This, however, is basic form processing, it has nothing to do with Wordpress... I think you should see how WPAlchemy does it... it will show you everything you need to know.
@LeviMorrison how can i get your gtalk and skype information so that i can brief you about the project then you can tell me your terms and if it would be possible or not
@Mooseman Interesting is one way of putting it I guess. It does go directly against your original request of PHP 5.4 though, what exact feature is it you want?
@Mooseman OK, well security is a totally different ball game with quercus a) because it's a different implementation but more importantly b) it's written in Java, which is itself full of security holes. It's also quite a long way behind the times in terms of features I suspect, the last release was (coincidentally) precisely 12 months ago
Heh, @ircmaxell if you get bored you could write a Java impl in PHP, so you can run Quercus on PHPPHP on PHP on Quercus on...
Somebody please explain where the term "cloud storage" comes from. I don't want the hard drive (or SSD) that stores my files getting suspended in water.
Someone familiar with WordPress and custom metaboxes?
Some more details: I create repeatable fields with Javascript. When the user is click on a button the last row will be cloned and reset all values inside that row. Every time the user clicks on the button the id will increase, like this <input type="text" id="meta_caption[0]" /> Also each row will get an unique id. The problem now is when the user is saving the post or page, all new rows will override by the default.
Also one other detail is when this happens, there will be the string: "Array" inside the input field...
@SachinPrasad public entities uses microsoft, cause they they like to have huge support
and unix os has no such great support, apple costs more than microsoft
so they turn always for microsoft
this doesn't means microsoft is good or better then linux or machintoh
it has the highest level support/costs
maybe one day public entities will realize they are spending too much for support and will introduce unix os figures in their staff so they will be able to use linux like a charm
at half costs
damn think in a world of linux based IT infrastructure :D soooo good :D
hi guys i need a little help, im triying to insert a timestamp to the database via db_table but every time im getting SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1377955518'. the timestamp is for one month from now
@JuanAntonioOrozco the only reason to use Zend Date is when you need the translation/localisation features. if you don't need that, get rid of it and simply use PHP's native DateTime. Zend_Date is extremely akward to use and very slow.