@igorw That's kind of a semantic argument, but what I'm talking about I personally wouldn't regard as tunnelling because it wouldn't really share anything with HTTP other than a port number. But I do see where you are coming from with that point of view.
@dyelawn OK well I don't really follow that but no worries :-) If I were going to call it one or the other I would call it server-side, but it doesn't need to be limited to that classification.
@igorw That's what I'm saying. I admit the use cases aren't immediately apparent off the top of my head, but it would be a great toy and it could really open up the possibilities for a sane way to run userland socket-based server applications in real-world hosting environments.
@DaveRandom just read that again, doesn't really make any sense in context. trying to say that my background and academic experience in english and anthropology makes pragmatic classification of a language based on its present purpose very difficult. bc it's what i read first and foremost, javascript is intrinsically "client side" to me.
@dyelawn It is intrinsically client side to most people I think, and it will probably remain so forever. It doesn't have to be though, just try and abstract the language from the from the application ;-)
for serious, though. say, hypothetically i've been tasked with integrating calendars/events from five different providers into one app; is an interface not the right tool at that point? to establish requirements for things like, getEvents(), createEvent(), etc.
@dyelawn The interface is the thing that the one presents. The five would translate their individual services down to the single interface, so that anything that uses you library doesn't have to care about which one of the five is providing the data
@dyelawn an interface is a contract, it defines what is to be done. it doesn't define how. if your calendar importer has data multiple data sources, then fetchEvents could be a method on the EventDataSource or EventProvider interface.
I have an object I created in JS (not HTML Form Post) but I'm sending it to my PHP Page as a POST. I'm not sure how to debug it though since I can't see my POSTed data
@Howdy_McGee Is your question "how do I get at the raw body data from an HTTP POST request"? Because if so, the answer is file_get_contents('php://input'); unless the content type of the request is multipart/form-data in which case you have to use $_POST, $_FILES etc
well I know my .post() is firing and sending the data, but idk my problem is I want to view the data in PHP - but I need to simulate a POST or something so I can view the data
well I mean I need to do alot of stuff to the object in PHP, but if I can't echo things out or print things or var_dump things then it makes debugging difficult
since I'm not using a form, the POST data is always null, it's all being called from ajax
in your php script, var_dump($theThing); and in your .post() success callback, .append() your data to something
@Howdy_McGee whoa whoa whoa
that is not a thing that will ever happen. one step at a time. send the object to the server (the php script). echo it back. use a success callback to put that data in an element somewhere on your page.
see that's what I mean, even though I'm sending the object - I can't debug it in PHP because i"m not sure if I'm manipulating it right or storing it correctly etc because I can't view the data and such. I'm unsure how people debug this kind of stuff when they can't actually view it. Though I guess that's the point of POST is so people can't see it.
@Howdy_McGee how do you not know what's happening on the PHP side? are you POSTing this data to some third-party service?
btw, you have about four minutes for me to help you figure this out, bc i'm out of beer and cigarettes. and you should know that i'm not good at explaining things.
@Howdy_McGee it really helped me to get a piece of paper, then draw boxes for locations (e.g. client browser, server), and then draw arrows for each step in the process between them
for you, i highly recommend the diagramming on paper approach i stated above. draw it up. try to write a named function in js or php for each arrow. put a check mark on each arrow that you've successfully completed. DO NOT touch the code that successfully completes those arrows.
for me, i highly recommend more alcohol and nicotine.
How do I have multiple custom errors messages with Respect Validation.
I have some input that I want to validate against multiple validators. And I want a custom error message for each validation.
This is what I tried:
try {
anyone have an idea how I can use the normal wp admin instead of the wpmu user admin not the network admin but the user. How can I make it so each one makes its own wp-content file?
Anyone have any idea why, in MSSQL, a recursive function would work, but creating a calculated column with implied recursion (same function modified; passes an argument that uses the calculated column of another row) would blow the recursion max?
There isn't any cycle happening; I've checked for that thoroughly; besides, the truly recursive function form would fail in that case anyway.
@Jack @DaveRandom @all Hey, I get this error --> Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class phpmailerException Have seen 2-3 questions on this, but that answers didn't solve my problem. It is advised to use require_once but no luck in my case. Can some one please help me circumvent this error?
@Gordon Im bulding a very basic cms for news articles. I already created the database now i need to be able to login (admin) through the website do i use the root user or do i create one with admin rights.
@Sebastian definitely a new one. the mysql default root user should only be used for direct maintenance. you cms root user should only have the privileges required to fulfill the tasks in the cms.
@Gordon your welcome. it's like dream I have just voted you 3 days before and now you are talking with me here. amazing profile you have :) — Sumit Bijvani6 mins ago
@Jack just out of curiosity. the major part of my followers is developers, but i also got agile coaches and people from other industries in there. and i am trying to deduce what tweets cause who to unfollow
i used to keep all the you got a new follower on twitter emails exactly for this purpose but since I never got around to actually using them to track followers i deleted them two weeks ago
I never really got the point of Twitter...it's so noisy. And limiting messages to 160 characters or something? What the hell? Is this the 21st century? And the way people have discussions on Twitter...where one side of it is on one page and the other side on a different one...so weird.
I would understand it, if it had replaced RSS, which was never really a good source of information for the majority of people...but most Twitter accounts are way too noisy.
@Gordon I haven't been reading RSS feeds either for quite a while now. Problem ist that at some point you will end up having the same information source available on multiple channels (Twitter, Google+, RSS, ...) and it gets very annoying.
@TillHelgeHelwig i didnt understand why people would use twitter before I used it either. i'd tell my friends they are nuts for the same reasons you give. they asked me to try it for one week. i did and was hooked after one day already.
but yes, twitter is extremely noisy if you follow the wrong people
Hi everyone, I just have change "faveicon" for my blog at mostafa.info, this icon is hosted on Blogger witch is filtered in my country, so I can't check weather it is changed or not. Will anybody check that for me? thanks
@TillHelgeHelwig if you use it like a friend network you'll likely end up with a lot of noise. this one of the reasons why i am selective with who i follow. even if they are friends
@Gordon I have a Twitter account...and I used it for a while...but somehow I never got the hang of it. I don't like to wildly throw out messages in the hopes that somebody might want to read them. It's a weird concept somehow.
And the way people start shortening everything because of the limited message length...so odd.
@TillHelgeHelwig it certainly teaches you to write in a very condensed style. my rule of thumb is, if I cannot express it in a tweet its not tweet material
@TillHelgeHelwig i try to limit my tweeting to what might be relevant for my followers though
that is, I try to tweet dev and agile links and information
i do put any blog post i do on twitter. With appropriate hashtags it's good for reach. And same goes for getting info about other stuff. I get things that i won't get from an RSS feed
@Gordon I always spend a lot of time thinking about whether something might be interesting to others. Most of the entries I write to be posted on Google+ or formerly my blog tend to get deleted, because I start doubting that anyone would find it useful. ;)
@Gordon It's simple and effective in my opinion. There are some things that could be done better (like exposing configuration options), but overall it feels very smooth to me. I use mainly the keyboard to browse entries though.
The only issue I have with any of these "social networks" is that they don't really support seperating business from free time activities. Sure...you can limit your posts on G+ to the people relevant to the content.
I wish there where some kind of "subfeeds" or something. So I could sign up for all professional posts of someone, but not his lolcat posts.
And I wish I could categorize my posts the same way. I don't want to bother other programmers with my movie reviews...and I don't want to bother my friends with my programming discoveries either.
@TillHelgeHelwig i consequently hide all people posting business relevant stuff on fb. that works for me. my fb is really just fun and nonsense. and im strict about posting non business stuff there myself.
i have Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet EBook so there is a lot of Regular Expressions for every programming languages.so i have selected some Regular Expressions for you. i hope these will solve your problem.
Pattern Will Match
([A-Za-z0-9-]+) ...
^^ that's ehm, interesting :)
Google "xpath syntax". First two hits: w3schools, third hit, M$ ... sigh