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Did you try work with not-free sulutions?
@sectus Such as?
And more importantly, why?
Like this may be: jetbrains.com/phpstorm
No sir, thank you very much.
Storm < Beans (disclaimer: the preceding was an opinion)
:^ )
did you try it?
How is it?
Not as good as I had hoped.
I am using NB7.3 too
Frankly, the best thing that Jetbrains has produced is Resharper.
And its damn good, but oh so damn slow.
:^ )
Yar, I must smoke.
stackoverflow.com/a/15593550/251311 - downvote request please
@Bracketworks yay
@zerkms He's kinda being a douche about it; whats with the car-fish?
@Bracketworks I didn't get that analogy actually
I had to re-read, I thought I missed something.
Apparently not. Ah well, now time to smoke.
@zerkms Also, check the edit against the answer.
drunk + sleepy = bye
2 hours later…
oh hi
morning :)
i just woke up 20 seconds ago, i guess i am addicted to SE
Weird. When I pass a Zend\Db\ResultSet\HyrdatingResultSet with a count of zero into a foreach, it gets iterated once :/
@NikiC Oh, someone had a good Saturday night :D
@tereško Question or answer? :)
@webarto the linked answer was already removed
you really should invest some time in getting 10k =P
why stop using singletons? "global $db;" is better?? Singleton is the best solution for get one unique object for all system... Is it religious fobia? — vp_arth 21 mins ago
FFS , how do they even find this place ?!
@tereško Ah, well, that answer sucks too :P I will, right after performance review :D
@webarto Haha its the first time I saw that flow chart re: singletons. Nice! Might need to remind myself with that someday :D
@Bez courtesy of @Gordon :)
@webarto c'est moi
Si si.
need for a good ODM for using mongoDB with laravel
Merci! @Gordon
@Med7at wat?
i'm creating new project using laravel framework
using mongoDB as my database
Ok, but don't use acronyms for stuff that most people don't know.
I think Doctrine2 has a MongoDB adapter.
good morning
@webarto Ok
/me has found a new most awesome breakfast meal...
Egg Filled Toast...
Hello everyone !
@tereško If you take a look at calendar too, october = 8 == 10, november = 9 == 11, december = 10 == 12, etc.
@ircmaxell Damn you! I'm hungry now :)
cut a hole in a piece of bread, and then fry it, and add an egg to the middle...
comes out like a cross between french toast and awesome
@ircmaxell Awesome, too bad I need to make 4-5 of them :( I can't understand how some people can eat i.e. piece of bread and not get hungry.
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Ok, but it does not show any research effort (or at least reading the FAQ), it is unclear and it is not useful. It sounds exactly like what I'd downvote
@webarto 2 works. It's 2 eggs
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just because he had a good "intension", instead of downvoting, put him on the right track !
@HamZaDzCyberDeV I didn't down-vote, but just because you asked :) I'm generally less tolerant towards people who don't bother making the minimal effort of reading how the site works.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, to be honest, i didn't read ALL the FAQ :p
@tereško your response comes across a bit rude. mind if I edit it?
@Gordon only if you can make it condescending :]
@tereško being rude... Whats new?
@tereško i'd remove the last sentence
@tereško , good video, thanks...
@ircmaxell Cool.
I love Vi
@ircmaxell no one loves VI.
@ircmaxell People either love VIM or Emacs
^ A must-watch for anyone who's ever or will ever contribute or create anything
i hate VI with passion
1.3k tweets, 21.8k followers, following 26 users
wow, that's a ridiculous follower/following ratio...
gonna play Sword of the Stars: The Pit for a moment
Victoria Hart, commonly known as Vi Hart, is a "Recreational Mathemusician", and is most known for her mathematical videos on YouTube. Hart has collaborated with MIT computer science professor Erik Demaine. She is currently employed by Khan Academy. Background Early life and influence Vi is the daughter of mathematical sculptor George W. Hart and his former wife Carol Hart. Vi credits her largest influence to a trip she took with her father when she was 13. She attended a computational geometry conference with him, and claims she was hooked on math from that point on. In an interview,...
Even got Wikipedia page LOL.
no one give me the best ODM to connect laravel4 with mongoDB
@Med7at Any reason why you cant use Doctrine in Laravel? docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-mongodb-odm/en/…
it's really large
not so simple for my project
i need a light wight one
Again, what's ODM?
@webarto ODM = Object Document Mapper
Doctrine2 is probably the best after custom written one.
@PeeHaa the website linked in your profile doesn't work ("File not found.")
@Jocelyn There is nothing running on the main domain. I have stuff of subdomains though :)
@webarto i don't think that Doctrine2 supports noSQL databases
@Med7at , write your own mappers
Still going on with this
@MadaraUchiha you have seen ... haven't you ?
@Jocelyn is on a delv-pls spree :O
@PeeHaa have you seen my newest feature-request on the cv-pls?
@Jocelyn Wow, did we run out of tags
hmm .. now i will have to update that answer =/
@tereško Which?
The one I'm about to give a bounty?
the one about pdo connection (and it's actually beneficial to keep bounty open for a period)
I'll award it later this week
Let's see what's cooking
@MadaraUchiha I have now
@PeeHaa What do you think?
Seems legit
hello pplz
can i ask something ?
Shouldn't be too difficult as well, right?
@AppDeveloper Read the topic please.
> Discussion for all things PHP - You don't have to ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
how much does a developer changes to code a simple landing page for mobile & browser ?
not 100% related to PHP
but the landing page is done using php
You mean, charges?
it depends on your architecture .. or whether you have one
Sorry, @tereško
simple php page
approx 700 lines of HTML & CSS
and say 100 lines php
@AppDeveloper do you mean to say, how much time should the landing page take to load up everything?
no no
how much should i charge my client!
as in how much price is fair for him to pay to me
@AppDeveloper just for a one page website ?
@AppDeveloper hours you've spent in making it * price per hour
@webarto - yes one page!
@tereško Yeah well, but fifths, tenths percents etc get all messed up in that case.
I wasn't saying/asking that.
Anything based on five or ten
700 lines & 1 page? hmm.... I would say depends on the country, but in India I would charge the person excluding the domain registration charges, $20
^ @AppDeveloper
@phpNoOb - thnx!
@AppDeveloper If you don't work for a boss/company, you have to define whether you get paid per hour or per "job". When you've decided, you have to explain it well to the client BEFORE doing some coding.
well my charges are fixed
its just that its my first HTML work
@webarto I do price = what I think it will cost ^2
i generally do WindowsApplication
@ircmaxell because there will always be some unexpected problems xD
@ircmaxell Shhhh, don't share the secret :P
is that times two, or raised to the power of two? :o
@Bez bcpow(price, 2); xD
@Bez If you do times two your are going to be fucked
@ircmaxell Why did you implement comma separated argument in filterus?
why not?
Because it's fugly :)
As in hard to read when you have a nice list structure that is called array
Or do you also prefer to read a csv file over a spreadsheet?
I wanted it to be a string for a reason
it's just a short-cut factory. You can build it yourself without that...
That was my question ;)
The original is still alive and well on my website :)
This the one I'd make (if I could be bothered) blueballlazy.ytmnd.com
@vascowhite my brain hurts
@ircmaxell Yeah, it does that if you look at it for too long
This method in Router is useless, am I right?
    public function urlSafe($url)
        $url = urldecode($url);
        $url = str_replace(array("\0", " "), "", $url);

        $url = htmlentities($url);
        return $url;
Hi, someone can help me with this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/15599521/…
@an1zhegorodov I don't know about useless but it doesn't belong in a router
@PeeHaa That's exactly what I meant. I do escaping in the view, as for nullbyte, it is validation, which is a responsibility of the model layer
It's more filtering than validation though
@PeeHaa Agree. I would rather return 404 page, than filter null byte
Imho that would be up to your own discretion how you handle it. I always tend to be nice where it doesn't hurt
hi everybody
i have a question about size of empty array and empty string ,
which one use less room?
@NimaGhaedsharafi you mean less memory ?
@NimaGhaedsharafi standard Arrays will always use more memory
But why this question?
yes :D and also * which one uses
but sizeof([]) is 0 and sizeof('') is 1 :|
@NimaGhaedsharafi sizeof doesn't do what you think it does
Use memory_get_usage() if you want to get the memory footprint
how can i pass a empty parameter?
for ex. i have a method like func($arg1 , $arg2 , $arg3)
how can i call this methode like this? func('name', , ['name' => 'nima'])
@NimaGhaedsharafi array and string
tnx Mr/Miss.PeeHaa
Mr :)
func($arg1 , $arg2 , $arg3 = null) or whatever default value makes sense in your specific case
Note PHP doesn't have real overloading
it's my answer ;) "Note PHP doesn't have real overloading"
i got my answer :)
tnx ,bye
i'm new to php oop ,i used to java!
Now I feel bad for you ;-)
i'm using laravel 3.2.
i have a "intefaces" folder in application folder and i have repo folder in application too .
in interfaces i declared some interfaces
and i want to implements them in repo classes
Why aren't you adding the interfaces to the directories they belong to?
how can i use namespace and use ?
where are they??\
@PeeHaa where is the native dir ?
What is a native dir?
interface directories?
PHP doesn't do base objects or whetever
If that is what you are hinting at
maybe anyway of doing this with jquery? — Lefty 1 min ago
another "webmaster"
@NimaGhaedsharafi if you are new to PHP, why the hell are you using a framework !?
stackoverflow.com/questions/15600803/… .. SO is not a free crows-source debugging service
@tereško I've done my very best to help OP. But sometimes you have to admit yout best just isn;t enough
Hi @all can anyone help this user stackoverflow.com/questions/15599761/… he does not have enough reps to chat here, the problem is when he includes a config.php file which only contains a db connection detail, he gets error Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/patela/public_html/login.php on line 13
I tried to help him, but I can't
Anyone good with SQL? Is it possible to do something like this?

WHERE timestamp + INTERVAL 7 DAYS < NOW()

(Timestamp is a TIMESTAMP column)
Ah, almost had it. "DAYS" instead of "DAY". Thanks mate!
some people should really get their heads checked in this room, I asked if you could help someone looking simple comment, and ... smh..
@Ocramius if you have time I created a separate room, so there woun't be any spam in this chat room
@Eugene will join, thx :) - erm... link?
@PeeHaa can you revoke your downvote pls? that was not necessary and is un-commented downvote
@PeeHaa whahahhahaa that last one is hilarious ......
@PeeHaa how am I going to write a virus now :-(
in bin, 2 days ago, by ircmaxell
( • ∀•)–Ψ <-- http://emojicons.com/e/i-d-fork-his-repo
> very low quality – 43 mins ago disputed
How can people think that insulting other users will help them find out a solution?
You post a question, 10 users say they didn't understand the question and you just say "Are you people idiots? Jesus Christ, is it so difficult to understand??"
@Uby Do you have an example of such insult?
just removed
@Uby Ow lol. I've seen that one
If you don't know how to use your daily close-votes, here is a list of questions that are probably all duplicates of this question
Hi all
Hiya @JohnP
Hey @PeeHaa, how's it going?
Pretty good. How are you today?
Pretty good, thanks. End of day almost
Have any of you guys worked with deployment automation tools like Puppet or Chef?
End of the weekend :(
haha, well today was a work day for me :)
That sucks :P
@JohnP Nope
Ah well. I'm looking for one that would be a bit easy for me to use with my PHP background. THe popular ones seem to be in Python or Ruby
I have the unenviable task of automating our server setup :(
does anyone have good resources on VM design?
and how VMs work in general?
sorry, nope
@JohnP :-(
@igorw Now that's a rather huge topic :P
What's the status with the election btw? Gordon nominated himself right?
@JohnP He's mod :)
ah nice!
@Gordon congrats!
@igorw BTW VM in what sense?
@PeeHaa language runtime
@igorw I have no idea how that black box works. Shit gets prepared for the CPU to execute and it just works :P
@ircmaxell might have some info about it
I heard there's lots of lua related papers on this topic
I'll have whatever he's smoking ^^
I can only offer a downvote
Works for me :D
@PeeHaa Voted :)
tnx :)
Its getting better
when i see the whole username@server thing in that code, i am reminded of the history about how one could login to password protected web sites, right now google and everyone considers such executions of urls as "possible hacking attacking" and "illegal web sites". or 'illegal urls" so, who's standard do we go by? google's or not ? even apple browsers show a warning when you execute username:password@domain_name. why should i go with a standard that looks similar to a concept that is considered "hacking" and "illegal" both by google inc and apple inc ? — user2205309 1 min ago
It's gone now anyway
Closed, I mean
I suggest we clone @Gordon 50 times to help us handle faster all the questions in the backlog and in the review queue
Uhhu. They would explain it by sending somebody to your house to collect the debt. Are you really suggesting to do this to OP. I don't think that is very nice. — PeeHaa 7 secs ago
@FabrícioMatté COnsider the thing burninated
Thanks cv-ring and PeeHaa :]
What do you think of this question? I think it looks like a shopping list
@Jocelyn Idunno. Too long to check :P\
@PeeHaa maybe if you didn't bother nice new java users :-p
@Jocelyn I think the OP just forgot to ask the question they were working towards. They may edit it to ask a specific question.
yet another question about headers already sent :-(
I wish PHP errors would link to documentation on said error
as if that would help
@igorw say whaaa?
Why is that not enabled by default to point to the http manual?!?!
Title of question: "php language system" Oh boy
I'm getting som really strange behvaiour when creating instances from a string. It appears I cannot use '__construct' as constructor and must use 'ClassName()' stackoverflow.com/questions/15603734/…
@GabrielSmoljár What version of PHP are you using?
MadaraUchiha 5.4 on Windows 7
@GabrielSmoljár Why are you using those aliases with the same name as the namespaces you are using?
PeeHaa I'm new to PHP 5.3> if you have a more elegant suggestion, please share
With the example given I would do:
@GabrielSmoljár: use MVCBP\Core as Core; -> use MVCBP\Core;
use MVCBP\Core\ControllerInterface,
    MVCBP\Models\User as UserModel,
    MVCBP\Repositories\User as UserRepository;
Or at a minimum as @Ocramius says
@PeeHaa I'm lazy
@Ocramius Of course you are... you are a developer. You should be
@PeeHaa then I'm the best developer ever :D
@GabrielSmoljár you still here?
Do you have the constructor in your interface by any chance?
@JohnP thanks
@PeeHaa no I don't
I get the feeling you are looking into the wrong file. Because line 9 doesn't match with the above code. — PeeHaa 34 secs ago
Can you check the full error message please
@PeeHaa there was a class lower in the hierarchy that had a malformed constructor. Still won't work completley though.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'LogicException' with message 'Class MVCBP\Core\RepositoryInterface could not be loaded' in D:\wamp\www\mvc\MVCBP\Repositories\UserRepository.php on line 7
So the specific problem wasn;t in the code you shared?
@GabrielSmoljár Well the interfaces could not be loaded should be pretty clear I think :P
@PeeHaa indeed, it's getting late lol
@PeeHaa but thanks a lot for your help
Is there a base class or something for all objects in PHP?
Nopez. That's not how PHP rolls
So there's no way to put this in an interface? 'public function Add(AnyClass $model);'
and then implement 'public function Add(User $user) { //TODO }'
@GabrielSmoljár No. The signatures have to match

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