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The Wombles are fictional pointy-nosed, furry creatures that live in burrows, where they aim to help the environment by collecting and recycling rubbish in creative ways. Wombles were created by author Elisabeth Beresford, and originally appeared in a series of children's novels from 1968. Although Wombles supposedly live in every country in the world, Beresford's stories are concerned with the lives of the inhabitants of the burrow on Wimbledon Common in London, England. The characters became nationally famous in the UK in the mid 1970s as a result of a very popular BBC children's tel...
Does any one know Yii here?
Is there a good question similar to Why shouldn't you use mysql_* functions in PHP??
I am now looking at this and wondering if I've missed a trick, this seems very complicated for what is on the face of it a relatively simple task. I think my code is better than any other implementation I've come across but I'm still thinking I've missed something:
A: Convert unicode characters above 127 to decimal

DaveRandomI had to refresh my memory on exactly how UTF-8 works, but here is a utf8_ord() function, and a complementing utf8_chr(). The chr() is lifted pretty much verbatim from my answer here. N.B. This ord() function does no error checking to verify that the supplied string actually is a single UTF-8 en...

@MadaraUchiha You mean a canonical for closing against?
@DaveRandom Yes
I know the SQL injection one, but I'm looking for one specifically for mysql_* functions
There's one I've seen linked a few times that's alright, let me see if I can find it
hello, is there anyone experience in the wikimedia API?
I was wondering whether there was a way to get a page encoded in JSON
having a structure similar to:
{{"Title" : "MyTitle"}, {"Summary" : "MySummary"} , { "Images" : {"1.jpg"}}}
from my research it seems that at the end it is required a parsing of a certain level, which then defies any reason of using the API.
@MadaraUchiha Nope, they all suck in one way or another. At least, all the ones I found on the first couple of pages of results by doing this do. I'm sure there's a better one I've seen linked.
@N3sh mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Main_page#The_format - does that not do what you want?
@DaveRandom yeah, I wish
the only way to get the content in JSON, is to get a revision
getting a revision the result is basically something like
Q: Could we implement a better search?

Madara Uchihawell, after being on the site for quite awhile, I couldn't help but notice that the search function the site offers, well... sucks. Currently, to find any question whatsoever, I go on to Google and type site:stackoverflow.com Question Keywords Here And get better results than those the native...

{"content" : "all|the|content|of|the|page|separeted|by|a|pipe"}
which is useless
because I would need to parse that and it would be not different from parsing a html
@N3sh Welcome to MW!
@ircmaxell ping
or @NikiC ping :)
@PeeHaa pong
@MadaraUchiha thanks! XD
@N3sh Run, while your soul is remained unstained, and your mind is yet to be lost.
@NikiC I'm testing the password_compat lib and I get something I don't get
my hashed password is < 13 strlen()??
Wrong algo?
Any idea? @NikiC
@PeeHaa Wasn't that a symptom of <5.3.7
Did you try outputting the hash you're getting?
@DaveRandom crap... it was?
@MadaraUchiha so you say to just parse it and forget the API? :P
I might have been looking at the wron server... :(
because Im using mochiweb_html for parsing the pages
@PeeHaa Not really, it should throw an error earlier in that case
and it seems to work, but I guessed a decent API would help me
I don't want to lookup my previous post here in transcript, but: fuck my I'm stupid
@N3sh I don't think their API can help you with getting decent formatted page content
Parsing it normally is your best bet IIRC
Yup. I"m totally an idiot (again)
Sorry guys
@MadaraUchiha thanks!
@PeeHaa Fridayitis?
@DaveRandom I'd argue that as off topic
It's a valid question, just not here :P
@MadaraUchiha It's spam, plain and simple
@DaveRandom Yep. Let's call it that
Oh, it's not a question
He thought this was a forum
@TimPost Can you pull out a mega-super-mod-power on that?
@MadaraUchiha He also thought it was still 1998 I think
I love how Community has a user ID of -1
where are the pidgeons?
hello is there any one to help in wordpress
We do not discuss the evils of WP in here.
good morning
@DaveRandom Yo dawg, I heard you like Wordpress
@TimPost Idolikepressingmywordstogether,yes
Everything I say gets passed through preg_replace('/\s+/', '');
Q: Could we implement a better search?

Madara Uchihawell, after being on the site for quite awhile, I couldn't help but notice that the search function the site offers, well... not the best. Currently, to find any question whatsoever, I go on to Google and type site:stackoverflow.com Question Keywords Here And get better results than those the...

@TimPost a penny for your thoughts?
wp is nice and google loves it
@MadaraUchiha @TimPost's thoughts are 3 pennys each
@MadaraUchiha I wish more sites would just use Google ;)
Because, people always think they can implement a proper search, but really, they can't. They never can. Even if they work at SE.
search needs to be local!
This is a local search for local people. We'll have no Google here...
/me suddenly wonders if anyone outside the UK will get that reference
@DaveRandom That makes me three pence none the richer I suppose
@MadaraUchiha Stack Exchange is actively recruiting someone to work exclusively on search and post heuristics. Not sure if they found anyone yet
The search is basically 'as good as it can get' without bringing on an expert in search as far as I know
Guys please look at stackoverflow.com/questions/12857793/… ....I am trying to solve this, but I failed.
Please help me
Anyone here seen FMA?
soory friend........but i was in too hurry....at that time...... — user1720419 6 mins ago
This guy talks like Sloth
@MadaraUchiha WTF is FMA?
@DaveRandom FullMetal Alchemist
@MadaraUchiha Well I am none the wiser, but no.
> Loves Microsoft technology – .NET, MVC3, Entity Framework
Good luck with that
How is it that so many PHP developers who seem to know what they are doing to at least some degree have no f**king clue about garbage collection.
@DaveRandom totally agreed :)
> PS: I apologize if I didn't explained well or if I made mistakes: I'm french! See ya, survivors. :)
@MadaraUchiha I thought only Canadians apologized like that.
Afternoon, folks
@MadaraUchiha I agree. I have to google things I'm searching for on stackoverflow
@MadaraUchiha Google is the best search engine(maybe there are better ones that I am unaware of) but why waste such a resource? But yes, SO search is not up to SO standards
Maybe that should be one of the next contests they have. See how can create a better search algorithm
@tereško what's wrong? localized?
@cyril the "wrong" part mostly is the "Please help me its urgent." line .. but the question has a duplicate , it is localized and "any ideas?" is not a real question
woot ... didn't know php gave you the ability to hash the contents of a stream in chunks without reading the whole thing into memory at once: php.net/manual/en/function.hash-update-stream.php
it's also tagged c# for some reason
it was originally tagged as mvc , which is why i stumbled upon it
Tagging your crappy question with a bunch of unrelated high traffic tags should be cause for instant suspension IMHO
...and morning @tereško, you've been quiet for a couple of days, don't tell me you been doing some actual work?
traitor :-P
Another one with random tags
Q: How can I bring google-like recrawling in my application(web or console)

Sunil RajHow can I bring google-like recrawling in my application(web or console). I need only those pages to be recrawled which are updated after a particular date. The LastModified header in the System.Net.WebResponse gives only the current date of the server. For example if I downloaded one page with ...

Q: Why shouldn't you use mysql_* function in PHP?

Madara Uchiha Note: I've been looking for a good canonical question to close against, but couldn't find any. In case one is found, please close this question as a duplicate of that. What's so bad about PHP's mysql_* functions? (mysql_query, mysql_connect, mysql_real_escape_string) that renders them so unu...

Feel free to contribute both an answer and to the question itself
Hi all
Someone know how to wirte a cookie in the netscape format?
@MikeBoutin First, build a time machine to 1998.
@MikeBoutin Cookie in netscape format?
hi! i am new to php,my question is, is it possible to get a dropdown list selected value?
@MadaraUchiha Nope, doesn't warrant a wiki
using php not javascript
@TimPost Meh, I just don't want a reputation war over this
It's a perfectly fine question getting good answers. People should earn rep over it.
from php.net : CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE The name of the file containing the cookie data. The cookie file can be in Netscape format, or just plain HTTP-style headers dumped into a file. If the name is an empty string, no cookies are loaded, but cookie handling is still enabled.
@AamirKhan Have you tried Googling your problem?
I could CW it if it is actually intended to be a canonical question, but I don't see a need to.
@SomeKittens ya did not get any thing:(
let me search again hope will get somethnig
@TimPost Aight then, decline my flag please. :)
@MadaraUchiha I actually validated it, as it was a valid concern
A: Troubleshooting "The (subclass) instance wasn't initialized properly" in custom RecursiveIteratorIterator

hakre Fatal error: BaseHierarchyIterator::__construct(): The UserHierarchyIterator instance wasn't initialized properly in /path/to/BaseHierarchyIterator.class.php on line 21. What is the root cause of this error? Your class extends from RecursiveIteratorIterator. To have an object of this type o...

@SomeKittens ok thanks let me check this
lol @TimPost
@SomeKittens hi
echo "You ordered ". $quantity . " " . $item . ".<br />";
it's mention like this to get selected dropdown item's value
where $item is id of my select ....
i am not getting will it return me selected value of dropdown item or need to do something else?
@AamirKhan Did you read the tutorial about $_POST?
@SomeKittens i read it but i m not get proper answer i just wanna to insert selected value of dropdownlist into database
user image
@TimPost No, there is no offical statement that PHP 5.2 is End Of Life.
@hakre official statement? We don't need no official statements
Besides, I'm the ghost of PHP future.
@TimPost Well actually, we can make a joke about that ;)
And me is the shadow of ext/mysql
plz anyone having solution of my problem?
@AamirKhan outsource.
@TimPost @hakre Even the php.net mirrors must still only support 5.2 ... there's a good not-insignificant chance that when you view a php manual page it's been served by 5.2 :)
Yes, PHP 5.2 is not yet officially End Of Life. That's just what I meant. All the guys tell you it would be, but actually, it sounds a bit like a myth. And in my eyes a dangerous one. PHP.net should clearly say that it is EOL and ensure that mirrors don't propagate bad practice ;)
@rdlowrey btw, so can we inject on the non-fixed parts of it?
@hakre lol who knows
@rdlowrey bring em down ;)
That would certainly be a good way to point out the need for 5.2 EOL
@rdlowrey This is mostly fixed at this point.
I don't remember who but someone has been working very hard to get openssl support and PHP 5.3+ installed everywhere.
@LeviMorrison oh, good to know.
Gm all
@TimPost What?! I thought PHP 4's EOL was two years from now!
Sorry for broad question, but which MySQL engine would you recommend for use with a PHP app? I'm not really sure how to even being to compare them.
@user17753 You mean mysql storage engine (myisam, innodb..)? Or mysql client interface (mysqli, pdo, mysql *)?
Storage engine.
* :D
@user17753 Well, I've always used the default one (myisam)...
If you don't have any comparison criteria, you just stop worrying about this and use the default engine.
Just monitor the DB and if performance issues crop up, do your homework (research).
These were the choices I was given: ARCHIVE, CSV, MRG_MYISM, BLACKHOLE, InnoDB, MEMORY, MyISAM.. not sure which is suppose to be default?
myisam is the default one
blackhole....I wouldn't use that :D
That's like throwing garbage down the drain.
The memory one is....memory-based. It gets erased when mysql server restarts.
> Starting from MySQL 5.5.5, the default storage engine for new tables is InnoDB [highlight by me]
@hakre Oh, my bad. Local mysql server I checked is v5.0.x
@LesterCaine made a one point I agree with:
> this is just the whole problem with PHP 'development' ... people push half developed ideas in, and then it's used as the basis for moving things further
I just checked, I'm using 5.1.63 so MyISAM still?
Q: Why shouldn't I use mysql_* function in PHP?

Madara Uchiha Note: I've been looking for a good canonical question to close against, but couldn't find any. In case one is found, please close this question as a duplicate of that. What's so bad about PHP's mysql_* functions? (mysql_query, mysql_connect, mysql_real_escape_string) that renders them so unu...

When the accessor/properties RFC goes up for vote, we need to shoot it down with vengeance. I love the idea but the implementation is wholesale garbage.
From what I learnt, it's best not to use I/we in a question
Any special reason you've made the edit you've made?
@MadaraUchiha you're not confident with the edit I did in the title of it?
@LeviMorrison link please
@hakre I dunno, I thought "Why shouldn't you" was OK
How about:
Why to not use mysql_* function in PHP?
They did make some improvements over the original syntax, though.
So there is still hope, but the author wants to vote on this in two weeks.
@hakre Why not to use, perhaps
@TimPost Thief! I found that site fair and square!
The latest uses a more traditional function syntax so we can use type-hinting on the set methods.
Wow, I hadn't used PHP in, well forever... didn't realize the mysql_* were dead already.
Big improvement in my book.
@user17753 Love hurts but sometimes it's a good hurt.
not dead .. unfortunately
^ Popped into my head for some reason.
@LeviMorrison , that's what happens when you forgot to take your meds
@LeviMorrison Is there a test that the existing implementation is compatible with traits and traits inheritance?
@hakre Unsure, you ask on the mailing list.
So uhh pdo or mysqli?
@user17753 PDO
@user17753 Most people prefer the former, but either is fine.
@LeviMorrison I don't need these IMHO so far. I want the PHP engine having an AST first before the parse is made more complicated.
@hakre 100% with you on the AST.
@LeviMorrison Incubus fan?
@DaveRandom Their older stuff, yeah. I think I've heard my brother cover that particular Incubus song.
He sang it a lot after he got divorced his wife left him.
hi all
anybody interested in this question?
Q: Ranking of cross-platform mobile and desktop development tools

AvioAs the mobile-app market is growing, developers struggle to support the maximum possible number of platforms, OSes and CPUs, both for what concerns desktop and mobile systems. Coding in a portable way is of course still valid for the core functionalities of an application, but there are completel...

it has a nice bounty! :)
@SomeKittens sorry
@SomeKittens I'll leave
stackoverflow.com/a/12861077/367456 <- is it a better way to answer such questions or should we just CV them?
@Avio Also, it should be community wiki if you even hope to have a shot with it.
@LeviMorrison I've never got past a crow left of the murder, can't get into the last two. Morning View is one of my favourite albums of all time though, as is Science
How do you know which functions are deprecated? I didn't see the mysql_* listed as such on php.net, just that it was "discouraged to use these"
@user17753 That's because they've "begun the deprecation process", not actually deprecated them.
In the case of the mysql_* family it will be a while before they'll be deprecated because of how wide-spread its use is.
@LeviMorrison OK, was just confused since the answers on that question all said deprecated
@hakre It seems that it is compatible with traits.
@MadaraUchiha Very lazy if you want us to do research for you .... — Bondye 31 secs ago
Are you fucking kidding me?
@Avio Nice bounty is 500. Yours a fraction.
^ now accepting delvs
@MadaraUchiha calm down. And remove your rude comment please.
@hakre Done, I hate those freaking think-they-knowitalls
@MadaraUchiha best way is to stay calm then.
@SomeKittens Answer*
@MadaraUchiha Thank you. It's incredible how scatterbrained I can be sometimes.
@MadaraUchiha Already did
OK, I guess MyISAM doesn't have FK's so I guess InnoDB it is.
@user17753 I thought you were just asking about which was the default.
You should certainly use InnoDB over MyISAM. I don't know of any case to do otherwise, but I'm not an expert in that field.
> closed as not constructive by ThiefMaster♦ 1 min ago
The system works! (I find myself saying that a lot more about SO than anywhere else)
@MadaraUchiha I know, which made me spend half an hour generating tombstones. That's what you get.
@MadaraUchiha y u ping me wit yo s? :-P
@DaveRandom Y U NO DELV?
@MadaraUchiha Who say I no delv mofo? Maybe I come round and break your face...
list(, $ids) = [preg_match_all('/\b\d+\b/', $html, $m), $m[0]];
@hakre Yeh, bugger readability... :-P
is it me you're looking for?
@DaveRandom Urgs, yes. But probably better than the HTML parser variant:
$ids = array_reduce(
    , function($a, $v) {parse_str(parse_url($v, 6), $m); @($m = $m['my_id']) ? $a[] = $m : 0; return $a;}
@johnny: Oh that is promising to put an answer. So even you can undertand the answer, you might not be able to execute it, right? — hakre 17 secs ago
Good Evening
@PeeHaa Upgrade to the latest version please...
Q: In PHP, can I differentiate the result of intval(null) from intval("0")?

Joakim JohanssonI get input values via POST, some of them might be ID's referring to other things, and some start at 0. When choosing something with ID 0, or something without a value, is there a method like intval() that returns something more helpful than 0 on failure to parse? Or can I somehow differentiate t...

Good friday afternoon all!
@PeeHaa Party Time! (Ups since yesterday .... ~~~)
@DaveRandom lol
@hakre what the
@PeeHaa @Gordon Greetings
@Gordon clean code vs. kitchen sink ;)
@Robik hi
@hakre what's it supposed to do?
hiya @Robik, @Gordon
@Gordon one of the common dupes: stackoverflow.com/questions/12862012/… - I sometimes just want to create an answer you know?
@Gordon Where have you been hiding?
@PeeHaa Any closer to a build? Hoping to really get down to business with FF over the weekend but have had no time in the last few days
@DaveRandom if you would read my twitter, you'd know I was co-working ;)
@hakre ah, i see. i'd go with ~my_id=(\d+)\">~ for that purpose though. the html seems rather irrelevant here.
@DaveRandom why? did something happen I need to know? more accusations by repwhores?
@Gordon Twitter? Bah! is all I say to you sir... :-P
@Gordon well the sad story is, mine did match in the end because of the "other" requirements by OP, so I had a good nose.
But actually just was making fun.
@hakre hehe, don't we all love those well phrased requirements?
nice to see your new co-working.
@hakre i'm just helping out though
@Gordon Not really. I haven't been paying that much attention though, I've been banging my head against a wall trying to make some sense of MS docs, I have essentially spent the entire day trying and failing to modify 1 cell (!!!) in a .xls file without breaking it. I am pretty close to killing myself with a blunt object.
@DaveRandom sounds like fun :)
@DaveRandom Let me write you vb app that does it. I can create you COM bindings with it so you can use with PHP com extension ;)
but you need to have office installed on the server gg
It's always the shit question and answers you get some upvotes for. But for real answers, there is a single vote at best, even on bounty question - stackoverflow.com/questions/11833360/…
@DaveRandom Will build it tonight
@hakre Interesting you should say that - I tried to go down the COM route for a while by doing new COM('Excel.Application'), I got precisely this far before nothing I was trying worked. I cannot even find any docs on this, if you could just point me in the direction of some docs that make sense I would be grateful...
Essentially, it seems I can open the file without it complaining, but I have yet to be able to do anything useful with it.
Microsoft is normally a point and click adventure.
And this is what I'm talking about. I spent a good hour looking for that reference. Maybe my Google-fu is off today.
@DaveRandom you could try to import them in google spreadsheets, they have probably a better api to modify them
The specific files I need to modify have a whole bunch of VBA and embeded stuff that PHPExcel and every other mechanism other than just modifying the existing file will destroy.
lol vba
those fucking macros
You know it
Right I'm off home, catch y'all in a bit
i wonder what is using up so much space on my SSD. the longer you run a windows, the smaller the available space.
windows folder is hogging 25gb by now
@Gordon that's what happens with microsoft products :)
@Lusitanian ah, found it. it was the system restore points. I removed all but the last one now
11 gig
didnt reduce the size of the windows folder though
off to tv with me
@Gordon yep this is a common windows pb, \Windows keeps growing
I think this is due to automatic updates, they replicate files
When was mysql* deprecated?
Coworker still thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread.
@SomeKittens It's not
Sorry. When was the deprecation process began?
IE 2 years ago.
> but infact... the way I use it is part of the modern method of injection prevention - look that up on stack because its where i got the idea long ago
^makes me want to quit
He's my boss....
`Tell your boss he's an idiot
And let him do what he does best and tell him to let you do what you do best
@PeeHaa I basically did. Fortunately I have some autonomy.
lol, easiest 100 bounty I reached until today.
@hakre You are correct. I disabled Suhosin, and I was able to see the null byte in the incoming request. Post an answer so I can award you the bounty (: — todofixthis 1 min ago
Anyone willing to help with a quick refresher on passing by reference?
A: In PHP can someone explain cloning vs pointer reference?

ircmaxellBasically, there are two ways variables work in PHP... For everything except objects: Assignment is by value (meaning a copy occurs if you do $a = $b. Reference can be achieved by doing $a = &$b (Note the reference operator operates upon the variable, not the assignment operator, since you...

Q: Why pdo creates unwanted escape-string in database

jhonraymosWhy pdo stores escape string in database? I have same content $_POST['content'] example:- hello my name is 'jhonraymos' I am using mysql_real_escape_string() in mysql case when is do like this $content=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['content']); $query="Insert into $table (conten...

@ircmaxell That reminds me of a point I'm 99.9% certain I know the answer to but there's a tiny little doubt - $a =& $b; and $a = &$b; are exactly the same, right?
@DaveRandom yes
@NikiC Good. Just checking.
@DaveRandom you didn't mention $a = & $b; ;)
total                =>  5682 (100.0%)
skipped              =>   416 (  7.3%)
get                  =>  4041 ( 71.1%)
set                  =>  1118 ( 19.7%)
emptyGet             =>   426 (  7.5%)
emptySet             =>   125 (  2.2%)
trivialGet           =>   917 ( 16.1%)
trivialSet           =>   358 (  6.3%)
trivialSetChaining   =>    77 (  1.4%)
simpleGet            =>  1677 ( 29.5%)
simpleSet            =>   101 (  1.8%)
simpleSetChaining    =>    38 (  0.7%)
getWithCheck         =>   214 (  3.8%)
I'm checking to see if the filename I've got in code already exists on the disk. What's the best way to rewrite the (code) filename so that it's different than the one on disk?
I could just add zeroes to the end of the filename, but is there a better way?
Do you just want a temporary name or do you know the name that you want to rename it to?
tmpfile() can give you a temp file and rename() can be used if you know what you want to rename it.
I'm creating a new file in a directory that already contains lots of files (all images, so the chance of a collision is high, e.g. computer.jpg). I need to ensure the new one doesn't overwrite an old file, but has a unique name.
I don't care what I rename it to
or tmpfile()
tempfile() rather
if you're going to save it for a while uniqid() if probably your best bet, you can also prepend a string to identify
Hey all I need some help with a permissions/htaccess file issue I was hoping someone in here could help me out, for some reason only my homepage is loading, no matter what page I visit (wordpress) I also cant access the admin.
matt: did you recently add any .htaccess rules?
Well sort of, without any rules in there I get a 403 permissions issue
so I added the default wordpress values
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress
I think the issue is with the "RewriteRule . /index.php [L] " line....
@Peter I just used md5() on the binary file. Anything blatantly wrong with that?
@SomeKittens not necessarily, there is a super minor chance of collision but it's so low you shouldn't need to worry.
@matt Tracking. that . /index.php is a bit weird.
That's what I thought.
the . would match any single character and send to //index.php then [L] means it's the last rule it checks
@Peter yeah thats a default wordpress thing, if I change it to anything else then it will only load that page for all the links.
@Peter its very strange...only the specified page there is the one that loads for all links
but if you just take it our you'll have problems as the RewriteCond lines need to fire on something if they match.
is there any method of zend_form object that can tell if any element associated with form has error,
matt: the RewriteConds are checking if you are trying to get a file that doesn't exist then route anything to the index. change the . to a (.*) and it would make more sense.
no zend guru :)
@Peter tried: RewriteRule .* /index.php [L] same issue

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