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Are you using something like PHPUnit?
@Paul right now I am just thinking about how to do things, but yes, I do intend to use PHPUnit or something like it in the future
so basically you're suggesting to create an object from a file and one manually and then do a deep comparison of the two?
@Charles - So I've narrowed it down to my loop.
@Jasper Yes, but not with magic. I think I would keep every part of testing on the public interface to the classes.
So, the deep comparison I would use would be based on the usable data from the class you create out of the factory.
I may be wrong though, it does seem that your unit test then relies on not only the factory, but the class that you are creating. Others may have a different view on this.
hello everyone..
i would like to ask for some help..
The public interface of the created data is the visitor-based traversing other classes can do over the created a structure
because no one answered my post:|
hello? anyone? please
@Vainglory07 > Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
thank you
(See the room title)
no problems
i have an html code like this:
<table width="100%" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
and i want to select this table by specifying not only the width but also with cellpadding and cellspacing..
i am using xpath and my code goes like this
$query = $xpath->query('//table[@width|@cellpadding|@cellspacing]');
but it still displays the whole html document..
@Paul So for that "module" I would be back to module-based testing instead of class based testing - I suppose that's not a big problem, it's just not the way I was thinking of unit testing, I suppose
what i want is to select the elements inside that table since thats the only table which has that kind of attributes..
@Jasper Yes, I can see now why you are thinking more along the lines of a module.
why does
		  echo $k;
show a division by zero error
A: Unit testing Visitor pattern architecture

Keith Nicholasmake a test visitor object and make it visit things.... test that it visited the right things.

@Vainglory07 stackoverflow.com/a/890701/1172900 <-- seemed related... I haven't used XPath though
@Paul: Thanks, that's a very good frame of reference
@Jasper can u say me why is it showing the division by zero error?
@ShyamK thank you for your help..its quite different
@Blackbee, interesting issue
looks like a php bug, if you ask me
i normalized the DB, but I'm having a backreferencing problem with my rewriterule
probably has something to do with % forcing the second argument to be an int, and the number you are giving overflowing the int type you're using
i got the answer.... i used bcmod instead f %
thank you
hi anyone can give me the solution for this
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You have a fresh start thanks to Gordon.
    but now i have 1 more issue....

    echo $m.'<br/>';
    	  //echo 'rand'.$X[0].'<br/>';
    	  echo 'the '.$j;
    	  echo 'th number is-> '.$X[$j].'<br/>';
    	  echo $k.'->'.$m;
    	   $X[$i]=bcmod("$k", "$m");
    	   echo '->$X['.$i.']<br/>';
              echo $i.'->'.$X[$i].'<br/>';
ok sorry for that. any one can give me the solution for this problem
@Raj it's an automatic message that pops up when there is too many comments to a post. You can opt to chat with that user then or you simply ignore it.
@Raj Don't you think that we already know that you are looking for a solution. Repeatedly asking is spamming the room.
oh sorry
@blackbee please use ..... codepad.org is more better to use ... just past code ...and show link instead of code here ..
@Paul: As for my second module, I suppose a good strategy would be to have the entire module write a php class and then have tests on different parts of the generated class
ok..i know it but its not a very big code...
@blackbee I'd be able to read it if it weren't for the one letter variables.
ok i will rectify it
@blackbee, it looks like you're expecting int-accuracy from numbers that will be stored in a float by php
in other words, when you go high enough, php will store number imprecisely in order to be able to handle a very large range
i was generating a random number... i tried using (float)$X[$i] but its showing 0
linear congruent generator as they say it
@Paul well i am sorry, but the formula is X(i+1)=(aX(i)+c) mod m. where m is 2^32 and i=0 to m-1 where X(0) is the seed.... i can't actual figure out how not to write single letters for variables
@blackbee Ok, fair enough. Personally I would at least put a comment above the block of code in that circumstance.
@blackbee, basically php just can't handle such large numbers (with the prescision you need) using normal facilities
you'll need to use some other sort of way to store the numbers
for example?
one way is to use strings that are sequences of digits all the way, but that way the addition gets quite tricky
bcmath is good for that. You are already using bcmod from it. It also has bcadd bcsub I think.
ah yes, I missed that - I only saw bcdiv in the see also functions, so I thought those were the only two
I should have looked to the left and seen the functions in the package
yesssss....... i used bcadd and bcmul and i got result.. which is not zero... in 2nd and 5th place.. thanks guyss
A little further on the unit-testing issue, and about the second module this time
The second module uses the output from the first module as its input
when unit-testing, is it better to run the first module and create input I can work on or is it better to make an object from scratch through creation with literals as input
it would seem the second option is the way to go
but... if I then expand the data structure to have more options, it means more work
namely there is the extra step of making the object literal use the extra options
@Touki morning .......
@NullPointer Why so many dots?
What are you trying to match ?
which wouldn't be necessary if I was working off of a generated structure
@Touki morning
@Charles that op posting too long comment ....in meta
Q: php security, is this enough before going live?

user1906956I am launching a huge site, my father works at a company which he will advertise the site (500,000 followers) and he will be putting up posters in the university of ulster. So i expect a lot of users. Which means i need to confirm that the list below is good enough in terms of security, i CAN'T ...

lol we need that kind of .. advertisement
@PeeHaa morning ...
@NullPointer My password encryption is sha1 ... WAT?!
@Jack my father works at a company which he will advertise the site (500,000 followers) ...lol
That's a respectable amount of followers
i wish my father works in same company ..:P
@NullPointer Aaaaaand it's gone :)
afaik ...fb wasn't have that much traffic
I would have suggested he'd use Oracle and SAP .. hmm oh well
That makes me wonder, are there languages that are better at preventing silly programming mistakes?
he is using mysql .... lol even not prepared statement ... looks like just water bubble
mysql and prepared statements are not mutually exclusive.
plus, it wasn't entirely clear whether he meant MySQL or mysql (as in mysql_ function family)
hello ladis and gentelman
@user1879104 hiya ....
@Jasper Yes, I agree with using the second way. It keeps the unit tests separate, so they can spot mistakes separately. You don't want the situation where a change in one unit breaks completely unrelated units.
@Paul to the starred imgur pic: it also induces face palm on the receiver.
@Paul: However, is that a problem? I mean, as long as you keep in mind that failing a test in the dependee module means all tests on the dependent module are now invalid, you know where to look first
And if you do use the first method, and you change the dependee module in a way that the dependent module should also change, you will automatically be made aware of this, whereas in the second method you will have to modify your unit test by hand, which is something you can forget
Or am I thinking about unit tests in the wrong way now?
Yeah, I think that is the wrong way to think of it, because they are becoming integration tests rather than unit tests.
A unit test should be able to isolate units so that you can develop components that you trust the behaviour of.
Hello everyone, I am trying to post some data in a "value" field inside a "input" element in html using PHP. I am a but confused about concatenating though. I tried this first value="$_POST['name']" that didnt seem to work so I did it like this value="' .$_POST['name']. '" but then I read that I dont have to concatenate in double quotes only in single quotes. Can somebody set me straight?
It makes sense, I guess. I suppose it's just not really the way I am used to working
I guess you want to do what will give you the best quality application. The visitor pattern doesn't seem the friendliest to unit test.
I suppose the most important thing is full coverage in some sort of test
Forums are fun. I set the URL of my avatar image as the forum logout link.
The reason I decided I needed testing was that while I was doing some searching through the entire project while doing some minor refactoring I noticed a mistake in my code that was really bad, but because it was in a code path that was needed to get to, I had skipped it when manually testing
Basically, I built the other modules with barely any testing at all, other than a little printing here and there and only started really testing once I had the fourth module done and could get to real world examples
Interestingly enough, despite the modules being complicated enough on their own, I was still able to get things working without too much trouble still
Is there a reason there are seperate unit testing and integration testing frameworks? To me it would seem that both mainly just need a set of test you can easily automate, or am I mistaken in that?
@Leigh you, sir, are evil
Unfortunately the password change script only accepts POSTs :/
@Leigh Link to your own site and do a post request from there
@MarioS "bla $var bla" works, but in order to do it with array access, you'll have to do "bla {$array['index']} bla"
Maybe they saw it in manual, so you're lucky :)
@PeeHaa Haven't found a XSS hole yet to get the session id.
I see, but do I have to concat in the value attribute inside an HTML element?
or leave them with the double quotes and access the array like you said
@Jasper Actually "bla $array[index] bla" not only works but also won't trigger an error like you might expect. However I hate this fact and I still never do it.
...Morning all
Morning @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom but it does trigger a warning, right?
morning Dave
@Jasper No. But it should IMHO.
so this should work then right: <input value="$_POST['name']"></input>
instead of <input value=" ' .$_POST['name']. ' "></input>
@MarioS I think your problems is more fundamental than I thought at first
@MarioS >.<
@MarioS You'd have to remove the quotes around the array key - but you absolutely should not do that anyway. You must sanitise the data before displaying it on the page with htmlspecialchars().
Yea, I am quite confused about it haha
it's already sanitized
Are you using <?php and ?> anywhere?
@MarioS If it's already sanitised, why is it still in $_POST?
@MarioS In that case, there is something you aren't showing us
to preserve the user input on page reload. Maybe I should explain my app.
and we can't really help you
until you show us the entire line of php
@MarioS The right syntax is '<input name="x" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']) . '" />'
@MarioS No, that makes no sense. How have you sanitised it?
So I am trying to create a form page that inserts data into a database after a few conditions have been met.
entire line: from one semi-colon to another one (the first of which is exclusive, the second inclusive)
@MarioS No, don't try ... create or don't create.
@DaveRandom I've seen so much code where people put stuff back in $_POST... because global is evil ;x
if submit is clicked, if the email has been posted correctly and make sure name and surname aren't null. else show the form with the data the user put it previously. Else show the form without any values and show
so thats an if statement inside an if statement
@MarioS are you looping through your $_POST variables, and reassigning sanitized values into it?
give me a second I'll show what I've done so far
I've got a $price variable, and a function called discount_check that does what it says on the tin. Would you a) pass the $price to discount_check() and return it if there is no discount, or b) pass $price as reference and update it if necessary from within discount_check, or c) check the return value of discount_check (false being no discount) and then update $price accordingly?
@Leigh :D
@Jon I'd say any of those is fine, and some might have an edge over another in some circumstances, but they're not all that different in most cases
@Jon I would always return the value. Pass by reference usually leads to confusing code. The only legimate use case I see for it is when the function needs to return a value, but you also want some meta data about what happened - like the $errNo, $errStr args to fsockopen() et al.
@Jon If you want to pass by reference your function should be called applyDiscount(&$price) - I would go with getDiscountPrice($price) and maybe let it return null if discount is not applicable.
@Jon One change I'd make to c, though is to make it return the discounted amount always, and simply return 0 if there is no discount
it makes for less calling code (no corner cases) and at the same time your code becomes "strongly typed" even if the language is not
hmm anyone the format to paste code in chat?
@Jon You have it return 0 if it's not applicable and the amount of discount (not total after discount) if it is - so you can do $total = $price - getDiscount($price);
@MarioS Please just ask a question on the site.
it's not necassary
@Jasper @DaveRandom @Jack thanks - I'm leaning towards passing the original price to the function and returning it if there is no discount, so as to reduce the amount of duplicate code required to check for a discount
@marios paste it on pastebin and link to it here
@MarioS Best thing if it's more than just a couple of lines is to put it on pastebin and post a link.
@Jon But don't call it discount_check() ... that's a name you won't remember a few months down.
@DaveRandom the discount is the new price, not how much to reduce the price by... but otherwise that'd be a good solution
@Jack good point, get_discounted_price() might be a little more helpful
pastebin.com/QUUeAPSy here is the example
@Jon Is there a reason you can't swap it around? Also, are you really able to calculate a discount based on just the current price? Sounds like you function might be relying on some kind of global state :-X
@Jon then why would it return 0
@MarioS you are using echo '[..]', that's single quotes not double quotes. It doesn't matter what quotes you use inside the string, it matters what quotes you use to define the string
@Jack think SRP
@andho hmm what do you mean?
yes but the data will be posted inside double quotes
@DaveRandom no it also gets passed the product ID and a not-always existent $_SESSION variable so I'm trying to move all the logic into the function to prevent me having to check for the $_SESSION var, get the discount price, then update the original price. DRY and all that :)
@Jack I've know SRP from SOLID which is applied to OOP, but I think a function should have only one responsibility, for example, return the discount value, or returning the discounted value. One or the other, not both
@MarioS, it's a single quoted string, so you have to use concatenation to put in your terms, as I said before it doesn't matter what quotes you use inside that string, they are not the string delimiters
I already did and I am still confused. This is why I am asking for help here.
@DaveRandom I've inherited the code
@MarioS Always escape your output! i.e. use htmlspecialchars().
@andho it would only return 0 if the product was free for someone
@Jon it is returning the 'discount amount' which has to be deducted from the 'price'
hmm so echo uses single quotes which are the delimiters? within that I have to concatenate even if the data is placed between double quotes INSIDE these delimiters?
@Jon or it is returning the final price
one or the other
@andho Okay, but how does that apply to what I've said so far?
@andho its returning the new final price
@Jon then it should never return 0, that's what i said before
8 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@Jon You have it return 0 if it's not applicable and the amount of discount (not total after discount) if it is - so you can do $total = $price - getDiscount($price);
morning all
that is the way to go
posted on December 18, 2012 by Derick Rethans

Read Preferences wth the MongoDB PHP driver London, UK Tuesday, December 18th 2012, 09:41 GMT Read Preferences are a new Replica Set and Sharding feature implemented by most MongoDB drivers that are supported by 10gen. This functionality requires MongoDB 2.2. In short, Read Preferences allow you to configure from which nodes you prefer the

uh sorry about that
@MarioS it has little to do with echo, it's the string you are defining, because the outermost quotes you used are single quotes those are the delimiters
the double quotes inside aren't special
i see, so what I said made sense then? because if it did I get the point
at least in my situation
they are like any other character, the only difference between '"' 'a' is that it's a different character, but neither is special
@andho ah, OK, I just got how that works, thanks I'll do it that way!
yes, it was sort of correct
you could also use:
alright, now I somewhat get it.
echo "<a href='$var'>";
@andho Hmm I think you referred to the wrong person when you said it then :)
I see, Thank you for setting me straight there @Jasper :)
@hakre Morning
@PeeHaa hi!
@MarioS no problem
@Jack yeah it happens, when the viewport scroll while i'm clicking the little reply button on the right
@hakre Morning Hans my good man
function sanitize($dirty){
  $clean = htmlspecialchars($dirty);
  $cleaner = mysql_real_escape_string($clean);
  return $cleaner;
I would say dirtier :) or rather, another shade of brown.
@DaveRandom where's god like?
as in cleanliness is next to godliness
@MarioS You shouldn't just carpet-bomb sanitisation like that, you should do the appropriate type of sanitisation as and when you need it ;-)
@DaveRandom my boss has a book with that in, except that the book suggests two arrays, $clean and $mysql...
@Jon Get a different job.
I don't get why you would do htmlspecialchars before sending data to the database. I see it happen too much.
@DaveRandom Thank you for your advise I'll consider that in my next project.
does htmlspecialchars handle xss?
Because they're afraid that the database might perform XSS on itself when HTML is not escaped.
@andho If used correctly, yes.
Yea really classy guys, make fun of the new guy.
@DaveRandom Strip also all non-printable and non-US-ASCII chars please ;)
@MarioS Don't let it get to you :)
@MarioS We're not making fun of you specifically, it's the fact that there is so much bad info out there that people think this is the right way to do it that you have to laugh at (otherwise you'll end up crying about it)
@DaveRandom Why did you assume I thought this was the right way. I've been using php for about 3 weeks now and I have a lot to learn obviously. But to point out and laugh is just really childish in my opinion. Not saying you're doing that but in general.
@MarioS We're always happy to help you learn the right way to do things, please don't take it personally, we'd rather help you than offend you. It's sometimes just a little hard to not laugh at things like that - but the fact that you've made an effort to sanitise at all puts you way above the majority.
Yeah, you are all mean, especially this uptight British guy.
@MarioS i think most of the laugh is at the masses, not specifically at you.
@MarioS If you've only been in PHP for three weeks then you have yet to learn that PHP is full of perpetuated terrible practices. You have to laugh about it or you will go insane.
@MarioS Gives it a few more weeks and you'll be laughing with us :)
Chat portal is not accessible in my office. Can you please IM me on [email protected] or provide your gmail IM? — neeraj 8 mins ago
Well currently I am apart of the "masses" :[
@webarto /me removes the stick from my ass and apologises
@MarioS true :P
I hope so @Jack because it's becoming a lot clearer with the day. Soon guys, soon I will all laugh back at you.
@DaveRandom Nah, I was just kidding, this is internet, if you can't handle it, don't log in.
@MarioS You won't be forever, and like I say, the fact that after only three weeks you are paying any attention to sanitisation at all puts you way ahead of many
@webarto Oh, I'll go then
This is because I have a very good teacher, he teaches me what is mandatory and expected from a programmer.
@MarioS You talk like mass murderer.
@DaveRandom it's true, i have been developing with PHP for almost 10 years, and I have not paid attention to security at all
Maybe I am @webarto Maybe I'm not. Wanna find out? :D
@MarioS good for you :D How I wished for a Mentor, let alone a good mentor
@DaveRandom My English is bad today, wasn't referring to you per se.
@webarto </sarcasm> ;-)
@andho search one! this channel full of experts :P
@MarioS I wanna work with one, otherwise google is a pretty good mentor
Google is pretty bad at mentoring, it shows the good AND the bad
without telling you which is which
@andho google is a pile of junk you have to sift through every time you need something remotely specific.
@Jack oh yeah, but i can figure out bad when i see it. In fact i can hardly stand it
I just see code smells, and search for the deodorant on google
@andho That's good to know, but the rest of the masses usually doesn't tell the diff.
Discussions like that one about sanitizing do make me feel good about my current project again. For one, it's very good at taking the sanitizing off your hands and making it happen behind the screens :D
@Jasper ooooooooo...
@Jasper Just checked behind my screen, there's nothing but a pile of unpaid bills.
@Jack that's because you're not using my current project...
@MarioS Maybe your Google-fu needs improving ;-) (a good tip: if your question is related to programming, even tangentially, prefix whatever you are searching with site:stackoverflow.com)
@JAck, but yeah, scenes, typing is hard
I skip google, I use stackoverflow most of the time and I have 2 books laying around here :)
Those 2 books must be pretty powerful then.
@MarioS The one problem with that is that the SO search engine sucks a bit. I know quite a few people in here use Google for searching SO, it's just better at finding the page you are looking for.
hmm I don't have issues with it so far, but i'll keep that trick in mind. Thanks
@DaveRandom I wonder if that's because Google also indexes the answers rather than just the questions? Could that be?
@webarto i came across phpmentoring.org awhile ago. @people any body on the list?
Usually the answers would contain the right phrasing you would expect when you search for something specific.
It's because Google have search metrics that have been finely tuned over the last 15 years by literally thousands of search experts, and StackExchange is a company with employees in double digits (maybe 3 digits by now) a lot of whom have nothing to do with making the sites work.
Google understands English synonyms and all sorts of seriously clever stuff, you can't expect a relatively small start-up like SE to be that advanced this quickly.
@Jack possibly, it's also just that google corrects your spelling, finds synonyms and is better at ordering the results to what you'll like
Makes a lot of sense :)
@DaveRandom I don't think it's only English synonyms, as I believe the synonyms aren't precoded but extracted from web usage
@DaveRandom Google Search Appliances make it easy.
Google is, quite literally, powered by black magic.
Holy crap, I never knew that existed ^^
More like powered by Dutch cheese from the looks of their appliance design :)
hi guys, any Yii expert here?
Someone said Dutch Cheese?
@DaveRandom If you want cheap, the Google Mini is end of lifed - ebay.com/sch/…
i am new to Yii but i want to give my app a strong base, i want it to be multi-lingual and scalable.
Any help would be appreciated
Didn't realise this channel has already been infiltrated by De Dutch :)
ik hou van kaas
You ain't much if you ain't Dutch :)
Ik wil ananas!
Ananas.. reminds me of the new flavour of Dubbel Frisss
Dubbel Frisss \o/
Nectar of the gods :p
@MarioS That sounds interesting, I'll check it out when I go back this summer.
It's a fruit drink, but I mostly like it because of its commercials. It's hilarious :)
@Leigh I'm tempted to buy one simply because I want that case in my life...
@MarioS Ik weet wat het is :)
@Jack Huh? Since when you are Dutch?
@PeeHaa Oh, I just converted haha
nah jk
I haven't figured out why it is, but it does seem that we Dutchmen do have a disproportionally large internet presence :D
I think because everyone has internet access :P
@Jasper You guys actually bother to learn english, so you're ok venturing beyond the borders of single-language-only communities
@PeeHaa Born and raised in Holland, but migrated to Singapore 8 years ago =D
@Leigh that's true, but even when comparing to - for example - Americans there seem to be an awful lot of us
@Leigh We're actually taught four languages in school.
@Jasper It's okay, the Americans laugh at our typical Dutch accent and we don't like theirs :)
@Jack it's merely three these days
What happened to French?
@Jasper That is really not a problem for me.
@Jack why did you migrate? What's wrong with Holland?)
@ualinker Why should anything have to be wrong with Holland to leave? ;)
@Jasper You probably just don't see them due to timezones
@Jack It's a choice between French and German now, though one now has to be able to actually speak the third language (instead of just being able to read third and fourth)
@Jack not necessarily wrong, but you had some reasons, hadn't you?
@Jack I did English French and German at school. I really couldn't be bothered with French though.
@Leigh I was pretty good at French once, but it all went down the drain later .. my German is still good enough to know what's being said though ;-)
@ualinker I've migrated to settle down actually ;-)
@Jasper: I vote Lojban for third language! :p
@Jack : well, that doesn't say mugch considering you speak Dutch...
You don't fancy Toki Pona ?
toki jan Leigh
@Jasper You mean German sounds a lot like Dutch?
@Leigh: Not as much :p

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