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@ircmaxell your answer still seems to contradict with the findings that when (string) is combined with a new symbol (like in OP code), increase in memory consumption is witnessed.
how can water not be from a 100% natural source? As far as i know, water cannot be synthesize...
Probably because there's always other molecules inside? :)
Damn you, Non-H20 molecules!!
it state 100% natural spring water + 0zonated and floride ion in the same line wtf
i'ts like chip 100% cholesterol free
Hey, fluoride is good ... well, hmm, actually some will disagree with that :)
@Happyninja "After speaking to several Nestlé Waters' employees, this officer was informed for the first time that the Ice Mountain five-gallon bottles do not contain 100% natural spring water but instead contain resold municipal tap water," the legal complaint charged.
@Happyninja also, water can be synthesized...
that reminds me that I need a Nestlé app telling me which products they sell so I wont buy them
I'm drinking Nestlé water, directly from the source (bottle) right now
@NikiC: fixed
@Jack fixed. re-read it
reading ...
I don't like the french translation: eau de source naturelle à 100%. It's even more dispelling because water cannot not be natural...
@Happyninja Nestlé is and has been involved in a lot of shady/unethical/eco-unfriendly activities
@ircmaxell okay, i'm starting to see how interned or not makes the diff ... the str_repeat() makes the diff =0
@Happyninja the problem is that they have their hands in virtually every second food product and its hard to avoid buying something that earns them
@ircmaxell now drop the paragraph on <5.4 and it's good :)
@ircmaxell also it would be nice if you could use the def code, so it doesn't have those confusing if(0) and if(!0) s ;)
@ircmaxell `$a = str_repeat("a", 10);
$b = (string) $b;` ... what would that do? It's in your answer, but perhaps a typo.
@NikiC true...
@Jack good catch
5.3: http://codepad.viper-7.com/CbvE48
5.4: http://codepad.viper-7.com/YbK5T5
Big diff :)
Without string literal:
5.3: http://codepad.viper-7.com/YF35Wq
5.4 http://codepad.viper-7.com/FKBSwu
No diff.
form in side a form is possible? in php
@Gordon damn, thanks for the info, didn't know
@PeterJennings what do you mean?
i want to add a feature in existing form...which is a having submit
@Happyninja although that graphic is admittedly nothing you should trust blindly. When I researched their partnerships I could not find anything hinting at, for instance, Nestle partnering with Armani
@Gordon partnership lobbyist maybe
@Happyninja maybe
branding is so important in our society
@NikiC: deleted and expanded
@ircmaxell thx. now you get a vote :D
Hey! how do i bind the param here:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM word_list WHERE item_display = 1 AND item_name LIKE ':l%' ORDER BY item_name";
$statement = $connWDYCI->prepare($sql);
$statement->bindParam(':l', $letter)
@PeterJennings Are you submitting the forms via javascript or the forms action?
@PeterJennings i still don't get it: just append the content inside the form and add the listener in php
> How do I file a bug on IE? Their bug report page is broken.
@webarto lol
@webarto Just like the browser
@webarto which version?
@webarto go figure...
Updated my memory findings too :)
IE bug report is empty ?? -> connect.microsoft.com/IE
"Your feedback improving Microsoft products"
@webarto Does not work on Firefox, since Firefox’s implementation of localStorage is smarter. \o/
@Gordon ;) \o/
infoworld.com/t/applications/… sound super cool, a ie bug database... empty
@ircmaxell 5.4 - 5.5 alpah 1 (not including other alphas, as they don't matter - a) typo on alpah and missing closing paren and b) wouldn't it be better to say "5.4 - 5.5a5 (latest at time of writing)" or something similar?
/me it's removing "best regards" from accepted answers [for fun] :D
@ShadowZzz you're parameterizing inside quotes. Stick the wildcard inside the $letter and do SELECT * FROM word_list WHERE item_display = 1 AND item_name LIKE :letter ORDER BY item_name
@Hiroto but then how do i use the %
@ShadowZzz You put it in the string that you bind
$letter . "%". :3c
$statement->bindParam(':l', $letter.'%') ^^ that
i did this: $sql = "SELECT * FROM word_list WHERE item_display = 1 AND item_name LIKE :letter ORDER BY item_name";
$statement = $connWDYCI->prepare($sql);
$statement->bindParam(':letter', $letter.'%');
but its not running... what am i missing?
you should also order by x [asc|desc]
pick one
@ShadowZzz Define "not running"
@DaveRandom fixed
@Hiroto Not mandatory, defaults to ASC
while($data = $statement->fetch()){
not outputting
@ircmaxell Much better :-)
To quote Tim Peters: "explicit is better than implicit"
@ShadowZzz Right, well is that because the statement errored out when you executed it or because there are no results?
@ShadowZzz In fact I've just noticed the problem will be that you did bindParam() which takes an arg by reference, you'll need to use bindValue() instead, or just pass an array to execute()
$letter = A an when i entered it directly into the querty, it retuns results, but not in this form
@Hiroto True enough
Oh yeah, I forgot PDO binds by reference
So does MySQLi
@DaveRandom The bindValue() change worked, thanks!
yup. More familiar with MySQLi
I dident know about different forms of binding
i need to keep leaning
I've historically used PDO but I'm experimenting with MySQLi. It supports async queries which interests me.
bool PDOStatement::bindParam(mixed &$variable);
@LeviMorrison My commiserations. Although I guess you might actually have some use cases for some of the stuff that it can do that PDO cannot, most people don't (from what I've seen)
PDO doesnt use the mysql API to prepare by default, but it's more user-friendly
@Hiroto It does if you disable emulated prepares
@Hiroto you can tell it to use the api...
the difference is that pdo gives you the choice :)
is there a easy way to convert static html to rss?
@Happyninja That's why le job security :)
also, i wish all modules in PHP followed the same style guide
@Jack what do you mean?
@Happyninja DOMDocument, but it depend entirely on the format of the input HTML as to how much work you will have to do.
but it will never happen ._.
@DaveRandom Out of curiousity, do the English use 'commiserate' often?
Also, MySQLi can throw exceptions on error. This is the #1 argument I hear against it. In my mind, the #1 reason is not having named parameters.
@Hiroto MySQLi is on the wrong side of the fence there, most of them use camelCase but I guess the reason it doesn't is because it's a pretty thin wrapper over libmysql and also because of the procedural API
1 more upvote to hit repcap for the day
@LeviMorrison The general verbosity of it is my main issue
@philsturgeon Any developers still forced to work with PHP 5.2 should declare a "Hostile Work Environment" and sue.
@DaveRandom PHP has a style guide: methods/functions are lower_case_with_underscores
variables are mixedCase
let me find it
@Hiroto no... Core functions have a style guide. For core development. But not for general usage
Oh, then that explains literally everything
@LeviMorrison Depends who you talk to, idiots probably don't, but I do (the English have a lot to be commiserated about :-P)
We should start taking bets on how long people will keep sticking up ext/mysql questions rife with SQL injection. Mine's as long as w3schools is still on the face of the internet.
@Hiroto why is w3s so picked on?
@Hiroto I take "until the heat death of the universe occurs"
@TheOptometrist Because the "information" they supply is in many cases not just wrong, but dangerously wrong.
@TheOptometrist because it is flagrantly incorrect on many counts, has baseless qualifications, and they are not affiliated with the w3c
oh and w3fools.com
as far as HTML goes i find their site to be the 'best' manual, for everything else... i don't really care
dont use w3schools; use the mozilla reference
it's a wiki, and is kept up-to-date
going back in time... w3s was kicking, really, now there're alternatives all over the place
@TheOptometrist No, you find it has the most Google hits, and that is because the aggressively employ techniques that border on black hat SEO. Just suffix everything you type into Google with "mdn" and you will find much more comprehensive and correct information, with no adverts and a maintaining community that actually listen to other peoples opinions
still have a place in my heart for them, never ever checked php at their site anyway
Eeeeeeeeevning all
evening peehaa
It is a real joke that w3fools has been around for as long as it has and they haven't bothered to correct so many of the problems it lists. They are supposed to be running a business off that back of that, I mean why wouldn't invest 1 day for 1 dev (that is all it would take) in correcting a bunch of problems that someone had listed publicly.
it's like being given 15 issues for 15 bugs with complete patches on github
@DaveRandom i saw they are transitioning to 'the dark side' unfortunatelly, but back in the day they were a good refference for html
Answer: because you don't care about giving out useful or correct information, only about making money from the obscene amount of advertising you carry. That is why you shouldn't use w3schools.
and then not bothering to accept and merge
+1 for that @DaveRandom
More like +star
fame going wrong
Ahh, found it
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

$sql="INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName, LastName, Age)

if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql))
  die('Error: ' . mysqli_error());
echo "1 record added";

That code is still on w3s
eiw, procedural api...
the fun fact is that that doesnt run
Sure, that's the problem with it
and SQLi. And. and. and.
"...only about making money from the obscene amount of advertising..."
@DaveRandom but but but mysqli!!!
@DaveRandom it's best described as "w3schools-esque garbage in a nutshell"
Also I used mysqli exclusively for a project i did just because i was so OCD about the method naming :3
before knowing, i didn't. at the time i didn't know w3cs was a piece of unhealthy [...]
It's a headache.
Out of close & delete votes ... time for bed :) if someone else wants to continue, go ahead!
I need to go and farm 2k rep so i can go and mass edit the "hi, thanks" out of every question on the front page every 2 minutes
@Hiroto More importantly you need cv power
@PeeHaa But with great power ... comes chicks!
@Happyninja Everyone has to learn some time, and that's fine. It's quite natural to assume that something with such high search engine rankings has merit. It's people who defend it with whom there is a problem.
That too, b-but grammar! and spelling! and useless noise! D:
i know this is not the html/js/front-end chat lol
OCD is fun.
but nobody answer there :s
Eeeeek. It's a front-end developer! run!
@Hiroto (removing) useless noise is exactly what cv-ing is for ;-)
no no no, i'm a proudly php dev
@DaveRandom is there a way to prevent it from appearing in my google search?
but today i' m the front-end
@Happyninja I just suffix everything I search for about HTML/CSS/JS with "mdn" and it finds the MDN page as the first hit
@RommelCastro That's what she said!
@Happyninja add -site:w3schools.com
to your google search
i have a form with html5 elements, <input type="email" required="required"> and things like that, but on IE9 is not working, the validation :(
Is IE9 even supposed to validate forms?
anybody know a solution? i'm looking at webforms2-p.js but idk
I hope you're using jQuery and bootstrap :3
@Hiroto It's boostrap =p
well, the JS from bootstrap kind of requires jQuery, so that was a bit redundant from me
i'm using jquery
That should read "Hi, I'm Rommel, and I use jQuery" ... and then we say "Hi Rommel!"
Internet explorer makes me sad. I went to microsoft's UK headquarters for a windows 8 apps event
we had 2 developers on macs running windows 8, and nobody used IE
or bing
Windows 8 on a Mac? o_0
never forget: don't trust anyone on the internet: ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110606021353AA5HFzr
@Jack Indeed. Everyone looked at them, horrified
> The Human Centipede is a heart warming family comedy suitable for children of all ages, I can't recommend it highly enough!
and then they went "no look, windows 8!"
And Steve flips over in his grave.
codepad.org/zpgqRqiN can anyone help me spot the error? :)
I wish I had managed to get my app published from that. It was the same app TuneIn was making for windows 8 (nobody on the team planned this), and we were using their API. We did a formal developer API request and got banned from it :|
@Jack i have to use w8 on my mac, for testing :9
@Jacta you're using special characters unescaped
because they did the exact same thing
return preg_replace('/(\?|&)'.$key.'=[^&]*/i', '$1', $url);
@ircmaxell I tried \| - it seems like it was not that?
@ircmaxell ahem, preg_quote() :)
well, that too
but that's not the compilation failure atm (due to the string offset)
the people on js chat... all they do is talk in germany and create memes lol
@Jacta what did you want it to do?
@Jack > (? at offset 2
Error messages usually give you good info, if you give it a look...
@ircmaxell Thanks! Eventhough it didnt do as I wanted :P
Und Sie haben Spaß mit eine schreckliche Sprache (And they have fun with a terrible language), @RommelCastro
@Jack like here: codepad.org/JnyznFnf - it works - exept when string value is empty - then it fails :\
Hang on
word order. I fail at german.
@Hiroto huh?
@Hiroto i had to leave the room, and i didn't get an answer
@Jacta Wouldn't it be easier to just use parse_str() on the query string?
Were they linkspamming z0r.de or something?
@Hiroto Hmm, isn't schrecklich horrible?
And sie is you :P
Sie is they
@Jack You think? :/
@Jacta Sometimes :)
@Hiroto It can be both.
Well it's a crap language either way :)
@ircmaxell howdy. long time no see.
/me hides before @Gordon returns
@Jack Do you by any chance have an example? :)
Jack: but the english dont have a word for you plural :)
@KennyCason Hey there, what's the good word?
long time!
Though the english once used y'all
I thought that was a redneck thing
@ircmaxell just life as normal. building my company. making progress haha. figured i'd stop in and say hi to familiar faces!
Nope, started in england and was brought over to Plymouth in america
@ircmaxell You forgot 2nd argument to preg_quote(), it's necessary if key contains /
@Gordon hi as well
Sofort, schnell schnell.
@Gordon for President?
@PeeHaa open what?
@Jack I thought it defaulted to /
Die tur!
@Hiroto thanks for not saying Führer :D
@ircmaxell I thought so too :)
And no my kayboard doesn't easily type a real u
benevolent dictator =D
Nor an e now that I read my sentence back
kein problem, Herr Gordon
German techno, jaaaaa.
ein zwei polizei. oh dear.
Oh nee, iedereen kent duits hier, snel nederlands praten =p
I'm sitting here with my DJ setup (two timecode turntables and a 10MXR mixer). I will make a remix of this over the weekend.
Mixing LP's I hope? :)
@Jack Now that's a nice sounding language
@Gordon "Reigns" seems like it must a be contextually bad translation of that
I'd need to find this on LP
@PeeHaa Agreed =D
Fabio Frittelli (24 July 1966 – 6 February 2013) O_o
dunno if i can do that in a day in england
I would mix it with "Flow - Colors" and "USAO - Boku" and play it on my radio station
and watch the listeners plummet
@Jack it seems like the example didnt work, or only the last one :p
I didn't give no example ;-)
Q: I want to build a HTTP localhost server

Dwipanjit HandiqueI want to build a HTTP localhost server. Please give me some ideas, I want it for my final semester college project.

@Jack ahhh- wrong nick :
That was uhh. A record number of downvotes before closing. People are getting slow :p
I just noticed something funny
@ircmaxell it seems like the example didnt work, or only the last one didnt take & with :(
Poof! Gone
@NikiC wuts dat?
@Jacta it did work...
^ is a dupe
@ircmaxell last one ends with & - should'nt that be removed?
Same author, too
Oh dear. This user didnt read the about page, I think
@Hiroto This user didn't read the instruction manual for his brain I suspect
I think it might still be in a box on top of the wardrobe, gathering dust.
@ircmaxell PHP internals: Do we want to add accessors? No, because it would require too much maintenance (even though patch is fairly simple). Do we want to include ZO+? Yes, right away! It's just a fucking complicated piece of code that nearly no one understands. But fuck that, we don't care about maintenance here
@Jacta doesn't matter
webforms tested, now the validation is not even working on chrome
I wonder who shared my SO careers page inside a company or something, because my public views just skyrocketed in the last hour.
@NikiC it's a FAR more complicated piece of code
@ircmaxell FAR doesn't begin to describe it. A PHP opcode cache is some of the most complicated code that mankind has ever written
Probably only surpassed by writing a C++ compiler or a operating system kernel :D
@ircmaxell is it hard to get it removed - seems not usefull to have if not in use?
OH: "FAR doesn't begin to describe it. A PHP opcode cache is some of the most complicated code that mankind has ever written"
okay, maybe I have exaggerated a bit :D
No it's on the internet now so it's correct
@Jacta Does this help? codepad.viper-7.com/AEjGUT
But its really complicated in any case. Especially as ZO+ is a lot more than just a "simple" opcode cache. It also does some pretty high-level optimizations
@NikiC a bit? but it gets the point across
@PeeHaa Much like this:
Sep 30 '12 at 19:30, by PeeHaa
Fuck me I'm stupid
Looks like I may be going to DPC...
Hey. My account was hacked @DaveRandom
When people tell me PHP is hard to maintain, i respond with "Perl called, they want their write-only scripts back"
@PeeHaa Your account must get hacked a lot... :-P
@PeeHaa excuses~
Yay multiping
#write #fail
@Hiroto Perl: the only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption...
Oh jesus, that needs a star
@Hiroto APL: the only language that's easier to read after RSA encryption...
@ircmaxell ill loo, thanks
First time im on the php chat so be kind=). I'm trying to search trough a txt file and look for a match. At the moment its not working. Here's a link to the code codepad.org/rSzkpLn9
@Jack ill take a look, looks interesting
@PeeHaa jsfiddle.net/wAFrf - what did you use in the end? :)
@Sebastian you are doing a number of things wrong
@Sebastian it's not working is not a valid problem description. Could you be a little more precise about what's happening and what you're expecting
let me get you a LOT of resources
@ircmaxell Did you change so the & in the last one was gone, or what did you fix in the last one you said?
Wow, text file based user authentication .. I like it!
@Jack Wuts dat? Did I wrote that?
@Jacta I changed it from replacing the first one, to removing the last one...
Well its for learning purposes
im new to php
@PeeHaa iono ... it was in the chat, just above the part where you wanted to get f0rked.
Read them, please, for the love of my sanity
read them completely
@Hiroto Missing references to databases instead of text files.
getting there!
@Jack Owh in that case. Probably one of my PEBKAC moments. I tend to have those sometimes.
There we go. PDO should do
@PeeHaa Just wanted to see if you could have used .bind(this) :)
which ... of course is not universally supported.
@ircmaxell aah - okay, but outputs 100% the same in thoose example?
@Jack yes probably.
@Jack Support is good enough for anything web
Or isn't it?
Thanks for the link but you can set aside the security , just wondering what im doing wrong. Its not showing results when a match is found or not found
@PeeHaa 1.8.5
We'd all be a little better off if microsoft was forced by law to make IE standards compliant in the web dev world
I don't knmow....
pls don't say standards compliant.
@Jack: ehehehe. Nightmares coming back?
your standards are not my standards; so we're both standards compliant :)
@Jack standards compliant
@Jack Yep works for me :)
also i hate it when i see sites say "oh, make your passwords complex"
@ircmaxell No, you don't get it, I said don't say ... ahhh I see what you did there ;-)
i'm, going to release a wrapper for PHPass
which sticks inputs through a bruteforce wordlist search
@Hiroto why?
I was just waiting for that
and then make the minimum length 12
huh? that's not what PHPASS does
i know
it's before hashing
that's what someone stole the freaking name did.
this is why we can't have nioce things
Pls, Dobby is nice :)
i wonder when twitter and youtube will finally have a username squatting policy they actually implement
@Hiroto: first, don't use PHPASS. Second, if you need complexity analysis, do a NIST based check: github.com/rchouinard/phpass
@PeeHaa Great! Just don't tell IE <= 8 ;-)
@Jack Whenever I do the javascript I do tha fancy stuff only anyway :D
@PeeHaa I think that's a good practice :)
@ircmaxell I don't even use it; I rolled my own with bcrypt. The point I'm making is that having a hilariously complex password will not do a thing if you can have it guessed in seconds in john the ripper with a name-mangling rule on a wordlist

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