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@crypticツ damn on him
i really found Gordon is nice
@crypticツ who said he had goat relations? wat?
@BoltClock lol
Pekka posted saying based on his logic of upvotes being proof that Pekka saying PHPNoob had relations with a goat getting upvotes would mean proof too, and it got like 8 upvotes.
@crypticツ ahhhhh :D
Then came the comment to the right, which also has 8 upvotes
Apparantly PHPNoob has been banned multiple times before, I wonder why...
minitech is really desperate about moderator
@NullPointer No, he only nominated because I made him
i like minitech a lot
@Lusitanian why you remove your almost every message ... :P:P
@Lusitanian I'm waiting for him to add me to his dislikes list, teresko is already there.
@BoltClock may i ask why ?
in protest of everything
@crypticツ I like how he posted "dude, your getting my vote" first oh, it was a different nomination
@NullPointer That was half a joke - I didn't force him to nominate but he really is interested in the position and I gave him the push he needed I guess
@BoltClock but it still think its wasting of time for 15year kid ....
Well, it's not like it's an unpaid job or anything. If he has the free time and he thinks he's up to it then why not
I've been using my time for other things as well but there's no pressure
@NullPointer whoa that kid has written his own Android dev book apress.com/9781430239451
@BoltClock when i was 14 or 15 i thought i have too much time to play game but in really i did not have .. it was just my thought that i have time ..
@crypticツ at that age its really great ...but writing book is not really hard nut
300+ pages, I have trouble writing a 3 page essay
Have you tried actually writing a book?
@crypticツ i think @nickc havent written any book but he has knowledge like anything
@BoltClock i would rather prefer to working on project (true reason and my languages skill suck .. )
@wes morning ...
do you guys have ever saw the movie "the man of the year" with robin williams?
@crypticツ well i am not saying that it isnot extra ordinary .. ya he is quite intelligent in android .. but there is really age factor ...in design making
@wes well i dont have any friend with name robin williams so no :P:P
@NullPointer wtf? its a movie, hollywood, cinema, film
@NullPointer age has little to do with it, experience and knowledge plays the primary role. You can have a person 50yrs old getting into dev work and has been doing it for 3-years, but a 12yrs old kid doing dev work for 6-years. I would presume the kid would know more as they have more years of experience under their belt, however you also need to take into consideration what kind of experience.
The older individual may be creating software for real-world uses in corporate environment, that require scalability, performance, etc, while the kid may be creating just average software to home users.
@crypticツ i just pass this like
Q: Evaluating the risks of allowing teen moderators on the SE network

user774411I have a David vs Goliath case here involving a teen moderator on Stack Overflow. His display name is BoltClock. I'm a low reputation SO user (less than 150 points) who was recently suspended for Voting Irregularities by BoltClock. Eventually the mistake was corrected by another non-teen moderat...

That is just an example of someone being an ass
@BoltClock rediculous
@BoltClock that young? you're a king man!
i am not gonna vote to any candidate below age 18 does not matter how much rep or flag they have .. however i just really appreciate them
That's OK. Nobody is obligated to vote
@NullPointer maturity is relative and subjective...
I think being banned more than once should disqualify you for running for mod...
@ircmaxell have you thought about nominate yourself ? i will really love to see you mod
i just want to say today Italy is different, @ircmaxell since you are of italian origins, today the first italian political party is a web created one... italians of NASA, of MIT, and italian professors of the greatests universities of the world are now italian senators and deputy. we are even better than german's pirate party! go italy go!
Null: nah. Not again...
@crypticツ meh, me too because i said something that offended him a while ago
@NullPointer why does age bother you?
@Lusitanian age doesnot
@Lusitanian but its really wasting time
It's as much a waste of time as participating as a regular user is
^^ was about to say that
It's just that as a regular user, you add answers; as a moderator, you delete them
Other things too but that's basically what it boils down to on both sides :)
Can someone find a question to cv and cv-pls in chat? I'm trying to run the debug build of the cv-pls extension but it will only notify on cv not posted by myself and none are in current message list =o)
@crypticツ kay
find me cv-pls!! =oO
i am just saying a person like Gordon in more suitable than Raghav Sood (IMHO)
yay!, thanks @Lusitanian
@NullPointer Gordon may be more suitable but that's not an age thing
@crypticツ yw
I'm not suitable for nomination because of my lack of meta activity + lack of flags and editing, but not because I'm 17.
@Lusitanian ahh gonna create a meta post ...
Raghav might not be suitable because of his lack of meta posting
but I firmly believe that age isn't a good indicator of maturity
and he seems to be incredibly bright and cool-headed and thus would likely make a good mod
and him being a published author is fairly impressive :)
@Lusitanian you kid support other kid .... :P:P:P(just kidding i know you are bigger kid (again kidding ))
@NullPointer lolol, I'm definitely going to vote for @Gordon and @Madara
not sure who else yet
but both of those guys will be terrific
If age is a concern, I'd consider age on the site, rather than physical age
@Lusitanian you're 17? i'm feeling old /join #elderlyPHPdevelopers
@BoltClock that's a reasonable point good idea
@Lusitanian there is 4 position for mod :P
@NullPointer indeed, and everyone gets 3 votes
@DaveRandom I am not getting any output to the Web Console, the only thing that shows up for JS is [22:46:26.900] The connection to ws://sockets.or.stackexchange.com/events/11/8378a6f503e845aaa42e78b71e497fd7?l=1‌​5798500 was interrupted while the page was loading. @ http://or.cdn.sstatic.net/chat/Js/master-chat.js?v=c98ddac35741:185 and I have it set to display all errors, warning for JS and logging has all options checked.
It's going to be hard to choose. But remember we have the primary phase
In the previous election Brad Larson was the first candidate to surpass 1000 votes in the primary. Like, of any election ever
@Lusitanian i would rather see @BoltClock as mod ... if he fight election :P
It was about time he got elected
@BoltClock true, I've never been here for an election before though :D
@Lusitanian I always blame myself =o(
@crypticツ turn the =o( into a =o)
@crypticツ btw, what is your face shaped like? i.e. do you have sticks for eyes and a big hole for a mouth? YOUR EMOTICONS CONFUSE ME
@Lusitanian i think there a website about election i saw that ..
@NullPointer What kind of website?
@BoltClock detail about mod election
@Lusitanian the = is the eyes, the o is the nose and the ( is the mouth.
@BoltClock ty ..you got it .. i just searching it .. :)
@crypticツ do you have a clown nose? :D
=~( Michael Jackson
talking about maturity...
you see thats not funny :P
@wes think like @Lusitanian its funny :P
the SO elections have superseded what I said about Italian elections
@Lusitanian may i ask why do you remove your message ?
still talking about maturity
@Lusitanian developers.google.com/search-appliance/documentation/68/… if only we could have that added to markup
fish <!--googleoff: index--> shark <!--googleon: index--> mackerel
@crypticツ that's just for the google appliance, though, i believe :)
yeah, =o( Can we do it where messages marked as a HTML comment gets parsed as a message, because bots don't index HTML comments.
or just use a non-indexed chat!
once peehaa finishes his websuckets
@Lusitanian but that's too easy!
@Lusitanian group chat in google plus ?
@NullPointer I'm pretty sure Google is indexing their own chats =oP
Sorry, I have a strict "No google hangouts after the contacts come out and the glasses go on" policy ...
:O you wear glasses?
Dude I'm blind as a bat.
i am shocked, because you don't have any on in you profile picture
meh iirc i might be legally blind without mine
Two paths divulged in a wood and I chose the one without two-inch thick protective eyewear. Contact lenses were the greatest thing to ever happen to 14-year-old me.
<-- Lasik! =oD I was super blind before, my contacts got rejected by my eyes and I couldn't wear them anymore.
i'm happy with glasses, don't want lasers in my eyes and am not fond of the idea of shoving plastic in them either
:7927028 run a chat script on one of our webstie ..
A lot of places are having a buy one eye get one free deal now for Lasik, dubious as it may sound =o\
if you want than i can setup
@crypticツ i'd buy lots of eyes
@rdlowrey excluding the "conjunctivitis part"
I've never had a problem with my contacts in 16 years. It's like brushing your teeth -- if you just take care of them, you most likely won't have problems.
I need new glasses
@rdlowrey lucky you.. for me was a total pain :(
My current spectacle frames are rusting and seeing through these lenses is giving me migraines
@rdlowrey I didn't either, but I got a sinus infection one winter and afterwards my immune system kept thinking my contacts were bad and would attack it, eyes would redden and water, it was unbearable, I would till be using contact if that never happened.
/me had laser surgery... 3 years ago, and i'm not yet blind... who knows in future. lol
I think they got past the 10 year mark for laser eye surgery
i have .5 power spects those are really pain ...
@wes you can have it multiple times years apart if your eyes do worsen, you just need to have enough of a layer on your cornea for them to remold, mine was 8x above the required thickness so I'l probably get it again in a few decades, if we don't have replacement bio-tech eyes.
@crypticツ what is 8x ? lance power ?
8 times
Since we're in tell-all nerd mode, I had to wear headgear as a child because of my massive overbite :)
^ Doesn't get cooler than that.
you win an internet.
I've never had a cavity or wisdom tooth =o)
internet won by you
@crypticツ lol... i
Cavity free since '83!
@crypticツ yeah i know everything.. for now my eyes aren't going to worse... i hope they stay like now for some decades
@Lusitanian I need to dig up some of my childhood pictures for your enjoyment, actually. I was such a dork the pics might get flagged as "bullying."
@wes i never done cheating in exam due to my eyes ... so i can say number got be me are true work
exam cheating, fun times =o)
@crypticツ exam are time wast ...
Here it comes ...
@rdlowrey bullying with eyeglasses on? the revenge of nerds?
circa 1993 -- enjoy it now before I remove it.
I've already saved it
@rdlowrey is that you ?
@NullPointer You know it! Look at that stud lol!
@crypticツ recently had all of my wisdom teeth extracted...that was "fun"
I had a teacher who would leave a video camera pointed at the class during tests and we never knew if it was on or not. He was gone for one exam and we were suppose to take the exam ourself and we found the answer sheet on his desk, We all got A's but we were mean and wrote the answers on the board, the first few correct rest all wrong, Every class afterwards copied the answers on the board. When he found out why all his other classes failed he commended us for it. Awesome teacher.
@Lusitanian I don't ever want any of my teeth being pulled out, I don't like pain.
:7927193 you could have turned these circular eyeglasses in a proper ozzy-look
everything is clear now ...
@crypticツ pain is kind of fun ... some time i want my pain in head .. but never happen :(
liquor will cure that
Woah woah woah. Google. Hold on. "Turn on Find my Face" ... WTF? Absolutely not.
@rdlowrey hehehehe, I told you about my app idea for something similar quite a while ago, remember?
@NullPointer wtf are you saying about yourself man
google probably stole it
Oh, I remember. You can tell I must use my G+ often ... no telling how long that "feature" has been around.
It could be worse --- imagine if Google were government-owned.
@NullPointer 's ideal boss:
@wes lol .. not that pain
@wes you can do some rest .. nothing wrong with my body for last 5 year even not cold .. damn
that kind of pain?
whoooooo, I walk in and the first thing i see is that ^^^^^
A "bad referrer" is every HTTP Referrer: header ever ... since they're ALL MISSPELLED. I'm looking at you, Tim Berners-Lee. — rdlowrey 19 secs ago
I kind of like that "referer" means "HTTP Referrer"
makes it easy to know what you're talking about
Anyone know of a good open source SMTP client that they have used and I can control completely?
although I don't think I've used "referrer" in any other context when it would have mattered
power cut bbbl
> I aspire to Tiger-Woods-Esque levels of moral ambiguity
amen man @rdlowrey
afk for real
Q: cakephp comet usleep blocks everything

Dipesh ParmarBelow is the code that i am end up with using successful comet implementation. $lastmodif = isset($this->params['form']['timestamp']) ? $this->params['form']['timestamp'] : 0; $currentmodif = $already_updated[0]['Update']['lastmodified']; while ($currentmodif <= $lastmodif) { usleep(5000...

@wes It's funny because it's true :) If you haven't watched the linked D.E.N.N.I.S. system video ... drop everything and do it immediately.
@wes that's a terrific video...
@rdlowrey LOL ok i gotta join this series now
Anyone know of an open source site scanner to import websites to wordpress? Like old domain to new domain?
@BrandonGelfand there is a project called phpcrawler or something...
@wes wherE?
i don't remember, google it
found nothing...
u ever used it @wes
no... but i heard it is good
thanks :D
!!// Camel
can anyone help me with this problem ?
hello ?
morning @Smiley :P
@PranshuJain wait and someone will surely answer ;)
@wes, actually i am in offic and have to complete this task asap mate.
@PranshuJain you're not the only working, mate. :P
@wes starting days on my job as a developer. so exited. :)
BoltClock your nomination was really impressive stackoverflow.com/election/2#post-8043622
@rdlowrey that video is damn terrible and funny
Guys, anyone knows why my file doesnt upload? I get no errors...
1Array ( [name] => Hydrangeas.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpvQoI9q [error] => 0 [size] => 5582 )

[upload_directory] => Valid - /var/www/html/obracun/izbornik/skeniok/temp
[upload_directory_writable] => Valid - Directory is writable
[upload_file_extension] => Valid - Extension is allowed
[upload_file_size] => Valid - Size bytes
[upload_process] => 4
[upload_move] =>
[upload_overwrite] =>
[upload_file] => Array
[name] => H
[type] => i
[tmp_name] => /
[error] =>
[error_status] => All OK
@Gordon damn on him he is such an idiot ..
its east to beat those(idiot/foolish) people than make them understand
@NullPointer yeah, its incredible how long people can hold a grudge even when everyone is clearly telling them to get a life
@Gordon he hates everyone in this room anyway
what happened?
not really sure.
@Lusitanian entirely agree with removed comment
A: Deleted questions and answers based on chat?

NullPointerVoting system is according to the post not user in other way whatever upvote /downvote/close or delete vote are cast on post AFAIK no one cast there vote according to the user ..and no one targeted you .. just please review those question and its completely fine to ask review and its up to use...

ahh frustration op.. just got downvote
> @Gordon I said you and your buddies (I do not have time to search chat). Also I cannot find an email of yours. Also: "Thank you, Pekka. These words of yours ring like a symphony in my ears!" when he was telling me he is mocking. – Mihai Iorga 2 mins ago
so he got nothing
what a cock
what a imbécil
@wes or peacock :P:P
@NullPointer lol
so... do you never slept guys? xD
@JuanFernandoz some guys here take nap only
@Gordon its just frustration of loosing rep
@NullPointer yeah. people are weird
welll .. Im trying.. go to bed but 10 minutes after start to thinking: "oh yeah! I know how resolve that part of my code..." so.. Im wake up and edit my code again xD
@JuanFernandoz i have to do many work but i am too tired to do .. so just hanging over here
> Alright .. never mind, I told my opinion, I got over that. Good luck in your election. Take care. I do not wish to start over again. – Mihai Iorga 8 mins ago
good morning
@DaveRandom morning
@DaveRandom hola, buenos dias :P
buon giorno @DaveRandom
@wes a very buon giorno \o/
@Gordon hes just showing off his colossal cockness
@wes I want some spaghetti
@wes I find in interesting though. But also a bit annoying.
i wonder a world where italy isn't a synonym of spaghetti
i really want to targate that user now
@crypticツ Are you using Firebug? I presume there is so scoping oddity as there is with everything related to Mozilla extensions, I don't actually use Firebug because I am a Chrome monkey, I'll try and find a ref for how to view messages logged by extensions
@wes It's more of a synonym of "chaos" at the moment :-P
@wes we export a lot of other products: mafia, corruption, debt... want some?
@DaveRandom not really. quoting myself:
> i just want to say today Italy is different, today the first italian political party is a web created one... italians of NASA, of MIT, and italian professors of the greatests universities of the world are now italian senators and deputies
things are changing... slowly, but changing
I don't know, you're unable to elect a government and yet everyone just seems to be obsessed with penis size. I must have heard the words "hung parliament" about 30 times on the way to work.
har har har
how someone can suck a zerk
@NullPointer on stack war :p
@NullPointer Dunno, maybe you should ask him
@DaveRandom lol not that ..:P:P
still going
Morning bitches
I know that italy is a lot of things (berlusconni :(, monti :(, ferrari, mazeratti, vatican, rome, milan, inter, lazio, juventus, piza tower, venecia, miguel angel, sicilia, corcega, north ligue, fashion, history, the romans, great industry, etc etc but Im hungry so italy for me its like spaguetti right now ha ha)
@PeeHaa good morning and welcome to a new episode of Election Drama
@DaveRandom our "classic" politicians are all crap as you know, thats why we can't elect a government. 25% of people voted berlusconi because the alternative is even worse... that says it all about our politicians
@PeeHaa morning
@Lusitanian Thanks for the PR
@PeeHaa 'twas useful im sure
@Gordon Did I miss something exciting?
@PeeHaa lots of fun stuff
@Lusitanian yes! duct > glue
@PeeHaa yes, check the comments on my nomination :)
@PeeHaa brace yourself
@DaveRandom and who cares if we are ungovernable now, what we need is get the crap out of our parliament
I kind of like having Berlusconi around for the comedy value, but it would be dangerous to let him do, y'know, real politics
@DaveRandom I feel that way about Michele Bachmann
That guy again. Lol he's still crying we were deleting crap questions he answered.
What is going on under @Gordon's nomination
@BoltClock conspiracy theories
It is truly ridiculous. A proper flame war. The second one. I see someone burninated PHPNooB's thread already.
@DaveRandom berlusconi is even better than rowan atkinson, as a comedian
Lol. The entire world is against the guy. I kinda feel bad for him now if that's his point of view :(
I undertand so many things of italian language (its similar to spanish) I want to learn that language some day..
i want some help regarding hosting...can any body help??
Imho it's useless to respond to that. I and others have been pretty clear in the meta post. What else is there to say?
@PeeHaa eh good point. i blame 4am and being annoyed at people who don't want gordon as a mod
@The_code_cracker If it's a shopping question, probably not. If it's making-stuff-work question then maybe. But see the room description ;-)
because who wouldn't want gordon as a mod -- that's like saying you hate puppies
@JuanFernandoz better you learn some useful language such as chinese or korean :P
(I always say that and I can't see it any more, is that still a relevant comment?)
@DaveRandom yes
I'm hungry I'm going to eat some comments
are there already design patterns or paradigms on when to use xhr and when to use websockets?
@BoltClock sounds delicious
@DaveRandom 404
BTW I see I didn't even took the trouble of answering that at the point. Must have been thinking it was useless to change the mind of someone who think everything is a conspiracy.
Meh. If anything it shows @Gordon is dedicated to cleaning crap
@wes oh yeah.. The chinesse goverment have two language centers right here in my city (medellìn) and its actually cheap (about 200-300 dollars for six moths) I really want to learn chinesse.
There now: coffee!
@DaveRandom: my question is to register my domain to godaddy
@skripted there is ajaxpatterns.org
can you help me for that??
That's really rubbish, that's totally the best pacman picture on the first page of google images, the others are just not as good :-(
@The_code_cracker godaddy is the worst you can choose
but i want that only
i have purchase space already...
@PeeHaa they run good ad campaigns though!
just want to register domain there..can you help me??
@The_code_cracker That's not really a specific question, do you mean "should I..." or "how do I..." or something else? Because the answers to those are "maybe" and "by contacting their support"

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