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@Feeds Hey! He used echo at the end!
response from a guy i just started working with: "Java is powerful, because of it's rich framework. We can work less if the framework can help us generate the bottom line codes."
@DaveRandom Mornigni
@DaveRandom morning ...
@PeeHaa That is a word I like
Has something to do with my mental state
Holy crap I think my entire office is dying of flu, half the people who work here are off
hey php folks. any one can point me to a script i can use as a replacement to (some text editor + ftp plugin to sync) or (ssh + some text editor) that i can use through web?
basically i have cpanel, don't have ssh. wan't something i can access through web to do stuff. is this a good idea?
@DaveRandom Flu is not a good way to die :P
Tell me about it, I wondered if I was going to survive the weekend, I do seem to have lived through it though
Live to die another weekend ;-)
Hi, I'm making simple text crypter. I have text - for example "abc" and I have an array ($stack) with key => value, for example "a" => "z" - I want to change all the letters ''a'' to ''z''. I have each key, for each letter (a-z). But there is something weird about my crypts. I'm using this:

$x = str_replace(array_keys($stack), array_values($stack), $text);
array_push($return, $x);
echo $return[0];

// $text = my raw text
I'm guessing it's replacing the "replaced" letters aswell, and that bothers me. How can I make "unique replace" so the output will be correct?
That's because you're using the wrong function, you want to use strtr()
Like, strtr('abc', 'cba', $str)
Your are correct, it's repla ^^ that
also lol @ 'cba'
sssh! i'm using that to encrypt my passwords, don't tell anyone
2 messages moved to recycle bin
2 messages moved to recycle bin
@NullPointer Sorry my boss is looking over my shoulder :)
@PeeHaa np..... i wont
@Jack You're using "can't be arsed" to encrypt you passwords? Not heard of that encryption mechanism before, is it good? It sounds easy.
@DaveRandom Super Secret Substitution Cipher.
@webarto Too hard. rot13 ftw
Good morning all :)
function ROT($x = 13){} :P ... morning
function hashPassword($p) { return '*******'; } - my job is done here.
Ahh, the legendary str_rot13()
[that I had to google before function dropping]
@Jack thank you!
oh my, blast from the past obfuscation
@Jimbo Go watch this: blog.ircmaxell.com/2012/11/… ;-)
ah right heh
Enable ever found a solution for Chrome's terrible rendering of @font-face texts?
Argh, how are we supposed to tell people to do their own research before asking questions if some dumbf-'s just come by and drop horrible code on their laps?
It's a self-perpetuating cycle of suck.
No, lemme fix that.
is a self-perpetuating cycle of suck.
@Charles Welcome to
I'm seriously about to lose a wager. I bet that I'd be able to read every unanswered question in the tag until the end of the year.
I have nearly lost my faith in 's ability to produce quality content.
Of the hundreds of questions that come in every day, half are crap, a third are meh, and maybe two or three are actually unique and interesting.
And it infuriates me.
@Charles You think is bad? Go spend a week in and then come back and tell me we're the worst...
@DaveRandom I've heard is worse, but I can easily see the suck in jquery.
You're comparing language and library? Oh, wow
@ualinker Only in the respect of the quality of questions/answers on SO.
Taking back my words :) I was out of context
I think the worst thing, really, is that there is no viable, effective solution. There is no way to require users to have performed research before asking a question, just as there is no way to require that they have something that resembles competence. We're stuck in a feedback loop, with horrible questions getting unfortunate answers, which then reinforces the idea that such questions are remotely suitable.
I'm gonna need more s.
@DaveRandom Nopez :( I've tried every hack in the book AFAIK
@PeeHaa Fiddle?
Q: I want to have more than 50 Close Votes per day!

hakre Possible Duplicate: What is a “closed” question? Should available close votes be a function of inflation or rep? I just was seeing that I hit a close-vote limit of 50 for today. When my reputation increases, will the number of close-votes per day also increase? No it's said. But I n...

The only way is for the asker to experience physical pain if their question is not up to par ;-)
@NullPointer Yeah, I saw that. Wish it hadn't been closed, wanted to drop a big fat bounty on it.
I got like 500 rep or so from the final whine about review rubber-stampers.
I'm not sure if I should be proud or scared.
At least they started banning the idiots in the review queues....
I haven't seen many completely inappropriate upvotes lately.
@DaveRandom Let me see if I can add my generated fonts to a fiddle
@Charles You've not been paying very close attention then...
^^ don't know how that one got through
Hi everyone,
At moment i developing a key value application, which i store the data into mysql
but later on my client might make it to use memcache, so I want to have your feedbacks, how can i seperate my application logic from the source it gets the data
like right now im doing the query select value from 'data' where key='12'
in my class itself. but it might be coming from memcache later on
@DaveRandom Cool so far, but he's lost me at the word "PAD"
@Jimbo en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padding_%28cryptography%29 markdown is crap at rendering links with brackets, hang on
Ahh okay, so it works a bit like CSS (or not..) "For example, a message of 23 bits that is padded with 9 bits in order to fill a 32-bit block"
@meWantToLearn The keyword is "write-through cache"
@Jimbo How is that related to css? :S
@DaveRandom He's probably referring to ircmaxells blog entry? ;-)
@DaveRandom Padding-right with respect to the width of the containing block :)
@Jimbo Oh right I see what you mean. Well yes. Shortly before you get to that point in the vid he mentions that those functions will always produce output strings of an identical length, so they may need to be padded to achieve this. Honestly though, I am definitely not the best person to learn about crypto from...
@Feeds That guy is a bell end. Stop spamming the room with idiotic suggestions.
@Jack its not caching
data will be deleted from mysql after a period of 2days
Was thinking of having two method get and set
Want to watch the bad answers flood in? stackoverflow.com/questions/13912342/…
so incase when I turn into memcache
I just have to change the code instead the get and set methods
awww, he edited it
Hi all
@meWantToLearn Then I don't know what you want, add a question.
Good Morning
> So, what will be the best and professional solution?
@Baba You need to pass true to the third arg of array_chunk() or he will lose his keys
@DaveRandom adding true to array_chunk() won't help, because op wants particular fields for each array, not consecutive.
@Jack Meh, voted to close anyway, it's a crappy question from any angle
for sure .. the "what is the best" questions are more often than not larded with opinions ;-)
No site should EVER verify whether YOU are a robot. It should verify whether a robot is a robot!
@DaveRandom .. thanks
No , not this lengthy process.... — Ripa Saha 1 min ago
Can you imagine
how do you group an array without knowing the template structure
Q: spliting one array into 2 different arrays

Ripa SahaI have an php array. I want to split this array into 2 arrays. please see below example:- $arrayIhave = array ( 'id' => '1', 'name' => 'ripa', 'roll' => '10', 'country' => 'india', 'state' => 'WB', 'status' => 'active' ); I need to split this one into the followin...

Hello, i have for example this in the html code:
Description <input type="text" name="description" value="paul simon - el c&oacute;ndor pasa" style="width:454px; height:24px;"><br>
but then in the browser appears as "paul simon - el cóndor pasa" but i want to show as el c&oacute;ndor pasa
because is a form to fix all of this errors
guys what do you prefer, storing permissions of a user in session when he is logged in or check the permissions from the database every time a controller receives a request?
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria You'll have to double-encode the HTML entity, pass it through htmlspecialchars() and it should come out right.
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria yes
@PruthviNag I sometimes do store it in a session for lightweight/internal things, however session hijacking is relatively easy so it's not an option if you need real security.
Also sessions are fundamentally incompatible with REST (if you care about that)
k thankyou
@DaveRandom its possible
I'm making a curl request the request could be a 4.7 GB movie ....
@Baba Yes but he's running out of memory at 256K
Ooh awesome, just found out I'm getting a Raspberry Pi for xmas :D This should be fun..
@DaveRandom let me just ask the OP what version of PHP .... i cna remember there was a bug about this once ...
@DaveRandom you can backslash the )
Mmm, editing Excel sheets. >_>
@NiekBergman I have experience in the field. I pity you.
@DaveRandom php version is 5.2.6
I knew it
@NiekBergman What are you modifying about them, what lib are you using?
@Baba Bug ref?
@DaveRandom: Luckily, I don't have to modify them using PHP :)
@DaveRandom: But I still suck at Excel.
@NiekBergman I rule at Excel, but I also detest it.
@DaveRandom one moment
Nov 13 at 12:44, by DaveRandom
@MadaraUchiha No no, Excel is in a whole league of its own. At least IE can generally be made to pretend it behaves sensibly, Excel is just immutably awful from start to finish.
Oct 17 at 11:27, by DaveRandom
It should also be noted that Microsoft Excel is the worst application ever devised by anyone ever. Just throwing that out there.
@DaveRandom ... no luck
@DaveRandom let me check it out
Hi all, I have an application where upon login, a few http requests are made to an external JSON servicve which is used to populate tables in my application. This slows down the login, takes nearly two minutes in some cases. Can anyone give me advice on how to reduce this delay? The http requests are critical to my application, one idea I had was to delay calling them but not sure how to do that without effecting the loading of my page.
offtopic: what ever you do don't put a uninformative gif - it's not userfriendly
@Sid Do you really need to do that on every login? What is the data you get from the remote service? And, more to the point, how often does it change?
Thats made me think about a few things I hadn't thought about before...
@Sid Also, if there really is no way to avoid making these requests, spawn an external async process to make them - something like exec('php /path/to/another/script.php > /dev/null 2>&1 &'); always serves me well.
That detaches the second script from the first, so you can finish your page load work and get the page served, and the second process can make the requests without slowing it down. As long as the page you are serving doesn't rely on the date from the aforementioned service to generate its content.
The word "detaches" looks wrong, seems like it should have another "t" in it.
ah ok cool, thanks will look into that.
@DaveRandom .. you might actually be right
Hello there. Can someone please explain me how can I update my Mysql Database from 5.0 to 5.1 on CentOS?
@Sid Couldn't you having "loading" fields while making an async AJAX call to get this data? So your application would still load the layout and other important things...
@Baba I'm always right. It's a curse, honestly.
This causes logic errors on the few occasions when he's actually wrong
@DaveRandom ... was trying to replicate it ... and it was not funny ... .. i give up :)
@Baba thanks for editing my post :)
@Jack .... you are welcome .. can you give me the link again
hey how do i decrease space between control-label and controls in bootstrap?
@Jack .. just wanted to be sure what happened next .. people like stupid answers sometimes
posted on December 17, 2012 by Brandon Savage

Maybe you struggle with object oriented code, understanding it and writing it. Perhaps you’re tired of having to rewrite code that doesn’t pass code review or introduces a bug you didn’t expect. Maybe you’d like to impress your boss by improving your skills without having to attend an expensive conference. If any of that describes [...]

@Jimbo what do you mean by 'loading fields'?
Especially the "smart" ones.
@Sid Sorry, I assumed you were loading data into input boxes (that's what I'm doing).. but you can load data onto your page using AJAX in the background, whilst your mission-critical info is displayed in the meantime
@Sid You know AJAX right? It's pretty simple to use.. if I'm ever pulling in data that may not be immediately available I tend to use that :) For example using the Bing language API for translations in the background takes seconds to connect to their servers, so I display a loading animation until the data comes back from the AJAX request
@Jimbo no worries, thinking of implementing an AJAX progress bar, yeah I know AJAX. Just need to think it out my head...
@PeeHaa @MadaraUchiha There is an issue with this whole "display delvs as cvs until they are closed" approach - I'm not sure if I clicked the wrong button when I posted it :S Any ideas?
(You can tell by hovering over the tag, because I didn't update the href only the data displayed, but it's still not ideal)
^^ They're all out today
but i don't know the old file name — user1702477 2 mins ago
This guy is clearly a very special kind of #genius
Also @PeeHaa you may enjoy: stackoverflow.com/questions/13913341/… - kind of NC but not a completely terrible question and it will give you and your lover some time to yourselves.
Sometimes I hate these reverse engineering questions, but at least he's not using PCRE ... though ... hmmm
@DaveRandom .. is filter_var_array recursive ??
It's not entirely recursive, but it can do one level deep iirc
output should be array not string
it going one level further
hmmm, that's quaint
It does not make any sense ....
trying to warp my head about whats going on
even if you add 'flags' => FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY it sill gives string
force_array doesn't work that way :)
well .. if you do filter_var() it works as expected
how's that for strange
@Baba No idea. Never used it. I'm pretty certain it's not what that guy wants though, there is not reason to use that if you specifically only want the callback to executed once.
@DaveRandom What's expected is that the callback gets called three times in this case.
@DaveRandom am looking at it from a different perspective typical example eval.in/4826 .... it should not be recursive ??? except if defined
@Baba Nvm my last comment btw, filter_var() does the same, I read wrongly.
@Jack If the amount of input is finite and known I still don't think it's the right solution. It sounds to me like he's basically using it as a needlessly complicated way to iterate an array.
I don't know the question.
Talking at cross purposes I think, I'll look at the codepad
But I suppose it makes sense if you consider that you would want to run a single filter on all array elements.
That result makes perfect sense to me. @Baba what is your problem with it?
When it comes to multi dimensional arrays I'm a bit more careful with filter_xxx.
I wish there was a special SE site for code with dumb typos.
@DaveRandom my problem is that var_dump should be arrays ...... not string .. see a better example eval.in/4828
you can not even determine the level of the Data
I realize of course the limitations of such an idea.
Am not it should be optional since you are using callback
@Jack propose devnull.se as migration target
@Baba because the filter extension is horribly designed and broken
I foresee the next major migration ... "don't use filter_xx, it's deprecated" heh
@ircmaxell wow ... if this is they way it works .. then i agree with you 1000000%
I need to dig up my old filter library... It's in one of my svn repos somewhere... OO, yet still easy to use (easier than filter_*)...
put it in github .. lets have a look
@Baba In some way it makes sense to apply a filter to the whole depth of an array ... say, you wish to sanitize strings, would it make sense if it only did the first level?
@Jack .. yes but it should be optional
if not it defeats the purpose of the callback
Ooh I know ... another flag =D
callback is for flexibility
yeah .... :)
Something like that
Imagine if only RecursiveDirectoryIterator is available
no DirectoryIterator or FilesystemIterator
and no way to get Children
check has Children ...
it just make it useless instantly
posted on December 17, 2012 by blog.phpdeveloper.org

My post for this year’s Web Advent was posted last night – Security in the Round. It’s a pretty high level look at something that’s easy for developers to forget about. To quote Bruce Schneier: The mantra of any good security engineer is “Security is not a product, but a process. It’s more than just designing strong cryptography into a system; it’s designing the entire system such that all s

@ircmaxell .. why is SplHeap::fromArray missing yet we have SplFixedArray::fromArray
because SPL data structures are horribly designed
@DaveRandom tnx bookmarked
ping @PeeHaa -t
lol You've just ruined the whole movie for me
@DaveRandom I have to check that later I'm trying to let squid behave atm :)
@PeeHaa .. you have not responded to me in Days .... is everything ok ?
@ircmaxell what do you think its the next step for SPL data structures
@PeeHaa Those sea-borne molluscs can be tricky, I know.
@ircmaxell .. and still waiting for your filter class ..
@ircmaxell That comment implies that OO is generally hard to use :O
No, not really. Just that a lot of oo designs aren't trivial to setup and run...
@baba: because I haven't looked for it yet. Will take me a while, I have no idea where it is...
@Baba Did you ping me earlier?
@PeeHaa 9 times no reply
twice today
@Baba Did you have anything useful to say? ;-)
@Baba Looks like the spamfilter is doing its job than ;)
But serious I think I have missed your pings
@DaveRandom .. yeah .... "Hello"
That and I have been away a couple of days
Its ok ...
its good to have you back .. just wanted to say hello anyway ...
@Baba :-P
@DaveRandom that reminds me .. How is your son preparing for Christmas
@Baba By not having a f*cking clue what's going on. He's only 1...
@DaveRandom lol
am sure he would still have his fun
md5 hashes seem unnecessarily long - and therefore larger database field required.
Q: Image versioning - Best approach

WebweaverDI am developing a site framework in php (codeigniter) and want to introduce image versioning on image uploads so that I can take advantage of image caching. The easiest approach would just be to md5 the image and use that as the file name but I don't like this approach for the following reasons: ...

^ zOMG
posted on December 17, 2012 by Anthony Ferrara

There are numerous articles on the web about how to properly use bcrypt in PHP. So this time, rather than write yet-another-how-to-use-bcrypt article, I'm going to focus on the mistakes that are commonly made when implementing bcrypt. So, let's dive right in: Read more »

@ircmaxell I would have mentioned the salt formatting
@ircmaxell Saw it waaay too often that people just did a substr on sha1, rather than doing proper base64 encoding
Is there a canonical "SEO friendly urls with mod_rewrite"? (if not we should find/make one)
@ircmaxell "Conclusion: Just us a library." missing e
@NikiC Does it even have to be base64 encoded? Why can't you pass a binary string from mcrypt_create_iv as the salt?
@Leigh To crypt?
@NikiC Yes
crypt uses a base64 alphabet (but incidentially not the base64 alphabet, so that's another source of error)
@NikiC There's nothing that states the salt has to be passed in base 64 in the docs
@Leigh I'm pretty sure there is
@Leigh and 22 digits from the alphabet "./0-9A-Za-z"
I based my search on the word "base" :p
Wonder what's faster, base64_encode + str_replace, or custom base64 encode function
probably the former
former should be
22 is not a multiple of 3 though, so always going to need to trim off ==
Actually I was thinking backwards, the b64 result is 4/3 the size of the input, so the mcrypt_create_iv size would need to be... 15.5
Easy to get wrong ;)
var_dump('0xFF' == '255'); # boolean true
Sweet :D
@Leigh That's the whole point :)
@webarto Didn't we talk about this just a few days ago?
strtr(substr(base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(18)), 0, 22), '+', '.');
@Jack That's not how you use strtr ;)
okay fine, swap the arguments then =p
Should be the other way round
@NikiC Yup, I actually get it now :P
@NikiC I may edit that in as #9...
@Leigh No, it's exactly 16 bytes...
stackoverflow.com/questions/13916325/… OT (I voted to move to SU but in retrospect it belongs on SF)
I'm considering developing an API for people to ask me to do stuff, or inform me of something, or just find out what I'm doing. This is getting ridiculous. At least I'd be in full control over how each type of interaction is handled and routed.
@TimPost I already have one of those. I call it "a telephone". :-P
Want me to do something? PUT it to my /do and it will either find it's way to whatever task management program I use, send me an e-mail or text, or go right to /dev/null, depending.
I hate phones.

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