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i'd close all the 'gimme the cozez/fix this/how to make a...' questions ON THE SPOT
Q: I am stuck at the frontmost feather of right flank of the xxx (unknown, OP knows it) bird on PHP...
OP: I use codeIgniter... So why did my code got ignited?
OP: I use JQuery (he does not mention that he does not know javaScript). But it does not work...Why?
@kaᵠ Once some guy wrote "You have to fix this!!!" ...
in SO
those are bad
@Ihsan of course you have to fix it, you're the programmer, that's what you do, OP is not a programmer so it's clear YOU have to do it....
@kaᵠ Now I look at here... stackoverflow.com/questions/15996605/… ok seems to be well formed question... Wrong... Problem is not clear... Now start telling him mysql is deprecated (boring), what happened when you run the code (boring) ....
@kaᵠ Lol
@Ihsan it's not boring if the user doesn't know about it, it's boring for us...
What does everyone think is the best PHP framework that does NOT use the Model, View, Controller Design Pattern?
:D One says PDO and other says mysqli.. the mysqli guys downvote pdo... that is the attraction I like to watch... Joy, love, intrigue, crime... A theater around here in a moment...:)
there re few reason why i prefer PDO:
@Connor I guess it IS the php itself..
@tereško I Prefer PDO
@Ihsan Could well be
Other than PHP?
1. you cannot automagically replace it , unline `mysql_query()`-> `mysqli_query()`
2. works with more then mysql
3. named parameter binding
@tereško I am new to PDO, but I am falling in love with it.... (converted 2 days ago) :D
read the recommended tutorial (the one on hashphp wiki)
the rest is up to you
@Connor Sorry, I am one of the idiots who love to write his own framework, reinvent America, swim the british channel etc...
"developing a framework" is a time-proven method of learning advanced concepts in PHP
if you have not written at least 3 frameworks, you cannot be considered a professional PHP developer
@tereško :D
@Ihsan yeah... ugly
@kaᵠ wha??
@Ihsan click the arrow before my previous message (it was a reply to a previous message)
@kaᵠ Sorry I didn't noticed that...
k , i'm off to work
@tereško I wish you good algorithms, easy bugless programming
@tereško isn't it sunday too where you work???
@kaᵠ He works for Jabba the Hutt I guess. Considering his mood...
@Ihsan That is the best answer i have heard, write my own, lol cool, ill try
@Connor Unless you are not under some severe time constraints and you do not know any convenient tool for the job...(by knowing, I mean being proficient, if not to learn the tool will eat up time too)
in which case you still shouldn't use a framework you don't know
@kaᵠ Yesss
someone pleas upvote this:
Q: Persistent Chat mentions even for very recent mentions

ka ᵠTo reproduce: - get mentioned in chat while chat windows is out of focus - bring up the chat window If the mention is recent enough I can see the highlight, if not when I click on the green number over my avatar I'll be sent to the mention. Now, the mention bubble and the chat window title (*) ...

getting really annoyed
@kaᵠ Done...
just changed the title hope it gets more attention, driving me nuts
ty @Ihsan
@NullPonyPointer the little puppy on your avatar looks like a microscobic cyclops when minimized...
It is very cute.(When recognized in puppy form of course).
@Ihsan lol
Oh I have to go to an ophtalmologist...
i am too cute :P
Mayar = Moon... Cutie :P
@NullPonyPointer Does krit mean "the language of" ?
Sanskrit = "Perfectly computed language", Prakrit = "Peoples common language"???
@Gordon would you please change my name to NullCatPonyPuppyPointer that save for all site thing is not working anymore
@Ihsan noop
@NullPonyPointer ???? Lol.. NullCatPonyPuppyPointer
Wiki: The language referred to as saṃskṛta "the cultured language" has by definition always been a "sacred" and "sophisticated" language, used for religious and learned discourse in ancient India, and contrasted with the languages spoken by the people, prākṛta- "natural, artless, normal, ordinary".
Prakrit ... those are languages developed in middle age of the Indian Arybhasha(language of aryans )
I am all eyes end ears... Go on.
morning @NullPonyPointer don't do it........
संस्कृतम् Wow, browser can print that...
Why null at all?
@Ihsan and book written in Prakrit are called Prakrit literature
FullPointer then
@kaᵠ that would be hard to identify me for some .. who know me by null*pointer
aww well
@Ihsan from point of development view there are 3 stage(levels) of aaryabhasa ancient , middle,mordon .. saniskrit is ancient
@NullPonyPointer My daughters name comes from this lineage: tamil-prakrit-greek-latin-
tamil : verula : pale
@Ihsan do you know saniskrit ?
no I wish...
prakrit, something close to verula
greek berula : pale blue of aegean sea
@Ihsan that is pretty tough .. i am trying to learn saniskrit for last 3months
latin beryl: emerald
@Ihsan what do you understand by prakrit ?
now used for crystals Be3Al2(SiO3)6
@Ihsan what is it ?
@NullPonyPointer prakrit, peoples language, used in practical life...
@NullPonyPointer Beryl...
my daughters name
@Ihsan ahh nice name :)
@Ihsan damn .. i went into ancient languages :(
Turkish has ancient forms too. Very very old.
@Ihsan not old as saniskrit
I am not sure about this, the sources I refer are not accepted(ignored) by western academics...
But surely, If you mean ancient atomic wars (ramayana)... sure, Sanskrit is old.
@Ihsan if you have got time read ancient indian literature spicily vadic maths .. that is tremendously interesting and effective however harder to understand
@NullPonyPointer vedic maths are awesomely cool! should be taught to kids in pre-school
@Ihsan ancient atomic wars ?????
@kaᵠ ahhh have you learned ? are you indian ?
I guess some underyptable text of indian ancestry would only have a chance to be read after people learn about the physics of the universe.
@NullPonyPointer learned, and learned some more when i saw the power in them, also knew some of the simple ones
@kaᵠ i leaned for 2 year before 5 years but now loosing grip on it :(
@kaᵠ try vedas too .. those are literally awesome .. specially when it come to science section
Are you referring these awesame algorithms? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedic_math
@NullPonyPointer yea, that happens when you don't practice, lost some grip myself...
@Ihsan yea, and more
@kaᵠ Yes indeed.
@NullPonyPointer adding from left to right (the proper way) still stuck with me
@kaᵠ that requite lot more attention .. and pretty hard ... by the way me too :(
@kaᵠ In Mahabharata... Book 16 Mausala Parva.
@Ihsan great story but the most important thing is Geeta
@NullPonyPointer why sad you add can add LTR?
@kaᵠ where ?
@NullPonyPointer Meaning Bhagavad Gita?
@Ihsan yupp exactly
@NullPonyPointer there <---
I have to learn sanskrit... Decision taken... That will not go through translation...
can someone help me out please?
i have this code
And after thousands of years we still do not have these in turkish
return new PDO("mysql:host=$this->config['host']; dbname=$this->config['dbname']", $this->config['username'], $this->config['password']);
@Ihsan you may also like kautilya shastra ,,,,, (however few (very few) point are not true in that time)
i get array to string conversion error
( ! ) Notice: Array to string conversion
but, the var_dump returns
@Ihsan because in india there are very less who can translate vadic Sanskrit .. that is very had unlike normal Sanskrit ..... and those who can have nothing with other people they leave alone in mountains
why do you get that @Connor?
string 'localhost' (length=9)
@kaᵠ That's the question.
@Connor then it must be something else, right?
@Connor vardump ?
@NullPonyPointer i did
@Connor var_dump($this->config);
Look all...
array (size=4)
  'host' => string 'localhost' (length=9)
  'dbname' => string 'feather' (length=7)
  'username' => string 'root' (length=4)
  'password' => string '' (length=0)
@Connor oopsidaisies
like a disease
people, I do not use " xx $this->prop " notation in strings. So can it be like "xxx {$this->prop} " problem like thingy...
lol, seriosly
@Connor oopsy -daisies... like saying sorry an awkward situation......
@NullCatPonyPuppyPointer Finally ...
@Gordon thankyou ..... you are awesome .. man :D
congrats @NullPonyPointer
@NullCatPonyPuppyPointer and now you just earned the badge for
@kaᵠ i had once longer than this before
and that happens to your username too, check one of your answers (2chrs too many)
Null*Point !
@kaᵠ i have more cool name than you :P
@kaᵠ its lesser in comparison of 卐웃웃웃웃웃웃웃ᗷᙓᗢᖇᓮᘐᓰﬡᗩᒪ웃웃웃웃웃웃웃卐
@NullCatPonyPuppyPointer i was going for less.. you know L.I.M.
@Connor try
return new PDO("mysql:host={$this->config['host']}; dbname={$this->config['dbname']}", $this->config['username'], $this->config['password']);
yay @Ihsan you got past 1k :) congrats
@kaᵠ Thanks :)... That was 2 days ago... We had a party here.. Did you miss it? Champagne, fireworks... Etc...
(beer transfer protocol secure)
RECV.......... fatal error: receiving bytes instead of beer, aborting!
EOB...(end of beer)
Well I have to go. Have a nice sunday all... Do not forget to go out and move your ass a lil... Your body needs to move, and your brain needs oxygen...
c ya
bye @Ihsan
@Ihsan Thank you it worked
Does anyone know a php live collaboration app?
I need to write some basic code together with another person
@kaᵠ does github support live editing?
@Uby not AFAIK, but you should consider it
@kaᵠ consider what?
I need a feature that it doesnt support...
online web editor ok @Uby ?
@kaᵠ I need an online web editor that can be used by 2 people at the same time (just like google docs)
I found something, but it's not great
i knew somethin, lemme se if i can find it again, what do you have @Uby ?
@Uby can't phpfiddle.org do it?
@kaᵠ I don't know, I'll try
@Uby codeanywhere.net also maybe?
@kaᵠ Cloud9 seems nice, at the moment
I'm trying it
hi, I've got a design question, rather say the design of my leader
He's wanting to keep all subscriptions in table, (so, many entries for a couple (user, item)) because it's necessary for processing a 'close order', isn't that a bad design sign. for me subscriptions should just be a current state, processing could use another table that we'd create (close_source)
@c'c what kind of subscriptions?
a subscription for an automatic strategy, that pass orders for you
we must determine what did close an order, the strategy, ourself in the app, or outside the app
comparing the order closedate to the strategies closetime is not enough since sometimes an order can take a moment to be processed (1s- even 1hour)
damn let's deal with this shit
so what did you end up with @c'c ?
sun-ring @PeeHaa埽 !
yellow @HamZaDzCyberDeV
How are you doing ?
pretty good
I've an "interesting" challenge:
 Question 1 / 1 (Concatenations)
 Given a list of words, L, that are all the same length, and a string, S, find the starting position of the substring of S that is a concatenation of each word in L exactly once and without any intervening characters. This substring will occur exactly once in S.

 L: "fooo", "barr", "wing", "ding", "wing"
 S: "lingmindraboofooowingdingbarrwingmonkeypoundcake"
 Answer: 13

 L: "mon", "key"
 S: "monkey
 Answer: 0

 L: "a", "b", "c", "d", "e"
@HamZaDzCyberDeV where's that form?
looks like codejam typing
@kaᵠ Yeah indeed, someone posted it in a FB group
and then when I asked him, he told me it's from "interviewstreet"
guess this is better tried individually and on the site
@kaᵠ I already coded 2 solutions :p
Although the second is way faster than the first one
@HamZaDzCyberDeV what's the runtime(s) ?
Hmmmm, with the examples they provided in less than a second
but when I coded the first algo. I thoug what if there was 100 words and 1 million characters, it would take too much time
PS: in the first solution I generated an array with all the permutation of the words
Which means if I was given 100 words, my script would have to calculate 100! combination xD which is impossible with PHP :p
2nd? i kinda see a sollution with regex :P
~3.2mil not so much (sorry, this is 10!) 100! possible with bcmath
10! =~ 3.6M
but 100! is way too much lol
Indeed, I used regex. Basically replaced all the words in L with {the keys of the words}
yup.. 'way too much' kinda sums it up.
and then used regex to match the pattern (\{\d+\}){count(words)}
cool, replace is a bit slow than just matching (optimize further here) how hast is the 2nd?
$s = "lingmindraboofooowingdingbarrwingmonkeypoundcake";
$l = array("fooo", "barr", "wing", "ding", "wing");
echo solvethis($s, $l);
$s = "monkey";
$l = array("mon", "key");
echo solvethis($s, $l);
$s = "abcdfecdba";
$l = array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e");
echo solvethis($s, $l);

function solvethis($s, $l){
	$keys = array_map(function($v){return '{'.$v.'}';}, array_keys($l)); // Creer les nummeros {nummero}
	$string = str_replace($l, $keys, $s);
@kaᵠ I ran the above code, it took ~0.00037002563476562 second !
above code is nothing like 100 words and upto 1mil chars.... test with the input file
I had no input file xD
The guy didn't provide a link or what so ever >...
tha's dumb
He kinda asked for help :p
@kaᵠ You entered "Google Code Jam 2013" ???
qualified :D and @NikiC too
thanx for the hint.. btw: Y U NO ENTER JAM?
lol, after this challenge, I regained some "self-confidence", and that's exactly what I'm asking my self now !
I'm checking if I can still register ...
God damn this use structure in PhpStorm breaks my mojo.
@kaᵠ I failed lol, I'm too late :p
@HamZaDzCyberDeV sorry dude, but thanx for sharing
try in practice mode
no problem !
Yes that's what I though, and maybe next year I'll enter :)
@HamZaDzCyberDeV @NikiC here's some ugly very ugly code for the gogol palindrome generator github.com/godka/code-jam clock it please (if you have a fast PC, it might take a few hours)
@kaᵠ micro-optimisation:
for ($i=0;$i<count($a);$i++) {
replace it with
$count = count($a);
for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) {
did i do that?
@kaᵠ Line 13
line? (also it might be more than a micro in this context)
aah.. yeah, that whole function needs optimizing (original in my php-math repo) and in this case i'd smush it within code to avoid the function call :P
@HamZaDzCyberDeV have enough juice to run it?
I can run it, but how long would it take to execute lol ?
+ sometimes my WAMP server crashes if the script runs for too long
depend on what proc you have.. couple hours :D
need to run it in cmd line, no chance otherwise
2.6 ghz x 4
you should have at least some pc as a linux server near if you sit on winflows..
that's good... try it when you go shoppin or something, would like to hear some results
Why data.stackexchange doesn't fetch user after I logged in?
yeah... heard/read, but not used... actually i tried to but something went wrong installing
@Uby data.SE is not uptodate, it's a copy a (short) while back
@kaᵠ Thanks, I just experienced that with a query :P
@kaᵠ Got "ERROR: No file !"
Checked the code, but it seems you didn't give out the "full" code ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV get a file at google code jam 2013 qualifications
code is supposed to print "an array" declaration that you can use later via an include :D
@kaᵠ looks even uglier than what I had. cool :D
@NikiC now that's ugly, and i would have get rid of the add function and included it in the ops where needed N times (to spare the function call) but didn't feel like it anymore
@NikiC care to benchmark? what HW do you have?
yours does 70 digits in 11 secs
hw=hardware @NikiC 70 as in 35 in th output?
i'm on low level hardware :)
i3 540
@kaᵠ 35 in th output?
you have a commented line at the end, sais: //digits XX
i have?
i simply set end_at to 70
first 30 go out in a breeze, next increase exponentially...
then it did 35 (that's an optimization to get to 70 faster, computing only the square root palindromes, then check if squared is a palindrome also)
@NikiC check for the full gogol, after 35 it'sa gonna take a while
@HamZaDzCyberDeV got the input file?
nope xD, I'm searching for the challenge
@kaᵠ yes, that's the only sane way to do it ^^
@kaᵠ is it "C. Fair and Square" ?
trying it the other way around would be totally crazy
I'm also reading the quick start guide since I'm not used to GCJ ...
anyway, your code seems to have about the same performance characteristics as mine
and i figured another optimization but gonna code that l8er
I also get somewhere in the 10 seconds range for 70 digits
okok... but more?
70 is nothing, needs the 100
exactly :D
ok so we're in the same algo so far
btw did you check out the nice graphic art it makes while running... nice pattern emerging right?
loved the problem going up to 1 gogol and ascii art looking like binary/gogol also
And somehow I never had the thought of precomputing the number list and only looking stuff up when actually running against the dataset

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