifting for you.
@MadaraUchiha Really? Weird, I'm not even aware of a situation where it hasn't done that on every computer I've ever used, I guess I'm just used to it
(i.e. allow your users to upload their word file instead)
Also I never use Word for anything, ever
@DaveRandom Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention? :o
Only Outlook, which uses Word as an editor
Well, that is way out of scope for this
I'm currently on my Ubuntu boot, I'll try that when I switch later.
but we did look into those before
@MadaraUchiha Maybe? The other thing it does that kind of annoys me is randomly converts - to that funny elongated one
I just found the issue
so .. yea......
@DaveRandom That.
Worst. Word. Feature. EV4R!
Thing is though, there's really very little reason to use word for me
@DaveRandom Yea, hyphen to em-dash
@DaveRandom What do you do when you need to make documents?
Legal documents and shit?
Ummm... Ask someone else? Not my department. And I don't give a toss what problems they have
Sure, there's Open Office and Libra Office and whatever, but after trying them out, I find Word to be the most powerful and simple
Even with all its shortcomings.
Fatal error: Class 'PDO' not found in /home/XXX/public_html/XXX.com/admin/index.php on line 101
@DaveRandom How about personal documents?
TeX is good for technical stuff.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Fail
I thought, PDO was introduces in 5.2
Q: Converting Microsoft Word special characters with PHP

giorgio79I am trying to convert Word text pasted by users that contain MS Word ellipsis and long dash before processing it further. I found an old proposed solution here to the problem http://www.codingforums.com/archive/index.php/t-47163.html , but it does not work for me. After replacing the ellipsis f...

the question seems to do it
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ It's still an extension though, which needs to be enabled
Plain old HTML, printed from a half-decent browser is actually pretty solid too.
@CAM Indeed, but do you need the HTML entities? Or the actual characters?
i guess along the lines of the strstr method suggested ealier
@CAM I'm pretty certain that if you just treat it as windows-1252 initially it will work
@CAM So what he had there will need some adjustments, but it works
i think I will just array map it out
@DaveRandom the win-1252 fails
@DaveRandom ohh, you mean it is not ON by default? this is weird. I don't remember ever enabling PDO myself.
@Bracketworks Yup, I guess that works too.
Also what does mb_detect_encoding() have to say about it?
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Yeh it's usually enabled by default, where is this environment?
@MadaraUchiha I've got some half decent print stylesheets that are typographically oriented.
They work wonders. And you have an online doc version.
@Bracketworks care to gist them? :P
@MadaraUchiha Like what?
@MadaraUchiha Shall do, but I shut down that machine and I'm not turning it back on ;) I think I have them at home; I'm on my way there soonish.
@DaveRandom Resumes, Insurance letters, letters in general, stuff.
@DaveRandom I am using shared web hosting, with reseller club, if that is what you mean.
@Bracketworks Sure, ping me when you do, even if I'm not here, I'll get the notification and see it :P
@MadaraUchiha HTML, Email, Email and probably email
I very rarely deal in paper unless someone gives it to me
@MadaraUchiha Soitanly :)
Aight folks I'll go to bed now
Speak to ya'll tomorrowz
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Are you using namespaces? What PHP version is on the server? Try new \PDO instead of new PDO
function winSwap($str)
                $win = array(
                    "‘" => "'",
                    "’" => "'",
                    "”" => '"',
                    "“" => '"'
                foreach ($win as $key => $value) {
                    $str = str_replace($key, $value, $str);
                return $str;
Dirty solution for my needs
If that works, what charset is your source code in?
@DaveRandom UTF-8
I think all is set.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Get out of that server right now, that hosting company is useless
Not only have they failed to enable PDO, they have also failed to configure the server timezone
@CAM So the input data is already UTF-8 then, otherwise it wouldn't work...
I have it fixed
Convert it from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 with a translit, it will catch other stuff as well (like the aforementioned em-dash)
@DaveRandom The only reason, besides being new, as to why I joined with them, is because, they provide the option of domain/hosting re-selling services to the clients. But, I would love any recommendations as to which hosting company is good in your opinion. I hope it is not host grator :)
And then back again, obviously, if you want it in UTF-8 without those chars
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ I have pretty much no opinions on shared hosting. I haven't used it for some time, and they all kinda suck. I would contact their support, see if they can sort it out
PDO is a pretty basic requirement these days
Also tell them to configure the server timezone, it will work well for everyone including them
As it is pretty much every date/time related function triggers an E_WARNING
Hello Everyone :) I am having issue with my session thing :/
i posted in a question received 5 answer but none of it was useful. i would love if you can visit my question and solve my issue
should i post link for you guyz?
surely i would :)
Q: After Logout user can still access protected page

Coding NoobI added a session & used this code to prevent user from accessing a page after logout but i can't do so. User can still access the previous page.Here is the code login code is <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="alogin.php" onsubmit="return(validate());"> <p align="center"><f...

here is the link.
seeking for help from your side :)
i have added necessary details in there.
about what i tried. what was my code etc.
@DaveRandom It is weird, because all my other sites support PDO expect few ones. I don't know what to say. It seems impossible to make them understand anything about PHP
anyone around?
@CodingNoob Remove the setcookie() and session_destroy() lines from logout.php
@DaveRandom let me try dear :)
@DaveRandom i m curious if i remove both than how my session will be destroyed :O
Also, chances are they can't actually access that previous page. If you press the back button in your browser you will usually see the local cached copy of the page, but if you try a new request (press ctrl+F5) you wouldn't be able to access it
@CodingNoob $_SESSION = array(); is sufficient. That destroys the data instantly. There's no need to destroy the actual session itself
@DaveRandom i tried that & user was able to see it again
@DaveRandom k
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ dafuq :-X
That is actually a dangerous level of incompetence
His last words were " I'm sorry, I do not have information about this issue. You need to contact a Developer regarding this."
Hmm, maybe it is a good time to consider another hosting company
Yeh see that's "get out while you still can" territory
@DaveRandom i just applied what you suggested but of no use :(
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ have you considered a VPS?
@CodingNoob Like I say, it's likely that you are just seeing a local cached copy when you press the back button, and if you refresh the page you'll find you can't actually access it (looking at your code)
@DaveRandom but i can access even after refreshing the page
@DaveRandom Not really, Although, the price at host gator once made almost sign up . But, this time, I will definitely consider it.
what do you think of Network Solutions?
@DaveRandom don't know if my PHP is messed up. i am totally messed up too. buddy can you write some code for me regarding this thing while having a look at my code
For some reason, I am always under the impression, they are the best at what they do
@CodingNoob Well the next step then would be to start doing var_dump($_SESSION); at the top of the relevant pages to check that the data is destroyed as you expect
@DaveRandom let me do soo
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ No opinion, no direct contact with them afaik
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ lowendbox.com
@DaveRandom nothing no message shown
Well you should get something, even if it's just null
Which makes me even more certain this is a caching issue...
@DaveRandom it's 3:03 can you please add comment at my question so i can have a look lately. i will apprecate that sir
@DaveRandom here is the code i tried <?php
$_SESSION["unique_session_name"] = $_POST["firstname"];
@CodingNoob Sure, in a little while :-)
anyone there?
what is the best programming language for doing heavy (millions) statistical calculations?
@NokImchen probably R, but I don't work with that stuff anyway
@Ocramius yam i got that suggestion. so m trying to download it :)
python is better than php
@sonics876 ya, may be, i don tknow phyton at all. But i knw that php is not so fast! :(
Is it me or did it suddenly get trolly in here?
@Danack it's not u
@Wes wat is dat O_o
@Ocramius it can't be described with words, you can only click it
it's a twi-lek singing
'special' effects
someone pass me the good stuff, gonna watch it after a reasonable treatment
@Ocramius do you remember windows media player "special effects"? xD
@Wes no, I had winamp.
winamp does have them too xD
There was a time where those "special effects" were in every disco
Why do you take me so seriously? :D
@Ocramius :P because not many knows the "improved on drugs feature" of winamp
@Ocramius @Wes can you guys recommed me a good web hosting company?
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ web hosting is dead
get yourself a VPS
this is my box - it is strong enough to support ~100 customers
Thanks but that site is in Germany, and I was hoping for a high profile, very known company like network solutions, yahoo, godaddy, bluehost...
imho smaller companies are better
@Wes maybe, but what guarantee do you have, someday they will be bunkrupt and just go out of business?
You really can't know.
godaddy for example has to handle thousands of users == lack of good support
since anyone can set up small company
in fact, i said "smaller" not "smallest" xD
I was thinking, network solution, since they have history, and good reputation.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ these all suck?
and they suck badly?
and anyway, hetzner is NOT small. Hetzner and OVH are the two most known dedicated hosting providers in europe afaik
So whenever we hire a new dev, we issue them a code test. Just had a candidate throw their code up on github as well as provide it in a zip as requested. I'm a tad impressed, and a tad scared...
I am not trying to judge the book by it's cover, but if the site does not even have an English interface, it shows a lack of professionalism. @Ocramius
can you pls, recommend one, out of the big names so I can just sign up
@Charles hm?
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Check your English privilege, yo.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ hetzner.de/en
you have eyes too, right?
@Ocramius There's a slim chance that, if left up, future candidates could be lazy and find it and copy/paste. :)
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ hetzner ftw, anytime
@Charles that's your fault for not telling him it's NDA
I'd put it on github as first thing too, especially to have travis running
@Ocramius Her, but this is true. All the good candidates always find ways to have us improve the test. She's going to cause two revisions. One, NDA. Two, no use of CSS frameworks, as we prohibit PHP frameworks and template frameworks already...
And I'm probably going to change the wording on the third test question. It's designed to make people need to use a subquery, but everyone always takes the lazy route and does a loop in PHP instead.
dreamhost .. here I come
@Charles that's immediate kickout
@Ocramius Gonna use it as a point in the followup interview.
@phpNoOb 9 bucks a month for a shared hosting? You crazy?
I could lend you my raspberry, it's more performant/flexible
@Charles what kind of stuff do you usually ask?
@Ocramius In the interview, or for the test? In the interview I mostly focus on mundane technical quiz-ish questions, while my boss feels out the teamwork thing.
lol @Ocramius that is why I asked for your help.
$9 for a month is nothing actually.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ for 12 you get a vps
wake up
/me shakes @phpNoOb
@Charles ha, I'll never pass such a test :P
I barely remember what quick-sort is =D
@Ocramius What, the teamwork part? ;)
:) @Ocramius check this out, 15 for a month VPS with 300 mg RAM
Anyone care to chat regarding lastInsertId()??
I am seconds away from signing up
@phpNoOb sigh
if you want to check the ping, try pinging marco-pivetta.com
I have a problem with the PDO lastInsertId() function. AAnyone knowledgeable on this?
I dont know why it wont return the last inserted ID
@StuartKaufman shoot the question first
@Ocramius I bookmarked the site, thanks. I am collecting sites from PHP elites in this room.
@Ocramius in order to do so I'd need a way to post the code
@StuartKaufman gist?
@StuartKaufman We'll also want to know what database you're using, and see the CREATE TABLE and all of the various index bits, and sequence bits if the database you're using uses sequences.
@Ocramius do you know any other person in this room who uses hetzner.de besides you?
@phpNoOb no, I'm new in this room. I've used hetzner for the last 6 years btw
@Charles I believe providing all that would be a HUGE security risk. No Thx
@StuartKaufman then keep your problem ;)
How about I provvide you my Cpanel pwd?
jus sayin'
@Ocramius 6 years??? ARGGGHH! You are killing me. My mind is equally split now between htzner and dreamhost. damn you :P
@phpNoOb you're free to pick any pro-sopa pro-cispa whatever yaddayadda hosting company spoiling you
Actually, I yanked out godaddy because, I don't support SOPA/CISPA
I don't thing dreamhost is similar to godaddy though
@StuartKaufman Are you sure your database table is using an autoincrement value?

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