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@LeviMorrison It would be nice to know your terms ... and do you like travel .... ?
youtube.com/watch?v=4JJjVHlkETc ... something to listen for evening
@Casper Maybe I'm wrong but don;t the "name" attributes need to be 'arrays' i.e. name="fieldname[]"
One sec
@Anthony That's ok Im waiting for you!
@Baba I usually do little things over skype/gtalk, etc. No travel.
That maybe is your issue
@Anthony I will test it out now. So the name attribute i should give the symbols []
Look at this:

<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][0][text]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
@LeviMorrison ok skype .. gmail is good ...... Travel is not for work but to relax after work ....
Your inputs need to be in array form, and need to be grouped.
@Baba I'm also pretty busy for the next few weeks. I'd be open to answering quick questions, though.
This, however, is basic form processing, it has nothing to do with Wordpress... I think you should see how WPAlchemy does it... it will show you everything you need to know.
<input type="text" name="dsmeta_image_caption[]" class="dsmeta_image_caption" id="dsmeta_image_caption" value="' . $meta . '" size="30" />
so that should be correct?
Not the cleanest code for now but I will fix that later on!
Personally, I think you should just use WPAlchemy. All this is done for you but if this is a learning excersice, so be it.
@Casper well, kind of
Look at what I posted
@LeviMorrison Not quick question .... But some valuable hours ... paid for .. i can grantee you its not going to take much of your time
_WPAlchemy_Meta is the field name
[WPAGroup] is the base element of the array, as in this will be a multi dimension array
[0] being the first element
[text] being the data
@Baba Besides "Conclution" it looks fine to me :)
so i can copy past your input row in my code?
or is that not correct?
@PeeHaa .. thanks additional 1 beer to the ones am owning you :)
@Casper Maybe this might make more sense
<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][0][text]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][0][url]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][0][description]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">

<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][1][text]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][1][url]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][1][description]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">

<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][0][text]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][0][url]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][0][description]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">

<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][1][text]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][1][url]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
<input name="_WPAlchemy_Meta[WPAGroup][1][description]" value="Blah Blah Blah" type="text">
why are you pasting sheets of html in the chat ?
@Anthony you can edit messages by either clicking the up arrow or clicking the edit link
.. well .. who cares ... off to the ignore list
I will try it out tomorrow. I am going to sleep haha. Thank you very much. Maybe I will see you tomorrow on the chat? @Anthony
@LeviMorrison how can i get your gtalk and skype information so that i can brief you about the project then you can tell me your terms and if it would be possible or not
@Baba Send me an email at levim at php dot net.
If everyone that made a boo boo was to be ignored there would be none to talk to anymore :)
I'll respond, though it might be a couple days before I can talk. As I mentioned, I'm really busy for a few weeks.
@PeeHaa Thanks
@PeeHaa I didn;t realise
@LeviMorrison One Moment
@Anthony np :)
@LeviMorrison sent
Any suggestions for free hosting with PHP 5.4.x? My current host uses 5.2.x...
@Mooseman Nothing worth having in life is free.
@DaveRandom Open source is free ;)
@Mooseman OK, "Nothing that's costing somebody money and is worth having is free". Not quite as snappy though.
Long of the short of it, I doubt you'll find it for free
@PeeHaa Aww I already voted TL on the first one
What about PHP on Google App Engine?
@DaveRandom :)
Means that at some point you have done your job :D
Can somebody please tell me what means?
@Mooseman That's not even real PHP
@DaveRandom But is it possible? To run PHP on App engine?
@Mooseman It's possible to run PHP code yes. It's not real PHP though. Google "quercus".
@DaveRandom Looks interesting. Thanks!
@Mooseman Interesting is one way of putting it I guess. It does go directly against your original request of PHP 5.4 though, what exact feature is it you want?
@DaveRandom Nothing in specific, mainly security and short tags like <?= $someVar ?>
@Mooseman OK, well security is a totally different ball game with quercus a) because it's a different implementation but more importantly b) it's written in Java, which is itself full of security holes. It's also quite a long way behind the times in terms of features I suspect, the last release was (coincidentally) precisely 12 months ago
Heh, @ircmaxell if you get bored you could write a Java impl in PHP, so you can run Quercus on PHPPHP on PHP on Quercus on...
@DaveRandom Thanks for pointing out the last release date. Do you know of any other options for PHP on GAE?
@Mooseman No, AppEngine is a non-starter where PHP is concerned IMO. You might want to take a look at Heroku
@DaveRandom I don't need much on the back end. I really only need PHP for filling in a few variables and file_get_contents/file_put_contents.
> I extracts all clear and some of the formatting
@Mooseman OK well I'm sure heroku can cope with that
@PeeHaa lol @ both of those
@PeeHaa Second is hopefully well-edited...
@DaveRandom I'll look into it. Thanks!
@Mooseman Meh. Does damn printers always try to wipe out humanity so it wouldn't surprise me if it is real
@PeeHaa Not to mention waste the gold-priced ink ;)
Somebody please explain where the term "cloud storage" comes from. I don't want the hard drive (or SSD) that stores my files getting suspended in water.
@Mooseman It's just a buzz word
If you ever have seen a network diagram the internet has always been a cloud
@PeeHaa But then the servers would get wet...
@Mooseman watercooled yep
@PeeHaa You do realize it was a joke, right?
Yes sir
never put watercooler ans server in same room
if watercooler fails , so does your server .. and you would have to autosource the maintenance of watercooler
hi guys
the form fields are not sticking...when i press back button in the browser...
<td colspan="2" align="right">Average annual farmer income increase from Olam purchased crop (Factor out Price changes ):</td>
<td align="left" class="red"><div class="input-prepend"><span class="add-on blutxtn">US$</span>
<input name="py_average_annual_income_olam" type="text" disabled="disabled" class="input-mini" id="py_average_annual_income_olam" value="<?= $farmerinfo_latest[0]['average_annual_income_olam']; ?>" size="40" />
<td align="left" class="red"><div class="input-prepend"><span class="add-on blutxtn">US$</span>
Use a Fiddle.
the first element is sticking....and the second one is not sticking when i am back
u mean? jsfiddle
@PeterJennings have you ever heard about Semantic HTML ?
no teresko
Are there any Notepad++ users here?
@Mooseman I used it when I used PC
Do you use Sublime Text now?
I use Aptana
Aptana looks interesting. Thanks
@Mooseman desolate-falls-8387.herokuapp.com - I just set that up from scratch in half an hour
same with sublime, I'll have to look into that sometime and give it a try
Is it bad practice to have a column as Primary and set as a Unique column?
(not all the code, that's an existing project, but the heroku deployment)
I'm getting this warning: The following indexes appear to be equal and one of them should be removed: PRIMARY, ART_ID
in MYSQL..
@DaveRandom Cool. All PHP?
@Mooseman github.com/DaveRandom/Code39 with an index.php file added, that's it.
@DaveRandom cool. I know this may be a stupid question, but why are git files used?
@Mooseman Sorry, which files? You mean why does it use git repos?
@DaveRandom Yes, git repos.
Because it's an easy way to manage a remote deployment like that, and it's probably generally assumed that most people will be using git anyway.
I must be honest I've not played with heroku that much, so I'm not entirely sure if/what the alternate options are
@DaveRandom Thanks
@Mooseman np :-)
> A simple web application may not even need a model layer. A moderate app will probably be just fine with MVC and nothing else needed
. . . contradict, much?
Right that's me, I'm bailing
aloha mahalo
someone needs to drop a bomb on wordpress
1 hour later…
@dyelawn Why? Let it be . . .
hi guys im tired and i need a littel help on this
i need to convert a zend_date to timestamp to store on db but i always get SQLSTATE[22007]
3 hours later…

$file = '001.jpg';

if (file_exists($file)) {
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file));
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

//but it is not getting downloaded
please tell what is problem??
really that got approved ...
and to who approved
@NullPointer see the above code and plzz tell whats the problem
i am nt gettg save dialog
is there anyway to reverse last SQL action in phpmyadmin?
is there anyway to reverse last SQL action in phpmyadmin?
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
Q: How to undo a query execution in phpmyadmin

learnerHow to undo a query execution in phpmyadmin. Any rollback functionality is there? any body knows the solution kindly help me?

@R.MartinhoFernandes why moved here O_o
It seemed appropriate. Isn't it about PHP?
Though now I see that it is a bit... redundant.
that is what i am seeing
So does this mean I shouldn't move PHP-related stuff here?
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, not at all .. you can move you think appropriate .
but i dont know why message is not display here ....
Shows up for me.
@NullPointer It's the message above it.
This is what I see.
The one with the arrow was moved, the other was here already, I guess.
I don't see a problem.
Good ol' crossposting.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah, that's what I see too.
BTW greetings from Lounge<C++>. We appear to be taking a little field trip.
sharing my image
ohh thats how it working ... above message with arrow is moved from c++ room ...sorry its my mistake ..
but whatever it got 4 star and its hilarious
ok field trip over. everybody back on the bus.
18in a row
@Dashang Don't paste walls of code here. Instead use some site to paste and share that link over here. :)
@all Hi Morning
2 hours later…
hi @Gordon
do you have any idea how we can permanently delete Facebook Account Manually ? @Gordon
@HelpingHand why would I know?
yes i want to re create FB Account using same email id
thanks for your help
Someone familiar with WordPress and custom metaboxes?
Some more details: I create repeatable fields with Javascript. When the user is click on a button the last row will be cloned and reset all values inside that row. Every time the user clicks on the button the id will increase, like this <input type="text" id="meta_caption[0]" /> Also each row will get an unique id. The problem now is when the user is saving the post or page, all new rows will override by the default.
Also one other detail is when this happens, there will be the string: "Array" inside the input field...
guys are single and double quotes important for a web site search ?
i mean can i remove them from POST data while user research by the search form?
@Badaboooooom I thin that the single and double quotes not important are for SEO. The will search for characters not for markup.
Why removing these symbols when the user is searching for it if it is not important for the SEO ?
need to play a sound mp3 file with cross browser compatibility anyone know how?
Someone familiar with wordpress meta boxes?

 The Loop

Where humor doesn’t work.
@NikiC morning
@Casper ok but i'm ot talking about SEO, i mean what if stackoverflow, for example, removes your single and double quotes when searching for questions
damn ... i have go shopping
@Sujaysreedhar better to ask in javascript or css chat
@DaveRandom why do you use so useless tags? like zzz ?
i see many times users posting useless tags why does? just not criticizing, just for understand :P
@tereško Thanks I thought all time that thats not for wordpress!
@NullPointer unbelievable
@Badaboooooom Ah oke, I don't now. I think from not
its should be like irony- brilliant solution!...nicely coded and well documented
@NullPointer unbeliavable anyway lol
nice new jquery website
I prefer the older one
nice, too wide for me :P
mouse over on the cross browser glob its nice effect
really cool
icon globe? i haven't :/
yep no effect to me :/
same here
@NullPointer LMAO my english
chrome ..
oh :)
FF here :P
@NullPointer yeah .. but it does not work on IE9 or latest Firefox
now it spin :)
. its bad... not even working FF
only on web kit as i understood
i have 18.0.1
anyway i think they could do somenthing better then this layout
Any one using ie 6?
@SachinPrasad NO!
so ... basically , they have a fancy cross-broser icon, which only works on opera and webkit ... kinda ironic
@tereško same to me :)
@SachinPrasad IE 6 really ..
i also think that just putting main blank center content div to 950 max 1000px is better
@NullPointer yeah
If they can't make a cross browser website how can they expect from us to make one :)
@SachinPrasad well spinning icon is not really important for cross-browsing
i think many, jquery too, sites are pushing people to use chrome for benefits
using some cool effects only for webkits
@Badaboooooom I don't linke chrome because i can't use their firebug
@Badaboooooom but chrome is really better than all other ... even FF
chrome is too faster the FF
@SachinPrasad then why do you IE6
If you have few tabs :)
chrome debug tools are so much better the ff firebug
I don't use Ie-6 just wanted to know if anyone still uses it :)
@SachinPrasad it may be anything less than 2.95%
no ie6, no ie7, no ie8, no ie9, no ie10 , no ie 11, no ie12 ... etc ... here
Making our Design and code work in ie-6&7 is just too much
bye guys thanks
@Badaboooooom Internet Explorer 8 8.08%
@Badaboooooom bye
Internet Explorer 9 11.14%
@Badaboooooom later ..
ie-9 is gud
rounded corner works in ie-9 that a huge stuff a MS can do :)
IE is no good .... no one love IE
IE only deserve hate , fire , bomb ., bla,bla ,and bla
But we have to test on them because some stupids use them :)
@SachinPrasad my personal opinion .. say F**k O*f to stupids .. and give them download Chrome or FF link
I have heard there are many big companies which allows only ie for thier developers
You can not download anything on your system by your self
@SachinPrasad those company might be not related to IT
*Company laptop
i there is always another way ...
Have you Heard United Health Group?
sounds american
Mu sister works there
press "arrow up key", to edit previous line
They use ie-8
that website looks like a static website
And its a very large multi-national software development company.
They develop Healthcare related softwares
its not compulsorily that website created by big company is good
they can create crap .. like a newbie
They don't earn from web-sites
They make large web-based software applications
whatever that website is not attractive ]
i'll have a look
@SachinPrasad public entities uses microsoft, cause they they like to have huge support
and unix os has no such great support, apple costs more than microsoft
so they turn always for microsoft
this doesn't means microsoft is good or better then linux or machintoh
it has the highest level support/costs
maybe one day public entities will realize they are spending too much for support and will introduce unix os figures in their staff so they will be able to use linux like a charm
at half costs
damn think in a world of linux based IT infrastructure :D soooo good :D
So I want to cimpile xdebug but github.com/derickr/xdebug Is it me or is ./configure missing?
@Tek use automake
@andho I didn't have it installed, that did it thanks.
@Tek np
Hi guys I need To parse this date 2013-02-18T18:30:00Z into YYYY/MM/DD H:M A/P format through Javascript.
moment.js is a good librairy and will allow you to perform everything you need with dates in JS.
@all Hi
@andho @DaFunix Sup folks!
@Appu Hi !
@Tek you need to run phpize, which will generate configure for you
@ircmaxell Yeah, I did that part I just didn't have automake
then phpize should have failed, but ok...
@DaFunix How are you doing?
@ircmaxell I didn't read the phpize output, so it probably did fail and I just didn't notice :p
hi guys i need a little help, im triying to insert a timestamp to the database via db_table but every time im getting SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1377955518'.
the timestamp is for one month from now
@Appu Fine ! I hope the same for you !
a timestamp is not a date... MySQL is expecting Y-m-d h:i:s
but the colum is defined as timestamp, i also tough that but istill i get the same error
doesn't matter
MySQL deals with dates in a correct way...
@DaFunix Hmm.. :)
@ircmaxell I never really got the difference between DATETIME and TIMESTAMP in SQL
The only difference is how it's stored internally
i fix itm thanks, i was using zend date, so i guess that i was not getting the correct format
@JuanAntonioOrozco the only reason to use Zend Date is when you need the translation/localisation features. if you don't need that, get rid of it and simply use PHP's native DateTime. Zend_Date is extremely akward to use and very slow.
what are good snacks that go with irish whiskey?
More whiskey
true ..

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