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Is there a way to search the chat transcripts?
For example, say I want all messages I posted over the past few days
Ah, nvm found it
i think that box that says search in the top-right corner of your window might help[
@dyelawn it's that simple indeed
Though I should say the query I named isn't possible
(if you only fill out the user field and not the search term field, you get no results
On top of that, for the user field you have to beware of the fact usernames aren't unique (and you are searching by user, not username)
stackoverflow.com/a/13963274/889949 ? @rdlowrey you can skip this one, you'll hate me for it
@NikiC night
Q: Is my developer's home-brew password security right or wrong, and why?

nallenscottMy developer, let's call him Dave, insists on using a home-brew script for hashing passwords. See Dave's proposal below. I have already researched and created a fairly standard protocol built around Bcrypt. My protocol is not new, but is based on tried and tested implementations that support m...

Sugar, spice and everything nice...
@DaveRandom are you still here? One more Q about issue disscussed earlier.
Found how this is occuring in my app. Is there a way, after I send headers and content clean info about that again?
As an example.
I send headers and output content. Okey. But exception occurs I handle that and since this is same running instance I send same things again. Now when in same instance I send headers again occurs this fatal error
@hakre :D
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Headers already sent in file: ....
@Eugene And your question is?
@DaveRandom before sending headers and content in same instance I do while(ob_get_level() ){ob_end_clean();}
@hakre question, is there a way in second run to clean info about that headers and content where sent in first run to prevent fatal error in second run on same instance?
Maybe some magic tricks with ob_*? :)
@Eugene so you cached the output with the ob, but you sent the headers? So just call sendContent() again without calling sendHeaders()? Or did I miss the point?
@Eugene I did not follow the earlier chat so I might miss some context here.
You see headers in first run may contain info, that is specific to page redirect(like status code, etc.), so when I go in second run, I want to clear info about sent headers and content and replace them with more important heades, that are needed to output content in second run.
I might haven't thought, that through, but currently I'm interested in is that doable or not.
@eugene so use variables instead of headers
then, when you know fo sho it's time to send headers, send the headers using the stored variables
Well, the way I look at it, you need to make absolutely certain you don't send the headers until you know you can commit to sending the associated content. So just make sure that you throw the exception that's causing you trouble before you call sendHeaders()
So in other words if they are sent, then they are sent. Nothing to do about it. Right?
@eugene $redirectStatusCode = 0; while($firstRunFunctions) { if($stipulation) $redirectStatusCode = 200; } while($secondRunFunctions) { if($otherStipulation) $redirectStatusCode = 301 }
@Eugene Absolutely. That's a HTTP protocol limitation.
ok, everything has run its course header('Location: ' . $redirectLocation); header('Status: ' . $redirectStatusCode); contentPrintingFunction();
@eugene i did not follow the conversation earlier so i may be missing something, but i don't get why you would send headers with the intention of catching an exception instead of running through whatever you need to do to decide what the header values should be, then sending the headers
/me is going to bed
nighty night
@Eugene When headers are already sent, you can't change them any longer. Also even if not sent, I think you can not change the list of headers ( php.net/headers_list ) anyway. - oh wrong me: header_remove()
@hakre how could my proposed solution to eugene's problem be improved upon?
@dyelawn I can not tell you maybe Eugene can. I'm getting tired and will go to bed now.
Good night!
@eugene i think i can help with a solution. what is keeping you from using a variable approach instead of a hard-coded header declaration?
stackoverflow.com/questions/13963674/… any answers/comments much appreciated. there will be a bounty for, like, all of my points
Man, are all [cakephp] people so touchy or what? stackoverflow.com/questions/13957851/…
what's cakephp
haha, right you are
i don't know whether you were being sarcastic, but that made me smile
@dyelawn Look it up
@shaquintrifonoff jk. one day i will learn that sarcasm + keyboard = does not compute
If you are being sarcastic, you can always put </sarcasm> at the end of your message :)
(New tag in HTML5)
Or gain enough sarcasm rep so that everything you say is implied sarcastic
Inversion of Control – The Hollywood Principle I haven't finished reading but I'm glad I'm not the only one saying DIC !== IoC.
Hmm, so DI <= IoC ? ... whereby <= means is a subset of :)
@LeviMorrison I thought that was well known
@andho Apparently not well known enough, because many answers on SO interchange the terms liberally.
Particularly in PHP circles I see this mistake.
me included in fact, so this is a good read :)
I'm not terribly surprised about this; a lot of people writing PHP make mistakes about a lot of things.
@Jack Don't have time to finish it right now; I just read enough to get a bit interested.
So I can't vouch for that particular article.
Hrm... I need to come up with a brand for the Programming With Anthony series...
@LeviMorrison I never felt like "The Hollywood Principle" name made sense
Because I have some plans ;-)
@ircmaxell lol: Cousin Tony: Mafia-themed programming with everyone's favorite Jersey-based code guru
Well, not a programming related brand ;-)
hehe kidding :)
@LeviMorrison Btw, I don't think the language itself is correlated to the fact that terminology gets mixed up; it probably has more to do with PHP being (one of) their first programming languages and therefore their inexperience in OOP stuff :) just my opionion though.
I'd suggest:
1. Determining exactly who the target demographic is
@Jack yeah, and people who might have started off with a more complex language and gave up on it because PHP is so much easier
@rdlowrey I know who my target demographic is ;-)
2. Determining exactly what niche in that demographic you want to exploit
except hobos and bums -- they don't have any $$$
Then it's easy .. Tony's pleasure palace of code =D
ooh, the php pleasure palace, talk dirty to me @Jack
Including anyone with internet access
@Jack "Forget about it!!" ~ Donnie Brasco
What can PHP do for you today ;-)
would you say that IoC is a general term that includes service location and DI? I tend to avoid the term IoC because everybody seems to want to pick a fight over what it means.
No, I would not include service location at all in the IoC family.
There's not even an IoC "family"
IMHO, IoC just means, "control dependencies from the top down."
Code should shouldn't create its dependencies, code should be given its dependencies directly.
how can the code create something its given?
@dyelawn sorry, typo :)
@rdlowrey phew, i was confused.
The article makes me think of something though; when it comes to logging, should the logger itself be passed into each module that may need it or is that a fine case of writing something like LoggerManager::getRootLogger()->debug(whatever)?
^^ is log4php example btw.
Application code doesn't depend on a service locator. It might depend on objects that the service locator creates, though. In which case Service Locator necessarily means IoC has not been properly implemented.
@rdlowrey so IoC is a meta term that describes the concept of what DI is the practical application?
@igorw I would agree with that.
@igorw the aforementioned article states that DI is just one of the many ways to achieve IoC
DI seems to be the generally accepted "most popular" implementation of IoC principles at the moment.
@rdlowrey i would not. dependency injection is symptomatic of IoC
@dyelawn "Symptomatic" implies a negative connotation to me -- are you not a fan?
martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html#InversionOfControl does briefly mention service locators, but it's not very specific as to whether that should be part of "Inversion of Control"
@igorw That's one sticking point for me. I vehemently disagree with him and fully believe Service Locator is an anti-pattern.
SL tightly couples your application classes to an object on which they have no real dependency.
Whenever I hear Fowler, I think "walls of intimidating text"
@rdlowrey i meant to use it more denotatively than connotatively. DI is commonplace in an IoC pattern, but not required by IoC
@dyelawn ah I see
Disclaimer: all my opinions are subject to change. Potentially wildly.
@rdlowrey i like the approach of configuration of services, where you have a thing that's supposed to do something, and by reconfiguring, you can have a completely different thing that does that same something
I'm not anti-service, I'm pro injecting that service directly into the relevant classes.
If you build a house, you don't transport the entire hardware store onto the lot and get a hammer or screwdriver as necessary. You say, "I need a hammer to build this house," and the constructor provides it. Service Locator transports the entire hardware store to every object it's injected into.
if you build a house, you always bring a screwdriver
that's the service.
We're agreeing with each other :)
you may not always bring a circular saw. that's the injected dependency.
o.0 ... why does that sound like exactly the opposite to me?
i'm gonna agree that we're agreeing so as not to appear contrarian. but i don't know that we are.
i think there's a balance between service containers and injected dependencies
Well, I'm saying that injecting a DiC (HardwareStore) into a House class that needs a Door and a Window object is a mistake.
Your House instantly has knowledge of everything the HardwareStore can provide.
That's not good.
The House shouldn't be able to get a Zebra object.
you inject a cherrypicker when you need to cut down an overgrown pine tree hanging over your home site. you keep the screwdriver on hand, regardless of task, because you're pretty d*mn sure you'll need it
a house should not have behaviour.
My original metaphor was poor (Hammers and Screwdrivers). Door and Window are a better fit, hence the change.
So you create a StuffForJustHouse proxy for HardwareStore and pass that to the House class?
@rdlowrey sorry, i have a tendency to get stuck on minutiae; leaves/forest and all that
@igorw good point
I disagree that you should ask for a screwdriver "just in case"
If you're not sure exactly what you're going to need, you use a factory to separate the logic of instantiation from the application code.
@rdlowrey but correct me if i'm wrong (which is highly likely), but service containers in architecture like Symfony are things like screwdrivers; they're kept in the toolbelt, but not taken in hand unless called upon. they do not occupy any memory unless you ->get() them
@dyelawn It's not about memory, it's about tightly coupling a House to the HardwareStore needlessly. Will your code still work? Sure. Is it suboptimal design? Definitely.
@rdlowrey why? let's stop with the metaphors. i need a mailer in, like, everything i do. why inject that mailer instead of storing it in a properly abstracted service container that can be reconfigured by changing five lines of YAML?
whoa, that sounded way more confrontational than i intended, sorry
@dyelawn Because it makes 100% test coverage next to impossible.
posted on December 20, 2012 by PHP Advent

The Three Ugly Sisters are three classes of attacks which I’ve tried to highlight in 2012. You might also know them as Cross-Site Scripting, XML Injection, and Insufficient Server-Side Transport Layer Security (or Peerjacking). These three attacks are particularly ugly for PHP programmers, because each, in its own way, has a common advantage for attackers — PHP does not defend against them auto

the programming cat is here. i like that cat.
@rdlowrey how so? i'm going to mail in my test, for sure.
My main design signpost is, "How easily can I test this," and if the answer is "not very," I know I haven't hit on the optimal design.
when i alter configuration, my unit test is still going to call the mailer at some point
@dyelawn You're going to send out a legitimate email?
now i've gotten too specific in trying to realize the metaphor. but yes, i probably will, if the mailer is something that i've decided is worthy of a service container
@dyelawn See, that's the problem. One of the first tenets of unit testing (or any experiment, for that matter) is that you can only have one variable. Say you're testing code that writes to a file. That test could fail erroneously because of a filesystem error.
Likewise, sending an actual email in the test introduces the network interface as a second variable to what your code is actually testing.
Effective unit testing means you eliminate those outside influences.
@rdlowrey see, i did not know that, because i did not ever study the tenets of unit testing. so you're most likely right. and i don't have a counter.
This is very easy to do if you're injecting the mailer dependency into the object because you can mock it to make it do whatever you want.
You can still make it work by mocking the service locator so it returns the mock mailer object, but things start getting hairy quickly.
Don't worry -- testing (in my experience anyway) is an acquired taste.
You kind of have to feel your way out as you go and gradually get better at it.
my focus, because of my training and education (and this probably makes little to no sense to you) is rhetoric, semantical structure, and linguistics. i want to write it the way i would say it
no -- i want to have 100% line coverage in my code testing.
@levimorrison see that, i listened to what you said a couple weeks ago.
I kind of got to my current way of thinking regarding strict IoC-adherence because if you go into every line of code with the knowledge that you must get test coverage on it, you'll start instinctively making all your code as easy to test as possible.
but my understanding of 100% line coverage was not modular enough. i considered it more productive to achieving my goal of 100% coverage to test the mailer in coordination with the other modules.
@dyelawn That's a useful thing to do, but that should be a part of what's called "Integration Testing"
Generally, if you have thoroughly unit tested your code, you can throw in a couple of integration tests that exercise the system in a real-life, meaningful way
strict IoC adherence is where we disagree, though. and IoC is one where i don't want to just say "yeah, you're probably right because you have better training" because a) i've devoted way too much time to it and b) it's more philosophical than scientific,
I can understand that -- at a certain point you have to actually get things done.
It's not feasible to spend countless hours tweaking until you get the perfect design.
actually, my IoC philosophy is very contra-getting-things-done
So what's your reasoning for not agreeing with the "IoC all the time" mentality, then? The only reason I can think of for myself would be, "OMG I've spent so much time perfecting this I just have to push it out the door"
oh, i am firmly in the IoC all the time mindset; i just think we fundamentally disagree on the terminology
i never push anything out the door*, except for SO chat comments
and your understanding of IoC is undoubtedly more in line with the accepted definition of the term.
chat has conditioned me to the point that I get annoyed when I can't quickly edit a typo in an email I've just sent :)
I get annoyed any time I can't edit things after the fact for two minutes now.
my ideal IoC is i have a thing, and omnimedia, omnichannel adaptation forms around it. there are no concrete dependencies, only abstract ideas of dependencies which all "tools" conform to.
So like a super-duper abstract class that things inherit from?
if i had the choice, i would never inject a concrete dependency
Ugh. Nevermind. Save that discussion for another time. I need to stop and actually do some work :)
only abstract classes or interfaces
and the services would be their implementations
Well, if you have a chance, just google "Composition over inheritance" and peruse some of the resources on that subject. I prefer that style of OO design, myself.
Long rambling inheritance trees can be a brittle, unmaintainable nightmare ... especially in languages with single inheritance
fair enough, i should probably try to produce actual things, too. thanks for indulging the underinformed :).
Nah, not underinformed -- curious -- like we all should be :)
Anyway, have a nice evening (or whatever it is in your current locale). Time to do some work for me.
Thanks guys, interesting conversation :)
Sometimes I get excited and want to yell OMG YOU'RE WRONG YOU SHOULD BE DOING IT THIS WAY AND NOT THAT WAY.
But I try not to do that if I can help it.
you're lucky that it's only sometimes for you
have a good evening, look forward to talking with you guys soon
@dyelawn you would put the mail in the mail box
@andho yes i would, and that's why programming simultaneously fascinates and infuriates me.
@rdlowrey they're just as unmaintainable in languages with multiple inheritance
and the best way to translate it is to emit an event
@andho wait, are you telling me that traits aren't going to solve all of our problems?
no you got me! Traits are the best way to do mailing and logging.
@andho logging should not be a problem. since i went to a singular log file with full stack traces, i spend way less time debugging and issuing fixes on production code
what if you wanted to log to a centralized server with syslog
what's syslog
that was a (bad) joke
oh okay good :P
He's working on getting his permanent sarcasm rep
@Jack gotcha
i've never had the privilege to work on a project where a centralized server might be used for logging
@dyelawn then make your own privilege :)
all my projects have a server
Syslog is quite nice actually .. especially with multiple servers spitting out log messages.
anyone ever used graylog2? it's pretty neat
uses elasticsearch
logstash is also pretty cool
@Lusitanian yup party gorilla
I'll be using Amazon's push-to-s3 logs soon :) which is not the real name for it.
but we always had trouble setting up graylog2, haven't tried logstash, and elasticsearch is overkill for logging isn't it?
@andho logstash is really easy to set up --- but graylog2 was too the one time i played with it -- were you trying to set it up on windows or something? :p
logstash i actually use for a small project just because i hate plain text files for logs
@Lusitanian yeah, I had trouble because I didn't understand syslog at the time. Wrote a blog post about setting it up, the most hits I get still for an article, and to think the blogs mainly about programming.
@Lusitanian and then after a couple of days, a ruby error just started showing up. Gave the job to a tech guy, he could never get it working....sigh
Lo' and behold, some secret hats :)
i want the trollface
Me too!
Let's think, what could they possibly want us to do to achieve that
Maybe X number of 5+ comment votes?
for real though, can i get a little help here? stackoverflow.com/questions/13963674/…
or am i going to have to give away however many points they'll allow me to when i can post a bounty
@dyelawn I think your questions might be too broad and philosophical for SO, maybe you should try on Programmers.SE
it seems specific enough to me
@dyelawn you can make a form around any php class
@andho nah, it's very specific
and if you want to map validation constraints to it, use a yml config file so you don't need to touch their code to add annotations
@dyelawn Symfony forms and validation do not care what kind of object you are mapping to. they don't have to be entities, they can be any kind of object.
^^ that
and I'd suggest the same as @Lusitanian, use yml mapping to configure validation constraints.
just create src/Acme/YourBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml and define your validation constraints. the form framework should detect the type of the object and validate it.
@Jack those most likely aren't secret hats.
@irrelephant You're probably right, the secret hats are separate images ;-)
^^ like that one
Is it a bad thing if I don't believe in unit tests?
@Jasper quite possibly
why don't you believe in them
@Lusitanian Well, I suppose it's "feature testing" that I do believe in
The thing is, I care about whether a piece of code does the task it sets out to do correctly
But I don't care how it does that
Not even if multiple classes are involved
in which case there would be more public functions and thus more unit tests to do
Am I making any sense?
Unit tests should test interfaces and not implementations
so no, you shouldn't care how the code accomplishes what it does
only that it accomplishes what you want it to

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