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Somebody knowledge of silex or symfony?
@JarnoVerreyt maybe.
about the use of a collection in a form
Hey guys, any idea why i am getting UDP packet sizes below 42?
I got one that is 41 throug my PHP socket
Not sure how to deal with it
I'm trying to create a datagrid with some rows, and i need the same dropdown (choices field) in each row
@HarryBeasant make the most of it or discard if unusable
@kaᵠ Is it a useless packet?
It's friday, friday...
gotta get down on friday
@sectus What day is it? youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
Whats up guys..
Good morning i just have a small doubt in symfony2 can anyone help with it
@jamo are you working with symfony?even iam working on it can you just help me with it
Why not ((string) $key) === ((string) (int) $key)?
@Bracketworks it's shorter )
Hi, I have a question about OOP, is it best practice to use getters and setters always? Even if you don't need the variable in the class? Example: public function get_google_logo() { $google_logo = file_get_contents(); $this->set_google_logo($google_logo); return $this->google_logo; }
@JohnSmith even if what?
if the sole purpose of the function is to just get the result. What is the purpose of having a setter function to make it global in the class?
to change the object's state
oh. so if my functions don't correlate with each other, then I'm doing it wrong?
I'm not sure I'm getting you
mmm let's say I have a function get_a and get_b and I don't need "a" variable for the b function. So what would be the point of making it global?
:( It's hard for me to understand.
Try to explain by other words :-)
may be this will help to ask better:
1. the purpose to have setter - is to provide a way of changing the object's state
2. the purpose to have getter - is to provide a way to access the object's state
So if all my class has is public function get_google_logo() {} and public function get_facebook_logo() {} why do I need to set the google_logo variable at the end to a class variable? I don't need it in the get_facebook_logo() {}.
oh I kind of get it
"why do I need to set the google_logo variable at the end to a class variable?" --- what this means?
so at the end of get_google_logo, I will have a set_google_logo. This changes the "state of the class." If I don't need to change the "state of the class" would I still need to have a set_google_logo?
it's common to name setter/getter (accessor/mutator) only methods that provide direct access to object attributes
it's state of the object
no you don't
and it's not a getter in your case
it's just a method that retrieves something from somewhere and returns back to you
I get it now!!!
Thank you so much zerkms
treat getter as just a dummy method that consists of return $this->property; single line
ah I was reading the Facebook SDK code and I think they use "get" for other reasons too. github.com/facebook/facebook-php-sdk/blob/master/src/…
for instnace: protected function getUserAccessToken()
@JohnSmith you could name the method whatever you like
I'd say getUserAccessToken in their sources is a getter as well
I see and setter sole purpose is to set the variable to CHANGE the state of the object
brilliant. thank you once again :D
In their case getUserAccessToken does a bit of additional work to restore the state using some additional storages (cookies, session, request) but the final job it provides - is to return the current FB instance state
HI I am facing once issue in the email,
I use the local smtp and all the email is formatted, but i got this message

SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
host mta7.am0.yahoodns.net []: 421 4.7.1 [TS03] All messages from will be permanently deferred; Retrying will NOT succeed. See http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts03.html:
retry timeout exceeded
This happpens for only the cron emails
any idea about it?
Good morning everyone! :-)
i can confirm that it is morning ... but that's about it
@Pus Are there mail that are going to spam?
Good morning can anyone help me with my issue please
i have stuck with a problem in symfony2
Q: multiple innerhtml in jquery not working?

Johni am trying to put some content in innerhtml of guestlist but its not working in chrome while in FF its working fine. this is my code- var hid = parseInt(gusetlistnew_id[1]); $("#total_hidden_data").html('<input type="hidden" name="total_data_gusetlist_' + hid + '" id="g_' + hid + '" />

please suggest!!
Hey hey
@John too much jQuery and not enough PHP for me!
@Jocelyn can u suggest me some solution please
@John you really should learn some native javascript
@tereško whats wrong in it
the way you work with DOM is equivalent to having eval() everywhere in PHP
@John If it were PHP code, I may be able to help
@Jocelyn but this is not so completed the problem is its not working in chrome
@tereško This warning should be on their site: JQuery may cause impotence and/or cancer...
some might find this fun: youtube.com/watch?v=iU43wSLwxoQ (japanese music video)
this band always makes me grin
@tereško I am old. I got it. How can you listen that? (/me asks with bleeding ears)
@Bracketworks No clue. Maybe to reduce parenthesis?
@Ihsan i find this band to be fun ... not a fan of nu-metal myself. My main genres would be doom-metal, post-rock and post-metal.
you would need to know the references to know how i sumbled upon that video
"$key" === (string)(int)$key ... looks like code smell ;-)
@tereško I see...hear actually... Happy you are not a fan... It will suck your life energy out.
Hi @wes
@Ihsan naah ... what i am fan of would be this, this and this
Started reading the code clean book :)
which one? there are two clean code books
I have no knowledge of C but he's writing code so human readable that it's easy to understand. @teresko amazon.com/Clean-Code-Handbook-Software-Craftsmanship/dp/…
ah, uncle bob!
Yess :)
After that book i'll start an OOP one.
( Still have to buy that one
Perhaps Refactoring by Fowler :)
those two are normally bought together apparently.
... though , i suspect that those videos would also make @Ihsan bleed
What videos?
Good morning Dave.
Hmm, if you get upvotes for an answer, and then turn it into CW ... do you lose that rep eventually?
@Jack nope
yay :)
Just userland private methods:
@robertbasic I will start writing class if(debug_backtrace()[1]['object'] !== $this) { throw new CantTouchThis(); } then :P #php
(obviously with typo)
morning btw
throw new HotPotato();
@tereško They made me weep. I do not listen to these not because I do not like them, though they are beautiful, I am sensitive and get emotionally effected. They take me down.
There should be an old operator for when you rethrow an existing exception
Yo, mina-san.
@Jack I'll let that bubble up
@Ocramius probably for the best, you wouldn't want to get your hands burnt ;-)
Mornin guys
How random is random :P
Some people think too difficulty
difficult even
@DaveRandom Yo
@PeeHaa埽 Yo dawg
Hows tricks?
/me will be handing my notice in next week :-D
project manager is on it again ... wants to give tickets from project that i work on to newest employee
actually gave an answer on the thing
is still have not recovered from last "help" that i received from a coworker
@MadaraUchiha There's no better way than that to increase npath complexity lol
@tereško Same company? Or did you quit that last one?
where in (..) with random numbers should work best
no , the same one
any Twig guru's here ?
Need a way to check if the start of one string matches the start of another string, but can't use slice, because i dont know the length
@DaveRandom I need to deliver something today (my worst project ever). almost weekend. Tricks is good
@DaveRandom nioce
@DamienOvereem hmm, something like strspn($str1 ^ $str2, "\0")?
@Jimbo mogoring
@Jimbo Moarrr..
every time project manager wants to throw people at me, i start seeing red
did give a hint though
strlen + splice
@PeeHaa埽 You cannot imagine the horrors on my screen right now.
YESS, we're not doing a release this weeekend :D and it's friday. Today is made of win.
Been looking at a couple of Node.js centric jobs as well. I never realised how much I don't want JS to be the primary language of a project
strspn ?
Some of the stuff people are doing with it is truly horrifying
@DaveRandom how long have you been at ur current place?
Almost a year
Ah, then I'm like a dinosaur lol
@tereško Take it in a maturely and shoot them in the head :P
@tereško There's no shame with working with people.
@DamienOvereem Yeah, returns the number of leading "\0" in the string.
The problem begins when a month passed and they still learned nothing.
@Ihsan Nooo, have you not watched Anger Management? ;-)
Don't expect people to not be clueless at their first few days on your project.
Anyone interested in a chill mixtape? :P
If it persists it becomes a problem though
On the flip side, if they're a bit of a slow learner but maintain enthusiasm and a genuine willing to learn, stick at it.
What I need is to see if the start of one url, matches another.. So example: if /manage/domains == /manage/domains/testdomain needs to be true
@JamesN: You should totally use jQuery, it's cool and does lots of stuff! — Madara Uchiha 11 secs ago
(well not the ==, but the method that would actually work.. you know what i mean :)
@Jack That is one of the best ways of managing anger :D Though it does too many damage... Maybe shooting them in the head with a toy water pistol or paintball willl be sufficeint...
normally a simple preg match would fix it.. or even a strpos, but Twig doesnt seem to have either
@DaveRandom yeps
@Jack My previous job I was there for 8 yrs and the only reason I left is because I was made redundant
Although I'd probably have left by now anyway
@MadaraUchiha saboteur!
(it wasn't a dev job)
@DaveRandom McDonalds? :)
@Jack lol
I did work at maccies for 2 yrs when I was 16-18
It's actually not such an awful place to work, if you must be a lackie for a faceless corporation
I heard it can be pretty nerve wrecking for first-jobbers.
@tereško Try educating the newcomer...
You mean, working for the clown?
Meh.. I'll use {% set baseUriLength = uri[0] ~ '/' ~ uri[1]|length %} adn then use baseUriLength with slice
@DamienOvereem that's inside your template?
@Jack I wouldn't say I enjoyed it, but I stuck it out for 2 years so it can't have been that bad. And they did actually pay a reasonable amount, unlike a lot of the jobs some of my mates had
@DaveRandom I worked there for a few months too, it was pretty awful though
Not nearly as bad as call centres
@MadaraUchiha last time someone "helped" me , the controller acquired global and started to concat javascript with innerHTML
@Jimbo Maybe I just got lucky
@DaveRandom I worked for a sugar factory once ... you sit in one spot almost the whole day and make sure the lids on syrup cups are put on right.
@tereško Then you need to debrief your "helpers" about your expectations from them
But it paid quite handsomely :)
Be clear though ("Don't use globals" and not "Use MVC only!")
If they don't like it, they can GTFO
@Jack Yeh see at least at McDs you get a bit of variety
@DaveRandom Worked at a call center for 3 months -> started saying "thank you for your time" to the bus driver out of habit, and realised it had gone too far.
You're the senior dev on the project, right? You get to call the shots on code design.
Call centers affect your brain if you say the same thing, same out all day, every day.
@Jack Yes. Its just for a class="active" bit for a submenu after a menu overhaul
@DaveRandom ah okay, you take turns though ... sometimes you get to stack the cups ... ooooh~
Call centres are actually stress incubators.
@Jack I've worked in a lot of call centres. Never on the phones, mostly fitting/maintaining the phone systems, but I still know I would never be able to work there.
Still, $17 per hour sounds pretty good for a 16 yr old :)
@MadaraUchiha I think he is a slave....Seniority does not matter for some super-cio's who know all...
When I left I was on £9/hr, whatever that is in real money
That's ehm ... 4.5kg of something ;-)
In today's money that would be ... ehm ... 12 eur an hour?
@DaveRandom That's like 18k
@Jack per annum, tax already deducted
Oh no, wait, 14k
I put £12 p/h instead of 9
@Jimbo did you -15 years that? :)
@Jack -15y?
well, the pound fluctuates.
i'm sure dave didn't work at maccas just last year ;-)
Oh, that was 2012/2013 outlook, according to that site
13.5k in 2006, not a significant difference
meh, anyway .. it sounds like good pocket money for sure.
hey any android application to take stack-overflow chat rooms in mobile?? :)
That doesn't even make sense.
@Fasil None, unfortunately.
oh, an SO chat client for android ... guess that would be nice to have ;-)
yes.. jack..
Anyone knows if it's OK to wash a magnetic card?
(I received it in mail, and it was glued to the letter :|)
isn't the glue supposed to come off? :)
@Jack Supposed to, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen soon.
and by washing you mean with soap and water or machine wash? ;-)
@Jack Soap and water
hmm yeah, go for it.
mornings. where's the rebecca black link?
as long as the soap or water isn't magnetic :)
for glue i would recommend alcohol
@Wes In hell.
@MadaraUchiha she's so cute :(
@tereško PeeHaa: "I would recommend alcohol for anything!"
I would recommend alcohol for anything ;-)
@Wes So are unicorns.
how the ...
Guess where they're from?
(i can't believe i said that)
i am actually serious .. glue does not come of with water .. unless you go with 50°+ .. and even the only because it starts to liquefy due to heat
@MadaraUchiha Is that PeeHaa's expression? ;-)
@MadaraUchiha will that ruin my day if i click it?
@Wes Nah
@Jack He usually goes on and on about the beers he drinks :P
Kids, if you use windows8, a ping-pong racket will grow from your a**:
nazi unicorns.
@MadaraUchiha That's understandable, because beer solves many problems.
@Jimbo That's not that bad for an 18yo doing essentially unskilled work
@Ocramius I swear, every time I see Windows 8 I'm just wondering what sh*t they were smoking when they designed it!
1 message moved to bin
@Jack must have been something bad
or they just wanted to troll an entire generation
morning @PeeHaa埽 xD
jo @Wes
@Jack you should treat Windows 8 same way as Vista and ME. They all are releases when MS applied and tested new ideas
monring @Wes
as dreadful the WinME was , without it there would be no WinXP
@tereško Windows ME was the result of a year's supply of Whiskey.
lets see ... automatic update, plug'n'play, whole USB stack, system restore. All of these things come from WinME, @Jack
This just proves beyond a doubt that Windows 8 is the by-product of a seriously tripping high - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVVOzLyt3fo
@PeeHaa埽 Huh? why?
@Jack :
Remember kids: if you use windows8, a ping-pong racket will grow from your a** - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVVOzLyt3fo #windows
just got 3 windows fanboys here at work raging after my tweet
(yes, such a thing as a windows fanboy exists.)
@tereško Didn't plug'n'pray ship with '95 ?
@MadaraUchiha Because I can
@Jack not the universal one : UPnP
How about now?
Feeling lucky?
I still feel that Windows NT contributed more good stuff to Windows .. but then again, I don't have the in-depth knowledge of how the two threads affected each other.
Hello, can ayone se why i receive the horrible : ' Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens' On my sql statement Oo

code : http://pastie.org/7987955
The message seems pretty clear to me.
NT - stable release , 98 - innovation , 2000 - stable , ME - innovation , XP - stable ... etc
Maybe they didn't give the whiskey to all devs ;-)
@MadaraUchiha lulz
@Feeds I wanted to pin that, but I couldn't :P
I like how the distribution of stars amongst the two messages is :D
Final step of a developer interview: devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/51792673184/…
Amazing skillset.
^ I'm not even going to bother finding a suitable dupe. I'm not a searchfield
When a low rep user gets "Famous Question", you know something is wrong.
date() is not available? o_0
posted on May 31, 2013 by Stuart Herbert

Storyplayer is DataSift’s test tool for functional and non-functional testing of software and services, built to test at the firehose scale. It sits nicely between PHPUnit for unit testing by developers, and Behat for acceptance testing by product managers. Earlier this month, I spoke to a packed audience at the PHP London user group meetup about Storyplayer, a test tool that we’ve open-source

TRWTF is that they're using PHP 4.3.
Wasn't date() like one of the first functions to exist? Like, before the big bang even?
Bah, that's nothing ... 4.3 should still have date().
The number of working days is either 5 or 6, except when you work part-time. — Jack 7 secs ago
@Jack I'm not sure about the big bang but I understand it was created by some of the background radiation magic
@Jack date is php4
anyway, regardless of php version, it's narq imho.
Is it correct writing an update this way?
$sql = "UPDATE com_users SET bedrijfsnaam=:bedrijfsnaam,functie=:functie,straat=:straat,huisnummer=:huisnummer,zonenr=:zonenr,stad=:stad,postcode=:postcode WHERE user_id = :user_id";
@Duikboot why don't you try it first?
Because it ain't working :-)
But the sql looks ok to me;
Then you're not throwing enough exceptions.
What's the error?
Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens'
But I think they are correct
pastie.org/7987955 That are the params
Well, then the SQL is probably correct.
@Duikboot user_id and id.
Just saw it too after looking so long on it
@Mr.Alien hey
stupid error -_- thank @jack !
@PeeHaa埽 Hello ~
anything new to discuss on...
no gold badges there.
@Jack Where you got that from?
Oh yes, the closed question
I wouldn't mind a gold badge in though ... that would be pretty awesome =D
so how to fins its 5 or 6 or 7? — krishna kumar 1 min ago
@Jack You'll get that somewhere around 2020
@Duikboot I've already voted to close
I shall add tags to my best scoring php answers to accomplish it :)
@Jack I've my eyes on your activities --> Mr. Alien ♦

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