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@PHPNooB so you feel incomplete with OOP but you're fine getting things done?
gotta get some fooooood.
is it good practice to name methods like this?
@hakre Yes, I would say I know about only the basics of OOP, but I need something more, new to advance my skills rapidly.
I practice with PHP daily, so I have got that subject covered.
@Ocramius Thanks, I've never heard about it before, but I just found a hand full of tutorials online
learning OOP. well that's hard to describe (at least for me). I'm myself still learning that, I wonder when it ever ends.
Maybe you're interested in OOAD?
Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a software engineering approach that models a system as a group of interacting objects. Each object represents some entity of interest in the system being modeled, and is characterized by its class, its state (data elements), and its behavior. Various models can be created to show the static structure, dynamic behavior, and run-time deployment of these collaborating objects. There are a number of different notations for representing these models, such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Object-oriented analysis (OOA) applies object-model...
@hakre is that easier to learn that OOP? I don't know the difference
@PHPNooB Well I'd say that is the theoretical part of the OOP subject.
So, learning OOAD will help me get a better grip of OOP? @hakre
@PHPNooB I would say so, yes.
It helped me a lot at least and it was hard for me in the beginning.
@hakre In that case, I will ditch OOP for a while, learn that instead, as OOP is difficult for me too
@Ocramius What would you recommend as a challenge, sort of like a project? Should I try to create a small social networking site? or something hard? I might, but the problem is that, I can accomplish it all by creating only spaghetti code, and using the no-so-good/best practices.
@PHPNooB Well OOAD is for doing OOP.
@PHPNooB focus on a smaller problem. Take something like @hakre is handling. A small set of classes that achieve a very specific task
a complete website always has a lot of "dirt" in it :)
@Ocramius I agree, my news site script is a mess, even though it gets the job done. What exactly does fit in, a "small set of classes" btw, can you give me one example?
@PHPNooB not sure I can come up with anything that could be useful right now... anyone who has a use case with a missing library? :D
@Ocramius What if I create a class, that generates strings from integers ?
Like counting and converting into a string format? Not bad for a Noob eihh?
@PHPNooB what about a simple word counter then?
there's loads of them out there, but it can be configured, you can configure ignored words, you can test it and it's fairly easy to write
@Ocramius Do you mean word filterer? As in the ones used in comment boxes to count words and filter out bad words?
@PHPNooB also a nice idea, yes
@Ocramius Why not, It should be fun. I will create it with the tiny OOP knowledge I use.
I am off to create Class word_detective{} :)
@PHPNooB nice :)
@Ocramius thanks and @hakre too.
Doing this: require(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/script-loader.php'); and many other imports constantly will cause a page to load slower right?
Like doing 2 or 3 different files like that ^^ will make it slow a site down?
@BrandonGelfand depends on what those files do
@BrandonGelfand no, not really.
The whole site is like that
please define slower
Every file connects to another one, and another
like 8 second load time
8 seconds?
only because of file includes? I doubt that. It must be what @Ocramius said, depending on what those files do.
I am trying to figure out why wordpress is so slow
I think tht might cause some of it
> "Something I did not expect. It’s always a good Idea to measure instead of guess – I guess :D"
yeah, I should make more jokes again ;)
why does echo 'string'; prints string?
@hakre so wht am I supposed to do with the video?
don't you believe my avatar is for morons?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick why in which sense?
@BrandonGelfand it shows you how to metric your Wordpress install and then you can find out what is slow.
What did u type in to find that?
its 2010 version, and there is newer WP
@BrandonGelfand sure, whatch the video, it shows you some tools you can use to solve the issue for any Wordpress and PHP version. So still works today in 2013 ;)
Hey guys! I have some problem with my server. When I'd like to execute CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION it always says that I need to switch off safe more or open_base dir.
The problem is that when I see my php.ini, open_basedir has the ";" before it
and safe mode is NOT enabled.
My httpd.conf also has this line: php_admin_value open_basedir "none"
but it doesn't work :/
I know I had some issues in the past with this, and I managed to fix it, but I can't figure out what have changed or why isn't it working...
Any suggestions?
@TabooLoco Please check with phpinfo() inside the script where you use curl_* what the concrete ini-values are.
you can also use ini_get()
This is the underlying source of the part in the curl extension that gives you the error you see: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_4/ext/curl/interface.c#1808
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick was that a rhetoric question?
@tereško busy?
not currently
@tereško I'm store validation errors inside the domain object
@hakre Which values should I serach for with phpinfo() ?
@tereško how should i access them in the view?
@TabooLoco those that are highlighted in the error message: open basedir and the other one, ah yes, safemode.
@hakre At the open_basedir in phpinfo() I found this: /home/admin:/home/admin/kloxoscript:/home/***.com:/home/***.com/httpdocs:/tmp:/usr/s‌​hare/pear:/var/lib/php/session/:/home/kloxo/httpd/script
@TabooLoco so as you can see it is not empty but in effect - like the error message told you.
I think you then need a workaround.
we have that on stackoverflow, let me google that for you ....
@hakre Thank you very much.
Is it possible to completely disable open_basedir and set the values to none?
@an1zhegorodov why would to store validation errors inside a domain object ?
Q: curl follow location error

embeddedI got this error message: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in. safe_mode is turned off on my web hosting. open_basedir is "". How do I resolve this?

anyway ..
even more codez. I never tried any of those. maybe contacting your hoster and saying you got a problem with the configuration is the better variant.
open-basedir is often the wrong answer for a problem.
the way i do it is that i request from service "did you have any errors" , and service collect all of information from all of different domain object and sends it back to the view
@tereško I thought it's reasonable if domainObject has a responsibility to validate itself
@hakre This is basically my unmanaged VPS :(
yes , but storage of errors should be handles by something like a session instance
@TabooLoco then you probably want to change that setting.
phpinfo tells you where your php.ini file is located.
the domain object should only hold the state of current errors that it has
@tereško didnt get this part
state of current errors
What do you mean by holding the state of errors?
@hakre I have just seached for the PHP.ini and found it. However when I opened it and searched for the open_basedir vaue, I only got this: ;open_basedir =
no .. i cannot take it today
@TabooLoco yes, there can be more than one php.ini
i have been at for for past 16 hours , and you all can goe anf fcuk yourself
also depending on SAPI there can be different locations where php.ini values can be set.
Yeha I got a script for SSH which can detect all php.ini files. But I forgot it :(
When I had this problem back then
@TabooLoco your php.ini tells you about which server SAPI you use as well as the additional php.ini locations.
@an1zhegorodov state of errors means which errors and that stored. as you store it in the domain object. that is just a state of errors with that object. the object itself must not know that at all.
what an error with that object is, is not business of that object.
I think that is what @tereško means.
@hakre I can only find this one php.ini when I have run phpinfo();
@TabooLoco please search for the word "additional"
if it finds something with ini locations it probably is empty then.
additional .ini files parsed
/etc/php.d/curl.ini, /etc/php.d/dbase.ini, /etc/php.d/dom.ini, /etc/php.d/gd.ini, /etc/php.d/imap.ini, /etc/php.d/json.ini, /etc/php.d/mbstring.ini, /etc/php.d/mcrypt.ini, /etc/php.d/mysql.ini, /etc/php.d/mysqli.ini, /etc/php.d/pdo.ini, /etc/php.d/pdo_mysql.ini, /etc/php.d/pdo_sqlite.ini, /etc/php.d/wddx.ini, /etc/php.d/xcache.ini, /etc/php.d/xmlreader.ini, /etc/php.d/xmlwriter.ini, /etc/php.d/xsl.ini, /etc/php.d/zip.ini
Say if I have a form and you have to put tags, how should I go about inserting them into a databse?
Should I just include them in one column with a space between each of them and then use the space as a delimiter when retrieving them?
. . . tags into database? Really? HTML tags are not data in most instances.
@TabooLoco hmm, if the basedir settings are related to your (virtual) host config and you're using PHP as an apache module, you might also want to look into your PHP configuration. Which SAPI are you using?
@DemCodeLines you shouldn't really encode/decode stuff manually when you save/retrieve from DB, no?
@LeviMorrison Not HTML tags! I meant tags, like the one you put on the question when you submit into SO.
You should only correctly quote it so that you avoid any possible SQL injections...
When you ask a question on SO, you have to put tags right? I meant those tags.
@hakre I'm using CentOS 5
aaah, those tags :)
I am unsure how to go about putting that into the database.
@DemCodeLines normalized or not?
What do you mean by normalized?
@DemCodeLines an array of data is usually a table in SQL terms
Database normalization is the process of organizing the fields and tables of a relational database to minimize redundancy and dependency. Normalization usually involves dividing large tables into smaller (and less redundant) tables and defining relationships between them. The objective is to isolate data so that additions, deletions, and modifications of a field can be made in just one table and then propagated through the rest of the database via the defined relationships. Edgar F. Codd, the inventor of the relational model, introduced the concept of normalization and what we now know as ...
I did not do any extra work on my mysql database, so I guess its not Normalized.
@hakre ^
you can store them into a text field, enclosing each tag into brackets (like in HTML) and separating them with a space.
Ensure that tags itself do not contain brackets nor spaces.
4 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
Should I just include them in one column with a space between each of them and then use the space as a delimiter when retrieving them?
So something like that ^ ?
^ close, but you also need to enclose each tag into brakcets like: "<tag1> <foo> <cv-pls>"
Why is it that wordpress has two css files, a compressed version and a non compressed for all of the css and JS filess?
Yeah, they won't have spaces
otherwise you can not efficiently search for them.
also you might want to put them in a normal form.
that can speed up a search greatly.
what do you mean now by normal form?
Oh same thing, ok
@BrandonGelfand because they don't want to give sources of their build system.
it's top-secret.
2 messages moved to bin
@hakre its an open source thing...\
why would they have 2 files for everything?
@BrandonGelfand open sauce?
tht just slows stuff down
@BenjaminGruenbaum why do they do it?
no these files are not slowing your files down.
Having 2 of the same files for every file
not slowing it down?
@hakre I have just searched for all php.ini with SSH: locatie php.ini
and it found some
I'm checking now those
But it is probablly whts slowing it down
3 messages moved to bin
2 messages moved to bin
@BrandonGelfand doesn't change much
100,000 bytes being loaded 2 times, for over 5 files? so 1,000,000 bytes vs 500,000 bytes is not tht much?
cause thts wht it is doing
@BrandonGelfand no, not slowing it down. only one of the two is loaded. one is the development version and the other one the compressed one.
and if you have no clue about that, then don't do any wild assumptions.
How can I load the compressed on, and delete the development version?
verify what you assume first, and if verified, raise an objection if there is a real case.
cause its loading the development one
@BrandonGelfand by default the compressed variant is loaded, there is nothing to configure for that.
not for these
It loads the development one
@BrandonGelfand you have likely WP_DEBUG or any of the other related directives activated that are triggering this then.
Please consult the technical documentation on how to control that feature.
If you're clueless, read the source-code. Often works fastest with Wordpress.
Can I rename the .min one to no .min and delete the normal one?
@BrandonGelfand there never is any need for that.
as I already told you, but you're somewhat immune to what I told to you.
Are we still removing version specific PHP tags like ?
@crypticツ Depends on the question content (IMO) - if the question is about some 5.3 specific behaviour then no, otherwise burn it
We (mostly @hakre) burninated though
@DaveRandom that was what I had thought, but my question for example is PHP 5.5 specific and two people removed the php-5.5 tag even after I rolled back. So I think there might be some confusion going on what should be done.
@crypticツ Not sure whether that should be tagged 5.5. because it isn't 5.5 specific
@crypticツ I'm kind of in two minds about that because of the existence of the BC lib
Although I have to say I'm not that happy with either answer, they both kind of fail to actually answer the question
Might be good to see if @ircmaxell could provide a proper answer when he has a minute
@crypticツ 2a / 2y has nothing to do with the cost
2y is for the algo and the cost is the number of rounds
I.e. how long will it take to break. It is basically a "hack" to keep up with faster computers
@crypticツ the 5.3 was actually a major release in anything but the version number
@PeeHaa yeah that's what I understood from the documentation and the answers, but now I'm not sure if the answers are good ones. Thanks @DaveRandom =oP
there will be questions that are specific to 5.3 (especially in context of migrating to it)
@crypticツ The accepted answer looks pretty decent. I've downvoted that other crap one though
@crypticツ They aren't wrong (that I can see) but they do seem to kind of fail answer the question, which is specifically about how the cost works and what you should use (which, incidentally, is all about how powerful the attacker's machine is likely to be, although you also have to consider how powerful your machine is)
@tereško shouldn't be discourage the use of version tags and encourage them to be part of the body/title instead? Not sure how the search function works for search words if it checks also if search terms are part of a tag. Otherwise we will have 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, etc
That answer is exactly the reason why people shouldn't generate their own salts
@crypticツ The existence of those tags isn't a problem to me as long as a) the question concerns something specific to that version and b) the question also has a
(mostly so there is some chance someone will actually see the question)
@DaveRandom In this case it isn't about 5.5 specific. But just a new feature introduced which will also be available in > 5.5
cc @crypticツ
@PeeHaa true, plus it can be made to work in 5.3.7+
okay, the PHP-5-3 tag is great to find low-quality questions that are good CV candiates.
@hakre s/-5-3//
@Gordon Can mods see who flagged a message in chat?
@Gordon sorry if I woke you up
^ holly meatballs
ok, that was too stupid :)
@Ocramius I haven't received any RL CVs yet
Whos the moron that keeps flagging stupid stuff
Staph it
Oh noes I got 3 flags :-(
@PeeHaa yes, I can
<--- voted "not valid" on the pointless flagging of @DaveRandom's message.
Stop being stupid, people.
Good to know ;-) @Gordon
@PeeHaa but I cannot tell you :)
I wouldn't ask
no worries
I just suspect somebody and think I am right
what is the point of chat on stackoverflow? is it just random chat, or does anything relevant to the chat topic ever get discussed?
im off to bed. night folks
@Gordon later
@bizzehdee Not on sunday evenings, no.
@Gordon adios
@bizzehdee Weekdays are generally better for on-topicness
@Gordon later
just wondering thats all, not that im really bothered
@PHPNooB news from your code factory?
Nah, during workdays it's pretty much on-topic.
My brain is melting, I totally cannot remember why the hell I wrote half of this code
I thought it was the easier thing to do, but still trying :) @Ocramius
is there such thing as a follow list on SO? ie, can you favourite certain users?
@PHPNooB once it ticks and you're through, it's easy =)
I want it to be flawless, neat
@DaveRandom, usually lack of sleep, or a lot of drink cause big amounts of code to be written, sometimes valid, sometimes utter shit, and can never remember how i got to what i wrote
@Ocramius I hope so, I am almost done i.e. 94% just stuck at something. It will be done by tomorrow.
@bizzehdee welcome to the room, if this is your first time here :)
@PHPNooB, it is, only been on SO as a registered user for about a month, used it for research for a few years though. thought it was time to start answering some questions rather than just leaching information :)
@bizzehdee not that I know of you can follow their feed just put their uid as the number, I use this addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/… but don't favorite anyone but myself so I can easily see which are my posts/comments
@bizzehdee It is good thing you decided to join. We need more people in this room.
i need a weekend , ASAP
... also a nap is in order
@tereško, i would rather have a new job than a weekend, current one refuses to hire another developer, and im currently the only developer in a business that needs at least 2, and should really have 3
writing documentation is so frikking boring =_=
@Ocramius, thats why i dont bother... my code was hard to write, it should be hard to read
@bizzehdee FYI, i returned from word ~3 hours ago
so , stop bitching about how bad your job is (it's 01:00 now)
@bizzehdee yeah, but zf2 folks have been bashed way too much because of the docs :P
@tereško, its currently 23:11 on a sunday night, and im working at home because its impossible to keep up during working hours... i can bitch all i want :)
@bizzehdee 1st rule in this room, stay away from @tereško
@PHPNooB, that name will shortly be replaced with my own :)
When I read the name @tereško, I thought It was a Japanese made Ping-Pong match simulating robot, but I was wrong.... It was much WORSE
tereško is actually a brand of herbal tea if im not mistaken
@bizzehdee in that case, when you find a good job, ask around if they need a second developer
fair enough
brb, going to shit out one of my kidneys (think i had some bad chicken earlier on)
and now the 5h nap calls me
at least the upside is that i have been feeding on sushi for past two days
@tereško you still haven't finished it? I would have eaten it all in one sitting
A: Using file_get_contents with hebrew string

EvertUrls cannot contain UTF-8 characters. They must be url-encoded first. They may show up as UTF-8 characters in your browser, but that's just your browser making it look prettier for you.

^ that is wrong isn't it?
@crypticツ there were 40 sushi's
and not the tiny ones ... the adult size
~35$ in total
ah so technically 80 child size
well ... since there is not universal measurement i can think of
I'm pretty sure the page is 404ing because I doubt the real domain is http://domain.com/... — cryptic ツ 22 secs ago
sometimes people just make me sad
@crypticツ , if you open our profile, then the diameter of those sushi's would be like the distance from the start of H till the start of F in your "happiness is free" text
approximately , since i ate last of them 20 minutes ago
.. also Idiocracy was not a comedy. It was a documentary ahead of it's time.
12 mins ago, by PHP NooB
@bizzehdee 1st rule in this room, stay away from @tereško
actually the rule is : use the "ignore user" option liberally
Guys could anyone tell me, are Google ads or twitter timeline widget considered to be portlet?
Just making sure I understad what portlet is.
@Eugene could you let them work in an IFrame?
then yes :)
Okay. Thank you.
@Ocramius Must it be always an iframe?
@Eugene no, that's just one of the ways of loading a portlet
Can it be some remote js script, that loads into some dinamically created element?
@Eugene there's a JSR specification on what portlets are and are not
@Ocramius Okay.

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