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hello! I've been having a hard time getting html_entity_decode to work
I've tried

and html_entity_decode($tandcNOhtml,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8');
it turned some of the codes into stuff that looked like this - (“O
2 hours later…
Is there a script available that outputs an array of dates into something like 14., 15. and 17. april? Not sure what to search for?
write one
@dansige you've to be more specific
Q: How can I validate array keys using Symfony Validation?

PetahHow can I validate array keys using Symfony Validation Say I have the following, and each key of the emails array is an ID. How can I validate them using a callback, or some other constraint? $input = [ 'emails' => [ 7 => '[email protected]', 12 => '[email protected]', ]...

Good night !
@HamZaDzCyberDeV bon soir
2 hours later…
@PeeHaa埽 hai
@Lusitanian HI!
what's the drinking age in insert where you're from
apparently the moon
anyone extremely good with math?
What kind of math?
go for it, what's the question?
5− x +4 ≤ −3
i got here
5- x > -7
i dunno if its right tho
5- x > -7 is the first step i took 4 from -3
Ehm, isn't it x > 12?
how did you work it out?
-x <= -3 -5 -4
thanks ill investigate :D
so wouldnt it be -12?
sorry, it should be x >= 12.
ok thanks how come its not -12?
why would it be? both sides are negative, i.e. -x <= -12
i just thaught -3 -5 -4 = -12?
@kaᵠ it was rejected so all is well
Hi all .. I need to create a webservice for user login in zf2... (Dont ask me why ZF2..:P)....is this possible ...? the exixting website is implementing zfcuser module.... How can I proceed ?
Whats wrong with ZF2?
hello guys.
public function loadCache($id)
    return $this->_cache->load($id);
here, _cache is a variable
and how can we apply arrow to a variable and call load($id)
@udaysagar $var = '_cache'; $this->{$var}->load($id);
I didnt get you Jack!
@Gordon How come the whole question was deleted though?
@Jack i didnt check the question. only the review. let me recheck
Wow, 10 revisions.
@Jack there was flagging on the question.
@Jack from what I can see it was handled appropriately
Yeah, OP kept trying to delete stuff and deface his own post.
Good morning developers! :-)
I am newbie to ZF2 .. what is getServiceLocater() there ... I googled it but didnt get anything
What do you guys prefer? Zend or Laravel?
And if you are a Zend user, do you use Zend Studio?
peace be upon you guys
Morning @uby
Well, in this case it would be PHP injection, yeah? Same basic concept, though. :-) — Craig 1 min ago
Learnt a new term today ^^
i've a php file loading js files according $_GET
LIKE: script.php?file=main
anoher: script.php?file=home
how to make browser cache it for very long time ?
if i used header("expires:sometime") will afect on file=main and file=home ?
i want to make it afect on one without the other
@AhmedSabry this answer might help you.
resources are determined by the whole url, so expiry settings for one shouldn't affect the other.
thank very much @Jack :)
oh .. the fucking joy and jubilation .. you get to work that you hate, and first thing they tell you is: "Now we will have to support IE7" .. For a damned internal system.
le fak ?!
@tereško Here also same story but not for an internal system.
ok .. i could understand for public site. Those 2-5% of clients would be important
It's just the thing I don't like about myjob.. IE7...
hell .. it would be ok if it was just IE7 .. but now it is IE7 with legacy chrome frame
It's like waauw my site looks good in every browser, and then oooohhhh Internet Explorer 7, you made me cry again.
IE6 roxx!
@kaᵠ Hmm? About what?
What are the disadvantages of Google Chrome Frame?
@hakre Actually in some ways IE6 was more logical than other browsers when I last had to work on it .. unfortunately, I can't remember exactly what it was =/
@Jack box-sizing is on border-box by default. But that's about it.
What I really hated was those png issues.
JUp! :)
PNG issues are horrible.
Altered so it isn't not constructive ^
@MadaraUchiha reopen a long-time dead question that shows no research effort?
@tereško SumatraPDF, does it have a chrome plugin for reading PDF in the browser?
@hakre I just killed it, it's not that long-time dead, and yes, it's no longer not constructive, so I vote for reopening.
> asked Nov 29 '12
> closed as not constructive by tombom, Baba, HamZa DzCyberDeV, Jack, Madara Uchiha 5 mins ago
If the user was not able to find out within 6 months, sorry I can't help myself.
Comments should have guided him/her to an answer IMHO.
Don't forget that the question you answer aren't only of use the the OP.
And yet, there is no answer.
sorry @jack but $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] is Undefined
is good to store in session (the last Get Time of request) then compaire it with filemtime of the file ? -- Edited
hi, i am trying to implement memcache, and I want to add a hook in the custom db class 'doQuery' function. I need to know if any one can help me finding how to check if a query is of select, and not the update delete insert. So i can implement memcache on it
> Which is more efficient and correct to use date(Y-m-d) or strtotime(date(Y-m-d))?
@MadaraUchiha ^ yeah. such a question is not only for the OP (irony)
@hakre If you have a duplicate for that, feel free to notify, I prefer it closed as a duplicate rather than an incorrect NC.
(And yes, there is a difference between NC and dupe)
That's like asking in the blue because of some code hickup somebody runs over, puzzeled and then not thinking about taking a look into two manual pages. Yes the date page is long to read.
If it were, say NARQ vs NC I wouldn't really care.
@AhmedSabry It's not always set :)
That's not what he's asking.
That is the part in the question made bold. If future users look at that they see this prominently.
Yes, because this is the TL;DR of the question.
> Could you please point me out which one is faster when it's dealing with a large MySQL dataset?
OMG. No OP has no clue. OP is just asking. OP not even has any problem. It's just asking in the blue.
Might be useful to know just in case, so please tell me n'kay.
@Ocramius Buon giorno!
@hakre Haven't you ever been there? Where you had to decide between two extensions/methods/whatever and you wanted to know which you should be using before you start coding?
@MadaraUchiha Sure, I first ask about which one is faster ;)
I'm not saying this question is a real gem of wisdom, it isn't. But it shouldn't be closed, that's it. It isn't crap, like most of what we close.
We've become too trigger happy and I don't like it.
@MadaraUchiha yes
@tereško Then I'm downloading immediately :)
although, i have never understood the urge to open documents in a browser
@MadaraUchiha And then I tell everybody that I store my date values as a string representation of the Hebrew calendar. But only when they post an answer and in the way of: No it does not work.
@tereško It's useful sometimes, you need a manual of some hardware piece, those are usual PDF, and you don't want to leave the browser.
@tereško Well, apart from HTML documents I guess you mean.
@hakre har-har
@hakre Well, that's hardly the 'correct' or 'efficient' way (unless you program a Hebrew calendar)
Hmm... what is the non-blocking I/O server in java that igor was talking about?
@MadaraUchiha I don't care. Before using strtotime or date I just ask. Because don't you know it? :) pff
So, OP wants to know whether INT UNSIGNED or DATETIME compares faster?
@tereško I gotta tell you, it looks like shit.
@MadaraUchiha do you mean the awful yellow "dashboard thing" ?
i never even use it
@Jack Well, we could have asked that in comments back in 2012, but OP has not been seen for a while, so I fear we will never know. But probably, yes ;)
Yeah, horrible
Was it jetty?
@Lusitanian hello
> But I'm very sorry to realize that WP doesn't ... I couldn't find any plugin which allows to ... Could someone share the solution?
@hakre Meh, then it's fine ... because they should both be equally fast :)
One day I will create a Stackoverflow Question generator.
@MadaraUchiha you almost never see it .. so , who cares
I guess so
'lo all
It's fast though, I'll give it that
Well, off to play Heart of the Swarm
(Can you believe I haven't played it yet? Never had the time)
and it supports ebooks
@tereško Yeah, that's a big plus, I'm reading those quite often and most other apps sucks, so let's see how this one does
(all the standard .epub and .mobi readers are just horrible .. and not in the "awful yellow backgroud" way, but in the "i will own your library and ask you money" kind of awful )
@tereško "Horrible" would be an insult to Internet Explorer 6.
Had anyone here used Braintree? Or any Paypal alternative. I, almost always, leave with a bad taste in my mouth whenever I work with Paypal
Check the comments of this answer. Starting to think the other party somehow misses the point ;-)
Are there any easier gateways to work with that have support for Germany?
Is there a way of finding faster an error with PDO errors?
I got this error but I can't find it :/
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens' in
I know wich function wich file etc but not where exactly
@Duikboot The exception comes with line number too
True, but not the good one -_- :(
No takers?
...app/classes/DAO/DAO_FormCreation.php on line 75
@JohnP Braintree extended to Germany I think. They once mailed me because I was interested. [Braintree is now available in Germany! - 13 Sep 2012]
And exceptions have a complete stack trace too :)
@hakre Thanks. Have you used any gateways other than Paypal that you were happy with?
I've heard good things about Braintree.
@Duikboot that sounds like a horrible idea
DAO_FormCreation.php:75 Stack trace: #0
DAO_FormCreation.php(75): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1
DAOFormCreation::insertDataToTables('14', Array) #2 /....app/index.php(46): storeContentInDatabase() #3 {main} thrown in
@Duikboot install xdebug
Xdebug is Windows only?
lolwut ?!?
@JohnP No I did not, not even really Paypal (once integrated that in some shop, but more the simple variant), if I would do today, I would look into Braintree first or second.
Because they have very good support.
you do not install xdebug by manually downloading file @Duikboot
@hakre mornings!
no NIX systems you use package management tools
I know but It's a DLL file
And DLL files are windows based no?
what are you talking about ?!?!?!?!
Nvm looks like I got a wrong file from their downloads page :P
are you using some kind of linux or bsd for your development environment ?
Just workin gon OSX
@hakre Thank you, I will check them out.
About the xdebug, do you install it for every project? Or do you install it in the root?
do not shout at stupid people, do not shout at stupid people, do not .. oh fuck it
Just running a mamp configuration with Apache
... as if "a" in the acronym stood for "asterisk"
@tereško Good attempt. Keep working on that. :D
Yeah, you can make it ;)
if i keep answering him , i will get banned .. it seems that i have no patience today
great thx
Gonna get some cv-pls done tonight, methinks :-)
posted on April 17, 2013 by Qafoo - PHP

I've already written two blog posts here about Behat: Behavior Driven Development and Code Coverage with Behat. If that made you curious or you wanted to learn about Behat anyway, I can highly recommend to join the free webniar on Behavior Driven Development with Behat I'll be giving on May 8th 2013 on behalf of Qafoo in cooperation with Zend.

Is anyone else having problems with assets loading in the chat?
Shitty Internet seems to be the bane of my existence
@JohnP Nopez. Our main asset @DaveRandom loads just fine
well .. the avatars have been glitching for ages , but that's a caching issue
@JohnP Avatar loading is totally borked, but SE did some screwing around with the CDN DNS yesterday afternoon, clear your DNS cache and it may fix it.
yeah, the avatars and some buttons are gone for me. And I have to keep reloading to get the new messages. No automatic refresh, sigh.
@JohnP Are you on the mobile version?
If so click "menu" at the bottom left and then "full site" to get back to the proper view
Sorry for my stupid question Teresko.
which one is faster?

$a = 'Hello';
$b = ' world!';
$c = "$a$b"; or $c = $a.$b;
@DaveRandom nope, on desktop. It randomly does this
@DextOr It's completely irrelevant
Ahhh, automatic refreshes are back!
@DaveRandom its an interveiw Q
@JohnP I would suggest the usual IT response - turn it off and turn it back on again. Nuke you DNS cache and restart your browser.
@DextOr The correct answer is. WTF would I care. It's about readability
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong, what a horrible morning everything goes wrong. codepad.viper-7.com/PnV7kZ
@DextOr The answer it still "it's completely irrelevant". That would be a micro-optimisation of the highest order, and in any case I suspect they would produce the exact same opcode, in which case the answer is "there is no difference whatsoever". As @PeeHaa埽 says, what matters is readability.
@Duikboot just read it again...
If you cannot read you are going to have a bad time developing anything ;)
Initial value use for a variable is?
@PeeHaa埽 I am reading it over and over again. Looks like my brains won't work today :/
@Duikboot There are only two lines which have to do with the error. The query and the bound params.
Got It
-> runs away, shame on me
@DextOr 3v4l.org/ef4NM/vld#tabs vs 3v4l.org/ko0p8/vld#tabs - so the double quoted string has one more opcode, so by that definition a concat is very slightly "faster". It's still completely irrelevant though.
@DextOr That make no sense. Elaborate please.
@Duikboot :-)
Thanks @PeeHaa埽
Now lets fitx the other 5 huge sql's -_- :p
Good morning all
morning mr @Jimbo!
By a considerably large margin, M$ Word is the worst piece of software ever made
@Jimbo mornings
@DaveRandom lotus much?
open office much?
both suck waaay moar
They're all shite. Ridiculous as it is, Excel is way easier to use for anything other than a simple linear layout.
@DaveRandom What you gonna do about it? :( latex?
The world of SMB is full of Excel abuse but there is a good reason.
Our British summer has started!
@PeeHaa埽 HTML + CSS ftw. Way more expressive. Shame print layouts are a moving target.
@DaveRandom s/moving target/horror
I say framemaker FTW!
Mhmm. But at least I have the luxury of being able to enforce Chrome on everyone in my company. So I only have to make things work in one place.
@DaveRandom :-)
@DaveRandom And it is not that every opcode has the same weight.
@Jimbo good morning!
@PeeHaa埽 Yes. I know. To my surprise it wasn't an issue. :) Website, that I've been trying to open was actually down yesterday. :)
@Eugene lol way to reply 12 hours later ;)
I'm a human. I can't sit 24/7 at PC. Well, I could, but then I would need to be become cyborg. :)
@hakre, @PeeHaa埽 why do you both have broomsticks on your avatar? Is this a "BrOmStIcK Clan"? )))
@Eugene Yes we play an online game that is called "Clear aaaaaaallllll theeee tags"
And the broomstick is our clan symbol.
Thought so. Thanks for confirmation. :))
Clan symbol should be a fire - burn allll the tagss!!
By the way guys, if there is an XML, that needs parsing and it is behind login form, then could I get in one curl request?
@Eugene Depends how the login is done.
form with post method
If the login is a webform this is normally with cookies so you need to login once and keep the session cookie for subsequent requests.
If the login is weak you can keep a login session open for months.
AKA remember me function.
I see. Thank you.
But I would take file_get_contents with context paramters, because you don't need to code that much.
cURL doesn't require that much code either.
i need help with drupal webform
@PeeHaa埽 Do you mind having a look at another query?
i m trying something where when someone clicks on a radio button it goes to the next question
Yay, my first yearling badge =D
with pagebreak the questions are hidden i just want when someone clicks on a radio button it takes them to next question instead of them clicking on next paege
@Jack huh .. can you really get multiple ones ?
@tereško Hmm, good point ...
@Jack welcome young one :) and gratz
@PeeHaa埽 Hehe, thanks!
@PeeHaa埽 NVM got it!
What an offday
@tereško To answer your question: yes.
is learning php hard?
compared to other languages its fairly easy
php is easy
what about mysql i know its a database but understanding is it hard>
till you start learning 'best practices'.
@user1706511 have you made any attempt to learn php and mysql at all?
Q: How can I validate array keys using Symfony Validation?

PetahHow can I validate array keys using Symfony Validation? Say I have the following, and each key of the emails array is an ID. How can I validate them using a callback, or some other constraint? $input = [ 'emails' => [ 7 => '[email protected]', 12 => '[email protected]', ...

@user1706511 have you made any attempt to learn php and mysql at all?
@Ocramius That really looks like our boss - I've e-mailed it him :D
yes i wached youtube videos i was kind of having difficulty understanding == <> !! these kind of symbols and i was find it very hard to understand arrays
do you know any other programming language?
@iroegbu yes i have but kind of left but m gonna start again and because i m trying to create something on drupal.
on drupal?
@iroegbu not realli just html, css, bit of jquery thats about it i havent been in the web developing long
you mean "in php"
@Petah yes i have built a webform and i have done pagebreak after every question now but what i want is if someone clicks on a radio button automatically the next question slides in instead of clicking on the nextpage
ok, do you have a specific problem i could help with?
@Petah help will be very appreciated i have posted my question here drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/70189/…
@user1706511 that question is very general, showing no existing code and hardly even relates to drupal. it would most likely be best solved in javascript/jquery
do you have a specific question?
@Petah basically when someone clicks on a radio button i want the next question to slide in without clicking the next page button
@Petah here is the link to my form phpform2.x10.mx/drupal/?q=node/7
@user1706511 i will write you an example of what i think you want
@user1706511 What about if a user changes their mind about a previous question?
Do you have a back button?
@Jimbo yes that automatically comes when you click the next button
Cool, cool, just making sure ;) It's so annoying having to CTRL + R because I wanted to change a previous one
Any PDO wizard here?
no clue as to what to do, only assembly comes to mind
got this challenge pastebin.com/zW39FJGK from challenge.synacor.com I've been looking at it for 10mins
@user1706511 jsfiddle.net/xQQFU
@phpNoOb what do you need?
@Petah hi. I just updated mysite, by replacing a single mysql_ query to PDO, and the script takes 4 to 5 seconds to load.
@iroegbu sorry i did not know this was the ASM room
@phpNoOb ok, what is the connection code, and the query
@Petah thanks petah i will work on this and see how i get on thank you once again
besides you can solve in any language... PHP inclusive.
@Petah I didn't say anyone should solve the challenge :p
			$stmt = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE category = ? AND approval = 1  LIMIT 13");
			foreach($stmt as $row){ echo $row['company']; }
@Petah ^
@user1706511 cool, if you get stuck, always feel free to ask a specific question on the stackoverflow site.
that is the query taking 5 seconds to load.
@phpNoOb Isn't there supposed to be a fetch or something
k thanks for all your help guys
@Jimbo I don't think so.
The script works fine
It just takes unreasonably long time to load
@phpNoOb have you monitored mysql to see if it is the bottleneck, and likewise have you profiled php?
Really :S I thought it was:

while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
echo $row['company'];

I'm probably wrong, just wondered
@Petah I am noob, so I don't know what you mean by bottleneck or even profiling. @Jimbo Maybe you are right, but I don't see why I should add fetch(); when the script works as intended, the problem is the timing.
@Jimbo pdo statements are iteratable
@Jimbo it really depends on what you want to fetch, typically you want to be explicit so as to not rely on configuration, as such: $this->statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
Ahh okay, cheers guys ^^ Always learning is what I want ;)
@phpNoOb what OS are you running this in?
because there are tool to test what exactly is being slow
WAMP on Windows 7 @Petah
PHP 5.4
do you have xdebug installed?
@Petah yes
a good way to find out what is being slow is to use xdebugs profiling features and combine it with webgrinds reporting: code.google.com/p/webgrind
you can see code.google.com/p/webgrind/wiki/Installation for how to set it up
i am saying this because it is hard to tell what exactly is wrong with the limited details you have given
so i am trying to show you how to debug such problems for yourself
Q: is there any algorithm which can find arrays which do not have common key between them

user1191081$array1 = array ( '1' => A, '2' => B, '3' => C ); $array2 = array ( '1' => A, '4' => B, '5' => D ); $array3 = array ( '5' => A, '6' => E, '7' => D ); $array4 = array ( '4' => A, '7' => B, '10' => C ); I want to find out arrays which has all dif...

^^ does anyone get this question?
@Petah thanks.
@phpNoOb no problem
@Jack at first read, yes

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