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11 hours later…
Spam challenges to add comments in the documentation are nto working
3v4l.org/kMQ2H This is just terrible, is there a way in which I can make sure this doesn't happen ?
@ln-s Specify the entire thing + a timezone
Thanks Mark
Still, oof ...
Yeah the rollover bit is properly weird. Expected in mktime, parsing, nope. I'm assuming you were referring to the inclusion of the H:i:s in there?
I just wanted a regular Y-m-d

If Id pass 1999-23-23 that would yield false, instead it did a non-obvious month calculation which was honestly mind blowing
$value = trim($value);
$dateObj = \DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $value);

if (false === $dateObj || $dateObj->format($format) !== $value) {
This is how I solved it
The fact I've been sure about this for years, even more scary lol
It's documented on php.net/manual/en/datetimeimmutable.createfromformat.php example 5, but tbh your example caught me off guard too
BTW: In the PHP official site Spam challenges to add comments in the documentation are not working
Huh, I didn't know about using ! either to force everything to 0.
Not working as in they're allowing spam, or not working as in they're denying everything? (Nothing I can do to help, just useful info for if Derick or co reads it)
Not working when using correct spam challenge wanted to add a note about this issue for everyone else to check it out
What benefit can this overflow behavior possibly add ?
I cant really think of a good use case for it
bool $dontBeSmartyPants=true
RFC to add that argument in particular
If I had to guess, it's using the same underlying logic as mktime, and no-one bothered to stop and think if it was a good idea... normal 20-year-old PHP things
Previous fix wont work when passed date is 3-12-1999, as the format will prefix the 0 so, I'll just use ::getErrors
hah yeah, unnecessary flex
If you needed to properly harden it, you could always explode or preg_match it and then compare formatting the individual parts
Carbon has a createSafe which throws on overflow carbon.nesbot.com/docs
Sadly no, this class takes a format, any format specified, I'd have to parse every possible format
Anyway, thanks again Mark
Np. I shall now retreat into my cave for another month clawing noises

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