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@tereško have you played HotS?
@MadaraUchiha i need to buy a computer before i can install SC2
this laptop cannot lift it
i take the silence as i am doing it completely correct
silence means that i am at work
that XML means completely nothing to me
Or that we (with that i mean myself) don't know what you are talking about:p
no more than the json meant, but i think it is more easily understandable
Has to be one of the most useless ones you can add to your question. lol
And my tags still look @DaveRandom-like.
@TillHelgeHelwig How come your look so weird?
It has been un-buttoned
@tereško basically i am asking how would i implement an exchangeable authentication layer with out knowing the implementation details? (with exception to i specify a permission name)
@Petah i assume that you did not read that post
which i linked above
19 messages moved to bin
@tereško but that assumes i know the details of the decorator class and that the routing system also knows of this
(foregoing the protection of a model, and assuming i only want to protect a controller)
what are the magical "details of decorator class" that you are talking about ?
$controller = new SecureContainer( $controller, $acl );
i know not of which my application wants to implement a secure container based on windows permissions or backed by a mysql database
< confused
when did Windows come into this ?
.. I guess this might be why my coffee tasted strange.
the application is not concerned with how something authenticates, whether it is windows, or via mysql
the point is the application should say "hey this needs authentication, can you do it please"
you are confusing authentication with authorization
no, i am generalising, taking authorisation out of the picture
in that case , authentication has completely nothing to do with permissions and all of this has been waste of time
i still do not know how you would protect a controller method from an unauthenticated user with out know the implementation of the authentication, and how to swap one method of username/password (mysql backed) with intranet windows/com based user logins
authentication is a precursor to authorisation
what are you talking about
either way i am just trying to have educated conversions so that i can improve on what im doing
thanks for your time @tereško i look forward to our next coversation
Man, cold air is interesting
if use is not authenticated (aka. anonymous) then it has access to only a specific set of parts: like "login" and "change password". Unauthenticated user IS just another user
opening my door (next to my computer) drops GPU and CPU temp by 10* C
Authentication, if successful ,alters the state of user/identity instance. It does not conjure it into the existence.
Is it bad of me that I always immediately close a question when I see that the author doesn't even know the basics of how a web application works?
@TillHelgeHelwig probably
@MadaraUchiha I usually have no idea where to begin. With essentials like basic understanding of HTTP missing...why even bother explaining anything? You can't always start from scratch...
@TillHelgeHelwig Explain in a comment, point to a reading source, leave.
And telling people they should first learn the basics, usually results in something ugly.
@TillHelgeHelwig Hence the third step.
@TillHelgeHelwig like serial-dv ?
@tereško I was thinking more of a shouting match including varying degrees of insults. ;)
@TillHelgeHelwig When it gets there, the question can easily be closed as not-constructive
It solicit debate and extended discussion.
Well...I guess leaving the question for others with more patience is not optimal, but works.
At least on SO where are so many people eager to answer anything. ;)
Anyone used pimple for PHP?
10 mins ago, by tereško
if use is not authenticated (aka. anonymous) then it has access to only a specific set of parts: like "login" and "change password". Unauthenticated user IS just another user
@tereško Yeah! eval by proxy in yo face bitach!
Hell, I tried logging in as a different user an receive : Notice: Undefined index: admin_menu ' and know I can't find that admin_menu variable back :-( argh
Anyone knows why the admin_menu alwyas gets triggerd?
Though I receive the echo ' hello user'
@Duikboot You should assign the menu to the same variable to be used in the template, I think.
Because you always have either the admin menu or the other menu. So why use two different template variables for that?
Seems to be working when I assign them with the same name
I have to load a different template.
But when i assigned both as 'menu' {$menu} it worked.. But I don't know why :/
( Following you on Delicious, nice bookmarks @TillHelgeHelwig :)
Well...you assigned one menu to "admin_menu" and the other to "whatever_menu". So you probably hat {$admin_menu} and {$whatever_menu} in your template somewhere. And either one of these always wan't set.
Uh. Delicious...haven't used that for ages. :D But I guess most of the old bookmarks are still nice. ;)
Yeah that may cause the problem but, its a bit weird because I never called the template. And I don't have to use the assigned variables? ;P
Every variable used in the template must be assigned...but not all assigned variable have to be used in the template.
So that's why I was a bit confused but the way you told me to solve it is better.
( Are u also a Smarty user? _
Nah. I hate Smarty.
:P I like developping with it but I would like to learn Laravel or CakePHP.
hrm, pushed the system a bit too hard
I think I exceeded the capacity of the power supply
Those are entirely different things. You're comparing apples with bananas.
If you're looking for an alternative to Smarty...take a peek at Twig.
I overclocked my GPU by 200mhz, and the system crashed and wouldn't reboot for a while. But finally got it back up and detuned everything...
Yeah that's true, but I just mean I want to use a framework now
Smarty is just a template engine.
Learning to work with a framework is not a bad idea. But expect learning to hate the framework on the way. ;D
Are there limits using a framework?
Currently im creating all my projects with PHP( pdo ) - Smarty - Foundation - css/js ...
Already saw that one :D
@iroegbu :-D
What I am exactly looking for is a faster way of developing,
@Duikboot I give you a hint: You can not run away from your life.
Regardless how fast you program, you still will be the same age.
A faster way of developing therefore is highly relative.
That's true, but if someone higher wants to get faster results, I have to find a solution for that
I can develop faster but there for not better.
@Duikboot Nothing that can be achieved with shortcuts is worth achieving.
Currently creating a form generator system where an admin can select field he wants to use a c lient can login fill in the fileds add files create a pdf and a zip file with the files.
@Duikboot You have to find solutions because others need them faster?
Did he pay you to produce high-quality code? Or fast code?
They pay me to create a good application.
Because much like food, the two don't go well together
The backend = 80% finished but the clients wants tomorrow a demo -_-
@Duikboot Tell him there's nothing to show, because all the heavy development was done on a layer he can't see.
That is the truth.
Also, tell him to schedule a "demo" with you, instead of arbitrarily demanding it on random times.
@Duikboot good in the meaning of fast results or accurate results?
When I work with a client, I assess the work I'm going to do, and try to schedule visible checkpoints with him.
@MadaraUchiha that is a good approach.
But my workflow usually bounces off between frontend and backend, so I usually have something to show
I would like to show him visible checkpoints. But a week ago I had to show hem also a part of it and he says 'yeah but there are still weird debug characters in it.. ' yeah fcourse there are... Im working on it. I can't show you fancy stuff if the back-end isn't ready yet.
Even if you don't get it 100% right with the checkpoints, you can know beforehand and reschedule as needed (in reasonable boundries)
@Duikboot Working with a clueless client is like that. Nothing you can do about it.
My department in the IAF recently hired a company to make a program to emulate one of our airborne devices, for lab works
They appointed me to work with them, because I'm practically the only one who understands both the system we're using, and programming
After the project ended they thanked me and told me I was the first client they had in months that wasn't clueless.
It's a pandemic, really.
It seems so :)
Nice, you got that feedback.
Things do/learn :
- 1. Learn more SQL (more advanced)
- 2. Start learning a framework like Laravel/Zend/CakePHP
- 3. Become better everyday!
Don't know why but I wanted to write that down here.
@Duikboot tests fail
@Duikboot My experience with most frameworks is: First steps are extremely sluggish, because you have no clue what you're doing. At some point it starts getting really productive. And some time after that you realize that the framework is either to unflexible for your needs or it's so flexible that even the easiest things take ages. ;)
True story!
It's a question of how much guidance you need. For beginners it's way too complex most of the time. For advanced users it might be the right dose of guidance to build a good application. But if you reach a certain level of understanding and have a clear idea of how something should be done...frameworks usually become a pain.
Mostly I understand how the flow works but Im not always good in understanding why things needs to be done like in the framework...
Or, as I mentioned, the framework provides so many opportunities to twist it the way you want to, that you start asking yourself why you use it at all. :D
Are there much developers creating applications without a framework?
All developers create their own framework, at least once :)
I guess so. I know many people who have a fix set of libraries they use for their applications, but usually write everything else from scratch...or reuse something from an older project, because they know it worked there.
I recycle also much code from other projects.
I have now to do the hardest part of the whole system Im working on. SELECT a huge set of fields from 5 tables in a database.
Sounds fairly standard to me. ;)
is that legal to present our complete website in the facebook app we create
I guess you should ask Facebook...or at least the API-ToS.
Bah, policies are for pussies.
@TillHelgeHelwig @Duikboot correct but I didn't find such info over there
Hi! I wnat to doewnload a php extension from here:
my question is
what is nts and svn?
I am in between
and this:
nts = not thread safe
Don't know about svn (in this context), sorry :)
@Jimbo likely that its a snapshot version of what is in svn (versus a stable version)
@Jimbo ahh that that i now its just version control
Oh, so it is subversion
yep it seem so
And next question, I have no idea if I want thread safe or not
A: How to get the functionality of http_parse_headers without PECL?

GordonYou can get the extension for Windows at http://downloads.php.net/pierre/ It's one of the php_http-5.3-*-x86.zip files. Check which PHP you have installed and pick the right one, e.g. my PHP is a php-5.3.6-nts-Win32-VC9-x86, so I needed php_http-5.3-nts-svn20091125-vc9-x86.zip. Download the ...

@Gordon damn, taht is exactly what I need I think, I'll take a read, thanks! I've been looking for this for hours
let me check, thanks!!
@Trufa np :)
When Gordon said he was going to upload himself into the internetz, he wasn't wrong.
@Gordon one more question that I'm confused about if you dont mind
If I have WAMP installed
Anyone know what's the best practice to start selecting other tables with the same project ID ?
the thing in the pastie is working ( yay)
that doesnt mean I have php installed on windows, right?
@Trufa WAMP includes a PHP installation
that was a stupid question
@Trufa btw WAMP sucks
@Trufa try vagrantup.com
@Gordon really? I had never any trouble with it but I'm very open to suggestoons
@Gordon I'll try
@Trufa as of php5.4 you can simply uses the built-in webserver and sqlite for a database. that would be more than enough environment for any small development projects
Ohh Vagrant looks so cool.
@Trufa for anything bigger you want to have a dev enviroment that's close to your actual production server. and production servers are most of the time Linux
Anyone using phpbrew here?
@Trufa that's where vagrant comes in. it's supereasy to set up virtual machines with it. so instead if messing with a WAMP, you just use a linux vm. that will also save you from relying on extensions being available on windows.
@Gordon Awesome! I'll try it right now
@Gordon oh man, I will internet hug the hell out of you if this woks
@Trufa :D
@Ocramius no. but looks interesting
@Gordon I cannot compile any 5.3.x on bubuntu 12.10 :(
some unrecognized option in libtool (not at my pc atm)
@Ocramius cant help with it. seeing for the first time now
I thought you could load PHP extensions via .htaccess. I recall I was able to do so under my college's web hosting, it did use suExec so would that allow it? The PHP docs say it can only be loaded via php.ini
Can anyone give me some tips with my SQL statement?
It's working but I need to expand it but I don't know how for multiple tables.
@Gordon np. The only annoying thing is that when travis fails I gotta boot a vagrant box :P
@Ocramius travis …
Guys, any suggestion, what is usually used for transfering files via network? Would curl be okey? File size isn't usually larger them 10Mb.
@Gordon ?
@Ocramius why don't you use Jenkins?
@Eugene Between a single or multiple computers?
@Gordon because I don't have time to setup a jenkins to run a matrix of 4 different PHP versions and then compatibilize it with the pull request process on GH :P
I run a jenkins, yes, but it's mainly about code quality. Travis gives me much better results for failures ;) (because of how I can expand the build matrix)
@MadaraUchiha Between two hosts. It is expected, that they will be on diff. servers, but might be on one as well.
@Duikboot Without you giving us your query and your table structure, that would be difficult.
tried to run travis locally but it's hell
@Ocramius alternative to phpbrew github.com/Qafoo/pbuild
starred, thx
This is the query: @MadaraUchiha pastie.org/private/jfj6umj4g9kcxbarbatyoa#13 :)
I just have to do exactly the same but from other tables and with the same project ID
@Duikboot Add more JOINs
Q: Multiple inner joins with multiple tables

ATMathewSo I have four tables. Each table has a single id for the previous table id. So my in click table has an id and an id for the ad from which it came. In the ad table, it has an id for the ad and one for the campaign it's from. So here's an example. Table4 - id company table_id 11 hp ...

Ok, but where to write the selects then?
the company I work for is hiring a new developer and he is busy preaching the message of frameworks.
He uses codeigniter.
oh, you really plan to use it commercially with that license?
oh ic
@Eugene depends for what you need that. normally you should have a network drive.
it's more transparent.
Is it would be perfect, but there is no. Just simple directory on webserver
if you just need to fetch some files why not.
btw. today I was eating ice-cream with basil flavour. I can highly recommend that ;)
@hakre nice. im still looking for a place that serves bacon ice cream though
@Gordon good question, but I would prefer it with a good barbecue instead of ice-cream ;)
@iroegbu get a different company
Anyway it's new and around the corner, I can ask them if they want to try beacon ice-cream.
booooo executing an sql in mysql without errors and results boooo
hello all
today another question from dummy
@tereško or I should see that he isn't employed :D
Anyone knows how it's possible that this is returning .... noting?
so, we have two variables, $x and $y then $x->test = 1 and $y = $x so we have $y->test == 1, why after unset($x->test) $y->test similar unsetted ?
@Duikboot The query works but it returns nothing?
When I run it in the phpmyadmin sql editor it keeps loading without giving me any results... it stays on 'executing'
@Abyss Because by unsetting $x, you destroy the object $y referenced.
@Duikboot Are you doing error checking?
@MadaraUchiha so, what i need to do ?
(PDOExceptions, etc?)
@DaveRandom why wasn't this highlighted? ^^
@Abyss Not unsetting $x?
No, it's just in the sql editor, I will do when the query works
@MadaraUchiha okay
@Duikboot But... it doesn't... Have you considered some sort of error occured?
@Abyss What are you trying to accomplish?
@hakre stop your food talk. I haven't eaten anything today. :(
I have no errors
@MadaraUchiha i need recursively pass variable without this property 'test', and take a clone variable with it
@hakre not only fetch. Pass around. Fetch/upload
@Abyss If you want to clone, use clone ($y = clone $x)
@MadaraUchiha another words, i got a object, i need to pass it to func and array, but to array without one property
@MadaraUchiha Can't I also run multiple functions?
I don't need all the results in 1 time
@MadaraUchiha Regex is a little bit screwy, going to improve it soon to fix that and pick up ClassName::method() as well
The bad thing about it is that I have more requests...
@Duikboot Query for what you need to get the job done. Nothing more, nothing less.
I have 5 pages with data that should be generated
But now Im trying to et all the data in 1 statement

But I can also try 5 functions for each page
to get the data.
@DaveRandom You've updated your repo, how can I (who forked you) get those updates in my fork? Do you know?
1 min ago, by Madara Uchiha
@Duikboot Query for what you need to get the job done. Nothing more, nothing less.
The thing is, receiving all data at once is much smoother less db calls etc, ...
But doing multiple requests will work also.
@Duikboot Is it guaranteed that all 5 pages of data are needed?
Is it not possible for the user to only view the first page, and ignore the other 4?
@MadaraUchiha Add another remote to my repo and then just do a git pull on it
@DaveRandom Ah, haven't thought of that! Thanks
The data = for a form creating where all fields should be generated from the database
But I can do
page 1 = getformdata::getformdata1();
page 2 = getformdata::getformdata2();
page 3 = getformdata::getformdata3();

But I think it should be better to receive 1 big array with 5 arrays in it, with all the data in one time?
formdata = getformdata::getAllFormData(); ( like that )
I wouldn't be using static methods, but in this case getting all the data at once is preferable.
I would like to do that too but the SQL is bugging at me :P
@Eugene curl has HTTP:GET/POST/PUT;FTP;SFTP and SCP support. That should do the job.
@hakre I know about supported protocols :)
Sorry, I got it working @MadaraUchiha stupid stupid me
Fcourse I receive no results if there is no 1 id in that colum
Allright up to number 3.
Ah today Germany decided to buy Cyprus.
It's getting more and more fast now.
So, what Linux distro should I install, and how much partition space should I be giving it?
(For PHP development purposes)
@hakre Cyprus is awesome. Visited it last year in summer.
Awesome awesome awesome.
That means PHP 5.4+, MySQL 5.6+, Nginx, PhpStorm, and anything else I might have not thought of for developing PHP :P
@MadaraUchiha I use Fedora for that.
They have good packages support for all these things.
@MadaraUchiha I'm currently using XUbuntu on my VM's. It might be worth a look for you.
Nginx vs apache
Good morning again
good morning indeed
Good morning
Sorry. @MadaraUchiha I run Ubuntu 12.10 in a VM at home, 80GB space, 4GB ram to it.. it's great!
Primarily for development that is. I don't spin up the VM any other time, and it runs flawlessly
For Linux, you really don't need to dual boot it; besides it's easy to type in some wrong commands and wreck the lot and want to start again ;)
@Jimbo Why not dual booting?
@MadaraUchiha Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with dual booting. But imho it's just pretty pointless on my rig - I have 8GB RAM and Linux for development purposes, with Netbeans (which sucks up RAM) runs perfectly with 4GB given to it. And sometimes I prefer to switch to Windows, so ALT+TAB instead of reboot is better.
Well, I'm on a laptop, I have 4GB total
I can't run both PhpStorm + Chromium + any other app without stuff start crashing down on the 1.5GB I gave it
Ahh, didn't know you were on a laptop. Looks like you're gonna dual boot then ;)
hi can anyone give me a solution or help me how to get only the array values that are filled in an not the 0 ones.
["test"]=> string(0) ""
["stack"]=> string(1) "0"
["over"]=> string(1) "0"
["flow"]=> string(1) "1"
["iscool"]=> string(1) "wrahefj"

I don't want to receive the ones that are NOT 0 or "";
Are the above values all in one big array?
there are about 30 like that.
php.net/manual/en/function.in-array.php In array is not the good one then? :P
@Duikboot in_array() returns true or false based on whether or not an item is found in the array.
Oh okay :D
Lets try :D
foreach ($array as $k=>$v){
if ($v === "0" || $v == "")
echo $k;
echo'do stuff here';

Wouldn't that return only 0 and blank keys only?
@Pheagey He wants returned the array elements whose values are not 0 or empty strings
You performed the opposite - he only wanted array_filter()
$new_array = array_filter($duikboot, 0);
:D thanks
@iroegbu that will result in an error unless php is smart enough to turn 0 into null.
just saw that the second should be a callback
@iroegbu you can omit the callback
^I think we can safely close this question.
protip: if you try to access a server via pubkey authentication with putty, make sure to tell putty where your key is :P
@Gordon ... and maybe use pageant :)
> Pageant (an SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP, and Plink)
@NikiC thanks. didnt know about it
@Duikboot see 3v4l.org/gKP66 something is wrong with it though
^ @Gordon: You might just want to delete it.
@iroegbu all the answers are poor
morning ..
evening ..

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