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hello @Jocelyn unicorn
@hek2mgl u there ?
@kaᵠ good afternoon
@kaᵠ How was your day ?
preparing for code jam
hehehehehehe really
yup :)
@kaᵠ the list time i tried .. the English was more complicated that the problems
@Baba that's usually the case
it's kinda rigid
have to read a problem N times to get the meaning
but it's clear after you get it
@kaᵠ i don't believe in surch
guess i's easier for those who have english as a 1st language
@Gordon Can you help on this problem by casting close votes? Almost all questions tagged can be closed as "Too localized". It would be faster and more efficient than having 5 users cast close-votes on each such question. Currently there are 572 open questions with this tag
English is not the first language of every country
but it's kinda the international language
at least for academic purposes
@Jocelyn make it a question on Meta. Ask people to cleanup and maybe also burninate the tag
@Gordon I gave you the link to the meta question
ah. ok. didnt click
@kaᵠ the make it plan .. but give very difficult task
not the other way around
simple task .. big english
@Baba i don't get that
@kaᵠ what you have not is "Difficult question to understand = Simple Task" why not "Easy question to understand = Difficult task"
Had a chat with by Russian friend .... he shares the same views about code jam
@igorw Playing with using nginx to reverse proxy websockets to Ratchet, do you have any experience with this? The connections seem to be tied to the normal keepalive timeouts, and for some reason I can't get it to extend for the websockets
@hakre seen .... deleted
@Baba each problem has a more or less simple part and a harder part, but the description is the same.. rigid, seems most people have a hard time understanding the text
@NikiC: is Laruence really arguing about a micro-efficiency like that?
@kaᵠ its obvious the people who composed the question are more theoretical programmers
@ircmaxell yes
if you're going to worry about that, just rewrite your application in C
@Baba why would you want to install propel at all when you can use Doctrine?
@Gordon exactly what i was thinking .... i was referring to this question : stackoverflow.com/questions/16374665/…
But really .. I hate frameworks
never answered one Framework question even here in SO
@ircmaxell Write a quick mail agreeing with me
I.e. that the optimization is useless
yeah, I think I might
posted on May 04, 2013 by blog.phpdeveloper.org

Thanks to O’Reilly’s “DRM Day” promotion yesterday, I picked up a copy of a book I’ve been meaning to but could justify because a) full price of the ebook is around $25 USD and b) it was written back in 2003 – almost ten years old! The book, “Secure Coding: Principles and Practice” is more of an overview of things to think about when it comes to secure development and less about specific langua

@igorw Ok ignore me, it was a proxy read timeout, not keepalive. \o/
i think it would be helpful, if one could import all or any symbols from a namespace like use foo\bar\*; or use foo\bar\BAZ; (const) and functions @igorw i read your proposal use function
@Gordon is there any reason i can not see delete in this question stackoverflow.com/questions/16374690/…
A: Turbocharging the Roomba: solutions for premature deletion

Shog9The following changes are live now: Deleted questions will be visible to their authors, regardless of those authors' reputation. They won't be linked to anywhere that they're not already linked, but if someone knows where to find their question and it's been deleted, they should always be able...

@Gordon thanks
@PeeHaa埽 Good Morning
@Gordon So can you help or not?
@PeeHaa埽 out of curiosity, do dutch people know dutch moderators on german tv?
@Jocelyn you mean going through the questions and closing them? not right now. am still busy with a migration.
@Gordon Like?
@PeeHaa埽 if you have to ask, I take that as a no ;)
@Gordon OK. So you are not against it? (when you have time of course)
I thought 50% of people on german tv was dutch
@Jocelyn well, I am not for bulk deleting them. I've checked a few of them and not all of them are TL or NARQ
@PeeHaa埽 no, only 6 and 2 of them is dead by now
@Gordon I asked about bulk closing only
@PeeHaa埽 Good afternoon! Did you relocate to Tuvalu?
@Jocelyn Morning
@PeeHaa埽 your mornings seem to start late
Aaaha neh It's finally weekend and I have almost finally finished a super crap project. So I thought I deserved to sleep late
@NikiC: HA! 3v4l.org/dRjtU
@Jocelyn same thing actually. not all of them deserve closing.
@DaveRandom I need your help for a couple of minutes when you wake up. I'm being stupid :)
@ircmaxell Interesting
@Gordon maybe I am mistaken with the meaning of bulk closing. I noticed a single moderator close vote is enough to close a question (instead 5 votes from regular users). So if you can cast your close votes on questions in the list I posted that deserve being closed, it may be faster. Of course it would mean you have to review all the questions before casting close votes...
@Gordon I am not suggesting to close questions without reviewing them first. If you can't help then we will continue casting 5 close votes on each question in the list...Still 2500 close votes to be cast...
@Jocelyn well, yes. I just dont have the time right now to go through the list. Like I said, not all of them deserve closing so even though I can instaclose them, it will still take a considerable amount of time to check each of them and decide whether they need closing
@Gordon Yes, reviewing questions before deciding to cast a vote is often time-consuming. Here all questions in the list are about Mysql syntax errors.
Sometime I answer question, w/out reading fully the question, and after 15 minutes hard work, I realize I was off the whole time.
@NikiC how can i scalar_objects to resolve ini return issue in __toString
I may have some disorder I have not yet read about
@Baba ?
@PHPfan Next time wait 15 minutes before answering the question?
	class Test {
		private $number = 20;

		public function __toString() {
			return $this->number;
	class IntHandler {

		public function __toString() {
			return sprintf("%s",$this);

	register_primitive_type_handler('int', 'IntHandler');

	$test = new Test();
	echo $test;
Catchable fatal error: Method Test::__toString() must return a string
@Jocelyn or I should read the question 15 times.
If only I could have 3k reps, I would almost never answer anything in SE
@Baba What is your version of PHP?
@Jocelyn PHP Version 5.4.14
@Baba ah, no that won't work
scalar_objects is strictly about direct method calls
it does not handle magic methods and stuff like that
that would be a good bit more complicated
@NikiC ... wow
@NikiC i think this is very basic ..... almost everything in PHP is about string and array
"__toString" is uses most times ...
but why would yo want to change __toString?
you don't have to support all other method
@NikiC since php does not have __toInt
huh, I don't get it
so am trying to create my own int handler to do that
one moment
	class Group {
		private $number = 20;

		public function __toString() {
			return "$this->number";

	$number = new Group();
	echo ++ $number;
Would output 20 but
	$number = 20;
	echo ++ $number;
Would return 21
@Baba Why does this give 20 I wonder?
@NikiC that has given me headache so many time .. i guessing its because of the conversion
@Baba But in any case, it's outside the scope of scalar_object. Not really related to method calls but to exposing the cast_object and maybe the get/set handlers. Would need something like this wiki.php.net/rfc/object_cast_to_types
@NikiC nice RFC .... @ircmaxell +1
@NikiC but why do i have 20 .... ??? i would make it a question so that you can give a detail answer
@Baba I have no idea
Would have to look up
@NikiC thanks
this chrome is consuming that much CPU when I scroll, that my music player gets slowlier
so now using the scroll-wheel on the mouse allows me to scratch my music player
depending on with tab or area in a tab and how fast I wheel the wheel I can variate as well.
@Baba From a quick look I think this is just a "silent" error
chat is hardcore
I.e. the operation fails and does nothing, but PHP doesn't throw anything ;)
@NikiC error reporting was on ...
	$i = null ;
	echo ++$i ;
@NikiC ^^^ even works and returns 1
@Baba silent as in there is no error ;)
PHP does not check the result code of fast_increment_function
@NikiC Oh ok
@NikiC scalar_objects resolved the first issue .... am surer you don't know how powerful that is
Hi all
i'm tired .. in a good way
@NikiC +1
@tereško who is she ?
@Ihsan hi
class Test {
    		private $number = 20;

    		public function __toString() {
    			return $this->number->__toString();
    	class IntHandler {

    		public function __toString() {
    			return sprintf("%s", $this);

    	register_primitive_type_handler('int', 'IntHandler');

    	$test = new Test();
    	echo $test;
@Baba lol
heh .. not in so good way , @NikiC
/me finished cycling in countryside for 20+km (actually, it might be closer to 30)
@NikiC $this->number->__toString(); solved it .....
@tereško Nice! 10 min ago I was walking by the black sea.
@tereško she made you do 20+km ??? wow
@Baba muahaha (obsessive lough)
@Ihsan seriously he should be tired
Do not even try looking at php questions. Overcrappy.
@Baba Coding is a more exhaustive work. That is a refreshment for him I guess. Leisure...
hey everyone. how many of you are phing users?
@Ihsan as i said: "tired in a good way"
usually from work i come back "tired in a pissed-off way"
@tereško It is really detectable the way you write your messages... You feel well. No statements starting with "I hate" or no bold capitals flying around. I really am happy for you.
@tereško But now that you fired yourself everything will be good again, right? :)
now i only need to decide if i want to play some games (most likely "Don't Starve"), read a book or work on neglected framework project
Is this a joke?
"What have you tried"
naah , the ground is too cold still , and there has been no thunderstorm yet (there is an old belief (superstition?) that you should not lay on the ground in the spring before first thunder)
You can not put this into comment... SO blocks it :p
@Ihsan yeah , the owners seem to think that attracting help vampires is a good long term policy
@tereško ^5. we just got dv'ed on the same question
@NikiC that is a simple patch ...... do you think there would be consideration and it would not be killed again
@hakre PhpZooka fired..
Today is one of the "rare" days I have seen so much stupid questions accumulated in all topics.
@ircmaxell if $obj = $obj + 1; triggers __toScalar() what would $obj++ trigger __toInt or __toScalar ?
@Baba scalar
@ircmaxell I think you need to consider __toInt for increment/decrements operators
@ircmaxell any particular reason ?
because of how the parser and engine works
it would make no sense, and would break a whole lot of stuff
@ircmaxell I get you now .. it might even make float increment fail .....
@ircmaxell one more question ... is there anyway it can be part of 5.5 ? if github.com/php/php-src/pull/334#issuecomment-17434587 can make it .. then this should not be a problem
@Baba That is what I thought too, a scalar may give a wider spectrum of types compatible to an object, better chance.
Hey guys,

A couple of days ago there was a discussion about http://symfony.com/doc/master/book/service_container.html and specifically, the use of $this->get('service');

Can someone explain, or point me towards a resource that explains why is this a bad practice?
@Ihsan i agree .... one might also consider .... what type of scalar am i using
@Baba bring it up on the list
@ircmaxell where is the list ?
@Baba Yet it will go to operation tables... Which may force prior casting. etc.
@ircmaxell ok one moment ....
@ircmaxell sent
@Ihsan it wants custom error reporting
@Baba Yes, rewrite and compile PHP ...
@Ihsan heheh
@Baba It would be wonderful to trap warnings in php like exceptions. Tons of new questions in SO and deadly security vulnerabilities... XD
@ircmaxell just quick confirmation .. this is my first internal mail .... i sent it to [email protected] ..... is that ok ?
@Baba registered at php-dev ?
@kaᵠ nope
@kaᵠ is that prerequisite ?
no idea
@PeeHaa埽 you there ?
@Baba normally you should then receive some mail from the ezlm (or how is this called?) to verify if you're human...
@bwoebi i received and confirmed
@bwoebi i later got Remote host said: 550 [email protected] is not a valid address [RCPT_TO]
@bwoebi thanks
@Baba to see if your mail is on the list, subscribe there and see if you've received the mail.
@bwoebi does it take this long ?
@Baba one minute max. normally
You didn't receive any new confimation mail?
@bwoebi nope
@bwoebi no confirmation
@NikiC wake up
@Baba you should normally have a mail:

Acknowledgment: I have added the address

[email protected]

to the internals mailing list.
@bwoebi nope
@bwoebi let me resend the confirmation
@bwoebi resent to [email protected]
@Baba how does your mail look like?
Quick Observations :

I had this issue ( stackoverflow.com/questions/16375331/increment-on-tostring ) and it kept me thinking why no error was returned, then i stumble up this RFC :  wiki.php.net/rfc/object_cast_to_types

The patch is basic , simple and working and it should be seriously considered in 5.5.  I want to  believe if github.com/php/php-src/pull/334 can make it to PHP 5.5 then we should give object_cast_to_types the same opportunity except they are string objections why it should not be so
I meant the confirmation ^^
@bwoebi Oh [confirm: 7d81c67dd391bd2c9fd3a33cff192039 [email protected]]
@Baba This pull request is already in PHP5.5 as far as I see...
@bwoebi not been considered yet .... am trying to speed thinks up a little before someone says its too late
@kaᵠ wake up?
ah, code jam
@NikiC codejam just started 2 min ago
i'll take a look now
run :) like the wind
@kaᵠ can't see your name in top 5
@Baba codejam, google? code marmelade? code syrup?
@Ihsan all i see here is "code jam" could have become "codejam", "dodejbm", "zodejan" or "cidejab", but not "kodezam"
@Baba: the PR you list is about merging GD
not about scalar type hints, even though the message says it si
And no, I will not support pushing type casting for 5.5
there's a reason I didn't put it to vote
@ircmaxell nice .. i never knew my message went .... can see it in news.php.net/php.internals
@Baba Lol
You are not eligible to compete in this contest.
This is a nice wellcome message.
@Ihsan Only contestants can download the input.
@Baba That is nicer...
@Baba Let me translate:
This contest is not eligible and worthy to be competed by you.
@Ihsan hehe
By avoiding the download of the input we save a great deal of your precious time...
@Ihsan and bandwidth .....
@Baba Ah now, it's there^^
@bwoebi wow ... there was a long delay
@Baba Yeah... normally there's no such a long delay. Your mail is twice there^^
@bwoebi can i delete 1 ?
@bwoebi and i still did not get any confirmation
@Baba No
@Baba You also won't.
@bwoebi Oh ok
With confirmation I meant you see that the mail is there
@bwoebi Oh .. i jet it now
@Leigh are you using the new websocket proxying from nginx 1.3?
@pce import all might be interesting, but at least import use a, b, c from foo\bar or so.
@PeeHaa埽 Welcome back .. i was trying to get my message to internal but @bwoebi helped .. we owe him a beer for helping your buddy .....
@PeeHaa埽 got my mail there but it was not properly formatted .. hehe
Glad it is resolved :)
@PeeHaa埽 trying to push for wiki.php.net/rfc/object_cast_to_types in 5.5
after this
Q: Increment on "__toString"

BabaI am not sure what the title should be, but the code should explain it better: class Group { private $number = 20; public function __toString() { return "$this->number"; } } $number = new Group(); echo $number, PHP_EOL; echo ++ $number, PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; $number = "...

@Baba We should build a network of beer, coffe and tea. Like global flower network...
$con = mysql_connect('localhost','test','test');
$query = "select movie_name from jos_movie";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
foreach ($result as $movie_name)
$xml = simplexml_load_file("http://api.themoviedb.org/2.1/Movie.search/en/xml/myapi/$movie_name");
foreach($xml->movies->movie as $movies){
$arrMovie_id= $movies->id;
echo $arrMovie_id;
Whats wrong in above query
@Baba pushing it for 5.5.0 ?
@Ihsan how do you mix the 3 ?
@hakre you surely meant "NOT perfect" meta.stackoverflow.com/a/179032/189605
@Baba I do not... That would be a holy sin.
@salathe I mean i want it part of the PHP 5.5 release
@Baba Not going to happen.
@salathe why ?
Hi All
Is there is any PHP expert can help me out
@Baba The time for adding new features has long passed.
@Deonia What makes you think anything is wrong?
Unless you want to add some optimizer ;)
@salathe how did GD 2.1.0 support for PHP 5.5 make it ?
@PeeHaa埽 Is GD a new feature?
@Baba ^^
What happened to all the permanently starred messages on the right?
@Salathe When I echo the $result it shows Resource id #2 and throws an error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
@Jocelyn Nothin is permanent over thyere
@salathe no why you ask me?
@Deonia You have to re-read how to fetch results
@PeeHaa埽 Mistake
@PeeHaa埽 There were several ones locked on top (like "Do not ask permission to ask a question"...)
@salathe its going to take more modification to add the new GD that this
@Baba I don't make the rules
@Jocelyn All starred messages have a limited lifetime. So do pinned messages
@salathe then why break them if its not going to be uniform
@Baba I don't break the rules
@PeeHaa埽 :-(
@salathe i know obviously you did not add DateTimeImmutable
@Baba You really don't see the difference between some random new feature, and keeping an extension up-to-date?
@Jocelyn I don't have the default messages stored somewhere so I often just wait till @MadaraUchiha passes by and re-pins shit :)
@Baba This ++ increments the lval of the zval, but does nothing else. So when your zval is an object, it does seem to do nothing. Only then the echo instruction calls the __toString method.
@bwoebi at last a reasonable answer .. where is there no warning in this case ?
@salathe I didnt get yoru point . Can you please point the wrong thing in the code or can you please correct me
@bwoebi can you help answer the question in details
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
// missing a line here... mysql_fetch_...
foreach ($result as $movie_name)
So, doing PHP_INT_MAX + 1 times the ++ operator on the object should convert it to a double :D
@bwoebi For that reason I block __toString in my objects.
<3 @MadaraUchiha
@ircmaxell after seeing that password advice site, i want to make an api that returns if an input is in several of the wordlists I have (which total about 150million entries)
@Ihsan lol
@Ihsan why?!
only problem is getting those massive JtR files into a database with enough indexes to keep it manageable
@Baba Really specially when I discovered php tries to compare my objects (proxy) via stringfying, I went mad.
== , ===
Then I put exception in toString... as the PHP version went up, no more exceptions
In computer science, a trie, also called digital tree or prefix tree, is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a dynamic set or associative array where the keys are usually strings. Unlike a binary search tree, no node in the tree stores the key associated with that node; instead, its position in the tree defines the key with which it is associated. All the descendants of a node have a common prefix of the string associated with that node, and the root is associated with the empty string. Values are normally not associated with every node, only with leaves and some inner n...
@Ihsan don't go mad just yet
@kaᵠ Heh, I'm still at the first one :/
hehe, same
@NikiC damn moth :P
@NikiC I got a question
@Baba I think Php is good as it is now. It needs some more practical routines in it. But does not need overengineering. Like strong typing... It will cause mayhem... Strong typed only php will drive people out of php.
@Ihsan I agree but do you think it would still be relevant in 10 years with this direction ?
A: Increment on "__toString"

bwoebiThe order in which the operations happen is important: The variable will be fetched as an object, it won't be casted to an integer (or something else). This ++ operator increments the lval (the long value) of the zval, but does normally nothing else. The object pointer remains the same. The int...

@Baba More detailed now.
classes : beautiful, class proxy : very good interface, database access: ambiguous should be pruned more. PDO is a hoax at connection level.
@Baba Strong typing may be added optionally for having faster processing which lets the interpreter see the flow better.
@Ihsan Faster processing by interpreter?
I was more thinking better development flow
Is anyone able to explain me what this proxy classes should be? lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_objects_API.c#338 I don't see any use case when searching with the lxr?
@PeeHaa埽 When you know the type of a variable, you will have less checks
@bwoebi i think we need a Notice in cases like this .... what do you think ?
@Baba How do you mean Notice here?
A PHP notice?
@bwoebi yes
@Ihsan ... yeah that may be... idunno what the difference will be. And again: better development flow
@Ihsan there is thing about direction which is not clear
@PeeHaa埽 I agree, from the point of sw eng. But most php users are not engineers...
there are php users and people who develop in php
do not get confused
@Baba mh, yeah. Ask @NikiC, it's only a check if (Z_TYPE_PP(var_ptr) == IS_OBJECT) zend_error(...); else ...; (lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_vm_def.h#827)

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