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And the whole programming curriculum seems here a bit stretched, you dont need a year to learn 30 patterns
most of them like Memento and Singleton and Decorator are so intuitive you can understand all of them in a day
@Dracony ...
"you dont need a year to learn 30 patterns" You probably should
Altough not in school
@Dracony We only had one course about patterns...
Well what I ment was that memorising patterns is more or less like memorising formulae
our school didn't touch patterns at all ... reader's exercise sort of ... but even without hinting that it would be a good idea to learn them
you don't actually need to remember them in full. you just need to know they exist
You don't actually need to remember much of anything in a world with Google.
that's my point
Time spent memorizing is a waste. Especially in school. That's the lowest form of education.
since programming is more of a craft than a science (especially in the case of web development) you don't need to know stuff, you need experience
@Jack :P Nope, I'm saying that you can't really explain OOP in C and probably don't want to explain things like GUIs in it, so you'd need to do a second language if you want to teach those things, and since you can't really fit learning two languages and all those other things in a single semester, you'd probably end up needing to spread the learning to program over two semesters
Well you could explain OOP in C but you probably shouldnt
why not?
tahts one of the things students actually have to learn: OOP is an abstraction and sometimes its a bad idea to use it
@Dracony Completely agree with the experience - google exists for a reason :P It's finding and implementing the correct methods, which you learn through experience
@Jack Well, saying we had a course about them is probably overstating it, that same course was more about software development strategies (waterfall, scrum)
ircmaxell because C doesn't really support it?
sure it does
It came with a nice book about patterns that I used some time later to learn myself patterns :D
you can write OOP in any language
you would have to resort to macros to show inheritance etc
I ment natively
not at all
If by OOP you mean using structs etc it will still lack the 3 famous pillars of OOP that I don't remember
what was it, inhertiance, polymorphism and ?
OOP is an approach, not a specific instance
it's about how you treat state and architect the program
you don't need inheritance. You don't need polymorphism in the traditional sense...
true, but it would be impossible to do inheritance without macros
and using macros isn't really C
then it's not OOP
it's just groupping properties and functions
@Jasper Right, so then you learn Objective C =D
it's a common misconseption
OOP isn't about having objects with methods and properties. it's about stuff you can do to them
though i agree its arguable
@Dracony no it's not. You can make a new struct copying function pointers from the parent
@ircmaxell you don't need them. However, when teaching OOP, you do want them, as you want to teach about inheritance and polymorphism...
@Jack eh?
well you can't actually
say I have a struct with pointers to 3 functions
I think inheritance actually goes against the fundimental concepts of OOP, and teaching OOP based off of inheritance actually blurs the point
I want to extend it and add a fourth one
I need to define a new struct and mention all 4 functions in it. I can't just say 'add this one to whatever is there already'
@Dracony You can do what java does, and have "cast" functions which casts back and forth between the 3 func struct and the 4 func struct
@Jasper Eh what? You don't know what Objective C is?
again you will have to still define the second struct for it to exist
@Dracony So? You need to define a child class...
Some help here in php side probabbly: stackoverflow.com/questions/14504230/… thanks =)
the whole point of inheritance is that you inherit old properties WITHOUT redefining them
I don't know about that...
@Jack I do know what it is (even worked in it for about half a year) but I just don't know how it got into this discussion
The discussion in here is way too cerebral today. I haven't seen anyone calling each other idiots or anything. Is everyone ill or something?
@ircmaxell I agree -- any time I write protected I wince a bit and feel like I'm doing something wrong.
@DaveRandom lol
@Dracony that's definitely not what's happening under the hood. And you can simulate that via pointers in the cast function
@Jasper You were saying how C doesn't have OO concepts (arguably), so I countered by saying that after C you should do Objective C :)
@rokimoki well for one install fiddler and debug the HTTP calls your app makes to the PHP service
A famous example of classes in PHP is gtk
and I must say that I bet my tooth students wouldn't understand that without first seing real OOP in some other language
so basically my point is that showing of OOP in C is not going to be a very understandable example
@Jack Ah, that way. Well, I'd say Objective-C isn't exactly a good choice in that case. If you do want to go the way of OOP on top of C, C++ is the better choice, I'd say
@Dracony I think it's a good example, because it distils OOP down to its essentials, rather than focusing on classes...
objective C is just another example of how Apple goes out of its way to make something that is different
@Jasper I guess we just have to agree to disagree.
square rackets to call functions really/
Objective-C is incredibly complicated :) imho
@Dracony my problem is not OOP is about upload a file :(
Objective-C is like a woman that's why I like it
so you are uploading the file to that PHP script and then trying to reupload it via ftp?
@Dracony Actually, I couldn't imagine phone apps in C++ ...
So personally I think it was a good choice.
I'm just bitching about the syntax =)
Thinking about writing a blog post about how Inheritance isn't needed for OOP and it typically blurs what OOP really is...
android apps are in java
@Dracony Except that the Objective C syntax came from some of the earliest incarnations of OOP and basically came to apple through a complicated route
@Jack Why not?
i can even guess which part of the digestion track that route goes through =))
@rokimoki Objective-C is also like a man, that's why @Dracony likes it ;)
@ircmaxell I'm sure someone must have written about that before :)
i might be wrong as I never wrote a single line of objective C
I jest I jest
@Jasper Why not what?
so rokimoki are you still here?
why not the message I posted it as a reply to.. (see the arrow to the left of the message)
2 mins ago, by Jack
@Dracony Actually, I couldn't imagine phone apps in C++ ...
@Dracony Took me an age just to find code to perform a basic POST to my server running PHP, and even longer to figure out how to implement it
java is so easy to use that is a good and best option for android
@Dracony yep, I send file via post, then my php upload to the ftp, it doesn't matter i just need to upload a file of some .kb will be uploaded in less than a second
ok you can't send a file via post this way
gimme a sec
read this:
@Jasper Because I believe that the message passing integrates very well in the language and allows for loose coupling.
but before that, can you try doing this: print_r($_FILES); in that PHP script and post here the output it generates after you app calls it
basically your file sould be in the $_FILES array not $_POST
kk let me a second please
and thanks for helping
but i'll be leaving soon, so hurry up =)))
@Dracony File uploads would be there, but obviously not if he's using application/x-www-form-urlencoded as the content type of the request body =p
how can I attach in my PHP the output?
Any of you seen the British PHP?
would_you_mind {
} actually_i_do_mind (Exception £e) {
// Politely move on
@Jimbo Looks familiar
Oh yes, if php wasn't created by a canadian or sth?
@ircmaxell I would not do that. Inheritance is a part of OOP, so just because one purportedly doesn't need it, doesnt mean it has nothing to do with it. Besides no one knows what OOP really is. Well, except for maybe Alan Kay.
I propose exit() should be tally_ho()
mm I dunno how to do this in objective C. can you just alert the output of the request after your call in some way?
I think hebrews are making the PHP
i think
with a return or something
@Gordon Oh, I'm not saying it isn't useful. Or that you shouldn't use it. Just that it's better to understand it without inheritance first, then add it in after...
hence the famouse _NEDUKAYIM_UUUNYKAYIM error in php
why would anyone define constants in Hebrew?
who codes like that?
@Dracony think about it
the two people who built static operations were from Israel...
@Dracony people who speak Hebrew
well yes
but now imagine that every app you ever use is written in the native language of the speaker
and where is the consistencty, why is there T_FUNCTION in english but T_NEDUUKAYIM in hebrew?
@Dracony It isn't though, it's just Zeev and Andi having a little fun while coding a huge project largely themselves.
It's just a personal touch
@Jack that's an OOP property that I understand people like. I don't see how that relates to phone app development specifically. I mean, besically the app development is just an interface and a language you use to approach that interface. It would have been a bit more complicated when it comes to things like the UI elements, but it could have been in C just the same
It goes way back to the first Zend engine
And people here complain that my frameworks uses fairies in tutorials
They aren't really complaining, just having a little fun
@rokimoki try installing fiddler to see the requests
@Dracony link please
i'm trying something
@Dracony The problem is minimized because it's a googlable string that doesn't refer to anything else. And it's a nice little hidden thing for those who can appreciate it
hakre: the link is for rokimoki, i'm still reading the link you posted)
@Dracony my app returns 2013-01-24 15:29:57.354 whales[4274:c07] Array
@jasper: imagine me seeing that error when I still had a very bad internet some years ago
@Jasper Right, well ... I'm tired of this conversation ...
I wanted to come to PHP Benelux but I ran out of PTO, and I'm poor :(
@rokimoki, ok so you didn't pass the files correctly to it
@webarto You ran out of Please Turn Over?
disgusting because if my objective-c code i can commite suicide with a shotgun
Paid Time Off :P
There's nothing there, only cables and shit
@Jack Alright, fair enough. I'm only willing to keep discussing things that havce no practical usage as long as all parties are enjoying themselves
Really? Everybody is Tweeting it :P
@rokimoki allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest/… does this make sense to you?
ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url];

// Upload a file on disk
[request setFile:@"/Users/ben/Desktop/ben.jpg" withFileName:@"myphoto.jpg" andContentType:@"image/jpeg"
Yes but I will not use a framework for iOS 3.0
well you obviosly need some way of initiating a file upload
that's only using that ASI framework thing
I saw some examples of what I'm doing but not working for me so I thought it was my PHP
because until that $_Files array is empty you are doing something wrong on the app side
can you try multipart form type?
Ye thank you
That alone will not fix it. It needs a boundary and one part inside with the file contents.
@Dracony I did ran into it in 2009 and get confused by it... for a second or two. You'd have to go quite a bit back further back before it wouldn't have been that easy to find it on the internet, to the point where "a few years" doesn't cover it anymroe. And even then it was pretty easy to find out what it meant just from the code + error.
Yeh, you can't just set the content type, you have make the content actually conform to that type.
Wow, the mods are on a roll!
well I don't understand anything from objective C so i just keep guessing
now i see he is building the whole request by himself
Awesome, I like bare bones solutions ;-)
@Dracony lol...do you really keep guessing ....:P
I have no idea of objective C
god almighty it looks ugly though
- (void) imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

NSData *image = UIImageJPEGRepresentation([info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage], 0.1);

self.flUploadEngine = [[fileUploadEngine alloc] initWithHostName:@"posttestserver.com" customHeaderFields:nil];

NSMutableDictionary *postParams = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"testApp", @"appID",
self.flOperation = [self.flUploadEngine postDataToServer:postParams path:@"/post.php"];
it grows on you :)
That's because it is a hateful language used only for developing apps to run on hateful platforms.
It's not ugly
such superlong lines of code
Right, it's just misunderstood lol
like java
java doesn't come close
Using pointers in the right places confuses me in Obj-C
I understand what pointers are and what they are used for, but no chance of using them on my own in Obj-C
        if (sqlite3_open(dbpath, &db) == SQLITE_OK)
            const char *insert_stmt;
            sqlite3_stmt *statement;
            // Con este for actualizamos los datos de los barcos siempre que haga falta
            for (int c = 0; c < ([barcos count] - 1); c++)
                NSArray *datos = [[barcos objectAtIndex:c] componentsSeparatedByString:@";"];
                NSString *consulta = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Barco (ID,Zona,Nombre,Matricula,Imagen) VALUES (\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\");",[datos objectAtIndex:0],[datos 
C + Objective-C
@rokimoki so any luck with the file upload?
Oh yeah, don't forget @DaveRandom is an Android slag :P He doesn't like iPhone
For me, the most confusing bits are when to use self.property and when to use the synthesized stuff ...
the code on that blog i linked too seems logical enough
does objective C have a goto?
@Dracony nop, I'm reading some more sites desperated
@Jasper Is that a troll site? "You have been mislead by a vocal minority and are using chrome, which is clearly an inferior web browser to IE6."
I don't have an Android phone either. I have a battered old Nokia. I only want my phone to be a phone, if I wan't a portable computer I'll buy a computer, not spend a crapload of money on something comically underpowered.
@DaveRandom you're just old :)
Q: Check whether number is float with Zend

Daniel GadawskiI'm trying to check if number is float with Zend. If I invoke this code: Zend_Locale_Format::isFloat('4.202', array('locale' => 'de')); it returns true. However, this: Zend_Locale_Format::isFloat('4.20', array('locale' => 'de')); returns false. Why?

if its true its really a bug
Tbh all phones these days are touting "QUAD COREZ OMGZ" but really - nobody has created an app / game that would even use all four cores. Work on the battery life damnit!
@Jimbo @Jimbo I think so. Or maybe it's an attempt to show how mislead using IE6 is. Or something. I don't really know.
10 years time, I want to be able to run ffmpeg on my phone all day without significant battery loss. Probably have it wired into my face for extra power or something...
@Jimbo Have you seen those boots-with-a-charger? I doubt they're worth it at the moment but it's a nice concept.
@NullPointer He didn't specify operating system nor ZF version nor PHP version.
well he is uploding it wrong
do you mean Zend Framework by ZF?
@DaveRandom I remember something on Techcrunch about those! Not sure I'd get anything like that just yet.. just like Google Glass (awesome concept, horrible looking glasses)
Wireless power or wireless energy transmission is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electrical load without man-made conductors. Wireless transmission is useful in cases where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or impossible. The problem of wireless power transmission differs from that of wireless telecommunications, such as radio. In the latter, the proportion of energy received becomes critical only if it is too low for the signal to be distinguished from the background noise.  With wireless power, efficiency is the more significant...
Does German locale use period for thousand separators? — Jack 1 min ago
'' if I wan't a portable computer '' lol
@webarto ~2 century of development ...
wouldn't wireless power make my house a microwave oven?
i too have old nokia mobile
> 2012: Christopher Tucker, Kevin Warwick and William Holderbaum of the University of Reading, UK develop a highly-efficient, compact power transfer system safe for use in human proximity. The design is simple and uses only a few components to generate stable currents for biomedical implants. It resulted from research that directly attempted to extend Tesla’s 1897 wireless power work.
@Jimbo Yeh the only ones that have ever been put on sale were just thermal-driven, there was also a prototype that used kinetic energy from walking as well though, was supposed to be a lot more effective but too expensive to mass produce. You could combine a few things into something like that though, you could easily stick a few small PVs on as well.
why would we need wireless power?
just make uranium batteries
@PHPNooB Mines better than yours. Mine has not just one but two cracks in the screen.
Somehow the crystal is staying put though, it's been like that for ages.
they already use them for military purposes
@Dracony Because I want to remote control my cat from my google glasses, is that so hard to understand!??
@Dracony Sounds safe.
at least this way I can decide to put it away
ruby on rails vs php
@DaveRandom PVs?
@rokimoki use my framework phpixie
@Jimbo Photovoltaic cells (solar panels)
obviously i would go with PHP =)
Ruby is cool though
depends on where you want to host stuff
PHP hosting is somewhat cheaper )
@webarto yet confused than why first one is true
@Dracony really, phpixie is hard to pronounce ... make it phixie or sth.
@DaveRandom Perhaps a mixture of PVs and thermal, kinetic energy.. if they were all together in a tiny device.. maybe we'd see self charging smart phones
how do you pronoune it? it was like pee-eitch-pixie
Wind power, with a tiny little windmill on the top..
@NullPointer Because 4.202 is just 4202 :)
Can you imagine if someone tried to invent the internal combustion engine now? "I've invented something that uses explosions to work and runs on a highly flammable liquid that I plan to sell to the general public on street corners." - no chance you'd get that past the men with clipboards.
i wold rather choose gangam php
than phpixie
I think ruby on rails is just for chinese like objective-c
F* us @php.net, right :P
I have Nokia 5800, I am refreshing this page and sliding the screen till my thumb bleeds to see a new post
you must really enjoy these ramblings to do that
@PHPNooB i had ... and it always sucks with his single touch rather press screen
@Jimbo lol I smell a hat that looks like it belongs in the '80s coming...
@Jack OP is an idiot, he is not saying what version, but there was a bug or something... framework.zend.com/issues/browse/…
Will solve all our smart phone energy needs (as long as you live near the coast)
црн іщ,
that's what she said
Dislike static methods?

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