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don't get me wrong, just wondering
Is it a bad idea to store an array of "friend" ids in session?
@vicmarq What makes you think that would be a bad idea?
Performance reasons with a large number of concurrent users maybe. But i don't really know I just want to get some feedback on the subject :)
@vicmarq or implement caching...
Some suggested to use a MongoDB collection
@vicmarq Are you having performance issues now?
Are you sure (have you tested it) that user list is indeed the bottleneck?
session is the most simple ersistence layer
is enough most of time
Chances are that the query is cached after being called 2-3 times... so anything further would be micro-optimization...
@vicmarq You're implementing caching in session.. you need to think about the implications of that. Your sessions are probably stored on the file-system.. so what does that mean? If your friends list gets to be large enough it will take the file-system and PHP time to transfer that information and load it back into $_SESSION.
@PeeHaa i'm not having performance issues now as the website traffic is low but I would like to prevent future issues :)
@vicmarq Don't guess about what you have to optimize. Profile first, simulate high-load if you have to
@vicmarq Don't worry about it now. If it ever becomes a problem and you know (instead of guessing) it is the problem look at how to improve it
Ok, thank you all :)
@PeeHaa sometimes its good to design your system well from the start
@cyril Of course you have to design it well
Most important is to be webscale...
@cyril But OP specifically is worried about some non existent performance issue. It would be hard to counter a non existent problem :)
@webarto You cannot be webscale enough
@PeeHaa It's amazingly easy to counter problems that don't exist. It's called "You Ain't Gonna Need It", a category of antipattern that is the root cause of a very large amount of bad code.
IP addresses was made with 32 bit, they didn't have performance issues and 100 users, but didn't think the mess it lcould lead now
it's unrelated but an example of fast design that suck later
@cyril If OPs site is still running after 23 years from now with the exact same code... yeah it's the same thing
@ircmaxell whats your youtube channel
nvm got it
static method, please... even real methods are called functions...
is for Kohana AFAIK...
@Charles So Charles you suggest that i shouldn't worry about it unless i come across performance issues?
@webarto lol
@vicmarq I don't even know what your question is, but the answer is still yes. :)
Scroll scroll scroll... storing data in a session. Yeah, dude, totally don't even worry about it.
Until you reach like a hundred KB of serialized data PHP won't even blink at it.
@Charles I like the narrating thingy :)
type type click send
as long as he doesn't store a lang dictionnary in session like one of my collegue it's ok
@PeeHaa enter works
@cyril Gotta love colleagues :)
git blame colleague
I think I'm going to stay in here just to watch the pretty chat animations
@Charles Ok maybe it was an stupid question but i'm not an expert and always want to improve the way I do things so i thought it would be a good idea to ask here
@webarto It's funny until it is you who introduced a stupid bug ;)
@PeeHaa Then you acquire SSH keys, and seek for revenge.
@webarto :D
@vicmarq The only stupid question is one that remains unasked.
@Charles You may live to regret that statement
@Charles Never seen Yahoo Answers?
There are no stupid questions. There are, however, stupid people.
@igorw I never care about the actual return value of stream_select(), only whether it's truthy or falsey - never caused me a problem but that may be an overly simple approach, idk
Evening everyone
You know what, I think I'm gonna retract that statement.
@DaveRandom Sir Dave
Because I totally just remembered that I'm in chat and all questions are stupid.
@DaveRandom Jojo
@Charles, lol
G'afternoon, Dave.
Everyone tooled up with beer and CVs?
Yes sire
Battle stations everyone!
Aye captain
PHP chat: We're here to drink beer and issue CVs, and we're all out of beer.
CV must stand for close vote?
yes, or alternatively that was a terrible joke
Dec 22 '12 at 22:12, by Madara Uchiha
cv-pls: Backlog (mirror) | Meaning | Chrome/Firefox Addon | Cat Content | Snippets: MySQL | Reference: Errors | Operators
Mother of WTF (linked in comments of the cv):
Q: Hopefully one last one about php cookies

Phill CookieI have posted a couple of questions about cookies in the last two days. I am almost finished my homework assignment, but am having an issue. I need to allow my users as many chances to login to the comments section of my site, however, if they fail 5 attempts within 30 seconds, they are locked o...

@rlemon youtube.com/ircmaxell
@PeeHaa oh my.
Yeah I saw his username too :)
@DaveRandom, that one was genius
@PeeHaa That is some beautiful indentation right there. I really like the inline statements after the ifs, so you think they are in an else but they aren't really
Also apparently that guy pays per whitespace character he uses
I like how the question ends with "What am I doing wrong?"
@Lusitanian All the best ones do. And either just have to ignore it or write 37 comments writing an itemised list
Can anyone help with this problem?
try {

   $conn = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=hsst_ep28ixzk', 'hsst_eP28Udb', 'Xqgp8EP%Rof,');
} catch(PDOException $e) {
    echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
Anyone knows how to solve it??? Anyone that could shed some light on this will be a true HERO!
I am getting ERROR: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'hsst_eP28Udb'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
I am not sure about this error, any suggestion?
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie OK, so that username and password are not correct
ERROR: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'hsst_eP28Udb'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Access denied for user 'hsst_eP28Udb'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Access denied for user
**Access denied**
I though so, but it is CORRECT! 100%
Either that or the user is not allowed to connect from localhost
@Charles What are you trying to say? Missing quote somewhere? :P
Either the login and password or bogus or the grants are bogus. Check'em.
I used to connect on localhost just fine, but when I uploaded the files on the server I am getting that error.
Most grants are bogus. Hugh Grant, for example. He's definitely bogus.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Access was denied...
Are the host, username, password, database name, and server name identical on the server?
@DaveRandom Yeah. Grants suck
There are no other options. Either the username/password/hostname combo is bogus or the grants are bad. Full stop, end of statement.
@Charles No, I changed the username, pass, and db name. Other (localhost) just left it as is
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Go into phpmyadmin and check the user, host, reset the password.
@Nile I changed the password, db name everything..
I saw that on meta earlier, thought it just being beta'd or something
Let's see if the results are any better...
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Access was denied. We can't do anything for you. Change everything, reset everything, fix everything. If nothing works, contact your host.
@DaveRandom thanks for looking at it. never experienced that either, but react doesn't have long select timeouts.
Could this be a case, in which I need to change perhaps the localhost ? I know, some times localhost needs to be changed, and was thinking maybe this could be the case, because I have tried everything possible.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie if this is about MySQL, you probably want
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie So, what you're saying is that you don't know what MySQL server you're supposed to connect to. Maybe you should fix that.
I know I am connecting to mysql, I am just out of options here...
somebody thought it was a good idea to make MySQL attempt to use a unix socket if the host name is localhost, and only use TCP when the actual loopback ip is given.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie What's the domain name?
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Can you run a SHOW GRANTS FOR 'hsst_eP28Udb'@'localhost' query and show the results here please? Since you've already shown us your username and password (which you should now change) you have nothing to lose.
@Charles what.?
@igorw Is that a bad idea you think? I kind of like that feature.
@DaveRandom I think it's confusing as hell and makes no sense. if you want a domain socket, pass a domain socket...
@Nile I don't think it is a good idea to give a domain name here, for a defaced site and designed by newbie @DaveRandom I replaced the the passwords and username, so no need to change anything
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Then we should all stop helping you.
I meant, that there could be people with bad intentions here, trying to do anything for fun. So, I can't compromise the site... thank you though
@cyril Go do a search. They switched search backends from Lucene.NET to ElasticSearch, and changed the search results UI.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Okay fine, pretent $site is your domain. Go to $site:2082 and deal withit yourself.
(we should all stop helping him now)
FIXED the problem.
@igorw Well I get where you are coming from but since you are guaranteed to be using the local machine when you specify localhost I don't see the sense in getting the TCP stack involved, even if only for loopback, and I also don't see the harm. If you have rights on localhost you have rights on The only time you would (might) have a problem is if you create the grants for, which seems silly anyway.
Thanks for those interested in helping, even @Nile
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Out of morbid curiosity, what was it?
Such a silly mistake, I would be ashamed to mention it :)
as expected
@Charles who? SO?
PHP lets you indent code as well, you know... — DaveRandom 13 secs ago
@cyril Yup. Trying to find the meta thing.
Q: A new search engine for Stack Exchange

Nick CraverAfter the performance problems we have run into with Lucene.NET we've decided to make a change, we're moving the network on to elasticsearch. The test screen is a little hidden at the moment until we swap all search over, but here's a link to get there. Note that searches via the top box will ki...

hmm ... setting up a GitLab on VM which is accessible from within a different NAT is kinda .. emm .. fiddle-ish
Well, I had a registration form, when you post, it takes you to localhost//site.com/register right, this was when my site was in localhost, when I moved the files to the server, I forgot to change the absolute url, so It was showing so when I clicked "Register" It was going to localhost, and showing me the error comming from localhost
@DaveRandom the problem is I expect it to resolve to an IP via /etc/hosts. I've had to debug so often, and takes me ages to realize every time. to me it's just extremely non-obvious.
@igorw When the hell do you redefine localhost?? :S
@DaveRandom I don't redefine it. I just expect localhost to resolve to, and that IP to be used for connecting.
@DaveRandom When you want to torture a sysadmin, that's when.
@DaveRandom localhost is NOT "built-in"
you actually alias it in the /etc/hosts on all th systems
its jsut that usually it is already in that file as an example
@tereško I am fully aware of that. But there is no use case I can conceive for setting it to anything other than loopback.
@DaveRandom it does not make sense to me that it would be treated specially. quite often systems are configured to use the port; so if it suddenly tries domain sockets it fails inexplicably.
@DaveRandom confusing the hell out of sysadmins, users, developers, and everyone else
@Charles You wanna know what's really fun? On windows you can alias an IP address in the hosts file as long as it's not on your local subnet. Fun times.
afaik you can do that in *nix as well
Very possible. Doesn't (didn't for me) work on Fedora which is the only place I've ever tried it.
@DaveRandom quite often I have a mismatch of default domain socket location configuration. i.e. mysql putting it in /usr/local/*, PHP searching for it in /tmp or whatnot.
@DaveRandom That's demented.
The best thing about that though is that if you do that and then make an http request the Host: header still contains the originally typed IP address so you can really screw with web devs who don't know how HTTP works.
@Charles Kind of yes but kind of no. is technically a valid domain name as well as a valid IP address.
todays "looping song"
@DaveRandom Allow me to rephrase. The possible abuse of this feature allows for demented behavior.
so ... anyone familiar here with gitolite ?
@igorw I do see where you are coming from with this, but I have to say I haven't ever experienced any of these issues. I'd probably change my tune if I ever did.
@DaveRandom if you use OS packages then you probably get sane configs so it just works, and you don't even notice that it's using domain sockets when you write localhost.
@igorw I have built myself a few times but I guess I just set things up properly... :-P
I compile my own PHP, my php.ini is roughly based on the OSX default one and I install MySQL via homebrew. so it's quite likely to have mismatches, especially with filesystem paths.
(in dev)
Ahh. Mac. 'nuff said.
Can't expect sanity there :O
@NikiC: something you just changed is throwing parser errors (STMT_While could not be converted to int in the error handler)
@ircmaxell parser errors?
hang on
@DaveRandom in my experience all OSes have their quirks. the only thing that is completely and utterly messed up on OSX is DNS stuff. /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf...
and all the BSDisms of course, I'll give you that.
could be a problem somewhere else...
Notice: Object of class PHPParser_Node_Stmt_While could not be converted to int in /Users/anthony/Dropbox/WorkNetbeans/PHP-PHP/lib/PHPPHP/Engine/ErrorHandler/Internal.php on line 10

Call Stack:
    0.0003     659384   1. {main}() /Users/anthony/Dropbox/WorkNetbeans/PHP-PHP/php.php:0
    0.1336   19315064   2. PHPPHP\PHP->executeFile() /Users/anthony/Dropbox/WorkNetbeans/PHP-PHP/php.php:16
    0.1473   20436776   3. PHPPHP\PHP->executeOpLines() /Users/anthony/Dropbox/WorkNetbeans/PHP-PHP/lib/PHPPHP/PHP.php:59
now appears to be gone...
now not
like it's sometimes there, sometimes not?
$this->opArray[] = $endJumpOp = new OpLines\JumpIfNot($node, $op1);
oh i see
fixing it now
I must have messed up some merge
wasn't just you
I think I screwed something up as well..
And also, this is once again a case where scalar typehints would be cool
It's easier to find a bug if it tells you "Argument $lineno expected int, got ..Stmt_While"
Rather than it turning up (sometimes) deep down the code path
@NikiC Yeah, I added an exception and saw a ton of issues
I just wanted to get some feed back on what you think about the new look on the work section of my site
Le me is getting beer. Cya laters
Fixed: Tests passed : 133 ( 48.7%) ( 51.0%)
I personally hate searches that do that - "why is this search returning no results? Oh, it's because the previous search is being included"... — Shaquin Trifonoff 4 mins ago
@NikiC: this is why I don't like whitespace-aligned arrays: github.com/ircmaxell/PHPPHP/commit/…
@benlevywebdesign looks good, but I'm not a big fan of the font
@Sharlike when did you look? Just now?
a minute ago or so
@ircmaxell yes
I.e., yes it's an issue
But I also don't like unaligned arrays much :D
But don't care much for it either
@Sharlike check now
@PeeHaa lol
@benlevywebdesign I think it's just the smaller font sizes that look slightly blurry or something
Woah.. did the search results page change or am I having a stroke?
@Sharlike so its not the font you don't like its the size? What kind of computer do you use?
@MikeB Yes, Someone posted a link about it earlier
@benlevywebdesign I'm using chrome on win7. It's the font, just especially noticeable on the smaller sizes IMO
@DaveRandom Nice, thanks
Hey guys! What is goin on
@Sharlike what do you think about it now (change the border colors and shadow)
seems better. BTW I like those thumbnail animations
@benlevywebdesign it looks like high-schoolers first website .. only it is customary to make it about CoD these days, instead of fake "developers site"
Was thinking of putting this question here on SO (e.g. for PHP folks like yourselves), but decided to put it on WM.SE

But is it better suited for SO?
Q: Blog platform without WYSIWYG capabilities that most CMS' have?

BaumrI have a project that already has a website (responsive-design with a mobile-first approach in HTML5/CSS3), and just needs a simple blog added. It seems that a popular CMS (e.g. WordPress) may be too bulky in terms of footprint, performance and manageability of code (e.g. bug testing, implementa...

Thanks :)
Could one consider it a flaw in PHP that file_put_contents can return FALSE but has created the file (zero-bytes) but did not remove it then even when failing?
Q: file_put_content creates a file with size 0 if the directory is full. How to avoid that?

AliWhen the tmp directory is full, file_put_contents returns FALSE but the file is created with size of 0. For example: $data = 'somedata'; $temp_name = '/tmp/myfile'; if (file_put_contents($temp_name, $data) === FALSE) { // the message print that the file could not be created. print 'The f...

@Sharlike Thanks so you like it better than the white border you got on hover?
@DaveRandom Please rip and re-upload. Blocked here.
(Old but still good)
@hakre ??
@Baumr No, it is not better suited for SO. Product recommendations == shopping questions == list questions == not constructive.
@DaveRandom > This video contains content from Classic Media Ltd, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Random, I wonder why it's not blocked here?
Well perhaps the GEMA is behind this.
You probably wouldn't thank me for it tbh, it's not that good
@Charles Right. Though I've seen plenty of good "what are dis/advantages of X, Y and Z" questions on SO.
@Baumr Most of which are going to be from before 2011 or so and should now be actively closed.
Ah, really? I see.

Any ideas on where to look/ask the above question and get good responses? Quora?
No idea, unfortunately.
P.S. Not a shopping question, looking for free ones :D
Same diff, unfortunately.
What do you mean by "list Qs"?
Overuse of the word "unfortunately", unfortunately.
@DaveRandom I do that a lot, unfortunately. :p
Because I also didn't mean to intend as a "recommendation". Definitely don't want answers like: "I use bla bla".

Looking for a clear-cut answer on what has functions X, Y, and Z.
@Baumr The problem is they are most definitely Too Localised
> This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily na
posted on January 04, 2013 by Ulf Wendel

MySQL Replication has a weak point: the master (primary) is a single point of failure. People ask frequently about client failover. Making a client library failover a client automatically from one server to another is simple. PECL/mysqlnd_ms can do it. Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg when using a primary copy (master-slave) database cluster. Among others, you may have to rec

Actually that's not really fair
It's them bleedin' Mericans again.
@webarto Did you even do any more work on the whole url-poller thing?
@DaveRandom I actually wrote it with that in mind. It's unlikely that WP/Drupal/etc. will get any lighter. And a CMS' I'm looking for would designed to be lighter.
hire a developer
the "lightweight CMSs" come in two varieties: one that have no feature in general and ones that have only things that you need
the first kind is pointless and the second - has to be custom-built
@Charles Good read, how do you suggest I change the question to suit that?
@tereško Regarding custom-building, I'd rather use something that is open-source and not proprietary — for security, and ease of implementation (and, in this case, cost — after all, it's just a simple blog)
@tereško There must be a lightweight CMS that is blog-only though, no?
then use wordpress and stop bothering us
@Baumr jekyllbootstrap
@Baumr I don't.
Tactful as always
@tereško Easy there. Or, should I say, uzmanīgi ;)
@DaveRandom No, but I wanted, I mean, I will in the future, right now, got "real" work to do, and perfect me self in some areas... Yours is very nice.
@webarto Yeh I'm same, will definitely "finish" it at some point but no time atm :S
Hey guys =) I'm looking for some people to review/take a look at my lightweight MVC framework. It's kinda like CI or Kohana, but much less bloatware (there's even a benchmark =) ). So if any of you guys have some free time can you take a look at phpixie.com? I'd love to get some feedback =)
That's a really good idea. Will look into it :)

Hosted on GitHub though?
@Dracony learn pixie in 30 minutes link on front page is broken
not sure how it would matter where it is hosted
@Dracony does it have any (unit|integration|functional|.*) tests?
@Dracony ... well /index.php: use of static methods, violation of LOD/encapsulation
Usually the lightweightness comes from not including stuff like ORM at all. I focused on including most of the features of large frameworks, but with as little overhead as possible.
/system/bootstrap.php , use of global state, violation of SRP, class acting as namespace
I'm writing unit test as of now =)
/system/classes/route.php: hidden global state, class acting as namespace for procedural code , high cyclomatic omplexity
what you're referring is actually the kind of thing that creates the overhead. Trying to keep a strict MVC system will kind of ruin the whole lightweight part
@tereško Installing it on one's own web server is preferred
same goes for the route complexity
@Dracony You're gonna have a real fun time dealing with global state, abuse of classes and static methods when building those unit tests. Unfortunately code designed for testability doesn't match your perception of "lightweight."
Trust me, I'm going through these same pains right now.
static methods aren't a real problem in 5.3
using LSB
Built a thing without designing it for testing, and need to test it completely, inside and out, before unveiling it to the world. Having to go back to the drawing board...
@Dracony , basically the whole "framework" is a collection of procedural code
@Charles you don't design in order to test. you test in order to design.
@Dracony if you are so found of 5.3, they why are still using PEAR-style naming convention ?
testing such a small thing (like 13 classes total) can be done purely in a functional way anyway
simply because namespaces kill the whole point of the autoloader
@NikiC I agree... It's just a sucky lose-lose
having to write 'use' is inconvenient
@igorw That's very zen. I also disagree slightly. A large number of the things you need to do to make code unit testable requires a very segmented, loosely-coupled design. There's a non-trivial amount of software out there that otherwise doesn't greatly benefit from that kind of engineering.
@Dracony lolwut ?!
care to elaborate ?
@Dracony That is not true, PHP is not missing another framework, but could use lightweight ORM that is not shitty... Also CI and Kohana have less in common now than before...
e.g. Kohana 3.3 ditched the whole namespace idea too
@tereško just look there ^^
@Dracony where exactly ? i have no intention in reading 11 pages of flame
@ircmaxell Where can I get some documentation about the code flow of PHPPHP? It would be a great help If there is one.
basically the whole discussion is one big holywar
the bottomline is that kohana 3.3 doesn't use namespaces
apart from being able to override classes there is no use for them. and with a framework of 10 classes there's hardly much to verride
you can just put a class in/application/classes to have it override any class in system
windows does not use case sensitive file names .. so what ?
just because someone is doing something stupid/shortsighted does not make it a fad
@Dracony it's inconvienent, yet writing a long prefix every time you write a class name (which could be many per file) is not... odd...
anyways if you impose any standart on everything there is no place for variety
Anybody got SMALL project idea? (php,javascript etc.)
as for it being procedural, what matters is that it provides an OOP interface to the developer
lets all use eval, because CI uses it .. so obviously is good
that's just syllogism
and extrapolation out of nowhere
@Dracony huh? OOP interface !== interface that uses classes...
yes. I got beers!
hiya @Dracony
@Charles You edited my repwhoring non efforty answer :(
well .. we have another case of someone coming here with already made up mind and expecting everyone to agree
ehh ... internets
One can 5-7-5 and still repwhore.
coding is inconvenient
Well it was bout to happen. Can only reject so many edits :)
wow .. it's such a huge difference when you are working with a familiar OS
when is was setting up GitLab on the CentOS system it was a 4-day exercise in frustration
now doing the same on freebsd , and i it looks like everything will be complete in something under 6 hours
Wow the new search is kinda a wall of text
yeah =/
@Dracony source code of all of the examples used in your benchmarks would be interesting.
@PeeHaa For the Chrome builds are you using a private key PEM that Chrome auto-generated for you at some point?
@DaveRandom uhhhhmmmmm. Long time ago @DaveRandom. Let me think
The real question is "is it password protected?"
@DaveRandom Yes
@DaveRandom Let me see
Uhhm no it isn;t
Please help if you can
I have been stuck on this for days...
Unless it somehow has cached the pass all this time which would kinda defeat the purpose I guess
You need it?
@PeeHaa Good, that makes life a bit simpler. You would not believe how needlessly complicated the FF update manifest signing mechanism is. Read this and tell me it makes sense.
@PeeHaa Hopefully not (certainly not atm) depends how far I get with auto builds over the weekend.
Actually the Chrome stuff is nice and simple and already working
@DaveRandom Holy crap
Are we launching a rocket now?
I like the love I get from @Charles
> ffs, effort
I don't get to be as snarky as I want to be when dealing with users asking stupid questions. Gotta make up for it somehow!
hehe. If you ever feel the need just open a random answer of mine and do your thing :)
@igorw is sockjs related to vert.x?
@PeeHaa Essentially, you have to take some XML, "serialise" it to XML that is no longer whitespace agnostic (so you can't use DOM or realistically other XML manipulation lib, will have to be string manipulation), sign it, then convert the whole lot to yet a third XML format which pulls the whole thing together.
There is a GUI tool provided for all this but that it not compatible with automation. There is also a Perl script but it doesn't seem to work :-( (plus, it's Perl)
Could be E_PEBKAC though
We should patent E_PEBKAC...
Lots of prior art on that one @webarto
@DaveRandom pushthatfreakingbutton? ;)
doubt it works in linux shell though ;)
The thing is, needlessly complex as it is, it pains me somewhat to use a 3rd party app for what is, at the end of the day, just XML manipulation and generating a signature.
It kind of doesn't really matter for 0.20, as long as we ship with a PK in the install manifest that works when you use the gui tool, the server side of the auto update only needs to work when we actually have an update to roll out.
How is the actual signature being generated? Sha hashing or am I reading it wrong?
@DaveRandom yeah
Yes. That's the even more ridiculous part. You don't sign the file data itself, you sign a hash of the file data.
I mean just how secure do they think this needs to be? It's not like military entities are developing FF extensions
And anyway, anyone who really cares about security will just use https
@cyril not really. only in the most remote sense that both are sponsored by vmware
I get money from vmware every time I mention vmware. did you know that? vmware.
@igorw because sockjs java server point to vert.x in the readme github.com/sockjs/sockjs-node
oh, maybe vertx has a sockjs implementation
but the projects are not directly related
sockjs is in erlang that's worth a try, but it will be painful to port some of my code in erlang
there's several implementations
node, erlang, python (tornado), java (vert.x)
and some more WIP ones as noted in the README
I started on a PHP one once, but didn't get so far :)
why? it's close to websockets no? slideshare.net/ngocdaothanh/sockjs-intro short good presentation
not sure what your question is?
@salathe someone wants to know the license for github.com/salathe/spl-examples/wiki/RecursiveDOMIterator
MIT/BSD ... i would guess (or maybe "copyleft")
I'd favor MIT, too. But just making sure. Anyway, I'm off to bed. Let me know.

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