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@NikiC @NullPonyPointer can you help. I am new to API's
Tried this:

	$word = $_POST['word'];

		if(isset($word) && !empty($word)) {


		}else{ echo 'No word is detected';}


	echo '<br/> To translate from English to French, please enter your word above';
torn between the simplicity of codeigniter, the speed of doophp, the completeness of Yii or the overwhelming flexibility of just writing my own framework...
@phpNoOb this file_get_contents('http://api.wordreference.com/ab281/json/enfr/'.$word);
will contain a valid JSON
you have to put it in a variable, and do json_decode
after that try print_r()...
I don't know JSON, so I am hopping the HTML one will work
@bizzehdee Most regulars in here dislike the use of frameworks all together...
@HamZaDzCyberDeV How can I achieve this without JSON?
@phpNoOb Remove the JSON part ?
So it becomes:

	$word = $_POST['word'];

		if(isset($word) && !empty($word)) {

			echo file_get_contents('http://api.wordreference.com/ab281/enfr/'.$word);

		}else{ echo 'No word is detected';}


	echo '<br/> To translate from English to French, please enter your word above';
@HamZaDzCyberDeV I don't really say "I love you" to men, but f**k it, I love you.
I have been trying that for 30 minutes, I even made up the idea about using file_get_contents() I thought I was doing it wrong
@phpNoOb hahaha, no problem :)
@phpNoOb Just check on how to change the API key xD
That is my key.
It is correct
well it's now public
is that bad?
Euhm I could use it for instance ?
From http://www.wordreference.com/docs/api.aspx#userinfo
"You are limited to 600 requests to the API per hour by default."
ohh, I get it.
you're welcome
I got error while I entered two words separated by space, I was going to ask for your help, but I realized that is where I use my PHP Arsenal to control the inputs from the user side.
IDEA: Since the key is only 5 char long, maybe there is a way to bruteforce it ?
I guess, but why brute force, when the whole thing does not take a minute to get
Proof Of Concept!
I am a Noob. those double o's in my name are the ones I am worried about now. not about Proof's
@phpNoOb to get ride of that error use url_encode()
$word = urlencode($word);
echo file_get_contents("http://api.wordreference.com/ab281/enfr/$word");
Did not work. Genius idea though
Did the error still appear o.O ?
Nope, It is working now. I had done url_incode(). Don't even know where I got that idea
Thanks a million
Oh wait, you gave me the idea man.
you're welcome
but I think this translator is a WORD to WORD translator
which means it won't translate 2 words at a time ...
So you may use explode() or something ...
No I used urlencode() instead of url_encode() and it works. Even though the dictionary can translate one word at a time. It does not give error this time
gotta go now. I've got to create/upload the page. later
@PeeHaa埽 "Y U KEEP IGNORING ME??!?!" is some meme IDKA ?
btw @people don't you all get annoyed by the (*) in the chat's title when you're away? bump this up: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/175614/…
I don't agree with the request. What happens for me sometimes though is that there aren't any new messages and the * is stuck
for me sometimes i get (5*) even if i'm mentioned once
@kaᵠ hmmm strange
@kaᵠ Maybe if someone edited the message ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV go ahead if you have some info, no worries
No, I'm talking when one ping you in a message, and then (s)he edit the message
@PeeHaa埽 i mean, i am mentioned once, see it and get back to work, then i see (1*) .. (2*) ... (10*) as people continue to talk even if none mention me...
click on the number, you will scroll to the first message, and the number will decrease by one
otherwise, it doesn't know you've read the message, so it still counts it
@kaᵠ Ow. That. Well It's just the total number of posts
I don't mind that tbh
Even if you wouldn't be pinged the total number of message will still be displayed only without the *
oh, that one...
thought you were talking about another number
and anyway, I don't have the one you're talking about :P
@PeeHaa埽 yea, confusing.. anyway
@DaveRandom current status i3.minus.com/ibzDvUdjuDL72A.jpg these things are f* heavy btw... one package is 20kg, I believe.
Gooooooood morning.
mooooorning webasto
morning @webarto
20kg isn't that heavy xD
50 packages * 20kg is.
fuckton heavy?
oh yeah indeed, I hope your back is ok
@webarto Even if it would have been 10kg. If you have to move 50 of them it's going to be fuk heavy either way
moving A TON, that'a serous workout!
20Kb is movable :D
Hai anybody know php Json parsing?
@Aneesh Nope.
It's a topic no one knows of.
json_decode() -> done
don't know anyone who does either
@Aneesh Yeah I know him. He's cool
Did you mean: Jason
ohh, Jason, yeah, he's a great guy
@peeHaa in a json format i want to load a key value in dropdown list and based on that value i want to load another dropdowns from this json
Im really trying to like phpunit...I really am...but really starting to piss me off...
@Aneesh uhhhu. Sounds good
@Pheagey I know that feeling.
I meant the JSON data format
@PeeHaa埽 if it were 10kb you'd carry one in each hand
@Aneesh hamza seems to have given you the full answer ^^^
@MadaraUchiha srsly, Im only trying to get the object I'm testing to ignore that fact that the framework requires the called object to be passed in to the objects constructor...
@Pheagey Like new Stuff($this, $otherStuff);?
the class Im an trying to test's constructor:
public function __construct(&$calling_object)
$this->options = new stdClass;
but when I init the test class it cries about missing args.
@hamZa Do you know json parsing with ajax
@Pheagey Why are you using by ref &?
@Aneesh try the javascript room or jquery room
@Pheagey Just a note, there's no point in passing an object by reference, that's the default behavior.
@Aneesh Please search for "json_decode()" it's as simple as counting from one to ten in binary
@PeeHaa埽 its the framework.
we're stuck on an older 5.3.x version
What God forsaken framework are you using?!
5.3.13 to be exact
its a custom built internal MVC, was here long before me. 0 chance of changing...
@Pheagey Objects are passed by reference by default
@hamza i know the simple parsing of json, but in my json format i want to load key value in dropdown and bsed on that load corresponding data fron json to another dropdowns
@Aneesh Can you setup a jsfiddle?
@Pheagey MVC does not stand for "My Very Code", nor does it usually require you to pass useless objects around
@PeeHaa埽 Still wont fix the bigger issue...
@MadaraUchiha Didnt write the framework, just forced to use it :(
@Aneesh Show what you have tried and the desired output
@Pheagey I know the feel.
Right now I'm writing a project
@Pheagey Oh noes it doesn't. I just like to shout at crap code I see, mostly because I have to behave on the job ;)
Win2008 server, WAMP, PHP 5.3.8
OmarosaIm no expert but some of the stuff Ive seen in here makes me want to burn my eyes out...
@PeeHaa埽 fair enough :)
Writing in Notepad++
@MadaraUchiha checkout Sublime Text 2...
Using remote desktop
Notepad++ rocks :3
@Pheagey lol, if I could I would use PHPStorm like any sane human being
Geany rocks :2
But it's near impossible to enter programs into the system I'm working on.
@MadaraUchiha Sublime text > PHPstorm for me personally :|
@HamZaDzCyberDeV No, it sure does not.
so back to phpunit, Im using the setup() to try and instant the object, load up its properties (atm only 1 fromEmail) and start writing more tests...
but how to tell it to STFU about the constructor?
@PeeHaa埽 Well, I haven't learned all of the 10001 shortcuts ST2 has, but PhpStorm has some very nifty features.
or am I doing this wrong?
@MadaraUchiha why not ?
@Pheagey PhpUnit shouldn't be bound by the rules of your framework.
Madara, any luck with the bcrypt implementation?
@MadaraUchiha agreed
how does one test an object methods w/o instantiating it; in phpunit?
@Hiroto Yeah, eventually the PHP version was 5.3+, so I just used crypt() with blowfish :)
i hope you made the password system adjustable
@Pheagey You instantiate it
as in it finds the hash and uses the correct workrate
so you can increase or decrease at any time
@Hiroto It's a matter of changing a number
@Pheagey As @MadaraUchiha states you just instantiate it (possibly with mocked data)
but if you hard-code the number, then any previous password hashes become obsolete
But also, the likelyhood of anything ever changing is so damn small, I'm willing to take that chance
@Hiroto Not really.
@PeeHaa埽 I can use Mock and instant a mock version, but then ever method I call returns null...
how so?
Don't forget that with blowfish, the number of iterations is part of the salt
that's what i just said
@NikiC read you blogh post, Y not put the 'in' operator in the php core?
2 mins ago, by Hiroto
as in it finds the hash and uses the correct workrate
@kaᵠ why put it in?
@Hiroto Oh, sure.
I mean, it's easier that way...
@kaᵠ is your name coffee or kaphi?
@NikiC would be a nice addition? why not really...
if (crypt($pass_from_post, $pass_from_db) == $pass_from_db) { //valid
It really doesn't get any simpler than that.
@Hiroto dunno, maybe
i have a basic class i use when i'm lazy; the real implementation is closed source :|
@kaᵠ Well, one why not is that it takes away the "in" keyword ;)
@kaᵠ Also I really feel that it is better to have $array->contains($foo) or $string->contains($bar) rather than a special operator
(It's also the example they use in the manual, I think)
@MadaraUchiha how do you instantiate it while telling it to ignore the __construct($calling_object) ?
Having it as a method call has the additional advantage of allowing additional parameters (e.g. for specifying whether it is a strict or non-strict comparison)
@Pheagey You give it a $calling_object that matches, a mock.
@MadaraUchiha S| ... do you have an example handy?
hey guys
@NikiC 'in' keyword? link pls
@kaᵠ ?
any chance you know a php tool I can use in order to strip mediawiki markups?
@NikiC you said "it takes away the "in" keyword ;)"... what 'in' keyword?
@itamar Like the stuff between [[ and ]] ?
@kaᵠ it would add an in keyword
thus making "in" unusable as a normal name
@HamZaDzCyberDeV dat font size
@NikiC why would that matter so much...
@Jasper: sorry, only just seen your message, been watching football.. tbh, i never liked using frameworks, but, i like the way in which mvc loads classes and calls a method with args based on the url and have nice looking url's too... again, being torn between the available ones and not wanting to be tied to any of their restrictions makes me want to create my own to my own needs
@kaᵠ useless bc break?
@NikiC don't get it...
I'm sure people are using "in" as a method name right now (especially for fluid stuff)
i'm sure some used 'goto' before 5.3 :P
@NikiC lol sometimes I have to make it bigger when showing some codez to others from far, so I don't remember the default size :p
@Pheagey Check the PHPUnit manual on mocking
The point is to provide with an object you've tested and proved that is working (so you don't need to instantiate the entire tree of objects for your application)
@MadaraUchiha -_- ... unlike most people, I do try to understand the manual first. I understand what a mock is used for. The problem with a mock is when I call the methods on the object being tested the method have been mocked and return null.
@Pheagey You can determine the return values of the methods, that's part of the mock.
than and this framework is a pile of s**t.
Also, which object exactly are you testing?
The one under test? Or the on calling it?
the one under test
Because the two should have separate tests, otherwise it isn't unit testing.
So why do you care about what the other object's methods return?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Seriously?
class TTREmailCTL extends TTRBaseCTL <- Class being tested.
If I mock TTREmailCTL when I call one of its methods I get null. IE 'setFromEmail()' etc -IN- the test class.
@bizzehdee I suppose creating a solid structure as you go, without implementing what you do not need would be a good option. It's like making your own famework, except without what makes it a framework
@MadaraUchiha uhm yes, what's the problem ?
I get a lot of help, auto completion, auto expansion (from vd[TAB] to var_dump()), FTP, GIT, Database view, Todo list, and a million other things I just can't remember at the moment
Are you really comparing that petty editor with a full-fledged IDE?
no, I can't compare them ...
But, what IDE do you suggest ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV PhpStorm is my #1
@Jasper: i want the ability to load models and run controllers and have routes... but, i dont want default built in models, auth, libraries, scaffolding, drivers, and all the other bollocks that comes with frameworks... i just want the very barest of cores
phpDesigner is great too
@MadaraUchiha free IDE plz :p
@HamZaDzCyberDeV If you work on an open source project, or a learning institution, PhpStorm is free.
@Pheagey , yes
@Pheagey Wait wait, what? The hell is going on there?
@MadaraUchiha Hmmm, I see, thanks !
HA! Take that crappy framework! I'll just make the testing object __constructor accept null as well:

public function __construct($calling_object = null)
if ($calling_object != null) {
$this->options = new stdClass;

problem solved.
@MadaraUchiha I say that about this thing every day...
Kinda understandable, this thing has been worked on by 6+ different people over 5 years. Never 2 people at a time...
@Pheagey :(
quick question for you OOP PHP coders.. can you return a boolean function in a class?

something like:

return $this->uptoDate();
uptoDate(); is a boolean function
Have you tried it?
yeah it always returns false
complies fine.. no errors.. but doesn't seem to work right
If it always returns false it means the method is returning false
but that's correct?.. you can return functions?
No you are not returning a function
You are returning the return value of a method
(-.-) trolling?
function uptoDate(){
$rawcookie = json_decode($this->Decode($_COOKIE[_COOKIENAME], "S33d"),true);
//echo print_r($rawcookie,true);
if(isset($rawcookie)) {
return true;
else return false;
If that is directed at me no I am not @TheSnooker
there we go...
@TheSnooker can you test uptoDate() separably and confirm is returns a non empty/non false value?
Have you idunno? Check the value you are checking with isset()?
@PeeHaa埽 beat you to it PeeHaa :D
@Pheagey yes I can call it seperately.
@TheSnooker whats the return value when you call it seperatly?
False :(
as in boolean false or string false?
cuz the constructor is what makes the cookie in the first place so if I call the UptoDate() function out of order there is no cookie.. and it returns false..
do an gettype() on the return value. as a populated string is a true in boolean
which makes testing this annoying
What makes testing it annoying is a bad design decision
Rrrrg what could be the reason for my pages not showing errors and just showing a 500 page. this did not work
perhaps it is bad design.. I wont argue :D
@Neal have you checked the error log?
@TheSnooker :-)
@PeeHaa埽 nothing there...
@Neal: 500 errors are usually when you run php and CGI or FCGI and there is a syntax error in the code
ini_set('log_errors', 'On'); @Neal
@bizzehdee yes, but I used to get like "variable is undefined" errors etc, not nothing
@PeeHaa埽 I did that already...
@Neal add
@PeeHaa埽 Im learning that myself. If its annoying and "hard to test"; it should probably be done a better way.
@TheSnooker eh?

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

and also you can check the error logs in apache.. they will tell you what's breaking
@TheSnooker this is IIS
@Neal sound more like a server error, check apache's logs
@Neal There really should something in the error log. Are you sure you are checking the correct file? Alternatively exit on places until you found the culprit
@Neal then they would be in the IIS control pannel in the event logger
@PeeHaa埽 I did. lol its annoying. I figured out it was a variable not defined issue... but i do not want to have to do that every time
Also do a phpinfo() to double check error reporting is enabled
^ correct
@PeeHaa埽 one sec
God's algorithm is a notion originating in discussions of ways to solve the Rubik's Cube puzzle, but which can also be applied to other combinatorial puzzles and mathematical games. It refers to any algorithm which produces a solution having the fewest possible number of moves, the idea being that an omniscient being would know an optimal step from any given configuration. Scope and definition The notion applies to puzzles that can assume a number of "configurations", with a relatively small, well-defined arsenal of "moves" that may be applicable to configurations and then lead to a ne...
@PeeHaa埽 ini_set('log_errors', 'On'); <--- this works? how does it know where to put the log?
@PeeHaa埽 ini_set('log_errors', '0^1')
@TheSnooker there is also a location directive
@webarto :-)
@PeeHaa埽 neat, never new that.
@PeeHaa埽 yea. it is enabled
error_reporting 30719 30719
@Neal display_errors 1 ?
hmmmm In that case I have no clue as to what is happening
@webarto display_errors On On
Son, you have problem(s).
whats firebug console say when the page loads?
@TheSnooker ?
@Neal what OS? Windows I suppose?
@Neal firebug console. Does it have any errors?
@webarto windows IIS
@TheSnooker ?
@Neal Can you cmd that shit and php --ini, to see if something else is loaded.
Also, have you restarted PHP?
Server that is.
Or whatever needs to be done.
C:\Users\nlubin>php --ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: C:\Windows
Loaded Configuration File:         C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: (none)
Additional .ini files parsed:      (none)
@webarto yes multiple times
My Rubik's cube solving record is 1 min 36 seconds. World record is 5.55 seconds
@Neal you could always just download UWAMP :D
Whenever I see the words "windows IIS" my eyes just glaze over.
@Neal Are you setting values in php.ini or via script with ini_set.
@an1zhegorodov Knew a dude that was push 30s; guy was amazing..
@webarto I set it in the ini
Should I paste the whole thing for you? lol
@rdlowrey and a moment of silence for poor soul? :D
@Neal Try setting via script, see if it makes a difference. Whole damned thing can't hurt.
Paradox: getDocComment is undocumented !
sorry @PeeHaa埽
@webarto That was / is pretty sweet
@webarto I did.... idk what i did wrong. something changed...
@Pheagey I know the formulas, but I need to turn the cube to apply them. Those crazy guys don't need that. When they are solving it that fast it really looks like magic)
i have a wizard and i am calling a database function in tab 2 whose parameters are based on tab 1 variables ...what i want to do is whenever variables of tab 1 get changed tab2 will automatically get change..but the problem is tab 2 data does not change when tab1 variables are change because page is loaded on the basis of initial variables....how to solve this problem any suggestion?
@james Either websockets, xhr requests or a browser plugin
@an1zhegorodov the guys solving it in <10s are using more advanced formulas and are given a time to analyze the cube, stopwatch starts when they take the cube and stops when they throw it on the mat
@PeeHaa埽 never heard these terms before..:S
What's the mysql_error() equivalent for mongoDB ?
@PeeHaa埽 could you please explain it a bit more?
@an1zhegorodov yea does...
@rad why would you look for an old, incomplete and deprecated API for MongoDB ?
@NikiC reading up your regex rant made me very happy, hate those generic 'you can't parse html with regex' replies. could you please take a look at this Q for an opinion/answer maybe?
@rad have you tried searching for "php mongodb error" on google?
DONE! finally got a working test class...going home.
@Pheagey One class down an entire project to go ;)
good evening
@igorw yes, of course
I did not put in the question here directly
I saw that the "mongoDB" class has the lastError function, however I am using the class "MongoClient" in my code..
@rad I don't know if your google is different from mine, but when I type in those words into google, it gives me this manual page which allows you to retrieve the last error from mongodb.
@rad so there you have your answer. lastError is the way you retrieve the error from PHP's mongodb driver
sorry, my question was not specific :)
Goooooooood mooooorrrning VietPHP!
$m = new MongoClient(); // connect
$db = $m->selectDB("example");
and then $db->lastError().
@Ocramius, you here?
@Eugene yes, but leaving shortly
@Ocramius could you take a look and maybe leave an answer stackoverflow.com/questions/15906051/…
@rad in general "how do I $whatever?" is not a good way to ask a question. instead, you should say "I'm trying to $whatever. I found in resource X that I can use $foo, but I only have $bar. How do I get $bar from $foo?"
and once you ask your question in that way, you've pretty much answered it yourself, because now you know what you have to look for in the docs.
left a comment, won't reply questions now :\
@igorw The manual is quite a mess over there. There's the page you link to, which has the details of the MongoDB class and a sample that does not use it, but MongoClient. There's the MongoClient class page which has far less functions but seems to serve the same purpose. What's not there is anything about which of the two to use...
@igorw gotcha! sorry about that
morning 2u2 @DaveRandom
@rdlowrey Aerys is 404ing for me :-S
@DaveRandom Hold on I removed everyone from the repo to make some changes. I'll ping you in a sec and have you re-clone the latest.
@DaveRandom k you should have access. Please re-ping me if you have the same problem after cloning the latest (and make sure you do git clone --recursive to get the deps)
how to refresh a div tag content but not whole page?
@Jasper seems quite straight forward to me. Client represents the connection and has generic global operations on it. you fetch the DB from it, then do most of your actual stuff through that. no?
@rdlowrey k just having a small argument with .gitconfig and then will let you know when I've done it
@igorw You're right, it very much makes sense. I'm not too well awake, I suppose.
@Jasper the only confusing part to me was the naming of "MongoDB" and the fact that that represents the "DB" of a certain "client"
@james jQuery and some ajax ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV sorry?
@Ocramius Okay. Thank you.
@Jasper ah sorry i meant james !
@HamZaDzCyberDeV jquery.
@Jasper I want to refresh part of the page using Javascript..
@james I understand now. HamZa pinged me accidentally, that was what I didn't understand.
@Gordon There are 5 close types and a question needs 5 close votes. I've come across questions where 4 of the types were chosen for it. What happens when all 5 are chosen? Does the question not get closed or if it does close which does it choose?
@crypticツ it will get closed. but i have no clue what the close reason will be.
And I think you should just go to the jquery documentation and read through the different ajax functions. There's one that does just about exactly that (an ajax request to a url with the result being inserted into an element specified when calling the function) but I don't know its name by heart

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