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No, dang it.
Two questions asking the same thing or same problem is called a dupe. And later one gets deleted, previous one never answered. <-- my point.
Q: I am new to php.How to find unique elements between two sized arrays?

Mani Murru Possible Duplicate: array_unique with two arrays I am new to php.How to find unique elements between two sized arrays?? $array1 = array(2,1,1,3,5,5); $array2 = array(2,1,3,5);

I am still totally confused as to what it is exactly you are trying to say here tbh :P @Lenin
I am giving you food for thought about collaborative agile moderation.
@Lenin Not really because we have no clue what you just stated
And please don't use phrases like "collaborative agile moderation" :)
@PeeHaa the post you just have seen with my answer, had been my question too.
@LeviMorrison ?
If I posted it as a separate question, then it could have been deleted as marked 'dupe' of previous.
@PeeHaa I think so, but if it's getting closed it shouldn't be as a dupe to that question.
While the previous one gets no answer lacking attention.
@LeviMorrison closed it has not a real question question too ambiguous ...
@Baba Sure, except you didn't give him any time to improve his question. He's a new user and it has been posted for less than 45 minutes.
@PeeHaa what should it be called then? :P
@LeviMorrison valid point
Q: PHP: Good solution for MVC routing function to parse requested views?

Christian BrennerI want to implement the MVC design structure and currently struggeling with an good solution to parse requested views. In my routing file, I have following code: public function parseRequestedView() { $this->ressource_requested = explode('/', trim($_GET['view'], '/')); // e.g.: http:...

I don't feel like answering. Good luck if you do.
It's gotta be a dupe by this point, though, right?
Idunno, but I'm having a hard time taking people serious who are talking about "collaborative agile moderation" Nothing personal, but I think it something along the lines of webscale.
I just made that ^
And what is it? :)
@PeeHaa It shows chat messages in the Windows taskbar.
@ShaquinTrifonoff . . . yuck. I forgot how much I hate the Windows taskbar.
@ShaquinTrifonoff JS?
@PeeHaa JS+PHP+Using a folder as a toolbar
Well, I wasn't too serious about it though.
(The messages are files created by PHP)
I dont use Windows from 2008
Well people I'm going to take a ride in my sleigh. @LeviMorrison I the question now it's your responsibility ;)
Later all
I'm going on my sleigh as well to dreamland, its 6:17am here :D
how to enable mail function in php (Windows 2008 R2). my site not running in any third party hosting. my PC is dedicated one.
Currently for mail purpose i am using PHP Mailer, but due to some restriction client is not ready to provide Email ID and Password.
they are just provided the SMPT(IP Address) and this system username and password
what is quick way, to enable php mail function in windows
Note: my system is win64 bit
phpmailer supports smtp transport.
@Bharanikumar mail() is something you probably want to avoid even if it's available, it's notorious for not delivering mail reliably. It's better to just have a full stack SMTP class in your toolbox and use that exclusively.
why is this only showing the last result?

while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<option value="'.$row["clientId"].'>'.$row["studentFirstName"].' '.$row["studentLastName"].'</option>';
@hakre Hey, you remember that question about openssl_ functions for removing password from private keys?
@Jack yes! What is with it?
So ehm, I'm trying to understand how generating a key with password and then removing it later is better than just generating a plain key.
the query is def correct and shows multiple results when tested in phpmyadmin
Should I think of the added password as an additional entropy or sth?
@Jack I did not get it either. I suggested to create subkeys that can be revoked as the keys itself will be more weakly used.
Glad to know it wasn't just me then .. so it turns out that OP accepted an answer based on phpseclib .. but I'm having this suspicion that they didn't even try my code ..
@Jack No idea. The key-data itself should differ but the key should still be the same. But I think that change would happen anyway, with or w/o passphrase.
@jack thanks again for that encryption link you gave me...really walked me through that
@radleybobins Eh? I don't remember hehe
@jack hehe, I figured, but it still helped me immensely
The other interesting bit I've learned from phpseclib is that it generates keys that are (seemingly) incompatible with openssl ... no idea why they did that.
A: removing password from rsa private key

JackI'm not sure what's going on here; I've tried your code and it gives the same issue, so I've generated a key myself: openssl genrsa -des3 -out des3.rsa Then copied the contents into this script: $out_key_file = 'des3nopass.rsa'; $key = <<<EOS -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Proc-Typ...

Who would have guessed line lengths would be an issue? A chunk_split(base64_encode()) on an RSA key seems legit right ...
Hi, I was wondering that on a website, could just put copyright symbol, website name, and its year? Or do you have to apply for it or something?
Copyright is implied, so go ahead and do it :)
@DemCodeLines Please contact you local government which requirements have to be met for the things you want to do. ;) (it depends on the country you live in)
@Jack nice find. I tend to say that OP in the first question didn't want to loose his face because he didn't test your original code.
I live in IS
@hakre That's a definite possibility :) and the comment thread was going nowhere =/
@Jack yes I just read it. OP didn't gave any more feedback to the points.
I live in US.
At least the guy who supplied the phpseclib answer was kind enough to test it :)
@DemCodeLines Just place it, no need to go to the copyright office any longer (but you can if you like).
@Time what is that SMTP class, i know PHP Mail (passing email/password) but i am not aware of this. please share some thread, i will look that.
posted on December 18, 2012 by PHP Advent

When you get your shiny new retina device this holiday season, will the Internet be ready for you to see all its content in twice the pixel density glory? Probably not. But, this handy guide will help get your site “retina ready” in no time. Pixel density? Retina ready? Say what? Many new mobile devices are built using special display panels that are capable of displaying more pixels per in

@hakre lol @ xpath qn
@Jack hey, it was asked for that, right? ;)
Sure, but I'm still digesting your xpath query haha
I put a demo online, mom
Yeah I ran it myself ... tinkering with it to see how it works heh
someone help.
I think I'm possessed by Col. Shrapnel.
@hakre I've been overwhelmed with the need to tell people to get bent in unconstructive ways while also answering their questions at the same time.
That does not paint a pretty picture in my head =/
@Charles does it work?
@hakre No, but it feels good. And I don't like it. Well, not right now I don't. Trying to decide if alcohol will make the stupid less intolerable.
holy crap, it's cal!
I haven't seen him in like five years.
Guy's sharp.
Helped build flickr.
you mean mr. evans? something different: let's create a plugin for popular editors and IDEs that directly create a question out of the opened document.
e.g. with the error message. so you don't need to confront yourself with something "not working" but create a question on right mouse click and get a desktop notification if an answer is posted.
@hakre Don't say things like that, someone might think you're serious.
Can anyone un-engrish that first paragraph?
Or is it as just as much fluff as I think it is?
@Charles It's fluff.
Death to fluff!
He could just say "Look it up before asking a question. This might be useful."
> Welcome to Stackoverflow. Please follow the ask advice you needed to confirm before posting any question. Keep in mind that only you want something and you ask yourself how it is programmed does not qualify as a programming question per-se.
It's the asian way of saying "do your own damn research" but in a way less direct ;-)
Now that I think about it more, it's kind of cute, the newbies lecturing the newbies.
I see Charles is thinking of teaching a small group of newbies to weed out the other newbies' questions and leave the interesting questions to himself :)
Kind of like a living, breathing version of xkcd.com/810
"dont use mysql_* ...". I see this comment time to time. Its same comment all the time. Is it copied from somewhere ?
There are a few variations on it, but the canonical one should be a Gist link on the favorites bar to the right.
Dec 11 at 9:05, by Madara Uchiha
cv-pls: Backlog (mirror) | Meaning | Chrome/Firefox Addon | Cat Content | Snippets: Mysql | Reference: Errors | Operators
yes, see on the right, the starred message
I think there should a compiled list of most frequent used comments. Specially like this mysql one
RewriteRule ^tag/([a-z]+)/p/(.*)$ index.php?tag=$1&p=$2 [L]
I know it's not PHP, but would this work?
@shiplu.mokadd.im There is, looking for it on Meta now
Of course it works.
$nRows = $dbh->query("SELECT count(*) FROM posts WHERE tags=$tagId OR tags LIKE '%,$tagId%,' OR tags LIKE '%,$tagId%'")->fetchColumn();
and this?
Dangerous because query can return a bool.
shouldn't, but can.
hm. what, instead, would you recommend?
Also, ffs, you're using something that does prepared statements, use'em
so just prepare + execute?
does PDO have an included row count function?
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM posts WHERE tags= ? OR tags LIKE ? OR tags LIKE ?");
@Purmou That query indicates a violation of database normalization.
Thou shalt not blindly store comma separated values in a database column.
Also, what Jack said ^^
i was going to do it the proper way, but i convinced myself otherwise
Google: third normal form
tags should be put in defferent table
Na, it's a terrible idea and produces LIKE hacks such as those.
substring searching is sloooooow in mysql
can't hit indexes
so you're not just committing a normalization crime, you're also creating a future performance problem
yeah i already have a post_tags table ready
with post_id column and tag_id column
don't really know what led me to do the comma-separated values
It starts as an convenient design decision
So I wouldn't beat yourself up over it.
(That's our job)
@shiplu.mokadd.im So I've given up trying to find the copypasta list. It's around somewhere, but none of the terms I'd think of (canned responses, etc) are pulling it up. Blah, probably got nuked and I don't have 10k on meta. Feh.
@Charles no problem.
Anyone home?
@Charles - you around?
I'm trying to optimize a PHP script that takes way too long.
Yes, but I am inebriated, so I do not advise taking me seriously.
and yes, the alcohol totally helped.
glad to hear it.
so first things first
forget what you're doing
and get either xdebug or xhprof installed
then use'em
'cause they'll answer whatever optimization question you have
I'll look into it, thanks.
xhprof is also suitable on running live, unlike xdebug, which should never be live
this may, of course, be an issue if you aren't root
s/live/in production/
I'm gonna have to figure those guys out.
real profiling tools are the bee's knees
But long story short, I'm parsing HTML using DOMDocument, and loading something via cURL to scrape data.
It takes way too long.
Well, in reverse order.
Load, then parse.
uh yeah, nevermind, that's gonna be slow because PHP.
What are you trying to extract out of it?
My school has a course listings page.
With 3K table tags.
*ahem* that's a lot of table tags
So if I can break it into multiple processes, it might be faster.
not if they have to deal with what has to be a 1M-ish HTML doc.
is it at least well-formed?
I suppose I could run a C program on the server.
@Charles No, lol. Tidying it too.
Because if so you can use XMLReader php.net/manual/en/class.xmlreader.php
Tidy does a good job though. Before tidy, it burns. After Tidy, DOMDocument works.
because xmlreader is awesome for dealing with stupidly huge documents
you have to do a lot more work, but you can do it without the DOM getting in the way
@Charles My pattern is rather simple.
Courses are tables tags that are followed by tables with a class="coursesection"
The sections are the ones with the class.
okay, so I'm actaully gonna advise going back to the profiling thing. we want to know what part of the operation is slow
I'm gonna bet it's just navigating the XML.
Ok, progress.
or the initial parse.
Well, and cURL.
I seem to recall it being much faster with a dummy copy locally.
eh, go the cheap route and throw in a bunch of microtime(true) readings and spit'em out at the end.
@Charles How so? I'm not very experienced with PHP. (I'm a student/iOS dev by day.)
@Charles echo microtime()?
Or something like that.
Oh, I see. ok
php.net/microtime -- records ms-level time instead of second-level time. Stick a bunch of $perf[] = microtime(true); before and after important stuff, then var_dump($perf) at the end
Got it.
you'll then want to get to diffing between each element in the array, but that should be pretty trivial
if it's the pulling of the document via curl, that's not fixable. if it's tidy, that's not fixable if it's the initial load into the DOM, that's not fixable. if it's traversing the DOM to find things, that might not be fixable. etc, etc
oh, also, are you doing this by getElementsByFoo()->item(0)->childNodes(0)->childNodes(0) style, or are you using xpath? Because if you can, use xpath to find things, it's frequently faster
that said, the three times I've had to use it, xpath syntax made me want to murder things, so ymmv
@Charles using ->item(0)
Hang on, putting these guys in
Also simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net and code.google.com/p/phpquery are things, but I'm not sure if they'd either work for you or faster.
@Charles I don't care so much, because it's a cron, not user facing, but still way too long.
@Charles thanks
how can i search for multiple ids at once?
@Charles Still here?
like WHERE id=1 AND WHERE id=10, etc
i have an array of the ids to look for
posted on December 18, 2012 by Cal Evans

Chris Spruck’s Blog:  http://www.awdg.org/members/8319980/?op=&memberId=8319980 Kevin Robert’s Blog:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinaroberts01 Nic Rosental’s Blog:  http://www.awdg.org/members/8319980/?op=&memberId=8319980 Chris Spruck’s Twitter: @cspruck Kevin Robert’s Twitter: @robokev Nic Rosental’s Twitter: @nicdev Show Notes: http://www.thompsontechnologies.com/ http://atlant

hi @tereško, Does anyone know what invalid enum values are? Is it the full unicode set?
PHP lacks enums. Can you be more specific?
I'm sorry I meant for mysql
hi @Moshe
Good question. TFM isnt' clear. It just says that they have to be string literals.
@Charles - Parsing takes an entire 63 seconds.
ah, here we go.
> When retrieved, values stored into an ENUM column are displayed using the lettercase that was used in the column definition. Note that ENUM columns can be assigned a character set and collation. For binary or case-sensitive collations, lettercase is taken into account when assigning values to the column.
Looks like it'll depend on ... where's my formatting ... the collation and charset of the column, as declared in the CREATE/`ALTER~
@Moshe That's ... absurd.
are there any values that are considered invalid? I'm trying to create a function to get all the enum values
What's the total run time though?
what are some best practices for api authentication? should tokens be encrypted in the url?
So I need some bad values as placeholders
@qwertymk It isn't clear, but as long as it's a string that works in the connection charset, it should be find to put anything in there... then again, this is mysql, and I'm drunk, so ymmv.
@Charles Yea, well. Gonna post a question shortly.
@Charles I'm trying to find something that will be invalid
@Moshe Just be sure not to make it too localized, tereško is on a roll tonight ;)
@qwertymk Find an invalid UTF-8 sequence maybe? I've never tried to break enums before.
@Charles It is gonna be, lol.
I need to post code, right?
Code and sample data, emphasizing the number of lines, byte count, etc.
@8ch8ch ssl and http auth is good enough for anybody. that or oauth. can you clarify?
@Charles Ok, will do, thanks.
@Charles i'm looking for information in general. maybe like a good book on it or something. developing good web services.
'scuse me for a second while I rant. Why does everyone like books? Books are paper and paper is not a computer. When you give me example code in a book, what the ever living crap am I supposed to do with it? I, personally, learn by doing, not by reading.
Anyway, no, I know no such books, and have never implemented a non-trivial web service API and could not recommend any one technique over another.
Except for screw SOAP.
Screw SOAP.
Lol so RESTful it is
PHP + SOAP + interop = tears.
So, yes, do what PHP does best, simple plain old HTTP
(For certain values of "best.")
so RESTful web service via ssl
and either plain old HTTP auth if you think the users don't care, or oauth if the users do care
what do you recommend for tokens?
for identifiying users instead of un/pw?
@Charles yes and/or for application access.
Or maybe I need oauth and api keys
Here, maybe this will help.
imgur has a quick little restful api
I liked it when I used it.
go implement a consumer of it
if you like how it works, copy whatever thing he did
it's been such a long time since I wrote the code that I've forgotten
s/he/they/, keep forgetting it's a company
have you used whitepages API?
actually for my scenario i think i need an api like basecamp's
Once a user is registered he can generate an api token from within his account settings. that solves all 3 issues, identity, authentication, and authorization.
as long as they don't expose the token, that'll function.
it's not an idea situation, but it'll function
what other choices do i have?
depends if you want to exert the effort towards learning oauth.
tbh, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good
just don't blame me if something goes wrong, for I am very slightly drunk right now, and you should take that into account when deciding whether or not to listen to me :p
lol i hear ya. i'm actually high right now on pain killers. just had surgery lol
give me your thoughts on oauth
the last code I wrote on painkillers resulted in a two day refactor just to make it understandable. good luck with that :p
@Charles lol...:P.....it will be your fault ..if something goes wrong ..
oauth is... a complex beast that I will take any day over saml.
I've only ever implemented consumers, not the server-side of things, so I can't give you an opinion on that
oh, my old account still exists
here, some thoughts on oauth: github.com/McGlockenshire/Imgur-API-for-PHP
oauth consumer implementations three ways
made a great compare/contrast back when I was doing that research
the comments in the demos/oauth-*.php are what you're looking for
oh, and the master comment in demos/oauth.php itself
yes, yes, I remember this code now. I think I had to write an adapter adapter for the PEAR code or something.
@Charles - I posted a question.
@Pubby - Don't I see you in the C++ room sometimes?
@Moshe got it, will take a deeper look at it later
thanks @Charles
@Charles Thanks, at your convenience. Trying to get this up and running, but between finals and performance issues... Ugh.
@Moshe Yes, I am usually in C++. I'm just lurking here right now.
@Pubby Well, hello.
@Pubby I have 3 C++ assignments due by Wednesday. (Tomorrow, by now.)
Should I start on them?
Whoa, so many upvotes in so little time. :-D
friends i have one query
lets have two places a=delhi and b=chennai
i need to calculate the intermediate distance b/w them
without accessing or calling google maps
well, one way or another, you need to get them on a coordinate system
once you have the coordinates, distance calculations are "simple" math. as in, well-solved problem
you can't access google maps, but can you access a geocoding API that isn't google maps? yahoo has one.
I think.
@Moshe Perhaps you should add a link to one such HTML file.
@Moshe which ?
@NullPointer This
@Moshe if i were you i start on Tuesday night ..lol
@Jack Good point. Will do.
@NullPointer Heh, I might. I have a math final tomorrow.
So not in the mood.
@Charles but without usiing google map
is it possible to calculate latitude and longtiude?
what a worthless difficulty to go through
then you have to convert latitudinal/longitudinal units into miles
@Purmou but my problem is we cant use google latitude/longitude
@vignesh4303 why so ?
@NullPointer since google is blocked there
who in their right mind would block all of google?
how can i fetch latitude and longitude without using google maps?@NullPointer @Charles @Purmou
okay, we know your question
@Moshe ssounds cool..
@Charles i have seen it you mean yahoo?
just google one
oh, wait
I dunno if they have a geocoding api though
looks like they might
but you gotta sign in
@Charles ok let me checj
ok mates let me check and get back to you
@vignesh4303 again ...:-O
Hey all
@Jasper hiya....
I'm working on a rather big php project and I have now decided that I clearly need unit testing
@Paul lool.....
However, I don't know how to do this for many parts of my application
so maybe you guys could have a look and suggest something...
Is it written using OOP?
It's a very modular setup with the following "modules":
1. A module that reads data definition files and turns them into an abstract tree (providing access through the visitor pattern)
2. A module that relies on 1 and builds a php class out of the model, providing methods for modification of the class to other modules
@Paul its abbreviated form of lol'ed ..
3. A module that relies on 1 and 2 and builds an interface for persistent storage of the php objects
4. An implementation of 3 for SQL
Now, I know how I could write unit tests for 4, but I am completely lost on how to do so for 1 and 2 (and I'm afraid it's not possible for 3)
@Jasper Do you have the code for one of the ones you are having troubles with?
I suppose it's just my lack of experience with unit tests, but I'm just at a loss where to start
@Paul: Yes, sure, it's a lot of code and nothing simple, but I could pastebin it if you want me to
Once you manage to break the code into a unit it generally becomes easier.
@Jasper Yes, do you have a single class that you want to test but can't?
(Unit testing is normally done at the class level.)
@Paul I'm really having a hard time to consider it like that - the way I organized the "modules" single classes don't really make much sense without their context
for example, the module I named 1 above, is all about creating a data structure from a file - there's one class that does this task, but the data structure itself consists of a number of classes
@Jasper By doing it on the class level, you can test the components that make up your module. If each of these is doing what you want then the whole module will do what you want?
@Paul Here's the main class from module 1: pastebin.com/gMtxcbc6
MAybe it'll help you see the problem or help you help me get past the problem I think there is
@Jasper That class is a factory. When I test those, I want to check that the Factory is creating the correct object.

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