well , hi guys , since there is no site for apache/web dev , i've decided to ask m question here ..........i donno if this is relevant in a chat room ...... But can u please look at this question :
I'm trying to install the WebNotes Framework in Windows 7 .
The only installation guide is focussed on Linux Environment .
So i want to know the corresponding file names in Windows .
The Guide is here
I've found the Hosts file in Windows.
Linux :
Windows equivalent :
How can i use (str_word_count($str, 1)); as an array and omit words assigned a number? So Hello [1] => World [2] => This [3] => Is [4] => a [5] => Test ) 6 only ouputs the numbers i define, such as [1] and [2] to omit This is a test.
you would be much better off if you used some virtualization solution and put a linux.bsd server in it , and forward 80th ans 22nd port to your localhost
In a new post to his blog Chris Hartjes shares a technique he figured out for testing web services in Zend Framework 1.x - in his case, a remote application he wanted to mock out with test doubles that would give different responses based on the parameters given. Reading the existing PHPUnit documentation did not provide me with enough hints on how to solve this particular problem, so while…
OAuth (Open Authentication) is an open standard for authentication. It allows users to share their private resources (e.g. photos, videos, contact lists) stored on one site with another site without having to hand out their credentials, typically username and password.
OAuth allows users to hand out tokens instead of credentials to their data hosted by a given service provider. Each token grants access to a specific site (e.g. a video editing site) for specific resources (e.g. just videos from a specific album) and for a defined duration (e.g. the next 2 hours). This allows a user to gran...
@Edvin Just post your question, we're not mind readers
:66848 Inline statements? No thanks... wrap in braces, use consistent indenting and then maybe I'll look at it. But you're still not making sure it's not empty
How can i use (str_word_count($str, 1)); as an array and omit words assigned a number? So Hello [1] => World [2] => This [3] => Is [4] => a [5] => Test ) 6 only outputs the numbers i define, such as [1] and [2] to omit This is a test leaving only Hello World, or [1] and [6] for Hello Test...
@irc okie SELECT count(MATCH(r.body, r.title) AGAINST ('hello irc')) FROM {node_revisions} r INNER JOIN {node} n ON r.nid = n.nid AND r.vid = n.vid WHERE n.status <> 0 AND n.type='poll' GROUP BY n.nid ORDER BY n.nid DESC, r.vid DESC LIMIT 0,10
@RyanCooper the first thing you need to do is stop and think about what exactly you want to do. Then express it in terms of what you want to do rather than how you think you need to do it
@ircmaxell Easily remove the x'th word or words by counting them, assigning them numbers and only allowing the numbers i define to show, by leaving the numbers assigned to the word to be removed out.
@ircmaxell My son and i are messing around with creating a text cipher and are just trying different stuff, ive looked around and cant find anything similar... im able to remove every 3rd letter in a similar fashion but having trouble leaving words out...
$form['status'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => $msgids, '#default_value' => $status, ); $msgids[$note->mid] = ''; $status[]=$note->status; but the checkbox only checked for first row not all
Trying to decide which one would be better suited for my situation. According to the phpunit docs (which are very limited) the whitelist should include all files inside of the directory, but it doesnt seem to be working that way. Does anyone have any suggestions or can point me to a good referenc...
The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast has posted their latest episode - an interview with Bulat Shakirzyanov. Cal's "three questions" for Bulat revolve around his work with unit testing: How do you counter the arguments that unit testing takes too much time or their boss/client won't give them the time to learn or practice testing? Do you advocate 100% unit test coverage - if so, why (and…
I have a Log Class as follows:
class Log {
private $_time;
private $_logSession;
private $_logFile;
private $_fileWriter;
private $_user;
private $_lvls = array('CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'INFO', 'DEBUG');
private $_eol = PHP_EOL;
function startLog($sessionID) {
@Neal - Most generic way is to echo memorable stuff out during operations (e.g. in if statements), like "The Ninja infiltrated the base" after a write check.
@Neal - Not directly, but it will to the client, and from the client to you. But JohnP got it right; error logs should have info if something went wrong
I'm trying to use php's mail() function but keep getting an error. I've installed sendmail via sudo apt-get install sendmail, edited my /etc/php5/cli/php.ini file adding the following text to these lines:
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
sendmail_from = [email protected]
I ...
@teresko - what bug? @JohnP - because php doesn't have cross-browser issues (lacking a very important factor of cross-browser issues) so frameworks are for more complex architectures.
I don't think jQuery is the best. I think it's good.
the problem is my pure JS would be much worse than what the jquery team have done. And I don't know any other frameworks, so it comes down to a lesser of two evils
@ircmaxell agreed. But seeing as I don't do too much JS related stuff I've never felt the deficiency in the skillset. I met get around to learning another framework and some more in depth JS, but ...
@ircmaxell I've never been given a project that uses JS heavily. Most of the freelance work tends to revolve around straight cookie cutter sites. I'm already committed to learning a new server side language. Time is the issue
I think that jQuery looks bad because it's core functionality is based on something horrible in the first place: the DOM. When you think about the jQuery call, the DOM is already there.
I think the implementation is quite good. Perhaps a little bit limited (could use some more), but good as it stands. Plus it's language agnostic which is always nice
Is it even worth posting a question on so regarding my plight of an unresponsive server and when I check the error and access logs they dont show any recent activity when using nginx on a server coopy from terremark. I dont think I'd get response but probably a few downvotes. I just want to see a message that gives me some indication of what the issue might be.