@LeviMorrison The problem is that a lot of devs are undisciplined in how to structure a project… a framework imposes their opinionated layout on them. Libraries only help with code.
I don't use frameworks. And structuring isn't always easy.
@bwoebi Yep. Just saying that writing your own framework doesn't mean starting everything from scratch. And also, please attempt to do something novel with it :D
@Gordon I took the 'from scratch' to mean a completely blank slate. If there's options to use libraries that's a different matter, but would one consider say, the Symfony router, Fastroute, or DI etc part of a foundational framework (for each one you have to build your own things on top unless using an even broader integrated framework), or would they just be libraries. In that no framework tutorial it's using fastroute for example.
I see that symfony.com differentiates its individual components from the broader framework at the very top of the landing page