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:D Can someone figure out why I am downvoted? This is a mystery... stackoverflow.com/questions/15610254/…
@Ihsan It's a pretty sucky question. But presumably the downvote is because turning off error reporting is not fixing problems ;-)
Also it's pretty shoddy that the examples that ship with a package use code with such fundamental errors in.
Oh yes, I got it and warned about it. But this is a common problem you encounter when you use xampp with joomla etc.
Anyone knows about moodle?
ok I will erase the answer and people will wander around to find out why ....
No, it's a common problem you encounter when you write shit code. I mean it's not like those particular errors are hard to avoid with a bit pretty basic error checking
@DaveRandom I agree.
@DaveRandom Also joomla is ...
@Ihsan you understood nothing
And the first 3 are just disgraceful. The author doesn't know how to use his own API? Pfff.
@tereško Sorry for that, what am I missing...
@Hiroto so what do you think , do you know any extension or something in magento to put a popup in header ?
@PeeHaa jsut woek up?
@an1zhegorodov You did. The child class has those methods, not the parent class.
@an1zhegorodov i think you are missing the class definition
@PeeHaa Yo dawg
neh. I've been in the office for some time. But I have to delever shit today, but I was greeted what all kinds off shit what I stepped in the office :( @an1zhegorodov
@tereško @DaveRandom I always use strict modes of languages I develop... So I said I agree. ...I understood nothing?...
@Ihsan I'm not sure why you included me in that ping...
@Ihsan You are saying you use a strict doctype for xhtml?
@DaveRandom Sorry.
@tereško It's actually a snip from DataMapperFactory
@PeeHaa I hate XML never use it, the most redundant thing created in universe.
@PeeHaa I always use xhtml 1.0 strict if I'm writing for max compat... (no, I don't give a flying f*ck about IE6)
@PeeHaa Better use brainf*ck to program the web.
@DaveRandom Yo dawg I hear you like to use normal attributes like target... bitch please :)
It is less redundant
@DaveRandom The problem is I have multiple child classes, and I want the IDE to autocomplete correctly. Should I just @return ChildClass1|ChildClass2|ChildClass3?
lol .. target is an artifact from frame-based layouts
you really really should not use it
@tereško No because all clients love shit opening over there own website
it would be nice, it that was not exactly what clients are asking for on my current project
@PeeHaa I've actually never come across that interesting little nugget. I've always just used JS for target management but I have filed that under
@Jimbo mionrig
@PeeHaa I do as little HTML as possible
Oh lol my standard XHTML page template uses transitional anyway
Shows what I know
Well same here, but sometimes I have to unless I want to work with puke
@Jimbo Yo, you not been snowed in then?
@DaveRandom Me too, just a template, rest is dynamic.
@DaveRandom On Friday it was a complete blizzard outside so "worked from home", but that's about it... I take it Manchester was pretty bad then?
@DaveRandom you should be using rel attribute , if you need to open page in new window/tab
Do you guys think this is a good question to ask on SO (the question actually is "how should I document this method to provide valid documentation and IDE autocomplete")?
A [tag:wtf] question candidate:
Why do people complicate things? Why cant they just add the magic __set __get __call etc into javascript and java instead they create a tragedy like proxy object?
since i am using Sublime Text, I do not have a valid opinion on the subject
but you should look into PHPDoc and/or PHPDocumentor 2
Anyone here uses Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet?
you are assuming that people here tend to use ZF to begin with ... which is somewhat naive
@tereško Hence the question :)
@Bez Silence prevails....
Why is this note on -8. Isn't it correct?
...whimpers in the corner.
Does anyone know of a program that will allow me to clean my keyboard without closing the pc?
@MadaraUchiha huh?
@PeeHaa Hard to read, possibly misunderstood.
@PeeHaa Something is screwed with the voting. I just upvoted it, it showed -9, I refreshed the page and it showed -8 again
@MadaraUchiha unplug it from the USB port?
@DaveRandom Yes I upvoted and well... I am ignored... :)
@DaveRandom Yeah. No surprise there. That voting thing sucks monkey balls. We may have to fix it later on
@PeeHaa Pleasingly I think we really can blame @GoogleGuy
hehe yeah
@MadaraUchiha Seems like no
Although possibly this
Went with START+L
@MadaraUchiha yeh just lock the thing. That's what I always do when slamming it on my desk to reveal a complete bread
@PeeHaa I have found ovens generally more effective
After getting used to a ps2 keyboard, I automagically started to kill keyboards because of the lack of feedback.
flying spacebars etc...
@DaveRandom :P
@Jimbo Nah we got f*ck all as always. Although Oldham/Rochdale etc were pretty badly screwed
@hakre you had something to do with PHP EOL if I'm not mistaken?
See you later... Have a nice day.
PeeHaa how did you change your name?
It should be locked for like a month right?
@crypticツ Change it on another site and click "save to all sites"
ah, cheathax! :)
Bypasses the 30 day limit thing
Cool, I'm tired of the 30 notifications a day..
@Ihsan Get some nice MX blues ;)
(the people near you in the office won't thank you for getting those, though ;))
By the way, why are there so many crypticツ? Did I miss an important moment in SO or the internet or so?
posted on March 25, 2013 by Lorna Mitchell

I'm a huge fan of Phing and use it regularly for build and deployment tasks. Often, I'll ask about a plugin that I wish existed, and get a very courteous "patches welcome" from the nice people in the #phing channel on freenode. This has happened a few times, so I thought I should probably look at how to make a new phing plugin, this article shows you how to make the simplest thing I could thi

posted on March 25, 2013 by Stuart Herbert

Over the weekend, I released v1.5.1 of HubFlow – a Git extension that brings the gitflow workflow to GitHub. The key new features are: New ‘git hf push’ and ‘git hf pull’ commands, which do the right thing no matter which kind of branch you’re working in at the time. No more manual ‘git remote update’ before running HubFlow commands. There’s also a long list of smaller changes and fixes too

Mar 20 at 15:06, by cryptic ツ
It's international @crypticツ day
@PeeHaa LOL
Especially this:
Mar 20 at 15:06, by hakre
pink pony camouflage day?
Q: Push Notification Failed to connect no error string

SharmajiI gone through almost all the thread related to this on stackoverflow but not helped me much may be I did not understood well. When I am sending push notification using my php code then it is saying Failed to connect. I have used the same code for many other projects earlier. but this time I am n...

Please help
Ahh the feeds attack
@cryptic can you please have a look at my question
Hmmm you might want to ask this in the NSChat room: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/15942/nschat that room is all about iOS and such.
I have never worked with the push notifications.
@cryptic ..oh sorry .. going to do the same. thanks for your help.
Hey @Gordon!
@dragon112 hi
Google's Music Manager is wreaking havoc to my Raid Drive.
@Gordon how can I be a room owner here? there are people who joined SE after me and they are made owners, what is the hit?
I don't what I am doing here while I'm on holidays in France
Oh, I remembered. Someone told me shops don't open early here. French way? Who knows.
@Gordon why would you even use something like that ?!
@phpNoOb you'll be room owner in any room you created. additional room ownners can be added by existing room owners. the requirement to become a room owner in this room is trust.
@tereško why not? its a free backup for 20k songs
ahh.. Trust. I do remember stealing something from this room though :p
@duikboot hi
First time on chat here :)
@Duikboot Welcome :)
Yesterday, I found out John Conde is a moderator at webmasters.
I always though the 4 mods get striped of their position to be replaced by the new elected mods, but recently i found out it was not the case too. seems like you will be a mod forever
@Duikboot Hoi
@Gordon He has been for a looong time :)
@phpNoOb yes. in general, mods are elected until they step down.
@PeeHaa do you trust me enough to make me a room owner, it is my birthday today :)
@phpNoOb It's my birthday tomorrow... and no
it would be the best gift ever
@phpNoOb You are not helpful, and you expect to be a room owner?
@MadaraUchiha though shall not judge, @PeeHaa you can remove me tomorrow as your bday gift, how is that for a birthday gift?
@phpNoOb I will judge. I am a room owner, remember? :)
its good to know we can convert php file into exe. But can we open .exe file and read source code of it
@MadaraUchiha ohh mann... I voted for ya man, and this is how you repay me? :)
@phpNoOb Telling people things like "Don't talk to XYZ" is not helpful.
That's what I mean, not the general helpfulness.
@phpNoOb , you wanted to know why you are not a room owner , that line was exactly the reason why
Why does everyone in this room act like @tereško has not been a negative person in this room? I have been banned multiple times for things I said, which compared to his were far less unhelpful.
ohh.. wait, I forgot there was something called hypocricy...
you are vicious, petulant and small, but you believe yourself to be righteous and offended , you have nothing to offer to the community, except your whining
@phpNoOb I don't think this room needs any more owners it has 9 already!
and you have been acting like a German sheperd on rabies, you bit anyone and everything for insignificant reason @tereško how is that for a change?
@phpNoOb @tereško is a negative person in this room. He knows it as well. But he's helpful, contributing to the discussion, and, whether or not you like it, helps educating junior developers to learn a bit for themselves, instead of being spoonfed.
No offense, @tereško :P
@MadaraUchiha none taken
@vascowhite the quantity of owners means nothing
and, you have to admit, @tereško does know what he's talking about.
This is not a mod election!
@Alexander It's not quantity, it's quality :)
@Alexander Well it does actually. It indicates whether more owners are needed or not. At one time there was just one, more where definately needed then.
@MadaraUchiha I thought that was implied :)
@vascowhite Well, like I said a few days back
@Gordon is a mod now, so he doesn't really need room owner status anymore (I mean, it's not even shown anymore)
i wonder , when was the last time i thought that "warning off" newbies from some user is a good idea
Remind me who's @crypticツ again? :P
but out resident "judge" seems to think that this is an appropriate way to greet new users
@MadaraUchiha That's probably true
@PeeHaa it's you bday tomorrow!
It's mine today
@MadaraUchiha Not me.
Tab fail, doesn't it? :)
@webarto @we
Who's pe?
@PeeWee :P
Someone here with knowledge about Smarty templates AND code igniter? I would like to start learning CI, currently I have good knowledge in smarty templates but I don't know if it is hard to learn CI.
Gratz @iroegbu!
@webarto I was waiting for that :P
@PeeHaa thanks
@PeeHaa webastardo :P
@Duikboot have you already finished learning all there is about PHP and OOP ?
Revenge is served cold, mwahaha.
do you know what "Separation of Concerns" is ?
Das question ist wrong on some many levels.
Wow that must be one of the worst questions I have ever seen.
I understand OOP, but Im not used with MVC programming.
Sounds maybe a bit weird...
Sounds like bullshit.
You don't need Smarty or CI.
Unless it's a job spec and you've signed the contract with the Devil.
What do you use then :P /
@lusitanian did you already install my filelocker? Because I have been working on some other project where I needed a decent routing system which I want to copy into the project
@Duikboot neither smarty nor codeigniter have anything to do with MVC design pattern
anyway , if you understand OOP, can you explain the Law of Demeter in your own words ?
@Duikboot Really? I don't understand OOP and I have gold badge in it ;)
@tereško Looking it up in Wikipedia... Hold on....
@Gordon it's because of all that repwhoring that you have done
to what extent we secure our code
let me be more clear one may req a service from my app, but depending upon the features of the app the level of service is decided. for this i'm appedning a digital signature generating algo in the app. so when a req is send, it carries digital signature along with it 2 server (by which i can understand that req is made only by using my product)
one should be restricted to get the request processed if the request is send from am equivalent app
^ is this a bot of some sort ?
i've been discussing this in C# room
in C#, 4 mins ago, by gurudev
let me be more clear one may req a service from my app, but depending upon the features of the app the level of service is decided. for this i'm appedning a digital signature generating algo in the app. so when a req is send, it carries digital signature along with it 2 server (by which i can understand that req is made only by using my product)
then stay there
@tereško careful with the stones in your glasshouse, mr. MVC
@gurudev I think you should go to C++ and ask the same.
@Gordon =D
Y'all bunch of noobs.
/me runs
@webarto you can run but you can't hide
@Gordon lol
Let's change our nicks.
@gurudev Please stop spamming the entire chat network with your question.
@Gordon Kill rape get rid off him @gurudev
@Gordon C'mon you have those for breakfast :)
@Gordon a.k.a Mr.OOP
@tereško a.k.a. Mr.MVC
@PeeHaa a.k.a. Mr.WebSucket
@rdlowrey a.k.a. Mr.RFC2616
@DaveRandom a.k.a. Mr.DNS
needs moar jQuery
@webarto @PeeHaa a.k.a. Mr. jQuery
silver badge here I come! :(
Q: Why my Array formatting code is not giving exact output?

VenkatI had this this array as input array which had two sub arrays.What i need to do is i need to go to first sub array, select each row and divide that row using a delimiter '~@' and need to select id which is after delimiter '~@' in this case 165. I need to go through second sub array in the input a...

the bad thing is that I will get a ZF gold badge some time this year
Why is that OOP after Silver?
@Gordon That's awesome, you can get enterprise job :P
@webarto Because it sorts by posts I think
That's kinda stupid
@webarto he need a silver in for that too
@tereško or
Get a OCMA - Oracle Certified MySQL Associate :P
Means you can do JOIN's and shit.
ftw. What good is enterprise if it's not webscale?
@webarto I am actually thinking about that. just not this year
@Gordon I was too, when I was in "get ALL certificates" mood.
Still have ZFCE voucher expiring.
@webarto What does SHIT do?
@webarto as much as I dislike that exam, I think it could be worth more than a ZCE
@DaveRandom Oh, funny :P
It must be some kind of DDL keyword I don't use, but it does explain all these terrible DB schemas I see on SO, people presumably defined the DB with SHIT ON DATABASE mydb
@Gordon To be completely honest, I thought that was 1337 thing to have, and I now see it's all commercial.
Q: Proper DocBlock comment for the method, which returns objects of one hierarchy depending on the provided argument

an1zhegorodovWhat I mean by proper DocBlock comment is a comment which: Conforms to PHPDoc standard Provides PHPStorm IDE autocomplete Here is the class itself: class Factory_DomainObjects { /** * Build domain object * * @param $name * * @return M_UserObject|M_TransactionObj...

@Gordon But everyone likes acronyms in CV.
@MadaraUchiha it is the gesture that counts. If the answer I give to noobs like me, doesn't interest you, it does not mean I have done something wrong
@Venkat Your data format is terrible. If you have control over the source of the data it needs a major rethink. If not, take a look at str_getcsv()
@webarto i see them as incentive when getting into a technology
I was banned for 25 minutes, by @Gordon i presume
@phpNoOb Bans are usually automatic because one or more of your posts was flagged by several users.
@phpNoOb nope. two of your messages got flagged and got enough confirmation
@phpNoOb We don't mind you answering others' questions. We, in fact, encourage it.
If the answer you give is wrong, we'll correct you.
@phpNoOb although I voted on them too, which makes them binding, so i was involved
I fail to see the problem here
...or kill you. It's a lottery.
@Gordon Are you considering ZFCE?
@webarto not this year
oh that explains a lot, I just have the right people in mind. @Gordon sorry for having cursing you out laud in a library for the past 25 minutes :)
@DaveRandom British made funny :D Whatever I read from you, I read it in Stewie's voice :D
@phpNoOb you make it sound like the suspension was unjustified
ohhh wait WHAT? @Gordon you found my comment offensive and not teresko's
@phpNoOb i found his response offensive. but you started it
We really need some check in here like in those amusement parks saying: you have to be this tall to enter
@PeeHaa Rep limit?
@Gordon fair enough, although I would love to see the same 'You started it' rule being applied the next time 'someone' goes Mel Gibson, on hopeless people.
Neh really the length. Everybody has to upload a copy of his driver license and when not above a certain length -> kickban
@Gordon the message they flagged is 2 hours old
@MadaraUchiha ah ok
@Gordon Brace yourself, "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO NOW?!" comment is coming.
@MadaraUchiha nope
hi, I have problem with swfobject.embedSWF - it doesnt load my box when the domain has special chars (IDN), why is that?
@MadaraUchiha and if you scroll up a bit you see he started it again, so its not uncalled for
Can I ask a relatively offtopic question about git? I just want some guidance...
I am getting really pissed off with this mouse now. It runs on 1 AA battery and it goes through one every week :-(
@DaveRandom New ones or recharged?
How can I configure git if I only have a ssh adress to the git repository?
@Trufa You don't have to ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
@Trufa Configure?
Assuming you have sufficient permission of course
@MadaraUchiha I've been using regular Duracell but I might see if I can get the company to invest in some NiMH rechargables cos it's pretty environmentally unfriendly
zOMG, you can view 360* photos in Google+.
@Trufa git clone ssh://address?
I have basically the same mouse at home but it runs on 2 AAs and I use some 3200MAh rechargables in it and it lasts like 3 mths
@PeeHaa I think that might be it, the git terminology sometimes confuses me
Yay empty pings
that will solve your problem
the usb plug was looking at me
=D, thought same thing
what, a wired mouse with a 1" tail?
@MadaraUchiha Yep, it was cloning, I always get the gir terminology mixed up
sorry! thanks!
@PeeHaa That was in fact what I needed! Thanks!
@DaveRandom of course, makes it compact
@Trufa yw
@PeeHaa How'd you figure out "configure" == "clone"??
@Ocramius, sorry for disturbance, but is it wise to create custom type for tinyint, since to be convertion of tinyint to boolean seems illogical, but it is done by doctrine in defaults.
I see your crystal ball is back from the shop
I can't work with a wired mouse any more. I move around my desk too much.
@MadaraUchiha It has some nice modifications so I'll know what is going to be asked
Anyone knows better mouse than this? :)
G500 is okay
@webarto I have a G5
anybody knows why flash doesnt work when I enter the website from polish domain? it works ok when I enter from a domain without special chars
Aren't you supposed to be able to link your Careers 2.0 profile to your Github? can't figure out how to do it.
@Gordon Fixit fixit fixit ^^
@DaveRandom other way round. you can link your GH to your Careers
@Gordon I have Ergo555 and clicks started to block after half year, bought this Deathtaker but girlfriend confiscated it since it can change colors. Are you happy with G5?
@webarto yes. totally
@crypticツ :P Nice $rep++.
@Gordon Yeh I can't figure out how to do that either :-(
@webarto Speaking of rep, I've decided I am going to quit my job and repwhore full-time to 100K
@DaveRandom i.imgur.com/ZUmQOpK.png Right sidebar?
@DaveRandom Click on My Profile. Go to Open Source and then add GitHub
@crypticツ Who needs a job anyway
 Public views 40
Employer views 1
Search hits 49
Email inquiries from employers 1
Email responses to employers 1
What's yours Careers stats?
Wait, what? I totally don't have those options...
@dragon112 Yeah, jobs are for people who have too much free time and can't think of anything to kill time
Or have responsibility to feed the family :P
Public views 73
Employer views 2
Search hits 9
Email inquiries from employers 0
Email responses to employers 0
@webarto Whatevs.. ;p
Well if you have money you don't have to work regular jobs. But if you don't work, that's not good.
@Gordon Dafuq.
Excuse me. I'm having problem when using namespaces. Someone can help me? I will appreciate a lot. My problem is in this question stackoverflow.com/questions/15599521/…
@webarto I work at least 50 hours a week :p
In fact I have hardly any options compared to you, why is that?
@DaveRandom connect your github through oauth?
@DaveRandom That's weird i.imgur.com/JfBc4De.png, you don't have messages either.
also that is bloody strange; you should have like 10 sections
I know, it's as if I'm not looking at my own profile or something
Looks like you are not properly logged in..
did you make another account for careers?
@DaveRandom weird
also, i have 15 invites to SOC2.0
i've used 5 :<
> You’ve earned a total of 20 invitations, with 15 remaining.
What're these invites? I didn't need one
Any one tried PhpStorm 6 IDE?
i am on 5.0
and release note says that, they have changed the UI
@Gordon I've sent them an email asking wtf
@DaveRandom yeah, cant do much about it
@crypticツ I hereby bestow your new weapons onto you
@Gordon No I didn't think you would be able to, it's not really community-mod territory
whoa, is that a real gun?
or just fake plastic one
No, I think it's probably real plastic
good one =oP @DaveRandom
It doesn't matter, it's got a cat on it.
@crypticツ I am not sure. It doesnt say at kittyhell.com/2010/03/24/hello-kitty-rotary-gun but given that other HK weapons exist, who knows.
@dragon112 I don't like hello kitty. I like Tuxedo Sam though.
cat == cat == cat
@crypticツ well, I figured since you are a pink kitty …
@AppDeveloper Yes, it hasn't change too much.
Everything is in the same place, but icons etc are slightly different.
@tereško Not yet, I have good basics but would like to become beter. Maybe you can suggest me a good book?
jeez how does this get a re-open vote? stackoverflow.com/q/15613625/212940
Looks nice :-)
Did you read it?
@Duikboot Currently reading
Is it hard to understand?
Currently I understand PHP programming but Im not yet good with OOP programming. And I don't like it to write for every project the same code over and over again.
So Im looking for a good solution /framework/... to learn.
@Duikboot I'm not English native speaker, but I should mention the style it is written in is really clear
don't learn an implementation, learn a concept...

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