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> Transparent lazy-initialization of objects is an important part of many PHP applications.
...it is? I don't recall seeing this in PHP before. In Rust I use it with mutable global state and such.
It's used in the guts of Symfony and Doctrine to avoid initializing objects that you won't actually use, but are a dependency of some other object. I don't think I've seen it elsewhere.
Like... what kinds of objects are they lazy initializing?
My impression is the approach is totally wrong and rather than making objects lazily materialize themselves, this should be a wrapper type like OnceCell, LazyCell, etc that Rust has.
Also github.com/Ocramius/ProxyManager and its dependants
packagist.org/packages/ocramius/proxy-manager/… - Seems to have a fair few users...
@LeviMorrison The issue there is it introduces runtime overhead to all accesses, since you have to go through the wrapper object every time and check for initialization. And then there's sometimes subtle weirdness about return values, especially where you return $this.
PHP doesn't have Rust's ability to optimize those away at compile time.
Rust doesn't optimize it away. You pay (a usually cheap) initialization check.
I haven't looked at that package deeply yet--isn't it making a wrapper type that overloads __call and such and proxies to the real object? If so, that's exactly what I'd expect.
Like... this should just be interfaces with proxy objects?
That's what you have to do in user space, yes. I think the intent of the RFC is that such logic is way faster in C and has fewer edge cases that consumers of the lazy object need to care about.
That said... I find the RFC text itself rather confusing, even though I am in favor of the concept.
This seems like a really niche thing to change the language for. You see stuff for this kind of thing in libraries but to make change to the language for it? Seems odd.
The patch for this looks extremely complicated.
Yeah, the more I look at it, the more I think the value to cost is not a good trade-off for this one.
I cannot speak to the implementation. I think the RFC text itself is just too confusing.
2 hours later…
Ugh, I just remembered that ArrayIterator can also iterate on an object. Gross. Definitely should have been a separate iterator.
I mean you can always iterate an object
Yeah, that was a mistake too. It should have been ObjectPropertyIterator or something.
Still gross that ArrayIterator accepts objects. Makes no sense, and needlessly complicates the internals.
I mean, it kinda makes sense if you view the object as a struct
Again the issue is PHP mixed two distinct concepts into one
Right, it should have been two different iterators.
Iterating a struct to go through all the fields, kinda okay. Iterating through a reference type, big doubt
But I mean your thing about ArrayIterator really applies to a lot of SPL IMHO
I keep coming back to "how can I make ArrayIterator not duplicate the array before I can iterate over it" and so I looked at deprecating... well basically everything. But clearly users are using this horrible class because there are just horrific bug reports of past sigsegvs when you do stuff like $iterator->offsetUnset(1) while iterating over the $iterator and such.
I think it's not feasible to clean it up. Need to introduce a different iterator, but unfortunately the best name is taken...
Half the problem is also that ArrayObject and ArrayIterator are conjoined internally.
Don't get me started on that
ArrayObject is such a disgusting piece of crap
These classes are obviously useful to people out there but it's just... a mess.
ArrayObject is not that used from an analysis that Damien did with Exacat on the private codebases he has access too
It's basically one lib that uses them, and I talked to the maintainers and they were thinking of rewritting it anyway and getting rid of ArrayObject
@Girgias What about ArrayIterator?
That I did not ask
I can tho
Love asking question which come up to me like, how many projects use the mail.force_extra_parameters INI setting
Or do people actually return null from __debugInfo
and getting answers to see if there even is a point to fix them :D
(or deprecate/remove)
@Crell Agreed. If gave this like 4 reads and many interactions are not explained yet and the examples are reduced to the bare minimum, making it hard to understand how things would apply to real-world code.
@LeviMorrison My feelings with regard to mt_rand(), uniqid() and lcg_value() :-D
2 hours later…
The only other option I see for ArrayIterator is to include a different one as part of a suite of other things. Like for instance, if we make an iterable extension with namespace prefix Iterable and have filter, map, etc in there and Oh Hey, there is Iterable\ArrayIterator too which is better.

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