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@TimPost , wut ?!
@tereško i guess he was referring to that question about INSERTs which the OP solved through rubberduck debugging, where we have been the rubberducks.
.. this is what i thought of
Rubber duck debugging, rubber ducking, and the rubber duckie test are informal terms used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a likely apocryphal story in which an unnamed expert programmer would keep a rubber duck by his desk at all times, and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. To use this process, a programmer explains code to an inanimate object, such as a rubber duck, in the expectation that upon reaching a piece of incorrect code and trying to explain it, the programmer will notice his/her...
aka ElePHPant debugging for those of us who have one
@Gordon that is interesting :)
@Gordon never used that one ... it's the equivalent of "paying with matches" for psychotic break
@tereško I works remarkably well though
well .. you could always just post your code and try to explain it to @SomeKittens
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MyFriendsAndZoidberg .. intentionally harder to visit, because you might end up wasting few hours on that site
also , youtube is having issues
@SomeKittens heheheh
Q: Auto grab link from popup and add into input

Nenad dvLI was wondering if anyone could help me. I have made an fiddle so you guys can easly understand me. I have an button and input form. I would like somehow to grab that link from popup once page finish loading. I've added google just for an example but it is an php file in real example. So onc...

this guy has made fiddle
so we should understand
Everyone is a developer nowadays :D
Solving complex problems such as reading from variable $model['results'][0]->firstName :D
because it's not work! what is the solution ? favorite part...
@Gordon who do you have to kill to acquire elePHPhant?
@webarto no one, I just ordered my dozen
@Gordon from where, if you'd be kind to giveaway that piece of valuable information.
@Kev about? I'm about to leave to university now.
@webarto nexen.net/elephpant.php but the guy making them usually does so every once in a while afaik. so you have to wait until he gets the next batch.
@hakre that blog article discussed yesterday
I'll be back in ca. 2-3 hours
wilco...speak then
funk @Gordon well that was one Google search away :) Does he make entire elephant or just the logo (etc)?
@Gordon got it, sorry for pinging.
@webarto i dont know exactly. the last time he announced to have new elephpants being made our usergroup ordered a hundred. that would be also an option for you: check with your local usergroup
I'm from 3rd world country, no user groups here.
@webarto NYC?
@SomeKittens How did you conclude that? :)
@webarto if you want green ZF phpant check elephpants.dasprids.de
@Gordon Awesome! Pre-ordered I guess. Thanks!
@webarto I have been trying to get hold of one for ages and I have so far failed.
> 1461 of 1000 small elePHPants pre-ordered
1462 of 1000 small elePHPants pre-ordered
@webarto ZendCon is past for a week now already though. I know they had some there so I am not sure if that is still active. I did not get any information about payment from them whatosever.
@SomeKittens , USA is not commonly considered to be 3rd world country .. though, if you managed to get the "bible belt" to secceed, you could create one
@DaveRandom It's like it's from Russia, 14xx of 1000 :D
NYC's pretty much third world at this point. No power, clean water issues, tourists gawking at the lifestyle...
That is short term, I see something like that everyday.
Ok, I was just trying to make a joke. No disrespect intended.
:jollygoodlaugh: :D
@Gordon Sell one, pretty please :D
@webarto clarification: I neither got elephpants nor payment info from them
@Gordon Blue ones :)
I saw it (downloaded)
@webarto This guy will sell you a pink one
Rubber duck debugging, rubber ducking, and the rubber duckie test are informal terms used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a likely apocryphal story in which an unnamed expert programmer would keep a rubber duck by his desk at all times, and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. To use this process, a programmer explains code to an inanimate object, such as a rubber duck, in the expectation that upon reaching a piece of incorrect code and trying to explain it, the programmer will notice his/her...
Totally matches my rims, cheers Dave mate.
Ah sorry, didn't realize @Gordon linked that (on 800x1024 at the moment)
you are a bit late ...
As I noted.
@webarto Bitchin'
I would go to jail in EU for this :D
@webarto because of the pink rims, or snow?
Because of the black snow and cloud of diesel smoke :) Buy diesel they said, it will be fun at -30*C they said...
is there a font with always the same width for each char?
@cyril Google "monospaced fonts"
ok thx
Pumping diesel is the worst thing you can do to yourself. It's extremely cancerous.
Droid Sans Mono
and for example font-family: monospace; font-size: 12px; is there a formula for the width of a char in px?
CSS doesn't suck, right? input { width: auto; }
Everything sucks, we have been through that already.
I'll determine this by testing
@webarto I don't recall seeing the CSS numbers.
OOP question: if you have tree structure where the objects should have a circular reference to each other that is immutable to the outside (like DOM parentNode/childNodes) how do you deal with instantiation from a DI point of view? Do you just have a cascade of factories? So top level element has factories for level 2,3,4...n elements, level 2 has factories for level 3,4...n elements etc etc ad infinitum?
O_o I'm outta here...
In this use case my top level object would have 6 constructor arguments just for factories, plus a whole bunch of other arguments as well :-(
static, global, singleton, ... you have plenty of choices :P
(The tree is not a DOM style Node -> Node -> Node ... thing, it's a Node type 1 -> Node type 2 -> Node type 3 ...)
[Sorting files by creation/modification date in PHP 6](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2325650/sorting-files-by-creation-modification-date-in-php)
asked Feb 24 '10 at 11:47 by Roberto Aloi please consider merging with http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2084986/file-creation-time?lq=1 – 3 hours ago declined - a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it
monospace 12px -> ~ width 7px
@Gordon Can we get a delv on that if it is PHP6 specific
its not PHP6 specific. the 6 is something from my review page. not part of the question
I am just wondering why it was declined because stackoverflow.com/questions/2325650/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/2084986/file-creation-time are pretty much the same to me /cc @TimPost @Kev
Ok, sorry, my bad :)
Ok, sorry, my bad :)
I'm off to try and locate some missing parents on the US East coast
Web design company name suggestions ? please.
@Muhammet Pixelpusher Inc
@Muhammet Speed of Art
Webshites Ltd
@gordon @SomeKittens edit : web design /developer company
@Muhammet Initech
@Muhammet Jay Query & Sons
Piehp :P
thanks everybody
Call it Mark Key Ltd and have every piece of text on every site you do scroll horizontally
@DaveRandom I dont get it. :D
That site is © 2009
@DaveRandom I dont get it. :D
I have question about http log file texts.
Last part of one log file line is
HTTP/1.1" 200 12440 "-" "innovaphone"
What is each parameter?
200 is http status number
@DaveRandom IIRC either the developer who made <blink> or <marquee> apologized some time ago
but what is 12440?
Where should i look for it?
did you try reading the spec ?
@DanielsPitkevičs Probably the content length. But from the info you've given really it's anybodies guess.
@tereško HTTP spec wont help because that likely the Apache Log File Format
also possible
@DaveRandom There is the thing, that previous entry was with "-" instead of 12440. And after that server doesnt receive any data, so there could be an error number or smth. But what exactly..
@Gordon Is that just for error log files or for access log files too?
Looks like the default Apache log format, in which case it's <cutoffEndOfRequestLine>" <statusCode> <contentLengthOfResponse> "<refererIfPresent>" "<userAgentStringOfClient>"
@DanielsPitkevičs second link is access log
@DaveRandom content length of response is for example, length of output it gives after script execution?
@DanielsPitkevičs Byte length of the response, excluding headers
@DaveRandom that means simple output, most probably some error message.
@DaveRandom thank you
@DanielsPitkevičs A 12K error message? I certainly hope not...
That would be one epic error.
Plus an error message should not returned with a status code of 200
@DaveRandom True, true...but if response is OK, but script outputs error, then it could give status code 200
> -20 User was removed
@DaveRandom You too??
Hmm, and in the last log file where is some kind of output, there is no database update. So it must be an error output.
homework questions are not allowed right?
@cyril Not if you don't call it homework
@MikeB Apparently so
In general they're allowed.. just don't be an idiot about it
@cyril - so what if it is? — Ted Hopp 1 min ago
Q: How to ask and answer homework questions?

Joel CoehoornCan and how does one ask about homework, and what guidelines should members use when responding to homework questions? Return to FAQ index

Basically.. if it is homework (in one form or another) don't copy/paste the assignment. Rephrase it and atleast make it look like you put in some effort and have a genuine desire to understand (not just receive) the answer
This guy is a joke :D
posted on October 30, 2012 by Lorna Mitchell

There's an excellent open source conference that happens every year in Brussels in February, called FOSDEM. It consists of some main tracks, plus a series of sub-rooms, where various technical communities are given some space to use for whichever talks they choose; the schedules are centralised so that people can pop in and visit any talks in any room that looks interesting. This year, for th

@tereško Have you seen what's happening in JS?
yes , i have
@DaveRandom what is happening in JS?
@Gordon There are two if them. Be afraid.
@MikeB yep thx I answered the guy then since he's struggling stackoverflow.com/a/13143685/1125394
is it possible to test if one specific remote server can access my server without using that remote server? something like ping but from remote server to mine?
@DanielsPitkevičs Short answer: Not really, no. Long answer would depend on exactly what you are trying to test and what your setup is.
@DaveRandom Im trying to test whether remote server can access my server. So I thought of some reverse ping or smth, but most probably I wont be able to test it without that server access.
@DanielsPitkevičs Access your server in what way? Where is the remote server? What might be stopping it from accessing you? These and more need answering before you could get a reasonable answer to you question.
@DaveRandom I see, I must say that I am not a linux server admin, so I know just a few things about that. Remote server must access my server through web and run one script to import data into database. This data import stopped a few weeks ago and now I am supposed to fix this. And I have no ideas what to search for next...Already went through logs for all accesses, errors. I dont know where else I could be looking. Any ideas, if someone understood the problem?
@DanielsPitkevičs Well can you see the remote server attempting to access your server in the access logs?
Can you see a request to the expected URL at the expected time?
@DaveRandom Till the date a few weeks ago there was URL and all other data for each access. After that there is no tries to access from that remote server.
But I must say, that the last access was a failure. It showed some kind of output and didn't update database.
@DanielsPitkevičs Is your server on a shared host or a dedicated/virtual server?
And after that there is no attemptings to access server.
@DaveRandom Im VERY not sure about that, but I think that is virtual.
I must to go out for about 20minutes now, but I will be back. And I will appreciate any help.
And thank You DaveRando for answers.
@DanielsPitkevičs OK well check your firewall in case the remote server's IP has been blacklisted for some reason. Also try and load the URL the remote server is contacting in a browser and see what happens (also check the log files when you do this and see if your request is logged). If you are able to make a successful request and the firewall is not preventing the request, the problem is 99% certainly at the other end or somewhere in between.
Good time of the day!
@DanielsPitkevičs traceroute
but that will only make sure that remote server is visible from your end
if the server is behind NAT, then only way to know, if remote box can access your's, is to ping (or use some other service, like sending HTTP header) from that remote box
@PeeHaa ooh, thanks for the heads up :)
@DaveRandom I made my fabulous tags feature jsfiddle.net/ca11111/ygRbS/4/embedded/result
@rdlowrey np :)
Omg. Just filled up my car. Fucking 96 euros
how much € /L
Interesting: Yesterday night, someone running Windows Phone OS 7.5 (IE Mobile 9) on a Samsung Omnia 7 viewed a page on my website, they had clicked on a link from Stack Overflow.
it's same here, as much as a good drink
And soon alcohol and tobacco will become even more expensive :(
Just shoot me now and get it over with
LPG ... 1.72 isn't bad considering standards, in my country it is 1.3€ but average salary is 300€...
Aha, then my visitor proceeded to look at the Stack Overflow question on their desktop (Windows 7 x64), and clicked the link twice.
@webarto Have thought about it when I bought a new car, but didn't go for it. :(
I installed it for 300€, which is pretty cheap considering you drive for 50% less money.
Hey folks
So, shameless self-promotion of my pet project here ... but it does answer exactly what the OP asks. If you find it appropriate, please consider an upvote to justify my countless hours of work :)
Thanks for the positive feedback -- self-promotion feels a little dirty :)
what was the reasoning behind naming it StdRequest instead of HttpRequest ? nevermind
Bahhh I hate being on a different computer than what I'm used to
Did this question really deserve deletion?
I mean, it was pretty bad, but it had a decent answer
hello i'm trying to call a method through a string like this : echo $this->get.$what.'()';
what is the right way?
@JoeySalacHipolito $this->{"get".$what}()
oh.. i see..thanks..
@JoeySalacHipolito Though $this->get($what); is probably a much better approach
@MadaraUchiha Yes. It won't be of any help to future visitors
@Kev: Having some visit here, so don't wonder if I'm not responsive right now.
Meh, probably.
@Kev, oh didn't see you there
dunno if I did this right, but because codeigniter doesn't allow __call . . when i tried passing in unidentified method through the url... it won't work.. so instead i created a method call getWhat(param) . . . that will call the __call inside... so i can just do xyz.com/controller/getWhat/param
Did you get an answer about SO Blogging?
@JoeySalacHipolito getter methods usually don't have parameters.
Also, you can define a method get($what, $param), and define a route for it
yes.. but to identify what to get, i need that param
@JoeySalacHipolito get($what, $param) ftw.
okies.. i'll fix it..
You can even define a Route if you want the URL to look like controller/getWhat/param
And not controller/get/what/param
@MadaraUchiha , actually you would use get( $what, $fallbackValue = NULL );
and IMHO, this makes for a pretty bad API
@tereško It's probably not a variable getter function
didn't look so to me
11 mins ago, by Joey Salac Hipolito
hello i'm trying to call a method through a string like this : echo $this->get.$what.'()';
I imagine it's being used to do something like /get/post/42, but I really hope not.
i used it just to get a single value from an database without creating so many methods.. dunno if this is right..
@JoeySalacHipolito Getting values from the database isn't the controller's job.
i am quite certain that you are doing it wrong
You're violating the (little) MVC of CI.
yeah, i mean, that'll be passed to model..
i just created a dummy array in my controller..so i will know if that wil work
@JoeySalacHipolito No, no. The Controller doesn't need to know anything about the database.
coz' my app will throw a request in the controller, with the url : controller/getStatus for example . .
The controller's job is to get data from the Model, and then pass that data into the View. That's it.
yeah, that is what i am doing..
what should i start reading first ? Collection of works from W. Gibson or H.P. Lovecraft
It doesn't deal with storage or application entities.
@MadaraUchiha actually that is presenter's job
waaah.. just hold it right there..
@tereško Let's (over)simplify it for him please?
I'm pretty sure CI's authors never heard of presenters, or learnt proper MVC for that matter.
my question still stands :
2 mins ago, by tereško
what should i start reading first ? Collection of works from W. Gibson or H.P. Lovecraft
In the addition of this situation. -rw-r--r-- permissions to the php script is enough to run it from remote server? If that is enough, when user is in correct users group or it doesnt matter and it wont work anyway?
okay, just can't explain it very well but i'll just post the code..
@tereško Sadly, I don't know either :(
i think this will pretty much explain myself tny.cz/306abf20
none of this has place in the controller
@JoeySalacHipolito no syntax highlighting?
its tinypaste you know..
The title is source code sharing made easy you know
coz @tereško . . dunno if i will learn suddenly if where is where, how is how, i think it really needs time, practice, experience before i am able to grasp what goes where..

@PeeHaa i did not notice that
sorry about that..
@tereško sorry if all this times, i have never learned...dunno if i have.. but i'm trying to learn.. by practicing and asking... reading too...
is it enough for script to have r or rw permissions, to run it?
@DanielsPitkevičs php scripts?
@DanielsPitkevičs Using mod_php?
>_< i'm losing motivation again... haist..whatta life..
@PeeHaa hell knows. If yes and if no?
@DanielsPitkevičs If you don't know you are probably running mod_php. So read should be enough (for webuser)
@JoeySalacHipolito You lose your motivation that fast?
yeah... coz i learn really slow...
Where can i check that mod_php? Because I haven't configured that server. It is beyond my skills.
And there is no difference if the script is ran remotely or not?
@DanielsPitkevičs What does that mean. running php script remotely???
@MadaraUchiha The grace period of your bounty ends in 2 hours...
@PeeHaa Ok, I must say that I said it wrong, I suppose. Anyway, there another server from which page is opened and particular php script is executed. That probably means that it is enough.
@DanielsPitkevičs It (the php files) are still run from the local machine.
@PeeHaa Ok, I understand. Then I should check firewall black list...
@DanielsPitkevičs If you want to know whether you are using mod_php you can probably find out by doing a phpinfo()
@DanielsPitkevičs Why? What is the problem?
@PeeHaa Remote server must access my server through web and run one script to import data into database. This data import stopped a few weeks ago and now I am supposed to fix this. And I have no ideas what to search for next...Already went through logs for all accesses, errors. I dont know where else I could be looking.
@DanielsPitkevičs DO you see an entry in the access log when the other machine makes a request to your server?
@PeeHaa From other machines there are entries.
@DanielsPitkevičs But not for the trouble machine?
@PeeHaa After October 4th, nope
@DanielsPitkevičs Have you checked that other machine whether it is still making those requests?
@PeeHaa I dont have access to that machine, but I want to be 100% that in my side is everything ok.
hmmmm. k
And the weird thing is that the last entry about running that script sent back some output, I suppose it's error, because all other didn't. And after last access there is no updates in database. But, as log showes me, output is about 12K large and it cant be that big for just a simple mysql error or smth.
@DanielsPitkevičs You have SQLi hole in your website... danielspitkevics.id.lv/index.php?r=site/…
@webarto well done
how do you merge 2 objects less uglily than $b = (object) array_merge((array)$a, (array)$b); sry for this painful code
Huh, probably. Sorry, mate, today I am not into sqli holes ;)
But anyway, what did you hacked?
I guess it's bad than I'm in this situation anyway I was just wanting to extend $_SESSION['user'] whch is an object, because $_SESSION['user'] ->ok looks better than $_SESSION['user'] ['ok']
@DanielsPitkevičs I don't think he hacked anything, I think he's pointing out the flaw
Could you guys look into this? stackoverflow.com/q/13146086/425275
@DanielsPitkevičs You sure about that? Your db name is u153156003_portf. Want me to check further? ;)
@Nick Ok, I was just curious :)
@PeeHaa Hmm, nice. I will check that db name and compare :D
@DanielsPitkevičs with that attitude you will create insecure apps in the future, and I'll prove it to you in 24hrs that even big companies make same mistake, when I win new LCD TV, PS3, and a box of chocolates...
Your tables are: projects, scripts and users ;-) @DanielsPitkevičs
@PeeHaa Can you get data?
@Nick Just pointing out as you said :) Even though I find Yii to be crappy, it offers some sort of protection...
Your user table contains:
Column found: id
Column found: fname
Column found: lname
Column found: email
Column found: password
Column found: admin
@DanielsPitkevičs 1 sec.
Exactly, 1sec is all it takes :)
at least you hashed you password ;)
@DanielsPitkevičs , you bring shame to the tribe
@DanielsPitkevičs hopfully your hashing your passwords correctly
@webarto Thank you for suggestions. :) I should read about security, yes..
@tereško Sorry, sorry master
@DanielsPitkevičs nvm @Peehaa found them lol
@DanielsPitkevičs 7 users. 1 admin. admin has id 2
:D Sweet Jesus...that bad?
where is @ircmaxell when we need to crap crack a password
@tereško what an epic statement...
Now if I were a bad guy you would have been screwed (including all other users of your system)
@tereško Let's find out whether it is salted... :)
I see...that devestated me. Looking for job at McDonalds now
@DanielsPitkevičs It prints your code if there is a syntax error, too.
this might be a good moment to take the page offline for a bit
Oh c'mon everybody is hacking that site now? :( Keep doing that guys. I enjoy watching.
can you help me with this: http://pastebin.com/7FGfszef
it works but when I put check.php?hwid=123' I got error:
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given

Why is that?
@tereško There is nothing important in there. If content will be changed, then ok. But for now there is nothing to hide. If someone needs it ;)
since it is *.id.lv , it is quite possible that the site is hosted on same computer as the owner of said site
@tereško Not true
another poor Yii victim
@ShaquinTrifonoff Ok, screw me. I'm going home. Oh no, wait there is still work to do :-|
Cmon guys, can't hack nothing more?
I didn't find your hash by simply searching for it. That doesn't mean it is safe just that I didn't visit freerainbowtables.com or that I didn't start the cracker
@DanielsPitkevičs I'm done just wanted to show you everyone can access your data
and , apparently , your source too
@DanielsPitkevičs Desired employment : Computer programmer where can you program other than computers?
@PeeHaa Yeah, sometimes it is quite useful that someone points me that I suck
@cyril NLP ?
@DanielsPitkevičs Does it count views? It looks like that from the code...
and your system files. Windows it is I believe ;)
Now I will really stop nosing around :P
Haha, ok now I see that my site has many, many views
Popularity is groving
Im famous now
infamous I would say :D
@DanielsPitkevičs Exactly 1234567890.
Im still learning and after this small lesson of "it is easy to hack your site" I will really read about security.
guys , what do you think, should framework-level exceptions be shared and located in separate namespace , or should the be tied to the module which utilize/throw tne
That was fun. Now back to my project again. You guys ping me again when you are going to have fun with another site right? :) I love fun...
Anyway, PeeHaa, any suggestions about my question before? I think, I've done almost all in my server what I could do now.
38 mins ago, by Daniels Pitkevičs
is it enough for script to have r or rw permissions, to run it?
this one ?
@DanielsPitkevičs I would just ask the owner of the other machine to have a look at it.
the best way would be to test it in a VM
@tereško That was answerred. Through a web it is enough.
@PeeHaa Ok, great thanks to You
Ok, guys, c ya next time :) Bye
@tereško TV programming... also :p
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created in the 1970s. The title refers to a stated connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic"), and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience ("programming") and can be organized to achieve specific goals in life. According to certain neuroscientists, and linguists, NLP is unsupported by current scientific evidence, and uses incorrect and misleading terms and concepts. The founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, sa...
I'm expert in TV programming
and in neuro-psycho programming
no, i didn't
Say I have several adapters that try to identify a system as classes: A, K, W. These are loaded in alphabetical order (because of filesystem), but this does not really concern us. The problem is that adapter K returns wrong results because the system is actually W with K as an addon (and identification should stop at W).
Programmatically, how should I control this kind of mess?
I was thinking about prioritizing identification.
With A and W being "normal" and K having "lower" priority (thus W gets called before K, regardless of load order).
you question has no context
ok, let's make it more practical.
I'm writing a library which tries to identify a system. It identifies both wordpress and k2f (which is an addon framework)

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