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@MikeB Mmm, maybe. Depends on the individual I suppose. I used to be in your camp but @Pekka made a good case for doing it this way. Sometimes answering questions is a reflex, but at least if you vote to close it also sends a message to the OP that it's not acceptable to ask such questions. We need some kind of repeat offender gauge.
I hate the word gauge. I always spell it at least two different wrong ways before I get the right one.
@DaveRandom Pekka is too nice - he's a terrible example :p
everyday I see plenty of people who rush to answer questions instead of voting to close them (when the question needs to be closed)
@Jocelyn I consider that to be textbook repwhoring
But at the same time the easiest way to get rep - it's a vicious cycle that leads nowhere
Whose evil
I think it is sad to see that you can easily get 5 upvotes in 2mn when answering a RTFM question, and get zero upvote when posting a detailed answer that took 10mn to write.
@Jocelyn Soooooooooooooooo true :(
10 upvotes for answering a very simple (duplicate) question: stackoverflow.com/questions/13039552/…
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Heres the question: stackoverflow.com/questions/15961445/…
@MikeB I wasn't aware it belonged to anyone
@Jocelyn If you're looking for fairness you won't find it here :(
@HamZaDzCyberDeV I want to use sqlalchemy, the expression language (not orm) to implement a table data gateway approach using dao-like objects and wanted some feedback. I already started using the ORM, and I can already see that it might be problematic later on(which I was afraid of)
@MikeB I know :-/
@HamZaDzCyberDeV since I have to figure out how to do every little thing through it, and will still have to play with the sql anyway. The thing is, using the Table Data Gateway approach, I feel like I may be writing too much boilerplate.
@Jaigus Sorry but I've no idea what you're talking about, guess I can't help you :(
@Jaigus I generally find the best way to shift crud off my boilerplate is good, old-fashioned elbow grease.
@DaveRandom so you're saying for this case boilerplate is not a big deal
@Jaigus No I'm saying I'm making terrible puns, which is generally a sign that I should go to bed.
I like that someone actually tried to make sense of my nonsensical ramblings though
@DaveRandom Seems like most sensible folk from back in the day side with you meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/4283/…
A: Closing Etiquette: Why Do Some Answer *and* Close?

Jonathan SampsonIf I know the answer (or can be helpful), I'll give it. If the question isn't supposed to be asked, I'll vote to close. I see it as generous, not hypocritical - after all, I didn't make the rules. I don't see anything wrong with this. We're being strict, but generous. Additionally, I think it ma...

^^ this
yes yes grumble grumble...
Right, I really am actually going to go to bed
Night @all
Mafia-types keep cutting off my fingers because I owe them money, but rather than just staying out of debt I'd like to rig up a system so I know which finger they are going to cut off next. — DaveRandom 8 hours ago
gnight @DaveRandom
I'm off guys, good night !
php vars can be in double quoted strings not single right?
thx, that's why my query was failing then
@igorw this format with curly braces is curious pastebin.com/pKmUgtFW
can anyone say what are php extension used for?can I call a matlab program converted in C through it?
Hey anyone in here?
@user1583647 most likely, yes
can you tell me if there are any ways to integrate matlab program in php? I tried converting it into .exe but the process was too slow
*any other ways
Hey does anyone know any applications that would use a binary search tree in combindation with qsort?
How would you combine those?
sorting != searching
For someone with your rep I would expect a better answer though. — Jack 1 min ago
I'm not sure, thats what I was asking.. my professor mentioned that the two are related, and I didn't see how
Q: Matlab executable too slow

user1583647I converted my Matlab program into a Console based application using the deploytool in Matlab. The Matlab .m file takes around 2 seconds to execute, but after I converted it into an executable form and called the .exe, it takes 45 secs to execute which is too much time. I want to integrate the M...

Well, they're related in the sense that qsort uses a "binary" algorithm, it splits the values into two sections and then sorts each of them until everything is sorted. @Vlad
Ah ok fair enough :)
2 hours later…
@user1583647 Interesting. I work with a large cluster and it's strange to see Matlab and PHP used together. +1 for interesting technology mix.
@c'c In this case the braces serve little purpose. However you can do things like "I am {$person->age} old." with them. Can also do array access.
@NullPointer hey
for those who missed it: 7php.com/php-interview-manuel-lemos
Hi all.
Feeling lonely here... :)
good mornings!
@NikiC yeah damn, I wish I had realized that just seconds earlier before pressing the submit button ;)
Good morning!
The term Von Neumann architecture, also known as the Von Neumann model or the Princeton architecture, derives from a 1945 computer architecture description by the mathematician and early computer scientist John von Neumann and others, First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC The meaning of the term has evolved to mean a stored-program computer in which an instruction fetch and a data operation cannot occur at the same time because they share a common bus. This is referred to as the Von Neumann bottleneck and often limits the performance of the system. The design of a Von Neumann architectu...
^^ some nostalgia
I have to interview people because we need to hire a php developer and I wrote down a list of questions. But I can't find a hard question that require short code to test how expert they are
any idea?
test for people that prefer recursion ;)
@Uby Expert in/of what?
@hakre programming, problem solving, etc (with PHP, but I need to know how good they are)
I'm looking for something not trivial
@Uby I love that etc part. Ask them how to draw a picture in PHP.
For example the picture of a circle.
Then ask how they would write a function that is able to fill the circle with another color.
@hakre primitive drawing, that's not bad
@Uby Well, if you're looking for PHP Webdevelopers the answer should be probably:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <circle r="100" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" fill="red" />
@iroegbu I worked with harvard arch. on Pic mcu's. It is a pain in the ass..:)
@hakre how is this PHP...?
Maybe a joke I'm missing? :P
@Uby PHP outputs HTML, as of HTML 5 you can embed SVG for images.
@hakre PHP outputs whatever, as far as i know. If I ask to draw a circle with PHP and you reply with xml/html or any other markup language i won't hire you
@hakre you cold hearted ....
@Uby Ask them to export a circle via GD :) Very sadistic...
@Uby Yes, you would hire the developer that re-invents the wheel in a non-standard way. ;)
Which brings me to the point: You would assume the programmer should have used a pixel based library?
@hakre If I'm asking you to write an algorithm I'm testing you. It doesn't mean that I'll make you write that kind of code, I'm just testing your abilities
@Ihsan I don't mind any specific library. Just the algorithm implementation is ok
@Uby Google has good very-uncomprehensible questions written in noble high-code-priest english... Have a look.
I do not remember the name of competition anyway...
@Ihsan Yes, just found a couple of that. Thanks
like this:
You have k lists of sorted integers. Find the smallest range that includes at least one number from each of the k lists.
@Uby Yes, good question, disgusting English... :)
@Ihsan That's not a problem, interview won't be in english :P
@Uby I also have a sorted integer :O
it sorts itself
@Ocramius Maybe it means pixel-sorted :P
@Uby Also you can find some questions from SO here... There exists stunningly stupid questions and good ones...
@Ihsan I used SO to find some small and simple question with trivial errors, not-very-trivial errors, etc
@Ocramius lol... The self sorting integer : TSSInt class instance...
@Uby Easy, it's just [min(list_1), min(list_2), ... min(list_k)], you need something harder than that if you want to test anything more than that they are not an idiot. Either that or I didn't understand the question, in which case it needs re-wording
@Uby also xkcd.com/1185
TSSInt instances detect if they are in a collection and autoMagically relocate themselves according to order given while they are created or set via a.order = TSSINT_SORT_ASCENDING etc...
@DaveRandom that's not the minimum range. Just a random range
If you have
[1, 2, 20]
[10, 12, 21, 40]
[11, 13, 22]
@Uby If it must contain "at least one number from each" then that's the min range. Unless you mean that number repeat, in which case it needs clarifying
you would fetch 1-11, but the minimum range would be 20-22
min(min(l1),min(l2),...,min(ln)); oww... wazzzat!
@Uby Ohhh OK. The question doesn't adequately describe the problem, but that example would make it fine and yes that is quite a good question.
@DaveRandom yes, it's because of bad english :D
I actually can't think of a way to do it that isn't O(the humanity)
Well, if those lists form a matrix, it would be very quick to solve ;)
That should be one of Google questions
if they can at least solve it, it would be great
If it asks for a range not a list then:
i had some difficult, and i dont think i found the best solution at all
Well anyone can solve it, the question is how to do it in a way that doesn't involve looping over the whole lot several times
$a = [min(list_1), min(list_2), ... min(list_k)];
$r = [min($a), max($a)];
@DaveRandom 1 loop should be enough
It's going to be O(n), the challenge is to not to add anything else
@Ihsan that seems @DaveRandom's solution
@Uby Show me your code, I bet I can see more than one loop ;-)
yea.. And it is right...
@Ihsan i showed an example above tho show why it's not good
@Uby is it the minimum length range or the range with the lowest sum/factorial/what?
@Uby just repwhoring :D... well that solution contained the elements. Range means something else.
@DaveRandom minimum lenght range
not lowest
@DaveRandom 1 loop for every list
@Uby I think it is correct anyway... The range in your example should contain 1,10 and 11 which means range is 1<->11 inclusive...
@Ihsan the minimum range is 20-21-22
@Uby Yeh but did you do it in PHP? Almost every single array function that modifies an array iterates the entire array underneath.
Im talking about minimum lenght
@Uby S**t That is why I love google questions... :p
@DaveRandom I dont have code, since I have to do the interview I'll write it down so I wont risk to geti it wrong
@Uby So I am not employed ... (cries into tears)
@Ihsan ahahah, you didn't understand the question, I wouldn't stop your interview so early :P
You have to measure delta of each element of a primary array to the elements of the secondaries. The number of iterative delta calculations does not have too much probability because you do not have the option to omit any array...
Is it sad that I click on my own requests so that the cv-pls helper shows a little green on it? A bit OCDish?
hey hey
along came a @Pekka
Can someone help me with a CSS problem I have been having, I'm currently sitting in college and this is part of my project so I'm so confused on what to do, thanks.
Top of the mornin to y'all
Irish? :P
Nope! Thank god... What's your CSS problem?
room topic changed to PHP where we talk about anything but PHP: Discussion for all things PHP - You don't have to ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. [php]
@Gordon the CSS room was not very active. Sorry for inconvenience.
room topic changed to PHP: Discussion for all things PHP - You don't have to ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. [php]
@RahulKhosla do something like:
`echo '<link href="phpRoom/myQuestion.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';`
then you can ask your question :D
He's implying you need to PHP-ize your question in order for us in here to answer it.
Might as well just ask.
Btw - someone wants me to do freelance for them, first real big one - and... they want a custom CMS :x
So the really big question is: Fixed budget or are you allowed to propose one? ;)
Morning btw.
I already suggested "don't re-invent the wheel, it's been done elsewhere - wordpress etc" and he wants a custom because it's "better in the long run" - so, fine, more ££ for me ;)
But, it involves THE EBAY API duh duh duh (which I haven't used before)
@Jimbo good luck dude
@MadaraUchiha monring
@wes I shall need it
Anyone here played Towns?
@Jimbo indeed a lot, if it is like the paypal api, which is made by the same company
I actually tried to use the PayPal API once and failed miserably - so I'm hoping it's not lol (it's just that it's really poorly documented - eBay's seems much better)
@Jimbo obviously you did, and not because of you
@Jimbo actually the paypal's api is really simple, but for some reason ebay made it a monumental pain in the ass
@wes well at least on the flip side I'll learn some good stuff for the future :)
Have you tried the eBay api?
never, luckily :P does ebay provide a php library?
Provides stuff like this
However, seeing the words "add the global variables"... eurgh.
@DaveRandom @Ihsan wanna look at my code? I would appreciate any comment/error/whatever
@Uby Very much so
@Uby where?
@DaveRandom morning
@DaveRandom @Ihsan here: codepad.viper-7.com/udS1nQ
I have a half done solution but it's getting really (relatively) memory hungry for the sake of avoiding iterative complexity
morning @DaveRandom =]
@wes yo
@Jimbo yeah the same shit code style that comes with paypal. i built my own classes, i would do the same for the ebay api
@Jimbo yo
Just realized there's a max($column) that's useless
@Jimbo what you want to do? fetch products listing?
@wes I'm not sure to be honest - he said custom cms, uses the eBay API - and we're going for a coffee on saturday where he's bringing in his designs to discuss more about it - so really this is just preliminary research for me
@Jimbo Actually I found the documentation for PayPal pretty okay :)
@Jack Then you're clearly god.
No doubt =D
I couldn't touch the damned thing xD
Yeah, PayPal dressed in their pyjama pants, going "dum dum dum dum ... can't touch this"
@Jack thanks, now i will open youtube
what a masterpiece of video
Haha, well as we know that SO is lacking some good documentation like my twitter API one, be assured that I'll write a useful post explaining how it all works :)
@Uby With that max() you're currently running at 92 operations when you include "hidden" loops: codepad.viper-7.com/UUOOgK
@DaveRandom yes, that's useless, i already sorted $c2
@Jack nobody believes me when i say that with the expresscheckout you can change the amount after user confirmed it... do you know what i'm talking about?
@wes I've never used express checkout I think.
But I wouldn't be surprised it's possible.
That would be much like how directly charging a card would work.
yes exactly...
@Uby here is my solution:
Uh its too long for here...
What should that code do?
@Ihsan Put it in codeviper7 or something? :P)
I do not have an account...
@Ihsan no need of account
just paste it
@Uby What does your code do?
everybody think that to use the paypal procedure is safe, but i'm 100% sure, that you can change the actual amount of the payment, without any notify to customer. the only way to read the actual billed amount is login paypal, but nobody does that
@wes You can actually use that to ship products you have and charge those while you wait for the other items to become available.
Once the other products are there, you make another shipment and charge the rest.
@Ihsan Ok, skype call, i'll see it later
@Jack yes, that is the point of that feature, but users should be notified of that, i think... a scam site could easily sell you a 10$ item, charging 1000$ instead
I suppose that's possible, though probably the credit card company will crack down on you before you can spend that money lol
See these are the things I'm worried about ^ security. I know basics, like PDO for SQL injection protection, using salts during the login and things
It's very important to store password in plain-text format in the database etc...
and the username, that you have logged in with must be stored in a cookie =P
(i have actually seen it done)
@DaveRandom do you like it? codepad.viper-7.com/4J4Rlr
@Jack That is an answer to a ridiculous google question...
@Ihsan Ah yeah, I've just found the original question :)
Oh and when you edit it, its address changes... interesting place codepad.viper
@tereško Haha, and the password in the cookie too to check they match on every request :)
No, guys. It's much easier to just put ?username=user&password=pass in the url
@Ihsan It's better than @Uby's (92 vs 45) but still considerably more than O(n)
I wonder if O(n) is possible though, seems dynamic to me.
@DaveRandom What is an O(n)?
Sorry for my illiteracy...
@Ihsan You're a lot more literate than many who ask questions on here :) amiright
@Jack Hi I need help please : Do u think this $date_registered = date('y-m-d h:i:s a'); and this $update=("UPDATE site_user SET dateupdated = now()") can produce the same value?
@humphrey Not likely, the date() format is wrong.
@Jimbo My range is wide, so I lack depth sometimes...
@jack thanks
@DaveRandom Oh that is the big 'O'...
@Jack how can I make the date $update=("UPDATE site_user SET dateupdated = now()")
@humphrey $update = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); and then use that value to insert into db?
@Ihsan Yes, I'm fairly confident it can be done without visiting each element more than once, although I'm struggling a little to come with it but I still think it can be done
@DaveRandom There are shortcuts for optimization though....
@jack thanks a lot let me do that
@DaveRandom Probably need to keep minimum and maximum for each list of integers ... still puzzling.
@Jack usually I put NOW(), then format when I fetch
@iroegbu There can be a timezone difference between db and php, that's the only thing to really worry about.
The other being that for NOW() you don't need to send a value ... minor improvement I suppose.
@Jack No I don't think so, I think you can just keep track of each element's +/-1, I have a cunning plan. tbh it's the "must contain at least one from every list" part that's getting me at the moment
@DaveRandom for instance if one delta of a delta list starts going bigger than the minimal current delta of deltalists, one can set the delta range of that list to maxint and bailout to the next primary array element.
@Jack ok
@DaveRandom I suppose if you're keeping a current range, you need to know whether the range can shrink or not.
The first range can be built easily by just taking the min/max of all lists; then, in each new iteration you attempt to shrink it ... at least, that's what i'm thinking at the moment.
But, if I do that ... I won't get 20-22 ... hmm
@Jack ok
A: Help needed: What to do if a team member delivers bad quality

KazLet me play the Devil's Avocate here. Maybe all of your team, with the exception of that programmer, are the ones who are inferior, and he really is a brilliant programmer. Imagine if, say, Linus Torvalds (let's pick a poster boy for accomplished programmer) for some reason fell into a situati...

@Jack But getting the min/max is itself O(n) unless you know the list is ordered
Actually that is a point, I'm assuming here that the lists are unordered which makes it a lot more difficult
@DaveRandom Here is a one step further optimized one codepad.viper-7.com/wMyE8z
@Ihsan Sorry doing real work :-P will come back to it in a bit
@DaveRandom ok.. I am gone also... lunch... line feed.... :D
@iroegbu my JS is of "bad quality"
What the hell am I doing wrong :P var_dump($user_array[0]); I want to acces from this start the ['id'
string(2) "14"
When I do var_dump($user_array[0]['id']); I receive an error
nvm works now
wtf happend
@tereško lols, you are not a good team player! :D
@Ihsan @DaveRandom codepad.viper-7.com/CDazU8 - I've got no clue how it performs, but the algorithm is nice :)
no , but currently I am playing "substitute project manager" because the real on is sick
.. which is just another thing that the "junior developer" shouldn't be responsible for
HI Friends I have install the ssl for the site mydomain.com and now its broke and i again install the ssl for the mydomain.com, cannot i make the mydomain.com (ssl free)
What is the best way to store data in multiple tables? In 1 query or in multiple queries?
@Duikboot single transaction
@Pus you would get better result on IRC , there is #httpd chat room for apache on Freenode
@Jack Big O-wise it performs very badly (array_map() and array_keys() are both O(n), usort() is Quicksort and therfore O(black magic)) - but it does look reasonably clean I guess
@teresko thanks
linkify bug (kinda)
@DaveRandom I know ... the initial pass could be better.
And heapsort would be better than qsort in this case ...but hey, this is php we're talking about lol
hmm heapsort ... ehh, well, insertion sort.
@Jack We should create a sorting PECL lib, we could call it moarsort
actually ... not such a bad idea :)
I know, I'm semi-serious
(I don't really know enough C to usefully contribute, although I am trying)
I know enough to get it working heh
What sort shall we start with :)
@tereško "junior developer"? /:|
What sort of sort shall we start with... hmmm... I'm sort of not sure.
Insertion sort is kinda nice; given a sorted array, insert a new item.
@Jack why not let god sort 'em out?
First time I will us a transaction then, let's try.
@Gordon He's busy with all the kitten killing, what with so many people still using ext/mysql and all
@Gordon No no, can't do that ... different gods will give different sort.
quantum sort ... sort with high probability of the final list being sorted, now we're talking.
wow. I just broke my chair
Bacchus sort, the kind of sort algo you write while under the influence
almost fell off
@DaveRandom Soo ... snort sort then? :)
@Jack No that one's just a "do it as quick as possible and don't care if the end result is sorted" approach.
That one's easy to implement, return $input;
Well, you could do Log(n) swaps and then check if it's sorted.
@Gordon Need to stop eating all those weiners nitzel
If it's sorted, hurray .. if not, make the system crash horribly.
@Uby: For your question in the morning: gist.github.com/hakre/5394876
damn it! a new decent chair will cost a fortune :(
if (issorted($list)) {
    return $list;
if (issorted($list)) { // this can't be happening
    return $list;
if (issorted($list)) { // come on come on
    return $list;
@hakre thanks, i'll look at it later
@Uby And another version: gist.github.com/datibbaw/5394894 :)
viper7 seems to be having problems =/
Is the SSL is one way?
@Pus Nope, it works for request & response.
@jack Thanks
A: MySQL & PHP : Multiple Keyword Search

JimboA simple REGEXP might be what your after. You'd have to check how efficient it is for yourself. SELECT * from tbl_address where field REGEXP 'keyword1|keyword1|keyword1'; Also, I'm sure you already know this, but don't use MySQL_* functions. Use MySQLi_* or PDO_*.

@tereško I'm curious as to why some sites offer SSL as an option. You'll see a link saying ' Click here to browse HackThisSite over SSL...'
Anyone have an opinion on exactly where to place their autoloader in a custom framework? In it's own file as a class? In the index.php with routing? Or what?
Is this a corrcet use of transactions?
@Gordon Thank you good sir
Ahh, here comes the "should I have all my routes in one file or not" question
@Jimbo depends on how complex your autoloader is
@tereško Well I was going to say pretty simple, until I thought about Gordon's example and putting all my routes in the file
First time that Imw orking with transactions :)
@Jimbo there are actually tools that create such autoloader (with list of predefined class/path pairs) : github.com/theseer/Autoload
it all depends on your requirements
^ That looks really cool, thanks a lot!
... my personal preference is to have configurable autoloader , but there is no "the right way"
Bounty of 200 to the one who solves my issue:
Q: Nivo-Slider disappears while slide is being changed in IE ≤ 8

ShimmyI'm testing the slider and it works in Chrome and IE 9+ but doesn't work properly in earlier versions. The problem that occurs to me is that while the previous slide is rolled up, an error-like image is revealed (and the loading.gif is then visible) and remains for over two seconds, until the ne...

@Shimmy You know this is the php room right?
PHP is web aint it?
@Shimmy So is Java / pyhton / c#. Your point?
Well, I don't like programmers.stackexchange.com - I'll stick to SO.
@PeeHaa埽 the question is purely about web (html and javascript) i'm sure there are ppl in here who can help and will want to earn bounty 200 rep for it, so yes, i know this is php and i still think its one of the right places to link my question to
@Jimbo definitely

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