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where do you live?
in the netherlands, but I speak 5 languages
I'm not 100% dutch though :p
I was in Amsterdam (centraal) 10 months ago, I loved the whole place was too expensieve
@phpNoOb well "tourist" places are always expensive
@phpNoOb and yes I avoid buying at central xD
I guess so, but, I read an article on BBC also, about NL having the most hotels in Europe.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You need this
I paid 100€ for the smallest room ever made for a man
pls, just check out Hotel Galerij, even for fun
You will be shocked such rooms exist in at all
well, if you know more well amsterdam, you could easily get a room for less than 50euros
better not be around the red district. :) if not, then I will ask you for address next time I visit
@phpNoOb I went to Amsterdam a few months ago, paid 20 euros for a decent room with 4 friends in a hostel
Was decent, good vibe, clean
Basic free breakfast, central location
@phpNoOb I live here and I never went there :)
But, I was in Dubai, when I booked online, and that place happend to be the cheapest non-accomodiation I could find. @BenjaminGruenbaum that is simply unbelivable
@BenjaminGruenbaum name of the hotel please ?
Don't remember, lemme look
yes, name pls;)
@phpNoOb DAT website :O hotelgalerij.nl
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Was called Flying Pig or something like that if I remember correctly, can't find the confirmation email
I think so, although I booked through anothef agents
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha thx, i'll search for it :)
Generally hostels are a much better value than hotels, especially when traveling in groups
lol i though you misspelled "hotel" but it seems it's "hostel"
The way 5 people can sleep in a hotel by paying 20, is only by breaking in. @BenjaminGruenbaum
@phpNoOb Oh, it's 20 euros per person, I thought that was clear, sorry
It was very nice and friendly, good vibe, you meet a lot of people from different places, staff was friendly
I'm married, but most of my friends 'got lucky' with girls from the hostel
Free breakfast was very basic, but was sufficient. I wouldn't go there with my wife but for a bunch of friends hostels > hotels in every way. Good hostels are usually cleaner, nicer, friendlier and funner than cheap hotels.
@BenjaminGruenbaum just a link: code.google.com/p/webrtc4all
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Thanks, I have that as a part of the question though
overlooked it (facepalm)
@BenjaminGruenbaum i searched for "webRTC" in the msdn ie site, but there were no results. I searched further and encountered this: developers.google.com/chrome/chrome-frame maybe a "workaround" to use webRTC on IE
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Chrome Frame means effectively chaning IE to chrome
Bonjour Monseiur Hakre
actually, it is " Bonsoir "
qui qui, c'etait bonsoir je pensque.
ou bon nuit problamenment.
Ton francais est mal
@dyelawn oui, moi aussi, je parle un mal francais, mais je suis debutant
Not going to ping bc it is late, but [at]rdlowery that example is using the controller as a service locator to retrieve a service from the service container
Alors on se la joue fort @dyelawn ?
@hakre Y U No speak french good?
@phpNoOb I speak good but my writing is a mess.
@dyelawn merci beaucoup, but you just should ping @rdlowrey if you're concerned about something specific.
he is a nice guy and will reply to your questions.
@hakre you use "bonne nuit" when someone is going to sleep for example, bonsoir is more to greet someone, and bonne nuit is more to say goodbye to someone if it's late
it is late and I kiss goodbye the day so bonne nuit ;)
lolz take care :)
sure. but care-taking is quite limited with the amount of red wine floating through my venes.
Will ping @teresko, bc he's a d*ck. I did recognize the name, and that you misspelled it. But just keep underestimating people and trying to catch flies with vinegar
It is crazy how so many smart people can be unable to figure out the difference between to verbs "to locate" and "to contain"
@okok nice qc search
why so many people misspelling Codeigniter :/
Also amazing that @teresko can join a discussion, agree with what I'm saying (in less articulate terms), and still manage to p*ss me off with his myopia
@dyelawn you must be having a hard time. @tereškos' judgement is always fair, but you might have a hard time to consume his words.
@Gordon , now i'm there...
@dyelawn read my profile
@hakre nope, pretty easy time, actually, since i took some time off from this room and trusted my instincts a bit. His knowledge is always beyond fair, but his judgment is never fair, always conceited and presumptuous, and detrimental to the entire php community
FWIW he does actually try to help people
he's just incredibly blunt, etc
Occasionally; I read a lot of stuff he directed me towards early on in my learning process that was extremely helpful
@dyelawn Even I can understand the motivation of your opposition the sentence "detrimental to the entire php community" is plain wrong for multiple reasons including those ones independent to tereško.
Blunt is fine. Unknowing and hasty surety is not
and what I like about @tereško is that he does not mince matters.
No he just bullshits them
no, professional bullshitting looks differently.
I have seen teresko, humiliating very innocent and humble dudes, I felt bad that I couldnt do anything
@phpNoOb i'm not humiliated anymore; i'm angry that he gets away with it
That is why I am angry too, in this room, the value of your opinion is measured by your rep cap
i've built some things, i can read source, and i don't need people reassuring me that i "get it" anymore (though it is nice when educated and civil people will provide such reassurance). my point is that some smart people who are finding their way might be turned off by his behavior. that's what would be damaging to the php community: if someone who offered potential value chose to pursue another language because he shortsightedly dismissed them
@phpNoOb maybe to some. i just care if your ideas are good.
@dyelawn huh?
what are you talking about?
om chat, rep cap is far less important as for the rest of this site.
read some books or GTFO
and yes, you can speak freely.
@igorw i have; i believe you've contributed to some that i've read.
but someone provide a good reason why it's "fair" to just throw out there, "he probably didn't recognize the name" in a discussion that had previously been neither adversarial nor personal in any way
@dyelawn if you're hurt by words too easily, hypertext is the wrong media of communication. Flee into context and you're free again.
or, slightly later "no[t] that he will recognize the acronym". i don't sit here and criticize his sh*tty english in the middle of compelling theoretical discussion
@hakre hurt is the wrong word; angry is better, indignant is the best.
so you feel under-powered. I can understand. However, keep in mind that his media is limited to exchange thoughts.
I'm just going to leave this here
ive looked in google, does anyone know any good either PSD or image of a console/command prompt/terminal design?
@Connor what specifically are you looking for?
a only-slightly-appropriate-in-context video as a replacement for actual viable response is pretty characteristic of the room, but not you, @igorw, in my previous experience. that's disappointing.
like some inspiration (web 2.0) command line/console
Any twitter bootstrap users in here?
@eugene yes
@Connor GIMP ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV ??
You can use gimp to edit images with the command line (using php)
i think he just wants a picture of a command line
@dyelawn now that you're saying it, and after rereading i just realised that xD
@HamZaDzCyberDeV no, i want to make a command line, i was looking for a good nice clean, NOT Retro Design
@dyelawn fwiw I agree with you. just because someone is right (or thinks he's right) is no reason to be an asshole about it. there, I said it. happy now?
@Connor lol I was confused, I really though you wanted to edit PSD files via the command line :p
@HamZaDzCyberDeV :D
@igorw not until teresko has been publicly shamed :). if you go back and review the discussion, especially where it turned into chippy personal attacks by him towards me, i think you will see that he was not right, regardless of what he might have thought.
i mean, yes, i am happy.
don't hate me because i'm outspoken; i really like your work. (not familiar with any of his)
@dyelawn meh. I'm going to GTFO before this turns into a #phpdrama. g'night guys, relax.
i was kidding about the shaming. night.
16 minutes ago... ^^^
@Nile stackoverflow.com/questions/15725685/… not very professional, don't you agree?
@crypticツ I raaagggeeeeee
Comments like that will just get flagged as "rude or offensive"
hello all., i have a query,
> Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
i have a signup form and if user submits it incomplete it shows errors, but which fields are already filled stays like that, so i am using like this
                                    <input class="signup_input" type=text size=25 name="zip_code" value="<?=@$_POST['zip_code']?>"> <span class="signup_error">REQUIRED</span>
but how can i do the same with drop down ?
i have drop down like this
                                  <td class="signup_name">Country:</td>
                                  <td class="signup_value">
                                  <select class="signup_select" name="country">
$countries=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM country_t");
	while($country = mysql_fetch_array($countries)){
	if($country['iso2'] == 'US'){$selected='selected = "selected"';}else{$selected='';}
	echo '<option '.$selected.' label="'.$country['short_name'].'" value="'.$country['iso2'].'">'.$country['short_name'].'</option>';
incorporate it into the $selected variable...
using $_post var ?
change the if...else statement in there to the following
$selected = ($country['iso2'] == 'US' || $country['iso2'] == $_POST['country']) ? 'selected = "selected" : '';
what does ? means in short codes ?
search google for ternary if
i mean question mark , okie.,
trying it now.
Q: Bank Of Stack Overflow - Borrow reputation points from other users?

CaffeineAddictYou can borrow money from your friends. Then why not borrow points from anyone to set a bounty ? A bad friend does not return the bounty. To avoid that, we can let users borrow a maximum of 100 points at a time. He cannot borrow more unless he returns the previous loan. How does this sound ?

@crypticツ to be honest, I was hoping the question got deleted.
hopefully it still will
@Nile When you answer a question it makes it more difficult for the question to be deleted
@crypticツ I wasn't aware of that
I've deleted my answer. :p
@Nile just tried it and it again sets to us, i gotta do like this,
if !isset($_POST[country]) {}
@AmbroseBwangatto yes, yes. check to see if it's set
my mistake
@Nile stackoverflow.com/privileges/moderator-tools see the Deleting posts section for more info on how deletes work.
@Nile np, thanks for your time
Hi People
help me
> Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will
@crypticツ this is why I rage
how to use div hidden with a link to a sitefor playing the music
the site is w..radiomania.it
in php
first question
In php I can to use the div?
Please me...
@MirkoCianfarani uhhh... sure?
@MirkoCianfarani nothing you are saying is making sense to me O_o
because I am new programmer
@MirkoCianfarani no, because you don't know english
befor I programmed in html/js/python
@Nile sure
@MirkoCianfarani can you use divs in python?
Before or later I have to practice
same answer
(assuming you were running python on the web)
@MirkoCianfarani how will you run by php ?
I work only php and server's php
I installed Xampp on Ubuntu
@MirkoCianfarani yaa well all do work only on server's php :P
since there is no client side php :P
@Nile my new code looks like this, i dont know its programatically corect, but its working fine.
<td class="signup_name">Country:</td>
<td class="signup_value">
<select class="signup_select" name="country">
$countries=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM country_t");
while($country = mysql_fetch_array($countries)){
if($country['iso2'] == 'US'){
$selected='selected = "selected"';
} else {
if($country['iso2'] == $_POST['country']){
$selected='selected = "selected"';
//$selected = ($country['iso2'] == 'US' || $country['iso2'] == $_POST['country']) ? 'selected = "selected"' : '';
A: Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

NullPonyPointerPHP offers three different APIs to connect to MySQL. There are the mysql, mysqli, and PDO extensions. The MySql_* function are very popular but use of MySql_* function is not encourage anymore .The documentation team is discussing the database security situation, and educating users to move awa...

@AmbroseBwangatto meh, correct enough.
I have the site how I add the div with the link www.radiomania.it
but how..
@Nile thanks.,
@MirkoCianfarani you want to play music on website ?
<div> <a href="www.radiomania.it"> </a></div>
This is correct?
on php
@MirkoCianfarani no you don't have the scheme, should be http:// or https://
and other error?
this I write on file php
@MirkoCianfarani i dont thisnk it will play music like this ... but i think it can be done by iframe .. you can play with hidden background
@AmbroseBwangatto well this will be pain if you upgrade your php version to 5.5 or later
mmm @NullPonyPointer yes..
But I can write <div> <a href="http://www.radiomania.it"> </a></div> on the file php
@MirkoCianfarani yes you can
as long as it's outputted to the page or outside of the php tags
Because there are few differents on Php and Javascript
Ok @Nile thx
For all I am Italian...
@NullPonyPointer why is that ?
good morning guys
@AmbroseBwangatto Read the red box: php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-connect.php
9 mins ago, by NullPonyPointer
A: Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

NullPonyPointerPHP offers three different APIs to connect to MySQL. There are the mysql, mysqli, and PDO extensions. The MySql_* function are very popular but use of MySql_* function is not encourage anymore .The documentation team is discussing the database security situation, and educating users to move awa...

yikes pdo looks complecate.
how stupid a question can be stackoverflow.com/q/15725854/1723893
@crypticツ you might want to cv on that question ^
@AmbroseBwangatto well not much ..:P
@NullPonyPointer i am just learning php and mysql and now new mysql, gotta learn new mysql.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
@nullpony that answer is tooooo long
@AmbroseBwangatto you mean you are newb .. if you want i have good suggestion from Gordon if you want i can let you know
@NullPonyPointer yes, ia m noob, please guide me in some direction.
@andho :::::::::::P
@AmbroseBwangatto pdo is OOP. once you understand OOP it should be easy to grasp
@NullPonyPointer done
Sep 29 '12 at 13:58, by Gordon
@hekko if you want to become an expert programmer, google SOLID, buy GOF, buy POEAA, buy Clean Code, lookup GRASP, DDD, CQRS, DCI … but dont ask for PHP books. That's the most reasonable suggestion I can give you when you ask for Expert PHP books really.
so i can be perfect but i guess in computers , you gotta keep learning new things
OOP = Object Oriented Programming
@andho :::::::::::P
Sep 29 '12 at 13:59, by Gordon
@hekko maybe start here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/22783515
yay DDD
@nullpony CQRS suggested to a beginner???
@Gordon why?
@NullPonyPointer thanks checking it now
Excuse me
Who is have Xampp on Ubutnu?
@MirkoCianfarani lol
@MirkoCianfarani I never bothered with Xampp on ubuntu
or What is the best server for work PHP
18 mins ago, by Mirko Cianfarani
I installed Xampp on Ubuntu
better to go with sudo apt-get install php5 php5-cli mysql apache2 phpmyadmin
@NullPonyPointer WAT
@Ocramius :P it not me :P
@andho can also get rid of that phpmyadmin thing
and after where is the path for save the site?
:O I love phpmyadmin
@MirkoCianfarani /var/www
@andho it killed my servers more than once. It eagerly does stuff it shouldn't do
@Ocramius i just use it for development
@Ocramius its cool and useful ..... Y U HATE ?
if i want a GUI for mysql server, i do an ssh tunnel
@andho What is the name 's server Easyphp or apache?
@Ocramius a worker blames his tools =oP
@MirkoCianfarani name server?
@NullPonyPointer when phpmyadmin tries a COUNT() on a 4 billion rows db view... you start having troubles :) I use workbench nowadays
@MirkoCianfarani do you mean like DNS?
@Ocramius may be i never played with 4bilion rows :P ty will try this
@andho yes the name's server?
i think i would like to add something to the BEGINNER toolkit. DB migrations
what do you guys think
@MirkoCianfarani i don't understand what you mean. But I use apache2 for webserver
@hakre that question on licensing on stuff, looks like it was forked by johannes while zf2 still had the CLA in place (to avoid signing the CLA). So I am just glad I moved away. I made him aware that he cannot simply change licenses like that. Also told him to contact fabien asap
@tereško - got a sec
if I was to install a DNS server i think BIND9 would be my choice
@NullPonyPointer I didn't expect it to do it on its own anyway
but just read about a huge security vulerability in it yesterday
@andho Because When I have the problem with this
I know how to call this server
@Ocramius i would do any huge queries with phpmyadmin :), I use mysql gui tools for that
@andho nono, I'm not talking about doing huge queries. I'm just talking about the UI. It was doing it eagerly while generating the table list
@MirkoCianfarani localhost
@andho try nginx also
@Ocramius whoa really
that sucks
Is anybody able to read the exception message at travis-ci.org/Ocramius/ProxyManager/jobs/5932191 ? This travis JS bug is driving me nuts!
@MirkoCianfarani i just figured out my very recent stupid answer will help you
Using worker: bluebox-linux-4.worker.travis-ci.org:travis-linux-11
$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=hotfix/callable-type-hint git://github.com/Ocramius/ProxyManager.git Ocramius/ProxyManager
Cloning into 'Ocramius/ProxyManager'...
remote: Counting objects: 1201, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (497/497), done.
remote: Total 1201 (delta 771), reused 1023 (delta 599)
Receiving objects: 100% (1201/1201), 173.13 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (771/771), done.
$ cd Ocramius/ProxyManager
@Ocramius ^
ok, thx. Guess I need to make a separate test for callable :\
you know what sucks. OS X. I just set to update the OS and now I can't restart until it finishes. But it's just downloading the updates -.-. I need some code from my ubuntu :/
@NullPonyPointer i know!!!
@dyelawn Please excuse my french, but this is the dumbest thing I've heard in a while. Your definition is like getting mad at someone because they called the HIV virus "AIDS." Regardless of whether you refer to the specific instance as a "Service Locator" or a "Service Container" it's an anti-pattern and your nonsensical semantic parsing only demonstrates a lack of understanding of the real problem.
Wow. That's about as uncivil as I've ever gotten in chat but my goodness ... if you don't know what you're talking about don't chime in. Especially if you're going to hide behind "it's late so I won't ping the person I'm bashing right now."
/cc @hakre
hello all, i have another quey
let's have a website where all bashes in stackoverflow is recorded as a reminder to all
i have a php script for new users signup, after submitting data , the data is inserted in the db and if insert is successful then 3 mails are sent , 1 to user, 2nd to the referer and 3rd to the admin, and then user is redirected to thank you page.
so my question is should i set header to thank you page above the email send or below the email send.
@andho slamoverflow.com (referring to a slambook commonly used by teenage girls in high school)
@crypticツ i thought that was a real site -.-
header("Location: signup_thankyou.php");
is this correct ?
header("Location: signup_thankyou.php");mail($to1,$subject1,$body1,$from1);mail($to2,$subject2,$body2,$from2);mail($to3,$subject3,$body3,$from3);
or this is correct ?
@AmbroseBwangatto putting it below will show your flow more accurately
@AmbroseBwangatto do the header() call after you are done with the mail() calls
@andho okie., so first send emails then header location.
either way. the user will be redirected only after the script execution is stopped
okie., but wont it take too long to send 3 mails and set header to new url ?
as a side note. always (unless...) use exit after a header redirection, otherwise it might lead to confusing results. @AmbroseBwangatto
havent tested it, how long it takes to send 3 mails.,
@andho sure ill use exit after header location.
@crypticツ thanks, got it
@andho thanks got it.
lke this
header("Location: signup_thankyou.php");
i am loving this chat for instant answers, i really appreciate your help guys.
I'm in this for the rep. So chat sucks (\_/)
                                       | @@|
@andho , why do you need rep?
@sectus to get more privileges
why short hand for echo i.e. = is not working in this case ?
<?($_POST['country'] == '100' ? ='selected = "selected"' : ''); ?>
i meant short code
gives Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in
this also gives error
<?($_POST['minimum_payout'] == '100' ? echo 'selected = "selected"' : ''); ?>
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in
@AmbroseBwangatto put the echo outside of the ternary operator
<? echo ($_POST['minimum_payout'] == '100' ? 'selected = "selected"' : ''); ?>
@andho trying it now.
<?=($_POST['minimum_payout'] == '100' ? 'selected = "selected"' : ''); ?>
the first code has a syntax error. ='selected = .... the equal sign doesn't belong there
@andho okie., so its not exactly like the if else, its for asigning values and checking condition only, for everything else , it needs to be outside.
@AmbroseBwangatto i also don't know for sure. but the error "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in" suggests the 'echo' is in the wrong place
@andho hmmm.
one more thing i would like to learn.
on the signup page, user enters the data and submits the data, then i check the if data is set and not null
in php
if its not set and null then i show him error on the top.
but how can i show him error beside the field which caused the error
i mean if users dont enters address then "REQUIRED" should be shown by the side of address field
currently i am doing the non professional way. like this
                         <td class="signup_name">Zip Code:</td>
                          <td class="signup_value">
                            <input class="signup_input" type=text size=25 name="zip_code" value="<?=@$_POST['zip_code']?>"> <span class="signup_error">REQUIRED</span>
<span class="signup_error">REQUIRED</span> is always shown, no matter what.
that's the correct beginner way to do it
i even tried creating array of errors, so i can check at each field if its not set.
for that specific field, but was kind of confusing.
there is no problem with how you are doing it. But as a (good) programmer, you will always want to find the laziest way to do it, instead of adding that code near every field.
@andho true.
the other way is using a Form library. but using a form library adds some inflexibility to the form layout.
never heard of that before.,
form library
I have used Zend_Form alot and always there is a need to customize the layout is some arcane way and ends up easier to just do it the way you're doing now
so you can pick and choose
one more question, is it ok if i change the order of field in mysql ? wont it cause issue for the pre written queries ?
@andho it never gets easier on forms :(
if you use insert statements that looks like this INSERT INTO users VALUES ('username', 'password') then yes it will cause problems
@andho no i have used full query.
so i gues i am good to change the order.
@AmbroseBwangatto if by that you mean you have specified the columns also, then shouldn't be a problem
also, using an abstraction layer for persistence would be good, but that might be moving too fast
@AmbroseBwangatto change it, test it. problem? revert!
thats new word, abstraction layer
@andho okie., i ll try changing.
@Ocramius Night
@Ocramius what does have johannes library to do with fabien?
@hakre various other problems with his license stuff
CG is not the only one

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