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though I've cleared cache, this is returning true
$mysqli = new mysqli(' ', ' ', ' ', ' ') or die();
You don't need brackets with include or require, as they are statements. require_once "file.php";
@Crazy4Php @Athanatos I've created a room for you. Please continue there
@Gordon is it allowed to crack jokes when you ask a question ?
@Baba ;-)
@PeeHaa埽 lol
@Gordon yes add a simple joke to a question ....
I am in doubt does it worth to actively use annotations or not? They really reduce keystrokes and code duplication. On the other hand make slightly difficult debugging process.
are you sure that you know what "slightly" means ?
it is not a synonym of "exceptionally"
good day all
18 messages deleted
@tereško I wanted to be as "mild" as I could. :)
@Gordon You only run into that problem if you are terrible at writing Javascript :-P although fwiw, strict mode should mandate semi-colons and fix that problem IMO (it doesn't though :-( )
18 messages moved to bin
@Baba I might have another crappy solution once I come back from lunch
@PeeHaa埽 Nice i cant wait ... can i accept in advance ... lol
whats this <> in a query
@PeeHaa埽 I just wanted to educated people and am getting is array_values
@grasshopper '<>' == '!='
@iroegbu k thanks
@shankar.parsanamoni and @AnkurSaxena I've created a room for you. Please continue the discussion there
ok @AnkurSaxena
anyone know of a user authentication repo I can look at? (Educational purpose)
@iroegbu something like this: github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle?
@Gordon that is too large :( I just need authentication part. I'll build the user management. Like @DaveRandom has something for file upload.
Hello everybody
do you usually edit php.ini.default to enable pdo_mysql ?
under Mac OS, and MAMP
PDO and the PDO_SQLITE driver is enabled by default as of PHP 5.1.0. You may need to enable the PDO driver for your database of choice; consult the documentation for database-specific PDO drivers to find out more about that.
iroegbu may solve it
That is the only solution to that problem, IMO.
@Gordon I enabled it already in php.ini of conf directory, restarted MAMP but always doesn't work, the PDO_MySQL is not enabled. stackoverflow.com/questions/8767186/how-to-edit-php-ini-in-cli
Who's up for some basic help?
I'm from mobile and can't really access Google normally
I have a pen (not for writing, but for aircrafts)
A: Duplicate keys in Array

DaveRandomThe way I see this, the only solution (i.e. the only thing that isn't an ugly hack) is to stop using anonymous objects and define a class for this purpose. It doesn't need to be complicated: class SimpleArrayObject { public function __construct($array = null) { foreach ((array) $...

@Malloc you got an accepted answer there so why are you asking?
That pen has positions, each of those positions may or may not contain an aircraft.
@DaveRandom Just curios why not implement ArrayAccess or extend ArrayObject ?
I have three tables describing pens, positions (which pen are they on), and aircrafts (which position are they on)
@Baba No need. Everything is defined as a public property, it behaves just like a stdClass would.
Given a specific pen id, I want all positions and all aircrafts on that pen
i agree with @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom Interesting ...
Adding ArrayAccess could be done if you wanted, but that's something stdClass doesn't have. It's a bit of sugar you could add, but I would question why you didn't just use an array in that case.
very easy to get the positions, but I can't remember the syntax for getting the aircrafts on the positions found on a specific pen
So can anyone help me out? I hate surfing on mobile
And the room went silent
@MadaraUchiha Just trying to wrap my head around what you asked
So your positions and aircrafts tables have what (relevant) columns?
Pens: id
Positions: id, pen id
Aircrafts: id position id
Given a pen id, find all positions in that pen, and all aircrafts in the pen
Positions is simple, how do I get the aircrafts
@DaveRandom Just another quick one. Connector creates Connection using ConnectionParameters $p right, so I would do this: $connection = new $p->protocol($p->host, $p->username, $p->password);` - I feel this is dirty amiright
I know that this is less than a minute on Google, but this is so unfuckingcomfortable
Wait, isn't it just two inner joins?
FROM pens e
INNER JOIN positions o ON o.pen_id = e.id
INNER JOIN aircrafts a ON a.position_id = o.id
WHERE e.id = :id
Probably, I'll give it a try, thanks.
If you drop the WHERE and move the id filter to the first join's ON I think it would be more efficient as well, it would filter to the pen id you want before the second join
I think.
@Jimbo Well you'd do $params = $paramFactory->create($host, $user, $pass); $connection = $connector->connect($params);
You could drop the params object if you wanted and just pass $host, $user, $pass straight to connect(). Depending on what you are doing, that might be an abstraction too far
I'm already passing in the $parameters object into connect().. yeah I should probably be using a factory if the number of parameters may change lol.
I wanted to answer with dave's answer only I wanted to try with ArrayAccess
@PeeHaa埽 There's not really much point the way I see it. You'd just use an array.
People get a bit carried away with anonymous objects. Sometimes you're just using objects for the sake of it when an array would do perfectly well. And can be typehinted more sensibly (IMO there's no point typehinting a stdClass, you should definitely have just used an array)
At the moment I pretty much never call json_decode() without passing true to the second argument for this exact reason. Now, if you could get json_decode() to create instances of concrete classes, that would be a different story.
@DaveRandom Why When would you want to do that instead of serialize?
@DaveRandom looking at gist.github.com/DaveRandom/4708126 I understand the function of FileFactory, but why didn't you just use something like: 3v4l.org/elKNG ?
@PeeHaa埽 For receiving properly external data. Like, from JS or something. Over websockets (yay!) I can see it being very useful - say in the chat application, client side sends a JSON object representing a message to the server that has message body, post time, poster, whatever meta-data, and in PHP I can decode it directly to a PostedMessage.
@iroegbu I need to take another look at some of that code, I seem to remember doing some horrible stuff in it.
Rule #1: If you wrote it more than 2 weeks ago, it's crap code.
Can not resist:
$r  = ['array', 'simplexml', 'a' => "G>3\017*\x7\001\034-9\023\033\rKv"]; // resources
$rc = ["$r[0]_map", ["$r[1]_load_string", "$r[0]_multisort"], "dom_import_$r[1]", 'appendChild']; // constants
list($c, $d) = [function ($o) {
    return clone $o;
}, function ($e) {
    return $e;
}]; // clone & deref
$f = function ($c) use ($r) {
    $r = ('$__curry_func()' ^ $r{'a'}) . $r{0};
    return function ($a) use ($c, $r) {
        return $r($c, $a);
}; // func
$m = $f($rc{0}); // map
list($l, $s) = $m([$f, $rc{1}]); // load & sort
(see full text)
I greet
(maybe not that nice at lunchtime ;)
Mmm, I have that effect on people Y U REMOVE IT????? :-(
not you, that question.
@DaveRandom I said you taste bad
I know, that really hurt my feelings. I may never forgive you. I had a shower last year and everything.
Any knw this site sqlfiddle.com ???
im looking for a way to declare multiple constructors. is that possible? since i'm having Cannot redeclare MyClass::__construct()
@rogcg why?
@rogcg multiple?
@kaᵠ I want to create an empty constuctor, and another constructor that receives some parameters for the initialization
@rogcg PHP != Java. You can't define multiple signatures for the same method
@rogcg you can construct differently based on the number of variables passed at instantiation or their valuues..
@DaveRandom This is so true.
@DaveRandom that's what I wanted to hear.
Good morning all.
@kaᵠ tell me more about it.
@rogcg Just use conditionals to give the alternate behaviours
public function __construct($arg1 = null, $arg2 = null)
    if (isset($arg1, $arg2)) {
       // both args were passed
    } else if (isset($arg1)) {
       // only 1 arg was passed
    } else {
       // no args were
I was looking at this question.. is it a good aproach?
Q: Best way to do multiple constructors in PHP

JannieTYou can't put two __construct functions with unique argument signatures in a PHP class. I'd like to do this: class Student { protected $id; protected $name; // etc. public function __construct($id){ $this->id = $id; // other members are still uninitialized } pub...

huh? that's not polymorphism...
wow... got the term wrong
@rogcg Single Responsibility Principle be dammed!
what's that behavior called @ircmaxell
In C it's called method overloading
@ircmaxell or that..
so what's polymorphism then?
but polymorphism requires multiple classes and objects, and lets the implementation be chosen by someone else
If you need multiple constructors, I very much question what your class is doing. Why does it need more than one construction path?
And should those paths be separate objects
@rdlowrey Mornings
still puzzled, it made sense for a long time to call the behavior of a method with different outcomes polymorphic based on the no of arguments/or their values...
That's not polymorphism
Subtype polymorphism, often referred to as simply polymorphism in the context of object-oriented programming, is the ability to create a variable, a function, or an object that has more than one form. In principle, polymorphism can arise in other computing contexts and shares important similarities with the concept of degeneracy in biology. The purpose of polymorphism is to implement a style of programming called message-passing in the literature, in which objects of various types define a common interface of operations for users. In strongly typed languages, polymorphism usually mean...
Hi @DaveRandom
I have a little question. can you please help ?
@Sharmaji Hi
Hi Shankar
hi everyone, I have never used putty but have some understandings about the same. I want to run a command.

openssl s_client -connect gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195 -cert APNS_SSLCertificate_Key.pem -debug -showcerts -CAfile server-ca-cert.pem

which is for checking the certificates validations for sending push notifications.

I am connecting to server using root. but then I am not able to navigate to the folder where I have uploaded these certificates as it is showing public_html empty
@Sharmaji You need to contact your server administrator. This is really a question concerning how your specific server is set up, which is not something we can answer.
@DaveRandom ok thanks
any symfony/doctrine users in here? Notably symfony1.4
namespace MyProject;

function get($classname)
    $a = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $classname;
    return new $a;
take the place of autoloading?
@iroegbu Yes, if you have registered autoloader it will be called. BTW, you can test it easily.
@PLB ok, thanks. Works fine... Used a single file though
morning ....
autoloading happens when php detect that such class has not been loaded yet
namespace another\bar;
use my\space\MyClass;
use my\space\AnotherClass;

 // place code here

} // end of namespace another\bar
does it create a conflict for same name across namespaces
Say, I use function foo() in two different classes and then use them together
Can anyone explain to me what Compatibility view exactly renderd in IE?
Because when I view my website in IE7, IE8, IE9 its looking ok. When I turn on Compatibility view... the website is not working.
@Duikboot why worry about it?
Anyone have any knowledge/article at hand on prefered maximum width of a spritesheet?
Because I received a call from a costumer ' when I turn on compaitbility modus ' your site is not working anymore.
Or do you think it doesn't matter unless you're Google?
Reflection is awfully documented. :(
@Duikboot I would assume it's strange for a user to say that. I could disable my JS and say the same thing
@PLB Reflection is awesomely self-documenting
No id, I use this one: spritecow.com
that would imply that there is any documentation to begin with ..
Does Compaitbility mode disables JS?
@PLB var_dump((new ReflectionClass('ReflectionClass'))->getMethods());
@Duikboot you can control which setting they go to with a meta tag so the user should never see it on compatibility
I'm 99% sure
@Gordon indeed
@tereško exactly, was gonna say
@Ocramius or from the command line php --rc ReflectionClass
@Duikboot nah, I'm gonna write a script to generate a spritesheet for me
oh ok.
but apart from being able to reflect on Reflection, I don't think there is much documentation needed for it because the methods pretty much do what they say
I'm just wondering is there any major impact on perfomance if I create a wide spritesheet with just one line
That meta tag will solve me the problem that people could see the compatiblity button?
@Gordon Being self-documented does not mean that documentation should be missing information.
What a horrible word to type: Compatibility
And not only at Gordon.
Anyone remember that 'hacky' thing you can use in PHP to access private / protected properties?
__get and __set methods
Nope, something else
@PLB what more information do you need when the API signature is public array ReflectionClass::getMethods ([ string $filter ] )? The only thing that could be improved there is that it should say $visibilityFilter and maybe ReflectionMethod[] for the return value.
I might even have been reflection's ->getProperty().. aha
@Gordon Actually, I was really dramatic. But if we compare documentation of Reflection with other documentations on php.net it does not seem to be complete.
Probably, missing examples.
And warnings on edge-cases if there are any
@PLB but there is a warning that it's not complete right? Could've sworn I saw that
/me punches github unicorn
@AdamLynch Yes, and I am talking about it.
/me needs to hide
@Ocramius aahh that's a general problem...
@PLB ah ok
@AdamLynch yep :( status.github.com
@Ocramius I'm kind of happy... I mightn't have to write my own script to do what I want to do
@PLB Thought that private and protected were set in stone? This will unravel your deepest, darkest fears: rosettacode.org/wiki/Break_OO_privacy#PHP
@Ocramius but really I'd prefer to write my own script :P
@Jimbo If somebody uses this hack to get value of private variable instead of writing getter or making it public, (s)he's an idiot.
@PLB How about an API that has protected data you don't want accessible, and you don't really fancy other devs being given clear access to the data? :)
@Gordon but but but :( Bad unicorn does not lemme check docs api code
@Jimbo In that case code obfuscation might be solution.
@PLB You suggest I obfuscate my code, make it harder for legitimate devs (and myself even) to maintain in the future? :o
@Jimbo No, I don't suggest.
@PLB See how reflection can have it's uses?
can someone help with linux, i created a dir with mkdir but the command cd doesnt work
SELECT categories_name,f_free_seating,CONCAT (CASE WHEN f_free_seating = 1 THEN (event_zone ='','FREE'), categories_code)as doc_no from v_bulk_ticketing_product WHERE products_id='507'
how to change the view data in event_zone when the f_free_seating is 1?
@Jimbo I am going to do something fun with Reflection. I won't use it in real-world apps, it's pointless.
@yong Don't ping people in chat
@yong Don't just ping everyone.
sorry man, i need ur help
4 messages deleted
but they got ping :P
@yong is that what you do in real life when you need help? storm into a room, shout out some random question and then run up to the people in the room, shaking them by the shoulders?
@yong that's what you just did
OMG that is hilarious
how can you say "group of subjects/themes" in a single word ?
@Gordon Y YYY YY ? :(
@tereško usually just using the plural is enough
GItHub is fast becoming the poster child for why you *shouldn't* do continuous deployment :( #downagain
@tereško a complex?
@NullPonyPointer felt inappropriate at the moment. feel free to repost later when there is less conversation going on.
@Gordon sorry agreed ...
sheesh the node.js repo is 60MB. Stupid slow download.
@Neal that question is edited completely
When I run $ git clone ... I don't expect that kind of monster download
@NullPonyPointer I voted. I just do not get how that answer came to be lol
@NullPonyPointer ahhh ninjad
glac.fr/en/cooperatives.php , According to this URL, cooperatives.php file on language file?
it was ^
@NullPonyPointer ahhhh haaaa... shouldn't someone edit it back so the answer makes more sense? (even if it is deleted)
@Neal yes i am thinking same but want to do that after delete
@NullPonyPointer hmmmmmmmm
Gah, doing a loop with reflection, wish there was an extract for single variables... or is there?
@Jimbo ReflectionClass::getProperty(string name)?
@Jimbo Can you clarify what you're asking?
Okay so I'm using @PLB's above code to get the property, but then I want to assign that property to a new variable with the same name as the property, so it can be used later on in the code
Will do a codeviper
@QueryMaster hola
i have an issue in yii framework
if you guys have any idea about this issue please help me
i really appreciated for your positive response
Q: View file is not rendering with extension in YII FRAMEWORK

Query MasterMy view file is not rendering when i load face-book extension like this in Yii Framework. You Guys have any idea about this please share me asap Code:- //extension facebook Yii::app()->facebook->fbsession(); // there is no issue in this file render fail public function actionIndex(){ ...

@rdlowrey There's no output yet: codepad.viper-7.com/hBcVl8
Can you see what I'm trying?
@Jimbo ideone.com/op0WHc Are you trying this?
Sorry for not descriptive variablenames.
@PLB No, I'm trying to do it in a loop, so that any number of variables (with variable names) in the class will be picked up and allowed. So I'm doing it in a loop, to get every single one, and afterwards they need to be available by their actual names
if you do ${$p->name} = "HERRO"; and then echo ${$p->name}; You'll get string HERRO;
But if you try and set ${$p->name} to $property->getValue($property), they're all null :/
my php cant find the files I include, even if it's in the right path.. anyone has faced it before? i've already set the include_path
@Jimbo codepad doesn't seem to be responding at all for me, but why not just do:
$vars = [];
foreach ($parsHaxx as $p) {
	$property = $reflectHaxx->getProperty($p->name);
	$vars[$p->name] = $property->getValue($property);

@rdlowrey Ah okay, put it into an array instead. Still, could you see how trying to set them one by one wasn't working?
but it always says : <b>Warning</b>: include(../config/ConnectionParams.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/opt/lampp/htdocs/my-project/datahandler/UserDataHandler.php</b> on line <b>3</b><br />
@Jimbo You're passing wrong object to getValue :)
Yeah I saw what you were trying to do. I personally try to avoid variable variables like you were doing ...
So it returns null
The object I pass to getValue() is the current property though
Oh duh :)
Yeah, you have to pass it an instance of the class in which the property is a member :)
Can someone help me with this ---- stackoverflow.com/questions/15903444/…
Nice, it haz workz
Cheers guys - I like this stuff ;)
First ever use of variable variables, and I don't intend on touching them again unless necessary.
@Jimbo Reflection is great but I rarely use it, especially with php.
@NikiC You had asked about comparisons versus the latest node.js ... FYI I just benchmarked the new node.js v0.10.3 with an http hello world. I tested with a locally compiled binary as well as with the basic linux binary available for download from nodejs.org and the results were more or less the same with both.
If anything the newer versions of node seem to be slower.
My own server was ~15%-20% faster than the most recent node.js release.
It was nice chatting with you. I have to leave now. Have a nice day. :)
@PLB have a nice day as well.
peace be upon you
See ya PLB
how to insert string like this '\\\\\\\\\\\\\n' into mysql without modify any character ?
i want to make users type messages like there are liking without modify it
sure with htmlentities
Can anyone help me out with this easy problem?
pastie.org/private/prc61a35uob8ttjtp8vhw I want that the array index starts from 1
and not from 0
any idea of why my php cant find the file when including it?
I was searching "should I charge for fixing bugs?" and found this
Reminds me of an old, probably not true, but nevertheless good story: This engineer is called in because a machine broke down. He looks at it, makes a cross with chalk on some machine part and says 'replace this part'. He charges $50,000. The manager is out-raged and requests an itemized bill to justify the cost. The engineer replies: Chalk - $1, knowing where to make the cross $49,999. — user12889 Jul 28 '11 at 0:31
How are you including it?
@Duikboot include('../datahandler/UserDataHandler.php');
And that is 100% the corrcet location?
@Duikboot yes. I've checked it. also Ive set the include_path on php.ini to /opt/lampp/htdocs which is where my project is
Try first: var_dump($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
Is that the good location you are looking for?
@Duikboot what u mean good location
U can try including it from the document root
en add the padd to the $_SERVER['CUMENT_ROOT']
@Duikboot you mean the absolute path?
Yes if no other option is working?
@Duikboot i tried with the absolute path, but it cant find too
Currently I am developing most of my projects in Python. Do you think its good?
Try using the SERVER_ROOT as base and build your path from there
Helo everyone!
@Duikboot var_dump($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) returns "string(17) "/opt/lampp/htdocs"
Mine gives me : /Applications/MAMP/htdocs" :)
Try to add the folders from there?
if that is not working there is something else wrong
@Duikboot let me try your last var_dump
:) ok
guys i'm building chatting site, so went user to sent his message and store it then get it like what he inserted without any deferrients ?
plz it's 2 days fight with that problem
What is deferrient'
i inserted message like this "\\\\\\\\\n"
but when i check pma the msg was "\\"
function cleanMyDirtyData( $yourChatMSG){
    return mysql_real_escape_string( htmlentities( $yourChatMSG, ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8' ) );
interesting.. the result of the last var_dump:

"string(64) "/opt/lampp/htdocs/myproject/datahandler/UserDataHandler.php"
try that
this path exists.. I dont know what to do..
i a function to safe the message after it is safed become ""\\\\\\\\\n"

and want to insert it like that withour any modifing
@AhmedSabry I doubt anyone in this room understood what you are talking about.
// This is my functions to safe the msg

function mksafe($txt){
    $txt = stripslashes($txt);
    $txt = preg_replace("/(\r?\n){2,}/", "\n\n", $txt);
    $txt = htmlentities($txt);
    $txt = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $txt);
    $txt = str_replace("\r", "", $txt);
    $txt = mysql_real_escape_string($txt);
    $txt = stripslashes($txt);
    return $txt;
And that is not giving you the good results? :p
( I got to go workday = over )
@AhmedSabry Use htmlcharset instead of htmlentities, if you are storing data into mysql
@phpNoOb sorry for that but htmlcharset isn't function right ?

$txt = mysql_real_escape_string($txt);
$txt = stripslashes($txt);
you escape the string then you remove the escaping??
@AhmedSabry I meant to say, htmlspecialchars
Google it.
@AhmedSabry so you basically put every function that is remotely related to sanitizing into one function and expect it to work?
@LeviMorrison I checked the site, saw the title . enough said?
@AhmedSabry I created the below, you can add it to your class, or do something to it, to make it as a function.
function _string($input, $more, $less){

		if(strlen($input) > $more or strlen($input) < $less){
			return " Please enter between $more and $less characters ";}
		else if(filter_var($input,FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) == FALSE) {
			return " Please fill this form to continue "; }
		else {	return trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($input), ENT_QUOTES));}

Anyone know what "if long" means in NetBeans, in the context of line-wrapping? I'm looking in your direction here @ircmaxell.
@Bracketworks my naive assumption is that the line gets wrapped when it is over a certain length, e.g. number of chars defined elsewhere
sorry guys i was testing to slove that prob, what i want is to recieve data from textarea then insert it into mysql, then when user get messages it will show his full message without any modifing ( except replace more than one newline with once and sure html tages will replace to display as a text ) -- i'm using a simple function no class for safing strings
@Gordon Certainly; but the number is ... um, nowhere to be found.
That's the problem; didn't think through that question ;)
The specific context would be "binary operators, wrap [if long]"
How long?
So ... I need four upvotes on an answer to get a gold populist badge ... if (and only if) you find the answer worthy, please consider rewarding my efforts.
so can you modify my fn to make that plz ?
When potential gold badges are involved I throw caution to the wind and start begging :)
@rdlowrey -1 for badge whore-er-y
lol, j/k ;)
@rdlowrey Thank you for making me realize, I am not the only one who rep......
This shit ain't Pokemon! (despite what the stars tell you)
I have never even asked for someone to upvote my answers in this room, and I have been acussed of rep-whoring
The only thing that still interests me in the StackOverflow game since I surpassed 10k rep is gold badges.
Shame it isn't like many games, where if you purposefully don't level, the environment doesn't either.
@AhmedSabry IN: textarea -> php script -> prepared statements -> database.
@AhmedSabry OUT: database -> php script -> htmlspecialchars, nl2br -> browser
@Gordon what if he isn't using prepared statements?
@iroegbu then he should start using them
@AhmedSabry also go through stackoverflow.com/search?q=replace+multiple+newlines+php to learn how to remove multiple newlines
@Gordon I'm thinking 'can one omit sanitization because he/she is using prepared statements?'
A: Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?

ircmaxellThe short answer is NO, PDO prepares will not defend you from all possible SQL-Injection attacks. for certain obscure edge-cases I'm adapting this answer to talk about PDO... The long answer isn't so easy. It's based off an attack demonstrated here. The Attack So, let's start off by showing t...

@iroegbu you just answered your own question lol
@iroegbu hint: Wrapping Up Section
ok... you don't get me. some where in 'php script' he should sanitize?
That's my question.
Filter In, Escape Out

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