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@peehaa except windows 7 or 8 ...:p
finally chat is working fine in ff .. android browser sucks
@NullPointer I like KDE better
more intuitive
@NullPointer Lately I have been using Chrome for android again. Which worsk pretty good
which versions .?
@uchihaobito thanks I am thinking same
@NullPointer Was that directed at me?
dont why I have to refresh every time to see new message this and last message for peehaa
@peehaa on the top how you bother chat on mob ?
i have tab and it sucks
I usually don't use chat on mobile
whole so on mobile or tab sucks
refreshing opera mini to check chat msgs? i was there too
@NullPointer I always just request the normal desktop version instead of the mobile version
good mornings, time to grab some coffee
morning mr @hakre
good morning mr. PeeHaa
@LeviMorrison Nice work on the Ardent! I don't hate the traits. In library stuff it's probably more acceptable than otherwise because you're giving people the ability to mixin the traits without foobar'ing their single inheritance, which can be helpful.
Any ideas for better names for them?
Not off the top of my head, but I'll try to give it some thought over the course of the day.
I'm not a fan of doing things like MapTrait or ReduceAdapter or whatever.
Naming is hard.
Yeah, learned a few useful things about traits, though.
Such as?
That's an abstract method there, but it's actually defined in all the classes that use it.
It worked as intended.
You know, more and more I'm thinking traits are not only not harmful in a library, but can actually be very beneficial if the point is to provide base code for use in a wide range of projects.
Was surprised about that one. I just wanted to see if I could make sure it was there, you know?
@rdlowrey That might be the kind of thinking that gets people into trouble with them :]
If you're solving one specific problem, sure, OO composition is way better. But if you're saying, here's a set of useful functionality that can apply in lots of different situations (e.g. Ardent) it's a great way to not lock people into an inheritance tree.
Of course it has to be done correctly.
morning mr @ircmaxell
what's the good word?
trait blasphemy
@rdlowrey loves traits
Although I don't know whether that reall is good :P
I want to marry traits and have little hybrid human-trait babies.
Not really.
/me walks away slowly
lol. I'm still trait free, but I'm trying to be more pragmatic about things when I can't point to a specific, non-dogmatic drawback :)
@ircmaxell I created two traits to implement the two common cases for what was formerly the Iterable interface (now integrated into Collection). We're trying to figure out how we feel about it.
@LeviMorrison I do have one issue that I didn't expect before the Ardent/Sunrise mega-merger ... the src/ directory now looks like a wall of files. I know you don't want to complicate things with a deeply nested directory structure, but it's a bit daunting right now to see tons of files.
It would be nice if it were organized into logical groups of functionality ... at least a little bit.
@rdlowrey Sad face :(
I mean, the problem evaporates if you just spend a few minutes going over the code, but it's a little bit of information overload at first glance.
I'll have to write an autoloader if I do that.
But it's not the worst thing in the world. The simplicity of everything being in one place may outweigh organizational improvements.
I don't mind doing that, but then I'm not PSR compliant! :]
Why wouldn't you be? 1:1 Namespace:directory structures is what I'm talking about.
just curious question, what is easier to learn C, C++ or C#
\Ardent\Exception\KeyException <- useless middle exception!
\Ardent\Iterator\MapIterator <--- Redundant!
\Ardent\Exception\Key, \Ardent\Iterator\Map
damnit chrome canary crashes on github :(
Hey there
Do anyone know a decent proxy detection script in PHP?
Why do you need a detection script? Proxies add very predictable headers. All you need to do is check for the presence of those headers and possibly for specific values present in those headers.
Some googling will tell you exactly what to look for and you'll learn a lot more than mindlessly using someone else's code.
I have looked into this, and I'd like to create something like Maxmind/Proxstop uses
I personally always try to solve a problem myself first. You should never use third-party code you don't understand :)
I have been searching for this all day and havent found much useful information.
Well, proxying does nothing more than utilize a subset of functionality outlined in the HTTP protocol. Your best bet is to become well-acquainted with RFC 2616. Everything will fall into place after that :)
> Proxy fraud is an easy way for users to hide their identity and make it appear they are from somewhere else than their true location.
Fear mongers.
Their is no such thing as "Proxy fraud"
It's called: "Computer A connected to Computer B which requested the resource from your site."
Okay, but the thing is that in the Internet Marketing industry we need to dectect proxies because people are always trying to scam or cheat. This is why I'm looking to create a software in php.
So learn about HTTP and how it's used in proxying situations so you can "create a software in php."
You are so much of a help :)
Don't try to take shortcuts and cobble together a bunch of copy/pasta code that "just works" without understanding why. Endeavor to learn about the problem you're trying to solve and you'll be much better off.
Can you please tell me where or what should I search for then?
I actually know how to detect a simple proxy, however I don't know how to detect an anonymous one.
A proxy is nothing more than a middle man that accepts a request, possibly modifies it, then makes the request on behalf of the original user to the server.
@rdlowrey If I move exceptions to an exception folder and iterators to an iterator folder then it's much cleaner structure wise.
I'd rather not sub-namespace them, though.
Yes. However if someone is using an open proxy that its not so easy to detect.
@TabooLoco Can you define an "open proxy" for me?
@LeviMorrison You may want to get input from other people before you do that.
@rdlowrey Open Proxies are typically compromised "zombie" computers. They are running a proxy service that was installed by a virus or other malware. The owner of the computer is typically unaware that their computer is being used as a proxy, enabling fraudsters to use the legitimate owner's internet connection to send spam, commit credit card fraud, and engage in other illegal activity.
And so how is that different from any other proxy?
It still has to make the same HTTP requests.
@LeviMorrison I think it's an all or nothing deal ... I do think PSR-0 compatibility is important in a library. I don't want to be required to include your special autoloader. So I think if you organize them into directories they should match the namespaces. Otherwise my personal preference would be to keep them all in one place.
@rdlowrey And what about anonymous proxyes which does not send a HTTP header? What do you do with them?
"Don't send a HTTP header?"
Like I said, you really need to learn about HTTP if you want to tackle this problem.
@rdlowrey 27 Iterators, 10 Exceptions, 24 Others o.0
If this request rolls in to your server:
GET /someresource HTTP/1.0
In the above situation there is absolutely nothing you can do to detect the use of a proxy short of comparing the IP address of the requesting machine against an existing list of known proxies.
And any service that says otherwise is selling armageddon insurance.
Legitimate proxies will add the appropriate headers.
You can only detect what's there.
Hmm, so if someone wvisits my site not using HTTP headers it means that they are using anonymous proxies?
If you do this in php:
The actual request PHP sends for you after it connects to the server is:
GET / HTTP/1.0
So no, it doesn't mean the request was proxied.
@rdlowrey what about composer?
It means the request has no identifying information other than the IP of the machine that generated it.
Hmm. Than what are the identifications when someone using a proxy?
@TabooLoco HTTP headers ... which you'll have to read about in the HTTP spec.
I can't teach you how to do it. Just do your research.
Okay thanks anyways.
So I'll find my answers on that site of HTTP?
The backlog list is surprisingly long
@TabooLoco You'll find the HTTP specification. I'm suggesting learning that.
May the promotion of @Gordon impact so much in the ?
@ircmaxell looool
ok, off to go purchase the final two pieces of my new desktop (two new monitors)
@hakre I don't like it, so I don't consider it.
still can't decide: dual 24" or 27"+21"...
@rdlowrey because it normally takes care of the loading and you don't need to.
will look at what they have when I get there
@hakre I don't like it because it creates very inefficient autoloaders, tightly couples your development workflow to a third-party dependency that may or may not be around forever, is largely a hack to work around php's poor namespacing implementation and is completely invalidated by the correct use of git submodules.
is there any alternate to str_word_count.. cuz it is not counting the numbers used in the validation..?
@ircmaxell I strongly recommend 27" ... I can't work on anything less any more.
@rdlowrey inefficient autoloaders? don't let @igorw hear that.
Have you looked at the autogenerated autoloaders? They're very inefficient.
@hakre ur icon looks like the logo of sony tv
@rdlowrey which type of autoloader you mean? classmap? PSR-0? include?
@rdlowrey Hah, I say that too, but for 17" :D
/me grabs popcorn.
@rdlowrey (and yes, I've looked in there)
@rdlowrey Doesn't it have some option to generate a classmap loader?
@hakre My point is this: I'm a terrible control freak. I don't like using auto-generated code because it's less efficient by definition. I know exactly what I'm trying to do and I prefer to manually manage my dependencies. I'm not using fifty dependencies in a project. I'm using two or three. I don't want the tight-coupling to composer.
Any legitimate library is going to do one of two things:
@rdlowrey while the classmap autoloader is not perfect, especially when you have too many classes, it is generally quite performant AFAIK.
anyone mind answering my question?
(1) Utilize a PSR-0 directory structure
(2) Provide an autoload.php file
is there any alternate to str_word_count.. cuz it is not counting the numbers used in the validation..?
And in those two cases I can easily manage the deps on my own ^
It's probably more about me being a control freak than anything else.
If a library isn't doing one of those two things it's extremely unlikely that I'm going to be using it.
So for me, composer isn't really necessary. I know lots of people like it. I'm just not crazy about it.
That said, if I have a useful library I'll support composer. I'm not trying to be contrarian, I just don't get ga-ga eyed over it because I still think git submodules make infinitely more sense as a dependency management tool.
once you have to manage a tree of dependencies, git submodules simply does not work in my experience. for one, what happens if two of your deps depend on the same third one? do you get it twice? what if they support separate ranges that have some overlap? do you now have to figure out which version you can use?
Reading people about their dependency's management never gets old.
@igorw I get that and it's a real issue. But I don't write projects from 10 deps. I use a couple targeted libraries without interconnected dependencies, so I can manage them manually.
@Alexander Hey once people stop arguing over things like this I stop coming in here :)
I don't just flippantly use a library. If I use it, I've studied it and know everything about it. At that point manual dependency management isn't an issue.
@rdlowrey I fully agree with that point and I think that we (the composer user base) need to have a serious talk about responsibility.
@PeeHaa That's not for me. I find subjective topics like this one merely boring.
@igorw I think you're smart to do so -- people should take care not to confuse composer with an excuse to blindly include and use a library as a surrogate for copy/paste. That's where you get in trouble regardless of what your dependency management solution may be.
@Alexander Neh. It's always nice to have people reiterating over the pros and cons of something
I think I'm really just advocating this: don't use a library that you wouldn't have written yourself. At the very least you should understand what it's doing under the hood. At that point you're much better equipped to handle compatibility changes in your dependencies.
@rdlowrey Well, I'll see based on what they have there
And that way you get smarter with each new dependency :)
That is not a dependency management strategy though.
> you're much better equipped to handle compatibility changes in your dependencies.
That's a library decision strategy.
Right, but if you do that then your choice of dependency management strategy isn't nearly as important.
I'm also debating a 32" (or something silly like that) depending on pricing
Oh man, my eyeballs might turn into an ooze of happiness if I started working on 32"
@rdlowrey @igorw What I like about Composer is that it's not PEAR :P
@rdlowrey while I agree with that sentiment, it's not really practical. I simply am not skilled enough to implement some of the things that I'd like to use. Just like I'm not skilled enough to write my own PHP interpreter, C compiler, operating system.
@igorw I'm not saying you should be able to have done it yourself, I'm just saying you should understand it's design and what it's doing. You're quite right that dependencies are an imperative part of software.
but trying to understand it, actively vetting and trusting it is definitely a huge deal. :)
in that case we are in agreement
@igorw Btw, could you please set a default tz in composer?
Yeah, I think we definitely agree :)
@rdlowrey Wrong. That says nothing about the library dependency management IMHO.
@NikiC what is composer doing with dates?
@ircmaxell I have no idea
@Alexander How can you say "Wrong" on an opinion statement?
You don't control upgrade model I'm afraid.
But I am always really annoyed when I see that timezone error message
and we really need to kill warnings
@Alexander No, but no one forces you to click the upgrade button.
I can quite happily continue to use a deprecated version of a dependency that works for me.
@rdlowrey I meant that statement wasn't completely related to what I said previously.
Sidenote: I can't type at all.
@rdlowrey hopefully a version with a lot of security vulernabilities :P
@NikiC Which is solved by understanding what a library is doing under the hood.
@rdlowrey @igorw I pushed some more Ardent updates. Restructured some stuff and renamed some things. Fixed some type-hints, etc.
@rdlowrey sometimes
@igorw hm... there certainly is something that always warns...
The sum total is this: I don't use multiple libraries with interconnected dependencies. I use a couple of targeted libraries on a given project and for that simple use case composer just isn't needed.
@ircmaxell What resolution? That is the real question in my mind :]
@NikiC if you can give me more info, I'd be glad to try and reproduce/fix it
@igorw when are they not defined that it needs to have a conditional?
@rdlowrey fair enough.
@LeviMorrison large ;-)
ok, I'm off. Later all
It's a similar viewpoint to my feelings that you "shouldn't use a framework if you can accomplish the specific task without one." If you really need complex dependency management, use composer. If not, don't.
@ircmaxell yea, that conditional makes no sense.
will fix, thanks
@igorw i'll tell you next time i have the issue
@igorw confirm with Jordi. It may be there for a reason... github.com/composer/composer/commit/…
but later
Is it only me or the the really shows a tag to questions that are not even closed yet?
That makes what needs to be closed harder.
@Alexander Example?
Gotta search.
@LeviMorrison I don't think I'm using any of that stuff yet, and my tests are still passing. :)
Also are we talking about the PHP or the closing room backlog?
how can i convert markdown file to HTML or PDF right now on windows machine
@PeeHaa I found one of those in the closing room backlog. I couldn't find any now. I better save it next time.
Yes please
@BasicBridge have you searched for the answer before coming here?
@PHPNooB yes I did, if i missed something please let me know
btw what do you mean by "convert markdown file"
Q: assign an attribute to a group in magento and setting the position in the group

Rasvani have developed the following code for assigning a already created attribute to a specic group in the attribute set. the code is : <?php require_once('app/Mage.php'); //Path to Magento umask(0); Mage::app('default'); // Change default to whatever store you want to run $model=Mage::getMod...

ca i get any help with this pls ?
@ircmaxell apparently mostly defensive in this case, but he said it would probably not be needed
@PHPNooB see this image i.imgur.com/UlACfO0.png
i need some alternative for fancybox which also works in twitter bootstrap ?
@PeeHaa all right let me try this.
@tereško Question again regarding you answer about the model structure. Controller($serviceFactory, $View)... Controller needs View to set the template, right?
anybody knows about a good PHP google map viewer?
I need it to be connected to MSSQL DB
hi room
@tereško And then, when the View executes render(), it queries the Model to get the data needed. right?
@an1zhegorodov Why would the controller care about some template?
@PeeHaa Controller->action desides what template should the View use
@PeeHaa That's my guess. I have the same question in my head...
A: How should a model be structured in MVC?

tereško Disclaimer: the following is description of how I understand MVC-like patterns in context of PHP based web applications. All the external links, that are used in the content, are there to explain terms and concepts and not to imply my own credibility on subject. Updated version The first th...

Anyone know any PHP/MySQL rest API's to use with backbone.js?
template is presentational. Your controller should have to worry bout stuff like that
@PeeHaa Alternatively, I could let the View to know about Router. This way I could decide what template to use inside the View depending on Router->_command
@PeeHaa Hmm... If the View desides what template to choose depending on the current uri, it duplicates Controllers logic
@PeeHaa I would need to duplicate all actions of controller inside the View. Any ideas?
@an1zhegorodov the view makes the response from multiple templates
but it is also possible that view only call header('Location ... '); and there are no templates involved
as for when the view requests data from model layer, it depends on your implementation
i myself am still struggling a bit with the implementation of views
the way i am currently doing it looks kinda like this :
$action = $request->getParameter('action');
$command = $request->getMethod() . $action;

$controller->{$command}( $request );

echo $view->render();
but this is more like a "flavor of month" approach .. I have not decided which is the best way of dealing with views for my taste
@tereško So in your example, the View should duplicate Controller's actions, right?
not duplicate
@tereško But have them
keep in mind , this part is all subjective .. i have not figured out it completely yet
lets see ... the controller would have : getArticle(), postArticle(), deleteArticle() and/or putArticle() , while the view would only need to $view->article()
the method in the view is to avoid additional if's , just like the REQUEST_METHOD prefixes for controller's methods
@tereško Didn't get the $command = $request->getMethod() . $action; part
Why REQUEST_METHOD is connected to your Controller->{command}?
$request->getMethod() return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] or (if set) $_POST['_method']
@tereško so the query is ?_method=delete&action=article and this triggers Controller->deleteArticle()?
it's with a goal to provide possibility to easily create REST-like interface
you cannot do real REST with classical websites, but it some cases it is pragmatic to mimic it
@tereško What Controller does with a View?
$class = '\\Application\\Controller\\' . $request->getResourceName();
$controller = new $class( $serviceFactory, $view );
usually nothing
but it must have an ability to alter the state of said view
for example, i would use controller to alter the output of view: from html to json
@tereško That line seems off. Controller alters state of the view?
@LeviMorrison you will have to elaborate
> A controller can send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of the model (e.g., by scrolling through a document). It can also send commands to the model to update the model's state (e.g., editing a document).
@tereško In a web context the first bit of that line is irrelevant.
(because I am too lazy to dig for proper quote from smalltalk's paper on MVC)
You might be correct; I'm just saying that it didn't quite seem right.
well .. how would you change the output format off the view ?
@tereško I don't. I'm not saying what I'm doing is the right way (tm) but I do content negotiation before the view is instantiated.
I don't often have to do content negotiation, so I'm not the most qualified on that point.
Alternatively I can see the view dealing with content negotiation internally.
I don't really see why a controller would touch a view in that matter.
basically , the controller need access to the view for passing to it user's input that is strictly presentation-related
those are rare cases, but when you are working toward a consistent API, imho that is the right choice
@tereško In your opinion, how correct would you say this picture is: psychopathya.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/mvc.jpg
@LeviMorrison that's how rails clones work , and it is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike MVC
I personally feel like the view shouldn't be sending GUI content back to a controller to create an HTTP response, but that's about all my beef with it.
MVC is a lovely pattern that I don't really think fits HTTP very well anyway, so I don't try too hard to map it to HTTP.
It might be wonderful to use for web-sockets, so I was careful not to use 'web' in the previous statement.
@tereško Your answers everywhere :D I need to give a response in json, and that's the case to alter the state of the view.
$1,999.90 total
so close
A: Good practice? PHP MVC Controller Ajax

tereškoShort answer: it depends. Only real difference between XHR (what marketing people call "AJAX") and ordinary browser request is that XHR expects a different form of response. In the MVC-inspired patterns for web the part that is responsible for generating response are the view instances. The vie...

@an1zhegorodov well .. i was aiming for the silver badge
@tereško Should my UserDomainObject validate itself and include errors[]?
So that the View can use those
validations error - yes , that would be my recommendation
but view should not be accessing domain object directly anyway
it kinda depends on how you manage your errors
@tereško I'll use service to access :)
@tereško Do you validate each property while setProperty? Or the whole object with one validate method?
@Ocramius quick Q. Does everything, that was marked to persist get cleaned after flush or does it stay and get flushed next time flush is called as well?
hey guys
@MalikUsman hello
cryptic i have one question but not about PHP can i ask :D
its about some website but not really about PHP
@an1zhegorodov depends, in most case my choice would be to have a validation method
1 hour ago, by Levi Morrison
It might be wonderful to use for web-sockets, so I was careful not to use 'web' in the previous statement.
@LeviMorrison smart ^
@rdlowrey , I still think that sockets are highly impractical options , especially at anything-but-small scale
@tereško Why do you say that?
I ask because I'm handling thousands of simultaneous websocket connections without issue. In PHP.
I don't claim to have perfected an MVC strategy for it, but it's certainly possible.
The websocket connection is full-duplex, so you can push or receive information at any time at the server end.
It's a much closer approximation of traditional GUI interfaces than stateless HTTP (even if that HTTP is augmented with AJAX).
@MalikUsman sure just ask, of someone can help they will respond.
Hello guys I am want to implement xmpp server side code
But not getting a correct direction to start with, open fire has the server code
but thats in Java. I use Justhost.com, which only supports PHP. So now I am stuck up here. Can any one provide me a small help on it?
@rdlowrey can you try
@andyPaul No.
@rdlowrey ++$tinyAvatars;?
@rdlowrey any reason for No?I mean to say have you worked on it or not ? or something else?
@Alexander Right on, man :)
@andyPaul I'm deep in thought/coding at the moment and I don't know the first thing about xmpp. My apologies.
@rdlowrey that's my main worry
the again , i am still pretty clueless about sockets
Well it's certainly not something that should be attempted behind a traditional apache/nginx/lighttpd -> php stack, I'll give you that.
I've had to totally reinvent the wheel to achieve it.
@rdlowrey no worries, I am presently looking for ventrilo , but thats for voip, I am not sure it supports xmpp text chat messaging
And had I known the extent of the work involved when I set out to reinvent that PHP wheel I likely never would have tried :)
@rdlowrey pretty awesome wheel
@Lusitanian Heh, thanks -- FYI I've "finalized" the messaging protocol and it should only be a couple of days before I have a working example implementation using it for asynchronous websocket handling.
I'm still turning over how best to implement SNI in the config scheme.
And after I finish the RPC-style stuff I'll resolve the mod ordering + registration WTFs
i have too much real stuff to do to sit down and play with it right now :(
are you going to write an example for rpc?
It's for the best -- better to wait until it's really stable to play with it anyway
@Lusitanian Yes. I have a basic one already working.
Note that it doesn't follow the RPC spec, it's just "RPC-style" communication.
yeah i know
I created a couple new repos (private) and I'm moving stuff around now. I'll give you access to them once that's done.
And by "basic one already working" I really mean, "mindblowingly awesome one working"
does github let you fork private repos?
^^ too lazy to check
No idea. Doubtful.
yeah it does
i have my own private fork of your repo
this could be abused so easily
surprised they allow it
I'm sure it's only visible to people who are allowed access to the original repo.
nah, it lets me add collaborators
and remove them, including you
lol, "I'm diddling your repo and you can't see it!"
Well anyway, late lunch. I'll be around coding later.
have some beer and try to hit the ballmer peak
"Lusitanian added you to Aerys" ?
@NikiC that was my fork
a very short-lived fork, mind you
ended in a tragic accident with a spoon
@crypticツ To that lost connection problem is it because of mysql statement ?
@Ihsan hello
What problem?
@crypticツ How do you do, and I hope you are having a good time by the way. stackoverflow.com/questions/15453535/…
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial. – cryptic ツ 6 mins ago
I'm not understanding what your question is
You have commented...
Is the problem just because of a deprecated statement?
Anyway... ok.
I was just curious.
I wish you a nice day. Sorry to bother...
posted on March 16, 2013 by Ben Ramsey

Twitter pretty much killed blogging for me. When I signed up for the service six years ago, I was blogging quite a bit, but Twitter’s rapid-fire, ultra-short status updates have given me a 140-character attention span. Not only did I stop blogging, but I stopped reading blogs, too. Reading and writing became a chore. While I could fire off a message on Twitter within minutes or seconds of craft

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