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@webarto The public key is part of usually within the private key so you should be able to, yes, how are you testing them?
@ircmaxell I doubt that there is a widespread adoption of PHP 5.4 by the time 5.5. is released so 1-2 months delay is fine with me
@DaveRandom I've confirmed it's match, private contains the public (and I know the public), now, just to remember the passphrase :) Thanks
@Gordon sure. Differing opinions...
@ircmaxell although i'd hate to see php 5.5 rushed in case it takes longer
which is why I'd rather 5.6
get 5.5 out, and take the time to do it right
@ircmaxell cant it be part of a minor release?
I was under the impression that APC was going to be integrated (or shipped?) with PHP, thus making it the defacto opcode cache. Is that not the case?
@Gordon 5.6 is a minor release
@ircmaxell maintenance release then #nitpicker
@Gordon blah, I reject your reality and substitute my own
@ircmaxell that's okay. I just want you to be happy.
@Gordon ok, that just crossed the line into creepy...
@ircmaxell what? you rather want me to say you are not and destroy all your illusions? ;P
posted on February 27, 2013 by Elizabeth Naramore

This is not a post about sexism or misogyny. It's not a post about diversity or how to get more women in tech. It's a post about being uncomfortable. Most people who know me would say I'm a friendly person. I like to meet new people, I like to hear about what cool project they're working on. I like to talk about geeky movies, and music, and books, and all the other things that come up in friend

that arrived on time :D
anyway, why is it either 5.5 or 5.6? Why cant it be a 5.5.x.
basically, give it to people when it's done.
Have a good evening guys, see ya
help : need understanding:
Now, if(isset(foo)){ // do something throws an error, but
$var = foo;
if(isset($var)){ // do something works fine?

Isn't this a bug or something?
Q: If isset for constants, but not defined?

CameleonIf i set a constant to = ''; How to i check if constant got something inside ? defined(), does not work like i wish because it is defined isset() does not work with constants is there any simple way ?

@PHPNooB looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
@NikiC Well, it's not nice of you to make fun of noobs. I'm just kidding i.imgur.com/bLoDKoU.png
@Gordon please no...
@ircmaxell y not?
changes in revisions (or releases etc) just make life a nightmare for everyone
@ircmaxell uh, do I have to use it when its released?
No, I've just been hit pretty hard by stuff that was added in point revisions changing semantics enough that it doesn't work well
thanks @ll
@ircmaxell continuous deployment ftw
ignoring release process FTW
@ircmaxell ignoring user needs for obeying release processes ftw
options 4 and 5
it's PHP internals, of course they are ignoring user needs. That's the goal, right?
if you can get the sponsors
@ircmaxell hehe
if you can get the sponsors
how can i get around to declaring a global variable inside a function? var holds a lot of data
@TheOptometrist inject the data
A: PHP global in functions

GordonGlobals are evil This is true for the global keyword as well as everything else that reaches from a local scope to the global scope (statics, singletons, registries, constants). You do not want to use them. A function call should not have to rely on anything outside, e.g. function fn() { gl...

evil, yea :))
@Gordon thanx, but is it ok to call a function with tens of MB of data in a parameter?
@TheOptometrist I dont know what that data is or what you are doing there, so I cannot answer that with a yes or no. But if that is what the function needs in order to run, then it is what it needs to run. Also, in general the size of the variable is unrelated to whether it should be pulled in via global or pushed in via Dependency Injection.
@TheOptometrist as long as you don't try to outsmart PHP, yes, that's fine. I've had variables containing GB...
i have a huge list of primenumbers and writing functions that need them, can't spend time to check/generate primes in the function so... looking for alternatives
what do you need to do with those primes? Iterate over them? Check to see if a number is prime? What's the usage of it...
posted on February 27, 2013 by Anthony Ferrara

About three months ago I decided to start shooting videos teaching programming concepts to put on YouTube. When I first started it, I didn't think it would take off. In fact, I thought it'd be just another failed attempt at trying something new. But three months, 11 videos, nearly 700 subscribers, over 17,000 views and 1.5 man-months of viewership later, I can't really complain. I've missed a f

@ircmaxell: both iterate and check, what do you mean 'outsmart PHP'? what's an example of 'outsmarting PHP Hypertext Procesor Hypertext Procesor Hyper....' :P ?
@DaveRandom :D
@Gordon: just changed the behaviour of the function to be fed the variable instead of declaring it global, code runs slow as hell and i feel it doesn't work as expected, still testing...
@TheOptometrist don't use references. Let the engine handle variables for you, etc...
@TheOptometrist "outsmarting" usually means "use references" :)
i guess references are there for a purpose, since you don't abuse them they should be useful in some conditions
@TheOptometrist is it a fixed size list?
@Gordon: nope... sometimes i need a few primes, other times gazilions
@Gordon: would a fixed size list help somehow?
Well, there are data structures you can use, depending on access. If you want to iterate, you could build a memoizing function which generates or looks up the next prime, and remembers it. If you need to check, you could build a bloom filter to give you fast heuristic checks if a number is prime...
@TheOptometrist php.net/manual/en/spl.datastructures.php if it was fixed size I had suggested an SplFixedArray. It's performing a bit better with large sets.
Actually, you could use a ndata array for primes...
ndata would work as well
Or you use haskell instead and everything will be super awesome
not fair
interesting, thanx @Gordon
after all there is nothing cooler than a lazy prime list, rite?
haskel uhh
@drgomesp not fair?
not fair to proposed the usage of haskell
that's devil's language
the right tool for the job
the right tool for any job
no such thing
man im just joking around
haskell is super awesome
but i hate the ))))))))) at the end
@drgomesp you're thinking of list, not haskell
This is Haskell:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fno-cse #-}
primesTMWE = 2:3:5:7: gapsW 11 wheel (joinT3 $ rollW 11 wheel primes')
    primes' = 11: gapsW 13 (tail wheel) (joinT3 $ rollW 11 wheel primes')

gapsW k ws@(w:t) cs@(c:u) | k==c  = gapsW (k+w) t u
                          | True  = k : gapsW (k+w) t cs
rollW k ws@(w:t) ps@(p:u) | k==p  = scanl (\c d->c+p*d) (p*p) ws
                                      : rollW (k+w) t u
                          | True  = rollW (k+w) t ps
joinT3 ((x:xs): ~(ys:zs:t)) = x : union xs (union ys zs)
my bad
@drgomesp the hammer is the right tool for ANY job
lisp is awesome too, but those )))))
@TheOptometrist the hammer is good too ;D
Note: That's the super fast version. You can do the same with primesB = (2:) . minus [3..] . foldr (\p r-> p*p:union [p*p+p, p*p+2*p..] r) [] $ primesB
@TheOptometrist if the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail
i bet you could use brainfuck as well
guys i wanted to ask you a question
@ircmaxell :))) oldie but goodie
since you have blogs and such
should i blog in english or my native lang?
right :)
@NikiC: that looks like hieroglyphs or regex, ugly ugly ugly, but then again. i love regex now that i understand it
even though some local readers would just not read english?
@TheOptometrist I just copied random code from haskell.org/haskellwiki/Prime_numbers. It has explanation for various prime number sieve implementations.
@TheOptometrist all it takes is learning...
@drgomesp well, depends on what you'll blog about
in less than 50 years languages on Earth will unite into a..... Chinglishrabic-ish lang with words borrowed from all people in the world
mostly php stuff, programming in general
also some personal opinions on subjects related to software
Is there a setting in PHPStorm to sort the tabs alphabetically? (facepalm) right-click on the tab-area and click Alphabetical Mode
i guess english is the best choice in thise case
@drgomesp @NikiC and I both blog in english. But some of our posts are translated into other languages by those communities. Namely Russian is one I know of...
If it's programming related then definitely english
programmers who don't speak english are no programmers
yeah @ircmaxell i follow you guys >:)
(am I racist now?)
yup yup
@Gordon I've actually never gotten better performance out of an SplFixed array; only less memory usage.
and one last question
universal academic language is english
And I've measured :]
what are the things that help you to decide what domain to use
for personal blogs
@drgomesp I just use what github gives me :D
thats convenient :D
:))) try an 8-ball @drgomesp
what do you mean @TheOptometrist
twitter is 14% of my overall traffic. Reddit was 28%. for the past month twitter is like 70% of my traffic (at similar traffic numbers)
Evening all
like igor uses igor.io
whats up with those .io domains
they dont make much sense to me
@drgomesp io sounds a lot like I/O so they are sexy to developers, just like .sh is for shell
mmmmmm i/o
That's how I read it
thats right, never thou
@drgomesp 8-ball is a 'magic ball' that helps you make decisions, great gift
hunff, i dont have one
and i sure need one
@ircmaxell Yeah, I really liked that video, both content and presentation
yeah, I'm listening to it for like the 30th time
interesting... flattr
why do i have such a horrible nick
> Integrate into 5.5 only if it's not delayed, otherwise - 5.6
@drgomesp why did you make us aware of that?
i was just thinking out loud
Why delay the release for something we've lived without for years and that can be installed without it being integrated anyway?
@Lusitanian it's more a question related with adoption. The earlier, the better
@webarto please to change "PHP Engineer" to "Chief Scalability Officer"
@Ocramius ah
@Lusitanian Chief Nginx Installer Officer?
@webarto +1 nginx officer
@ircmaxell ice ice baby
@PeeHaa we now haz facebook
is zero a prime number?
@Happyninja no. "Greater than one" is part of the definition of prime
Getting hot, please stand down though
@Lusitanian Nicy nice!
What if it’s not imposter syndrome, and you actually don’t deserve any measure of success? Sleep tight.
@MadaraUchiha finally some action. You think now is the time to start calling everyone in there nazis? ;)
@ircmaxell :D
@Happyninja: a prime number is only divisible with 1 and itself, division by 0 ?
Q: I am looking for javascript codes that will allow my form data to post to another page (I will pay you)

user2081997I need help getting my form to post the data entered to another web page using javascript can anyone help I will pay you.

@PeeHaa let me get a helmet first
meh it's half time. I'll retag some questions as a half time show
@PeeHaa lol. also wat ------> at the 2013 election room
> Seriously. He isn't bashing if he's raising a legitimate concern in a manner that isn't inflammatory.
why do i even try
@MadaraUchiha I see they are discussing how shitty of a mod @Neal would make
@Lusitanian You sound surprised...
@PeeHaa This is my first election...I HAEV NO IDUA WUT IM DOANG
<- Loving the feeling when you find the bug that's been elusive all morning...
why why why?!!?!?! sent $prime array (first 1mil primes) as an argument to the function 25 seconds to run. declared global $prime in the function.... 0.2 seconds to run. What is wrong in this picture???? @ircmaxell @Gordon
@TheOptometrist code pls
just a sec @NikiC
@TheOptometrist due to the foreach loop
@NikiC: primes are loaded from a csv file, used array_flip to have hashes,
so in that case, as you have a real performance concern, I think using global is okay
@NikiC... ok, but why? it works fast with global...
@TheOptometrist Implementation details ^^
what's different for FOREACH with global VS argument, i can't begin to understand this, and i want to get rid of global...
$primes will be fetched by reference, that's what makes the difference here
And in that particular case the ref does not cause a zval separation, that's why it's faster
But just to emphasize again: Only in this particular case. Don't draw any conclusions from this for other cases. Things can perform quite differently even with seemingly minor changes
@NikiC i think i understand a bit... any workarounds to this?
you can pass the array by ref
using function primeFactors(&$primes, ...)
i understand the concern, i never use global unless there's no other way
@NikiC So that holds even with copy-on-write behavior when passing $primes in as a function argument there? Maybe I missed it but it doesn't look like $primes is being modified inside the function. What am I missing?
Rephrase: what am I missing/not understanding about what's happening under the hood?
great! thankx @NikiC, as this is a huge list i didn't even think of passing it as an argument so i globalled it in, didn't think about refferences, works as fast as the global one
A: How foreach actually works

NikiCNote: This answer assumes that you have some basic knowledge about how zvals work in PHP, in particular you should know what a refcount is and what is_ref means. foreach works with all kinds of traversables, i.e. with arrays, with plain objects (where the accessible properties are traversed) and...

been linking that quite often recently :D
Thank you :)
@NikiC when i first asked this Q, @ircmaxell advised against using references..., BUT in this case it looks like the best option...
well, it depends strongly on what you're doing
Side note: @NikiC's answer there deserves more upvotes than it has people.
@TheOptometrist In most cases @ircmaxell is right. But if you have a specific situation where it does actually help, then there's no reason not to use them
@rdlowrey could post it on reddit ^^ though I think it needs a bit cleanup, otherwise its too long
don't try to outsmart PHP. Unless you wind up in a situation where you are smarter...
But you could replace that references part by using ArrayObject or SplFixedArray which would allow you to iterate without copying
i know @ircmaxell is pure at heart, as the answer to a general question it's clear refs should not be abused
in fact, I wonder... Could we make array use an array iterator for iteration? Where it doesn't store internal state, but instead returns an iterator...
@ircmaxell not sure i get you
instead of having two iteration methods, add a "iterator" handler to arrays. So that you... it's a horrible idea that'll never be implemented (until 6). So don't listen to me
news.php.net => Parse error => dafuq?!
@ircmaxell an iterator handler?
@NikiC for arrays, like we have one for objects
i was calling primeFactors 100k times, each time feeding it 500kb of primes, that settles the delay
@ircmaxell I have a patch lying around that makes external array iterators interruption safe, so they can be used in foreach (without copying the array). I did not propose yet, because I couldn't see performance improvement in "real" code
@NikiC I blame @DaveRandom
Sorry scratch that I blame github.com/KalleZ
Voting on non-scalar foreach keys! wiki.php.net/rfc/foreach-non-scalar-keys#vote
Let me combine that
other vote is at 10:5... So looks like it won't get in (if voting continues like this)...
@ircmaxell huh?
@ircmaxell you mean it will get in?
it's a 2/3 vote, since it touches the engine... No? Today it would get in, but one more 5.6 vote and no...
@ircmaxell I'm not sure
I'm always unsure whether something is 2/3 or 50%
I think only language changes are 2/3
@NikiC I know, but this is why we can't have nice things. There's ambiguity
e.g. I also wondered whether the foreach thingy needs a 2/3 vote
I think any change that touches /Zend does... IMHO at least
imho it is the kind of thing that should be 2/3, but as I read the voting RFC it sounds more like 50%. So I just went with that ^^
I didn't know I can vote ^_^
Server:Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.3.11
This is just sad
@webarto news.php.net /cc @DaveRandom
> Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /usr/local/www/news.php.net/include/nntp.inc on line 24
Hey. I wasn't at SO for a while. And now... where is fricking accept rate? O_o
I can't see it anywhere
@Hast It's burninated
When did this KalleZ character rewrote this? @PeeHaa
Q: Acceptance rate should have been kept

MonsterMMORPGAcceptance rate should have been kept. Right now there is no way for people to see whether that person accepts answers or not. I really don't think that this is fair.

@webarto dunno. I wasn't there to look over his shoulder ;)
Question: How do you prevent PHP from throwing an error when calling an objects method that does not exist?
@Pheagey why would that make sense?
Don't call a method that doesn't exist @Pheagey
method_exists() , is_callable() imo
@WeldanJamili bingo, TYVM
I'm kinda afraid this might have been an xy problem though
didn't noticed
... :P
1 message moved to bin
@ircmaxell That's the bad thing about making a mess of your own place. You have to clean it up yourself ;)
Ok, I'm out
sorry to disturb.
later @ircmaxell
is it php built in?
cya @ircmaxell
@WeldanJamili php.net/arrayaccess
ok, connection is crappy... day ends for me too :)
later @Ocramius
@ircmaxell always making an exit :)
@ircmaxell happy flight :D
for bonus points: what TV-Show is that from?
@NikiC "Integrate into 5.5 only if it's not delayed, otherwise - 5.6", can you explain a reason for this? (I think I know, just to confirm)
@webarto check list, it's said there
I'm going to guess 'Network' ?
Also, if anyone has a minute can you take a look at this and let me know if Im doing it right: http://pastebin.com/tENScw4T
@ircmaxell OK, thanks, checking.
@Pheagey That depends entirely on what you are trying to do
@Pheagey there is no right or wrong. Don't focus on that...
with that said, you're definitely doing it wrong...
@ircmaxell it crowd
Using a key=>value pair as method(param) values and calling an objects methods. While ignoring data that is not relevant.
$method_name = "set" . str_replace(" ", "", ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key))); can be $method_name = "set" . str_replace("_", "", $key);
@WeldanJamili awesome. You win the internets sir
the key's start out as task_developer_id and end up as setTaskDeveloperId.
Will PHP's ucwords use _ as word separators ?
Guess I can answer that myself right :/
@Pheagey case doesn't matter for methdo names
settaskdeveloperid is fine
@ircmaxell well aint that awesome...
anything else I could do to the block to make it better?
Latest Episode: Jul/30/2010 :( @ITcrowd
how do i set user and email in git?
@ircmaxell Even though that's a really shitty comment, I still think that there is quite a bit of truth behind it
@NikiC I agree with that comment but wouldn't call optimizer half-assed, necessarily
I just hate that accessors were declined.
So I just signed up for Twitter and the first thing it does is suggest I follow Brittany Spears. This has been a great five seconds of having a Twitter account. Goodbye.
@NikiC which is why I linked to it ;-)
@Lusitanian :D
@Lusitanian link to your account?
0 tweets, 0 followers, following 0 users
I have a really great avatar and lots of followers.
Your name's david?
Indeed. Wait, haven't we established this?
ah right, we have
When DaveRandom dug up that 4 year old picture of me :D
you're the one with the smile :D

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