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well if it is forked from ZF, this should be easy to fix.
BSD has no termination clause.
And actually johannes is able to introduce a different license for his code with BSD as long as he preserves BSD for the parts he was taking over.
Probably, I'm speaking of all his bundles now
hmm, this is somewhat fishy. on the one hand he is concerned about properly licensing his package (headers, LICENSE file, README talking about license) but on the other hand he does not do it right with the original copyright and license, just drops it.
however zend does the same, I know about one code-taking by zend personel into ZF that didn't handle copyright correct as well.
@hakre the problem is not really if he's doing it right or wrong, but the current status of projects requiring Symfony SE (MIT) transitively using his stuff with Apache license. If we want to look into who copied where when, I'd be sued in no-time :P
@Ocramius if bundles of him are within symfony SE, the SE should document the licensing properly otherwise as with Apache 2.0 (similar to MIT or BSD), the rights to use the software are void.
And that's why I said fabien should be pinged :\
sounds good to me. I just was not aware that the code is part of symfony SE.
There's all his DI stuff
just taking a look. also wondering why his documentation is under a no-deriv clause. that actually means you can not provide patches to it.
guys i got a question
where can i find a wazala/shopify kind of scripts ?
@Ocramius Just seeing even CG is part of the symfony standard software package available to download at symfony.com/download - the readme and license in the root folder does not tell the user that he/she needs to check licenses in the vendor subfolder on it's own.
and actually needs to review them :/
@a7medo778 normally in the internet with an internet search engine.
@hakre hehehhe, i been searching for a while and couldnt find a thing :/
so i thought i should ask here since its basically a php script
@a7medo778 then what you search for might not exist.
@a7medo778 there must be hundreds of such lists: blog.monitis.com/index.php/2012/01/19/…
@hakre its a store building script, so the store owners are your clients
@hakre your not building the stores one by one
@hakre wazala is listed and is pretty cool, though in my country kuwait people only use "knet" as online payment method, rendering all other solutions useless
@hakre so i need a script to adjust and integrate the knet payment gateway into it
@a7medo778 well sounds you've got specific needs therefore should take an open source software package, extend it and contribute back to the community.
@hakre thats what i am searching for... an open source shopify style script
@a7medo778 you misread me. you can get an open source ecommerce script, you need to add the shopify style then. but that only makes sense (or at least works best) when others have the same needs like you so sharing the source is useful.
as most of those users that have needs in a shopify style script do not want to share it - they want to put the world into a could and degrade customers instead - you will likely not find much of those styled scripts online under a free software license.
so I'd say you need to do the first step here and provide by your own what is not available in the net so far.
i agree, thats why a paid script has a better chance
and can get its dev's to help out with the customization
@a7medo778 well you can try to contact wazala and ask for knet integration.
@hakre well i dont think they will bother with kuwait being a "nichie" market
but i will.... why not
@a7medo778 well maybe even knet sponsors this as a marketing campaign.
and unless you won't ask, you won't find out :)
Q: What is a Service Locator?

Madara UchihaI've heard the term pop all around. I've read various articles regarding the subject and heard two main definitions to the term "Service Location": A glorified Registry - Bad practice, global variables, general evil. A type of Dependency Injection Container - Can help with managing dependencies...

Who wanna earn some programmers rep?
@sectus about your bounty question. if you only want to diff the interfaces of two classes, you can xdiff with github.com/gooh/InterfaceDistiller. Basically, distill the interface of the old class and the new class and pipe the result into xdiff
@MadaraUchiha global registry (but not global)
@MadaraUchiha dupe
@Gordon I've Googled and haven't found it.
Show me
@MadaraUchiha i've posted the link about 12 hours ago. let me fetch it
@andho why what?
@Ocramius Answer the question there :P
A link is not an answer
14 hours ago, by Gordon
Q: Why do I need an IoC container as opposed to straightforward DI code?

VadimI've been using Dependency Injection (DI) for a while, injecting either in a constructor, property, or method. I've never felt a need to use an Inversion of Control (IoC) container. However, the more I read, the more pressure I feel from the community to use an IoC container. I played with .NE...

breakfast now
@MadaraUchiha there is one other after that in the transcript
@Gordon Both not exactly a dupe.
@Ocramius I never said answer with the link, I said "answer" :P
@MadaraUchiha too lazy. That's why I used this awesome tool called "google", ya know
@Gordon it's not a dupe of that one. The question is service locator vs dependency injection container @MadaraUchiha I'll give it a reply later assuming my brain continues to compute
@Gordon why suggest CQRS to a beginner
@andho is that a general question?
Sep 29 '12 at 13:58, by Gordon
@hekko if you want to become an expert programmer, google SOLID, buy GOF, buy POEAA, buy Clean Code, lookup GRASP, DDD, CQRS, DCI … but dont ask for PHP books. That's the most reasonable suggestion I can give you when you ask for Expert PHP books really.
@Gordon ^^
@andho ah. because it's a valuable principle, just like the others.
aaah i guess. CQS -> CQRS
@andho no
i mean, it's better to understand CQS first before going to CQRS
Command Query Separation is just Query Methods vs Command Methods. CQRS is an architectural approach
yeah i know. i'm a big fan. but CQRS is CQS extended to the architectural level
@andho yes
note that I never said, that this what beginners should learn. The guy asked about PHP books which I am not fond of by and large. I am well aware that these are advancaed topics, hence the "if you want to become an expert programmer".
@Gordon oh cool then. I call these things "Programming Philosophy"
@andho IMO, if people want to learn how to program, they are better off learning language agnostic tried and tested principles. and these are some I find valuable.
agree. i just find it difficult to suggest something like that to a beginner. Understanding OOP or Functional is hard enough
i just don't see them going too far with that list
@andho I see it as a map to a journey. kinda like notable places. or a bucket list.
it was never meant as a list of beginner tutorials
these are some of the topics that influenced my programming significantly. how to apply them to PHP was just details. the overall principle is what counts. And yes, it took me years to get there.
did you read Pragmatic Programmer?
@andho partly. i felt there was some stuff in it that was outdated though I cannot recall what it was exactly
i think that gives the basic foundation for all these things
as for Martin Fowler, his analysis and ideas are great. But I just can't read his books
@andho the ones I have I liked.
@sectus got my message?
is anyone there who used Precurio Intranet Portal
Does anyone know of a good guide on using multi-column keys? as in "this combination between name and description is unique"
(I mean in SQL)
Morning @hakre
resen, wb, good mornings !
where is my coffee? ah there!
@Gordon is it important to read Clean Code if i'm gonna watch the Clean Code videos?
@Gordon , got. I will take a look
@andho I havent watched the videos so I cannot tell. The book is worthwhile though
@Gordon Perfect
@andho the follow up Clean Coders is supposed to be good, too. its more about work ethos though
@Gordon right thanks
@sectus the Interface Distiller uses Reflection to distill methods of a class into an interface. If I got you right, you just want to compare the method signatures, so I figured you could use that to derive interfaces of your classes and then just create a diff for these.
@crypticツ I have listened to all the songs
@Gordon yay, so was it as bad as you thought?
@crypticツ nope. It's a lot of plastic but it's completely bearable as background music
@Gordon I listen to a lot of electronic too. I especially like uplift trance here is a good one youtube.com/watch?v=joJH7Mmsy2E I have an uplift trance playlist I play when I go to sleep.
@Gordon , it sounds not bad. I'll try.
@crypticツ when you go to sleep? so you dont have a playlist at all?
"A piece of code should be where you expect to find it—and, if not, you should re-factor to get it there."
@crypticツ idyllic place in the picture slideshow
@hakre you guys are having monthly meetings in Mainz? O_o
@Ocramius more or less bi-monthly I'd say. And why O_o?
@Gordon ha ha =oP I do go to sleep but at odd times. Yeah I love the videos for these songs, so many amazing places I would love to visit. I want to just go backpacking throughout the unpopulated areas of the world. It's nice to get away from civilization and enjoy the world as it was meant to be.
Looks like I'm gonna come and speak the 16. of april
@crypticツ its probably somewhere in austria or bavaria. looks like some place in the alps
@crypticツ that's why i love the rain. It fades everyone into the background
@crypticツ , i like this sound...
@andho so do my ear plugs ;)
:) haha
@sectus I'll post a playlist in my profile sometime with the best uplift trance songs I've come across. =o)
@crypticツ , good idea. I have playlist with very different music. I like to hear new music.
fightcodegame.com it's time to fight
@Ocramius where do you got that date from?
@hakre Matthias
he's still defining the date afaik
@sectus hey how does this work
@Ocramius ah okay. yes, I don't think this is published anywhere.
would be cool to have a meeting that soon again
@BenjaminGruenbaum imo, stackoverflow.com/questions/15724913/… is borderline TL, even with my edit.
thinking about having a talk, too.
@andho , just write your own code for fighting robot % )
@sectus two events huh
@hakre do it \o/ Mine will suck enough, so I need someone that has cool stuff to compensate it :P
@Ocramius did you get any news on your green elephpants?
@Gordon yes, DASPRiD is waiting for a guy in france afaik :\
@Ocramius they are made in france, so that makes sense
@Ocramius you will do proxies I guess.
@Gordon you're lucky it isn't made in Italy :D
@Gordon they are imported to france I bet that is.
@hakre yup. I'm gonna prepare asynchronous proxies for that time hopefully
@hakre yes
@Ocramius oh, that's shiny.
yup yup. I see a lot of people writing potential bugs based on that one :P
:#8575022 , now when i am awake , yes i do
How do you create a page anchor in SO markdown?
@tereško Redundant #
@crypticツ What's a page anchor?
well .. fuck
@MadaraUchiha like when you use #something to go to a section in a page
@crypticツ Oh, you can't, AFAIK.
If you need page anchors, maybe the answer is too long (and the question needs to be closed?)
people have asked for that in the Meta , but it was not been implemented
36 secs ago, by Madara Uchiha
If you need page anchors, maybe the answer is too long (and the question needs to be closed?)
I wonder , who was that mod that decided that SO should have only short answers , like for posts like this: stackoverflow.com/questions/15728515/php-login-system-error
@MadaraUchiha not for an answer of mine, I could never make an answer that long. Just wondering since I see so many reference wiki posts which are very long and having a table of contents at the top would be nice.
He edited ^ it's now answerable.
Meh, whatever. It should be Too Localized anyway
/me is humming along this song .. this band made me read Milton's book
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
echo 'Hello Loréane !';
How can i print the text: Hello Loréane ! without modifying the header above ?
what do you mean ?
The above code prints: Hello Lor�ane !
But i want to print: Hello Loréane !
@dskanth it works for me :p
@HamZaDzCyberDeV The header must be used as it is
@dskanth , apache? You can use AddCharset in .htaccess.
@tereško I have php version 5.3, is it ok ?
it makes no difference
@sectus Can i specify "AddCharset" with ini_set in my php code ?
also , this works too : codepad.viper-7.com/inpfds
@dskanth , it is Apache directive, not php.
@sectus ok, got it
@tereško Thanks for the second link of code.. but i don't get the same output at my end. I am using Firefox under Windows
@dskanth the charset does not change the content ... it just tells browser how to render it
Welcome to the Stack Overflow moderator team :)
Good morning
Good morning !
Morning @ircmaxell
buona pasqua, if that's your thing
@ircmaxell today is a very important day. Don't underrate it.
I mean... Game of Thrones ftw!
I am not going to be able to see it until Friday
I will be on a plane when it airs
Actually, I wonder if DirectTV gets HBO on the plane... If so, I could watch it on the plane...
I'll have to wait for the cloud :\
@ircmaxell No GoT for you
Though I haven't watched it at all, for some reason
@ircmaxell then at least happy zombie day
Happy Zombie Jesus Day
Happy Korean Zombie Jesus Day
no , you are all wrong , he is not a zombie
14 hours ago, by tereško
user image
@tereško he's a lich?
ah, see :)
My residual D&D knowledge is still somewhere in my brain
the php mod army xD
A: How to prevent SQL injection in PHP?

RajendraI know this question is from one who really want to know a good solution for a really important problem. There might be many solutions available, but a intermediate developer always think of an easy to implement and good to understand solution. I'm using one which may not full proof but any one c...

that answer needs a TON of downvotes...
What the...
@ThiefMaster , back to the past... magic quotes strikes back.
and also that great str_replace
@ThiefMaster Downvotes? It needs delete votes
@ThiefMaster that is criminally bad answer needs to be deleted
true, i was also waiting for some to come in so people don't whine about deleting a "just-wrong" answer ;)
hated that in some forum.. it used to replace javascript with java script apparently because their bbcode engine sucked hard
that's not a just-wrong answer. That's an epic-wrong answer
@ThiefMaster link? They may have valuable data :P
nah, the new versions are pretty fine
Honestly, I think that in the case of security, just-wrong answers should be deleted... At least in a case like this where it's just noise on a good thread
yeah, in that thread i'd have most likely deleted it anyway
simply because tons of newbies end up there
and some of them apparently don't have the slightest idea of what they are doing anyway
29/54 answer are deleted on that post ...that post is getting too much crap answer
@ThiefMaster can that question be protected? I don't see the normal link (prob because of community wiki)
it already is
> protected by AVD Jun 6 '12 at 9:59
would be overkill imho
$unsafe_variable = $_POST["user-input"];
$sql=sprintf("INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES('%s')",$unsafe_variable);
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
@ThiefMaster yeyeyyeyey ...... its safe :P
@ThiefMaster but I called the variable $unsafe, what more do I have to do?
@ircmaxell you can atleast rename its to $kill_database :P
but I run mod_security, that should save me, right?
shit, I need to do a slide deck for next week
prob should start that at some point in the next week
ugh, mod_security.. because that'll totally work when you have e.g. a programming forum where POST data containing SQL and other "bad" things are perfectly legit
no, because that totally works because select is never a word that will come up in normal conversation, yet alone a programming forum...
that, and I need to shoot a new video next weekend... Going to try to do a short and quick, but epic one...
Q: sql injection - how to do it right?

TJRi read about sql injection in 10 pages of google and yet, i cant sqlInject even the most unsecured site because a javascript or php prevent.so i will be glad if someone will finally explain how to do a real sql injection, that works and not the regular 1' OR'1'='1.

@ThiefMaster whoa are you teaching to apply sql injection to newbie :P
@NullPonyPointer really you code formatted the question? =oP
Gotta make it pretty for deletion
@crypticツ yes :P
@sectus added uplift trance playlist to my profile, enjoy =o)
@crypticツ , kk
@crypticツ @NullPonyPointer check out the new "edited" question it's now 15 pages instead of 10 (facepalm)
lol, he's a fast reader or there must not be much code to copypasta
@HamZaDzCyberDeV lolwut
@rdlowery whoa, easy big fella. I was trying to be polite not pinging, and definitely wasn't "bashing". Semantics are important. I understand the diff between the two patterns; that's been my point all along, that they are indeed different and not interchangeable
@Gordon While WebRTC is still a small niche, StackOverflow is full with questions like 'does IE support addEventListener, if not, how can I still create IE compatible code?" The difference is that WebRTC is much newer. I posted it not because I'm curios, but because chances are people will likely google "Internet Explorer WebRTC" and run into this question, instead of adding one that is much more localized on their own, at least that was the rational.
ok, so I'm packed, but I feel like I've packed nothing... Like I'm forgetting something huge...
And I agree that SL is lazy and DIC is preferred. But calling things by their correct names is important. That's all.
@ThiefMaster Answering PHP questions are we :P?
@rdlowery and I actually think your citation from symfony docs as a source for common misconception is spot on, fwiw
DiC and SL are the same pattern at the implementation level
the difference is where you use it. Or in other words, from the consumers side
And lastly, it would be a big problem if, say, a doctor used the terms HIV and AIDS interchangeably, @rdlowery.
Kind of like adapter and bridge
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would say Adapter and Facade
Meant IoC, sorry, didn't expect to wake up to a breakfast in bed of a big sh*t sandwich from one of the nice guys
Adapter bridge and facade are all the similar code for very different purposes :) Just like an IoC Container and a SL container
IoC container === DiC
IOC pattern !== SL pattern
Yeah, we're in agreement, read what I said again :P
yes it is
from a UML and implementation of the container standpoint, they are identical
the difference is how each integrates into the application
I just use IoC container because DiC is a term I haven't seen used before in any books or articles, but they're the same
From the specific example cited yesterday, where the complaint was the magical symfony SC being used as a global-like SL, they are nit
Symfony has a DiC. They have one controller where it becomes a SL, but it's not a "magical SC"
SL container is always automagic and global, in IoC container the control is inverted and dependencies are injected into the module instead of the module "creating them"
Also right
SL is injected into classes for the purpose of the class pulling its own dependencies. A DiC is any other usage, where the classses get explicitly passed the direct dependencies they need. So as long as the DiC is not injected into anything but factories, it's still a DiC and not an SL
No, SL is not always magic, or even global
So at the en of the day, the point was define your services with their other services and don't just do 'extends controller' everywhere to "locate" instead of "inject"
@ircmaxell that was a figure of speech
Well, but it's important to be clear
because global has other meanings in this context
@ircmaxell it is! Thank you
you can implement a global registry SL, like codeigniter does...
Guys, I just formatted my PC, and want to install PHP, how do you guys do it? installing wamp/xampp or separately apache, php and mysql ?
@phpNoOb apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
but the fact that it's global is ancillary to the fact that it's a SL
what does it mean @Ocramius separately?
I prefer: sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda1 bs=512k
@phpNoOb what operating system are you using?
@phpNoOb that installs PHP5, apache and the link between the two
@ircmaxell :D
And regardless of "how" you do it, or which pattern definitions you use, or who you're supposed to read or GTFO, you "need" a container somewhere. You don't "need" a locator
you don't need a container
not at all.
It can make your life easier, but you absolutely don't need one
@dyelawn why? It could be instantiating all the time. The fact that services are shared is only an additional feature.
what do you mean how?
Like 50 NS declarations at the top of the doc?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am using HP, CORE i3, windows 7
@dyelawn You don't need an IoC container to do DI
Or just instant orating each thing with full constructor every time ?
@dyelawn Let's say I have a class 'Person' and every person has a bank account, if Instead of creating the Bank account in the Person I pass it as an argument to the constructor, that's DI right there.
what? that doesn't even make sense
@Ocramius I searches the text you gave me, and it took me to this site www.debianhelp.co.uk/php5.htm do you mean that?
Instantiating *
@phpNoOb Just install xampp, you'll be fine
as @BenjaminGruenbaum said.
@ircmaxell it does make sense, lets be civil, it's easter
@BenjaminGruenbaum No! xampp is for total noobs, I ditched xampp for wamp about a month ago, now I am trying to even go higher, and install what you guys are installing.
github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-PasswordLib/blob/master/lib/… <-- that uses DI. It's a particular implementation of what I would call "Lazy DI". In that you don't need to inject dependencies (it will create sane defaults), but you can if you choose...
@Benjamin I am quite familiar with what di is
@dyelawn Who's not being civil?
Ask to clarify, don't say "doesn't make sense" it made sense to me when I typed it
@phpNoOb First, I don't use PHP anymore, second, when I did I did the coding on linux where it was not an issue. Third, when I did it on windows before, I didn't care about using XAMPP or WAMPP or whatever since I usually tested on the deployment environment anyway.
Before auto correct threw in orating
@dyelawn what does a NS declaration have to do with DI?
@phpNoOb then remove windows :)
Bc if I have to get things I need without something to inject them in a complicated application, and I'm building them all from scratch every time, I have to define them in the doc somewhere
@phpNoOb well that doesnot makes sense both are same and there is not much difference
not one is better
@dyelawn can you re-formulate that?
@ircmaxell , can you use UML notification?
UML notification???
@NullPonyPointer I don't know, but I clearly remember people encouraging me to ditch xampp and install wamp, or better yet, all mysql, php, apache seperately. But, I am sure they told me wamp was better, can't remember exactly for what reason though
@phpnoob gettingstartedwithchef.com ; please look at chef/vagrant individually later, but that will get you going
@ircmaxell , is it your movie?
@dyelawn That sounds like a service locator, in Ioc Containers dependencies are pulled by the modules using them, not pushed. In DI dependencies are explicit, they're defined inside your code
yes, it's my video
@phpNoOb It doesn't matter as long as it works, you're not deploying to your own computer anyway
@phpNoOb well there is no difference between wamp and xamp .. except wamp have better user interface and xamp have some other tool like ftp
So, ok. What are you guys using, that is what I want to know!

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