@Jack There's some ext/mysql to mysqli conversion tool here that seems to do it
It's a cheap trick to mimic the no-need-to-pass-the-connection-resource behaviour of ext/mysql. Badly, because it assumes you only ever talk to one connection
I guess something like that is actually quite useful for a quick fix, as long as said quick fix is very temporary and you immediately go through the code and rewrite it properly
I mean, I think I've only ever used multiple connections to MySQL about twice in my life, although I regularly use multiple connections to multiple RDBMS
@David19801 No. The other way around. In /e mode the parser has to be fired up and the string compiled as PHP and all sorts of other things have to happen. A closure is more efficient, and safer, /e potentially allows arbitrary code execution attacks.
I clearly don't understand how some of it is supposed to work, I found that objects were being copied when I didn't expect them to be, properties just weren't being shared between threads, I though that was supposed to just work and that all writes were automatically atomic/synchronised :-(
@staticvoidmain You can't expect us to sway our answers in tune with your question edits; for that kind of help you can visit the chat room instead. — Jack22 secs ago
Like, does my code work? No ... edit edit ... how about now?
> The contents of packagist.org/p/providers-latest.json do not match its signature, this is most likely due to a temporary glitch but could indicate a man-in-the-middle attack. Try running composer again and please report it if it still persists.
@Baba Oh how I wish. Unfortunately the very reason that BC is so treasured is because of the amazing market penetration that PHP has. An attempted fork would go nowhere because nobody serving PHP's target market would switch. PHP will always continue to suck. I am at peace with this.
Make an array with 50 elements, called squared : First element should be 1 Second should be element 4 Third element should be 9 Fourth element should be 16 ... The fiftieth element should be 2500
@ircmaxell I'm working on one that works at the HttpKernelInterface level, but it's not ready yet. apart from that I don't really have anything I can recommend. tbh just use @Lusitanian's lib, it's quite straight forward
oh openid, that I don't know
in most cases I'd just go with the most popular lib I can find, wiring it up with pimple is quite trivial to do
And your example is utter pants. It would be more like somebody asking "Where can I get some bleach and toilet bowl cleaner to whiten my toilet?" and you responding "Don't do that, bleach and toilet bowl cleaner mix to create toxic chloromine gas fumes, you're going to kill yourself". You're saving somebody from a concrete, factual, unambiguously bad thing that they are almost certainly ignorant of. "Bacon is unhealthy" is your opinion, and obviously forcing your unsolicited opinion on others is pretty unwelcome. — meagarAug 13 '12 at 21:42
@igorw: When I want to make a pull request against Symfony\Process do I do it against the 2.2 branch or against master? For me it's fixes in the 2.2 branch because your CgiHttpKernel uses that version
what does qualify as a bugfix? See https://github.com/hakre/Process/commit/480d4b6c43357f3acdd002ce9f3d271144e1fb20 - that are my changes I have collected.
It's also containing throwing exceptions for some edge-cases which would have helped me in the first place yesterday with trouble-shooting.
@LeviMorrison that would be quite useful. and indeed it should be added to all of them. I currently need to construct LinkedList, Vector, HashMap and HashSet by hand: github.com/igorw/edn/blob/master/src/parser.php#L256
@PeeHaa, ok, maybe not like a charm, but it still works. It's just that it doesn't support the OOP interface. That's the only big thing it's lacking of.