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@an1zhegorodov something along the lines of this.
assuming you need some flexibility in the mapping, and it can also be extended to support arbitrary args somehow.
I'm bailing because I am softcore. Night @all
Hi, I have an array containing rowIDs. I want only the rows that have their ID in the array to be enabled (a boolean value). Every other row I want to set disabled, is this possible?
I'm not sure if that is more related to mysql or php.
Bye @DaveRandom
@igorw That's pretty interesting. The only thing I would change: move that array to the object scope
:( rchern is lost somewhere I guess... What do you think about this pull request?
 * Build data mapper
 * @param string $name
 * @return Core_Mapper
 * @throws Exception if data mapper name is invalid
public function build($name)
    if ($this->isCached($name)) {
        return $this->_cache[$name];
    $class = 'M_' . $name . 'Mapper';
    $instance = new $class($this->_DB);
    $this->register($name, $instance);
    return $instance;

//M_UserMapper, M_TransactionMapper extend Core_Mapper
//The IDE claims that Core_Mapper doesn't have method build
//I thought if I typehint the parent class, the IDE should read children methods also
@PeeHaa Is that an answer to my previous post? :D
Neh. Just random weekend trash
Never thought that IDE + code documenting helps that much in designing logical architecture
@an1zhegorodov oh sure, you can make that an instance variable
@PeeHaa LOL
@Lusitanian If you want to, sure. I think you should get into natural language processing and statistical analysis to determine the likelihood that a tutorial is garbage. That's a fun tangent and a very useful life skill :)
(sorry, wrong ping)
I was like.
I did that to you earlier but didn't realize it until it was too late.
@rdlowrey or....if($document->contains('mysql_connect(')) { // BAD TUTORIAL }
also how did FGCU make the sweet 16 huh what
1 message moved to Trash can
if (stripos($uri, 'w3schools.com')) { ... }
@Lusitanian Dude they're nasty!
At the end of that game they were just mopping the floor with SDSU
yeah, that was enjoyable
Fun to watch.
10 messages moved to Trash can
@rdlowrey I have a really strange bug :/
The data is properly formatted in the worker.
@LeviMorrison Well then we're operating on the same plane of ineptitude tonight :)
When the master unserializes it the 2nd row is always array('').
Sounds like an extra "\n"
It's not :(
I'd try with NON-WHITESPACE delimiters if I were you. Way easier to see the problem if it's not blank on your console.
like ; and , in place of \n and \t and then change it later.
Good call.
I almost always have trouble with that sort of thing. I find it saves me significant heartache to use something that's easy to spot.
Like ... ツ
Hard to miss the remedial kindergarten smiley face ツ
When you type that I just think of Chunk from The Goonies yelling, "Heyyyyy you guuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyys."
@rdlowrey It is :(
How it gets there I do not know.
In the array before it dumps it's a perfectly good row.
Well the debugging foothold is the most important part. It's soul-crushing when you have no clue what the problem is.
I ended up writing the serialization to a tmp file so I could see the rows.
@rdlowrey It's also crushing when you've seen the symptom for hours and made no progress.
who needs tests anyways?
Run through the wall, test later!
Although in fairness to @LeviMorrison, the code he's writing is more of a one-off experiment than the kind of thing you'd want to test.
it's the kind of code that lends itself very well to TDD, and where tests can be of great value as you are writing it
@igorw Amigo, it's a multiprocess shenanigan. I haven't figured out how to test that yet.
TDD is the One True Way (tm) (R) and it's also webscale
multiprocessing code + tests = My peanut-sized brain explodes
Every worker has this same problem. The second line is always blank.
But the data is there.
I swear!
@rdlowrey DOH!
Sounds like good news :)
I found the problem but it can't be the only one.
Yeah, that sounds like my night. I've got a whole stack of problems. So each bug I swat leaves me with the sinking feeling that I still have several more to figure out.
> With 4 workers and 128 rows per task, 10 iterations took 9.888578 seconds.
Also, that's the best performance we've seen yet :]
@LeviMorrison how do they communicate?
@igorw Sockets.
And right now it's slower than in serial >.<
We've identified some of the reasons, though.
I am pretty close to having something faster done.
you might want to look into zmq, it improves socket performance through batching
@igorw Hey @rdlowrey, he says we should use ZMQ :]
Also, shared memory will be faster. I've already tested that. Of course, it can't scale beyond the local system.
zmq has an inproc thing for that
@igorw Yeah, rdlowrey has been working with ZMQ for the last few days.
and it can switch over to sockets transparently
well it just seems like the perfect excuse for you to play with zmq, that's all
I'm all for zmq, but I think it's important to have a native non-extension solution to complement it.
And the ZMQ polling sucks. You have to immediately drop it for libevent if you want to do anything useful.
It uses epoll/kqueue for internal threads but not sockets. It just uses a good old fashioned poll for everything else if the reading I've done can be believed.
that would surprise me. linkage?
I can't say whether or not that's changed in the last 15 months.
But regardless, if I'm already working with libevent in an application I'd rather use it for everything than to split work between that and the ZMQ poll.
> With 4 workers and 256 rows per task, 10 iterations took 6.986988 seconds.
^ That's using shared memory.
Any numbers with more workers?
> With 4 workers and 128 rows per task, 10 iterations took 6.574694 seconds.
> With 8 workers and 128 rows per task, 10 iterations took 7.005835 seconds.
> With 8 workers and 64 rows per task, 10 iterations took 6.558940 seconds.
@rdlowrey hm, hard to tell. but it does allow you to fetch an FD and do the polling yourself via libevent/libev/libuv/whatever
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
but I disagree that you need that in order to "do anything useful". lots of the use cases of zmq involve blocking operations.
You're right. I misspoke was wrong on that account. For me personally I'm really only interested in DEALER -> ROUTER connections for pounding out huge numbers of async requests to the router.
And for that the regular blocking REQ/REP sockets won't help me (except in cluster situations).
For whatever reason my shared memory impl dies at 16 iterations with it being unable to open already existing shared memory.
ok, for that specific use case I could definitely see that being an issue -- although I haven't benched it or verified the current state of how polling is done.
My one beef with ZMQ is that it swallows errors on undeliverable multipart messages and that can make figuring out what you're doing wrong a real nightmare.
Makes sense for a working system, but I would punch my grandmother in the face for a "debug setting" at times.
btw, if you're looking into doing your own polling of ZMQ sockets, it's a bit tricky due to the edge-triggered nature of the FDs.
it means that you need to keep processing events as soon as you receive a single one, and you must also check for write events after processing all of the read events and vice versa.
Yeah, I've had the pleasure of learning that the hard way :)
if you don't do that, messages will get lost.
very lost.
yup, took me a few iterations to get it right.
I was about ready to toss the keyboard out the window before finally realizing that I needed to keep processing until there was nothing left on a readable/writable situation.
I luckily had one of the core devs at my disposal and forced him at gunpoint to explain how edge-triggered things work. I'd have checked myself into a mental institution otherwise.
I'm not sure where it was but I read something in my endless googling trying to work it out that gave me cause to try it. When it worked I nearly cried.
And of course after you understand what's happening it makes sense, but man ... it'll make you question your sanity.
and I thought this evented BS was going to be easy...
They certainly didn't short-change anyone on the documentation. Somebody or somebodies spent a lot of time writing all that. And it's a good thing, because there aren't any other usable resources regarding ZMQ (that I've been able to find, anyway).
@rdlowrey Possibly their documentation is good enough that nobody has bothered trying to supplement it.
I guess people have too much already on their plate what with writing all those mysql_* tutorials to give ext/zmq a go :)
> With 4 workers and 128 rows per task, 359 iterations took 568.086203 seconds.
The program actually completed!
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
@rdlowrey Inconceivable!
the ZMQ guide is one of the most advanced forms of docs I have seen. sure, some deep knowledge, especially on internals, is missing. but it's basically an entire book that you get for free, explaining real use cases with working code, and going into edge cases and how to deal with them. plus it has quite a unique style of writing which I quite enjoyed.
@igorw Agreed. When you're going through it you can't help but think, "somebody who knows how to write well spent a lot of time doing this."
I had a rather negative experience in the #zeromq IRC channel though. maybe it's better now, but it seemed to me that the channel was extremely elitist and basically had an "RTFM or die" mentality, which is really harmful to newbies seeking help.
But newbies should RTFM or die.
Well, while TFM does a really nice job on a lot of things, it doesn't cover a lot of low-level details.
I just ask @rdlowrey when I need help :]
It's been really frustrating for me at times because I know what I want to do with the raw socket but I can't because ZMQ is abstracting away details that I can't access.
it often doesn't cover best practices either. don't get me wrong - pointing newbies to the docs that answer the question is a perfectly valid response. "read all of the docs or die" not so much.
And there's no documentation for those sorts of things.
Also, @igorw, any other needs for Ardent?
@LeviMorrison haven't touched edn in a while, so no news on that front from me
I've been dabbling in dark arts and magicks lately. I can afford to spend time dealing with something useful :]
edn tests are still passing, I've been mostly keeping up with the discussions on ardent tickets and PRs
@rdlowrey Alert!
Last 10 iterations took 9.855034 seconds
Last 10 iterations took 10.501850 seconds
Last 10 iterations took 11.115018 seconds
Last 10 iterations took 11.595324 seconds
Last 10 iterations took 12.342874 seconds
Last 10 iterations took 12.616505 seconds
Last 10 iterations took 12.923364 seconds
Last 10 iterations took 13.142420 seconds
Sounds like memory leakage.
Maybe on my part.
@LeviMorrison some sort of appendAll for other collections would still be interesting though.
Have you seen any kind of slowdown over time in Amp before?
It might be my hotplate but I'm fairly certain it's not.
I haven't tried it on anything really long-running, but no.
It's completely steady in its slowdown.
in particular: LinkedList, [Hash]Map, [Hash]Set
If only I had a dollar for every time I created a bug by forgetting that unpack() returns an array and not a string ...
I do this all the time:
@rdlowrey Any ideas for using pack and unpack to shrink my data transfer? I've never used the functions.
$anArrayIllTreatAsAString = unpack('N', $fourBytes);
@LeviMorrison Hmm ... actually that might make a TON of sense.
All columns are signed floats.
Just a minute, lemme play with some benchmarks and see
Not sure about the 2D aspect of it though.
'night gals
@igorw later
@LeviMorrison Hmm ... packing shrinks the ~27K serialized array down to a 4K string. If the pipe IO buffer is as much of a bottleneck as I think you might be able to get a big boost, actually.
Lemme do a bit more testing.
It'd have to be able to represent a 2D array somehow as well.
You can't just do a row of 1024 floats?
Well, maybe.
Can you give me a sample (with like 5 values instead of 1024) of exactly what you're sending?
@LeviMorrison Unrelated, I've solved all my problems (that I know of). Now I can work on some actual design going forward.
0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
0  50.0  50.0  50.0  50.0
0  50.0  50.0  50.0  50.0
0  50.0  50.0  50.0  50.0
0  50.0  50.0  50.0  50.0
I guess I could pack it into a array of binary strings and then use my same serialize function.
No need.
What if you just packed them up like this:
0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0050. etc...
So when you unpacked it you'd have a single array with 25 elements and you'd know that a new row starts every five elements.
let me work on that and benchmark it.
oh snap, even better!
So yeah, its' really trivial to pack everything back to back and then unpack it ... let me give you an example.
$rows = array_fill($start_index = 0, $num = 1024, $value = 1.234);
array_unshift($rows, "f1024");

$binaryData = call_user_func_array('pack', $rows);
$rows = unpack("f1024", $binaryData);
Note that the final unpacked $rows array will start at index 1 and not 0.
Oh? Why so?
The format affects the columns, I'm guessing?
Not sure what you're asking?
Hello, does anybody here know about Envato and its marketplaces?
@rdlowrey Why does it not start at index 0?
unpack expects you to provide a string name for each unpacked value. If you don't, it just starts at 1.
Obviously you don't want your unpack call to look like this:
unpack("findex0/findex1/findex2", $packedData)
If you don't like it, just call array_values on the result.
Or just add one to each of your references to the array.
I can maybe live with the modification. I'll do some benchmarks.
@rdlowrey So I would need 'f' . ROWS*COLUMNS for the entire thing, yes?
Anyone here good with mysqli? I'm looking for a way of returning the entire result for a simple query: "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id=?". I want to return ALL columns without having to explicitly specify which columns to loop over. Is this possible?
$stmt->bind_param("i", $this->post_id_clean);
$stmt -> execute(); not sure what I should do after this
@LeviMorrison yes.
@rdlowrey This function hates me.
function my_serialize($data) {
    return call_user_func_array(
        call_user_func('array_merge', ['f' . (count($data) * COLUMNS)], $data)
Looks good.
Except it always says pack(): Type f: too few arguments
Nevermind, figured it out.
Well, one part anyway.
Although I have no idea why you would want to wrap array_merge() inside a call_user_func
It's a 2D array and I need to pass a 1D array.
I think this is correct:
function my_serialize($data) {
    return call_user_func_array(
            ['f' . (count($data) * COLUMNS)],
            call_user_func_array('array_merge', $data)
Although it still complains.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'pack(): Type f: too few arguments' in /Users/levijm/Projects/Hotplate/src/setup.php:23
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: {closure}(2, 'pack(): Type f:...', '/Users/levijm/P...', 23, Array)
#1 [internal function]: pack('f132096', 50, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Does array merge work that way?
array_merge($arr1, $arr2)
not array_merge($multiDimensionalArr);
You missed a crucial bit.
What does $data look like?
call_user_func_array('array_merge', $data)
It's a 1024 x 1024 of floats.
Is anyone available to help an idiot out with Laravel?
I don't think you'll find anyone in here using Laravel.
Sorry :/
I'll kill myself now
@LeviMorrison That error message just means you don't have the number of elements in the array you're passing to pack after the initial "f$numberOfFloats"
I guess I'll need to do some writes to STDERR to see where I'm screwing up.
pack("f3", $one, $two); won't work.
@rdlowrey Was actually an unpack problem in disguise.
> Last 10 iterations took 32.775244 seconds
oh well.
I think there's just too much work to get it into a 1d and back to 2d
Going to try to pack the inner strings and see if that's faster
@rdlowrey So CPU overhead to create smaller transfers via pack/unpack isn't worth it. I'm still seeing this consistent slowdown over time.
I'm not using cyclic references or anything.
If you can reproduce it or show it doesn't happen to you that would be great.
Also, I'd be interested in having you clone my Hotplate repository and try running Asyc.
php -c src/php.ini src/Async.php
You'll have to modify src/php.ini to have the proper libevent path and whatnot.
@LeviMorrison what is struck flock?
@crypticツ It's a C thing that's important to being able to lock/unlock files.
PHP 5.5 uses it for the opcode cache. It's not as portable as it needs to be.
ah ok, so something I know nothing about =oP Will upvote though =o)
Yeah, I edited my message to clarify why it needs upvote love.
It's not straight-forward why I would post it in PHP chat :]
2 hours later…
hi all, does anyone know magento?
i am new to magento actually.
can anyone please help me little in magento.
i want to add a link says search in header near logo and when i mouse hover on it, a pop up will be open.
i have changed in app/design/frontend/default/my_temp/template/page/htmlheader.phtml , but it doesn't affected anything. i disabled the all cache.
The problem was not even close to what I described in the question. A constructor in a subclass somewhere was malformed. PHP errors </3 — Gabriel Smoljár 10 hours ago
morning :)
@GauravTyagi I work as a magento developer
it's terrible
Ah, I love the smell of in the morning.
@MadaraUchiha Mmmm... delicious..
i need a different job .. but i really cannot leave my current one ATM
hey guys
Hi @crypticツ
Again multiple... hi to both of you...
Well yea, have to wait at least a month to change my name again ;)
help ... i am not sure how to solve this
i need an access to the scope , in which the method was defined,but it gets called using bind() and is bound to a different object at the execution time
is there any recommended way to work around this
i tried to create closure , which contains reference to the original context, but it seems to fail
... i kinda suck at javascript
@tereško I really use stupid methods for that.
@tereško when I need a closure, I use two elements array with [0] = object, [1] the function name (string)
then call it like that a[0][a[1]].apply(a[0], args); // :D
the apply/bind/call is executed by 3rd party tool (swfuploader)
bind thingy is new and not supported on every environment, which will turn you nuts.
i need this to be referencing swfuploader and that to reference the object in which the callback was defined
Is there a way to pass the object?
Which function in swfuploader are yyou referring to? I will research...
Hi all .. I want to learn about doctrine .. but I am not getting the right way to start off .. how should I begin .. any good tutorials ... ?
is it possible to retain the dynamically generated table in javascript after page load and new items addition to the table which needs to be passed to php
@new_developer all the documentation is here: doctrine-project.org/projects.html
@tereško Now looking at the code : SwfUpload is an object registering itself as a var at the declaration scope. If global, then global (window.SWFUpload).
If you are calling a SWFUpload function 'this' is by default the SWFUpload.
hello can anyone help in here
struggling with my code ...
@Samantha table is generated on client side (js)?
Anyway it is possible
but to pass the same table to php submt button with retaining the table valies
even if any error is present in other fields
@Samantha You can add an onClick handler which aggregates the list into a hidden value and submit it.
Let the server check the errors. Since pages can be spoofed.
that is checking done in javascript?
morning people
@Samantha the contrary, php...
php is the server script, js is the client script you use.
ya but how will the table values be shown to the user once the page reloads
how can i get the values from hidden field.. i am a newbiee in php and javascript ..
If you are generating the table values on the client side you can use js to dynamically add dom elements to display. If it comes from server, you can already build the page like that and send it to client.
@Samantha well you have to learn then. Stay away from w3cschools and find some books to start.
@Ihsan stackoverflow.com/questions/15564265/… contains the ques can u please look into it ....
morning all
@Samantha have a look at here : javascript-coder.com/javascript-form/…
i just need 1 step to get the dynamically generated values in php and retain those values... its bit urgent ...
Hey, I have a very dummy question but Im tired so I can't found the aswer.
@Samantha look here, it is more brief. stackoverflow.com/questions/133925/…
I have an array like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
ok will look into it ... thanks ...
and I have a table with 8 rows. So I want to make and update with each element of this array into each row but I don't know the row id.
@JuanFernandoz and...?
for example row 1 into the field text the number 1 of the array
row 2 into the field text the number 2 of the array
and so on.
I tried with a foreach off course but
field text has a "1" or
Im getting the field is always the last number of the array,
@JuanFernandoz In Javascript or PHP? You say you already have a table, in what sense do you already have it?
mysql table sorry
@JuanFernandoz And rows have no fields giving a hint of order?
the id of each row have an random number for a specific reason
so, if I have 16 rows each id can be 1,2,345,500. etc
@JuanFernandoz So they're not even in ascending order?
@JuanFernandoz Any range and are these numbers unique?
ther dont have any order (the ids)
Realistically you need to SELECT and loop the results. Updating multiple rows with different values in a single query gets messy anyway.
@JuanFernandoz You better first read all the rows into a 2d array then sort it according to yyour criterion then assign.
But you can prepare the UPDATE which will make it more efficient.
so I want simulate some kind of auto_increment columnn, so Im getting the number of rows, for examples 8 rows, and then simulate the auto increment. 1,2,3,4,5 in other column
@DaveRandom +1
@Ihsan It sounds like he just wants order of insertion, which I think is what would be returned with no ORDER BY
@JuanFernandoz Sounds like you database design is wrong. Have an actual auto incremented ID and make your "random" unique key independently of the ID.
You're going about it backwards, in order words.
@JuanFernandoz mysql servers supply autoincrementing field support why do not you use it?
I know that sounds like a veru bad design of my table, but I really need this random id's from a specific reason
Use both.
I mean, I only want to simulate de autoincrement id columnn
@JuanFernandoz OMG. You want trouble. :D ...
Can you expand on this specific reason please? Seems highly unlikely that the right answer is not an auto-increment PK with a Unique index on another column for the random IDs

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