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Me likez collection stuff
Not everything there is final.
I'm not sure the traits were a good idea but they were a lot of work and it seems like it's less work than it would be otherwise.
I'm open to suggestions on that front.
That commit touched nearly every file if not all files.
I don't expect it to be. But I've been following the thing for some time now and I like the direction in it going. Don't agree with everything, but I'm too wasted right now to come up with anything more constructive.
@Ocramius getting semantical error class ... has no association named ... :(
One quick note. Why the implicit public methods?
@Eugene complete error or it didn't happen :)
@PeeHaa I hate seeing the word public when it's there implicitly :]
I'd use it if we could remove the function keyword though :]
@LeviMorrison fully agree on using implicit public
@LeviMorrison hehe that's a whole other story
@PeeHaa :] Indeed it is.
Well, today is my birthday and the work week is over, so I'm out of here!
Enjoy the rest of your birthday mate
I hope you all have a great weekend! Ping me with any questions you have!
enjoy indeed
I'll play with your additions
@igorw Why?
@PeeHaa because there's so much needless verbosity there, which I really dislike. it obfuscates the code, makes it harder to focus on the essence of it.
@Eugene what's the DQL for that?
@igorw How does the public keyword obfuscate the code?
It may be just me but I kinda like the verbosity of it
It shows clear intent in some way
And yes I get they are freaking interfaces
on most occaisuons
^ wow cannot type anymore.
I just prefer to reduce noise and redundancy. for the same reason I detest docblocks with a passion.
@DaveRandom I always forget I have this plugin installed :D Always funneh
imo intent is mostly in the names
Agreed. But imho when being able to be explicit > meh this is going on. you know it I know it so live with it
Just my 2c. Again I'm wasted, but I think I'm pretty sure I'll react in the same way tomorrow about it
Being explicit doesn't count as noise imho
Under most circumstances
@igorw I'd agree if PHP had return types
and probably generics /me runs
sometimes there's a fine line between explicit and redundant. for example, in ruby there is shitloads of syntactic sugar that is very implicit at times. you can leave off parentheses which usually makes the code totally incomprehensible because it makes you think "is this a method call?" "is this a property access?" "is this an argument?" "is this a hashmap?"
most of the time, I really dislike that abuse of implicitly inferring things.
Oh it is a fine line
foo.bar is the same as foo.bar()
:foo => :bar is {:foo => :bar} is {foo: :bar}
But nothing says more about intent than writing down the visibility
gigaom.com/2013/03/15/… - bigG's numbers are scary
the intent of the visibility, sure
but what you're saying with that is that visibility is important, in fact so important that you must write it in front of every method
and that I don't agree with. because visibility isn't what restricts access logically, interfaces are.
my approach (in my messed up brain) is to treat everything within an implementation as public by default, those things marked as private are blacklisted. but the actual protection happens by having the client of that class depend on an interface, so there's no way (at least conceptually) to access anything else.
@igorw can't disagree on that. But still, I personally like the public keyword... probably oo used to it :)
@igorw that's also a good way of messing around and knowing when a BC break happens
another decision factor is trying to be concise, but explicit at the same time. and that's usually quite hard to achieve. so there is a constant trade-off there.
Yes. And yes the interface defines the contract. But yes it's "important" imho , because: consistency to just write down the freaking thing, prevent wtf/m even for a split second, it is just clear, I fail to see the bloat / obfuscation
Both my typing and my English degraded tonight :(
oh, btw, if there's any zf folks around:
Dont forget the #zf2 dochunt tomorrow! @zend has kindly offered 10 elephpants and 1 Zend Server/Studio license for swag so get your PRs in
@Ocramius damn slow internet
updated gist
@Eugene well that was some lag :D
@Ocramius Can I receive an elephpant either way?
@PeeHaa I am still waiting for 2 elePHPants >.<
@Eugene that's not the DQL associated with the exception, isn't it? O_o
@Ocramius you got me. :) Updated with real thing. :)
@Eugene INNER JOIN ET.Application\Entity\ElTranslationsTexts
@PeeHaa you sure do have a point. I only changed my mind about implicit public quite recently. I definitely see where you are coming from.
@Eugene that should be INNER JOIN ET.translationTexts
or such
@Ocramius so I should refer to Entity property rather then to other Entity name?
@Eugene correct. You hop through the properties :)
let me try. One moment
Okey. That works, but now it tells, that there are no fields specified in query
I selected with names, that are in DB not Entity properties.
@Eugene you have to work with properties only :)
Assuming, that annotations should link one to another correctly
Okey. I see.
@igorw I really need to have some good thinking about it, but for now my personal verdict is god why?
Note: personal opinions of @PeeHaa may fluctuate and no rights may be taken from anything he has shouted at some point
@PeeHaa high-level languages are about abstracting away the things that don't matter. languages shape the way you think, because the details they expose to you are the details you get to care about. of course you can still choose to ignore some of the details.
Note: @igorw may very well have spent too much time in his Lisp corner and be detached from the real world
@Ocramius Hmm. getSingleResult( ... ) with hydration mode for geting object I still get array
@Eugene code? :)
@Ocramius $Result = $Qb->getQuery()->getSingleResult( AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_OBJECT );
@igorw lol
@igorw Sir, I can ensure you that it is not because of Lisp: you just have detached from real world :P
@Eugene uhmm... remove that parameter...
Why programmers, mostly like to talk about themselfs in third person. Wondering
@PeeHaa has no fucking clue what you are talking about
@Ocramius did I mention that the corner is actually a five dimensional sphere that I am floating in?
also, thanks for that <3
@Ocramius still array
@igorw watwat O_o
@PeeHaa @Eugene doesn't know either about what @Eugene is talking :)
@Eugene hmm... you were selecting properties, right?
@Ocramius yep
@Eugene just select the entity alias :)
@Ocramius not sure I understand
@Eugene you currently do SELECT a.foo, a.bar FROM Baz a
you should do SELECT a FROM Baz a
What if SELECT b.foo, b.bar FROM Baz a INNER JOIN Foo b?
Just b then?
Who the fuck flagged that?
Go away you fucking nonsense flagger
How can "fuck" be offensive? Unless you hate sex?
riiiiiight :)
Try hitting the delete link below the question. — David Robinson 18 secs ago
^ heheheh
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvnbvvvvvnbbbnhbjjjjjjn bbnnnnnc vbnnbvcbghvvvvvvvccccbnnnnnbvfgb nbvcbnfvbghgfghjhgfgvb bghfghjgfdcv v cccccccccccccccccc
in case anyone was wondering, that's what you get when you clean your keyboard.
I think you forgot to clean some keys :P
@Ocramius Either didn't work
@Eugene: code plz
I'm signing off for today people. It was a pleasure as always. Good night all. @igorw always nice to have somebody forcing you to think about whether you are doing something wrong even though one might not agree. It's all part of the process
@igorw this is what I get when I clean my keyboard:
@PeeHaa night
@Ocramius you destroyed the any key?
@igorw yeah =_=
@Eugene you're not selecting the root of the query. You can select ET, not ETT here
@Ocramius I assume I can't do inner join without query, right? Like for example set two entities, that I use in where and thus get the main record?
@Eugene no, it's just that you currently are doing:

You have to have a as first element in the FROM clause. DQL is a bit picky on this
@Ocramius But all fk links are in b
Then it's a bit uglier
SELECT a FROM A a WHERE a.id IN (SELECT a2.id FROM B b JOIN b.a a2) or such
SELECT a FROM A a JOIN B b WITH b.a = a (not sure this one works)
SELECT B.one, B.two FROM a A INNER JOIN b B ON A.id = B.id
Q: Doctrine 2 DQL - how to select inverse side of unidirectional many-to-many query?

Gnuffo1I have two classes - Page and SiteVersion, which have a many to many relationship. Only SiteVersion is aware of the relationship (because the site is modular and I want to be able to take away and drop in the module that SiteVersion belongs to). How would I therefore select pages based on criter...

hmm... most answers are crap... adding mine
You have to have the entity in the FROM clause that you are SELECTing
But it seems very illogical
@Eugene DQL is statically typed. Hydration starts from the root entity
it's not SQL
Faking XPath queries on XMLReader:
$reader = new XMLReader();
$it = new XMLElementIterator($reader);
$list = new XMLElementXpathFilter($it, '//user[@id = "1" or @id = "6"]//message');

foreach($list as $message) {
    echo " * ",  $message->readString(), "\n";
A: Doctrine 2 DQL - how to select inverse side of unidirectional many-to-many query?

OcramiusThere's two ways of handling this in Doctrine ORM. The most typical one is using an IN condition with a subquery: SELECT p FROM SitePage p WHERE p.id IN( SELECT p2.id FROM SiteVersion v JOIN v.pages p2 WHERE ...

gah, is there an iterator version of array_values? :P
@hakre dude, why not making this a repo itself? O_o
@igorw what do you mean?
@Ocramius yeah, it's growing :)
@igorw $values = iterator_to_array($iterator, false); - see php.net/iterator_to_array
@hakre awesome, TIL about the second arg
thanks :)
eh, the first half of today I've been writing code for the damn 2.0 version of Process
were there any of differences from 2.0 to master?
there are tons of differences
there I wrote a complete new class that moves methods from Process into ProcessStreams so that it can be factored up to 2.2
I have no clue if it ever will make it in
However setting to tempfiles for the pipes on windows fixes it for 2.0 as well.
My fix I had for 2.2 didn't worked in 2.0
PHP on windows is such a crap
But I also found some changes that are worth to make.
The code in Process is really kind-of spaghetti in the run() (2.0) / start() 2.2 / wait() 2.2 methods.
yeah, both 2.2 and 2.1 broke API in some cases
hopefully it will stabilise more after 2.3, since it is LTS
bon soir
Hey, does anyone know a way to draw one not crossing line in a square, having % of the space it should be taking?
Lets say, 30% pixels should be taken by the line, can't find any algorithm to do that from point A to point B.
@igorw: When a class is internal (e.g. ProcessStreams is used only by Process) it should not have the @api docblock tag, shouldn't it?
@hakre no, it shouldn't
removed for good then.
@igorw when does development on 3.0 start? ;)
@Lusitanian the plan is to keep as much BC as possible for the foreseeable future, so work on 3.0 will only start when it has to
Hiya guys
@JuanFernandoz hi
@CCInc you are here too? haha
@JuanFernandoz every room. (except C++)
@CCInc why?
I'm awesome.
@igorw makes sense
@CCInc why no C++?
@CCInc if you are awesome where is your giant evil robot destroying the city?
seemed relevant.
1 hour later…
Hey everyone!
@NullPointer Morning!


@AtifAzad why everything is in capital
@Lusitanian cute :P
.... Mistaken....
and i have already been punished by the members coz they i recievd 5 downvote
@AtifAzad dont worry ..:)
@NullPointer why not :(
@NullPointer :P
@AtifAzad it will be soon closed and deleted
@NullPointer means i will get back my repu :P
lol -21 vote on first 50 newest php question
@AtifAzad however if one got many many dv on question it get op to the question ban
@NullPointer your deserve that name "Null Pointer"
@AtifAzad there is no more space in my life so even not in name :P
@NullPointer haha very nice ...... NullPointer
@NullPointer May b someone have ..... some space for you
@tereško calm down master ...:P
@AtifAzad lol
please dont hate vampire ://cc @tereško
she killed :P
anybody know how to make a simple loading in php?
simple loading image
Can you hide div tags with php or is it better to use javascript
you can hide div tags with css
im creating a simple cms for news articles, and in the backend page i would like to be able to hide news.
@Rujikin Ok thanks
If you want the hide to change use javascript else CSS is enough
I thougt I could have a button Show/hide
maybe javascript is more suitable for that purpose
But you need a cSS class for the javascript to call
I'd suggest using Jquery
I just recently started on Javascript/Jquery and Jquery makes things pretty simple for standard tasks.
@Rujikin please, never send people for w3school: w3fools.com
Where would you suggest? They have been one of my best resources.
@Rujikin I never really used jquery before maybe i'll give it a shot =)
@Sebastian Here is a copy/paste from something I was doing a couple days ago. This code makes a hidden div appear, stay visable, then dissappear all in Jquery: $('#ajaxsuccess').slideDown(500).delay(2000).fadeOut(800);
It is calling the Div with ID "Ajaxsuccess"
Hi Frnds
Q: File upload using PHP and Ajax

Confusion_buddy I am able to upload small files without any issues. When I try with a 150mb file, it stops unexpectedly. The following is my HTML file: <html> <body> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="form-horizontal" id="form_upload"> <div class="contro...

any idea about this
i always doing simple mistake that will eat my whole time :(
in the above question , any one found any simple mistake :) as my boss sayin
@Rujikin Looks good thanks
Any Fuelphp users ?
I am in trouble with Model object array
I dont know how to get the first element without looping through it
and its not starting at the index 0
I wonder how stuff like that gets 2 upvotes
i hate this feeling, when you are trying to explain the problem that you are having to a coworker , and at one point you notice that they have gone blank and are not even trying to follow
Hi guys, I need some help with some PHP code. I simply need to display certain fields from a mysql database after a user is logged in. I also want to enable the user change their randomly generated password
What did you do for that?
I tried using session to display the info but for some reason I must be doing it wrong. As for enabling the user change their password I am still a bit sketchy on that
@tereško :sheep:
was that a Worms reference?
i cant ask question anymore :(
how can i fix it
// Connect to database display Account number, Full name, D.O.B, Address, Telephone, City, Country, PIN.
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); // Connect to database server(localhost) with root .
mysql_select_db("registrations") or die(mysql_error()); // Select registration database.

//start session

if (!isset($_SESSION)){


Can anyone show me how to correct this code?so that the full name and current balance of the user can be displayed from the database
need help
Q: How could i use export from sql to excell code in wordpress

user2176667i have this code to export from mysql to excell in wordpress i am calling this file with link <?php include("header.php"); $table = 'driver_detail'; $file = 'export'; $result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$table.""); $i = 0; if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) ...

@tereško the last one yes. the others are valid questions imo
@Gordon I think the first one isn't
the other two might be less clear, but they still seem TL/NARQ enough for me :)
@Gordon btw, can you also invalidate cvs?
@NikiC nope. unfortunately I cannot do that
fortunately :P
@NikiC fair enough
btw, I kind of feel like TL/NARQ currently have a lot of overlap. It's often not clear which one should be chosen
@Gordon they are all "code for me" questions
@tereško since my vote is binding, I'll leave it up to you to close the other two. I dont feel too well instaclosing them
fair enough
i wonder , how long will it take till you get a sock-puppet account
@tereško I didnt familiarize myself with how to detect them yet.
no , i mean that you will make one for yourself , so that you can do such things as no-binding close votes
@tereško ah. hehe. nah :)
@Ocramius I've cheated a bit yesterday. Did as you told me. Changed A and B tables places in innerJoin query. Since I thought about it and came to conclusion, that those tables have OneToOne relation. I've just made it bidirectional.
I think I just clicked "leave open" for the first time... stackoverflow.com/questions/15413829/…
@NikiC Are you going to answer it? Neither of those answers actually explain why one is allowed and the other is not (at least not in a way that I understand - I have wondered this myself).
(mornings @all)
I didn't plan on answering
It's just a triviality anyway. LSP does not apply to constructors, so they can have incomaptible signatures
A: Why does PHP allow "incompatible" constructors?

NikiCThe Liskov Substitution Principle states that "if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S". In your example it means that you should be able to replace objects of type Cat with objects of type Lion. This is the reason your second code is not allowed. Yo...

A: Why does PHP allow "incompatible" constructors?

GordonTo understand why they are treated differently, you have to understand Liskov's Substitution Principle, which states If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2...

@NikiC :P
hey :(
that's not fair
@NikiC upvoted yours :)
@NikiC Actually that's kind of obvious now you put it that way :-)
@hakre compared to @NikiC's and my answer yours seems a bit, well … unhelpful? At least I wouldn't know what to make of it if I had asked the question.
you should not create schizophrenic types.
and I don't think you need to understand LSP to understand what the difference between these two type of methods are.
How do I block access to my files via htaccess? I want to allow only index.php and public files like js/images/css
but it doesnt work
I want to allow the server to read the files though
does the fancybox and bootstrap has some conflicts or not ?
Morning y'all
@UchihaObito Simply don't put the other files in a publicly accessible location
I.e. outside of the doc root
I can access xml file that's in config/ folder
I dont want that
Not if it's outside the docroot you don't
@UchihaObito See for example this. The only files that can be accessed are in this folder. All other files up the directory tree are not accessible
@PeeHaa i want my link to be /controller/function/value, and only that, I don't want people to put file paths there
I have "public" folder
but I can access any folder I want :/
So just route all requests through your front controller
@UchihaObito In that case your public folder is not your document root
@PeeHaa so I have everything in my docroot? every folder and the bootstrap itself
I just dont get why
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]
gets ignored
You should have nothing in your doc root besides the public files (js/css) and the file which requires the bootstrap file
@PeeHaa I have to say I've never really understood why you wouldn't just put the bootstrap code in index.php
Just seems like a pointless extra include
@DaveRandom Because I really love to separate by business logic away from the public folder
And morning btw :-)
@PeeHaa Yes, morning indeed
Before you know it somebody adds db connection credentials in there (which is often done at bootstrap phase) and you now have credentials in your document root
Which shouldn't be a problem, but what if for some stupid reason the server is misconfigured or whatever
@PeeHaa I guess that's fine; it just seems a bit weird to have a file that just has <?php require '../app.php';, but I've seen so many people do it that I tend to do it myself as well
@PeeHaa Yeh I guess so, I always put my config file outside docroot though
Right I'm off and probably won't be back till much later or tomorrow, I have some serious thinking to do.
@DaveRandom besides the bootstrap, you require libs too
Sorry, drinking
@DaveRandom :P enjoy
vimeo.com/59023055 January 19 and beach, eih...
which is better between kde and gnome ?
Empty serialized string cannot be empty <= Nice exception message...
@NullPointer windows 7 :P
@NikiC lol

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