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there should be a stop option on gifs
@cyril ESC
1 message moved to recycle bin
Oh crap. I need to move it to c++
or js
ESC or be a room owner...
I think OP wants to send something to a serial port. I can be wrong though
@madarauchiha why not just set textarea { display: block; width: 528px; margin: 10px; }?
@dyelawn I guess I could
I went with Facebook comments in the end :D
Thanks for the suggestion though!
if there is given width for form and input then calculated width shouldn't be a problem
no prob
that was a pretty extremely delayed suggestion
@MadaraUchiha Why does your avatar keep changing? Is it my machine doing odd things or are you just screwing with us?
@DaveRandom My avatar keeps changing?
uh-oh daverandom
I've released Uni in favor of a gigantic fox with 9 tails, that shoots nuclear bomb shells
So I changed my picture to reflect that
But it was quite a while ago
is there a good package for CSV parsing in Pecl / PEAR ?
@DaveRandom Clear your cache
@CAM arrays?
@CAM Take SplFileObject
@CAM Core has one, fgetcsv
Just logged into my new laptop...
@MadaraUchiha But... but... my beautiful cache files... I love them so much. I've given them names and everything.
@ircmaxell i hope you danced in a flash mob and slapped it into other people's keyboards first
@ircmaxell Lucky.
@ircmaxell I don't have one yet. Let me know how it is.
so far, awesome
light as hell, really sturdy, fast as hell...
oh cool.
It makes the macbook air seem large (considering this has a larger screen)
psh, you can't even turn that thing's screen backwards
@ircmaxell fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/… Friends, I was shocked (light, performances, charging time)... He got it from Berlin I think, and even that was hard, and expensive too.
Congrats! :)
yeah, wasn't particularly cheap, but cheaper than the other I was looking at
and a far better build (although with less ram)
I was gonna say, 8GB not that much in this day and age
this has 4gb
it's all they make the x1 in
Link says up to 8GB, I just assumed
it does?
yeah, that's new, I didn't see that yesterday
but either way...
It's $200 more... You don't buy that laptop to be a power machine, etc...
Desktop is cheaper :)
I'm getting a new desktop soon as well ;-)
I have Asus N76, and I love how people mistake it for MacBook, and then I look cool, for half of the price :P
hello happy ninja
i'm near right now ottawa and damn the weather is so cold.
@dyelawn hello
I got a problem but I feel like it's so freaking big I don't know what to begin with
hellow :)
Im looking for some help to set up cakePHP , anyone here can help?
@deceze loves CakePHP...
no, but i will help you eat substr('cakePHP', 0, 4);
@Happyninja deep breaths and count to ten
@dyelawn I've near no sleep since 3 days cause I'm on rush to close the project and I feel my head will be chop if I fail
@dyelawn very funny :S
you should stop hanging out with such angry ninjas
I didn't realize but too late
2 days ago, by hakre
The Cake is a lie!
I didnt quite get you
@dyelawn substr('cakePHP', 0, 4) == 'a lie'
@KodeSeeker You won't find much help with CakePHP here. I've played around with it but that was years ago.
@cspray well I just want to get a sample application up and running , but Ive been bogged down with 404 errors
holy hell, this mouse pointer is RESPONSIVE!!!
@ircmaxell Is it webscale???
@KodeSeeker If Cake's documentation can't get you through initial setup I'm sure I won't be able to either. Suggest you check out docs.
@webarto Yup!
@KodeSeeker sounds like more of a framebroke, if you know what i mena
@dyelawn a framebroke?
tough crowd
Right, I'm out, nite all
good night
@DaveRandom good night
who wants to help me :D
ooo ooo me
$f_contents = file("faratitles.html");
echo $f_contents;
still nothing
<?= file_get_contents('faratitles.html'); ?>
i know
does that file exist?
Turn on error reporting.
it was never off?
is faratitles.html in the same directory as the php script?
@webarto oh come on, that's like cheating
is there anything in faratitles.php?
<?= file_get_contents('faratitles.html'); ?>
is there anything in faratitles.html?
That is not the same as the code you've pasted. If not 5.4+, make sure you have shorttags on...
i changed the code
ok now it's <html>
$f_contents = file_get_contents("faratitles.html");
echo $f_contents;
@MECU yes there's three lines of code
@javawarrior can you show them here?
We put the pro in programming.<br>
Delivering you a BATCH of COOKIES.<br>
No, we have nothing to do with anime.
brogramming? for real?
$f_contents = file_get_contents( dirname(__FILE__) . "/faratitles.html");
what type of server?
it's still blank
i'm using aptana
so last idea - view page source
@igorw i'd hire brogramming
$f_contents = file_get_contents("faratitles.html");
echo $f_contents;
that's the source
everybody got that part
does a echo phpinfo(); works?
@dev-null-dweller I admire your remote debugging skills
@igorw I have problems with sleeping, so trying to do anything to get bored ;)
@javawarrior sorry, person of interest is on, i have to go learn how to hack computers
@dev-null-dweller Beer
hope you find an answer
@javawarrior When you load the PHP page, right click and view page source, what do you get?
my script
then it doesnt works
what's the filename of the script you're loading?
is this file saved with an extension of .php?
...radio silence
hey everybody; Could someone tell me if this is safe enough to use?
$input = $_GET['input'];
$input = "".%."$input".%."";
$categories = $_GET['category'];
$qq = " SELECT * FROM classified where confirm='0' AND title LIKE :input AND id_cat = :categories ";
$qq = $db->prepare($qq);

$input = "".%."$input".%.""; looks like parse error
looks good to me
keep in mind that i didnt read it though
er, pointing to localhost redirects me to a 403 error(permission denied) , any idea why this is happening?
@dyelawn you didn't read it but it looks good? you better be kidding
@igorw nah just drankin'
@Rocks probably safe, but less than ideal, the "".%. parts seem useless
@Rocks are you trying to add wildcards to the beginning and end of $_GET['input']? $input = "%$input%";
@MECU yeah just corrected that thanks
@igorw launched my first solo project today. configured a server with uAMP (that's what i'm calling my ubuntu/apache/mysql/php stack) all by myself.
@MECU do I have to sanitize anything else?
dont remember if it was you or peehaa that said to go with individual services instead of loading 10 billions routes, but did that too.
I could make a good usage of an act of god to delay my project
with a name like happy ninja that scares the hell out of me
@dyelawn I don't think that was me. your approach seemed ok given the mess that is the lib you are using.
@igorw seriously considered rewriting (read: copying and pasting) the library in symfony style, but didn't know if that was overkill and/or copyright breach
is there a better library that i missed in research phase?
i solved it!
that's the end result
look at the title
did you miss the ;
@dyelawn dunno, never worked with google APIs
'm havign problems
but the title changes everytime
Hi @ everyone
hi guys, I have a little problem here: This is a search or a filter. If I only want to filter database by category it throws an error saying Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined. How do I allow Parameters to be empty?
$input = $_GET['input'];
$categories = $_GET['category'];
$state = $_GET['state'];
$zipcode = $_GET['zipcode'];

$qq = " SELECT * FROM classified where confirm='0' ";
if (!empty($input)) {
$qq .= "AND title LIKE :input ";
if (!empty($categories) ){
$qq .= "AND id_cat = :categories ";

if (!empty($state) ) {
$qq .= "AND id_state = :state ";

if (!empty($zipcode) ) {
$qq .= "AND zipcode = :zipcode ";

$qq .= "ORDER BY date DESC ";
$qq = $db->prepare($qq);
$input = "%".$input."%";
// Bind the parameter
you can't
not if using get
Siftware prototyping is BA's work or programmer's work?
use post
@javawarrior were you talking to me?
bye @Rocks
@VicKyAmr bye
who else is here?
PDO sometimes just sucks
@webarto codeigniter has a session library
just noticed google stopped indexing pages for my site, I was up at 260k pages before website layout change and friendly url rewrites. Now I'm down to 7,064 and it won't go less or more, the site has been closed for testing for a while so traffic has been 0-20 for a month or so. Traffic = more indexing? Seems silly, to ask, but yeah.. they're not indexing any of the pages where users upload their photos. All profiles are indexed and most articles are.Before the url's used to use a lot of
get variables and stuff, but after rewrites, urls look like /photo/hello-world-1231 and they're not being indexed. O.o I see the google bot and image bot visiting the pages, and accessing photos directly, but the images and pages they visited aren't appearing in google's searches.
Nvm found some stuff as to what it could be.
@Rocks pdo rocks
@NullPointer that's funny
no its really rocks
..:-P :-P
yeah I know
just had a problem with bindParam() when a field is empty
@Rocks why not validate field ... also i never had any problem .. with empty field
Hi any one idea about pdf
Hi any one idea about fpdf
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array. any solution please
@Nileshpatel don't use string offset as an array
$var = "hello"; $var['test'] = "wrong";
you are using a string as an array
@andho i have three array first is string second and third is numeric and i get error at second array
@Nileshpatel please structure your sentences
@Nileshpatel i don't understand what you are saying
you can't imagine how is badly made the paypal's provided code for php's integration... 2013, all variables in the global scope, no care at all even for code indentation.. just a total random
hello everyone
can any one help me with performance hit of ILIKE over LIKE UPPER() with wildcards around search string
@andho i have three array. first one is in string second one and third one is numeric
@Nileshpatel good for you
now i set get value loop which get first data from 1array first data from 2array and so on
i get error when first data from 2array
@ScoRpion... just clone the table field and make its contents already uppercase
@ScoRpion... why you need to upper? maybe you can use a different collation
post some code @Nileshpatel that would be easier to understand. but please do format your code when you post it.
@wes will I am using this at several places with searching user email ids etc
just found what was the problem that was preventing me from sleeping for the third night now,
and i feel stupid because the fix is stupid
i'm so happy
Any idea how to do this: pastebin.com/8J6MuSN6 ?
I mean, faster than like I did
what is it suppose to do?
sort the array
screw it, i'll do it like this
but it just feels wrong
@UchihaObito better a huge readable code than a compact one but less readable
@wes hmm, ok
there is no actual performance improvement in compacting this code, then it is ok
morning ..
@UchihaObito looks so manual
@UchihaObito logic is not correct
I've been looking at the documentation scratching my head wondering how to submit an XML feed which would do something as simple as changing the price of an inventory item
Do any body have any example code other than amazon provided library.
@timpost i have written reference answerfor that error so if another question have same error we can close as dup of this and it will be more helpful .. if you think its appropriate than could you close anther one as duplicate of this .. ?
@ShaquinTrifonoff hola ... Two years late for this question, but it might be useful for someone else
Hi @NullPointer
:-P :-p :-P :-p :-P :-p :-P
@ShaquinTrifonoff how are you ?
I'm OK
How are you?
fine(not bad ) ...its cold here ... temp is now -1 deg .....
@webarto yo..jo.. hola
@NullPointer Yo yo
@NullPointer ºC I presume?
@ShaquinTrifonoff yupp.. -1ºC and its sucks ..
The stupid is strong with tonight.
@DaveRandom mornign
Screw timezones!
> Please Reply step wise pro-sizer.
@Charles UGT
@DaveRandom Ooh, I like that one.
@NullPointer You mean basically reverse the closing? Yeah, I guess .. the other question had a little more 'meat' to it which is why I went with it.
Hey, can someone tell me how can I do action based on a value user selected in dropdown menu? I want to do some action if they select an item with prefix Blue, and some other action if they select anything else. My code so far:

if ( strpos( $dropBox2,'Blue' ) ) {
//mysql query to insert something here
}else {
//mysql query to insert something else here
@NullPointer I'll make some minor edits to your answer and see about it a little later. I'm a tad bit swamped at the moment. It's a good answer, I just have some nits (C is my primary language)
@ScoRpion... If you set the col to a *_ci charset then wont LIKE just work like that anyway? Or is LIKE always case sensitive?
Oh yes, and, important point to make here:
@ShaquinTrifonoff hey you there?
@andho yeah?
you mentioned vps.me earlier, did you try it?
@andho I signed up, but it has an error when it tries to send the text confirmation.
I submitted a support ticket, but no response yet...
@ShaquinTrifonoff yeah me 2, the packages look really good though
alright thanx
How can i get the Users List who liked my Facebook Page. Can anyone help me in this ?
@TimPost yo ...thankyou ..
or is that not possible please to get the uses list who liked any perticuler Facebook page ?
@NareshSharma can't you check in the facebook api?
@andho checked but didn't found anything interesting
@DaveRandom now dont say you dont like this ...:-P
Quick, everyone, the Italians are here - look busy like you have a competent leader!
gravatar sucks again....
lol @DaveRandom
@Charles This guy has installed you, apparently. You'd better make his code work for him.
@NullPointer Nice hat-fu with your new avatar
@DaveRandom thankyou .. its(new avatar) funny
@DaveRandom thinks that house would be better with a bowler hat
@wes i dont have bowler hat
Good morning all :)
@Jimbo morng
@Jimbo Morning, having fun with NoSQL?
@PeeHaa morning
@DaveRandom Yes and no!
someone knows some good paypal library/class, possibly standalone... pure php, with no frameworks dependencies?
Took me an hour to install Linux and configure it with Apache etc. Then an hour to install MongoDB because official servers took 50 minutes to deliver a 51MB file to me
After that though, it seemed so simple to save and retrieve data!
Can't wait to get it working with PHP
@Jimbo like hot and cold... :-p
katy :drooling:
Hey, could someone please help me with some PHP?
@NullPointer it is FAR TOO EARLY for me to view such things like that :P
@user1914940 just ask!
@Jimbo lol
Hey, can someone tell me how can I do action based on a value user selected in dropdown menu? I want to do some action if they select an item with prefix Blue, and some other action if they select anything else. My code so far:

if ( strpos( $dropBox2,'Blue' ) ) {
//mysql query to insert something here
}else {
//mysql query to insert something else here
@user1914940 I would use jQuery to grab the currently selected dropdown value, use AJAX to send this value to your PHP file, process it, then do whatever you want
if(substr($dropBox2,0,4) === "Blue")
Anybody can find any trace of some overload extension:bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=28086 ?
So after doing your AJAX you'd do if(substr($dropBox2,0,4) === "Blue") { // Do something, wes's code }
@wes Ok, well I was thinking of adding Blue% because some items are BlueRB and therefor 0,4 wouldnt do it
hi all
@PeeHaa give up, will never happen in php, every extension that used to work now is dead.. sadly
I have an issue with shtml. I downloaded all the files from control panel and set it to localhost.

The problem is that i can't get the pages in my site .When i click to reserve button it shows an unusual url like : http://hotstname/germain/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/reservations.htm and i don't understand where this shtml.exe comes and "reservations.htm" file is not in "_vti_bin" folder.
But it works in the live site.

Can anybody help me.
@wes I know. But I want to find the dead ones
@user1914940 i don't understood what are you saying... what do you mean with Blue% ?
@PeeHaa php_src_PHP_4_3_debug - probably been burninated by now.
@PeeHaa classkit, runkit on pecl
ty :)
@wes Well I want to make it so that if user select something with Blue% (% because some items are BlueRB and I want to count those in)
if(substr($dropBox2,0,4) === "Blue" && substr($dropBox2,0,6) !== "BlueRB")
@wes is there any way to make it a little more auto, as we might add enw products with prefix Blue?
tnx @wes
@user1914940 you should change your design, working with substrings is ugly
@user1914940 Right, but they still start with Blue, you just do a string comparison of the first 4 chars and it will work?
<select name="Blue[rb]">
you will have $_POST['Blue']['rb']
hai all
I have an issue with shtml. I downloaded all the files and set it to localhost.

The problem is that i can't get the pages in my site .When i submit a form i found _vti_bin/shtml.exe/ and i don't understand where this shtml.exe comes and reservations.htm file is not in _vti_bin folder.

But it works fine in the live site.

Can anybody help me.
@DaveRandom Yes, but if ( strpos( $dropBox2,'Blue' ) ) Doesnt work for me
because you have to use
@user1914940 That's because the sting is the 0th argument, and it evaluates to false
strpos(....) !== FALSE
A: Way to change results of object's methods

PeeHaaYou cannot simply overload stuff in PHP. So what you want cannot be done. But the fact that you are in trouble now is a big tell your design is flawed. Or if it is not your code design the code you have to work with (I feel your pain). If you cannot do what you want to do it is because you have ...

You'd have to do ^^that
didn't get the joke? picture ^^
if ( strpos( $dropBox2,'Blue' ) !== FALSE ) Doesnt works either
well lol, was an example
if ( !( strpos(......) !== FALSE ) )

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