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@Jimbo a SuperNAN
It makes sense as well. NAN is not a rigidly defined thing, it's a statement that the value is indefinite.
must... get... ieee... 754... version... 2008 !
(lets provoke) it is a type
@Jimbo also check out how an empty array beats anything (almost)
@kaᵠ They're like poker hands aren't they?
@DaveRandom that should be somewhat true for INF and -INF
We should totally play PHP Poker.
wow @Jimbo you read THAT far... :)
@kaᵠ agreed
You play I will watch and beat the cheaters with a NAN
also... just finished a long post again, not even 1 upvote (but again, maybe nobody actually finished reading it yet :P)
A: Is there a function in PHP akin to substr() for integers?

ka ᵠNote: answering this because of the title, treating phone numbers as integers is not a good idea You should take advantage of PHP's type-juggling capabilities and use string functions over you phone number, but if you want to do it C style and maintain working with integers you have: the / o...

Pop quiz (without testing): What is var_dump((string)(bool)(int)array());
@kaᵠ tl;dr =oP but +1
@Jimbo actually that's a really fun idea, not hard to implement a basic PHP poker
@crypticツ tl;dr=? '=oO'= ? don't know theese :P
str dave
@DaveRandom a string I'll say
too long didnt read @kaᵠ
Obviously it's a string. What's it's value?
:)))))))))))))))))))) @crypticツ why not, really fun lecture
aaaa @DaveRandom, that's a good q
@DaveRandom nothing... it's empty
crap, edited one of my own answers into cw :(
@NikiC CW is like a blackhole.
@NikiC cw?
Community Wiki
@kaᵠ community wiki
I'll give you a clue, you pass array('a') the result is different
@DaveRandom probably false?
When you mingle with your answer more than 10 times it eats in...
bye reps...
damn.. just gonna write code to check!
@DaveRandom Dude, your questions are too easy :P
@NikiC Yeh it wasn't aimed at you
But I'm sure there is a better one you've got up your sleeve
mine is pretty intuitive if you just read the type conversion docs
it's a string ''
I have to go. Have a nice time all...
Any moderator around?
@deadlock you better try on chat.meta.SO->Tavern
Here Uncie Gord....
shhhh, he wunting for wabbits
@kaᵠ thanks. no one is online there tho
A group of people seems to mob @deadlock
damn, yea
Is it any normal to have -32 and -20 rep on two successive days for answers that area 1 year old?
@kaᵠ look at hiis reps.
@deadlock don't worry, will be fixed :P
@NikiC You can ping a mod to roll CW back or just flag it
@PeeHaa埽 yeah sure, I did :)
@kaᵠ how would you say so?
@kaᵠ nice one
@deadlock well once you find a mod/post a discussion on meta, things will go back to normal
@Baba thanx, Had to do it...
@kaᵠ I see, seems like someone hates me? :D
@Baba you showed me that question just when wanting to go to sleep......
Allright bye....
@deadlock looks like it, and it's a persistent hate :( ihh
lol I wonder who that can be..
you should know better who you wronged/argued with...
the weird thing is that I didnt argue with anyone at all
@kaᵠ nice one codepad.viper-7.com/Xgr8RQ ..
@Baba ty :) just wanted to show it can be done, why is another issue
@kaᵠ here is something new to play with stackoverflow.com/questions/14972025/…
@Baba wanted to add the other way around too, but ihh.. was too long already
Ah the horror that is called windows and corporate proxies. stackoverflow.com/q/15881404/508666 I like it how they still have the same problems...
@kaᵠ that was a good answer
So, I just discovered that if you have a Unique index in mysql, and have a null value anywhere in the row, it will allow duplicates...
@Baba WOW :)))))))))))))))) good luck :)))
@Leigh huh?
@PeeHaa埽 that was my first reaction too, seems to be documented.
@kaᵠ the guy is always asking for something new
@Baba where does it stoooop???
if you add an index of (key1, key2), you can have values (1, NULL) and (1, NULL) and it will not apply the unique constraint
@Baba really now, where does that post end, cand find it ?:))))
@kaᵠ when is no longer has any bonus to offer
@kaᵠ lol
well.. the bounty is awarded for new answers only right?
@kaᵠ yes .. any answer that meets his requirement
Hi everybody, just a quick question... i've set a cookie using javascript and i'm able to retrieve it via javascript but I can't get it trough PHP !?!?

console.log("Document ready : Cookie : "+getCookie("video")); WORK

<?php echo "Cookie : ". $_COOKIE['video']; ?> return nothing...
What makes you think the cookie is being sent to PHP?
@Baba just so you know, i didn't answer that because you did, something just flipped in by mrain :P
@kaᵠ that was a good answer anyway
@Leigh i've refreshed the page a couple of time and now it work... but not on the first refresh...
that's strange
@Baba oh yea, +1d it
@kaᵠ just gave you +1
@Leigh that is kinda... stupid
@Leigh nevermind... maybe my file was not uploader properly everything works now...
@Baba cool, no more questions today pls! :P
@PeeHaa埽 that was my second reaction :D
@DaveRandom you linked your answer to the cv-pls ?
@kaᵠ I just meant the question. With RTFM like that I answer and vote to close as TL, so the OP gets the answer they need but still reduce the site clutter
@DaveRandom his code seems correct... How come he is getting an empty array?
@DaveRandom got it, notified you to be sure you aren't putting your own answer to the close que by mistake (onli delv possible right?)
@iroegbu Because he's checking the return value, not the input array. array_splice() is by-ref
@kaᵠ Yeh you can only delv answers and only when they have a negative score. As soon as the OP has seen the answer I'll delv the question
Good morning. On a completely off-topic note, apples taste truly terrible after brushing brushing one's teeth with strong toothpaste.
@LeviMorrison I think orange juice is worse
Doesn't everything, though? Especially after mouthwash.
Mint and acidic fruit really just doesn't work
milk even worse
Neither does beer and chocolate, I have no idea why people do that
I have a bottle of chocolate ale in the fridge at home, I have no idea what it's like but I doubt it will get opened until I have a moment of already-drunk-too-much insanity
Accidentally deleted.
Anyway, I apologize for the off-topic discussion this early in the week :]
I have a tendency to drink so much that I actually enjoy Aristocrat because I think it tastes like water.
That really killed chat. Anyway...
I have a feeling everyone is doing actual work. I'm not impressed
@DaveRandom who? Me? Never!
@DaveRandom I am doing 'actual work', at least. By the way, have you used the data-structures library at all yet? I can't remember but I think you were around when I began work on it.
@LeviMorrison No I've been meaning to poke around with it for ages. Is it fairly stable now?
Eh, I'd say more stable than it has been.
It was stable for a few months until I decided to radically change it.
> 1 Hello This code will show you only year+1 but what code do I need to have year+2, year+3...calendars? Add if ($next_month == 13 ) $next_month = 1;$next_year = $cYear + number of years I want to go ahead ;}
Can anyone make sense of that ^^ ? (The formatting is original)
@LeviMorrison lol, stable until you destabilised it, I know that one only too well
I'm quite pleased with the changes. They allow things like ->map, ->reduce, ->filter, etc on all structures and iterators.
@DaveRandom $next_year = $cYear + $next_month % 12; $next_month %= 12;
@LeviMorrison Smells of crazy inheritance at first sniff... I'll have a proper dig through it later before I pass aspersions of that nature around though
@DaveRandom Crazy inheritance? Definitely not. Trait usage? Yes; two of them.
@DaveRandom Too busy to answer the posted question, though.
Traits are kinda crazy inheritance, even if they are oh-so-tasty
I'm definitely against traits, but if there ever was a use-case for them this has to be it. And I'm fine if we decide this isn't the case for it.
Inheritance diagrams: entire library, exceptions, iterators, and structures.
@LeviMorrison pretty
Eh, I just used PhpStorm to generate them. I forget the piece of software they use.
What do you think folks. As now non-scalar keys are supported in PHP 5.5.
@hakre Seeing as I am the one who wrote the original RFC . . . finally.
@hakre about the next meeting - are you making something up on your iterators stuff?
Since I don't have ideas on that
The iterator_to_array() function allows to ignore keys, but couldn't it also create an array of the keys and / or an array of both, the keys and the values (but not the keys as keys but key/value pairs.
@Ocramius 16th, right? And I've started yesterday to make my mind about how I want to talk about it.
@hakre yeap. Still gotta write slides here though, so if you got pointers I can add some stuff
@hakre It could but that would be a behavior change. I'd rather see new functions, possibly iterator_keys and iterator_values.
@LeviMorrison Two functions would mean two iterations here.
@hakre Yes, but if you have non-scalar keys why would you ever call iterator_to_array as arrays cannot have non-scalar keys?
You could always roll your own function that does both in the same loop.
If you are feeling C-like then void iterator_keys_and_values(array $array, array &$keys, array &$values); or if you are feeling more nested-array like: array iterator_keys_and_values(array $array) and return array( 'keys' => array(), 'values' => array() )
Drive-by "good morning" to the chat regulars. Now it's back to work for me :)
:] Good morning.
@LeviMorrison eval.in/private/b1bc6e1ffa51e1 - this mode can work with an array.
@hakre But in my opinion it is truly horrible.
you would prefer pairs?
No, I'd prefer that you don't ever try to force it into an array structure.
Besides, realize that non-scalar keys are only possible with classes right now. This means you are already doing class-based programming.
Why would you coerce it into arrays? The only use case I can think of would be to dump it as JSON but in PHP 5.4 we got a new interface JsonSerializable that will solve the same case.
But in that case you have to do some kind of conversion anyway as JSON doesn't allow objects as keys either.
Both iterator_to_array mode-variants: eval.in/private/9299534ed9ca05
@LeviMorrison classes only? not for objects? makes no sense to me.
@hakre Objects cannot implement the Iterator interface; thus classes only, yes.
But why do you call that class-based programming as what this is about is called object-iteration?
Anyway one use-case actually is a SortingIterator
@hakre I mean that you cannot have a generic object in PHP that will give non-scalar keys. It must come from a predefined class.
@LeviMorrison now, a key is a function call while iterating. so it's not defined in class but at runtime.
@hakre You are wrong. There are no objects in PHP that will give a non-scalar key unless it implements the Iterator interface.
@LeviMorrison And that are the objects I'm talking about.
@hakre And as I already stated they came from classes. So what's your issue?
@LeviMorrison I was just wondering why you call that class-based programming. You use the term differently than I use it probably.
@hakre I specifically used the term class based because it is more restrictive than object based programming.
Just reading Wikipedia. Yes Class based :) Not Prototype based.
This isn't about objects; it must be classes in this instance.
As for sorting: my personal opinion is that sorting is a task not suited for an iterator.
I always thought an object is a class instance (and therefore not a class any longer).
@LeviMorrison Next to sorting there is caching.
However for the Caching I have solved that now with an array of Iteration(s).
The CachingIterator in PHP can only cache a single Iteration, the fullcache is flawed on by duplicate or by non-scalar key values.
@hakre Yes; I meant that the objects must come from classes, not a generic object that could be anything. It must come from an organized, defined class.
what are you babbling about?
@hakre Perhaps not surprisingly I don't think caching in it's traditional sense is suited for iterators either. I've never used CachingIterator; I'll go look at it.
Is an Iteration a single step or the whole process or both?
@hakre I'd say that iteration is a process, not a single step.
Excuse me: "An iteration" is probably a single step.
@LeviMorrison And how would you call the single Iteration in an Iteration? Just trying to make up my mind about the wording. Right now my Model is called Iteration.
class Iteration {
    private $current, $key, $valid;

    public function __construct($valid, $current, $key) {
        $this->valid   = $valid;
        $this->current = $current;
        $this->key     = $key;

    public static function createFromIterator(Iterator $iterator) {
        return new self(

    public function getCurrent() {
        return $this->current;

    public function getKey() {
But I'm not sure if that is really well named.
After thinking about it a bit more I would say that "Iteration" could mean a process or a single iteration. I think it's context dependent.
@hakre Based only on what I can see I'd have to agree that it is not well named.
Reading wikipedia, iteration is the whole process or the process as doing one after the other, that is representing one-iteration OneIteration sounds /-: ???
An iteration is a single step. Hence the term iterable. If something is iterable, it allows iterations.
To refer to the process, just call it a loop.
> Iteration in mathematics may refer to the process of iterating a function i.e. applying a function repeatedly, using the output from one iteration as the input to the next.
it's somehow both.
@hakre Yeah, didn't think about that. So I guess it is context dependent. The act of iterating. A step of iterating.
It actually is a snapshot of an Iteration. However I don't want to call it IterationSnapshot. - I name is IterationStep for the moment.
hello people
Hello person
no i am a bot
not a person
@EliteGamer Siri, is that you?
hello, @TylerCrompton How are yo utoday?
@EliteGamer Please tell my wife I'll be late tonight
opps, could not under stand you, please try again
crap !
@EliteGamer @Siri, remind me that I have a meeting in five minutes.
this sh** never works !
@TylerCrompton you have a meeting in 5 hours. Is that correct?
@EliteGamer No... Five. Minutes. enunciating so clearly that you would think I have issues
@EliteGamer Wait, wait, now it's three minutes.
OK, i will put that in my small hard drive
oops, i could not understand that.
crashing in 3.....2......
Please restart your Phone
hello, guys, was siri here?
Stupid Siri (or smart, however you want to look at it). Knows it will crash before it crashes.
ok, could someone help me with a database, and php? i really have NO experiance in either. However, i have the php done.
@hakre Btw, in your question about the comparisons, what did you mean by that last part about ($a > $b) !== ($b > $a)? I didn't quite get that.
@NikiC As $a and $b are not equal, either $a > $b or $b > $a but neither both (XOR).
@EliteGamer How can you have the PHP done, but not the database?
well, the php works on a flat file. A text fiel. I want to move to a database.
@NikiC: I think you covered it right away with your first answer.
@TylerCrompton what makes you think that one cannot do that?
@Gordon I don't think that. I was asking how it was done.
@TylerCrompton usually by using Mocks instead of the real storage system
@Gordon That's an obvious answer. I guess I should rephrase my question (although it was already answered): by what method are you accessing your data without a database?
@EliteGamer How much do you know about databases? As of now, this sounds like something a chat session could not teach you enough about.
almost none
I would recommend picking up a book about databases. First you will need to decide which database you would like to learn about. Find one that is compatible with your system and that meets your requirements (if you can determine them).
From there, pick up a book at your local library or bookstore or find some tutorials online. Once you begin getting comfortable enough, you can start modifying example code to get a feel for how the database works. Then you can start attempting to create your own databases from scratch with little to no help. At that point, you should be ready to port your code to use databases.
ok, brb
Or if you can afford it, you could hire somebody to create the database for you and help you set it up. That's a choice that we cannot help you with as we do not know your financial situation, your project's status, etc.
Or take a class at a nearby university (if you can afford it and you meet the prerequisites for it). There are plenty of free resources online, though.
@DaveRandom Just ping me whenever you get around to looking at Ardent.
@LeviMorrison Will do, I'm wading through a steaming pile of VB at the moment though :-(
@DaveRandom How enjoyable.
It's comparable to hacking off one's own fingers with a spoon.
@NikiC: Thanks for the edit
@DaveRandom Reminds me of one of the only Happy Tree Friends episodes I've seen.
Quite horrible.
@LeviMorrison Never seen it, a brief Google tells me I probably don't want to
Indeed, you probably do not want to see it. I wish I hadn't.
More importantly:
Has anyone gone through the Codecademy PHP tutorial? Please ping me if you have and tell me the details.
@LeviMorrison wow, how cool is that?
And now it hangs. Will continue later that.
@LeviMorrison The UI seems to be a bit flaky and frankly it's a little over-chatty for me
Oh and it's covering array offset access with {} syntax, not a fan
$id = $_GET['id'];
$delete = mysqli_query($conn, "DELETE FROM pages WHERE id ='".$id."'");
Yay SQLi
Q: UPDATE all rows in while loop

Murphy1976I'm trying to wrap my brain around what I'm doing wrong here. This is the function that is called when I want to delete a record. The record is deleted, but I want the display_order to reestablish itself, if the record that is delete is somewhere in the middle of the rows. So that the first re...

o7 buddy
heya buddy :)
@DaveRandom MySQLi where the i means injection =o(
It has been a long time people, but I can tell you it was worth the wait! has arrived dumpert.nl/mediabase/6536643/7aa258d1/…
@DaveRandom Yes, it does appear to hang from time to time. I think that potentially this system could work out for a good series, especially if this chat room was willing to maintain it.
@PeeHaa埽 Terrific. A bit hard to watch in places but still awesome.
@PeeHaa埽 "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -- George Carlin" Now if they only all had cameras =o(
@crypticツ unfortunately, that's not how averages work (in terms of inteligence at least)
@ircmaxell What linux desktop did you settle on the other day? Fedora is starting to annoy me.
Ubuntu 10.04
and Kubuntu 10.04
@ircmaxell try XFCE as desktop manager instead of gnome
@ircmaxell it's the new and improved old gnome back :P btw how's the mining going?
Sneaking up on the new 13.04.
I blame Adria Richards: tomayko.com/writings/rest-to-my-wife
Sorry, I meant 12.04
hey @ircmaxell :)
@rdlowrey It's time for a real sexist blog just to stir shit up for shits and giggles
what's up @NikiC?
@LeviMorrison I've actually done the first two courses and it seems reasonable
Haven't reached anything serious yet though, didn't have the time.
@ircmaxell 1 year old... 13.04 coming up in a week
@kaᵠ it's stable and LTS
@ircmaxell You're still talking about 12.04, right?
I'm all for interfaces, but for the record, the "Interfaces make testing easier" argument doesn't hold a lot of water when I can do this in PHP:
class SessionFacadeStub extends SessionFacade {
    function __construct() {}
I was going to call phpunit's $this->getMock('SessionFacade'); anyway. Now I don't have to create a superfluous interface in the name of testing if I really don't need one in the context of my design.
I guess my point is this: though programming to interfaces is a great thing, don't blindly create interfaces for everything. Sometimes adding an additional interface is unjustified OOP wanking.
@rdlowrey yes
Btw, here is the Comparable interface I talked about yesterday: github.com/nikic/comparable
Hello everyone
MySQL room is a morgue... maybe you guys can help w/ this query
SELECT `company_opps`.`company_id`,
`company_opps`.`id` AS `opp_id`,
FROM `company_opps`
INNER JOIN `companies` ON
( `companies`.`id` = `company_opps`.`company_id` )
GROUP BY `companies`.`company_name`,
ORDER BY `company_opps`.`date_created` DESC
which returns multiple companies
i want to select distinct companies
@CAM group by company PK?
one sec
@Ocramius Awesome
that seems to have done t
<--- Doh
@Hiroto lol at your comment :)
good evening
Evening @Jocelyn
@PeeHaa埽 too bad I'm already out of brooming-votes
@LeviMorrison puu.sh/2wnpc
that got fixed? :<
@Ocramius new tag? :-D
@Jocelyn lol
What scares me most is that there is soo much myisam out there
@PeeHaa埽 and tons of mysql_* usage. These users will have a bad surprise when these functions are removed from PHP. And will post even more duplicate questions here...
Haha right
and when that happens, we really need a default reason for closing, or maybe more people closing as duplicates
but the CV count is huuuuge
@Hiroto If the shit hits the fan we will just script it ;)
i propose (but that is used on meta ._.)
@Hiroto A few months ago, it was going down fairly quickly.
I've always seen the CV-queue between 45K and 50K. And in the past weeks it has been increasing :-(
OH: "we should form a company, claim copyright of all bad PHP security info, and send DMCA takedowns." <-- Abuse of DMCA for good?!
@ircmaxell lol

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