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@ircmaxell concepts are like ideas. worthless until implemented :P scnr
true. but at least a concept can be applied to multiple implementations, but an implemnetation is stuck to itself
@ircmaxell eih. I had hoped you'd see how your idea about ideas must be wrong :(
it's not ;-)
@ircmaxell yes, it is :P
and it's not my idea, I learned that from someone who knows a lot more than me about the subject
True, but it's not easy for me to decide wich way to go...
someone who knows a lot more than ircmaxell? Me don't get it
I saw his talks on youtube about encryptions really interesting!
@vascowhite - thnx!
what do you call it when you make a chat system and say i insert a link to a image it automatically displays the image, @ircmaxell has told me before but i forgot?
@Connor oneboxing I think
cool thanks
a search for "oneboxing" only turns up answers for meta.stackoverflow.com, it doesn't seem like a universal term
good morning
@igorw meta.stackoverflow.com/a/57287/164367 specifically refers to 'we call this onebox, or oneboxing'
How could I set correctly namespaces at this case? I had tried a huge amount of variations but I couldn't put it to work...
@Gordon So apparently they used to create "mini profiles" when you first sign up to Careers and you had to follow a link in an email to set up a full profile, and my email got lost in a huge pile of spam. But they don't do mini profile's any more so there won't be many/any more users with the problem.
@phpNoOb The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.
@igorw morning
@vascowhite cheers, not very googlable unfortunately. :)
the "google onebox results" page that is
@igorw No, I found it by accident :)
^ xkcd. you son of a b.
@igorw The term 'onebox' is also used in the chat FAQ
posted on March 25, 2013 by Brandon Savage

Abstraction is one of the subjects in software development that’s really difficult to fully grasp without practice. It’s easy to read about it, talk about it, and profess doing it. To actually do it is another thing entirely: it requires practice, and patience, and experimentation. I decided the best way to show abstraction in action [...]

@Feeds I am not sure I want to read that
@Gordon don't bother ;-)
That @Feeds guy is turning into a real boring ba****d :)
How can I post a link here as @Feeds did? Interesting
Does anybody understand what this guy is asking about?
Q: How create polymorphic agnostic models?

Marcos PassosCurrently I use the storage agnostic pattern in my project. This pattern is pretty simple: I've my Model\Model and my specific storage layer that extends of Model\Model (like Entity\Model and Document\Model). The problem I'm facing is with polymorphic objects. If I don't extend an entity Doctrin...

I'm not familiar with that term and a quick google search didn't turn up anything sensible.
@Bracketworks It's a PNG, did you expect anything?
@MadaraUchiha It was almost timing out; now I"m reading at forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=101043
He's got something goin on; script in the page, minified, trying to sort it out
@GarouDan @Feeds is a bot, it posts stuff from RSS feeds.
Certain links are expanded automatically (like Stack Exchange site questions/answers/comments, chat posts, xkcd links, etc)
Guys if there is a customers table what would be a good name for table, that holds additional customer information in structure free format?
@Eugene What sort of structure free format?
@GarouDan You can use the sandbox to practice to save spamming the room.
@Bracketworks when there is no certain amount of coulmns, that store data.
@Eugene Right, but what are you using? Serialized PHP? JSON? XML?
non of the above
10 messages moved to Sandbox
@MadaraUchiha hum, understood
I only mention, because you might benefit from an EAV implementation, depending on how frequently certain customer properties show up.
@Bracketworks the format isn't an issue. I was asking for table name suggestions
are there people here working as web-developper?
-> As only webdeveloper in a company...
I got a question for them.
Why don't you just ask the question, and anyone working as the only web developer at a company might answer.
In about 4 days it will be again FRIDAY :D
Well, Im new in a company and I have to work on 3 projects. But my boss told me, alright I have a client we brief him and you start with a project but he wants updates every week. How can we best show our client the progress... with miletstones
@MihaiIorga This week finishes on Thursday for me :) Friday is Good Friday.
How do you guys have schedule for showing clients your progress?
@vascowhite Good for you :)
@Duikboot I'd have thought that was something you would agree with the client.
Im new in the 'planning' structure.
I have 3 projects for every project I have to work +- 3 weeks.
But every client want updates every week.
Im looking for a good way to show them the progress I did that week. But from a non-programmer perspective it's not easy always to see progress as 'outsider' I think?
@Duikboot This is a conversation you need to have with your boss. Soon.
He asked me to think about a structure to figure this out...
Are there agreed milestones between the customer and you?
Q: Proper DocBlock comment for the method, which returns objects of one hierarchy depending on the provided argument

an1zhegorodovWhat I mean by proper DocBlock comment is a comment which: Conforms to PHPDoc standard Provides PHPStorm IDE autocomplete Here is the class itself: class Factory_DomainObjects { /** * Build domain object * * @param $name * * @return M_UserObject|M_TransactionObj...

@vascowhite I wanna day off too :(
No there aren't.
@PeeHaa: I don't get off friday. I do however get off monday.
@PeeHaa Take one. Tell them I said you could :)
@NiekBergman wtf. Please tell me it's national
@vascowhite I doubt that's going to end well :(
@Duikboot Then you have no real way of presenting progress to your client. Milestones should be mutually agreed, then all parties know what to expect.
@PeeHaa Maybe not for you :)
@PeeHaa I'll pop in here to let you know how I'm doing. Once I get out of bed that is :)
o7 @PeeHaa
yo brotha
@vascowhite How nice...
@Duikboot It sounds to me as if you need to talk to your clients and discuss milestones that are measurable and apparent to both parties. Picking an arbitrary time scale for updates is rarely productive as you are starting to see.
Indeed excat.
But I can create as 'lonely' developer in the comapny here them on my own.
but my boss told me I have to calculte that every client wants updates 'weekly'
@Duikboot Then why are you wasting time in chat? You've got work to do! :)
Good morning again
Well I was looking for best practices for doing this
because it's not always easy to make a client clear what I exactly did...
because they don't understand programming...
@Duikboot Best practice is to discuss it with your client and agree clear milestones and a timescale for each one.
Okay, will do :).
Now back to work for a while
@Duikboot Yeah, me too :)
Anyone know of a good context-menu extension library for Win 7? I've got FilerFrog, but its pretty limited.
Copy Path, etc., all that fun stuff.
Smiley indicates that it is a day that employers usually give the day off.
@Bracketworks the server's 404-ing for that
if anyone knows extensively about port forwarding, please help me out:
@ircmaxell He's doing something wacky; it's time based, each image loads from a different address than usual, some hash string.
@NiekBergman hmmm I haven't heard the people above about it (yet)
There is still hope
Im not sure I have 'goede vrijdag' in belgium :p
@vascowhite - looks gr8! i upgraded too !
@Bracketworks it's coming over from a websocket (or long poll socket), but it's throwing a stream not found error...
@Gordon I can do that but I don't want to.
@ircmaxell Yea; the image is changing; when strung together it seems it'll be an animation of sorts.
He minified the script and I'm not bothered to follow through it ;)
@Bracketworks trivial to unminify in chrome
Really? Haven't tried before; how so?
I mean, I've pasted into an IDE and formatted; you can step through the script if you debug it.
I dunno if you mean something "better" than that.'
open up debugger, go to script tag, and click the button that looks like {}
Oh neato, pretty print!
Thanks ;) @ircmaxell
No more copy-paste.
Changed the title to be more clear.
Double neat, it toggles, seemingly persistently. If I leave it on will it pretty-print everything I open?
@Gordon Thank you, you've ruined my work day :P
@webarto you are welcome
what did you do?
@ircmaxell Busy? Could you, please, have a look at this question? It's connected with yesterday's build() method discussion here in php chat.
@rdlowrey ping
@DaveRandom yo
@rdlowrey Hey man, you ever had SSL: crypto enabling timeout? This guy is getting it under Apache but not at the CLI, and I can't see any real difference between the configs
Using the same ini file and what appears to be the same Apache build, under Windows as well so presumably a pretty unrestricted dev setup
I go away for one little meeting and there are over 100 messages...
Just been poking through the sauce and it appears the message is coming from OpenSSL, the exact error string isn't raised by PHP anywhere
@DaveRandom I haven't ever gotten that error, but I know that I set a timeout within which the handshake must complete or I fail a connection to my TLS server. Sorry, I'm probably not much help :/
I would think the only way you'd get an error like that is if the TLS settings are misconfigured on one end or the other.
@rdlowrey Well that's what I was thinking but it's weird that it works under the CLI. How do you configure the handshake timeout?
Can't see a context option for it
Although I know there are at least two undocumented ssl context options, the one you added and no_ticket
@DaveRandom It's something I do manually with an event reactor. When a new connection arrives I schedule a one time event to fire X seconds in the future. When the TLS handshake completes I cancel that event. Otherwise, if the event fires the handshake is taking too long and I cancel it and close the socket connection.
@rdlowrey oic. Yeh this is blocking cos it's just a single-pipe simple SMTP client. Presumably this means that OpenSSL has an internal timeout, you could do with knowing what that is in case it's shorter than yours presumably it's configurable as well in which case it could do with a context option
@DaveRandom That's true. I hadn't even bothered to look if there was a default.
Would certainly be more efficient to let OpenSSL handle it internally if we could get a context option to map to that setting.
A: Proper DocBlock comment for the method of a class, which implements Factory design pattern

ircmaxellThe simple answer here is that you should not be returning multiple object types from a single method. Let me elaborate: When I say "types", I mean objects that don't all share the same type information in some way. In your case they are all CoreObject (which is a horrific name by the way). So I...

@rdlowrey not sure about that actually, surely the one-time event stuff has to be checked in the event loop anyway? Best case scenario it would cause _enable_crypto() to return false after the timeout has elapsed, but this being PHP it will probably emit a pointless warning as well
@DaveRandom you're right. this is what my exact code looks like:
    private function doHandshake($clientSock, $trigger) {
        if ($trigger == Reactor::TIMEOUT) {
        } elseif ($cryptoResult = @stream_socket_enable_crypto($clientSock, TRUE, $this->cryptoType)) {
            $clientId = (int) $clientSock;
            $pendingInfo = $this->clientsPendingHandshake[$clientId];
            list($handshakeSubscription, $peerName, $serverName, $onClient) = $pendingInfo;

lol yep, @ in there already. I really wish that I could honestly tell people that I never use it when I am chastising them for using it :-(
Also what's with the ==? Surely that type must be known?
You lost me ... do you mean this: (FALSE === $cryptoResult) ?
I mean if ($trigger == Reactor::TIMEOUT) {
Why isn't it === ?
I use === absolutely everywhere that I possibly can
Hmm ... that's probably a good practice.
I guess it's kinda personal preference but I like to be as explicit with types as possible
@ircmaxell Accepted, thank you, Anthony
@DaveRandom I've gone back and forth on that. In the end there's no measurable performance difference between == and ===, though the explicit visual cue that "this is guaranteed to be of a certain type" is probably useful for readability.
@rdlowrey there is a measurable performance difference between them, depending on the casting going on and the types being compared. It's still a small difference, but it's measurable
@rdlowrey Oh yeh it's definitely a performance red herring. It would imagine it's only slower if the two operands are of different types (otherwise there's no casting to be done and the same number of checks to do)
@ircmaxell Let me rephrase. I bechmarked the hell out of it. It's the micro-optimization of all micro-optimizations.
oh, absolutely
It's far worse to waste braincells on == vs === for performance reasons when coding than something like single quotes vs double quotes.
but we can generate edge-cases where there's a HUGE (% wise) performance difference between them...
You're right :)
it's bad to waste braincells on anything that causes less than a millisecond of difference (unless it's running in a hot-loop, in which case optimize your algorithm)
I have few enough brain cells. I can't afford to waste any of them. Thanks, years of binge-drinking at state university.
@rdlowrey ditto
@rdlowrey :] Glad I don't have that issue. Hooray for being sober all my life!
As evidenced over the weekend, I have too few brain cells as it is.
@rdlowrey I never got into binge-drinking. I did one night get really wasted, but that was before college, and it wasn't "binge", but just stupidity
lol when you weigh all of 140 lbs like me, "binge-drinking" is about two michelob ultras :)
@rdlowrey :)
Its all about tolerance. Have to slowly build it up. Like exercise.
Speaking of, lunch time.
when I was in college, I would win bets by drinking Bacardi 151 straight, without making a face...
@LeviMorrison That's what I tell people "I have too few brain cells as it is ..." ;)
Not many people think about how many cells they're destroying when they flood their brains with poisin
@rdlowrey is your http client already rewritten for the 1000th time? I need to make a sitemap generator and I think it will be pretty useful
IMHO, drinking -- like most things in life -- is all about balance.
@NikiC wait, WTF?
@NikiC Lol
@NikiC What is this dark magic?
@PeeHaa It actually hasn't changed in months. I've been working on other things. And it won't change until I'm able to sit down and rewrite everything. So you could safely use it in its current form.
@LeviMorrison We call it Java
@rdlowrey cool
I didn't know that there were languages even more fucked up than PHP :D
The secret is that Java allows control characters in identifiers, and the second "foo" includes a backspace character ;)
@PeeHaa I'm of the opinion that's it's a horrific display of overengineering and I wish I didn't make its use so complicated in the name of OOP. But aside from that it works well.
I was looking for that
@NikiC O_o
Ahh, and people bitch about #PHP: https://ideone.com/vF6eSg #theJoysOfJava
in JavaScript, 27 secs ago, by ircmaxell
Modern Programming:
Step 1: Ruby-On-Rails
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Profit
Step 4: Lose all profits on costs to replace ROR
Step 5: Go out of business
LOL, you will piss off someone :P
Glad you changed ^ was momentarily horrified.
@ircmaxell On that note; I'm pissed that Ruby is still dropped from NetBeans.
I didn't remember it was possible to declare the same variable twice, with Java
it's not
then I'm definitely missing something
seems a dirty trick :D
@Ocramius hey
For anyone who didn't know ... ZeroMQ is great.
@Ocramius small Q. If I generate entities from yml file is it normal, that there are no annotations in generated entity files?
@rdlowrey Made good strides in getting it running?
@LeviMorrison Yeah everything is running smoothly. I'm just working on design aspects so I can streamline the process of using it for multiprocessing on a single machine or distributed processing across work clusters with the same API.
That'll probably take all day ...
It makes me think you shouldn't even bother with trying to do the hotplate in php. Just use php to pass the hotplate values as a job to a ZeroMQ router that will hand off the work to a function in a fast language :)
It makes it simple to write your application in PHP and pass the specific cpu-intensive work off to machines/languages that are better suited for it.
Best of both worlds, really.
@ircmaxell lol
@rdlowrey Do I need the ZeroMQ 3 series or 2 series?
@rdlowrey i've been wondering why @Levi insists on doing that stuff in PHP
@NikiC I've optimized the C to the point I don't think I can make it any faster. Then I optimized it in JavaScript and Dart. Now I'm doing it in PHP. What's wrong with that?
@ircmaxell what the...
@LeviMorrison Shouldn't matter:
> ZMQ extension requires 0MQ version 2.0.7 or higher.
is it bad to store files in your mysql database?
@Eugene annotations are just one of the ways to configure the ORM
@LeviMorrison Some things are just not to be done in PHP
@Ocramius okey, but I specified --generate-annotations=true
that's final!
Calm down there skeeter.
@Ocramius )
He ain't hurtin' no one.
@Bracketworks bad mood, my bad :) ttyl
My favorite XKCD:
@Ocramius as I described earlier I had an issue yesterday and I thought, that maybe I screwed up in annotations somewhere, so I thought, to do a clean start and try one more time, but we all know how, that turned out :(
Alright, time to change IDEs. What's the consensus on Aptana?
The consensus is PhpStorm. Everything else is outside of consensus
@NikiC Blech.
Alright, really?
@Bracketworks I work with Aptana, but vim or emacs are greats
I use NetBeans as primary, VIM as secondary, and PhpStorm to refactor...
Backstory: I'm coming from NetBeans; a formerly happy user of NetBeans. Lack of language support for Ruby and I'd rather lump them into the same window.
Oh yeah, if not IDE then you obviously use vim ^^
But that really goes without saying
I'm hearing little support for Aptana outside of @GoT.
Oh, and SublimeText from time to time
Sublime Text 2 is good as an editor
I don't wanna use PHPStorm because it's no free software :/
@Bracketworks i migrated from Aptana to Sublime Text
Yea, I'm not grabbing it this second because it's not free either; not to say I have a problem with paying for good things.
@tereško from Aptana; ok, less support.
@Ocramius okey, then other Q not regarding generator. If I have a table with complex PK and each column in PK is also a FK to another tables, then should I mark properties in Entity both as @Id() or should I add additonal properties for that?
http://www.geany.org/ is a fast IDE and http://vim.spf13.com is an excellent VIM Bundle.
Aptana doesn't Support PHP > 5.3 (Arraysyntax etc., they have a ticket for years).
@pce Yikes, if that's the case then goodbye Aptana (I was already starting to feel that way)
Well, I've give PHPStorm another roll, 30 days, see what happens; same deal with Sublime.
@pce thanks for the link about VIM :)
Wait, PHPStorm ain't gonna help.
Dammit, NetBeans is so solid, but they're missing stupid things.
@PeeHaa never installed it
keep forgetting to
@Bracketworks like what?
@ircmaxell Honestly, just dropping native Ruby support (I know that was awhile ago, but since then it's becoming ubiquitous in my projects for odds & ends)
@Bracketworks here someone said the development has been taken over by the community stackoverflow.com/questions/5736417/…
adding native JS support solidified it as my primary IDE/Editor
I've grabbed the community plugin, I can only get pieces of it working; some syntax, some formatting.
@ircmaxell Oh for sure, and 7.3 apparently improved it moreso.
what are the benifits of native js in an ide, code completion (i read netbeans supports jQuery code completion)? @ircmaxell @Bracketworks
@pce Like any language, really; syntax support (highlighting, auto-complete, etc) integration with other project assets, etc.
Refactoring, general tools (minify, etc.) I think quite important; if your IDE is configured with source control, JS along with everything else, is managed too.
@pce no, I don't care about jQuery. I care about highlighting, linting, auto-formatting, automatic scope resolution (dependency finding)... Etc
Alright, I've got various outdated Ruby plugins fighting it out in NB, and somehow it seems to be working.
Perhaps this ship will hold together long enough to get this crap done.
@ircmaxell Did you get just the version of NB that supports the languages you need, or is there any hidden value in getting everything?
I don't work in Java, so I hadn't thought to bother with it (nor C really)
I got everything. Because I use a variety of different languages. I've even been known to open Java files from time to time ;-)
posted on March 25, 2013 by Pádraic Brady

The Zend Framework team recently released versions 2.0.8 and 2.1.4 to address a number of potential security issues including advisory ZF2013-02 “Potential Information Disclosure and Insufficient Entropy vulnerabilities in Zend\Math\Rand and Zend\Validate\Csrf Components”. Quite the mouthful! In short, Zend Framework used the mt_rand() function to generate random numbers in si

lol There isn't any benefit otherwise though; as in core plugins that benefit a PHP project that for whatever reason are only available in the full stack?
@Feeds a very good article that everyone should read
@Bracketworks you can get the same by installing plugins
@Lusitanian k good. I can just rewrite shit
@ircmaxell Alrighty thanks :)
thanks, i will keep netbeans in mind for a JS project
@ircmaxell I like NetBeans but on every system I've ever used it on it eats up all the RAM and goes into swap. I've opened tickets but to no avail.
@LeviMorrison you need more RAM
@ircmaxell I have 8GB.
@LeviMorrison you need more RAM :-P
It does it no matter my RAM size.
Also, the bug where the refactoring window sticks around is REALLY annoying.
My next desktop will have 1tb of ram... Why? Why not...
I'm of the opinion to max out memory in both speed and capacity whenever you buy a machine. It make life simpler when you legitimately run out of RAM because the conclusion is easy: get a new machine.
RAM is the most important part for me.
@ircmaxell I really solved all my performances issues by buying a SSD
a whole new world :P
Yeah, SSD did really rock
but so did my RAID-0 array of physical drives...
SSD improved the long start/restart times. Aside from that I don't seem much of a difference from RAID.
Except now I have less space available.
for me, apps launch instantly (nearly). Before, Premiere took like 45 seconds to launch. now, 5 seconds...
Windows boots in 7 seconds. My Ubuntu VM (which is on the RAID array, not the SSD) boots in 4 seconds...
I don't run any apps that take that long to start except on the supercomputer :]
SSD to host the OS, RAID to archive
@Uby That's what I'm doing on my next machine.
My current machine is a 13" MacBook Pro with Retina display. It's my first Mac. I don't care for the shiny bells and whistles, but I use it as a Unix system and it's been pretty good.
oo, SSD. Yes
SSDs rock! hand s down. I bought a low end one for ~ $100, after using it would easily pay $200+ for the performance increase they provide.
*SO PHP Channel supports SSDs, you should too.
My 2010 MBP revived thanks to new RAM and SSD disk
@rdlowrey Hey, anything you want me to try out with ZMQ? I have it running now (I think).
@LeviMorrison Sadly, I'm not at the point where I have stable code you could use.
@rdlowrey No worries; just let me know when you want me to try something.
hi all
Yeah I'll let you know when I get there. It will be late tonight if it even happens today.
need help in php simple problem but am a beginner so couldnt trace it
@ircmaxell regarding your java WTF example, looking at the var changes its quantum state?
@igorw it's QuantumJava
another java quantum (the autoboxing integer cache) : stackoverflow.com/questions/1995113/…
I want to close a popup window after updating the data in its textbox in php. can anyone help ??
@samir that looks like something javascript can solve
@Uby thanks for replying bro
I am new to php just my second day with it
I opened the popup window when a user clicks on an item in table and then he can update the item from popup window.
that reminds me where is @PeeHaa?
and after it has been updated i want to close this popup window and take him back to the table page
@samir yes, you can do it with JS
can u help me how can i do it ???
@PedrodelSol thanks gimme sometime to have a look at it
@PedrodelSol and how can i do that from inside my php code
without seeing your code? not too easy to say...
@PedrodelSol i will share that just a min
are you opening a window with js?

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