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@rdlowrey Presumably, although I don't know if there may be some remote use case for an "Additional Records" section in a query.
Regardless, a Question/Request likely doesn't need these sections:
|        Answer       | RRs answering the question
|      Authority      | RRs pointing toward an authority
what are you guys talking about ?
Because the format of a message is shared between request/response, I guess it's up to the server implementation whether it does anything with or even looks for records in any section in any given situation.
So, I feel like a Response should really be extending the Request message. The implication being that a Request shouldn't expose the methods that are only relevant to a Response ...
dns rfc
@DaveRandom I'm just thinking out loud about code structure as I go really, not pointing fingers and saying, "YOU MUST CHANGE THIS." And you're my reference point to make sure I'm not way off base :)
Fatal error: Class 'Spl\HashingMediator' not found in C:\Apache24\htdocs\Artax\src\Artax\ClientBuilder.php on line 16
cURL does seem easier :P
@rdlowrey True, but remember that the only way you can distinguish what section the record belongs in is by counting them. The message parsing and relevant data stores really need to be in both, but you are right about the methods. I initially had them separated into the relevant classes, I forget why I moved them all into Message. I guess you could rename Message to Request and have Response still extend from it, but it just seems a bit counter-intuitive in terms of naming.
@ShaquinTrifonoff seems not been tested on windows :p
@cyril cURL is tested on Windows :P
curl has an army of devs
@ShaquinTrifonoff In the same way curl_* wont work if you don't have PHP's libcurl dependency installed, if you don't install the Artax dependencies (git clone --recursive), it won't work. It's of course, all thoroughly documented in the wiki sections on installation and setup.
the easiest way to install it is to just run git clone --recursive git://github.com/rdlowrey/Artax.git
I thought the only dependency was Levi's data structures
also, needs moar composer.json file
@Lusitanian That is the only dependency -- Spl\HashingMediator is part of the php-ds repo
@rdlowrey I downloaded the zip, I don't have git...
And it also will work if you use composer.
> I downloaded the zip, I don't have git...
> I don't have git...
> git...
@ShaquinTrifonoff I see. Then download this zip file of the php-datastructures repo and extract its contents into the Artax/vendor directory
@rdlowrey ohhh
my apologies for my ignorance :p
@ShaquinTrifonoff install git! it's great :D
Yeah, git with the program (terrible pun intended).
@ShaquinTrifonoff you poor sod
Eventually when things fully stabilize I guess I'll have full builds with all dependencies included available on the download page, but I can't be bothered to support the git-less masses at the moment.
Where is best place to connect with coders to work on website projects in a shared revenue arrangement? Any websites or groups?
7 hours ago, by Levi Morrison

Would one of the PHP development team like to consider a partnership?

A friend and I intend building a website but need some help coz currently
the learning process is very slow.   It has been started by using PHP &
MySQL and the CodeIgniter framework.   Free help is not expected.   By
attempting to enter into hourly rate negotiations with web developers in
the past, it has been found to be no faster than learning the process from
the Internet, and for that reason a web developer on a partnership basis is
saw that. no millions here. thousands? maybe...
Gives up, downloads Git
i'm looking for an html helper class
any ideas
@ShaquinTrifonoff i recommend this one : code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list
( assuming you are on windows )
Ugh, just installed the GitHub one. Should I uninstall it?
the same I guess
@CAM , just stop
you don't need html "helper" class ... you need to learn how to make templates
When cloned with Git, Artax works fine
@NikiC Don't know which line to star.
hello all, recently used PHP_UML to generate an XMI file. Now I want to use this file to create a visual sequence diagram. None of the UML software I've used seems to generate a diagram. Any ideas?
nm, i think this link i just stumbled on will help: aliabdelaziz.org/Reverse_Engineering_DataBase_Part_2
damn ... it seems that there is a stupid gotcha moment in my routing scheme
@CAM That is a good question. The manual lists these for XML manipulation. I think the best bets from there are DOM - DOMDocument and XMLWriter.
@rdlowrey did you have practical usecases of SendMulti?, not just testing
oh forget it, there are
like fetching meteos on various sites
what i have been wandering is , what drove him to make it
was it just a natural extension of "fuk cURL", or has he actually been crawling websites
on a different note .. what if unit-testing is over rated ...
So anyone here used Symantecs Altiris Helpdesk before? Opinions on it?
.. googling
Hey everyone, is it possible to do an array_merge that preserves the zero valued keys in the original?
@KennithN. Example input and result please
`$array1 = array('first'=>0,'second'=>0);
$array2 = array('second'=>1);

print_r(array_merge($array1, $array2));`
just doe var_dump( $array1 + $array2 )
@tereško union, hmm i'll try that! thanks :)
just check the order in which you are doing it
@tereško No, the value of the first array's second will override the second
@KennithN. If you mean preserve the elements with array values of 0, then union won't work for you.
$a + $b !== $b + $a in arrays
@DaveRandom then switch the order
@Paul The idea is to update array 1 with values of array 2.
@KennithN. Can you explain the precise criteria for the result? Do you want the key with the higher values or what?
Array 1 is a default set.
Your keys are 'first' and 'second'. The merge is based on the keys of the array.
Array2 has values with keys that match, so I want the values imposed into array 1. Is that clear?
@KennithN. Add the default set to the override set $array2 + $array1
ahh, I have it backwards!
The Chromium continuous build won't let me log into Stack Overflow :(
(I'm posting this with Opera)
Thanks @tereško, @Paul and @DaveRandom

You can see that some values still disappear. Perhaps it is because it a multi dimension array?

@KennithN. Yeh it's not a recursive operation. You'll have to loop in order to do that, there's nothing native.
^ agrees
@DaveRandom Ahh, of course :) Thanks guys!
ok .. who's familiar with PHPunit here ?
i am having an nagging issue with object mocking
BTW, I can't log in in Firefox either...
By the way Union (+) and array_merge are very similar. They differ in the order of arguments and their treatment of numeric keys: codepad.org/pLA1TUdU
every time want to mock an instance , i have to call expects( $this->any() ) on it , but this causes another assertion , which i would love to avoid .. any ideas ?
is there anything i can put in place of $this->any() that would not cause an extra assertion ( i assume that's where it is coming from )
@tereško What happens when you don't call expects on it?
I'm assuming you are wanting to ensure that a method is called on it though? $this->any is the weakest assertion possible?
@Paul Yeh, the use cases for union on indexed arrays are very few and far between. I don't think I've ever had one. And because of that I very rarely remember that is exists for associative arrays either - I just default to array_merge(). Many times I have wished you could do bitwise operations on them though (where the operation is performed on corresponding keys, any missing keys are considered to be all 0s).
Also it really sucks that bitwise operations where one operand is an int and the other is a string doesn't produce sensible results
@cyril My real work involves retrieving millions of resources via HTTP, so yes, I have very practical uses for sendMulti :)
Sequential retrieval of a high-number of http requests is not feasible for any real volume.
simple two tiered foreach solved my problem, thanks again guys!
The more useful aspect of sendMulti is that it broadcasts events as things happen, so I can fork off a process to parse the entity body of a specific response, for example, in the midst of retrieving 100 http requests at a time without slowing down any of the other request retrievals ...
Anyone familiar with C# or VB here? Or can anyone at least help me with some logical error? There is no one in the other rooms
@rdlowrey Have you tried implementing keep-alive/socket pooling yet?
@DaveRandom One of the first things I did, actually.
$client->setAttribute(Client::ATTR_HOST_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT, 42)
^ for example
Will start queuing requests if the host for a particular request already has 42 open socket connections :)
$client->setAttribute(Client::ATTR_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT, 5)
^ Don't open more than 5 total concurrent sockets at one time.
Ooooh get you :-P I have never been bothered to do it, simply because it's a lot of logic for a use case that I have yet to have.
My job does not involve industrial scale data theft like yours :-P
(I actually have no idea what you are employed to do)
Yeah, I need fine-grained control over things like that because ... go figure, financial regulatory agencies get pissy when you hammer their servers :)
I aggregate and analyze financial data and sell it on a subscription basis to individual investors and companies. I'm self-employed.
Industrial scale data theft? Winner.
emm ... my API sucks
@rdlowrey How much non-programming work does that involve? Is it all computation or do you have to actually apply brainpower?
@DaveRandom I used to apply brainpower. Now it's mostly automated and data gets fed into statistical models I've generated and things automagically update.
Even @tereško is Doing It Wrong™. All hope is lost.
guys ... as you might see , at the bottom there is crap'let
should i instead let the classloader to handle multiple maps ?
@rdlowrey So, in other words, free money?
but in that case , each map would require a different base-path
@DaveRandom I prefer to call it "passive income." :) I have to do a dog and pony show periodically to convince companies to spend $$$ but mostly I'm able to spend my days improving my programming skills.
or should i just leave it as it is , because noone ever would utilize multiple mapping schemes
@tereško I can't think of a use that I would have for multiple schemes off the top of my head, but that doesn't mean others who are more sophisticated than I am wouldn't ...
the GIST contains one
in unit tests you have the application's default scheme + you need to supplement it with another for the tests
< short attention span
@tereško Assuming that people won't do stupid things is usually a bad basis for decisions in any area of life. Could you create an intermediary object (something like MapFilesystemTranslator that holds the base path and the map for translations, and let the ClassLoader handle more than one of them?
^^ although that comes to mind
@rdlowrey /me is jealous and now likes you less
Well, I make enough to allow me to goof off programming, but eventually I need to step up the game and use the data I have to make consumer-friendly applications with pretty graphs and whatnot to enter the market for the individual who fancies himself/herself a smarty-pants investor. I basically just retail raw data for industrial investors to dump into their models right now.
Can't take over the world until I get better at programming, though.
@rdlowrey When do you know you're good enough?
@MikeB There's the rub. It's a game you can never win and my faux-OCD makes it even worse :)
perfectionists.. it's a curse :p
Yup. Those seem to be the only people who are good programmers, though :)
Hey guys. Did I miss anything interesting?
A job offer:
9 hours ago, by Levi Morrison
> Payment for the web developer's time input is expected to start in around 6-12 months and after 2-3 years it is expected the payments will be in the millions of dollars but all of that will require dedication to the project
What the...
I can't get past the 6-12 months to see the millions of dollars.
That's a joke, right? Sometimes I wonder, cause I've seen people with real offers not far from that. :P
Apparently someone sent that to the php internals mailing list. If you scroll up from the linked snippet you can see the full message (which is the most unintentionally hilarious thing I've seen in a while).
> The intricate details of the intended website cannot be provided coz if they were any person could beat us to the goal line.
@rdlowrey Haha if there is job offer like that, it probably means they couldn't find any investors, so they're just going to give a developer like 50% of the company to do all the work...
Gee, never heard that before. :P
thats my guess haha
Either that or it's a 13-year-old who "does websites" and found out that using CodeIgniter allows you to make a "legit" web application.
@rdlowrey well... thats probably another good reason that they couldn't find investors... haha
Everyone has good ideas. People think their ideas are gold, but what they don't realize is that it's the implementation that makes something valuable.
So is multithreading with cURL really this easy? codestips.com/php-multithreading-using-curl
I just read the rest of it. That's just awesome.
now I think people are just trolling me with all these curl questions
Que troll meme.
haha. Whats the problem with cURL?
the "telling part" is this:
> A friend and I intend building a website but need some help coz currently the learning process is very slow. It has been started by using PHP & MySQL and the CodeIgniter framework.
also , the "coz" gives it all away
@twiz There's nothing wrong with cURL on the command-line or the libcurl C library. IMHO, the php curl_* API is really poor, though.
Anyone who uses "coz" is probably under the age of 17. At least I hope so. If not, humanity is sinking more quickly than I had expected.
I remember the good old days when phones were dumb and people were smart...
And though I haven't experienced it myself, supposedly curl_multi is a buggy load of putrified wombat manure:
Nov 11 at 18:00, by NikiC
@rdlowrey They certainly don't work well. Curl multi at least is rather buggy
@ScottyC. and you had to show documents to buy a beer .. well ... not in your case
@rdlowrey Haha well... that pretty much answers my question.
@DaveRandom lol later
ehh .. what a strange country - USA
where you can kill legally people before you can legally buy a beer
@tereško I still would have to. I just turned 20.
@twiz There are some curl alternatives ... I've spent the last few months developing my own, which is why I suspected the curl troll bait
At least marijuana is legal now. XD
in some places ..
@rdlowrey I haven't really had any problems with the cURL API, but you might be right abuot the multithreading
What benefits are there to using an alternative? just curious.
@twiz My main issues with it is that it's not well-suited OO for environments and that it's a crap abstraction of the HTTP protocol.
@twiz Depends on the alternative.
@twiz To avoid spamming the room with further self-promotion, I'll point you to the wiki for my current project. My thoughts on the topic are there.
my main issue is that it need you to install an extension
@rdlowrey So is that entirely PHP based?
@twiz Yes.
It's mostly done, but I wouldn't advise people to put it into production quite yet.
I would've done the versioning differently in retrospect, but you live and you learn.
any insights you want to share with the classroom ?
And deprecate ruthlessly with no regard for backwards-compatibility breaks :)
Well, the first thing I would say is that everyone should try to adhere to the Semantic Versioning specification
*takes note.
And the second thing is that even if you think you're at v1.0.0, you should just keep on incrementing the minor version numbers like 0.3.0 -> 0.4.0 -> 0.5.0 because inevitably you'll want to change the interface.
And if you follow SemVer (and you should), interface changes that break backwards-compatibility MUST only occur with an incrementing of the major version number ... i.e. v1.0.0 -> v2.0.0
I started tagging 1.0.0-rc1, 1.0.0-rc2 because I thought I was ready for release candidates and that the interface was stable and no longer changing. I was wrong. Now I've got like 10 RC versions and haven't stabilized at 1.0.0 yet.
I'm technically still allowed to modify the interface without incrementing the major version number because there hasn't been an official 1.0.0 yet, but the RC incrementing is starting to get a bit ridiculous.
@rdlowrey Well if you're using SemVer, shouldn't you freeze everything except bugfixes.
Google autocomplete makes me hate the world...
@ScottyC. Marijuana might not hurt you unless you are a poor Meixcan with a gun pointed to your head and told that "you should join the gang" to help get the drugs across the border.
Okay, now I'm curious. Why shouldn't you use shampoo? LOL
@Paul That's not cause by marijuana. That is caused by the PROHIBITION of marijuana.
@rdlowrey specially at RC
@andho Yes. Except if it comes to your attention that the planned release is subpar or buggy I think it's better not to put out an incomplete release just to follow the specification.
I think I'm going to end up killing the existing tags and re-tagging them with minor version numbers and write up a mea culpa and provide a list matching the old version tags to the new tags. The project is small enough that I could notify most of the people using it quickly anyway and apologize profusely.
actually , i like kohana's versioning system bettern
I'm not familiar with it ... will check it out.
1.x.x.x -> 2.x.x.x : catastrophic, changes in architecture, no migration path
1.1.x.x -> 1.2.x.x : major, widespread changes in API, migration only manual
x.x.1.x : minor, x.x.x.1: patch
That makes sense as well ... I think the most important thing is to pick a versioning system and follow it (not what I'm going to end up doing here soon).
/me has no versioning , what-so-ever
then again .. currently i am just grasping around in the dark
@rdlowrey trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);
yes, that will do nicely.
Although it's technically still Thursday in my part of the world, I'm going to say it anyway ...
It's Friday! Friday! Gonna delete tags already pushed to remote on Friday!
posted on November 30, 2012 by blog.phpdeveloper.org

In my research and writings that I’ve already done, I’ve noticed something about trying to share helpful security advice to fellow developers – you can provide all of the code examples and describe the threats all you want, but the problem really boils down to two words: “It depends” Much like other development-related issues, there’s a lot of things you have to take into consideration when t

any one know elgg in php
@tereško:Gud mrng.
how can i search pdf file data using mysql in php.
can u give suggestions.
same as any other text file
also , usually storing PDF files in DB would be considered stupid
i don't know how to search text file data.
The best thing about tiny avatars is that they never go out of style.
can u provide any links for that. @tereško
@rdlowrey , why would this #^(:?/(?P<optional>[^/\.,;?\n]+))?$# regex not match "/" unless i remove the $ from the end of it ?
i feel like there is something obvious that i am missing here ( and no , "sleep" does not count )
Well, for one you're missing the closing # delimiter ... though I suspect that's just a copy/paste error that you missed when selecting the pattern in your code.
lemme look harder.
@rdlowrey i'm close enough to that age to still feel insulted, especially because i didn't use codeigniter at age 13 but i did 'do websites'. now apologize or the dog in my avatar will bark at you
and yes i just read the backlog for no good reason
hehe, I didn't mean you, of course.
no , of course he meant exactly you
yeah you did. i'm finding a "takes every remark personally" meme
hold on
who else could he be talking about
@tereško exactly!!!!!!!!
@tereško Hmm, looks correct. Time to fire up php -a and play with it.
note to self: when next time making experiments involving Earth orbit, ask @Lusitanian to stand still
@tereško yup.
could it be that it expects either '/foo' or an empty string ... hmm
guess that's it
@tereško you have optional as non optional
@rdlowrey best song ever released in the history of time besides "It's Thanksgiving"
and now i'm done reading old messages
That one's a good place to stop :)
I always have to manually debug my regexes. Try as I might I just can't look at regex pattern and see the problem straight-away unless the issue is blatantly obvious.
it's normally just trial and error for me but i'm terrible with regular expressions that aren't very simple
/me is currently listening to professional murder music
that regex is generated by the routing mechanism
i am in the process of writing unit tests for the whole mess
Oh, of course, I see the problem now that @Paul pointed it out for me :)
I might be a small avatar.
lol, thankfully, no.
small all of the avatars
Note to self: de-ignore @Paul
(for great regex justice)
hehe, maybe that is why @tereško hasn't responded to anything I've written lately.
meh, why would you be ignored?
that's it .. i need a nap: git push
omg, i'm at this wonderful little diner
naah .. the nap did not work out
@PeeHaa yes
You... actually gave a regex
@Leigh there is a rationale for it listed below the regex. The answer is just a complement to the remaining answer. You know, for completeness.
@Gordon ... you're not the man I thought you were. I... I don't love you anymore
@Leigh That's okay. We can still be friends :)
Hi, maybe someone can help me, I am parsing a text file which I will edit myself, I will display the content of this file on my site, what should I filtering it from?
I'm expecting it to be just plain text, no tags no nothing basically
@Trufa Just html encode the output.
@Leigh So basically I just do echo htmlentities($str);?
Ir could I just use strip_tags?
@Trufa Don't use strip tags, use htmlentities.
@Leigh will do!
@Trufa htmlspecialchars is better
@ShaquinTrifonoff arguably - depending on use case
I still work with some non-UTF8 environments, so it's kind of a habit
hi all.. I was just wondering.. if i had a domain say example.com, and i want to give out email id like [email protected] to people on request, how do i do it? google apps doesn't seem like a very good option for me because, there could really be 1000+ people. so, what are my alternatives? [other than having a dedicated server, run mail server on it, and install roundcube or horde or something like that] this is a pretty common problem. i think there has to be a easy way to do this
Looks as though no body is here to answer :(
everyone's busy!
@Prasanth Or nobody is interested in your problem.
SO, where do I go?
@Prasanth Google I guess :)
Google wants me to pay! :(
I mean.... Google search
It is highly unlikely that you can do it on shared server...
Since when did Google start charging search fees?
@ShaquinTrifonoff I was talking off google apps. Anyway, it started charging search fees when it started advertising. Advertisers are charged for your searches[and clicks].
@webarto I too think so. But, do you know of any alternatives to "google apps for your domain"?
I was joking :)
I know. Wanted to say it anyway :)
@Prasanth I'm not aware of any, but I'm guessing you need API. It all depends on volume of email addresses (the price). AFAIK Google apps for domain is not that expensive.
it's 5$/account
btw, any one know of any 'pastebin like, but allows images to be uploaded' service?
something like an anonymous one time blog post
@Prasanth As in, you want text as well? Maybe Gist, if give the file a .md extension it supports Guthub flavoured markdown
Yeah, I checked gist. But, I want anonymity too!
WTF is there a traffic sign on php.net?
no. where?
@Gordon Sorry what now? You mean a network status page?
gone again
@Prasanth aaah, good good
@andho what?
@Prasanth i am building an app for totally anonymous ad-hoc chat
so it confirms there is a need for that
but features like putting images are important too
well i was looking for a way to share a series of images.
@Prasanth webdevout.net/test, you could put the images on imgur or similar
Only persists for 7 days though, how long do you need it to live for?
Or even JSFiddle
If you put the images on an image hosting service, all you really need is something that will host a simple HTML page with some <img> tags in
Ahh, I wanted something permanent. Ok, here is what I wanted to share:
Put Yahoo as company name in gonegoogle.com, enter 12000 employees, and watch the fun. I took a series of 10 screenshots,wanted to share them on HN. But, didn't know where to share them anonymously :)
@DaveRandom base64 ALL images!
@webarto Mmhmm. People who give free anonymous hosting are bastards! They don't deserve bandwidth. :-P
morning people
@andho when will that app be done?
@webarto that is something I can manage ;)
morning @PeeHaa glad to hear that :P
@Prasanth it's not permanent. 4 weeks maybe
Dude, I need some Karma, man, I'm so high on Karma now
@Prasanth JSFiddle/imgur seems like a good compromise, that's fairly persistent (certain lasts more than 7 days, may be forever, not actually sure for anonymous fiddles)
imgur is anonymous?
@andho Well, it lets me upload images without logging in, don't know if it displays a public IP? Easily circumvented anyway, just use TOR to upload.
So, do tor exit nodes get to monitor the data that is exiting?
@andho Nothing is anonymous.
why wordwrap is generating speical characters while string has single and double quotes

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