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Something to make you giggle on those tricky problems that make you bang your head:

Sorry to bother you guys but: stackoverflow.com/questions/15868646/…
@RaiMcKenzie: solution: use proper hosting with your own vps :D
That isn't my question..
Is there a way possible right now with my Shared Hosting?
@RaiMcKenzie I know, but if shared hosting doesn't allow that, it ain't gonna happen
they possibly block this kind of access deliberately
Should I try submitting a ticket to see if they can enable it for me?
@RaiMcKenzie You can try, but it's highly unlikely that you'll ever have access to those kinds of functions in a shared-hosting environment.
Shared hosting isn't for applications. It's for a front page and contact form. Anything else is pushing your luck.
@rdlowrey hey hey
did you get a chance to take my search lib a whirl?
@Jack I have not. I feel like I haven't stopped coding since I mentioned it. I am still going to try it out when I get back to the specific portion of code I have in mind because I think it will help me.
@rdlowrey I learnt some interesting stuff about FCGI last night.
@igorw Do share :)
reading at the spec (aka annotated C structs) I found this:
Yes, please share :)
> A FastCGI application plays one of several well-defined roles. The most familiar is the Responder role, in which the application receives all the information associated with an HTTP request and generates an HTTP response;
> that's the role CGI/1.1 programs play. A second role is Authorizer, in which the application receives all the information associated with an HTTP request and generates an authorized/unauthorized decision.
> A third role is Filter, in which the application receives all the information associated with an HTTP request, plus an extra stream of data from a file stored on the Web server, and generates a "filtered" version of the data stream as an HTTP response. The framework is extensible so that more FastCGI can be defined later.
unfortunately only responder is commonly implemented by webservers
apache also implements authorizer, but not filter
But I really like the idea of being able to separate those responsibilities, and being able to do so at a process/network boundary, since it allows implementations to be language agnostic and also easily scalable.
it has a strong resemblance with mongrel2's ZMQ based model since ZMQ easily allows you to forward messages. it also is quite similar to rack middlewares, which is something I'm working on bringing to HttpKernelInterface (the sandbox), and if it proves to work, to all of PHP.
anyways, just wanted to share since I didn't know FCGI had that
Interesting .. I didn't know that either :)
@igorw That is interesting. I really feel like anything we can do to move towards modularity and separating responsibilities in the name of scalability is a plus.
Legolas does FastCGI too?
OMG. What has been seen can never be unseen!!!
@ircmaxell Took me a while to see it (I was looking for other types of fries) but... wow
Fry with some serious case of warts though
^^ Is it just me or is the v3 and v5 implementation incorrect?
morning ....
MooPony extends AbstractPony implements PonyInterface {}
pony is everywhere :P
@igorw your OOP is weak
@tereško oh, I wasn't OOPing - I was just concatenating random words
Random words that just so happens have the word Pony in them :)
@tereško Sir Y U SO SERIOUS ?
because i have to go to work that i hate
@tereško quit that
hey @NullPonyPointer
i wounds say i Understand ..
@wes hola
whats the main difference between Table Data Gateway and Data Mapper
It seems they can be the same in certain circumstances
peace be upon you
is there any dangerous to to use gzdeflate without mysql_real_escape_string ?
I just want to ask, can I earn reputation on my wiki comunity answer?
plz read my prev msg if u can help :)
what's gzdeflate
it's a function to compress the data
but i want to know if it made the method of mysql_real_escape_string
If you're now developing a web page. You can even test it by yourself.
i tested it and no problem but some functions might make danger for your site if the hackers made some differnts in th input
Try to post a question on the main..
good idea thanks ;)
@AhmedSabry always escape parameters to queries. do it via prepared statements.
@AhmedSabry @igorw is right!
@AhmedSabry i'm not sure if you need to escape gzdeflate, but probably yes... or you could use mysql function LOAD_FILE() instead, that would resolve any doubt
How can I earn reputation from my answers that I've made a community wiki?
@igorw also base64 encoded data should be escaped?
> Community Wiki posts work by transferring ownership of the post from the original author to the community. They make the post easier to edit and maintain by a wider group of users, but they do not contribute to any user's reputation.
Q: What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Justin StandardSome questions and answers are marked Community Wiki and are owned by a Community Wiki user. Why have Community Wiki posts? How do Community Wiki posts work? How does a post become a Community Wiki post? How can the Community Wiki status be removed from a post? Return to FAQ Index

@wes I would still escape it, yes. if you need to care if something is escaped or not, you're caring about the wrong stuff. even the most crude of query builders should do escaping for you.
How about this stackoverflow.com/questions/15702915/… I answered the bounty question in community wiki?
@igorw yes, but i think @AhmedSabry was worring about performances, i would avoid to escape data if it isn't necessary, if data is huge
@Servant well, you shouldn't have marked your answer as community wiki if you wanted the rep ;-)
@wes then you're just making assumptions about what might be slow (unless you have actual data to back that up)
@igorw Yeah, It's too late.. I think almost 70% of my answers are in community wiki.. Do you think I'll get the bounty on that question, for I've chosen as the right answer?
if performance is a problem, profile. and fix real issues instead of micro-optimizing simple substitutions such as escaping, which will likely give you security issues sooner or later.
but then again, what do I know ;-) g'night!
guys i've a problem with inserting messages into mysql
//using mysql_real_escape_string then

$txt = stripslashes($txt);
$txt = str_replace('\n'," <br> ", $txt);

// but if put \n in the textarea
it returned <br>
@AhmedSabry str_replace("\n", " <br /> ", $txt); or str_replace("\n <br /> ", $txt);
@AhmedSabry As much as possible you shouldn't adorn your text data with HTML when storing it into a database
HTML should be applied when it's rendered
If you want to store HTML for speed, consider using a cache instead.
@AhmedSabry Also mysql_* functions are deprecated. Use either mysqli_* or PDO. Personally, I recommend PDO.
And don't forget to read more about prepared statements.
Q: Unable to connect to Local Server XAMPP using Android Emulator

Jimmy HillI have made a program using PHP and trying to store data into Local Server Xampp, but whenever i run my php script using this url: Getting error message: {"StatusID":"0","Error":"Cannot save data!"} Please someone help me in this how can i make it useful for...

@JimmyHill You shouldn't use mysql_*anymore. Please have a look here why that is.
@TillHelgeHelwig so what should i need to use...
I'm looking forward to the day when > 50% of database related questions concern PDO or mysqli :)
@JimmyHill Did you even click the link? Everything you need is explained in the question I mentioned.
@Jack At that time PDO and mysqli will be deprecated and you'll be saying: Don't use PDO or mysqli use either X or Y or Z, or... :)
I hope you're wrong about that ... but who knows :)
I'm now trying to wrap my brain around asynchronous databases =/
secure, faster
object behavior
@mge I've never profiled performance of PDO against mysql. If you have done can you share results?
I am really curious.
@PLB I hope you mean mysqli...there shouldn't be any comparisons to mysql anymore, because you don't mess with the dead. ;)
PDO was designed to provide a single interface between different database platforms. This may not be a concern for you, but for larger businesses or sites that use multiple platforms it's a huge bonus.
@TillHelgeHelwig @MGE was comparing PDO with mysql.
Prepared statements are faster than normal queries because they're optimized for repeat queries with different parameters - a query run once will not see the benefit. If prepared statements are not supported for a particular database engine, PDO will emulate the behaviour
Note that PDO doesn't necessarily mean secure :) it's still up to the developer to make it so.
@TillHelgeHelwig actually buddy i am an Android Developer, so not good hands on php script, i believe that you will not mind to make my script useful for me by doing some necessary changes as you know php better than me
You can still do $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = " . $_GET['moo']);
And still fail miserably this way ;)
@JimmyHill Nope. I'm not going to do your work for you. Add some proper error handling to your script and replace mysql_* with either MySQLi or PDO.
There is enough information on the internet telling you how to do that.
If you don't want to learn PHP, don't use it.
@JimmyHill And since you are Android developer maybe servlet will be more familiar for you.
@PLB buddy php is demanded by organisation that's why
@PeeHaa埽 Morning
if possible so please help me@PLB
@JimmyHill php.net and dev.mysql.com/doc will help you better than I will.
@JimmyHill If the organization you work for demands PHP, hire a PHP developer or learn it yourself. Anything else will not yield good results and probably make your client unhappy.
'morning :)
if (!filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
@NiekBergman Good Morning
or if(!filter_var($user_email,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
@TillHelgeHelwig yes you are right buddy, what you have written that's true but i need to learn php script, because i also do coding on iOS, so i am making same php to use in both platforms, as i need to make same app for both the platforms, i have written complete code for iOS and Android, just struggling in php script
@PeeHaa埽 hi!
@JimmyHill Read this, then add it to your script, fix it...then go and replace mysql_* with PDO or MySQLi.
@JimmyHill if you are able to code in iOS (Objective C), you will fuck php without problems
@MGE right...
@MGE And how would somebody who is struggling with jquery know that :P
@MGE yes i fucked already that's why i have written php script, but i don't have any idea that i am using old way, but this is not a big task, and thanks to @TillHelgeHelwig for his great support
@MGE The trick with any scripting language is to learn it's quirks. If you know one, you can learn most others fairly easy, but it takes a lot of time to learn about all the oddities, you need to know to use it effectively.
@PeeHaa埽 :P
Hey guys
quick question, is it possible to have a Unique Index conditionally based on another column?
@MadaraUchiha What do you mean? I'm assuming you're talking mysql?
composite index?
@MadaraUchiha if sql it is possible to even have primary keys based on multiple fields. so yeh
not sure about mysql though
@PeeHaa埽 o_O"
yu not sure?
@Jack Hey I don't use mysql for a reason yo know :D
because mysql is not yoursql? :)
@Jack postgres > mysql
bah, indexedDB baby! =D
In other news; irti.co/3975
There is one problem, I cant solve.
For a moment I read it as "there's no problem i can't solve" :)
I've been working on one PHP project, which uses namespaces. So, when loading parts of the project, it have variable $moduleString which has full class name with namespaces.
Namespaces are according to path
- visited 288 days, 99 consecutive
If anyone stops me coming on SO tomorrow, I will find you, and kill you.
@Jimbo Challenge accepted
In windows I can have module string like, "modules\Game\GameModule" and it autoloads everything I need and uses it later.
In Linux webserver, firstly, this cant be loaded, and if it is loaded, then it throws an error: Fatal error: Class 'modules/Game/GameModule' not found in /var/www/mafia/core/Loader.php on line 60
Although, it is loaded.
I tried including it manually, $moduleString = str_replace("\\", "/", $moduleString);
include $moduleString . '.php';//exit();
It includes, but error is still on
In windows it works
Any suggestions?
Dont know how else to explain.
The class-not-found error .. does it really have forward slashes in the class name?
Are you using namespaces or what?
Oh, shoot. I didnt think of it.
Thank You :)
But if I autoload class, which is modules\Game\GameModule and include modules/Game/GameModule, it still doesnt work although it is looking for correct class and file is loaded.
Your script files don't have an extension or what?
@Jack In autoload function it adds '.php' at the end
@DanielsPitkevičs Well ehm, does modules/Game/GameModule.php have a namespace declaration?
monring @DaveRandom
namespace modules\Game;

class GameModule ....
@DaveRandom jojo
Class is declared.
With get_declared_classes():
168 => string 'modules\Game\GameModule' (length=23)
@uınbɐɥs <blink> must die! :)
/me wants moar rep for this:
A: Link two arrays and use them like MySQL DB

DaveRandomThe tables If you want to use an array as a database, fairly obviously the best way to model a table is using a 2D array: $counties = array(); $countiesKey = 0; // add a row $counties[++$countiesKey] = array( "name" => "Armagh", "img" => "css/images/map.jpg", "largeimg" =>...

@uınbɐɥs lol
@DaveRandom You want moar rep for that short novel you wrote there?
I'm not usually about rep-whoring but that took me ages to write and I'm quite pleased with it
@DaveRandom Nice work. It really deserves more votes.
What's $counties though? Did OP really mean counties, or did they really mean countries? :)
@Jack They are the names of counties in Ireland, so I think counties is right
Hmm, it actually seems to be counties ... funny :)
Is there anything wrong with having one class that any other class in your project extends (its functionality is very similar of .NET's Object class)?
@PLB yeah it's wrong
in php
PHP doesn't have some base class of which all classes inherit
@DaveRandom You could perhaps add a function to create the index:
$countiesNameIndex = array_combine(
    array_map(function($value) {
        return $value['name'];
    }, $counties),
Neither does it have function overloading nor scalar type hinting
@PeeHaa埽 I know that it does not have one.
@DaveRandom very nice, this is cool :)
Remind me again, why am I doing PHP again?
however there is a database called sqlite :)
I have situation where I actively use hash codes of objects, so I feel comfortable having base class with GetHashMethod and would love to add some basic functionality.
@Jack Mmm, I didn't go into full index rebuilds and data integrity checks, it's already a huge essay. I really need to set up a blog.
@DaveRandom True that :)
And potentially, there will be other methods that become useful to reduce code duplication.
I'd never actually considered this subject before, I might write a SQL server in PHP as an experiment
That was my idea @PeeHaa埽.
@DaveRandom Let me know when it's done :)
Just another thing to add the list of things to do :-P
@DaveRandom It fits right underneath taking over the world =D
> same thing we do every night, Pinky...
@PeeHaa埽 Because you, like all of us here, are totally phpucking awesome
I'm seeing a question closed as duplicate but is hardly a duplicate. Is there anything I can do ?
@Touki What's the question?
Q: How to pass a PHP constant as service argument in Symfony 2?

GremoWhen defining services using the configuration file, how can I pass a PHP constant (CURLAUTH_DIGEST in this example) as a constructor argument? I can't test it right now but I assume that: services: my_service: class: "%my_service.class%" arguments: [CURLAUTH_DIGEST] Would...

@DaveRandom :-P
@Touki Ah yes, that's not a dupe.
Not the right one anyway :)
Path Info of class \modules\Game\GameModule is
dirname => modules/Game/controllers
file drwxrwxrwx
basename => CharacterController
filename => CharacterController
Which is included
Isn't it? Is there really such a huge difference between a class constant and a global one?
I say this knowing pretty much zero about the architecture in use
But Class \modules\Game\GameModule is not found if used in linux
Is the class name changed inside autoload function, so slashes is changed?
Dear publishers, if you ask me or any expert in his field for a line-by-line review on a book draft, please don't ask us to do it for free.
@DanielsPitkevičs So, the right file is included but the class doesn't exist OR the right file is not included?
love how people try to do crowd-sourcing for free.
@Ocramius Will you do book signing for free though? :)
@DaveRandom No, it's not a huge difference
@Jack File is included, but class is not found. Including is called via autoload function, where slashes used to namespace are replaced to DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.
@Jack huh?
@Ocramius I'm just kidding, relax :)
@Jack did I ever take anyone here seriously? :P
@DanielsPitkevičs I'm willing to be your problem is relative paths and the current working directory not being what you thing it is. You should make your include arguments __DIR__ . '/relative/path/to/file'. And forget about switching the slashes around, that's a red-herring - PHP works this out for you under the bonnet, you don't need to worry about it.
@Ocramius I don't know, did you ever?
@Jack I can ensure you I never did :D I know you are all here waiting for a chance to share rebecca black's art pieces
@DanielsPitkevičs If the class is loaded, it must be there ... so we're starting to look at typos?
@Ocramius She has art pieces? gasp
A: How to generate GUID using PHP (without com_create_guid)

JackTo generate a GUID v4 (using pure random numbers), according to rfc4122 - section 4.4, you need to permute the time_hi_and_version (bits 12-15) and clock_seq_hi_and_reserved (bit 6-7) fields; the rest should be untouched: function guidv4() { $data = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16); $dat...

@Touki Personally I would say the question is enough of a dupe to close against, but your answer is clearly better than those on the other question. You could flag the newer question and ask for it to be merged with the old one, that way everything ends up in the right place but you still keep your rep.
Damn, just found out the dupe for the related question ... grrr
@DaveRandom Okay, thank you. I'll flag my answer asking for a merge then
Can mods actually move an answer between questions or what?
@DaveRandom Ok, i'll try with absolute paths.
@Jack Huh, I'll check once more if the class is really loaded and what class it is looking for.
@Jack Well, I flagged it. I may answer you whenever I get a response
Hey everyone!
@Touki Ehm well ... actually I just found out that they can :)
@DaveRandom Oooh, so when you create a new Connector() and run it's connect() method, inside there is where it creates the Connection object? :)
I see. Should've read your extremely clear PHPdoc a little better.
@Jimbo Yeh, think of it as being like a factory with logic. Except factories shouldn't contain any logic ;-) so you probably want to inject a ConnectionFactory into the Connector. The Connector is like a factory for the connection resource, it will then ask the ConnectionFactory for a Connection object and inject the resource it created, and return the Connection object.
@Jimbo Something I probably didn't explain and possibly isn't immediately obvious is the reason for the existence of the DataBuffer instead of just using strings directly. This is to allow you to implement them in such a way that the data might be written to disk instead of held in memory - since you are dealing with file transfer, it's likely you will be dealing with large quantities of data, more data than you'd want to hold in memory at one time.
@DaveRandom No I actually got that! ;) I really liked the DataBuffer approach - keeping what you actually get separate from what gets it
I need to start thinking more abstract.
@Jimbo Surround your desk with posters of Matisse paintings :-P
@DaveRandom May I suggest the cheaper alternative of print on a deskjet? :)
@Jack I'd probably find it easier to print on paper. I don't think a deskjet would fit into the feeder on my printer.
@DaveRandom Disclaimer: some words were semi-intentionally removed from the sentence.
is there a way to get list of all the variables in the scope ?
which scope? :)
get_defined_vars ?
@tereško yes there is a function: get_defined_vars
Wow, that function seems to embody all evil >D
A: Make all variables global, PHP

hakreTo import all global variables incl. superglobals and clashing names of parameters into the functions scope: extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_REFS | EXTR_SKIP); The problem is with the superglobals here. You might want to exclude them, here is a list (PHP 5.2): /** * PHP Superglobals */ array ( 1 =>...

The title could be better ... "Globalize all variables!"
@hakre $argv and $argc aren't superglobal, they are only in the global scope and $_SERVER
Does nobody know about array_multisort()? Every time it's "Oh, you should use usort()" :-(
help me regarding this
Q: Insert query check if record exists - If not, Insert it

Sumit BijvaniI have a mysql table ip_list... +----+---------------+ | id | ip_addr | +----+---------------+ | 1 | | | 2 | | | 3 | | | 4 | | | 5 | | +----+---------------+ I want to add only that records which are not in ip_add...

@SumitBijvani Add a unique index on the IP address column
Also, learn to use the word "please" please ;-)
@DaveRandom Well, array_multisort() needs multiple arrays, which first have to be created :)
@hakre :-)
It will be nicer once array_column() gets added.
yes that is sad. array_multisort() is cool.
@Jack Yeh that is a little sucky. That's actually a good use for the shiny new array_column(), although if you are sorting by multiple columns then a foreach would be more efficient.
Read my mind :)
@Jack I just wondered 30 minutes ago if it allows to pick a column of an array of objects, too.
And whether that would be useful or not.
If we're adding array_column() then an array_multisort() variant that accepts column names/numbers instead of the arrays would be nice.
@DaveRandom There is one suggestion to make array_column() return multiple indexes to be used with array_multisort().
@hakre Actually, I don't know why they're against that ... I believe that feature was mentioned before.
@hakre You mean like array_column($arr, 'column1', 'column2') ?
That array_column() multi-columns suggestion is here: github.com/php/php-src/pull/257#issuecomment-12507046
Ahh, that looks nice actually
Wouldn't get used often, but when it does, it kicks bottom.
The thing is though, re-implementing/adding a new implementation of array_multisort() which just takes the keys as scalars would be the most efficient way to do this. With the array_column() approach there is an O(n) iteration of the entire data set before you enter the quicksort routine. If would be far better to just have the sort wrapper pick the relevant buckets out of the hash to pass to the internal sort comparison, that way it's no more expensive than the quicksort mechanism.
I'm willing to bet there would be a noticeable performance increase with that option when used with large data sets, in both speed and memory consumption.
Do they really run qsort underneath?
@Jack All native sort functions do afaik
I thought qsort is known for not dealing well with unstable sort conditions?
@PLB $doc = new DOMDocument; $doc->loadHTML($html); $doc->formatOutput = true; return $doc->saveHTML();
> Note: Like most PHP sorting functions, sort() uses an implementation of » Quicksort.
most, so maybe not for _multisort()
@DaveRandom That function is one of the first functions I've written. ;)
Just found it in old files.
> /* Do the actual sort magic - bada-bim, bada-boom. */
@PLB The purpose of it is a little pointless but the implementation isn't bad if it was written when you were a n00b
Just waiting for the implementation of zend_quantum_sort() =D
@DaveRandom Thx.
@Jack It's quantum. It already exists in potentia and is not subject to the constraints of time or space, therefore the concept of waiting for it is redundant.
Do any of you use array dereferencing?
@Jimbo Pretty much never do that, the only place I ever do it is in JS with (new Date()).getTime(). However, it seems to be a 5.4 feature, I actually thought it was earlier than that
I know array deref is 5.4 though
@DaveRandom An example of where I'd consider using it would be $connection = (new Connector())->connect();
Would that be wrong?
@Jimbo Why would you be doing the connect() in the bootstrap? That's the only place you'd ever do that. Anywhere else it would be $connector = $connectorFactory->create(); $connector->connect($params);
@Jimbo I don't see the role of class Connector here. Why not $connection = new Connection($someCredentials); //assuming connect() returns instance of class Connection
@PLB It does return such
Your example is either doing app logic in the bootstrap or newing an object in your app, thereby tightly coupling the app to the implementation.
@DaveRandom I wasn't going to use the Factory bit, what you gave me was perfect!
@Jimbo Also if Connector::connect method passes credentials to Connection class there might be some hidden dependency that will make it harder to debug later, IMO.
It was just a guess, I have no idea what actual implementation is.
OT JS quiz!!
var fn = function() {
        2 + 3;
what will fn() give?
@Gordon Either empty string or undefined.
Most likely undefined.
JS newline handling is scaring...
Hey can someone help me with some GET and POST methods, i suppose that is the solution to my problem but it will be others for sure.
I have wordpress blog when you click at the title of an article then it directs you to the page which is the full article. I want to do this with a button at the bottom of every article. What i mean is to click at the button and to direct you where the full article will be like the title does. But i don't want every button to direct to one article so i cannot do a simple href. So i suppose by someway i can get the url which the title refers store it with a GET and then to use the POST.
But i have not make it up yet to do this. Is that possible? Or is there any other solution?Thank you.
@Jack that function is only thing that prevents me from quiting my current job

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