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@Jasper Considering that they don't pay for the music themselves, they use torrents to get their music so i would pay for it.
@ScoRpion... I'm not complaining, just explaining that the regulars have already seen it
@Ocramius ill look into it thanks
does anyone here use sublime text 2?
@Jasper :)
Its really amazing and so real... lolllz
@Jasper wouldnt*
@ircmaxell ah okay, I was thinking about different PHP versions, too, but that could be done with a header in those files so that PHP could give error instead of running gaga.
Also I'm more concerned technically, so for the same PHP version naturally. It should be technically the same regardless if it's disk memory or random-access memory.
@ConnorMiles while one can easily say that spotify isn't always decently compensating artists and when it does it sometimes still doesn't end up with the artist but with a record label, saying that they "use torrents" and "don't pay for the music" is just not in accordance with reality
@Jasper you can believe what you want to believe :)
when we use global $variable in functions is it possible to get all globals instead of specifically assigning individual $vars?
@ConnorMiles no. Have you considered not using global variables instead?
@Jasper well, im always using them so there must be something to replace them?
@ConnorMiles then you're always writing poor code, I'm afraid
global is evil D:
@Jasper why
hello dear follower of the enlightened, (good morning)
so no one here uses global variables?
global var are evil
@Happyninja so instead you write everything multiple times?
@ConnorMiles basically, they make code hard to maintain and test
@ConnorMiles no. i use class
@Happyninja i was just thinking that, makes sense, you use class for literally everything?
@ConnorMiles almost yes. It make it easier to track var scope
@ConnorMiles "writing things multiple times" is not really a good way to avoid using globals, but without some code to see how you are using globals, I can't say how I would do the same without globals. Classes are one way, and so are function arguments, though.
@Happyninja do you have like a unimportant class i can look at of yours just to see what you guys do
@ConnorMiles experience the headache of tracking var scope
Yo, mina-san
Yo, anime guy :)
@Happyninja for example my app will be installable in different locations $app['root'] = '/myroot';
there is already global var in php
Hi everyone. Can i directly provide array_filter with anonymous function as its second argument?
Something like this:
$PROPS_A = array_filter($PROPS_A, function($x){
return array_key_exists($x, $PROPS_INTERSECT);
Yes, PHP 5.3+.
inb4: it's one-liner so i didn't bothered putting it to some code/text hosting
So this should work then?
Or did i miss something?
@Ivan0x32 using ctrl-k would still be a good idea
$PROPS_A = array_filter($PROPS_A, function($x) use ($PROPS_INTERSECT)
  return array_key_exists($x, $PROPS_INTERSECT);
I don't think anyone has rep to cv that questions.
btw is this a good way to do it? PROPS_INTERSECT is key_intersection of PROPS_A and PROPS_B.
This guy is a moron:
Let me rephrase. The user will select a link with some text that is cut off half way. This link will take them to a new page with the text in full length. However on the first page there are many questions, so the page they are redirected to must display the text that they selected — Elmir Kouliev 30 secs ago
@Ivan0x32 Paste some example, your context is missing.
one sec
@Happyninja what do you mean?
@Neal I don't even know what to say...
@webarto yea..... I am quite frazzled...
flag the OP if you can...
@hakre even the same version with a different compile could fubar...
@ircmaxell what is it you are looking at? Wordpress?
@Ivan0x32 Seems legit, are you fetching the data from DB?
no, some internal things here...
yes, through api actually
@ircmaxell eww :)
@Neal maybe he means dynamic links lol
@MDG dont freaking know...
@ircmaxell WP has similar NPath complexities
:7849287 im looking, i see this?

public function get($name)
    return $this->_data[$name];
    return null;

how come there is no {} around the else?
@Ivan0x32 Ah, OK, well if this works, don't touch it.
@Gordon oO
@ircmaxell it does. sb ran it through pdepend at a phpsummit. i doubt they fixed any of that.
hrm... let me try drupal
phpmd . text codesize | grep NPath | awk '{print $10 + " ", $4}'
hi guys
what's the function to convert over base 36? base_convert() says 36 is the limit?
A: Is there a performance benefit single quote vs double quote in php?

Paolo BergantinoUpdate 2013: Someone with way more time on their hands than myself just wrote an article on this and apparently it is irrelevant: http://nikic.github.com/2012/01/09/Disproving-the-Single-Quotes-Performance-Myth.html - they were even nice enough to link to this question. I'm too lazy to check, b...

ohh, at least he updated it...
I remember seeing something that used 0-9a-zA-Z (base62), maybe more?
@lusitanian Self fixing problems: github.com/Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib/issues/8 yeah ;)
Will look into the port thing tonight
@Happyninja shrug that's an article recommending singletons as a way not to use globals... which is really not my cup of tea. Or the cup of tea of other people in this room, for that matter. It does have a footnote that you should try not to use singletons either, but a footnote isn't nearly enough
@Jasper is this important to me?
> Showing 43 changed files with 1,949 additions and 564 deletions.
My work for this week is done.
@PeeHaa what's up? You are quite quiet these days :)
@ConnorMiles yes, if you're reading that article, don't read beyond the "The Singleton pattern and the Storage class" heading. Basically, Singletons are the OOP brother of globals and have most (if not all) of the problems of globals. They have also been called "globals in disguise"
@Jasper ok
@webarto Shit crazy busy
Someone cv-pls something, I cba logging into the other account
@Jasper besides, that "Storage" class is a Singleton Registry and not a storage. That pattern actually has an established name (can be implemented without being a Singleton though)
In OOP, is it wrong to have an config array within an object that contains sensitive data, like (for example) an SSH password? Bit of a noobie architectural question :P
@Jimbo thats not a question about OOP but a general question about if its good to have sensitive data somewhere
@Jimbo don't think in terms of right and wrong. Think in terms of is there a better way.
@Gordon true that, I stopped truly reading the article after that heading and seeing it was nothing but recommending some singleton class (as an alternative to globals)
@Jasper yeah. it has a certain irony
if someone feels better here do not exitate to join chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/24663/trolls
Singletons are slightly better than globals. At least you have the ability to do type-checking in a singleton... With that said,
@ircmaxell Wow, that's an old post, but I can see where it's going - thing is, I'm not experienced enough to think of any alternatives :P
@Gordon Well, that then, lol
@Jimbo It's an old one, but it's one of my personal favorites...
And it was my first real post (I had one before it that was just a link to an SO answer I wrote)...
@ircmaxell Oh btw I watched the video on design patterns last night, that was pretty cool - did you record that?
Yes, the guy in the video is a friend. We were at SunshinePHP together and decided to record that
Very simply, I'm doing two things in a class.
One: making a connection to a remote server in one function
Two: running a command for the connection.
Both one and two require two separate sets of usernames and passwords - if I pass these to the class constructor and place them into $this->config, this means both methods can retrieve the usernames and passwords. But I feel dirty because if I var_dump the object I can see the usernames and passwords... maybe I'm just being daft
@ircmaxell I thought it was cool how he just talked through it without any video editing required or cuts, I learned something anyway :)
@Jimbo we did two takes. I almost cut out part of the second take to sub in part from the first, but I thought it flowed too well to mess with it
@Jimbo I wouldn't worry too much about it. Wait until you have a third one, and then refactor...
I should eventually write a post on my Rule of Three. Copy/paste is good until you make the third copy, then refactor... (C/P once is ok)...
@ircmaxell Okay will do, and thanks for the effort in those blog posts - very useful for juniors - and '3 is the magic number' then ;)
:-D Glad I could be of help
if there's anything you want to see in those videos (or blog posts), send a pull request to github.com/ircmaxell/programming-with-anthony/blob/master/… or drop me an email (ircmaxell php net)
@ircmaxell my rule as well...
guys how do i delete a chat room i created?
how can i contact a chat moderator? :/
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick dont need nothing to do
it will automatically deleted if its inactive for(i think) 7 days
unless it had at least two users with at least some number of messages, in which case it can't be deleted and will be frozen instead
can I get my answers on SO in a feed?
@Gordon not sure, but that would be awesome...
@ircmaxell great. thanks
it's all activity, but if you use a yahoo pipe (or server side filter), you should be able to filter it down to just answers...
works like a charm pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/…
@ircmaxell Pff. Rule of three is that if you implement one of copy ctor, copy assignment operator or dtor, that you should implement all of them :P
Hola! Gente. Hiya People!
@Gordon What order is that supposed to be in?
@DaveRandom latest
@Gordon Well it most certainly isn't, this is in it
@DaveRandom i have edited that today. same for the outerHTML one
Still, I can't help feeling the Stack API would be a better source, the data you could get would be far richer. What are you actually doing with it?
@DaveRandom i am putting it as a feed to my about.me page. And yes, I agree doing this via the SE.API feels like a nice idea. In fact, it was my first idea, too but Pipes was quicker.
i'm a bit confused: say i got a class, what would be the good way of deleting a reference to $this since $this is only a pointer within the class?
Heh, always fun when 2 developers independantly start working on the same bug, and the resulting conflicts \o/
@Happyninja huh?
@Happyninja I was about to say the same as Gordon. Even when I do come up with interpretations of what you might be doing, they make little sense to do
yeah, i'm confused
@Happyninja you cannot unset $this if that is what you are asking. And you should not have need for that either.
so this could work?
public function remove($key){
				$old = $this->_obj;
					$this->_obj = $old;
is there a better way to proceed?
What are you trying to do anyways?
thx @NullPointer
@webarto Do me a favour a delv-pls this: stackoverflow.com/questions/15005790/…
trying to understand class by creating class to deal with array
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick yours welcome ... but what i have done
i know there is already better way to deal with array, but i tough it be fun to create a class to deal with array in a way to better understand class method
@Happyninja what do you wanna know about methods?
@Gordon how to make my life easier. ;)
@NikiC quick question: would you expect ReflectionProperty#getValue($obj) to call __get() on an object if the property is not set?
i have to deal with contextual data and until recently i was using function to play with it
and it was messy
a lot
@Ocramius Yes
one of many question i'm trying to understand is how to know how much object were called by an initialization.
Also, we don't use the # convention in PHP ;)
@NikiC I'm a blaspheme guy, so I prefer # :P
thx anyway :)
@Happyninja what do you mean by "how much object were called by an initialization"?
@Gordon how can i retrieve content within all object from a given class?
@Happyninja what content? I am sorry. I dont understand what you are trying to do.
@Gordon say i want to retrieve vars within a class, i could just return get_object_vars($this);
@NikiC lol
but how to do it for any object without having to call this within it?
My first ever real github commit, a remote-transmission parser :D Anyone that uses transmission-client may like this for retrieving their data as JSON - especially if you use it on a remote VPS: github.com/J7mbo/transmission_parser
@Happyninja as long as the properties are public, you can use get_object_vars. If they are not public, you either access them via Getters and Setters or not at all.
@Happyninja a good option would be not to retrieve the data but tell the object to produce some sort of result with that data.
@Gordon do you know how i could save some memory by freeing memory trough iteration looping?
I might try reinstalling cv-pls now that I can tell which ones still need cv.
@DaveRandom How do I update cv helper in chrome to the new version?
Dear @DaveRandom: I love you!
@LeviMorrison I don't even have a build of that yet but I might make a 0.20.1, that's been a sorely missing feature for ages
Awesome :D
@DaveRandom whoa
never mind i think I figured it out
I even have the plugin already installed, it's such a tease :(
@Neal If you install the current release from cv-pls.pieterhordijk.com, it will auto update for future releases
@DaveRandom Well I took it from the link here: github.com/cv-pls/chrome-cv-pls will it auto update then?
you guys remember the CSS privacy issue where the server could detect which remote pages had been visited by a particular user?
@Neal Yeh, points to the same place
yes @igorw
The text color thing
@igorw Yes, by checking the color
I'm wondering if it would be possible to determine that via a timing attack. just load, say, the facebook logo, and check for the onload event. thoughts?
you could even load it twice and check the time
@igorw hmmm interesting
@igorw Basically checking to see if it loads from cache
or append a random query string to get a frame of reference
The problem with that is, let's say you load it once and get a time of 1ms
You load it again, and the time is 1ms
So you deduce that the user has been to facebook
BUT, they actually just have a super-fast connection
@Chris that's why you can try with ?<random-ish number>
and compare that to the load time of the real logo
To get the baseline
@igorw nice idea, I like
@Happyninja php has a garbage collector. you dont need to manually free (unset()) anything in most cases.
@Gordon In a loop that generates a ton of object references, though, would calling unset actually free the memory anyway?
Unset just reduces the reference count, the GC wouldn't pick that up until the die phase anyway
Unless I am mistaken
So... there wouldn't really be any circumstance where unset would help
@Gordon even if the data to deal with is huge? or could be? in other word would you say it doesn't worth spending time on it?
@Chris unset marks a var for collection. yes. but it can help nonetheless. See stackoverflow.com/questions/2617672/….
I'm starting a new PECL extension project...
@Happyninja you should not bother with it unless you profiled your application and found out you are wasting memory
numpy for PHP
@ircmaxell yes!
@Gordon would freeing memory faster the process?
@NikiC just found this through google, touches on timing attacks through image tags but with arbitrary content and onerror: crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/papers/webtiming.pdf
@Happyninja you are asking pointless questions
I just need to think of a decent name
ndata is one I'm thinking of (native data).
@Gordon sorry about that. it wasn't my intention to waste anyone time.
@ircmaxell numphp
possibly... But I want it to be useful for more than just numbers...
I'm just loosely taking inspiration from numpy, not copying it
@Happyninja Read some of the links that got posted during that discussion and you'll see that you're asking Gordon a question that he cannot answer for you.
for example: I want to provide a native bit array for simulating boolean arrays (where the internal representation is a big bit array, using one bit of memory per boolean value
which can be very handy for implementing a bloom filter in PHP code (where the underlying storage looks and feels like an array, but is really just a large blob of memory)
@ircmaxell btw, I have a typed array implementation lying around (not for bit arrays though)
@ircmaxell I assume it would convert/cast zvals into native types and do all operation at the lower level, right? (my knowledge of numpy is rudimentary at best)
@igorw exactly
@Chris i read them, and do appreciate the links, it help me understand stuff which seem confusing to me
@NikiC this isn't "typed array", but stores values natively
@ircmaxell moarnumphp
so a ndata\intArray would store an internal array of long data[size]
@ircmaxell we already have bloom filter iirc
ndata\boolArray would store an internal blob of char data[ceil(size/8)]
@Gordon using PHP strings for the bit operations...
once I get a basic implementation in place, I'll toss it on github and take contributions...
@ircmaxell github.com/andreiz/bloomy / pecl.php.net/package/bloomy dont know how that is used though
@ircmaxell I like the ndata name btw
@Gordon yeah, I'm talking about just the native data structures though, not including the hashing algorithms, etc
@igorw same here, I think I'll start with that
@igorw Interesting that their conclusion describes timing attacks as a "pervasive bug". Their suggested remedy -- establishing an minimum time for response, seems like a terribad approach if you're dealing with heavy traffic. Plus, that doesn't take in to account detecting cached objects, as you were discussing.
@Chris I guess if you want more privacy, you should never ever cache anything
Ugh I am having a issue and im not sure how to ask this question with out posting TONS of code.
ugh, im going to have to do this >.>
@TheWebs pastebin
should I link the gist to the post?
caching full page responses in PHP userland is pointless, there's varnish for that
> Ham is also a lightweight routing framework but it utilizes caching for even more speed gains. It achieves this by caching anything I/O related in XCache/APC.
@Gordon do they allow you to link gists?
although I don't know what exactly it's caching
@TheWebs gists will expand
@Gordon will they allow me to link to some where with lots of code?
@igorw nice idea and interesting concept, but what about people with caching proxies on their local network. You may in the end just work out that someone else on the network visited the site because the response time was fast enough.
@TheWebs who is they?
stack over flow
im posting a question
and I have to post two classes
In a question, you can post links to a gist or pastebin no problem. Although, a lot of people prefer that the code be placed directly in the question (since your gist or pastebin may be removed or otherwise disappear in the future)
@TheWebs ah sorry. I thought you were about to post your question in here. but you mean you want to ask a question on the main site? well. you can link to anything there. but in general you want to include the code into your question so people dont have to go offsite. also, it helps to only include the relevant parts
thats what I figured.
Ya, was going to add that it would help to pare down the class as close to the bone as possible, only show the areas directly related to the problem
@Leigh that's true, it's not always possible to correctly identify a person. related to this though, there is an interesting case of timing attacks against company DNS servers, which allowed to check if anyone in the company had visited a certain site.
@igorw if you do it with Ajax and have access to their headers. Could you determine something from whether headers are out of order I.e. if it's returned from cache you'll get a 200 OK, but if it hits the servers you'll get a 304 not modified. Thinking about it, I don't think you could get them to appear in the wrong order.
@Leigh usually you cannot do cross-site AJAX requests due to same-origin policy
@igorw Also true
I guess one of the problems is that when you try and detect if something is in the cache, it ends up being put in the cache. So you can only reliably run your test once.
@Gordon I think I asked it right >.> stackoverflow.com/questions/15008372/… I tried to stay very specific
@Leigh Try this, it is modified to use the facebook logo. BUT, it looks like it might be dynamically named. Check it out, tell me what you get... I get true-false: jsfiddle.net/hqPtG
@Chris I get false false naturally
@DaveRandom kk how does it "auto update"?
I also get false false the 2nd time around
now u have some sort of polling I guess?
@Neal It'll just do it by itself when we put a new binary in the update channel
@DaveRandom funky.
Chrome or FF?
@Chris Took a bit of browsing around, trying in different tabs etc to get it to eventually start giving true/false onload in jfiddle
Weird, and interesting. I will not allow this to distract me, though; I need a super productive day for the rest of today. To that end, see ya guys around :)
I'm off, have a good evening all :)
@Jimbo evening ........
@Gordon "ColorJizz-PHP – Color Manipulation Library"
@igorw ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
@igorw unless they return a JSON array, or JSONP...
@ircmaxell or CORS :)
I try to avoid CORS though. I am really sad that there is no RFC for it. I guess I just am completely turned off by w3c and think they are a pointless org that has no business dealing with things that should be true standards
@Leigh yeah, to avoid that issue you'll need a wide range of remote image URLs to test on
@igorw or, in other words a single image that any request that starts with something is rewritten to :P
@TheWebs you would be best off removing as much code from that as you can. If the problem disappears there, you may find out what is causing the problem and you will be able to find te solution or ask a much better question. If problem does not disappear, you'll get code that we can actually find out what is wrong with it without having to dive into your code, as randomly diving into other people's code is not really a healthy thing..
I cant find a way to reduce it any more
I may have found a soultion though and may delete the question
hi to all, i have some doubt so anyone guide me. i am using os commerce open source cms , i implement captcha in contact form but not validate the captcha so how to solve this problem?
@karthys which cms are you using?
i am using os commerce cms
@karthys do you have a link?
people still use oscommerce?!
the above link i implemented, same functionality i used in local os commerce , its working well but live some pbm
why is there <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
on line 455?
@TheWebs In your question you use different Identifiers and extend different Classes.
i have only 255 lines in contactus2.php page then i have rights for edit this page only so other pages i have dont rights for edit... @Happyninja
@pce the question is being deleted
@pce I solved the issue
it has nothing to do with how I extend classes but thanks
ah ok
@karthys ?
@Happyninja hai
u got it solution?
@karthys your answer make little sense to me. you do know html has a structure?

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