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@webarto I just can't relate to that, it's a totally alien concept that I wouldn't be able to go anywhere I wanted to. I forget how lucky I am to be a British citizen. It's really weird to look at a map of the EU and see a hole in the middle of it, I just don't pay enough attention to the news.
It's on purpose, Romania and Bulgaria are much worse countries in general, and they are still in EU, politics :)
> At that time, stronger from Yugoslavia were: USA, Soviet Union, France, England.
I'm not getting into that, it fell apart with same force as it was put together.
And, yes, you are lucky to be British ;D
> You see, Baldrick, in order to prevent war in Europe, two superblocs developed: us, the French and the Russians on one side, and the Germans and Austro-Hungary on the other. The idea was to have two vast opposing armies, each acting as the other's deterrent. That way there could never be a war.
> But, this is a sort of a war, isn't it, sir?
> Yes, that's right. You see, there was a tiny flaw in the plan.
> What was that, sir?
> It was bollocks.
Switzerland, dream country :) But I'll come to England if you invite me, that is OK too :P
@webarto Yeh it's fine if you like rain and perpetual unreasonable complaining. Also we have beer, but you won't like it. You're welcome any time though. If you do go to Switzerland, be quiet or they will shoot you, although if you want to bring Heroin that's fine.
@DaveRandom You are also welcome, we have almost everything here (combined), and you will love everything, I'll arrange Heroin if needed :P vimeo.com/31642347 youtube.com/watch?v=rinQSOVUvrU youtube.com/watch?v=m19pmh5ifhQ (no rain here!)
I'm off, God bless America, God save the Queen :)
I have a feeling i'm doing something wrong with this query
but I can't find the error
fixed it
:6554872 Well WHERE inprogress='false' is wrong because you should not be using strings to store booleans, and the comma should be replaced with AND or OR
@DaveRandom but how else can i store FILE_NOT_FOUND in a boolean column
@Lusitanian It's too late for me to be able to think of a suitably amusing response. If you would be so kind as to consider yourself amused, I would be ever so grateful.
@DaveRandom I am amused.
@Lusitanian Many thanks.
Also @Lusitanian, out of interest, what is your browser of choice?
@DaveRandom I gravitate between FF and Chrome, but lean towards Chrome
@Lusitanian Sensible man. Do you run cv-pls or not?
@DaveRandom I am running it now.
@Lusitanian Cool. I'm just finishing up some major reworkings of it and hoping to get a FF beta out this week, IDK who actually runs FF as browser of choice though, I think NikiC does but I could do with a few people to run it, FF is a tricky beast when it comes to extensions as it turns out.
I'll test it on FF happily
i need someone to make a php script
will pay $100 for it
contact me on Skype if interested, my username is theamazinggya
@javawarrior <?php echo "This is a PHP script."; ?>
$100 please. :D
A specified php script.
@Lusitanian -1 not enough jQuery
jquery addition plugin below
    $.fn.add = function(a, b) {
        return a+b;
$(2).plus(2); // 5
but you got it wrong
@javawarrior You will have to specify your script if you want someone to make it
$(2).plus( $(2) );
otherwise you get a typeerror
@Lusitanian $( $(2).plus( $(2) ) ); to be really safe
that'll guarantee a return value of 5
What I wanted was 22
in that case
$( $('2').plus( $('2') ).toString() ).toString();
$('#Lusitanian').thank('works now');
@DaveRandom $("#6555097").sendReply('jQueryIsGreat');
Related: cv-pls core is (as of about 5 minutes ago) 100% jQuery free.
@DaveRandom cool
@DaveRandom nice (:
@Lusitanian You must mean $('#input').val(':6555097 jQueryIsGreat');$('#sayit-button').click();
Did you execute that..?
of course [knowing what it does]
Yes, if you know what it does...
@javawarrior Is the PHP script you are looking for: implement a new social network? Because I have mad skillz in that department.
There is only a problem when people execute something an they don't know what it does.
@ShaquinTrifonoff if you want to screw with people you should just do $(input), it will still work and it's way less obvious what's going on
@DaveRandom it's not really any less obvious, lol
maybe $('textarea'), nah that's obvious too
eval(["at!'\\\"(lave(lav.))\\\";)''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'#input'\\\"(lave($\".split('').reverse().join(''));","s gre","cript i","eval(\";)(kcilc.))\\\";)''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'#sayit-button'\\\"(lave($;))\\\";)''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'this s"].reverse().join(''));
Not that is less obvious :P
hi @tereško
@ShaquinTrifonoff lul
this script is great!
what does it do??
I made a better version, too
says "this script is great!" into this chat
@qwertymk Figure it out
this script is great!
eval(["at!'\\\"(lave(lav.))\\\";)''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'#\x69\x6e\x70\x75\x74'\\\"(lave($\".split('').reverse().join(''));","s gre","cript i","eval(\";)(kcilc.))\\\";))''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'I3NheWl0LWJ1dHRvbg=='(bota\\\"(lave($;))\\\";)''(nioj.)(esrever.)''(tilps.'this s"].reverse().join(''));
That's the better version.
why's it better
You can't see #input or #sayit-button in the script.
thats the send button
I encoded the IDs
yeah but the == gives away a lot :p
this script is great!
@Lusitanian Base64?
@ShaquinTrifonoff yep
how does that work
Nov 21 at 6:06, by Shyam K
Aaaaargh... that... that... note to self: don't ever post code posted by Shaq into the console on SO chat
i can't get it to prettify
@qwertymk No. I made it too complex. It will stay ugly forever!
whats the gists of it?
eval()ing reversed strings.
that i got
i put reggubed into it
It's all getting a bit E_TOO_MUCH_MAGIC for me, I'm going to bed
nighty night people
@DaveRandom Before you go, how did you hex(?)-encode input? :P
oh u keep reverseing and reversing the string
how did u end of writing that
Are you 'unwrapping' the code? :P
by hand or some function?
revering a string at a time
@ShaquinTrifonoff asciitable.com - for 5 chars I can be arsed. For long strings, $chars = array_values(unpack('C*', $str)); vsprintf(str_repeat('\\02x%x', count($chars)), $chars);
there's got to be an easier way
u shoiuld write a function for that
@DaveRandom OK, thanks!
Hey, were're almost at message #6555555!
@ShaquinTrifonoff I didn't test that, but hopefully you get the idea, unpack to an array of ints and sprintf it as hex
(minor modification)
@DaveRandom Yep
Just missed #6555555 :(
@ShaquinTrifonoff Where did dave hex encode input and how with js?
wtf where 6555555?
There will be other encoders out there, but I knew of that one :P
And this helped heaps:
A: How do you reverse a string in place in JavaScript?

belacquafunction reverse(s){ return s.split("").reverse().join(""); }

how do u post answers like that?
@qwertymk Just post a link to it.
Stack Overflow will onebox pages from a few sites...
hmm, good to know
It's called 'oneboxing'
10 secs ago, by qwertymk
hmm, good to know
1 min ago, by Shaquin Trifonoff
10 secs ago, by qwertymk
hmm, good to know
@qwertymk I did that in the Sandbox once... ~100 messages. It broke the layout.
in Sandbox, 9 mins ago, by Shaquin Trifonoff
Warning: Do NOT post the following code into your JavaScript console (F12 in Chrome, Ctrl+Shift+K in Firefox):
@SomeKittens You got message no. 6555555!
in JavaScript, 1 hour ago, by SomeKittens
No problem
Woo! I guess!
@SomeKittens woo...morning ..
Does anyone know of a good solution to the Safari third party cookies Facebook issue?
Because Facebook apps run in iFrame i lose the cookie authentication in Safari. Can i maybe parse access_token to the next page or similar?
@SomeKittens I got #6555554 and #6555556 :(
hiya guys,
@tomexsans hiiya
ok so I'm trying to figure out how to style this part of my calendar page to scroll becausee obviously its to long benlevywebdesign.com/templeisrael/calendar/#action=calp_week
basically what this code says function __construct(myUser $user) {
I am getting this error
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Contest::__construct() must be an instance of myUser, none given
@gowri That message explains what is wrong. What don't you understand about it?
what i don't getting from this is myUser $user equal to new myUser or not ?
$user = new myUser();
That line in the constructor is a typehint: see the manual
It basically means that you must pass in a myUser object as the first argument:
new Contest(new myUser);
class Contest extends BaseContest

private $_user;

public function __construct(myUser $user) {

$this->_user = $user;
this is my class . How can i modify according to that
It doesn't need modification. What is wrong with it?
i am trying to do decency injection in model as here stackoverflow.com/q/8340988/430112
(personally, I dislike underscore in object properties) See the Other Comments section of this answer for my reasoning.
@gowri It is good. As I said before:
5 mins ago, by Paul
new Contest(new myUser);
It might look easier to you like this:
$user = new myUser;
$contest = new Contest($user);
The user dependency has been injected. (Dependency Injection is that simple).
Yes I can understand that, But while i try to get the value $this->_user
it returns empty
Have you fixed it so that you don't have the fatal error anymore?
with setUser i am not getting any fatal error
Personally I like to inject dependencies in the constructor. With setter injection you can't guarantee that the object is in a usable state at all times.
Have you tried what I said before, injecting the user into the new call?
Where can i add this inside contest class
Sorry I am not yet familiar with object oriented programming.
13 mins ago, by Paul
It doesn't need modification. What is wrong with it?
Try this:
10 mins ago, by Paul
$user = new myUser;
$contest = new Contest($user);
Where should i use this code in my contest class
should i use inside __contructor
or save() function
I need to get current user id
You should read this first. You need to learn about what a class is, and what an object is.
can you set a break point in eclipse (PDT)?
Yes I should , But i know new myUser will give the object of myUser. I am using symfony so i guess every class will be auto loaded. should i do in action. I never called any model manually in project. Thats why i so confused where to call
@GoogleGuy nice ..explanation +1
@NullPointer for what?
@GoogleGuy that echo (2).(bla)
heh, that's like flow of control 101 stuff
Public service announcement: anyone who uses ORDER BY RAND() deserves to get slapped in the face with an RDBMS manual.
Hi, Please excuse me if i cause any interruption. I got a problem can any of you guys suggest me a solution for this stackoverflow.com/questions/13729070/…
@GoogleGuy accepted answer makes no sense ...
hi this is faiz
any one know yii framework i want one help in that ?
@NullPointer It's seen as a bit of a troll question, really. It's like when you're in compsci 101 and learning about how a call stack works and you wonder why foo(bar(baz())) actually results in baz() getting executed before bar() and foo(). It's just common sense, but I can understand how people who don't come from a programming background might have trouble grasping that.
@faizphp ya, can you ask question?
I just try to explain it to people in as few technical terms as possible since the jargon often gets in the way.
You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.
I get reminded of that every time I see 'common sense'.
@GoogleGuy absolutely agree ..with you
@Maulikpatel can u help me for this issue ?
i am watching
@Maulikpatel do u know yii framework ??
last 1month i am working on yii
help me @Maulikpatel
in php first time redirect page not working in second time redirect on sucessfully
@NikunjAkbari did u ask a question ?
@NikunjAkbari can u give me a link ?
@Maulikpatel did u saw that ?
@NikunjAkbari paste the code
Did any one see my question?
header("Location: thank-you.php");
@NikunjAkbari in local its not working ??
yes first time is not working
@NikunjAkbari paste ur full code
@Maulikpatel did u saw my issue ?
@Ramarajudantuluri wats ur question ?
and second time i have to run redirect page sucessfully
@NikunjAkbari paste a full code or show me the code in codepad.org
At least learn to select the correct language.
@NikunjAkbari wait a moment
@NikunjAkbari The spec requires that you provide an absolute URI in your location headers.
@faizphp ok
@NikunjAkbari wats that s==c are u passing any arguement ??
@faizphp yes
@faizphp s==c plz ignore that
header("location:contact-us.php?s=cap"); should be header("location:http://bla.com/contact-us.php?s=cap");
@nikunj hi
@NikunjAkbari for use this echo "<script>window.location.href='thank-you.php?s==c'</script>"; instead of header("Location: thank-you.php?s==c");
@sabari hi
i have issues in javascript
@faizphp ok i try this
@NikunjAkbari you might want to select php not c ... in codepad
@NullPointer k
@NikunjAkbari ok
@Maulikpatel are u ther ?
@faizphp Thanks
ie8 not support 'DXImageTransform' this code
@NikunjAkbari ok welcome
w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.30 "The field value consists of a single absolute URI."
@NullPointer Ok
@faizphp I am trying to display a gallery like html. I simply want to display name, date,description and variety of images having different width and height. I am able to render the data from a json api, Hence thereby using a single div to be iterated for a foreach. The problem is i am getting spaces between div's. how to align my div's in a neat fashion like masonry.desandro.com . Ofcourse i usedthis plugin but failed to get desired output
@sabari Yes
@nikunj this my url:
@faizphp am i clear now?
@sabari k
@nikunj see my link
@faizphp That was bad advice, the header function exists in PHP for a reason.
@Paul which ?
@Paul wat ?
He's talking about using javascript to redirect instead of using header('location: ...')
@faizphp i am sure you will get “Warning: Headers already sent”
@NullPointer not if he's using ob_start() :)
@answer for my question
@GoogleGuy @NullPointer @Paul answer my question
@GoogleGuy ahhh yup output buffering
Why use javascript to redirect when it can be done using header. If it is really being redirected as a decision by the server then the redirect should be done using header.
its bad practice since if script is disabled than it wont work ...
@faizphp Multi-ping is often considered rude here. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
@paul are u there?
@sabari he is in space and come on earth and posting message on so...next time when he will come he will replied (up to him ) you just need to leave message....
My orbit time (and laptop wi-fi signal strength) vary due to the magnetic effect of the sun.
what i con't understand?
Also due to the distance of Jupiter from it's 3rd moon.
in yii wat is the use of this class
@sabari Yes, I am here, but I can't help with the question you posted earlier.
hello i want to calculate distance formula SQRT( SQUARE (X2 - x1) + SQUARE (y2-y1)) it get error in sql can anyone help me
Q: Image is getting corrupted when posting to server from iPhone

iProgrammerHere is my code to upload image to php server but image is uploaded as corrupted image at server.Below is my code please tell me the issue..I have tried with cocoa rest client, image is uploading properly from it. NSString *filename = @"connect-blue.png"; UIImage *image = [UIImage imageN...

Please help
PHP is really angering me... I feel in all my time I've spent troubleshooting code I would already have a working app in Django.. :(
what a gr8 question [sarcasm] -> stackoverflow.com/questions/13739568/…
Good morning @PeeHaa.
How was Sinterklaas? :P
> For example, the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ complier uses the name wWinMain for the Unicode entry point.
lol, typo in the MSDN docs
Morning all
It's bloody freezing, might snow here today :/
It's snowing here
@NiekBergman Drunk :)
We are celebrating it today :)
Rain here in Israel, but I guess that's something too :D
It rarely snows in the desert.
@TrashyMcTrash its snowing here also
@NiekBergman what u are celebrating today ?
@peter: Sinterklaas.
It's a Dutch thing.
Sinterklaas [sɪntər'klaːs] (or more formally Sint Nicolaas or Sint Nikolaas; Saint Nicolas in French; Sankt Nikolaus in German) is a traditional winter holiday figure still celebrated today in the Low Countries, including the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as French Flanders and Artois. He is also well known in territories of the former Dutch Empire, including Aruba, Suriname, Curaçao, Bonaire, and Indonesia. He is one of the sources of the holiday figure of Santa Claus in North America. Although he is usually referred to as Sinterklaas, he is also known as De Goedheiligman (T...
@NiekBergman is this related to the birth of jesus ?
Not really.
@peter According to the wikipedia article, he has a pope's hat on his head...?
Sinterklaas is a celebration of a bearded man stealing the pope's hat.
u celebrating a thief ?
No wait, Bishop's* hat
I'll never get Christian holidays...
@MadaraUchiha me too
Look here he is with his hand up as the police are about to arrest him: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
@MadaraUchiha christian holidays are wrong
and 2012 is wrong also
You're all wrong
No-one actually knows exactly when Jesus was born :P
It is approximately the year 13,730,000,000 - Based on science, not dead jew zombies.
than how jesus born ?
Why do all pics of the pope intentionally portray him as a sith lord?
@Jimbo Because religion is the dark side, no good can come of it
@Leigh Yeah, well, but dead Jew zombies have an error margin of approx 20 years, but you have an error margin of approx 1e7.
Hi everyone. I need to retrieve site's URL after it loads (it's actually redirects itself), how can this be done? From PHP-script and without any user interaction. I've read a bit about curl but didn't figured out what i need to do.
@Leigh Although religion has been the cause of many wars, the good side of religion (morals, love, friendship, not murdering etc) has done good for us animals
@Ivan0x32 If it redirects itself with JavaScript, you'll need a JavaScript parser. PHP doesn't execute JavaScript.
@MadaraUchiha Dead jew zombies just have an error, no margin about it ;)
@Jimbo You can do all of that without religion
it's server side i suppose.
If it's a 30x header, cURL can follow it automatically.
@Leigh We can now, but one wonders what it would've been like if we hadn't adopted some set of rules like that. We can only speculate I guess
@Jimbo I'd argue the cons overweigh the pros in this case.
Religion is great and all, exactly to the point when you start hating someone else for believing something other than you do.
Jews know that all too well :)
@MadaraUchiha also, 20/2000 > 110000000/13750000000 - Your error margin is larger.
@Leigh Aye, but yours is impractical.
@MadaraUchiha I'd take impractical over completely baseless any day ;)
I think religion is a little sensitive for PHP chat :P
It's like saying I have a ruler that can measure light years with only 0.000001% error margin, it doesn't make it any practical to measure millimeters with it.
@Jimbo I haven't got started yet :P
@Leigh It isn't baseless. I take a point in time and call it 0.
@MadaraUchiha point in time based on what?
foreach($religion as &$r) { unset($r); } return (empty($religion)) ? DOOM : $religion;
After I completely awaken the Juubi and use the Infinite Tsukuyomi, I'll declare a new calendar from that point, how does that sound?
@peter Yep, I know that :D
Where there are no Mondays!
@MadaraUchiha Will the year be approximately the year 13.73 billion?
@Leigh As all calendars, it starts with 0.

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