@igorw Playing with using nginx to reverse proxy websockets to Ratchet, do you have any experience with this? The connections seem to be tied to the normal keepalive timeouts, and for some reason I can't get it to extend for the websockets
@Baba each problem has a more or less simple part and a harder part, but the description is the same.. rigid, seems most people have a hard time understanding the text
Thanks to O’Reilly’s “DRM Day” promotion yesterday, I picked up a copy of a book I’ve been meaning to but could justify because a) full price of the ebook is around $25 USD and b) it was written back in 2003 – almost ten years old! The book, “Secure Coding: Principles and Practice” is more of an overview of things to think about when it comes to secure development and less about specific langua…
i think it would be helpful, if one could import all or any symbols from a namespace like use foo\bar\*; or use foo\bar\BAZ; (const) and functions @igorw i read your proposal use function
The following changes are live now:
Deleted questions will be visible to their authors, regardless of those authors' reputation. They won't be linked to anywhere that they're not already linked, but if someone knows where to find their question and it's been deleted, they should always be able...
@Gordon maybe I am mistaken with the meaning of bulk closing. I noticed a single moderator close vote is enough to close a question (instead 5 votes from regular users). So if you can cast your close votes on questions in the list I posted that deserve being closed, it may be faster. Of course it would mean you have to review all the questions before casting close votes...
@Gordon I am not suggesting to close questions without reviewing them first. If you can't help then we will continue casting 5 close votes on each question in the list...Still 2500 close votes to be cast...
@Jocelyn well, yes. I just dont have the time right now to go through the list. Like I said, not all of them deserve closing so even though I can instaclose them, it will still take a considerable amount of time to check each of them and decide whether they need closing
class Test {
private $number = 20;
public function __toString() {
return $this->number;
class IntHandler {
public function __toString() {
return sprintf("%s",$this);
register_primitive_type_handler('int', 'IntHandler');
$test = new Test();
echo $test;
Catchable fatal error: Method Test::__toString() must return a string
@Jocelyn or I should read the question 15 times.
If only I could have 3k reps, I would almost never answer anything in SE
@Baba But in any case, it's outside the scope of scalar_object. Not really related to method calls but to exposing the cast_object and maybe the get/set handlers. Would need something like this wiki.php.net/rfc/object_cast_to_types
class Test {
private $number = 20;
public function __toString() {
return $this->number->__toString();
class IntHandler {
public function __toString() {
return sprintf("%s", $this);
register_primitive_type_handler('int', 'IntHandler');
$test = new Test();
echo $test;
@tereško It is really detectable the way you write your messages... You feel well. No statements starting with "I hate" or no bold capitals flying around. I really am happy for you.
naah , the ground is too cold still , and there has been no thunderstorm yet (there is an old belief (superstition?) that you should not lay on the ground in the spring before first thunder)
A couple of days ago there was a discussion about http://symfony.com/doc/master/book/service_container.html and specifically, the use of $this->get('service');
Can someone explain, or point me towards a resource that explains why is this a bad practice?
I am not sure what the title should be, but the code should explain it better:
class Group {
private $number = 20;
public function __toString() {
return "$this->number";
$number = new Group();
echo $number, PHP_EOL;
echo ++ $number, PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
$number = "...
@Baba This ++ increments the lval of the zval, but does nothing else. So when your zval is an object, it does seem to do nothing. Only then the echo instruction calls the __toString method.
@ircmaxell after seeing that password advice site, i want to make an api that returns if an input is in several of the wordlists I have (which total about 150million entries)
In computer science, a trie, also called digital tree or prefix tree, is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a dynamic set or associative array where the keys are usually strings. Unlike a binary search tree, no node in the tree stores the key associated with that node; instead, its position in the tree defines the key with which it is associated. All the descendants of a node have a common prefix of the string associated with that node, and the root is associated with the empty string. Values are normally not associated with every node, only with leaves and some inner n...
@Baba I think Php is good as it is now. It needs some more practical routines in it. But does not need overengineering. Like strong typing... It will cause mayhem... Strong typed only php will drive people out of php.
The order in which the operations happen is important:
The variable will be fetched as an object, it won't be casted to an integer (or something else).
This ++ operator increments the lval (the long value) of the zval, but does normally nothing else. The object pointer remains the same. The int...