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See you everyone
@webarto it was -8°C outside today ... no spring visible
about the same temperature here
decidedly not springlike
Hello everyone
I just finished a party and stuck my setup in my room (i'm off to ikea for a table tomorrow)
I'm so bad at saying no to help vampires =o( I'm asked something I want to do as a challenge, but after providing the code, they begin to suck all my time with more questions. I feel drained O_0
@crypticツ so that's what vampires are here? O_o
meh, you guys are lightyears forward in slangs
@Ocramius i'm here firstly for improve my english (slang english) more than improving my php skills
stop it! :P
Looking for opinions: Does it make sense to have a factory if you don't have interfaces that your objects adhere to?
ok done...for now
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs trolled me =oP
@crypticツ "for now" sounds a bit threatening.. just imagined an arnold schwarzenegger version of you that sayz I'LL BE BACK
Background: I've always been sort of at odds with the concept of factories and now I thought I came across code that would be perfect for it, but now I'm not so sure anymore. In statically typed languages, you would need to define the return types of these methods, so you wouldn't be able to have a factory without the interfaces, but in non-statically typed language the same doesn't hold.
I basically go through all the PHP questions with errors from where I last left off
@crypticツ and then you say I'LL BE BACK... sad there isn't a terminator on memegenerator
Use-case: I am making a (partial) parser that (partially) parses a programming language and turns it into objects, which know how to produce output based on it (php code which is the same program). The idea was that by using a factory, here I could easily write (for instance) Interpreter objects instead and use that factory instead of the "Compiler" one.
The problem is that the "Interpreter" and "Compiler" objects do not share an interface...
OP says script not working, and says there are error, but does not post the errors. I ask OP what are the errors and their response stackoverflow.com/questions/15180870/…
some people
oop ninja sayz: my ninja oop is not ninja enough
if only I knew what that meant... o.0
it's about making the perfection even more perfect!
i wish i was a oop ninja
I wish I was a Ninja. So, I wouldn't have to learn PHP. Just slash people, and take their money.
you could be a lawyer
that is not the ninja way!
@wes still super-effective
Anyone on the Factory issue?
Yeah, your mature just close the question. Go cry to your mommy — user2109152 9 mins ago
I called my mom to cry to her, but she is already asleep =o(
@crypticツ may i ask you why is that close vote for you?
@wes dupe
ok, you are right
how is the menu going?
@wes it's been done, now working on getting the code syntax highlighting section done for my code snippets.
there are some scripts for highlighting code... some are very bad though
@wes I'm using GeShi
supports multiple langs
mmmh i would have used something applied on client side
But that would then be dependent on JS version on client-side being comptaible which I have no control of and also it means I need to link to each lang file being used. With PHP it just outputs the HTML and uses my custom CSS rules.
GeShi works great, never had a problem with it.
well but tags that geshi applies to the code don't have any semantic meaning... so just a plain <pre><code>...</code></pre> would be much better, and then highlight on client side using js
or you can use geshi but async, using a xmlhttp service
how goes the brigade?
@Lusitanian out of votes again
i have moar votes since the new day rolled around
SO needs to have a cv-pls day where everyone gets 250 votes just for that day.
you should head to the closing room, someone posted 50 new cv
imho stackoverflow users should just get more than 50 cvotes a day
clearly they're useful and the mods don't really have time to clean up old questions
I don't understand the point of even having a limit
true...not sure what it accomplishes
how can the community self moderate if their are limitations
i'm sure there's a really great reason for it...like there is with everything when it comes to jeff and joel
ehh it's still possible, just harder :/
Hey, has anyone compiled php from source on a mac before?
nope :/
right but one close vote doesn't do anything
it takes 5
and i highly doubt that five people would write scripts to close vote every question
considering these would be somewhat high rep (3k+) users
and i further doubt that, provided this unlikely scenario ever occurred, it would go unnoticed for a significant enough period of time that significant damage would be incurred on the site
and i even further doubt that any damage done would be irrevocable
and beyond that, i think that even if the possibility of the aforementioned (absurd) scenario warrants a limit, 50 is still rather low given the large quantity of questions the site receives
@crypticツ but he's CTO at THE Windward Reports
he can't be wrong
<br />
he's got a mighty fine website though
It sounds like you guys are going through the 5 stages of ...
The Kübler-Ross model, commonly referred to as the "five stages of grief", is a hypothesis introduced by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross asserting that when a person (or a survivor) is faced with the reality of impending death or other extreme, awful fate, he/she will experience a series of emotional "stages": denial; anger; bargaining; depression; and, acceptance (in no specific sequence). This hypothesis was introduced in Kübler-Ross' 1969 book On Death and Dying, which was inspired by her work with terminally ill patients. Motivated by the lack of curriculum in medical schools, at the time, addres...
@crypticツ what beautiful markup
@rdlowrey > reads
macklemore is killing it on SNL
@rdlowrey meh, i gave up on that show a long time ago
i love when the lonely island does shorts though
i also don't know why macklemore is popular...
ProTip: it's now cool to be an omnivorous media consumer. Niche musical tastes are out of fashion.
@Lusitanian i'm hungry now. O______O
Does SQL allow a bool update by setting its opposite for example:

update table set my_bool = opposite_of(my_bool)
cos otherwise i have to query the value check if its true or false then update it accordingly which is just mehh
oh i found it yay
@Dave You mean NOT()?
yup :)
yay, my php is compiling on mac now =D
awesome, my boyer moore strpos() function seems to work.
oh man i even noticed the slight font difference and thought nothing of it. getting sloppy in my old age
morning ...
@crypticツ lol
@NullPointer morning
anyone like to hep with a javascript question?
Q: JSON object multiple instance (slide effects)

Ray Chengi'm trying to make a slide plugin use pure javascript,after i finished my code,everything goes fine if i only use one slide function in one html page,but if i want more than one ,page will crashed,my plugin is blow: var akulubala = { "init_":{"speed":1000, "direction":"bottom",//directi...

hiya guys
hellow wes
Hi, I'm new to OOP and I have a question regarding the MVC pattern. Do the View files ever interact with the DB directly?
@nine7ySix no, the controller and model interact with the db
@wes I though just the model did and the controller decides what methods to call from the model
@wes, thank you. One more thing, what exactly is a model? It doesn't seem like you would necessary need one
hello can anybody point me out on how restful authentication salt their passwords in ROR. i'm trying to do duplicate it with PHP because i have salted password with restul auth.
@crypticツ well, yes, but since mvc is a very generic concept, in practice the controller may use the db not through the model (using different classes for example)
@Till Helge ill do thanks again.. :)
@nine7ySix lol, the controller may be unnecessary , not the model
@wes, so what exactly is the model?
mvc is actually a simple concept @nine7ySix r.je/mvc-in-php.html read that
well seemed to be promising that slide, but it isn't that much. lol... never mind... btw google "fat controllers"
@RayCheng "... page will crashed,my plugin is blow...," LOL
no fiddle?
I pass
@Alexander,i'm trying to find out why it happen,
@i know there have many plugin like that,
@nine7ySix if you are new to OOP, then you should be learning about OOP and not delving into advanced topics
@nine7ySix , also, please do not listen to @wes. He is a clueless noob.
i am
@tereško is a fat model guy
this.intval_timer = setInterval(function () {
}, 0);
@RayCheng ^that's so wrong
@tereško on what i'm wrong?
as usual you criticize what others say without giving a reason... i'm pretty sure you are right about any concept of mvc as i'm pretty sure you are a monumental a**hole... nothing of personal of course
lol ^^ FLAG THAT
48 mins ago, by wes
@crypticツ well, yes, but since mvc is a very generic concept, in practice the controller may use the db not through the model (using different classes for example)
^ this should have been flagged , on the grounds of general stupidity
@tereško was I wrong too?
no , you weren't
@tereško i think what @wes meant is that you should not put sql in the controller or do anything else that is creating fat controllers. and that is very correct.
1 hour ago, by wes
@nine7ySix no, the controller and model interact with the db
are you sure , @Gordon
because to me it sounded exactly like "sql in controller"
@tereško hm, whatever, too early in the morning to defend something I lack context of
wow I finally found a use-case where trait made actual sense (to me)
Q: Proper usage of Factory method/pattern and dynamic loading

MuquaddimI have created a library to parse different type of data. This is how the library is used. $parser = DataParser::factory($text); $data = $parser->parse(); foreach($data as $name=>$datum) echo "name: $name\nData: ".$datum."\n"; Here $data is an instance of NamedDataCollection. And her...

Looking for some traffic on my question. :D
I have a simple question, but it has really made me crazy...
hi everyone, i am stuck on something. if someone can please help me, is there anyway to find that a table has tr and table header using regexp. <table >

<tr><th>name</th></tr> </table> thanks
@user1825190 yes there is a way, you can look for that verbatim (always works with regex). However normally it's suggested to use a HTML parser for that.
Q: How to parse and process HTML/XML with PHP?

RobertPittHow can one parse HTML/XML and extract information from it? What libraries exist for that purpose? What are their strengths and drawbacks? This is a General Reference question for the php tag

@hakre thanks. i have to find line number of that specific table row as well dont knw how to do it using html parser.. thats why choose to do this way
@hakre whats verbatim sorry :)
@hakre what's the trait use-case you're talking about?
You can indirect the finding of matching parsers by injecting a strategy object to find those objects. That does not answer you question, probably just shows you how you can remove the can_parse dependency later. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_pattern - But you should not introducde too much logic into your parsers. They could throw a parse exception if they fail to parse but apart from that they can not say if they can parse or not. Make that some meta-information like content-type so that parsers just parse. — hakre 12 mins ago
@hakre could not understand the last statement. Are you telling me to stop throwing any exception in can_parse method?
@user1825190 Verbatim means: You can just search for a regular expression that is the string "<tr><th>name</th></tr> </table>"
@Muquaddim You could consider to remove the can_parse method. Just throw an exception in the parse method.
Put the logic which parser to take apart from the parsers itself that is.
the can_parse method was actually protected and was called inside parse() earlier. I think that does the same.
@Muquaddim if you make it private it would be the same, yes. Protected can be called from outside of the class.
@hakre it was protected as it comes from an abstract class.
@Muquaddim What I just want to outline is that no "can parse" logic belongs into the parser. You have the factory to take care about that, not the parser(s).
The parsers just do their job. The factory method just does their job. The benefit is to have that independent.
I am actually worried about instantiating lots of classes. If I have 200 parsers and to match the 200th one, I have to iterate 199 parsers? 199 instance of parses and can_parse call.
@hakre That makes sense.
The reason I put the logic inside parser is, When someone updates a parser he does not have to update the factory.
@Muquaddim Well but that design problem is there regardless if there is some static can_parse method or you need to create an instance first (you would always need to load the 200 parser class definitions. Only by making the logic which parser to take independent to the parsers will spare you to load all parser definitions ;) )
I am thinking to do some guess work on Factory method. Make some parser group and in the factory find which group the $data belongs. Then iteratively check that group.
BTW, is it good practice to use Factory method find instantiate proper object from 200 or so classes? Or Factory Method is used for low number of classes.
@Alexander,i see your message,why that is wrong?
@Muquaddim that sounds off
Hey all
@hakre Having a good weekend? :)
are you saying that you have 200 factories for 200 classes ?
@Alexander,can you reply it on my question?
@tereško I was talking about this question
Q: Proper usage of Factory method/pattern and dynamic loading

MuquaddimI have created a library to parse different type of data. This is how the library is used. $parser = DataParser::factory($text); $data = $parser->parse(); foreach($data as $name=>$datum) echo "name: $name\nData: ".$datum."\n"; Here $data is an instance of NamedDataCollection. And her...

I have One Factory for 200 classes.
@RayCheng setInterval(..., 0), do you notice the zero?
yes i know that ,i think nothing wrong with that,
@Jimbo yes, finally :)
that means excute function always,
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs after effects ?
@PHPNooB PFTrack + After Effects (see making of link at end of video)
@RayCheng that's true. still, you should not play with a zero-delayed interval like that
@tereško Now where to put my class determining logic? If I put it in the subclasses, I'll have to instantiate a lot of unnecessary classes (as the number is huge). If I put the logic in Factory method, next time updating a subclass(Parser) will require to update Factory method as well. I dont want that as those parser will be developed by programmers who dont have access on Factory.
@Alexander, as i said on my question,if i only use one effect on on page,nothing will wrong ,only if i use more than one effects,then problem will happen,
That's why I was suggesting you to create a strategy to find the parser. The factory can use the strategy. A strategy can then be updated as new parsers come in.
So you'll have multiple strategies for multiple parsers over time.
am i right?
Q: How to redirect a page on my site using a .htaccess redict?

user2128575How to redirect nameofmysite/images.php?number=$id to nameofmysite/images/$id using .htaccess, where $id is image id from database. I tried with RewriteBase /nameofmysite RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^images/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ images.php?number=$1 RewriteRule ^images/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/$ images.ph...

@hakre yes. that what I am reading right now. :)
@Muquaddim Keep in mind that your underlying problem can never be relieved 100% - you always will have the constraint that you need to find the right parser for the data. There is no magic that does this for you. You can only try to make this more fluent and less cohesive.
morn ing
@rdlowrey How nice. I fixed your bugs when entering the room and at the same time I got disconnected from the net. The things I do for you people...
hello guys
i have a question
<input type="text" id="locField" name="valXLocation" value="<?php if(isset($x)){echo $x;} ?>" <?php if(isset($flag) && $flag == 5){echo "div style = 'border:2px solid red;'". "/div";}?>
i use this validation for empty textfield
for textfield it is ok..
on checking entire form it highlights the place of error as red border
but how can this be set for radio buttons?
Are you echoing a DIV tag inside an INPUT tag?
you should be just echoing a CSS class to the input tag where the CSS class will set a red border
the target is to show the user where actually is the error
using the method highlights the textfeild which is in error.. and not the others
yeah, but your HTML is all wrong
look at the HTML output from your above code when an error is there, and you will see. Unless you copied/pasted the above wrong.
@crypticツ i told ya.. the output i m getting is right..
wait let me pull out the screenshot
@Ashis rendering correctly is not the same as being output correctly, browsers are forgiving at various levels when it comes to bad HTML, check the HTML source, don't rely on what you are seeing.
so div shall be replaced with span?
inside this input tag
View the HTML source when there is an error (empty field) and copy and paste the HTML source here.
only the HTML for that portion of course
You cannot make up HTML. It is a standard @Ashis
It's not the same. It's looping through an array
Aaaaaah too slow again :(
nvm =oP, just saw OP was assinging using key
@hakre i tried i failed. I am still trying to find whether a table has <th> tag or not :(
As I told you yesterday learn domdocument and domxpath
@user1825190 If you ask me I would use DOMDocument::loadHTML then create a DOMXpath and look for that via /path/to/concrete/table/th.
@Muquaddim I'd keep the solution you have right now. At least it looks good enough from the information you provide in your question. Closevoting as not constructive though.
$items = $dom->getElementsByTagName('th');
for ($i = 0; $i < $items->length; $i++) {
$thV = $items->item($i)->nodeValue . "<br/>";
echo $thV;}
i have tried this but only problem is it finds all the <th> value but i only need those which table tag has "summary" value
@user1825190 You already learned about domdoc and xpath? Wow you're fast...
@PeeHaa i tried lol
now i am stuck with this :(
No you did not
@user1825190 what do you mean by table tag has "summary" value?
Learning something is not asking a chat room for help after being stuck for 1 minute
@crypticツ btw the problem of OP is that bindparam is by ref
I am in love with my gold badge
@Gordon <table border="1" summary="hello">
</table here is the table. i need to find only those <th> which has summary value
Hey guys. Can you tell me why I don't have this badge? http://stackoverflow.com/badges/225/tenacious
I have more than 5 zero score accepted answer and they are more than 20% of all accepted.
@Hast If you got your last accepted answer minutes ago, you should probably wait.
The badge thing, takes a little while to appear sometimes.
no, I actually have 9 answers lol
Maybe I don't understand badge conditions completely?
@PeeHaa i am looking for info but the only problem is i have only one week to finish the whole project..
and most of my codes are written using Regexp..
@user1825190 Well.. sounds like me you have to spend less time asking question in here to do your work for you so you have more time to start learning
@PeeHaa i am going to try see what happens...
@Gordon thanks
@Hast I don't think you have 9 accepted answers that are not upvoted.
@Hast I checked, you are right :)
maybe they are out of badges :)
@Hast It's about your answers, not about answers to your questions. In other words, accepted is an adjective, not a verb.
Hm, I've forgot that I did accept my own answers. Yeah. But it is 4 of 9 answers that I accepted myself, so 5 pure answers left. Aren't they?
i guess lol
Okay, I forgot about badges :)
np :)
@Hast I guess I saw zeroes at your questions and not at your answers, so I thought that was the problem, but the zeroes weren't even answers, they were questions. And I didn't see zeroes at your answers because I didn't scroll past the second page...
that is a lot of zeros
@Hast Also, I'm not sure what the "total" is, which it needs to be 20% of, but if it's of all your answers, you hit only 13%
can someone please tell me how i can start using cross browser sockets without socket.io or node.js?
@ConnorMiles Are you looking for an PHP implementation?
@PeeHaa well anything that means i dont have to know javascript like really well
That's going to be a hard thing to do considering you will need to open sockets on the client side
What is it for?
@PeeHaa yes, i know i have to use javascript just need a easier solution, im building a chat app so its just to get messages really
For the serverside Ratchet is ok so I've heard. For the client side well... start learning javascript
@PeeHaa learn? were too for sockets?
@ConnorMiles There are plenty of resources on the web to be found
If you want to look at a live example. I have whipped up something quick last week
@PeeHaa yes, so i open a socket with pure javascript or is that possible with jquery or what?
Idunno. I don't care about jquery and neither should you.
Here is the javascript I use on the clientside: github.com/PeeHaa/WebSocketDemo/tree/master/demos/Chat/public/…
@PeeHaa thanks looking
@PeeHaa did u use ratchet?
No I have build my own websocket implementation together with @DaveRandom
Q: Which RDBMS or Data Structure I should use?

I'll-Be-BackI want to build an index of the needles for performance reason. There are hundreds of needles with very random characters from the binary files. I need to compare a haystack against hundreds of needles. If the matching pattern found then it will need to return a needle content. For Example $...

@PeeHaa ok
Which Data Structure do you think I should use in PHP? :)
@I'll-Be-Back Define data structure
Look at the question - you will see what I meant
I want to build an index of the needles for performance reason.
I need to compare a haystack against hundreds of needles. If the matching pattern found then it will need to return a needle content.
Sorry I will not be able to give you an correct answer regarding this
no worries
@PeeHaa It is like using strpos() to compare haystack and needle.. But I need to do haystack against hundreds of needles. That is why I thought Index might be better solution due to performance reason.
Or maybe one of RDBMS have like strpos feature
php, how would i update database where id's = (1, 2, 3 & 4 ) ?
@I'll-Be-Back Most of them will have a function for that I think. I just have no idea which one will be efficient at it
@ConnorMiles did you try searching it first?
I don't know which would be faster WHERE id > 0 AND id < 5 or doing WHERE id = 1 AND id = 2 AND id = 3 AND id = 4 I'm sure there is a MySQL function
@crypticツ yes, umm, it wont always be in order, that was just an example but cool anyway
lol @ this guy's name:
Create a DFA from the needles. (this is essentially what GREP does). If the needles are non-overlapping, you could even use (f)lex to generate the DFA for you. — wildplasser 2 hours ago
@PeeHaa Which function like?
@crypticツ shouldn't that be OR instead of AND?
@Jasper lol oops yeah
soryr it 8am have not slept
@crypticツ In that case, you're forgiven :P
don't mind me just typing in my sleep
@ConnorMiles Besides the things mentioned by @crypticツ, there also the IN keyword. WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3, 4)
@Jasper ok, thanks ill look at that now thats what i want
Don't know if I have the syntax exactly right there, so you would have to look that up, though

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