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why i no one discussing anything in this room
Is it possible to generate a html file on the fly then ftp to an outside server?
@InfraStank yes
how did u get that idea?
I'm using adobe business catalyst(i know) and need some way to generate a unique page and ftp it back into bc's file system
Ow .......
so what i need to do is ajax a toDataURL base64 image to another server then php into a html page then ftp that page back into bc filesystem
still possible PeeHaa?
and watch the tumble weed blow
@InfraStank Sure
actually the image isn't the problem I just need to generate the page and ftp it
in one request if possible
How do I do it?
By programming it
can you point me in the general direction
10 mins ago, by Infra Stank
so what i need to do is ajax a toDataURL base64 image to another server then php into a html page then ftp that page back into bc filesystem
there :)
of generating a html page and ftping it on the fly
What have you tried?
a google search
if you know of a function?
that generates the html file and maybe a way of adding it to a ftp request?
is that within php or will I need a libary
$('.theElement').ajax({base64(yourImage)}).upload({username: 'your ftp username', password: 'the password', host: 'example.com'});
It's in jQuery (hope you don't mind)
no , all the FTP will be in PHP
I'm sending the image to the PHP via ajax
then adding it to the html file in php
all the ftp info will be in the php file
you are a clever one
Thank you. Nice to be appreciated.
so thta's what you is it, just hang out in chat rooms designed to give advice on a certain subject and try and make yourself look good by saying silly things?
well it's a bit pathetic in my opinion and I think you can do better
@PeeHaa trolling again ^^
Am I the one trolling?
10 mins ago, by Infra Stank
if you know of a function?
22 mins ago, by Infra Stank
so what i need to do is ajax a toDataURL base64 image to another server then php into a html page then ftp that page back into bc filesystem
night..... @PeeHaa :)
@NikiC night,,,, lol
@NullPointer Something I have been wanting to ask you for some time now. And considering you are pretty often in this room. When you say night are you coming in or going out?
Either way night @NullPointer
@PeeHaa when i want to going out.. but sometime i cant help it ...
@NullPointer :-D
i was thinking if i php function can be build that will take in a set of jumbled up words and return the nearest dictionary word
how can I pass an extra $_POST/$_GET from the CListView's pagination to the server
I have a modal window (containing a CListView) which is updated via AJAX
@Samson Is in Yii / Visual *?
CListView is something of the Yii framework?
which also provides ajax pagination
Does this help?
is it possible!!
should help.. I'll dig into the CListView class and add some extra properties/params!
10x man
this should work
what is the use of AR1-md5
@Samson 'smells like Yii
Yii to the end
hey @PeeHaa
hey @Samson
But what if I add a ?'param'=value in the 'ajaxUrl' property
of the CListView
i mean if there is a word like olleh then the php function will return hello
and if the word is like hreweon the it will return nowhere or iff ohelloon then nohello will be output....
or else can we write a php function that can generate such dictionary words??
it should use it in the ajax call...and ergo I have the param :D
@Samson Disclaimer: I don't know shit about Yii, but don't you also need to param in the non xhr request?
no ..in the non xhr request it renders the agenda for current day
but it has next/back ajax buttons to render the agenda for yesterday/tommorrow
the agenda is a CListView
there is a different action for the next/back buttons then the non xhr one
The only person in here with which you would have the best chance about Yii is @tereško. Not sure if he can and is willing to say something about this
@hakre Hola
It's ok
if the ajaxUrl doesn t work I'll hack the Class
will someone say me something
yeah , thats the common workflow in Yii
something is way too hardcoded to use .. solution: hack it, hack it, hack it
I was joking..I'll extend it:))
@tereško can we write php function that will produce a dictionary word. not only dictionary, it can add to dictionary words together to produce any other word.... is there some list of available words as text files..... something like a thesaurus
Shouldn't this go to SuperUser or something?
since Yii has ... emm .. quite impressive inheritance chain, you might actually end up just writing your own
Hey all
how would i call a static method with a variable
for example: UserDefinedFunctions::$functionName($inputValue)
But that looks for the variable $functionName as opposed to the method...
dunno ... try wrap it in {}
<- have not actually typed static this year
try it
I just figurted it out.I used call_user_func
call_user_func('myClassName' ,'::myFunctionName');
or like this
@Samson Doesit work like that?
With the comma?
can t test right now.. my remote desktop connection seems to be down
tommorrow morning
I doubt it will :)
it has to work
array('Class', 'method') would be what I would do
ah..I was talking about something else
about yii
Q: Dynamic static method call in PHP?

TomPlease could someone experienced in PHP help out with the following. Somewhere in my code, I have a call to a public static method inside a non-instantiated class: $result = myClassName::myFunctionName(); However, I would like to have many such classes and determine the correct class name on t...

@Samson Exactly. Concatenate that shit
@PeeHaa thatshit
Evening mr @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom Evening
You were saying something earlier about an issue with the current cv/delv model?
stackoverflow.com/questions/13921793/… surely we must have a canonical for this
why do people think encryption == cryptographic hash
hash is a not reversible encryption
@MadaraUchiha Yes. With the "display delvs as cvs until they are closed" approach (which does work), but it's just a comfort-message issue rather than a real problem. I did one before, and it converted the [delv] to [cv], and afterwards I looked at it and I thought "crap, did I press cv by mistake?" - which I didn't, and when you hover over the tag you can see by the link because the href still points to /tagged/delv-pls
Just like a car is a bike with four wheels instead of two right?
@PeeHaa I was trying to come up with an analogy like that :D
also there is a minor implementational bug, but it's very minor and easily fixable. It's actually just a "didn't implement it properly" problem.
@DaveRandom I think it should show [delv cv-pls]
You know when the shit hits the fan when people start throwing car analogies ;)
@MadaraUchiha hmm, the strikethrough might be difficult without screwing up the styles but I guess (or something) would work.
@DaveRandom I was genuinely fucking confused when I suddenly had notifications again on my avatar. Took me three to realize it was the update :P
That's after editing it with the inspector, seem to work fine.
@PeeHaa lol yeh it might take a bit of getting used to. That's a big reservation I have actually, because it would require people to adjust their behaviour regarding what they post.
@MadaraUchiha What did you do, just add another span?
@DaveRandom Add a <s>delv</s>
You need to Edit as HTML though, otherwise it would escape < and >
@MadaraUchiha Yes, but we don't use tags to denote styles, now do we boys and girls? :-P
Twitter does ;)
@DaveRandom It's okay if jQuery does it.
jQuery is allowed to. Also, <s> isn't purely for presentational
Oh oh sorry I didn't realise today was perpetuate unnecessary bad practice day
It actually implies that the content in question was removed.
@DaveRandom :D
Or, if you really want to feel good about yourself, implement it using <del>
God damn cat
@MadaraUchiha I don't know. I don't want to rely on the SE stylesheet for elements invented by the plugin, in case SE changes it at some point and it screws it up.
@DaveRandom Use inline styling then
It's one of the three cases where I'd use one.
@MadaraUchiha didn't recognize you, why you change avatar :(
@Lusitanian @MadaraUchiha hates us all that's why
@Lusitanian Well, I went to the pet shop, and saw Uni.
@MadaraUchiha That's what we do for everything else, I think it's the safest way (for these purposes)
I couldn't give him up, that is a photo of my and him
@PeeHaa Seems to be the case
@DaveRandom Copy/Pastable snippets, emails, and browser plugins (or otherwise integrated elements).
Those are the cases where I'd feel good about myself if I used inline style.
We fall into the third category, so we're fine
thedailywtf.com/Articles/Ancestors.aspx the sad thing is this is half of the jquery code i see in the wild
It takes a unique type of inbreeding to code like that.
True story
@PeeHaa I actually laughed out loud on that one
It's ridiculous that people will write that and not think that "there's probably a better way to do this, right?"
Not just any inbreeding, a unique type of inbreeding
someone disconnected from reality much
@ShaquinTrifonoff Hello
@MirwaisMaarij Hi
@ShaquinTrifonoff The domain cancellation was successful
@ShaquinTrifonoff Shall we get the .com one?
Meeeeh. Not enough phpQuery. — Neal 22 secs ago
@ShaquinTrifonoff If you are not busy right now
@MirwaisMaarij Sure
you got the id?
What domain are you buying?
youtube.com :)
youtube.com was a joke
You'll have to beat me to it though!
it'll cost a fortune?
dont worry, i will just go for gamer-media.com then
@igorw sad
Mirwais Maarij
9:37 PM
said: 8444
@MirwaisMaarij Just some free tip: if you are going to buy a domain don't yell it in a public chatroom :)
@NikiC whoa, you're fast. looks good!
if this gets merged I need to start playing with 5.5
@PeeHaa Okay, thanks
I decided not to implement it at first, because I wasn't convinced of its usefulness.
@NikiC ^^ isn't that exactly how PHP ended up without finally for so long? :-P
@LeviMorrison Hope you don't mind I also gave @Baba some love :)
That didn't came out right btw :|
@PeeHaa Don't mind. His answer was just sooo long I couldn't bear to not answer it.
Although I was one up on him and now I'm down one. confused
Don't look at me, I'd already uved both of them
Hey, as long as the question is getting good answers.
The accepted one is . . . lame-sauce.
Tru that
@igorw @ircmaxell If someone could come up with a short example of why it's useful that would help a lot. I can't figure out something that doesn't need a lot of explanation
ooops forget it, it's not specific for the throw
I can't use a LimitIterator on a DomNodeList because it isn't directly an iterator.
I hate my life.
@LeviMorrison You're a kitten
LimitIterator is probably broken anyway.
Screw you, SPL. Screw you.
@PeeHaa ... thanks :)
@LeviMorrison how i wish SPL can be fixed asap
np :)
i think they where in a rush in the development or lack of proper testing
I just don't understand why so many implementations are wrong
no documentation
no example
@PeeHaa how are you spending your Christmas
like to buy you a beer : )
@Baba Probably with alotta meat and drinks :)
@Baba I think it should be a trait. And the guy who wrote the Traits VS Inheritance article (@rdlowrey) might agree. Maybe. I think he would.
@DaveRandom he would be able to afford the bills ... :)
@DaveRandom noice. I doubt he will do it again
Only the Spanish (and possibly the Italians) would be able to get away with that. Health and f*cking Safety would make it impossible everywhere else.
@PeeHaa they don't learn ...
Criminal Minds: Man Robs A Bank Less Than One Hour After Being Released From Jail
Read more at http://bossip.com/689498/criminal-minds-man-robs-a-bank-less-than-one-hour-after-being-released-from-jail/#g3xIKUb7Wf9Io7TA.99
How can you leave the prison the next thing that comes to your mind is to rob a bank
@Baba What an idiot
@LeviMorrison you mean implementing observable as trait ??
@Baba Yes.
This is my favourite criminal idiocy story: telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/6431303/…
@LeviMorrison .. i can play with that ....
I mean, I'm not saying they should be traits. But that might be the only decent use-case I have seen.
have actually implemented a mobile chat (J2ME) with observable before .. that was the best solution that worked for me then
I am going to start tagging things .
@DaveRandom ... lol
you need to see Smoking gun presents world's dumbest criminals
@NikiC your explanation seemed good to me.
@PeeHaa If I see that code one more time I may just break down in tears. Check the last two days activity: stackoverflow.com/users/1519854/…
@DaveRandom I just did
@DaveRandom he robbed a bank .. then went to the restaurant opposite to use the money some of the cash to buy lunch
@DaveRandom OP might be struggling
@PeeHaa There are already at least two that have been deleted as well.
@Baba quality :-)
At least Claude is trying to use PDO instead of mysql_*.
@DaveRandom Holy crap that is some ugly shit
Q: PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type XXX as array. But isn't an array?

Polmonino public function createXAxis() { if($this->xAxis instanceof HierarchicalObject) { $this->xAxis = array($this->xAxis); $this->xAxis[] = parent::newXAxis(); // Exception! return $this->xAxis[count($this->xAxis[]) -1]; } // More... } Excep...

Any Magento devs in here? Could really use some help with setting/getting customer attributes.
Instead of invalid flag sometimes I wish I could just send lol without going to the room :)
@PeeHaa Indeed, comes quite low on the readability index. But I can't see how he is provoking that error, I guess the actual line where it happens is not shown.
@PeeHaa Sounds like a fun plugin challenge :-P
The Github notification system is crap. For a start the icon blends into the background way too much, but more to the point it regularly just outright fails to notify me of things
@DaveRandom I thought it was just me
Impossibru github perfect
@DaveRandom Definitely not closing it as dump of the first comment.
@LeviMorrison No way. They took ou jobs uploads
@PeeHaa Ping me moar.
I didn;t dare to do it another time :D
@LeviMorrison I was going for NARQ, I actually forgot to vote :O cheers for the reminder
@LeviMorrison Hey that's my dump
@PeeHaa It's garbage.
Decided to keep the typo.
How's array_diff garbage?
The question you gave as a dupe isn't a dupe . . .
You have to admit you are guessing what OP wants right ;)
What is the point of having an HD version of a TV channel if a) all the stuff they show was shot in SD and b) they clearly have no f*cking clue about media encoding so the sound quality on the HD channel is shocking, noticably worse than the SD version that is being broadcast simultaneously. God damn n00bs
What if I find a post to be eligible for not one of those listed under off-topic?
@PeeHaa No, think about the example he gave.
@Lenin Just pick "off-topic" and flag it for mod attention asking to move to the correct site, that's what I always do.
It's definitely not values that one contains that the other does not.
Oh thats a good idea. :)
@LeviMorrison Good answer to an unanswerable question. I'm sorry but it is definitely -worthy.
@DaveRandom Perhaps. I disagree until you can find a better dupe.
It's not too localized and I think it is a real question.
@LeviMorrison Ok I see now what you mean. Though I still fail to see what OP does want in that case :)
@LeviMorrison I've just gone NARQ, plain and simple. I can't find a dupe for a question I don't understand.
@DaveRandom I think you are too quick to close. Let him improve his question if he can.
It's a 1 rep user, it's not like he's pro at asking questions on SO.
tag:delve-pls stackoverflow.com/questions/9081701/… see the answer above Edit: doesn't it look like another question?
@LeviMorrison "I am new to PHP" in the title and more than one question mark smells of hit-and-runner to me. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt - I have no problem with insta-closing pretty much anything, I do think we sometimes delete too fast though.
@Lenin You want us to delete your answer?/
"Sometimes, if answers are brutally murdered at initial attempts, then final answers wont make it upto there" about the last message I wanted to point your eyes at.
I'm confused
@PeeHaa I gave a successful answer, but very late.
Initially it was only like an 'I agree, I have the same, I think that causing but not sure' blah blah
My point is sometimes ppl not habituated or not having much time to delve into QA things just like to put a feedback.
Its psychological.
@Lenin With what you have done there, you should have done a self ask/answer. You basically posted an answer that said "Yeh I have this problem too. Sucks, doesn't it?" and then later came back with an actual answer. In the first instance it should never have happened, then if your problem is slightly different (as you seem to imply) create another question. It is possible and allowed to answer your own question.
The guy and mine would have two stray un-answered question for long. And some of you could have asked for a dupe!
Got my point? @DaveRandom
my code fails miserably is not an error ;-) — DaveRandom 14 secs ago
@Lenin Not really :S
None, managed to answer that guys question. I have placed the same at drupal.org forum. And drupal.stackexchange probably too. There I found similar problems some ppl posted.
So, if I didn't answer like that and didn't come back later to finish my answer. It wouldn't have happened. :P
Hooray for classes with all-static members! stackoverflow.com/questions/13924269/…

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