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you're welcome, found that conundrum really interesting as i had doubs from now and then
@hakre makes you think twice on HOW you compare and WHAT to WHAT
Hey guys!
can't believe your still here :P
@kaᵠ I think the WHAT to WHAT part is more important in PHP. That's why I normally strive for strict comparison. But the manual page says that < and > are strictly and I highly doubt that after the discussions of the last days.
function XML2Array(SimpleXMLElement $parent)
    $array = array();

    foreach ($parent as $name => $element) {
        ($node = & $array[$name])
            && (1 === count($node) ? $node = array($node) : 1)
            && $node = & $node[];

        $node = $element->count() ? XML2Array($element) : trim($element);

    return $array;
A: PHP Xml to Array conversion

hakreAs you can imagine your function is wrong. It also does too much, move the creating of the SimpleXMLElement out of it, it does not belong into the recursive conversion function. Also you have the variables akwardly named and you cast to arrays while you actually do not need to. But more important...

Morning all
@hakre i bet you'll think again now... just think about double(1) !== int(1) !
and.... let's add another to * is evil
STRICT is Evil
morning @PeeHaa埽
@kaᵠ morning
btw strict rocks :)
@nickc is it possible for Generators to implement seekable ?? Where you can seek to a particular line or loop continually to a particular line
yeah strict rocks. :) and good morning @PeeHaa埽
@Baba You don't need that. Wrap it into IteratorIterator and then make use of LimitIterator.
@hakre am not surer that would work
$seeked = new LimitIterator(new IteratorIterator(generator), $offset));
@Baba beer and coffee. That is both a waste of beer and coffee :P
morning btw @Baba
@hakre expectes 11 , 12 , 13
@PeeHaa埽 lol
@kaᵠ u smile like you like beer
^ as duplicate, linked the dupe
@PeeHaa埽 what happened to your broom?
Moved it to the nickname? :P
What's that site where you can test code with all versions of PHP? Anyone has it on bookmarks?
@Baba I smile from ChocolateCoffee
@MadaraUchiha òw wait. @Gordon reversed my avatar yesterday
3v4l.org @MadaraUchiha
let me fix it
lol @Gordon removed the wrong avatar :P
@kaᵠ Yeah that, thanks
Kolinks is still htere but the broom one is gone
@PeeHaa埽 i did not remove anything. There was only your broomless avatar and kolinks avatar available
@PeeHaa埽 /me makes a shrewd comment about how you should use gravatar
@MadaraUchiha I did try to login to gravatar's crappy WP login system for an half hour
@PeeHaa埽 I think you may only have one uploaded image at a time. When you uploaded Kolink's avatar, you overwrote your broom one.
@PeeHaa埽 The hell? I registered with Gravatar and I have no wordpress.com account.
And #failed
@MadaraUchiha You do now ;)
@Gordon hnmmmm. In that case I blame SO
@PeeHaa埽 xD Apparently I do.
@Baba hmm, trying but doesn't look to work o_O?
@MadaraUchiha :-D
Who made you the broom avatar? @webarto?
He's the master of clipart :)
I want him to make me one as well (with a small modification :P)
I'm sure he will
@hakre here is my hack .. codepad.viper-7.com/LzAdi4
^^^ Not clean
just killed the site with an endless loop :/
@nickc this is what am trying to achieve codepad.viper-7.com/LzAdi4 but without boilerplate code
@MadaraUchiha btw looks liek you were right. Only one imgur hosted avatar is supported
it does just work.
however in that case knowing the generator where to start looks more applicable to me :)
I think I'll never understand Iterators completely XD
@hakre that is cheating and its now allowed .....
so ideally what you need to create is a `SeekableIterator` that works w/o caching (e.g. forward only), skipping the delta of current position up to seek.
I write that when I come back from shopping.
That's a nice example.
looks like code for the future, that doesn't work now
am I the only one that thinks generators make code unreadable?
@hakre You are telling me LimitIterator actually runs the code multiple times in the background ??
@Gordon nope
@Baba Sure, what did you expect?
It allows you to reduce an iteration to a subset of it.
@PeeHaa埽 good to know. thanks.
@Gordon i guess the idea is still new .... thats why
@Gordon The traversable is an implementation detail. You normally should not even notice.
@Baba it's new in PHP but not as a general concept.
@hakre not just reduce now ... It actually the whole loop in background just outputting from the offset
generators are perfect to group mysql_* connect, select and fetch into one single function.
@Gordon true
@hakre whenever I see a yield, I have a hard time figuring out what the code does.
@Gordon it yields. :D
@hakre really let see what you have ?
@Baba l8ters, got to run now, getting late.
class Gmail{
        private $mail;
        private $email;
        private $pass;

        public function __construct($email, $pass){
         $this->email = $email;
         $this->pass = $pass;
        private function mailGen(){
            $from = yield;
            $to = yield;
            $subject = yield;
            $body = yield;
            yield "FROM: <" . $from . ">\n";
            yield "To: <" . $to . ">\n";
            yield "Date: " . date("r") . "\n";
            yield "Subject: " . $subject . "\n";
@Baba cough cough fixed font
@Gordon you are right .. has to read the code above 3 times
@hakre yield(concat(synonym(clever), synoym(butt))) :P
@hakre lol
@PeeHaa埽 sorry .. can you help format
@Baba edit message -> ctrl+k
@PeeHaa埽 nice .. thanks
you are welcome :P
lol tnx :P
$array = range("A", "E"); // 5 elements ;
foreach ( new LimitIterator(new InfiniteIterator(new ArrayIterator($array)), 25, 5) as $chr ) {
	echo $chr, PHP_EOL;
@hakre thanks for the tip
Can you request a feature in php via github ?
@Baba You can, I think. What are you proposing?
The funny moment when a comment gets flagged as Not Constructive, you investigate the question and find all comments BUT this one need deletion. And the question closing.
@Gordon You already deleted? If not, send a link :D
alright guys, i think i've gotten everything working finally!
@MadaraUchiha I won't delete the question. It has too many uvs
SplHeap::fromArray(array $array);
SplStack::fromArray(array $array);
@Gordon I meant the comments
@MadaraUchiha yup all gone
can you guys test it out to see if it crashes? cbogausch.com/portal your going to have to register.
@Gordon :(
use your emails. i think i got the icons to swap over
Did you try them? The difference is quite apparent... — ircmaxell Aug 4 '10 at 13:51
was the flagged comment. and all the other comments were just rambling how inappropriate that comment and SO in general is
@MadaraUchiha why do you really have to loop to transform array to stack or heap
@MadaraUchiha you end up looping twice
@Baba Think you can implement a solution (as in, propose a patch to the PHP source)?
You'll get a better chance to mail the PHP internals list
@Baba what?
@MadaraUchiha Interesting .. talking about internals .... why do they think GPU has no benefit to PHP ?
@Gordon but why close as TL? users are still able to comment (shouldn't you protect/lock instead?)
@kaᵠ good enough this way imo. i dont think it has historical significance and protecting is only a measure against low rep users spamming thank you or me too answers/comments.
@Gordon feels like the close was forced, and affects new answers, for example i could add an answer about the var_export() alternative ... and it has 16k views in 2 years, can't say TL because it won't help future visitors...
@Baba Because a GPU is good for very specific types of workloads, ones that PHP won't handle very well probably
(They're good for loops, and that's about it)
Also, as they said "No one wrote a patch for it", so if you reinstantiate the thread with a suggestion patch, it would be more likely to get implemented.
@kaᵠ var_export isnt asked for so it should be a comment at best, which you can still leave. the reason why it is TL is because ircmaxell is right that the OP should have tried in the first place, then ask a reasonable question about which part of the output s/he doesnt get
@MadaraUchiha yeah we call know ... at least this would help with php image manipulation or Streaming
@Baba Like I said, try to write a patch, this will kickstart the discussion better than just "could someone do it?"
@MadaraUchiha cool
What job queue do you use ?
@Baba What do you mean?
@Gordon ok, i'll leave a comment but think about it : 16k views [closed] 'This question is unlikely to help any future visitors' I get boolean false for that statement
@kaᵠ visits != helpful
@MadaraUchiha Work Queue .... Beanstalkd , Gearman , ZMQ etc
if anything, the upvotes are an indicator for helpful
@kaᵠ I downvoted it for lack of research and really wondered WTH that got all those upvotes
@Gordon Yeah, but that question is not TL.
lack of research, very true, i guess it got the votes from novice users
NC, maybe
@MadaraUchiha no debate either, it's pretty clear what those functions do (read the man for both and that's it!), it doesn't show research effort (is that close reason?) and it got answered to explain anyway
@MadaraUchiha @kaᵠ then vote to reopen it :P
@Gordon That's actually a good idea.
That's creepy.
you see flags @MadaraUchiha ?
@kaᵠ 10k users see flags, yes.
(Some of them anyway)
dead flags :))
@MadaraUchiha It has been up for a long time and still it doesn´t have a decent answer. So no love from me :)
@NikiC good morning
hey @Baba! how's it going?
@NikiC am ok and you
@NikiC did you get my messages ?
@NikiC I was trying to implement seek with generators .. here was my first implementation codepad.viper-7.com/LzAdi4 and here was a better implementation by @hakre 3v4l.org/ZPZfm
@Baba which ones?
@NikiC just curios why they are not seekable in the first place .. since it can be infinite
@Baba Honestly, I have never thought about this
And also never ever used a SeekableIterator ^^
I think SeekableIterator should be used only for things that are seekable in O(1)
E.g. an ArrayIterator is seekable in O(1), but a generator only in O(n)
@NikiC yeah but they are some use case example
Also generator can only be forward seeked
No way to go back
@NikiC Oh ok ...
@NikiC i was thinking of how i can use generators to return random number of lines from a file without loading the file full content .... ...
A: Get uniq random lines from file and write them to another file using php

BabaA faster solution larger lines function m1($file) { $fp = fopen($file, "r"); $size = filesize($file); $list = array(); $n = 0; while ( true ) { fseek($fp, mt_rand(0, $size)); fgets($fp); $pos = ftell($fp); isset($list[$pos]) or $s = trim(fgets(...

^^^ that is what i came up with without generators
@NikiC morning!
see generators can only be generator can only be forward seeked .. it might not be possible except calling rewind which might even affect the performance again
@Baba You can't call rewind ;)
@PeeHaa埽 morning :)
@NikiC oh ok .. but the forward only seek option would be nice took ... :)
Everything because PHP is so underspecified
In C++ everything is clear. There a RandomAccessIterator is specified to have an amortized constant lookup time.
In PHP obv. everything is unclear ^^
@NikiC Why did you call $this->current->rewind(); in your RewindableGenerator wiki.php.net/rfc/generators
  public function rewind() {
        if ($this->current) { $this->current->close(); }
        $this->current = clone $this->original;
@Baba It's just forwarding the call, no more
you can call rewind() if you are at the first position ;)
Anyway, I just removed that example, because cloning is no longer support anyway
@NikiC really ?
> Support for cloning was included in the initial version, but removed in PHP 5.5 Beta 3 due to implementational difficulties, unclear semantics and no particularly convincing use cases.
@NikiC oh ok
@NikiC why not had the generator version of your getTest method
protected function getTests($directory, $fileExtension) {
    $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory);
    $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it, RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
    $it = new RegexIterator($it, '(\.' . preg_quote($fileExtension) . '$)');

    $tests = array();
    foreach ($it as $file) {
        // read file
        $fileContents = file_get_contents($file);

        // parse sections
        $parts = array_map('trim', explode('-----', $fileContents));

        // first part is the name
Can anyone recommend a good, reliable, fast 32GB+ USB flash drive?
I heard ebay.com/itm/… is good, but they don't ship to Israel :(
@MadaraUchiha i heard Corsair is the best for that...
Hello, is anyone here able to help me modify my MySQL query?
@kaᵠ I'll have a look, thanks
> You don't have to ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
@NikiC updated answer with more details, more examples, counter-examples, github code (while struggling to fit it in the 30000 limit, got it to 27257 bytes)
A: PHP Type-Juggling and (strict) Greater/Lesser Than Comparisons

ka ᵠThere are no strict/identical >== or <== comparison operators in PHP (by php 5.5.0beta2 at least) but there are a few ways to enforce a strict type check before checking Greater/Lower: check both variable types with if ( gettype($a)===gettype($b) ) ... force your needed type-cast eg. if ( (st...

Well, this part of the query;
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id) WHERE 1=1 AND wp_posts.ID IN (76,65,59,145,63,61,70,75,145,66,71,74,73,72,64,58,68,59,62,60,69,77,67)
You see I have duplicate IDs? I need the query to return duplicates but it won't.
Any idea how I can make it do this?
@Dan First of all, how did you get to this position in the first place?
For example, ID 145 is returned once.
Wordpress haha
The id field of any sane table should have a PRIMARY KEY set on it, which prevents duplicates.
yeah, it's the primary key.
So is there anyway to get around it?
@Dan Then how did it get duplicates? :o
Some of the posts I need are needed twice.
I asked for it in the query.
@Dan You don't understand.
If the field has a PRIMARY KEY set on it, MySQL will automatically disallow duplicates on that field.
@Dan May I suggest reading a bit about the in operator and queries in general?
No, I understand it's not supposed to return duplicates, I'm asking if there is a way I can force it to.
@MadaraUchiha , he has no duplicates... he want to get dublicated row on dublicated id in 'where in' condition
@Dan Oh. No, it isn't possible, nor it should. Why would you want that anyway?
function µ() {
	echo 'bar';

function €() {
   echo 'foo';
Also please don't do SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS. It's slow as hell
It's not my query, it's Wordpress. I'm out of my depth as it is : )
@Dan , you need to transform query results after execution.
@MadaraUchiha For pagination. If the posts don't get returned it messes the pages up. I have 23 IDs, two are duplicated requests so only 21 get returned.
@PeeHaa埽 why are they valid function names ?
@Baba Why not?
@Dan Eh? Take a step back, what are you trying to do, what doesn't work, and why do you think that having duplicate entries solves the problem?
@PeeHaa埽 , it's allowed for small DBs and small applications.
@Baba " A valid function name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores. As a regular expression, it would be expressed thus: [a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*." So even if I name function in my native language it should work and it actually does.
@sectus Why would you willingly use something slower??
@MadaraUchiha So, that query asks for a series of ID's from a wordpress posts table. I must get all IDs on return, even if it's requested twice I still need it adding as many times as it's requested. Otherwise, I can't loop through and I won't get what I'm after. Does this make any sense?
@PeeHaa埽 never knew php had support for such names since it does nto have full Unicode support
@PLB nice example
@Baba PHP "always" have supported function names like that
@PeeHaa埽 i can see that 3v4l.org/Wr0pq
@Dan No. Why do you need these specific IDs?
line     # *  op                           fetch          ext  return  operands
   2     0  >   NOP
   6     1      DO_FCALL                                      0          '%C2%B5'
         2    > RETURN                                                   1
@MadaraUchiha Well, this is a long story. The first ID is the post I want, and the duplicate is used for linking to a category that same post is in, but it must be treated as if it's a post, in other words it must be in the loop and numerically count towards the overall post count for pagination.
@Dan Sounds to me you did some hacking over the existing hacks and you were left with this mega-mess.
Well, I can't find a way to query posts and categories as the same time, so I got either a post ID, or a post ID that would represent the category I want, and passed them in the query using pre_get_posts in Wordpress.
function PeeHaa埽() { echo '<img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/nZEUQ.png?g">'; } @PeeHaa埽(); // codepad.viper-7.com/WUrHKf
@Dan I still don't quite understand what you're trying to fundamentally do.
Do you know much about WP?
I know some
Enough to understand what you're talking about, not enough to understand what you're trying to do.
Well, you may know how the category.php template works.
It gets all posts from the category you're viewing right.
I don't want all child category posts to show up as well.
That, I can do, but what makes it harder is I want a link to those child category pages.
I can do that too, but then I need it all in the "same loop", ordered alphabetically.
@Dan You know, you can have more than one "Loop" on a page...
Yes, but this needs to be one loop for the alphabetical ordering or posts and categories.
@PeeHaa埽 , it is rhetorical question.
@Baba not sure what you mean
@PeeHaa埽 , why we are using PHP?
@sectus yes of course it is. And the only correct response on chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/8704210#8704210
@Dan 1. Why? 2. What's wrong with get_categories()?
Say you have a parent category called "apple" with 5 posts. Then "banana" with 5 posts. Then "cabbage" with 5 posts. Banana and cabbage are child categories of apple.
@Dan Okay
You view the "apple" category and see banana and cabbage posts too, right?
@NikiC still referring to your example at wiki.php.net/rfc/generators
@Dan I guess, yes
@NikiC getTests is not using generators ... what would be the implementation with Generators
So, you're looping through your posts, but you only want to show posts that belong to apple, and for banana and cabbage you just want to link to the category page.
@Dan Okay
So, 7 posts in total, two of which are cats.
@Dan Why not one loop for your posts, and another for your category?
On top of that, they must be ordered by title, title of the posts and title of the category.
Because they won't all be in alphabetical order.
Or do you for some reason want to show the categories on the same list with the posts?
yep, you've got it.
@Dan Do you really find that comfortable for the user?
@Baba the same just using yield instead of $tests[] = (and without the return)
Because I as a user won't find that comfortable.
Or is there some specific reason?
I know what you're saying, but there are reasons.
@Dan Can't you just use the normal query and parse it before presenting it to the user?
I've got everything working apart from this last bit. The two child category posts get skipping over as they happen to have the same ID as two posts in the parent category page I'm viewing.
So, you look in the post object and they aren't there.
@NikiC which means you still have to load all the files
@Baba no, why?
I could get round this for the first page I think, but on the second page the offset won't have counted the child categories being inserted on the page.
only one at a time
So from what I see, they need to be in the wp_query all along?
@NikiC they are 2 loops
Sorry for some of my explanations, I'm really trying to learn as much as I can as fast as possible.
@NikiC foreach ($it as $file) {
yeah, there are two loops, but what does that change?
@NikiC one moment ....
@kaᵠ Very cool. And thanks to that I noticed that I had one thing wrong in my answer (<= and >= are not anti-symmetric after all). And with that PHP's >= / <= operators do not comply with a single one the the rules for an order :(
i have forked @DaveRandom's likifier, how do i update the code since he made v2
@kaᵠ Do you think there might be some tricky hidden case where $a == $b and $b == $a differ?
@kaᵠ pull the latest version
@PeeHaa埽 pull-request button?
@NikiC i have posted the github code, fork me, thinking..
@Dan Hmmm, I still argue that the requirements are a bit unreasonable, (and uncomfortable)! But you may want to post it on the actual site as a question.
Make sure to explain what you want to do, what you have, and how it fails clearly.
https://github.com/{your name}/{repo name}/pull/new/master @kaᵠ
@NikiC yea.. wanted to tell you about <= and >= as it fires true when either == or [<>]
@NikiC you are right 100% .. i got it all wrong
@Baba :)
@DaveRandom I might have another shot at installing viper7's codepad this weekend: serverfault.com/questions/404529/…
@PeeHaa埽 WTH: Oops! DaveRandom:master is already up-to-date with godka:master Try a different branch?
@NikiC 3v4l.org/N6VEE ... i really need to get my head straight
Generator is really looking sweet
ok. I'm trying to look for any other ways to do this. What about adding child category IDs to the request? Do you think this is possible?
nice one @NikiC
what does IRC mean
@BVKrishna Google "IRC"
@kaᵠ hmm
What about pulling locally and pushing to githugb
@MadaraUchiha i understand one meaning of irc is Internet Relay Chat, is there something more? (am reading symphony docs)
@BVKrishna Context sentence?
Should this be closed as TL? It's pertaining to the OP using an old version? stackoverflow.com/questions/15842085/…
@MadaraUchiha the community (mailing lists, IRC, etc.) may be that matches! thanks
@BVKrishna Yeah, they're talking about chat.
@MadaraUchiha okay. am sorry to say this CI's IRC is too pathetic. Anyways I'm now on symfony. Thanks bro :)
@BVKrishna Well what else did you expect? It's CI :P
@kaᵠ another candidate for weirdness would be if something with $a < $a == true existed
Could anyone please sit down with me for a few minutes and explain to me the use of Iterators? All I've seen and found so far are examples to count from 1-10 etc. What can I really do with it?
@MadaraUchiha I am buys atm but browse some of these for an idea
@Gordon -_- Most of those are jQuery
@PeeHaa埽 google's verdict is CI is easy to learn, did few apps(R&D), now its time for me to move to better solution and I found symfony may the next best to learn, what do you suggest!
@Gordon Or maybe you meant your user? (because user:me is a different query for me than you)
@MadaraUchiha gah. fixed.
@BVKrishna I would not use a framework, but if you want to learn about frameworks I would go for synfony atm
Hm. I've never visited this room, but I think I must now: stackoverflow.com/questions/15851007/…
@PeeHaa埽 Pls help me in improving my dictionary, now what does atm mean?
You're a fast learner :) @Doorknob
at the moment
Are you new to this internet thing? ;)
Lol, I've been in the Lounge<C++> so I know a lot about chat :P
@Gordon What is going on with the backlog?
@PeeHaa埽 too many requests from this IP, more requests available in 4059 seconds
i've already put usleep into the SE client but I guess it will stay broken for that time
@kaᵠ Updated my answer:
A: PHP Type-Juggling and (strict) Greater/Lesser Than Comparisons

NikiCPHP's comparison operators deviate from the computer-scientific definitions in several ways: In order to constitute an equivalence relation == has to be reflexive, symmetric and transitive: PHP's == operator is not reflexive, i.e. $a == $a is not always true: var_dump(NAN == NAN); // bool(fal...

Hopefully now everything is correct. Always included the strict partial order and added a note on it being circular
I've registered the cvbacklog with the SE.API and now have an API key. But I am not sure what I do with it now.
@NikiC I tested for the case: $a == $b and $b != $a but got no results and removed the code, concluded that == and === are rock solid!
@kaᵠ "rock solid" as in "there is at least one thing sane about them" ^^
@Gordon Start making requests using your key :)
Finally PHP 5.5 generators allow to create an Iteration behaving exactly like a foreach iteration: codepad.viper-7.com/G1ph4b
@PeeHaa埽 it's not that easy apparently. if I understand it correctly, I have to authenticate with oauth
@MadaraUchiha so you're the one who updated Likifier to v2? and not @DaveRandom ?
@kaᵠ No?
What makes you say that?
@BVKrishna my condolences. CI is actually on of two worst framework in PHP (by quality of code an practices that it advertises)
@Gordon You don't have to authenticate with your SO account IIRC
@tereško I wanted to ask you something about some code in your model answer
Simply add the key to the request
Hold on lemme fetch it..
@MadaraUchiha well ... ask
@ircmaxell Morning
@NikiC can you expand this pls $a<$a==true
just keep in mind that the code there is more then 6 month old
@kaᵠ not sure what you mean
What would be the correct term to describe the foreach-ability of all these three: Array, Object, Traversable?
it's not really an up-to-date representation of my current understanding
 * Initializes the request abstraction and
 * apply routing pattens to that instance
$request = new Request( $uri );
$router->route( $request );

 * Initialization of View
$class = '\\Application\\View\\' . $request->getResourceName();
$view = new $class( $serviceFactory );
$view->setDefaultTemplateLocation( __DIR__ . '/templates' );

 * Initialization of Controller
$class = '\\Application\\Controller\\' . $request->getResourceName();
$controller = new $class( $serviceFactory, $view );
@kaᵠ ah, I was looking for a case where $a < $a is true (i.e. $a is smaller than itself ^^)
@tereško You route using $router, but then you ask the resource name from the $request, wouldn't it make more sense to ask it from the Router?
@tereško's programming ideas: as stable as @rdlowrey's API's
@PeeHaa埽 ideas evolve
(i.e. $router->getResourceName())
@tereško 100% True
@MadaraUchiha i saw you forked? the linkifier repo and pinned the link snippet

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