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Ok how easy is it to transfer wordpress sites
@PeeHaa I stopped questioning WP a long time ago. They obviously know something that the rest of the population of the planet is missing.
someone know other encoder then json ? because json returns a string , and want other encoder which not return a string.
@DaveRandom That just has to be. Hey you want to change your domain. Okay: here is a replace action you have to do on your database. w.t.f.
@PeeHaa W P TF
@peter I like the genius boolean converter. It doesn't return a string
(bool) 'anything'
@DaveRandom :D
i will try it
k. Good luck
I have a question if you go to here templeisrael and then look at the adress bar you see its the same as this link but then if you click on any of the navigation links
it changes to "http://benlevywebdsign.netai.net/templeisrael/wp-admin/"
@benlevywebdesign Is there anything you can do by yourself?
Did somebody already share the help vampire article with you?
never mind I think I got it
@PeeHaa i made (bool) '$my_var' and i make var_dump then i get bool(true) so where is my object?
@benlevywebdesign Read this please before asking you next question in here: slash7.com/2006/12/22/vampires
@peter You didn't ask for a object. You asked for something which is not a string.
What you got is not a string
to encode it and when output it will not be string as json do
@peter Is it a string now?
i get just this bool(true)
So that is not a string
I think my site hates me
Seriously we have no idea what it is you do want (if you know it yourself that is) so how can we help you?
wait i will see
@Donut How come you changed your name back? For old times sake? Nostalgia? ;)
@PeeHaa You seem to be feeding the trolls.
@DaveRandom lol :D
@Donut does not belong in that list though :)
He's not - has he said something in that block?
@DaveRandom Nope. He's AFk
@PeeHaa it just return bool(true) my object desapeared , json return my object between "" so it will be as string . i asked if there is encoder like json but which not return string with "" in outer .
@peter What does it have to return if not string?
What are you trying to do?
just my object
Why are you json_encoding it in the first place?
@PeeHaa if my object is this [1,4],[2,5],[4,5],[6,11],[7,11],[9.5,5],[15,11], so by json it will be "[1,4],[2,5],[4,5],[6,11],[7,11],[9.5,5],[15,11]," with "" in outer , with bool as u said it comes just true . so i want my object be encoded but without those "" in outer
@peter You certainly did not encode an object
And you also certainly did not encode an array
Aug 29 at 18:22, by NikiC
I think you should learn programming
Aug 14 at 9:01, by NikiC
You need to change your basic approach to learning
You encoded a string, so you get something back that has quotes
@PeeHaa jun 12 at 06:60 by the encoder , thx
SO many gems by @NikiC. The good gems that is not that ruby puke
Try to encode your data directly before first converting it to a string
@NikiC i dont want convert it to string
Seriously guys, it's a lost cause. I tried very hard last night, even basically handed out the answer on a plate. I highly recommend $tinyAvatars++;
@NikiC json already will convert it to string so im looking if there is something else wich not return string
@PeeHaa You also have a lot of gems. For example:
Sep 30 at 19:30, by PeeHaa
Fuck me I'm stupid
tnx @NikiC
@PeeHaa you're welcome ;)
IDK why that is not on permanent pin/re-pin.
@peter I think you should figure out what you want to convert into what. I.e. if you don't want a string, what do you want instead?
exactly as my object
without ""
@peter So you want to convert your object to an object?
@peter 1. Learn what an object is. 2. learn WTF you are doing 3. ? 4. profit!
encod it
Or in other words, you want to leave it alone? In that case I would suggest to just not convert it at all ^^
8 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Why are you json_encoding it in the first place?
@PeeHaa just calm ur self
@peter Could you quickly post your code?
Assuming that it is just a small snippet and not a wall of text


23 hours ago, 19 minutes total – 47 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 23 secs ago by DaveRandom

@PeeHaa :D
^^ seriously guys, both of you just read that
Hey guys
Anyone knows of a good free webhost, which ideally offers git support?
@MadaraUchiha yo
@DaveRandom Oh, we have a special room?
How do you make discussions???
Oh wait, thats not a room but some other strange thing
@PeeHaa Either in transcript or on the "room" menu
@DaveRandom Wow. Never seen that feature :P
Anyone? :P
@MadaraUchiha github (:P)
@MadaraUchiha Requirements (besides git)?
ASP.net etc?
@PeeHaa PHP, obviously
no need for crap, thanks.
@PeeHaa Yeh nobody seems to do it, probably because nobody knows about it, but also it kind of sucks because they are associated with the room and only the person who created it can delete it (and presumably SE mods) - room owner can't delete them, which sucks because you end up with junk/clutter. Luckily none of the junker/clutterers seem to know about it though.
@PeeHaa lemme check
Bit hard to tell what it is exactly what you want :P
@PeeHaa Nothing but PHP and git (and free)
   `$wage[] = '[' . floatval($row3['age']) . ',' . floatval($row3['points']) .']';
$age = implode(',', $wage).",";  // this output: [1,4],[2,5],[4,5],[6,11],[7,11],[9.5,5],[15,11],
$ww = json_encode($age);//        this output  : string(50) ""[1,4],[2,5],[4,5],[6,11],[7,11],[9.5,5],[15,11],""
var age = <?php echo $ww;?> ;   // <--the problem is here `
@peter Please read the chat FAQ
$wage[] = '[' . floatval($row3['age']) . ',' . floatval($row3['points']) .']';
$age = implode(',', $wage);
var age = [<?php echo $age;?>] ;
Instructions: Remove ."," in the second line. Remove third line completely. In the last line insert [ before <?php and ] after ?>. You are left with fully functioning code.
a mix of the two languages
@NikiC I still don't see how it shouldn't just be json_encode(), otherwise you are left with a completely pointless comma expression (as you yourself sort of pointed out last night)
@DaveRandom See edit
OK, fair enough, still basically just manually JSON encoding it though...
@DaveRandom I don't think he understands what json_encode is, so I wouldn't bother with it.
@PeeHaa got something for me?
@MadaraUchiha ?
7 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@PeeHaa Nothing but PHP and git (and free)
Did you check out heroku?
@NikiC i have done what u said and i made alert(age) but it blank , nothing alerted.
@PeeHaa Doesn't seem very "free", and does it support PHP?
@ShaquinTrifonoff Hey
@Donut Isn't that an IDE?
Oh wait, you want webhost :)
@PeeHaa thanks
Generally free === headaches. :)
@peter on the generated page, hit the right mouse button and select "view source". Show the generated var age = ... assignment
@ShaquinTrifonoff So I went to a Starbucks to get on a different connection to see if I could get on my website and it worked. I was litterally here for less than 30 mins and I then I click refresh on my site and it doesn't load
@PeeHaa Also, is heroku a "webhost" per se?
Can I point domain names to it?
@NikiC sorry it output this 1,4,2,5,4,5,6,11,7,11,9.5,5,15,11 different at all of my code
@benlevywebdesign So you got blocked on another connection too??
@peter please show your current code
@ShaquinTrifonoff yes so I think I'm going to have to switch hosts
@peter wait
@peter dude, you do realize that you're alerting an array so you just get it separated by comma...
The actual values are all correct
@NikiC my cuurent code is as yours
`$wage[] = '[' . floatval($row3['age']) . ',' . floatval($row3['points']) .']';
$age = implode(',', $wage);
var age = [<?php echo $age;?>] ;`
@ShaquinTrifonoff and I think I'm going to have to go paid because then they can't block me right?
Don't get a paid service from the same company :P
@ShaquinTrifonoff are you in the us?
@benlevywebdesign no
@ShaquinTrifonoff Oh I won't
@peter Your code is correct and you get the correct result. What is the problem?
@ShaquinTrifonoff I need something reliable and cheap or low costing(I hope it would be around the same as I pay for my domain name) and that can handle a lot of requests because I started getting blocked because with wp you need to see how it looks on the web unless you have a testing server
A lot of my classmates got this one called bluehost.com and it seems fine
@NikiC dude its wrong , i tried with document.write and it output 1,4,2,5,4,5,6,11,7,11,9.5,5,15,11 the same
so writing this var age = [<?php echo $age;?>] will be wrong object
@peter That's because of the way javascript outputs nested arrays
@ShaquinTrifonoff it just needs to be able to handle all my requests I make
does anyone whos how to deal with namespaces when using custom throw exception
@peter Try alert('[' + age.join('],[') + ']');
@benlevywebdesign Ideally, get a VPS
my code is :
throw new DataNotFoundException('Data is not there');
classloader tries to load dataNotfoundException.php
without namespaces its working, but with it its not
@ShaquinTrifonoff is there a way I can find out if it has a request limit
@NikiC i alerted var age = "<?php echo $age;?>" ; without your [] and it alerts normal , ok i will try alert ur second
@benlevywebdesign by making 1000 requests
Just watching Superman 2 - why would you have a bottomless pit in your own house?
@ShaquinTrifonoff I mean before I buy the hosting service
anyone someone :S
@NikiC yes ur second it alerts normal
@benlevywebdesign I can almost guarantee that a VPS won't limit the requests for you, because you have root access to it. You can do whatever you want with it.
Alright, let's ask this differently
Let's say my web host does not support Git
How can I automatically deploy to it when there's a change in the repo?
It uses FTP
(I'm developing on Windows)
@ShaquinTrifonoff I don't know where to start, I know you can Google and read reviews but what are some that I should look at and some that I shouldn't
14 mins ago, by Shaquin Trifonoff
Maybe http://lowendbox.com
@NikiC so the code will be like that? var age2 ='[' + age.join('],[') + ']';
@PeeHaa It says this method will eat my grandparents :(
@MadaraUchiha Even better. No more boring birthdays ;)
@ShaquinTrifonoff is that a VPS and does it have a good cPanel and it needs to have mySql and php and a recent version of it
@benlevywebdesign If it doesn't, you can install it
really, oh cause its a VPS
is that why
@PeeHaa There HAS to be a decent way of doing this
@MadaraUchiha Have you seen the link at the end? alearningweb.com/replace-ftp-with-git-quickly-and-forever
@MadaraUchiha Don't you have a personal server you can use?
@PeeHaa I'm not overflowing with money, no.
"Begin by installing git on both the local and remote server"
That's where I stopped reading sadly :(
what does it take to run a personal server if lets say I wanted to host my own files?
@PeeHaa I'm beginning to think the only thing I can do is keep a git repo locally, and manually deploy on each commit :(
@MadaraUchiha Oh sorry, didn't read it properly. My brain has now gone to a dark corner and I'm scared to mention it in case it brings about the end of the world, but here goes: Mount the FTP site on your local file system with curlftpfs, and clone the repo with your local git into the virtual directory.
Now that you've finished throwing up, what do you think?
@MadaraUchiha Again: heroku
@DaveRandom Well, that kinds like cloning it into my dropbox directory, only with FTP :D
@PeeHaa And again, can I point a domain to it? Can I consider it as a "web host" as well, and not only as an "app platform"?
@MadaraUchiha What's the difference between an app platform and a web host?
@DaveRandom plus, it's alpha, and no Windows.. :P
"can I point a domain to it?" probably
Probably's nice
ok Well I'm leaving starbucks cause I'm blocked here so its pointless to stay here
Nut for moar info I think @hakre can be of moar assistance
@PeeHaa Aye, now it seems that "free" limits you to 10k rows in a database :o
@MadaraUchiha I did ask for requirements
@PeeHaa 10k would probably be enough
But it's pretty darn tight
bye for a few mins.
what's burning?
@hakre Your dinner
well that's done already :)
@hakre Looking for a platform/webhost that can easily and painlessly deploy directly from git
And hiya :)
Or if that's not possible, something that can automatically deploy git commits over FTP
And hey :D
@MadaraUchiha You need a host with SSH and git installed.
If for example your shared hoster has that, you can deploy with git.
@hakre That's the problem :)
@hakre Obviously, my host doesn't allow either, otherwise I wouldn't be asking here :)
@PeeHaa what problem?
@MadaraUchiha okay, normally hosters that already offer SSH offer git, too.
@MadaraUchiha's crappy host doesn't support all those shiny things :)
@hakre Got any suggestions? :P
Hopefully free
@MadaraUchiha Well when I needed that I asked my hoster and he said no problem.
What is required is a git client, written in PHP.
But I dunno where you have your hosting.
I'll get started now. See you in a year or two.
@DaveRandom: Yeah :)
54 secs ago, by Madara Uchiha
@hakre Got any suggestions? :P
@ShaquinTrifonoff Hello
Hi @Mirwais
Do you got time to join my teamviewer?
I got the email from 1on1
@MadaraUchiha Do you have SFTP access?
@hakre I'm asking if you have hosts which do
@MirwaisMaarij k
@ShaquinTrifonoff 524 405 536
@MadaraUchiha Yes, I have. But the hoster currently is not accepting new contracts.
@hakre That's not a great business model...
@DaveRandom Well, that depends on the point of view I suppose.
Lastly there was some shared hoster announced here with SSH and very cheap.
Some pink robot on a black page or so.
But I don't remember the name.
As long as you've got PHP on the host and SFTP you can mount an SFTP directory and just init git there and use it.
Apart from that you can have more than one git repo on your own box, then update and rsync is another fine thing.
@MadaraUchiha: Try site5.com They should have try-before-you-buy or something. Then just login with SSH and check if they have git available.
Let me know if it works out well.
@ShaquinTrifonoff I definitely need to find a better host because my website/domain name still isn't working on my "home" connection
Hi All
  var age = "<?php echo $age;?>" ;

data: [ age ] // if i make like that it doesnt work
data: [ <?php echo $age;?> ] // if i make like that it works.
// so why if i make php code it works and if i make JS variable it doesnt work?`
hiya @Baba
@DaveRandom this my problem
and both js and php var outputs same code
@PeeHaa .... my main man
how are you doing
@Baba im thx and u
@PeeHaa any beer today ?
@peter ... hi was talking to @PeeHaa ...
@Baba its me peeha u didnt reconize me ? :)
Peter from Netherlands, not from India.
@webarto how u are analizing from where am i?
peter you will have to understand the differences between javascript and php
thanks for answer cyril
good luck
var_dump(PeeHaa === peter) returns false
@peter Based on your grammar.
@peter what does PeeHaa drink ?
@webarto im not from india nor netherland . are people from netherlands have special grammar ?
@Baba Good good
@Baba he drink 7up and beer
Yep. Had a "party" today
array_push($tinyAvatars, 'peter');
@PeeHaa .. now my main man is back
How are you today? @Baba
@PeeHaa ...Not bad ... forced to take ice tea all day
Eeeewh. cold tea
@cyril can u suggest me how will js variable work in my case pls , i pulled my hair out just about this
@PeeHaa You can imagine the torture
cu in some days or probably in between
and gn8 :)
later @hakre
What are you going to do btw?
@PeeHaa what means 'btw' ?
good morning guys
@TemporaryNickName Evening :)
@peter php -> run on server, js -> run on client
Q: Footer always at the bottom using css position

eshellbornI'm trying to make the footer on my webpage always be at the bottom using the css position attribute. This is probably really easy. I want the footer to be at the very bottom of the page at all times. I'll explain why each position: attribute doesn't work. Position: fixed. This is the closest ...

In typography, a page footer (or simply footer) is text that is separated from the main body of text and appears at the bottom of a printed page. It is different from a footnote in that it is typically uniform between pages. In publishing and certain types of academic writing, the footer is often where the page number is contained. In a book, the footer usually appears on the outside corner of each page. See also *Page header References
@cyril u see my case they both output same thing , but one work and other not , i understand php work on serverside and js in client side , but since they have same value why js wont work ?
> js runs in client side
Sundays are vamptastic.
Sure looks like it
@DaveRandom here something te get your mind of things: dumpert.nl/mediabase/6464732/76f829e9/…
@peehaa did you have some time to discuss namespaces now?
@dyelawn Sure. What is the question
@DaveRandom did you ever got into Asterisk? have an interview tomorrow for a company specialized on voip
i did get a lot of assistance earlier today, but just wanted to get some more educated opinions. i'm working on an mvc framework that incorporates some of my own libraries, and other third party libraries. the url pattern is site/controller/action[/id]
i handle all requests through a single entry point, validate the input, then run the controller's method. it works great for libraries that follow psr-0 naming conventions
but i'm using some libraries that don't, like the google api php client. how should this be handled? writing a controller that basically renames the controllers/methods as necessary?
the conclusion reached today with some help from another commenter was that i should set up a dictionary file that can override the standard url parsing method(s)
What does the google api client do? Because I doubt it should have anything to do with a controller
its service resources handle tasks like CRUD of calendars, events, adexchange listings, etc.
@dyelawn Sounds like it should be part of the model layer.
they have models and "services" which are akin to controllers for me. i really like the idea of the flexibility provided by properly routing requests to third party libraries without creating trivial classes with methods like createEvent()
@PeeHaa Almost all of them you know what's going to happen from the start, but it's still funny when it does.
@cyril My opinions on Asterisk will not be helpful to you in a job interview :-P
@dyelawn @tereÅ¡ko wrote a very nice answer on what the model is and isn't. stackoverflow.com/questions/5863870/…
@DaveRandom Some I just have to look away :)
@PeeHaa in recent days i've read this, along with some papers by the guy who coined MVC at PARC, some code by well-respected mvc developers, and a lot of other notes; the definitions all seem kind of subjective
The thing with MVC is that most implementations aren't really MVC
@cyril Essentially Asterisk is the Apache of the soft PBX world - it started out as this beautiful, tight little open source project with some really nice ideas and it used to be brilliant. Then they let people get involved with it and now it's a huge, fat, bloated mess full of half-finished features, remnants of old ways of doing things, bad practice, stupid shortcuts, general design stupidity, and general undesirableness.
@PeeHaa ?
@dyelawn The controller should handle the request. It should not have any logic for doing CRUD in it
However, it has something of a monopoly on that side of the market, to the extent that even several quite large service providers use bastardised versions of it to power their back ends.
I am somewhat alone in my opinions though.
@PeeHaa ok. the google api client also provides request/response classes that could be arbitrarily defined as "controllers"
@DaveRandom yea thx seeing their introduction video
@dyelawn request and response classes are not controllers
controller can use an instance of the request class though
sorry about that, i misread your previous comment
my aim is to have incredibly simple models that are flexible for incorporating third party libraries. my models are Calendar, and Event, and Contact, and EmailMessage. i want to be able to seamlessly and immediately incorporate things like the google client, pear twitter service, etc.
@ShaquinTrifonoff You there?
@cyril The biggest problem I have is that whenever I express that opinion, people tend to say "OK, so what do you recommend then?" and that's where I fall down. I don't have the right answer, I just know that Asterisk is not it. Actually, if Asterisk is the answer, chances are you are asking the wrong question (from a service provider/vendor's point of view).
a sort of huge gateway to handle sip, skype, google voice, and other classic telephony
@dyelawn I would create classes in the models layer which can access / use the external libraries.
so \myapp\contact\googleapi ?
For example
and /site/contact_googleapi/insert calls \myapp\contact\googleapi->insert
What is this /site/contact_googleapi/insert? url?
where contact_googleapi is the "controller" (though it actually incorporates models), and insert is the action
The request data will be used by the controller to update the model layer and finally the view will load the need templates
the router translates the controller into \myapp\contact\googleapi. the loader translates it as /lib/myapp/contact/googleapi.php and autoloads the class
and "insert" refers both to the method called by the controller and the template that will be loaded to display its feedback
@DaveRandom ok, seems it's complete en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_VoIP_software, about the bad design I trust you, the company mentions it, not sure they use it
ideally though, my app's interaction with the google api would be entirely separate and apart from the model layer and controller layer. my hope was that using psr-0 naming conventions, i could install third party libraries and route requests to them instantly.
the problem has been interacting with things like the google-api-php-client, and the pear twitter service, and (older) zend components, where the namespacing / filenaming conventions are not consistent
@dyelawn You can do that. But please don't say you are making some MVC something. Because when you leave out the M and the C you only will have the V left. And considering the fact your controller calls the template directly you also don't really have a V. So you are not creating a MVC framework, but a T framework. :)
@cyril In a way its "completeness" is part of the problem. They've tried to make one piece of software that does everything, so it does all of them a little worse than it could. Real Men (proper service providers, commercial PBX manufacturers who are worth using) will separate signalling and media processing so that each can be handled separately. Asterisk has this ugly mechanism where they try and combine the two in order to make everything talk to each other - this is the wrong way to do it.
T == template
@PeeHaa your terminology is probably more accurate; i'm self-taught and still n00b. i would argue, though, that the "model" appears within the application's local scope. so an Event exists within the app, and syncs across other locations
they are probably sacrifying quality...
or an Event exists in another location, and is brought into the app's local environment
@cyril Seriously, I recommend you do not use any of my opinions when talking to anyone about this, because it will make people screw their faces up at you and either tell you to sod off or demand an in-depth explanation of why you think that.
@dyelawn I don't really get that. What do you mean?
yes :)), good to have opinions
the application is a crm (i know, i know, plenty exist. this custom implementation was required for the contract, i'm simply fulfilling it). the idea is that my client (and his underlings) logs in and creates an event. he has linked his google, twitter, and fb accts to the local one
@cyril Yes that is a part of the problem, but also there is this big ugly translator module that sits in the middle, there's no common protocol internally. Also, don't even get me started on this pile of crap.
so the event is created in all of those places. but those accts are not required to make it go, and there are fine-tuned preference controls about what calendars are linked to each other, which users/groups can access this info, and how it's incorporated into deployment of marketing campaigns
H.323 over TCP + G.711a over UDP is the best option available at the moment. Again, IMHO
@DaveRandom yes, thx I shouldn't have launched you on it, Asterix was quickly mentionned in homepage but it seems they have their own framework voip-telecom.com/index.php/en/ip-telephony-and-services/…
@dyelawn You can have the model layer update / sync / whatever you like to call it the external services
(calendars are just an example, btw. also bringing in email from gmail / outlook, calls from gvoice / line2 / twilio)
That's all business logic which should be handled by the model
@PeeHaa exactly! this is precisely what it does right now. but i'm writing a ton of frivolous controllers to handle this update / sync / voodoo
i'd rather say, "hey, i want to include the google php client", add the library to my install, route the requests to its built-in methods, and be done with it.
"IPBX" makes me :-( - you cannot abbreviate an acronym.
@dyelawn You could build some external services controller through which you route all requests. But will all different APIs that may become a pain to maintain
this methodology has been extremely beneficial for packages like symfony or doctrine, which follow the psr-0 naming conventions
@PeeHaa again, exactly. currently, the inclusion and maintenance of libraries that do not follow the naming conventions is painstaking. i'd like to route the requests without having to do any of this.
even older Zend components, which follow a predictable (if ludicrous) pattern like underscoring are incorporated pretty easily.
Either way you would need to know (or map) the different APIs. Either with or without a controller

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