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sweet :) what was the other thing you mentioned a few days ago, "delegation"?
@igorw Basically like a function call, but for coroutines
Without there is no really nice way to break up a coroutine in parts
especially if you want to forward ->send()s, ->throw()s, etc to it
Here is the Python PEP for them: python.org/dev/peps/pep-0380
so it's like $gen->send($input); return $gen->next()?
F#$K MAC and F#$K OSX
@igorw For the simplest case it is equivalent to looping through the generator and yielding all the values it yields
Such a piece of garbage operating system
@NikiC thanks for the link. cool :)
@igorw But also forwarding all values you get sent to it
and I lost like 10 minutes of video thanks to that camera
@ircmaxell What happened?
I like Apple hardware, I just hate everything else.
the freaking thing hour glasses for no reason every 15 seconds. Whenever I am doing anything CPU intensive at all that is...
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie whereabouts in switzerland?
It's probably preparing for the end of the world is all.
Cool website: xn--n3h.net
Unicode snowman? These guys seriously had too much time on their hands lol
It makes a good replacement for the good / evil smiley that comes with asc(1) and asc(2).
@hakre The CV Machine :)
Good god, Lester is a nightmare... He needs to be banned
@ircmaxell Totally agree, what a broken mp3
Can someone share a link? Internals mailing list?
> [PHP-DEV] Core liason for PHP FIG
You would have thought that a comment from Rasmus on his behaviour would have been enough, but alas, it just put more logs on the fire.
@igorw Btw, there is a very nice presentation on python coroutines: dabeaz.com/coroutines/Coroutines.pdf (which also implements a task scheduler). The issue with the coroutine calls is outlined starting on 170. It shows how it can be solved using a trampoline pattern (which needs to be built into the scheduler).
Never heard of Trampoline pattern before :) this will get added to my list of obscure interview questions.
* Connected to www.githib.com ( port 80 (#0)
> HEAD / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.26.0
> Host: www.githib.com
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
< Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 00:22:46 GMT
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 00:22:46 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Server: ghs
Server: ghs
< Content-Length: 931
Content-Length: 931
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
What, what?
How about therealgithub.com? :)
@webarto The domain is for sale basically, that's the 404 page
Will the real hub github please stand up ... please stand up ... please stand up?
Neat advertising market, exclusively reach programmers that can't type without any behind the scenes prediction voodoo
Oh, I see. I have f4c3b00k.com, you can't typo that :P
Well, that's nice. Thunderbird updated and is now using 2x the memory it once did. What an improvement, indeed!
That's the thing about e-mail .. all of it, all phases of it .. suck
Creating? Sucks. Sending? Sucks. Retrieving? Sucks. Reading? Mind numbingly sucks.
Why do I subject myself to that?
@TimPost Email is by a large margin the most hateful and unwelcome part of the internet.
I'm going back to PINE.
email in shell is a glance. email in gui systems is most often bloatware.
@Leigh Would "Hello World" count as an answer? ^^
Hi folks.
Has anyone here ever worked with the Facebook SDK to do logins?
@hakre It answers the question, so I don't see why not ;)
Two more starred messages and we hit 3333
@rdlowrey You may want to throw your $0.02 in here, or at least keep an eye on it - it seems that there is some circumstance under which stream_socket_enable_crypto() can block on a non-blocking socket. I suspect E_PEBKAC but maybe not...
@ShaquinTrifonoff Hello
@DaveRandom cheers for looking into that btw
I wish I could figure out what makes SFTP go unresponsive randomly. Nothing happening on the server, just sometimes doesn't accept connections even when running.
@igorw No worries, I'm intrigued - certainly the cause needs to be found before it could be implemented, it's probably environmental, just need to work out what it is and whether it is detectable.
@TimPost ...as in the whole daemon stops responding or an open stream stops accepting new transfer requests?
@TimPost You realise if sftp is unresponsive, ssh is by definition also unresponsive?
sftp is a "channel" on an ssh connection
@Leigh I know that.
I think it's actually something in the editor
An editor? Some sort of built in sftp upload?
@Leigh Yep. I can associate FTP/SFTP credentials (user/pass or key) with a project and work on it entirely using the remote file system.
Hm, I don't think I'd like that, I save far too often :p
ctrl+s is like a nervous tick
Sounds dangerous. Sounds like the sort of thing that could have you accidentally putting stuff on live servers far too easily
@Leigh +1 that, it's really annoying on codepads, chrome wants me save the html page
@DaveRandom I don't use it on live. I have a dev server that I connect to which has all of my creature comforts installed, plus everything I need to build and run tests (mingw is not going to work for me). I then use mercurial on the dev box to push to production
@DaveRandom I do it inspect view all the time :p
@TimPost Aww, where's the danger factor? You're one of those bloody professionals aren't you. I can't stand those guys.
@DaveRandom In the code I push, silly. I may be a professional, but I'm a horrible programmer :P
Hi @MirwaisMaarij
The chat system isn't done yet, although I have been working on it.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Thats good, but I also had a question about 1and1 hosting was it?
@ShaquinTrifonoff The domain, was it from 1and1?
@MirwaisMaarij The domain is by 1and1, the hosting is by HourB.
@TimPost Seriously though, I'm not hugely familiar with the inner workings of SSH but something I that happens with long running persistent TCP connections in general is that if something along the route dies and causes the stream to break, you won't ever get informed because there's nothing to send a FIN/RST and packets just disappear into the ether and time out. Just dropping the connection and recreating it would sort it out.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Wasn't the domain about £1?
@MirwaisMaarij Yeah
@ShaquinTrifonoff Aparently they charged me £8 for this month :/
@ShaquinTrifonoff They have given me a reciet aswell for it, which says £8
@DaveRandom That's my suspicion as well. Most good SSH/SFTP clients will just 'deal with it', I'm just looking at a half dumb implementation in my editor. I may fire up wireshark later and send the guy a bug report.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Hmm if I contact them I dont really know which set we choose to pay for
@ShaquinTrifonoff it was the .org domain but not sure where, do you still have the link for it?
@MirwaisMaarij Oh no, I just figured it out.... the deal is only for .com domains...
@ShaquinTrifonoff Crap
@ShaquinTrifonoff I'm gonna have to cancel this one, too expensive for a .org domain
Very tricky advertising.
@MirwaisMaarij Yeah...
Hmm yeah
What domain will you use?
@ShaquinTrifonoff I don't know where to cancel, could you join my teamviewer and maybe instead of cancelling we could find another option to switch to a cheaper one?
@ShaquinTrifonoff In some time, like half hour or something
@MirwaisMaarij Sure.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Or tomorrow if you are busy
@ShaquinTrifonoff Also the google AdSense, I don't know what happened to them..
@ShaquinTrifonoff They didn't send me an email or inboxed me yet about if they approved
@MirwaisMaarij I'm working on another guy's site, but I should have time to help with the domain today
/me is going to bed
night all
@ShaquinTrifonoff Okay then I'll talk to you in 1 hour
@MirwaisMaarij ok
@DaveRandom bye
@NikiC those slides are excellent, thanks for sharing
@DaveRandom While I haven't worked with it from the server-side, I have yet to encounter any blocking on SSL client sockets when I connect asynchronously, poll the status with stream_select until connect and subsequently enable crypto on the non-blocking socket (until 0 is no longer returned, obviously). I've tested this thoroughly and have never encountered blocking. I too suspect E_PEBKAC.
FWIW, I've never attempted this with < PHP5.3 because I can't be bothered to support < PHP5.3, and the stream/socket implementations used to be much more buggy than they are in newer versions.
I see no reason why the same methodology would produce any other result from the server end of things.
And yes, if you're going to use that method, it's very important to pass the appropriate resource context (with any SSL options) when the socket client/server is created. This should most likely be done with option setter(s)
Ok, definitely getting a new camera for video... Lost quite a bit from this one...
That's a bummer :/
@igorw interesting topic, you have probably already seen that link too
@cyril did not see that link in particular but I did look at how it works in ES6
must be hard to do from scratch in php...
Anyone here good with MySQL?
Hello People :)
@Moshe look at the right top corner, don't ask to ask, just ask. :)
@ome Right, right.
I'm scraping course data from my uni's website.
So I need a database where I can store courses and course sections.
I'm super rusty with my relational database skills.
So I was wondering how to connect the two tables.
Bit more information please, what is a course section and how it relates to courses?
@ome A course is a class that's given in school, say "Intro to Programming". It has a number of credits, a name, and a subject. A section is the time/place/professor that teaches.
righto, you have a one-to-many relationship. you would need something along these lines:
ok, so courseID becomes a foreign key.
@ome And if I wanted users to be able to watch different sections, that's a many to many.
@Moshe yeah, courseID becomes a foreign key.
And no, it would be only a many to many when at a given 'time, place and professor' were teaching a few courses. :P
@ome No, I want users to log in and be able to choose courses to watch.
@ome there's a third table for users.
the Course and CourseSection relation is one to many. for that a Course can have many sections but a courseSection can have only one course.
but a user watches course sections
your users relation with courseSection would be many to many. yes.
so how does that work?
well, we have courseSection(courseID*,time,palce,....)
then we have student(_id_,name,....)
then you need something like `subscription(studentID*,courseID*,time*,place*,....)
normally to make things simple, you would have synthetic identifier for the courseSection to make the subscription simple.
so you would have: `courseSection(_ID_, courseID*,time,palce,....)`
And then: ` subscription(_studentID*_,_sectionID*_)`
not a problem. :)
@Moshe listing20. is more or less the same, in the link
@ShaquinTrifonoff Okay, you there?
@MirwaisMaarij Yep
@ShaquinTrifonoff Teamviewer?
Hi, I still have problems with xpath. It returns my head...

I need to get the content of all the <td> between a td containing text 'Edycja' and the end of this table. However my code returns me every td in my html code.
@MirwaisMaarij OK
@ShaquinTrifonoff 524 405 536
It's updating..
Any URLS on how to prevent SQL injection in PDO api?
3333 is the perfect cosmic star alignment to prevent the Mayan apocalypse on the 21st.
OK, I'll just star your message @rdlowrey
Come on
you couldn't expect to post that and not get a star...?
I know, I fully expected it. Just wanted to enjoy the moment.
Only 1110 more stars and we'll be at 4444! Get to work you star-happy bastards!
lol, now someone's going to have to come along and burninate all the dumb stars.
Excuse me, anybody can help me to test my geoloc app? just visiting a link:
@rdlowrey We will get to 3344 soon
it has to return country, region and city
Never, ever Google 'black hole' with safe search off in incognito.
I dunno, if you're going to do it, might as well be in incognito when you do.
posted on December 17, 2012 by PHP Advent

As a developer, I know it’s easy to get tunnel vision when it comes to security. You look through the lines of code in your app and try to think like an attacker. You try to break things, perform injection attacks, and escape your output appropriately, but you’re missing something. Stick with me, and you’ll see what I mean. There has always been theater of one sort or another. As long as ther

I wil have to read one day how variable scope work in Js
I'm going to do a video on it...
Does tStarp or twigstrap sound better for twig port of twitter's bootstrap ?
@ircmaxell thx!
prob my next video of normal style (this week's is done, next week's should be a guest special)...
Sorry to bother you guys, but none has an idea on how to manage to do that ?
made that small web app
feel free to try to explode the DB
you can post a point on the Earth with data, and search
thx Shyam (saw an Indian map point)
Unclickable links (with CSS): jsfiddle.net/V6unN
@ShaquinTrifonoff the JS is not needed
@cyril just registered at your app(link)... And the mail sent is in French :( ... Also the check your emails message has a non-clickable X... And the placeholder text alone is enough, instead of the [email protected] and the single character password, no?
@ShyamK thx, right, yes replace the password by your own
it should work
@cyril it worked fine :) no problems of any kind... Although I kept getting debug messages in php console(just installed it on Chrome a few days ago, so I haven't really used it) and got an red ERROR message at some point on one of the php console notifications... not sure what it was cos it disappeared pretty fast...
yes, it's sending a 404, when no points found, in the map, it's annoying, might change it
@ShaquinTrifonoff :after... so that can be used to insert new fields into a form also, right? instead of the js way that I followed.
a:active:after {
    content: 'un\ click\ able!';
cool but I don't see a usecase :)
Clickjacking? You'd click it a couple of times just to make sure your mouse is working alright
@ShyamK no lol
@cyril It's there to prove the links can't be clicked
they probably can on IE and mobiles
@cyril Not in IE10 (which, BTW, doesn't display the appearing content)
OK... what about jsfiddle.net/V6unN/1
Post written: "Seven Ways To Screw Up BCrypt"... Goes live tomorrow morning (local). Thanks for the inspiration @nikic!!!
Love the title, can't wait :)
Good afternoon
@ShyamK firewall?
with whitelist
oh, just read it
that is baaad, atleast they can ask me
is there a timelimit to a post before i can edit it?
to a question*
and giving the info to amazon, this is preposterous!!
hmm, I wonder if elementary os is better...
@ShaquinTrifonoff what's the base?
@ShaquinTrifonoff I thought it had a Linux base
The base is Ubuntu lol
> Luna is built on an Ubuntu core. Doing this allows us to inherit a lot of the under-the-hood work that Canonical and the Ubuntu community put in.
like mint then
@ShaquinTrifonoff About Elementary OS, are the terminal commands the same as in those in Ubuntu...
> Ubuntu allows users to switch the surveillance off
not explained how
ya most won't even know it exists...
will use debian/ fedora now
@ShyamK time to start a campaign
@andho I agree, but how?
deploy a simple static website, would need a cool design
you know, like w3fools.com
i'll try to come up with something
@andho designing... something I suck at...
@andho that would be better
I would, if I had some spare time :)
define spare time :P hehe, for me, it's the time after i finish watching series and movies and slacking off
or the time inbetween, like doing something while doing the above mentioned things
can you quickly test this app please
thx Shaq
Post 10.000 times if you want :d
@cyril ha ha, done
where Shaquin lives
@ShyamK I see you tested it
@cyril lol, no, not on an island that small
cool little utility for testing ur local app on the web: progrium.com/localtunnel
it's near Australia though
@andho free host?
@ShaquinTrifonoff yup sometime earlier :D
@cyril yeah, it just makes a ssh tunnel to his server
i just tried it
but it's not public
dam I took the teresko's syndrome, of not sleeping
> there qhaqs' home
lol @cyril
seriously, I'd like to use this kind of geographic website, for a collocation partners, or something
@ShaquinTrifonoff lol now you're trying to inject me
@cyril Yep... another XSS vuln
I lost the page...
@hakre i only asked again because i didnt get any good response before. — Tall boY 57 secs ago
^ sweet defence for duplicating own questions.
@ShaquinTrifonoff because normal users are not going to do that ;), and I prefer to have html styled content
Okay, okay
The next star will be #3333 (again)!
I let you that privilege
hello guys does any one knows of a good techinque to create a database and tables from php on fly
I have a huge database with 150 tables
and everytime a new user is registerred I setup a new database for him on fly
@KrishanGopal whole database or just row
whole database
@KrishanGopal read this
@KrishanGopal and what happen when you have like 200k user ...a top of table ....lol
the way I am doing now is I have an export of all sql in one sql file and running that using linux's command prompt using exec() function
what I even don't.
and who do know which user information stored in ..bla database ...
yes to support 200K users I need to have 200K databases
I will have to have many database servers for that
Can you explain what exactly are you trying to do?
It's very very unlikely that you need to create a new table for each user.
so than another master database ..to store username and password and database information
setting up a database on fly
@KrishanGopal you lol'ed me.....haah
for newely registerred users
I got that, but what is the application about? what do you want to store in those new tables?
its a crm system
in JavaScript, 3 hours ago, by Esailija
lol, duplicate answers? http://stackoverflow.com/a/9835859/995876 http://stackoverflow.com/a/9835714/995876 http://stackoverflow.com/a/9834683/995876 http://stackoverflow.com/a/9835936/995876 http://stackoverflow.com/a/9835954/995876
separate user separate database
@ShyamK already cashed in the free flags
@NullPointer Ya my thoughts exactly... same answer... similar questions... most within the same time span...
@KrishanGopal , you are doing it wrong
@KrishanGopal first of all what do you understand by database and table ?
i suspect you consider row as database ..
@ShyamK Thanks, close voted all but one :)
anyone else noticed that ?
@NullPointer No, b/c I don't use IE lol
me neither lol
@NullPointer i suspect you might be only one of 1M+ users of SO who has tried it
win xp or non-updated system
@ShaquinTrifonoff nor i just spotted it ...while checking my website on ie
@Jack Happy to help :)
@tereško than... a badge should be awarded to me ... a badge ..lol
Crazy, it's like that guys pointy hat trick answer lol
@NullPointer badge?
cat http://stackoverflow.com | IE8
@ShaquinTrifonoff lol...
for 10k+ ...Herman Schoenfeld is king of dup stackoverflow.com/tools/flagged?subtype=duplicateanswer
Let me get a screenshot
@NullPointer I expected atleast an answer to be there for that... but nooooo... it went on and on... gawd that was all question...
@ShyamK lol... did you really expect answer of that crappy question ?
OK, got a screenshot with PhantomJS lol
speechless ....:)
Wow... this is the longest question I've ever seen. It's a wall of code. — Shaquin Trifonoff 5 secs ago
@NullPointer Such a 'short' question...I didn't even read the question... was just scrolling... How do I read that... its like a gawd damn story...
@ShaquinTrifonoff lol.......:P
Q: 6 simple tips to get Stack Overflow reputation fast

Jeff AtwoodFrom "6 Simple Tips to Get Stackoverflow Reputation Fast" at codexon.com: Be the First to Answer. Even at the cost of quality. Use Downvotes and Comments Strategically Use obnoxious in-your-face formatting and lists. Be Aware of the 200 rep/day Limit Edit, But Don’t Edit Too Much Associate your...

second point really ?
Q: Will high reputation in Stack Overflow help to get a good job?

Shamim HafizIn a post, Joel Spolsky mentioned that 5 digit Stack Overflow reputation can help you to earn a job paying $100k+. How much of that is real? Would anyone like to share their success in getting a high paid job by virtue of their reputations on Stack Exchange sites? I read somewhere that, a perso...

user image
See how long it is?!
@ShaquinTrifonoff its to long
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa‌​aayyyyyyyy too long
@ShaquinTrifonoff too damn long... what is the image file size?
15487 pixels high
anyone else getting a sorta slight scroll lag? it may be my shitty connection though
@ShyamK Maybe it's because of the image..?
@ShaquinTrifonoff not maybe... it is becoz of the image
@ShaquinTrifonoff Thank you for preserving that one as an image, we're surely going to need it for comparison some day.
@Charles I think so. BTW, a better version: i.sstatic.net/yU4lf.jpg
I'm just kinda glad it wasn't in . May as well have been given the quality.
Right now I'm trying to deal with a guy that wants to talk to Solr but doesn't know what a "hostname" or "path" are.
@Charles Sounds awful
<grumpycat>PHP is awful.</grumpycat>
You know how you can't create a folder called con in Windows? I managed to do it... temp-share.com/show/gFHKX4l0Y
...and, for the record...
@ShaquinTrifonoff It was so big that you had to zip the solution into a 150 bytes file?
@Jack I can't upload folders lol
Festivus? What the hell is Festivus? nvm but why is there a pole on the side if you search for it?
Festivus? Isn't that what George's dad invented?
yup... apparently he did
> "His father hated all the commercial and religious aspects of Christmas, so he made up his own holiday." - Jerry Seinfeld referring to George's father Frank Costanza.
Morning all
morning PeeHaa
About that answer (and similar ones):
if(strpos($answer->content, 'plz')) { --$answer->quality; }
@PeeHaa morning ....
@Charles lol...
@Touki morning ...
@ShaquinTrifonoff say you create a con folder in Linux and then move it to the Windows partition, what would happen? would the folder cease to exist? or would it still exist? ever tried this out? by the way how did you create a con folder?
@ShyamK I tried it, it stays there, but you can't access it.
@ShyamK I created it with Cygwin.
In Linux, try creating two folders on a Windows partition: FOLDER and folder. Inside each, put a file called file (in lowercase). It will have an interesting effect...
@ShaquinTrifonoff is this one of those things where I try it and my computer goes boom things? :P
I was just curious heh
@ShyamK IDK... I haven't tried it yet
posted on December 17, 2012 by Gareth Heyes

Alex Inführ has a pretty awesome blog post on how to execute non-alpha PHP with only $_=+();. Pretty amazing stuff please check it out here: Non-Alpha PHP in 6-7 charset. To create assert it would be 99mb! Hehe.

F**k the feed....

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